SIWI) IBITIfN. THE DESTBUCTION OF THE HOUS ATONIC, The Torpedo Boat Lost, Vith all ah Board INTERESTING NEWS FROM WASHINGTON. To-Day’s Proceedings in Congress. THE BINKING OF THE HODSATONIC. Baltimoue, March 2.— Late Richmond pa pers have been received at the American office, from which it appears that the: torpedo-boat which sank'the United States steamer Housa tonic most also have been lost. ; -.; ' The,Charleston papers of the.27th uTt. speak of having ascertained the cause of the sinking of the.Housatonic from “captured Yankees. 13 They had . previously, supposed that the vessel was sunk in a storm, and only ascertained that the torpedo boat had been successful .ten days alter the occurrence,'which, it will be remem- was on the 17th.; The torpedo was commanded by Lieut. Dixon, of Mobile. APPREHENDED RAID ON THE ORANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD: Washington, March 2.— The Alexandria Journal, says: "Wo would not be surprised within a day or two to hear of a raid on the wagon trains on the Orange and Alexandria road as well as in the neighborhood of Vienna, as a force of Mosby’s guerillas was seen yesterday within 2i miles of Falls church, watching the movements of our train. Mosby was along in person. FROM WASHINGTON. [Special Despatch to the Bulletin. ] Washington, March 2.— Good financiers as sure the' Government that since Congress has absolutely provided that the principal as wel' as interest of the two hundred million loan shall be paid in coin, it will readily be disposed of at five per cent, interest.. The Government again advertises this morn ing'for three thousand more cavalry horses. The Committee on Elections this morning voted'to send back to the: people of Missouri three members from that Stale, Messrs. Loan, McClurg, and Kingtwo,. Republicans and one Democrat. [Correspondence of the Associated Press.] Washington, March 2. —Representative Spanlding, of Ohio,has been appointed a mem ber of the Committee of Conference on the disagreeing amendments to the Whiskey bill, in the place of Mr. Washbnme, of Illinois, who has left for his home. Mr. Spaulding has heretofore acted with Mr.Washbume on taxing spirits on hand, bat as the Committee has been instructed, that fact is of no material conse quence. » The Committee on Elections to-day decided in effect that Messrs. Loan,McClurg and King, of Missouri, are not entitled to the seats which they now occupy and which are contested. The question will therefore be referred back to the people of Missouri. The Committee wUI, at their next meeting, take up the contested case of Knox against Blair,from the game State. [By the People’s Telegraph Line.) "Washington, March 2. —The Baltimore An nual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church meets in this city, this morning, at "Wesley Chapel. ' A very large number of preachers are in attendance. The Washington City Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph is to be put up immediately by John F. Kdnnard & Co., of Philadelphia. Forty five miles of wire will be used. The dia" system is to be adopted. A soldier named Dennis Mahony, stationed at Camp Marshall, has been committed on charge of murdering a fellow-soldier named William Houck. Mahony attributes the deed to whiskey. XXXVIHTH CONGRESS-FIRST SESSION. Washington, March 2, 1861. Senate.