AltHongli there U i to w, -E^ lildßlpllla . ue xt. the Samtary neglect tU e; jFait a* June, our ci to open on the 23th iust.. The. New Torlr, w a 3 been addressed to Pennsyi following circular T anians. Faie.—Committee os Con-. ITiIoITT THK oit.v -Special TElDUri<Wfe.“l > J UjiSyiTAhlA. VpUK.MVTa' Ciecul-ae iO tr .. We would respectfully. FebbEAE.T> “ ■ something' to the •'MetropbirKJu ash you to dona - nere on the 28th March, pair, whlch wll p point' of the arrival and next. As this is aj tha p ro . departure of so air are to so into the ceeds ( §v««io:itrtry Commission, contra the benefit.of bntions to this Fair will reuo -batae-flelds,': soldiers of even ana , proper Arrangements a ” p d extilbition, and - sale receipt, care, aaei for advising the of articles in your “ n ®’ Ws patriotic cause,.'and' world of donauons to ».s o p [tie donor 3. lfyou of the names and reeto Qtliers w sendany send anything, or i““ ne to , . ia , ormat ipn of it,, thing, Barclay, Es<j , at PhtlS hy mail, to CleoieD _ss Committee for Pena de} P aniarstasngdhe article or articles shipped, sylvaafa, their value, aad wuom how and when rfnpp h ’ ld be marked “Metro- New Torl ? “and have your initials ss® afea*uWs|S^ K^ssaassisvfassß^®; to car j .... o _uihitpd with the name and rest- be- pa-ed tothe credit both of the individuals, and of the state or fncalitv frorn 1 which they come. Donations m money will be as acceptable as any others, and go t©the*samecredit as would the procteds of sales of anv articles you might otherwise send. _ Will yon send something ! Ve are very respectfully, . ■ O ’COMMITTEE’ ON CONTRIBUTIONS FROM WITHOUT NEW YORK. CITY. ELLIOT F. Siiepabp. a ~;, N9 wYork. LEGAL NOTICES. TTNITED STATES, EASTERN DISTRICT of THE STATES. to the of THE EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, WHERE AS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylva. nia, rightly and dnly proceeding on a Libel,filed in the name of the United States of America, hath decreed all persons in general who have, or pre tend to Faye, any right, title, or interest in the sloop ANNIE THOMPSON, -whereof Captain Doyle is master, her tackle, apparel, and furni ture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board “thereof, captured by the United States Yeasel-of-war called the “Eernandlna,” under the command of Acting Master Ed ward Moses, to be monished, cited, and called to judg ment, at tb R time and place underwritten,- and to the effect hereafter expressed (justice so requiring). You are, therefore, charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that yoa omit not, hut that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily—newspapers printed and published in the city, of Philadelphia, and in the Legal Intelligencer , jou do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremp torily all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said sloop, her tackle, apparel and furniture and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, to appear, before the Hon. JOHN CADWALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room in the City of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day after publica tion of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form ol law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if auy they have, why the said sloop, her tackle, apparel and- furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, should not bejpronouneed to belong, at the time of the capture's? the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, • liable and subject to condemnation, * to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawfal prize; and farther, to. do and receive in this behalf as to , justice shall appertain. And that yon duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated), that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawfnl cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pro nounce that the said sloop Annie Thompson, her tackle, apparel and • furniture, • and the goods, wares, and merchandise, laden on ‘hoard thereof; did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as -goods of tneir enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condem nation, to be adj'ndged and condemned, as lawful prize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of the persons cited and intimated in anywise "notwith standing, and that you duly certify to tho said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable J OHN C ADWAL A.DE R, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this first d. a y of MARCH, A. D. ism,- and inth.e eighty - eighth year of the Independence ol tne said United states. mh2-3t n Q. R. FOX, Clerk District Court. _ pennlyi A ?l|-i^^ ern of THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES T ?Rui^^ A N L S ?^ I f ASTEBN DISI GREETING: Toil are hereby commanded that youmomshand baTe > or pretend to have, any ° r lu "*; re . st V 1 ninet y bates cotton, ten ro-Yrf 6 , 1 ! n ?‘!u and twelve boxes of tobacco, the Si? 1 ' 6 ° f . tbe , P rgo of the Steamer CHATHAM, lately captured by the United States Steamer Ho adhidirißhi? °* War ’ and brtmg ht to this port for ?'a Vitu^H O ?V,i?T, appt ' ar befole tb e Horn JOHN H l6 T ,u,ge 01 Baid Court, at the ln tbe cits ' ot Philadelphia, on serti^?» l Jl h day^f i er Publication of these pre a £ ourt da P> or else 0R the next court cH^e« UO tiT mg ’ tbe nßnal hours of bearin'- causes, _ then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and layrfnl exc?« if ?."7a h . ey ? aw ’ wb y the said ninety baies cottin th?ret dneof°?i n ’ and ‘"'elves boxes of tobicco', cargo of the steamer Chatham n , ot Pronounced to belong, at the time of as tojultice f Snnapp?mi n n d 1606176 iatdi8befialf A. 1> 1864, and in theeigiUy-eißhth year of the In* dependence of the said United States. 1 m Clerk District Court. BOARDING, Wffi?r?,T 4 p 0r a single lady, between Eighth- Private and Sixteenth and box kb! ; r fanuly preferred. Address . - 1 i■ ’ . ‘ preferred S ]For anl??^ 316 or 'Ob.esler' county tions a liberal \mrrt e pos^eE^lngstl P erlor attract »• B - *Ja»a«ir «s&.iKS» Bi good size ane^ne^^iu'V NTED --f , P 0 or floor, for a Married La<iv ii„?' om 0,1 Uw-same vate family BetwS,l e £ nd Ghild - Pri teenth streets, and Spru C e l„ rt T i? th and Eigh- MADENA, BuT.t.-ETiNOmce ,T‘.? e - Address -DOABD WANTELI—A b otLt _ JuKeTir~— — — x> Booms for a Gentleman astute of Address at once to M. 8., HE HANDSOME BESiDENOE'TmTmr— KTUT street, has been opened tor the°rL W of BOABDEBS. Single Booms and |nU es with andwlttoutprrrate table. . K£ H.V.A LL ’ S • AMBOLIMr FOB THE HAIR. w e ajubouse MOISTENS, •BEAUTIFIES, ODOHATES, LENGTHENS, INVIOOEATES, NOUBISHES, ' - - EMBELLISHES, . , THEHAIB. ' A purely Teget&ble compound, made entirely from cumulating extracts of Boots, Herbs and Flowers. It pro rents the hair falling ont or turning pre maturely grey. Ladles who desire aluxuriant head oThalr, should not fall to giyethe Amlk>lto» J a triaL Priceaiper bo* containing two bottles, prepared only by KENDALL & 00., * No. 508 Broadway, NeiTTerh. Agents to Philadelphia, : JOHNSTON, HAXiOWAY * COWBEN, des-3rnt. - No. U 3 North Slath street. WORMS. - WORMS, ; fe2-28trp KISKEY'*' Worm Powders; T«gotal>le; sura ewe. RIDGE amiCHEABD ATejwa. price 250. - AMTTBKMENTB. - MUSIOALX I ?^^ SECOND:GRAND CONGEST ! of thb.- m;.. n: pANJ)EL AND HAIM SO 3! ETY, Thursday Evening, March 3, • ; cdintEirbnroATBo'clock.* ‘ ■' Mendelssohn's Great-Masterpiece, u . . . THE HYMN OF PRAISE, Will be producedby the Society, supported by the entirfe . . . CrermaniaOrchestra. 1 Preceding which a shOTt aucl select * i ‘ - -MISCELLANEOUS PERFORMANCE ..Will be given. TICKETS .FIFTY CENTS. i To be obtained''St-J. &' Gonld , si"S7E.’