— Mr. Wilson, (Mass.) reported from the Committee on Military Affairs" a new bill to £qhalize ihe pay of soldiers in thearmy. Also a bill for the pay of the cadets m the'U. S. Military Academy and for other purposes. Mr. Sherman (Ohio) called np tne bill to en courage emigration, which was passed. "House. —The Honse passed the Senate bill grant ing military protection to overland emigrants to the Pacific States and Territories The House took np the bill defining the inrisdie tion of the Court of Claims not to Include any . claim growing out of the destruction of property by the Army and Navy engaged in the suppression cl the rebellion. ■ PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. - Hareisburo, March 2. Senate. —ln the Senate this morning a large nnmber of remonstrances against the passage of he law allowing passenger cars to run on Sunday, were presented. The following hills were read in place: Mr. (landless, an act to change the compensation of tne commissioners of Butler county. Mr. Wilson, an act changing the time of holding elections in Tioga county. Also an act incorpo rating the Tioga Telegraph Company. Also an act declaring stony Fork Creek a public high- »,J? r t, I (Owry, an act authorizing the election of & the cUy of Erie; also ah act to incorporate the Fairview Cemetery. a “hPP'entent to the act relating to thlß Commonwealth. public purposes/ “ act a PP r °»riating ground for theCltlzens?VnS!^* act « cx ™Pt from taxation Mr Connei^ o B.'Si t^ e i ® os P ita l of Pniladelphia. jaUng Phif«a m r d %^ M a f jgfa Company. Also, a supplementtoTeSeralt-te re* latuig O the recording of deeds: alsoJlrfi No e tes O PraWerS ‘ Endorsers of’ Mr. Hoge, an act authorizing Arnold Plumer to make certain deeds; also, a supplementjto an act incorporating the Jamestown and Franklin Bail, road, also, an act attaching certain lands in cia. lion county to "Venango county, also, an act re lative to drawing Jurors in the Commonwealth. Mr. Johnson offered a resolution that Capt. W. H. Brady be tbe Librarian of the Senate. Passed. _ House. —The bill to request onr United States Senators to reconsider the vote on extending the Hme for volunteering, was passed finally under a call lor the previous question. . -The Speaker announced the order of the day to T>e the joint resolution proposing amendments to °!/ stl - , .'/ tlo .S,’ Eteing Soldiers the right to vote. Mr. Smith (Philadelphia) moved to reconsider she vote on the second reading of section 9th of the second amendment. Agreed to—yeas 50;- nays 42. The question recurring oh the second reading, it ■was notagreed to— yeas 60, nays 42—as it required a majority of a full house. The amendment prohibits the Legislature from passing any bill granting powers oh any case where the Conrt has jurisdiction. - DEPARTURE OF THE AFRICA. Boston, March 2.— The steamer Africa, which sails to-day for Liverpool, will take" out $76,000 in specie. : LATER NEWS FROM EUROPE. Arrival; of tire • Damascixs at Portland. *HE WAR, IN DENMARK. A Danish Monitor in Action. Pobtland, March 2. — The steamer Damas cus, from Liverpool on the 18th ult. and Lon donderry on the 19th, arrived at this port this morning at 10.60 o’clock. [ . ; The steamship Nova Scotian, from Portland, arrived at Londonderry on the 18th ult. .An attack on Diippeln by the allied forces was imminent,but no news of its.commence ment had been received up to the.time of the departure of the steamer. - It is stated that the place is defended by a force of 40 000 Danes. The Parliamentary proceedings on the 17th nit.; were unimportant. \ Mr. Laird’sbilL for a more efficient mode of testing anchors'and chain cables in the mer chant service, was passed on second reading in the House of Commons. ' , FRANCE. ' It- is stated that the arrangements for the de parture of the Archduke Maximilian for Paris, on his way to Mexico) are completed. ' The Rerue des Deux Monies contends that France and England lose by want Of co operation, .and urges the re-establish ment of an active alliance, to avoid .the catastrophe - which menaces Denmark, so shamefully abandoned by England. It is stated that the Monitevr has been prohibited from publishing the Prince Napoleon’s anti- English speech at the Suez canal celebration. Bourse firm. Rentes 6tif. 70c. The Prussiansbave contiuned their opera tions against the entrenchments 'at Diippeln, hut the thaw retarded the movement of their heavy artillery, and delayed the attack. It is asserted at Rend sbnrg that the Prussian com mander had summoned the Danes to evacuate. Diippeln and the Island ' of Alsen, giving a very short delay, and failing to comply, the Prussian army would immediately occupy Jut land. The Danes were strengthening the de. fences of Diippeln and Alsen. Thirty thou sand Prussians are concentrated in the district ofSundersitt. A Copenhagen paper says that the Danish Government had received no proposals respecting an armistice. The Spanish Government has chartered seven steamers to carry 4,000 troops to rein force the Army of the Antilles. The Schieland Palace, at Rotterdam, con taining the Picture Gallery and Museum, has been burned. The Manchester Examiner believes that the Government has resolved to terminate' the Galway Steamship contract. The Great Eastern was knocked down at £25,000 sterling. The company, however, had previously purchased the bonds of the old company to the extent of $70,000 sterling, which must be added to the above pnrehase money. Another person claims to have bid £25,000 at the auction sale and demands pos session of the vessel. THE VERT LATEST. [By Telegraph lo Greeacastle. ] Copknhagex, Feb. 18—8 o’clock P. M—The Danish Monitor (iron-clad) Hrollkrake, at tacked Engensund. She attempted to destroy the bridge erected by the Austro-Prussians in the Braager penin sula, but could not get near enongh to do so owing to the shallow Water. She fired seventy two shots, and the German batteries fired one hundred and fifty. One shot went through her funnel. The Germans drove the Danish pickets from the Stendrur and Nabul woods. The Danes subsequently rallied in force, when the Germans retired without offering resis tance. The position of the Germans in Bra agerland is very dangerous. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. Liverpool Cotiok" Markets The sales of cottODjfor the week amounted to 40,000 bales, the market being irregular and prices % a #d lower, except for -American, vrhich was unchanged and steady. The sales on Friday were estimated at 3i(CO bales, the market closing qalet and un-' changed. Liverpool Bbeadstcffs Market. Flour closed heavy, with a downward tendency in prices. Wheat quiet but steady. Corn dull and un changed. Liverpool Provisions Market.— The Circu lars report Provisions quiet and unchanged, with tbe exception of Bacon, which is easier. London Money Market.— Consols closed on Fridrvy at 91 3^'. The' Bullion in the Bank of England has in creased £lll,oco during the week. American Stocks. —lllinois Central shares 19% per cent, dis.; Eries(J2i63. London Money Market, Feb. 19.—The fends are inactive,, but firm. The discount .demand is moderate, and the tendency in rates is downward. The rebel loan has further advanced to 54a5G. - HAEIBEIHTBLLIGEBCB. Arrived from Philadelphia, bark reib** at Mar seilles. Mem.