\x)rnef Seventh and Obeatont streets. fe24-7t) AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC/ MR J. E. MUR'D OGH Will deliver a lecture on RELICS CF THE. THREE MEMORABLE PERIODS OF. THE GREAT REPUBLIC,, ON THURSDAY -EVENING-,,.,March, 34,;iset: The proceeds to be appropriated to the Relief of the : NEEDY FAMILIES OF SOLDIERS, Under the supervision of the members of theSpe-. cial Relief Committee of the Womeh*s ; Pennsyl vania Branch of the J U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. - >Bnring the evening Mr. B-urdoch.. will state the object and method of operations of-the Society. • ” TICKETS TWENTY-FIVE CENTS RESERVED SEATS FIFTY CENTS. To be obtained on and after Monday, Feb. :29th, at T. B. Pngb’s, S. W. corner Sixth and Chest nut streets; Asbmead A Ivans’a, No. 7« Chest nut street; at the Booms of the Sanitary Commis sion. No. 1307 Chestnut street, and at the Academy of Mnsic on the day and evening of the Tec fore. " fe27-st# ■Doors open at 7if; Lecture and Readings com mence at 8 o’ clock. ONO D R T HALL. —GOTTSCHALK— MAX STRAKOSOH respectfully informs the public that MR. L. M. GOTTSCHALK Will give in Philadelphia, prior to bis departure for Europe, TWO GRAND FAREWELL CONCERTS, On MONDAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS, March 7th and £lh, when the greatest living pnma Donna Contralto, _ MADAME ELENA D’ANGRI, • And the young and highly talented Violinist, SIGNOR CARLO PATTI, Will assist Mr. Gotta: halk. Musical Director and Conductor. ..S BEHRENS Seats may be secured for either of tbe two Con certs at J. E Gonld’s.-Mnsio Store, corner of Seventh and Chestnut, commencing Friday morn ing, March 4th,. at 9A.M.'a ' [mip2-6ts : Doors open at*7 if; Concert to commence at 8. GROVER'S CHESTNUT ST. THEATRE. LEONARD GROVER Manager THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Marchs, TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN, Whose career in London, Boston, NewYoikand in this citj at this theatre, constitute it beyond doubt THE GREATEST DRAMATIC SUCCESS ol the CENTURY. The great strength of the cast and the magnifi cence and periectlon of the scenery have won the Birongest commendations. KOPPITZ and the Grand Orcheetrn will render the Music of the Drama. TO-MORROW (Thursday) EVENING, The Great Irish Scenic Drama, THE COLLEEN BAWN. In active preparation, Westland Mars ion’s drama of PURE GOLD. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, March 5, FOURTH FAMILYiIATINEE ENIERTAIN-; When will be presented ' THE COLLEEN BAWN. 8 NEW aruh STREET THEATRE, ARCH street, above Sixth THIRD NIGHT OF MRS. JOIN DREW. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, March a, 1611, THE MAGIC MARRIAGE. . , ; Tbe Marchioness de Volierra Mrs. John Drew 2? 11 *; * Gipssy. .Miss J. Henry. The Chevalier Monte Cellini Mr. Barton Hill Signor Malfredi i*Mr. Griffiths To conclude with tbe comic drama of NINE POINTS OF THE LAW. Mrs. Sraylie Mrs. John Drew Joseph Ironsides .- Mr. Griffiths Friday, Benefit of Mrs. JOHN DREW. . Prices as nsnaL ... .... Curtain rises at 7% o’clock. VT7ALNUT STREET THEATRE. O; W* Tuscan Mrs. M. A. GARBBTTFO" THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, March 2,. 1664, Third appearance in this city of MISS ETTIE HENDERSON, Whose marked success the past two nights has es tablished her another popular favcri je. First time in this city of a »» w domestic drama, called THE FLOWER GIKL AND THE CONVICT MARQUIS. Made lon, the Flower Girl.. Miss Ettic Henderson Cranow, the Convict'Marqnls..Mr. E L. Tilton After which the admirable Farce of THE LAUGHING HYENA. Friday, Benefit of Miss HENDERSON. . Box ofllce open from 9 till 3 Curtain rises at'.'i. Concert hall, CHESTNUT street, above TWELFTH. Immense success of- . < - MR. DE CORDOVA’S FIRST LECTURE. The second will take place ... ON THURSDAY EVENING. March 3, 864. Subject.. HR. PERKINS’ ST CHRISTMAS DIN NER. (A Tale or Shoddy:) Tickets for the remaining two cents Single admission ...50 cents Doors open at 7. Lecture at Bo’ clock. fe2>-4ts THE INVENTORS OF AMERICA, BY C. SCHUSSELL, and FIRTH’S DERBY DAY, the most interesting ..