—The ship Hiawatha, from Bremen for New York, was at Fay al. THE ANTIETAM BATTLE-FIELD. [By the People’s Telegraph, Offices No. 411 Chest nut street,Beading Boom Merchants* Exchange, and Girard House. Baltimore, March 2 —The following is from the American of this morning: “In the Maryland Senate yesterday, the Com mittee on the Antietam battle-field reported in favor of the purchase of twenty acres of the battle-field, and jointly with the State of New York, which agrees to bear half" the expense, to re-inter therein the remains of the soldiers of theJJnion who fell in the battle. They also propose the purchase of three acres upon South Mountain, upon which to erect’a monu ment to General Reno.” i CONDEMNED DESERIERS TO BE SENT TO THE DRY TORTUGAS. "Washington, March 2.—The President has directed that the sentences of all deserters, who have been condemned by Court Martial to death, and which have not been otherwise acted upon by him, be mitigated to imprison* ment during the war at the Dry Tortugas, Florida,where they will be sent, under suitable guards, by orders from the Army Commanders. THE QUICKSILVER CASE. Washington, March 2.— The Quicksilver: Case is still pending in the Supreme Court. Washington, March 2.—Owing to the phy sieal indisposition of Associate Justice Grier, the argument in the Quicksilver case has been postponed till next week. WEATHER REPORT. - The following telegraphic report of the weather at 9 A. M. to-day, at the places named, has been received: . . . . Wind.- Weather. Therm. Halimxi S. E. Snowing. ' 32 Fernand, - N. Snowing. -29 Boston, N. "W. Clear: • 30 Springfield, N. Clear " 30 New York, N. W. Clear 31 Philadelphia, N. W. Clear. 32 Washington, N.-W. - Clear. 30 „ _ MARKETS. ■FinSV;, < 2 EK ’, Marcll2 —Cotton is dnll at 79 cents. Wh.f* ,2 6ales of *» 500 bbls at unchanged prices. rlnmwiaiFj l ,, an . d hominai. Corn is also dull and nnchang|? n °^ a L* I d^il “ d ew busheis.* > * > ' 8 ' Wheat * 1)700 Jf?f cll -2;^ Flo nrvery dnll;Howard o^7 he ,!i d ° u i 5,000bu5., sold j7ai 18 for H.entuckv \vhito arid voiinw "Whiskey dnU and neglected. “ Ye 0W " Stocks are dull. Chicago & Bock Island hoc'- Illinois Central Scrip, 133 V; Mich. OTi! ’ N.Y. Central, 135)(; Mich.’sonthern 143)4 jßeading, 131)(: Hudson Elver, 156 V: Missouri 6’s, 73;5 Galena and Chicago, 116)(: Erie, 113 V; Cleveland & Toledo, 147; Michigan bentrS; ill v’ Harlem, 136 k: Cleveland & Pittsburgh, 115 v; Gold, 159#; U, B. Coupons, 1881, HI#, “ CITY : BULLETIN t Cgixege; commence ment of-the'.'Honucoimtbic.-MPci eat Colleee was held at neon to*day:at tlie; MnsicurFucd'-Hall* m ; presence of qn.te a large asEemblaae; - ' ’ \ lie exerciser 'vrt-i'e opened- by -iL.prayerj after, which the tdegree* of the College waa eomerred upon the following nH'mfd genlltrhen: ; Bartlett, fcoraceC., Vt. Lee, Charles H.* Pa. Brown, Louis 8., Pa. Oetranderv Walter EarhaTt. Wm. J. , Fa. blcj., • T ’■ Fariitiglon, Harvey Savage, Win. to *, a - W. • pa Sharp, Anthony H-, Pa. Garvin, John J., Pa. Smith, Wm. H.». Eng. Hunt, Henry . Tindall, Vanroom Francis, B. X. R., . • • De^' Ward, E. Bufue, ■' Pa,~. ' The special Degree of-the College was conferred npon'C. W. Mulford. of New jersey. The valedictory address was delivered to graduating Professor H.:N., Guernsey, m* D£ .j&Xfer the usual descant npor ihe impoitance ol the vocation they bad choeen, and advice a# Jo ' their conduct during the-professional career of the graduates, Professor-‘Guernsey^ went?-into an ex planation of the principles,othomoeopathy, claim ing for them that they were a deduction from the divine wisdom as illustrated in • the workings of nature. • The address concluded a& follows: “Gentlemen, ours is a noble profession; but it is BoblC because it is good and useful to our fellow men—because it is earnest and .responsible —be- cause it demands faithfulness, devotion,eelt-sacn hcOr-because it does for bemoan bodies what God does, from his infinite meicy and goodness, for human souls. Th? similarity of our work to His work, by tbe foTee of the teaching and example of our great law of cure, imbedded, as it is, in the very centre of our and bearing fruits on ev*ry bough and twig of the tree of our science, makes it an absolute and unconditional necessity of our li\ es, that they should strive after similar!-. ty with the divine life. Tbis alone, in the degree of its attainment, can give to those lives that real and. permaneni influence and power for good, which it is our highest duty to seek, and which, as the evidence of “God’s speeding,' 1 shall make men to “rise up and call you blessed.' 1 Nay, -more: it will, indeed, be God’s blessing upon ; you, God's blessing in you, seeing that by it you shall be brought into conjunction and harmony With Him, and go forth from Him, to do the work which He has appointed you to do. Nothing hap pens by chance; There is a divine Providence in the well as in the greatest things Bo you think that you have been led by cbanceinto choice of your profession 1 Do you suppose that you have not been led by a divine hand iuto this way of life ? Whether it be on account of good or evil in you, I cannot say; but most certainly for good to your fellow-men, as well as to your selves. “Is not tbis earth God's creation and gift to manl Is not your life in it; are not your minds, your talents, your powers, your opportunities of growth and-development, your means ef cultiva tion, your sphere of activity and usefulness, all God's gifts to man! What have you, what are you that is anything worth, that is anythiag true and real and living, which does not come from Him? Go forth, then,and do your work, s? that you may give him back his ‘own with usury, some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred fold.' Be, what he wills and designs you to be, m«w, true and loyal—loyal to Him,loyal to humanity, loyal to His humanity in you. Go,apd'may God, in every deed and truth, speed you on your way. *' After a benediction the audience separated. Changed with Robbery.—Washington Ben nett was before Alderman Devlin this morning, charged with n&ving robbed the monev drawer of, Fisher 1 s lager beer saloon,at Third and Thompson streets of about £2iio. He was committed in default of SI, 000 bail to answer. Robbing a Soldier.— James Smith was ar rested last nightat Eighth and Walnut streets upon the charge of stealing s watch from a soldier. He said that he merely took the time-piece for safe keeping. - Tbe defendant was committed by Al derman Moore. Bower’s Infant Cordial cures Colic, Pains and Spasms, yielding great relief to children teeth ing. Store, Sixth and Green. Needles’ Truss and Brace Dkfartkeht. — Indies' store on Twelfth street, Ist door below Race, (Conducted by Ladies.) Gentlemen will apply to C. H. Needles, on tht corner. The most thorough assortment of best makes of every article in the line be found here, and adjustment mads with professional exactitude. Bower’s Gltcerih Creak—For chapped snd inflamed Skin—2s cents. Depot, Sixth and Vine. Suspensories. — New French patterns, got out to order expressly forC. H. Needles' Retail Sales, at Twelfth and Race streets. CITY BOUBTY. We have authority for stating, that the City Bounty of $260 has not been stopped, as was industriously reported by some recruiting agents, this morning. The Commission con tinue their daily sessions from three till five o’clock, at No. 412 Prune street, and will con tinue to pay until they give notice to the con] trary. They expect to continue until 10th inst. COMMERCIAL. R2BBR D. rar.i. Aeon, stock bbokxbs, ire. 305wal- NUT 6TBXKT. SALES OF STOCKS. BEFOBE 300 sh Beads 66 100 ah do 2 day* 66 106 ah do 66 200 ah