--•t.. PAINTINGS of the day, ON EXHIBITION FOR A SHORT TIME -AT EARLE” S GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNUT STREET. ADMISSION TWENTY-FIVE CTS. f<rA)-llt} The great picture,) ~ ; AT CONCERT HALL tECTURE ROOM, For a Short Season, commencing ■- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1804, i> J. Insco Williams's Celebrated . , PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. This is the most complete and finished Painting ef the Sacred Scriptures in the warld, comprising over fifty of the most . , • „ SUBLIME AND THRILLING SCENES Of the first three thousand years of Biblical His tory, forming altogether one of the finest exhibi tions of the age. . , . ...... ■ OPEN EVERY EVENING at "1% o’ clock. ' : Admission2s cents. . > .... .... N. B.— Matinees oh Wednesday and 'Saturday : Afternoons, at 3 o’clock. . Admission for Children, 15 cents. felif-ijm} Eleventh street opera house. - ■ “THE FAMILY RESORT.” DIXEY’S MINSTRELS,' THE GREAT STAR TROUPE of the WORLD, ■ In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing, Laughable . Burlesques, Plantation Scenes, Jcc;,.&c, by TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTS, EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tickets, 25 cents. Doors open at 7o’ clock. fe!B- 3m§ J. L. GARNOROSS, Business Manager. mEMPLB OF WONDERS, ASSEMBLY A .BUILDING, TENTH and CHESTNUT.— wan.Tr,.. LAST WEEK. £ ND philosophical EXPERI- Sbt-Powers of Ventriloquism and Sie£?l??r£P CANARY BIRDS. tatoente I ££?» wl L 1 ap P ear 111 ma popular enter o’clock, aw a xdS eTen «ig» commencing at 7% at*3. Admission <1 £! eBday and Saturday afterneons 25 cents. Ohu dren fs cents, fe22 & «ala eveiw Sa?nr?M S^?5 —Pohlle Rehear se MUSICAL FUND^tat °’ olossi » P- M.,at cra.tsv ; packages *,Sl“Bie, S1 “ 8 i e tickets, 25 OpendaUws™£y^^ p 4^®T' FITLEB, -weaver = Manufacturers of * Co MANILLA AND TARRED CORD An* Coeds, Twqtb, ao. , . No. *3 North Water street and No. 32 North l.t. . ware ayenue, Philadelphia/ *“* ■DwnrH. JTtlxb. MiohablWxaiut, COHEJtn F. CUMFHtn , R ’ TJOOP SKIRT MANUFAGTOKY—Hoop XX. Skirts ready-made and made to order: war ranted of the beat materials. -Also, Skirts repaired. ■/. /: ; MRS. E. BAYLEY, fc!7-tf rn .,., 612 Vine street, aboyeEighth. YJdJK DAILY EVENING BUILETINj: PHILADELPHIA, WEBNIiSDA. - ?, MARCH 2, 1884: THERMOIffETERb McAllister & brother, MTEEPRISI MILLS. ATWOOD, RALSTON & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESAM DEALERS IN CARFETORg, 011 Cloths, Mattings, Ac., Ac. Warehouse, 619 Chestnut Street) AND . i- —3XS- . fthi-smt 1864. SPRING 1864. glen echo mills, ! GERMANTOWN, PA. M’CALLTJM & CO., Manufacturera, Importers and Whole* sale Sealers IN CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &o. Warehouse, 509 Chestnut st., 4 &3o Opposite Independence .HaU. SPECIAL NOTICE. : RETAIL DEPARTMENT. M’CALLUM & CO. Beg. leave to Inform the public that they hav leased the old established Carpet Store, No. 519 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite Independence Hail, • FOR A SETAIL DEPAETMEMT, Where they are now opening A NEW STOCK, on IMPORTED AND AMERICAN CARPETS, Embracing the choicest patterns of AXMTNSTER, IT A PE S TBY OAR ROYAL WILTON, PETS. VELVET, | BRUSSELS CARPETS VENETIANS. Together with a foil assortment of everything pertaining to the Carpet Business. jaTO-tf} REMOVAL. ALEXiSCEE WHILLDIS & SOXS, Have Removed to 20 and 22 South Front Street, JLXD 21 end 23 Letitia Street, . : PHILADELPHIA, Where, from large and desirable stocks of WOOL and WOOLEN YARNS, and COT TON YARNS, they will be pleased to serve a J customers. fe2o-12tj WANTED, A GENTLEMAN QUALIFED to teach Infantry Tactics