do" bSO 66); 900 sh do b3O 66,'i 200 sh do b 5 66 H 100 ah do 68 200 ah do b 5 66 200 ah do bio 66 400 ah do . bn 68 WEST ] s2*6o U S 6a 6-20 S 107)4 2000 do 10674 100 do 107 10700 do 106’,- *OOO City 6a 103 - 1000 do new 107<v 484 AlloghyCo6pr cent Scrip 76 6000 Union Cnl 6a 30 1000 Sucq Cnl 6a 68 6000 Wyom’g Va Cl 6a 99 6000 Cam&Am mtg 6a 108 8000 Sch Nav 6a ’B2 96 6. ah FraAMee Bk * 60 60 sh Buck Mount 32)4 4 ah Beaver Mead 79 66 ah Minehlll B 6374 1 ah Bk N Amcr 164 10 sh Louisville Bk 91 100 ah New Creek 1 56*100 100 ah Penn Minin g bis 974 106 ah Green Mount 7)4 400 ah Susq Cnl bSO 26 2 ah do 24 160 ah Union Cnl 374 SALES AFTEB *lO6O US 6a 5-20 s 10674 100 ah Penn Mining ■ b3O 10)4 100 ah Big Mountain Coal b3O 9)4 200 sh Fulton Coal Co blO 7)4 160 ah do 7)4 100 ah Oil Creek b3O 14 FBIOES OF STOCKS IN NEW YOEK. {By Telegraph.) . FIRST CALL. MOOHD CALI. American Gold 169)4 bid Chicago and B. Island. .... bid 120)4 sales Beadingl Bailroad 6674 bid 66 aale* Illinois Central bid 133)4 sales Galena and Chicago bid 116)4 *»Je* New York Central 136)4 bid 136)4 sals* U. S. <* >Bl int. off. 11l bid ni)4 sale* Erie. 113)4 bid 113)4 sale* Harlem ..135)4 bid 186 sales Cleveland and Toledo.. .... hid .... sales Irregular. Steady. FINANCE AND BUSINESS—MARCH 2,1864. The Stock Market* was rather feverish this morning, and the news from the Army of the Po tonjac and from the Weßt, is looked for with con siderable anxiety. Government Loans were not offered to any extent. The Five-Twenty Loan sold at 10674@107)4—the former a decline of X. State Loans were unchanged. City Loans were firmer, with saleß of the old issues at 103, and the new at 107)4 —the latter an advance of )4- Pennsylvania Bailroad shares were firm at 70)4, and U2)4 and 110 was hid for the First and Second Mortgage Bonds. Mine Hill Bailroad rose )4. Beaver Meadow Kail road was steady at 79, and Little Shuylkill Bailroad at 49@49)4. Beading Bailroad was rather unsettled, and fluctuated between 6574@66)4—c105ing at about 66. Chester Valley Bailroad sold at 6)4— an ad vance. Catawlssa Bailroad -Preferred was very quiet at 43)4@«)4. North Pennsylvania Bailroad 1b neglected. Schuylkill Navigation Is firm, and closed at 41J4042 f or the Preferred, and 2974030 for the Common stock. Susquehanna Canal declined H. Union Canal was dull. In Bank shares the only Bales were of North America at 164, and Far mers’ and Mechanics 1 at 60—an advance. Penn Mining declined )4, and Blg Mountain Y. In Pas senger Railway:,securities noticed sales of Thir ,lf?nth and Fifteinjtfi.streets at 42—no change, tfefars. Be Haves k Brother, No, at South Third ! BOARDS. 100 ah Beadß blO 66 1-16 too ah do. b!6 66 100 ah Green Mount r * bSAIn 7)4 ;:100 ah SehNav prfd 4174 : 200 ah Catawlssa prd cash 43)4 100 ah Marquette Min 4)4 too ah do 6 300 ah do b 6 6 BUAKJL). f 130 ah 13th & 16th at 42 ; 92 ah do b 6 42 460 sh Catawlssa pfd 43)4 ; 300 ah do 030 (3)4 230 ah Chester Val K 6)4 40 ah do 6x 100 ah Big Mountain Coal 9)4 200 ah Girard Mining 5)4 200 ah Sch Nav 2974 too ah do b 5 30 300 ah do bls 30 360 ah do blO 30 200 ah Sch Nav prfd 4tX 100 sh do b3O 42 300 ah Bead B b3O 66)4 : 100 ah do b3O 66 5-16 300 ah do b3O 66)4 ; 100 ah do bio 66 * 100 ah do b3O 66)4 300 ah do 1)30 65)4, I2oosh docash6s 81-KXK 309 ah do cash 604 ; 100 ah do - b2ii 66 " lOosh do bistec 200 ah do b3O 66)4 100 ah do / 06)4 / FIB ST BOABD. 200 sh GreenfMount / b3O 7)4 200 ah . /do ■ 7)4 100 ah Bead B b2O 66 60 ah ’ do b3O 6574 100 ah do b2O 65 100 sh do «6 6574 200 ah do 2 days 66 »e» prem - p -g* dime5........48 prem.' * P Spam*h quarter*.. .* .« n re £ currency xSis.. WdU. fce.AartoiSw*? °°' 9uoteG«vermnent SeeuriUs* . v Noon, March 2,1864 O.RB>*.lBM ' Baying. SeUtt?. ■ ,; 1W Notes, -August. ..108X lio . owttfl*ate of indebtednS;:.':::;::: 1 Iwx Bond * arc belD * , ‘“ de ; u P to TW Esrhange, No. *4 South were 1?« A. P. fS 1 2 ’ 18 “- PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. : ■Webnese at, March 2.— There i* a steady, demand forCloverseed and further sales of 300 bushels were reported at (8 123,68 37]< fi si » B . Timothy is steady at $3 so@3 62>f, and Flaxseed- at $3 26 «' bushel. ~ There is nothieg doing In Quercitron Bark but holders no’minally ask (37 f) ton. The inactive con'dltion of the Flour market re corded for some tinie paHt still continues and to ef fect saleato any extent some concessions from-pre sent asking rates’Wonld have to be submitted to. The only transactions reported are 'for home con sumption at (6@6 25 barrel for superfine, (6 fio to »7for : extras, (7 12X67 75 for extra family and (8 to *9 for fancy lots. There Is nothing, doing in Bye Flour or Corn Meal and prices are nominal. There is less Wheat offering and it is held with rather more firmness. Sales of 2200 bushels prime Penna.Bedat (1 oofl bushel. White may be quoted (1 70 to (1 90—as iri quality, eoo'bnshelff State Bye sold at (133. Corn is in good request and has ad vanced. Sales ol 2000 bushels yellow at (115@(16i 2CCO bushels do. on private terms and 800 bushels mixed at (111. Oats are. unchanged. 2000 bushels Fenns. sold at 84605 cents. No sales of Malt. 6000 bushels Canada Barley Sold on private terms. , In Provisions there is a firm feeling,but not much doing. Sales of new Moss Pork at (23@27 s>i 9 barrel, Hams in pickle at 133;@13,Jf cents, Shoul ders in salt at 10 cents and Lard at 14 centß. Whiskey—The demand is limited. Small sales of Penns, and Ohio barrels at 84686 cents, ISO barrels Prison at 86 cents and drudge at 83 cents. IMFORTATIONS. Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. IdETGHOBNr-SMp Moro Castle, Boss—37o bales rags 630 pkgs oil 10 jars'do 200 bxs caatile soap 104 blocks marble V A Sarton; 129 pkgs fine arts ViU Brothers. POBTO CABELLO—Bark Thos Dallett, Duncan —2268 bags coffee 119 bales cotton lloa hides Dallett A Son. POET OF PHILADELPHIA. KABCH 2 Marine Bulletin m Third Page. ABEIYED THIS DAT. Ship Moro cdtle, Boss, 63 days from Leghorn, with marble to V A Sartort. Bark Thomas Dsllett (Br), Duncan, 19 days from Porto CabeQo, with coffee, hides and eottoa to Dal lett A Son. Left no American vessels. Beports the country quiet. Brig A Hopkins, Leerboff, 1* days from New Or leans, in ballast to Workman A Co. CLEARED THIS DAT. Schr H DUktush,BartlethPiney Point, M MeShane. St’r A Brearley, Bragg, Washington, T Webster. MEMORANDA Steamship Virginia (Br), Grace, cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. Steameblp Caledonia (Br), Craig, for Liverpool, cleared at New York yesterday. Bark Elba, Pattingill, hence via Gibraltar 4th ult. at Msnelllee—no date. Bark Hiawatha, Byder, nnc. was at Shanghae 25th Dee. Bark Amileare (Ital), for this port, sailed from Heaaina Ist ult. ' Bark John Fife, Weaver, from New Orleans, was below New York yesterday. Bark Houston, Spates, cleared at New York yee today for New Orleans. Sehr J B Austin, Darts, hence for Boston; B H Wilson, Mull, from East Side for this port, and S Washburn, Thrasher, from Taunton for do, at New York yesterday. Schrs Clara Ellen, Gray, and Mary Fletcher, Tracey, from Boston for this port, remained at Newport 8 AH. 2Sth ult. Sehr Jaa Martin,Harding, sailed from Providence 29th ult. for this port via Bristol. Ship J P Wheeler, Gadd, from Glasgow Jan 9. at New York yesterday, reports Jan 16, lat 65 05, lon 13 36, while lying