and Army Regu lations as au Assistant Instructor In a Military schdol. An officer who has Eeen service and thoroughly posted in Casey’s Infantry Tactics preferied. Apply in person, or by letter, inclos ing testimonials, to JOHN H; > TAGGART, Preceptor Free Military School, No. 1210 CHEST NUT street. . mh2-6tf WANTED, A YOUNG MAN AS CLERK—A quick,. ready wiiter and a good penman; a graduate of the High School, one who nnder s:ands phonography preferred. Address, with reference, Box 274 Post Office. mIU-Gfj Large first class employment HOUSE—always a good selection capable, civil WOMEN and GIRLS, for Family servants, Hotels, and every branch of usefulness, to suit all. "35 SANSOM streec. Conducted by Ameri can Ladies, fe29-6t<* m WANTED—Amodern built HOUSE, about 22 feet front; on Arch, Chestnut, Walnut or Locust streets:, immediate possession desirable. Address Po6t Office, Box 2199. fe29-4t# m WANTED TO RENT—A furnisbed House st Cottage—possession wanted in Jane —at a convenient distance and easy communication to the city/ Address Box 930 Philadelphia Post Office. fe27-6t* > V - \ g WEIGHT & SIDDALL No. 119 Market Street. * Between Front end Second streets. 0. W. WEIGHT. _____ B. H. 6IDGAT.T. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, A»rn i GENERAL STOREKEEPERS Can find at onr establishment a Am a*, sortment of Imported And Domestic Dross. . popular Patent Medicines, Paints, CoS • ' Oil, Window Glees, Prescription Vial*, etc. ,at aa low prices aa genuine first class goods can be sold. * FINE ESSENTIAL OILS for Confectioners, in full variety, end of the best quality. . Cochineal, Bengal. Indigo, Madder, p 0 t- Ash, Cudbear, Soda Ash, Altua, Oil of Vitriol, Annatts. Oopperas, Extract of Logwood, Ac., FOR DYERS’ use, always on hand ,at lowest netcashprices. SULPHITE OF LIMB, for keeping cider sweet; • a perfectly hana ***• preparation: put up, wlth full dlrec stttoSl.Jy or city poet, will suet *U>SwiS I SiwSS* ,OB » -S* bPaclal qnota i"»SSMS:V ! 80V0SB* CK?° 728 Chestnut St. WANTS. OF RRHOVAL, SPLENDID NEW WAREROOMS, Noj ARCH STItEET^ Where they will continue the sale of " : GAS FIXTURES, ' CHANBELiERS, COAL OIL BUR MERSi AO. Having associated with onr honse Mr. OHARLES PAGE, (formerly the Principal Designer for Cor nelius A Baker,) we are now prepared to execute : ordtrsifor Gas Fixtures of: all grades and designs, irom the plainest io the most massive and elaborate. - ■;* TAN KIRK &CO., ' fel*-Sm§ / No. 918 ARCH STREET. Ice and Plated ■ j Ware, Of. every description REPAIRED and RE FLATED, AT . | «FARDEN’S, S* W. corner Tenth and BacsSts. ia2o-3m* ... . PATENT HINGE-RACK PHOIOGRAPH ALBUMS. The most indestructible Albnm made. It lies open perfectly fiat without mjnry or strain to the Bock. For sale by Photographers and Booksellers. ; ALTEMUg A CO., N.W. CORNER FOURTH AND EACE, fe2o lm{ Entrance on RACE Street. CLARKSON & CO.. BABEEBB, No. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Government Seenrfiies of ali Issue 3 , PURCHASED AND FOB SALE. . Stocks, Bonds and Grold, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Interest Allowed on Depoiiti. PROMPTLY MADE. fe4-lm rpj The Sunbeam Stories, Containing .he charming, bright Stories of TRAP TO CATCH A SUNBEAM, CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, HOUSE ON THE ROCK, ONLY,OLD JOLLIFFE, MERRY Cjibi9tmas, DREAM CHINTZ, STAR IN THE DESERT, Ac. Six beautiful volumes, Illustrated, $8 30. W. P. HAZARD, jaBl-t jyl 31 South SIXTH Street. 1 *lOB<A CHESTNUT BT. SPRINGJTRADE. E. ffl. NEEDLES Ii now receiving, and offers fijr sale below present market rates, many novelties in LACE AND WHITE GOODS. He'wonld call “special attention” to his assortmentof over 80 different new fabrics and styles of White Goods, suitable for ‘■•Ladles’ Bodies and Dresses.’ ’ in stripes, Slaids and figured,puffed and tucked mas ns. ’ 100 pieces of figured, and plain Buff and White Piques, bongbtbefjre the recent ad vance. New invdtce* of Guipure auo Thread Laces,. Thread and Grenadine Veils, Edgings, Inserttngs, Flonncings, fce. Broad hemstitched HANDKERCHIEFS ell linen, good quality, from 25 cents np. 1Q34, C.HK»'J Nl iT »TR. K’i FURNITURE. Those about to purchase Furniture would do well to call at the NEW STOKE of ULBICT & WABD, 915 Arch Street, Axd examine their styles. f*l6.lm) HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS STANDARD DRILLS; FOB SALE BY Frethingham' A Wells New Fancy Cassimeres. ALFRED H. LOVE. COMMISSION MERCHANT, 212 CHESTNUT ST. ]al2-2m+ WANTED. A tew ERIE CITY and COUNTY BONDS. ERIE CANAL BONDS of Erie, Pennsylvania. Also—slo,ooo North. Branch CANAL BONDS, for which the bighe.tprice will be paid by C. B. WEIGHT & CO., 142 South Third Street, feio-13t§ ■ , Opposite the Exohange. 1864 NEW STOCK. 1864 LINFORD LUKENS, N. W. corner Sixth and Chestnut Sts. NOW OFFERS ' s A £ABGB AND ELEGANT STOCK Off Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods. 1 All the choicest novelties in.this department. Constantly on hand, the best made Shirts in the 'city.. Orders promptly executed. •' reasonable fe2l-wfm,3m PAPER HANGINGS. “ JAMES C. Finn*, late op ' HOWBLL * BROTHERS. WaU Paper Becaratiohs, SHOW BOOMS,? estnut street. ; UCAKKINO TnfH~lSnßniirgT»ipfts IxL BROXDEBINtI, Braiding, Stamping,_*o, 'lMflnmmi. 0O NS TXT TIT lON WAT SB. t ! CONSTITUTION WATER, . ■' ■ : ' CONSTITUTIok WATXB, ' ‘ ' CONSTITUTION XVATI B, •j V CONSTITUTION WATER, rV ' ’ j ,"/ : CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, .CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, '' r . INSTITUTION WATRt?; . . CONSTITUTION WATER,- CONSTITUTION WATF.P, CONSTITUTION WAjTEH, CONSTITUTION WATER, • CONSTITUTION WATER,' * ; CONSTITUTION WATER, ‘ ! / CONSTITUTION WATER, ’ ■ CONSTITUTION WATER, ‘ CONSTITUTION WATER, ; i CONSTITUTION WATER, THE ONLY KNOWN. REMEDY FOR THEONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR SHE ONLY KNOWN BEMEDYJ.FOR THE ONLY KNO WN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB the. Only known remedy fob THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR v THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR DIABETES, STONE IN TH£ BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, IRRITATION OF THENEOK OF THE BLAD- INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. CATARRH OF THE BLADDER STRANGURY. For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praise. A single dose has beenknown to remove the most ur gent symptoms. Are you troubled -with that distressing pain in the small of the bach and throngh the hips] A teaspoonful aday of the Constitution Water will relieve yon lilts magic. PHYSICIANS Have 101% since given up the use of bnchn, cuhebs and juniper in the treatment of the diseases, and only use them for the want of a belter remedy CONSTITUTION WATER has proved Itself equal to the task that haa e velved upon it. DIUERTICS irritate and drench the kidneys, and by constant nsesoon lead to chronic degeneration and confirmed disease. We present the Constitution Water to the public with the conviction that it has no equal in relieving the class of disease, for which it has been founds!) eminently, successful for curing, and we trust we shall be rewarded for our efforts in placing so valuable a remedy In a form to meet the require menu of patient and physician. 21 li IN DTSMENORRECEA, OR PAINFUL MEN STRUATION; AND MENORRHAGIA, Both disease* arising trora a faulty secretion of the menstrual fluid—ln case of being too little, and accompanied-by severe pain, and the other a too profuse secretion, which will be speedily cared by the Constitution Water. The disease known as FALLING- OF THE WOMB, which i»the result of a relaxation of tiie ligaments of that organ, and is known by a sense ol heaviness and dragging pains in the back and sides, and at times accompanied by sharp, lanci nating or shooting pains through tne parts, will, in all cases, be cured by thU medicine. There is another class ox ‘■vmptoms arising from HABITATION OF THE WOMB, which physi cians call nervousness, which word covers up mflch ignorance, and in nine cases out of ten the doctor does rot really know whether the symptoms are the disease or the disease the symptoms. We can only enumerate them here I speak more particularly of* Cold Feet, Palpitation of the Heart, Impaired Memory, Wakefulness, Flashes of Heat, Languor, Lassitude and Dimness of Yiricn. SUPPKESSED MENSTRUATION, Which in the unmarried female is a constantly re curring disease, and through neglect the seeds of mere grave and dangerous maladies are the result: and as month after month passes without an effort being made to assist nature, the suppression be comes chronic, the patient gradually loses her ap petite, the bowels are constipated, night sweats come on, and eoKxumpftcn finally ends her career READ! READ!* READ!!! Dajnyillb, pa., June 2, 16&1. Dr. Wm. H. Gregg—Dear Sir: In February, l€Gl, I w&s afflicted with sugar diabetes, and for five months I passed more than two gallons of water in twenty-four hours. I was obliged to get up as often as ten or twelve times during the night, and in fire months I lost about fifty jpounds in weight During the month of July, l&l, I pro cured two bottles of Constitution Water, ana in two days alter using it I experienced relief, and after taking two bottles I was entirely cured; soon, alter regaining my usual good health. • J. Y. I* DEWITT, ; Boston Corners, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1SS1; - Wm. H. Gregg & Co.—Gents—l freely give you liberty to make use of the following Certificate of the value of Constitution Water, which I can re«- commend in the highest manner: My wife was attacked with pain in the shoulders, whole length of the hack, and in her limbs, with Palpitation of the heart and Irritation of the Bladder. I called a physician, ? who at tehdedlher. three months, when he left her worse than he had found her. I then employed one of the best physicians I could find, wno attended hex lor about nine months, and while she was under nia care she did not suffer quite as much pain. He finally gave her up and said, her case toarfn curclitf. “For,” -said he, “she nas such : a combination of complaints > fAaf medtetne given for one operates against some oher of her dificullies.' * About this time she commenced the use of the Constitution Water; and, to onr atter astonish ment, almost the firstdose seemed to haye the de .sired effect, and she kept on improving rapidly under its treatment, and now superintends entirely her domestic affairs. She has not taken any of the Constitution Water for about four* weeks, and we are happy to say that it has produced a perraa nentcure. WM.M. VAN BENSCHOTEN. Wethersfield, Conn., March2,lS63. Dr. W. H. Gregg—Dear Sir—Having seen your advertisement of “Constitution Water,” recom mended for, inflammation of the Kidneys and Irri tation Of the Bladder, having suffered for the past three years, and tried the skill of a number of phy sicians'with only temporary relief, I was induced to try your medicine. . I procured one bottle from vour agents at Hartford, Messrs. Lee, Sisson * Do.,’ and when I had used half or it, to mysur nrise I fonnd a great change in my health. Ihaye used two bottles of it, and am where I never ex ralidto toe in my life, well, and in goodspirite. fSumot express my gratitude foritrTi feel that it is alland mere than yon recommend it to be." May the bieesing of God ever attend yon in yonr labors of lore. S. BIGELOW. these are facts enough. - We preaentthe Oonetitutien to the pntolio conviction that it has no equal in -reliev ing the class of diseases-for which it has been found so eminently.successfnl in coring; and we