to in a heavy gale from WSW, shipped a heavy sea, which stove the front of thw cabin after hatch house, skylights, shifted cargo, and did much other damage; Feb 1, lat 48 36, lonsS 20, passed a quantity of barrels with Iron hoops and heads painted white, apparently containing petroleum; Sd, lat 47 SO, lon 37 40, sailed many miles through deals and square timber; also passed part of the side of a ship, some bulwarks painted stone color Inside, seemed to have been but s ahort time in that situation; 27th, off Georges, phased the keel, stern post and flooring timbers attached, apparently belonging to a vessel of about too tons. SEN AT, BROS. & (JO. 214 CHESTNUT Street, opposite Strawberry SI, Importers of WHITE GOODS. Offter a complete assortment ol Jaconets, Cambric*. Checks, Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Swiss Mulls, India Book, India; Mull and other Muslins of our usual make and/finish. lais-tf. fSi WAN' IMgeb ortss B, situation/ :D—A FURNISHED HOUSE at MANTOWN fir the Summer. Ad- Jjox No. 90, Post Office, stating size, Ac. mh2-6t* I’SLIFE AND CAMPAIGNS. FOURTH EDITION NOW READY. :e life, campaigns and services OF GENERAL McCLELLAN. Price SO cents in paper, or 7S cents in cloth. „ THE LIFE. CAMPAIGNS AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF MAJOR-GENERAL GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, the Hero of WESTERN VIR GINIA,SOUTH MOUNTAIN and ANTI ETA M, with a fnil history of all his CAMPAIGNS and BATTLES, and his REPORTS AND CORRE SPONDENCE WITH THE WAR DEPART MENT AND THE PRESIDENT, in relation to them, from the time he first took the field in this* wary fin til he was finally relieved from command, after the Battle of Antietam. Complete in ene large volume ofBoo pages, with a Poi trait of Gen. McClellan. Price 50 cents in paper, or 75 cents in cloth.- This work should be read by all, as it contains the most complete history of the war ever written or published. Canvassers, Booksellers, News Agents, Sntlers, Pedlars and all others, in want of a fast selling Book, will please send on their orders at once for what they may want of the above, to the pub lishers. It Is published and for sale at the Cheapest Book House in the. world to buy or send for a stock of books, which is at - T. B. PETERSON A BROTHEHS, No. 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Copies sent everywhere free of postage on receipt of price. . * mh2-2t CHEW ON MEDICAL EDUCATION.— , JUST PUBLISHED. Lectures on Medical Education,or on the proper Method of Studying Medicine, by SAMUEL CHEW, M. D., Professor of the Practice and Principles of Medicifie and of Clinical Medicine in the University of Maryland. _ In One Volume. 12mo. This little work by the late Professor Chew, comprises five lectnres on the subject of Medical Education. A ripe judgment, and a rich store of learning, were brought into use in the preparation of these lectures: and'the stjle, which is clear, lucicL and eminently cotrect, is worthy of the suhject matter. We can cordially recommend- the work not only to students of M> dicine, but to stu dents of all professions, and'to all lovers.of learn ing. No person of intelligence can read it without deriving both pleasure and profit from the perusal. —Mirror. EINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers. mh2 25 South Sixth st., above Chestnut. TJHILIP FORD A CO.. AUCTIONEERS! I 625 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE streets LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1,500 OASES BOOTS AND SHOES. • ON MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 7, We will sell by catalogue,, for cash, at 10 o’clock precisely, 