trust that we shall be rewarded for onr efforts in plaeingjK) valuable a remedy in a form to meet the xeanirements of patients and,physicians. ■ FOB SALE BY- ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE ONQ.DOLLAR. W. H. GREGG & GO., Proprietors. : MORGAN A ALLEN, General Agents. No. 46 OLIFF street, New Yocjt. For sale by• - ’ : JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY A COWDEN, . FRENCH, RICHARDS jass-fe, Wi(-6m PMlSdeipUa. SMITH & JACOBS. : 1226 CheßtniifcStreet,TMiafeipfeia' ; Money Refunded II not Satisfactory t w Mad* or Itew: York; Mm* MuaHna.; : .y«7 Ftnt Irlib Ltngn Bosoma, only s3—uflimi price 83 75*- WUliamaviite Muslin 75, pjie* $3 50. Very reasonable deduction te wholesale trade.' BUD pOMFOai'ABLES, ]BED TICKINGS, And every other article in the Bedding busiaeas at ' • the .lowest cash prices. , AHOS HILLBOav, - f -- - - TENTH ST. BELOW ARCH. W. & MINTZER, r, V , AND ’ \ ■ THEATRICAL GOODS \ EPAULETTES, SWORDS, BASHES, BELTS, LACES, HATS, CAPS, scott, ’ SILVER EM BROIDERIES, BULLIONS, PLUMES, . „„„„„ BUTTONS, GLOVES, .. ■ DRUMS, FIFES, Ac., Ac, 'scriptton 11 ' Baan^rs and Elaga of every de- Ar “J r “5 Navy Officers, Begimehts, Companies, and Dealers supplied at short notice. fell-Jm} No,. 131 North THIRD St., Phila. SPRING, 1864. SPRING 1864. EDJffUHD YARD & Co., 61? CHESTNUT STREET. AND * ®X4 JAYNE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Have now in store their SPRING IMPORTATION OF Silk and Fancy Dry Goads, Consisting of DRESS GOODS of all kinds, Black and Fancy Silks, Satins, Gloves, Mitts, Ribbon and Dreis Trim mings. g ALSO, White Goods, Linens, Embroideries and Laoes. A large and handsome assortment of Spring and Summer Shawls, BALMORAL SKIRTS, OF ALL GRADES, Which we offer to the trade at tha lowest prices ja3o-3ms’ THEODORE m. APPLE, GAUGER AND COOPER, Woi.lCiand 1M GATZMERSTREET, (Between. Front ind Second and Walnut and Chestnut Streets,) PHILADELPHIA. Imitation Brandy Casks always on hand. Casks, Barrels and Kegs, always on hand oi made to order. feli-ly CIVIL AM) MILITARY CLOTH HODSE. WILLIAM *T. SNODGRASS, No. 34 SOUTH SECOND, and 23 STRAW BERRY Streets, is hanpy to state that he has laid in an extensive stock ef CHOICE GOODS, such as CIVIL LIST. Black Cloths, Black Doeskins, Black Cassimeres, Elegant Coatings, Billiard Clothe, Bagatelle Cloths, Trimmings, Beaverteens, Cords and Velveteens. We sdv&« cur friends tt sent stock i* cheaper than fel6-3ms 4 WOOL. Choice Penna. and Ohio Fleece) lots Arriving Sail;. FOB IMMEDIATE SALE. Alex. Whilldin & Sons, Nos. 20 and 22 South Front Street, feao-istt PmI^BELPHIA. COTTQN YARNS. ZABRISKIE'S, HEATHCOTE, BIDDLES, PONDS, ' BELVIDEBE MFG. CO., ' GLASGOW CO., HENRY CLAY MILLS, OAEMAN’S, J. BANCROFT. And Various Other First-Class Hakes, NOS. 6 TO 40. IN WARPS, BUNDLE AND COP. FOR SALE BY ALEX, WHILLDIN & SONS, Nos. 20 and. 22 So. Front'st. ■ fesp-iatj . . Philadelphia. A. S. ROBINSON, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN LOOKING GLASSES,’ 1 Fanoy and Plain Frames, suitable for Ivorytype%' Photographs and Engravings.; ! Manufacturer ef PIER, MANTLE & WALL MIRRORS _ Engraviaigs. tod OH Fainting _ Galleries of pictures aud Dooimg Glassware. TOCDM, ■ATonx.T * No. 918 Chwtaut^^. l^Srt|hl»S marATtT.PH EMORY. CHARLES EMORY & C 0„ Stodh and Exchange Brokers, No. 15 SOUTH THIRD ST- Philadelphia. All Kinds of nnbnrrehtfnhds and Gold and Sil ver bepght and sold, and Collections mads. i' Particular attention given to the purchase and sale of'Government, State and other Stocks and - Loans on conunisslpn. ■ jaaa-3m) . ii\'a AMTT AND 2TAVT. . Blue Cloths, Sky-Blue Cloths, Sky-Blue Doeskins, Dark-Bine Doeskin?, Dark-Blue Beavers, Dark-Blue Pilots,* 3-4 and 6-4 Blue Flannels Scarlet Cloths, Mazarine-Blue Cloths. to come early, as opr pre i we can purchase how. ALEX. BENSON,J*.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers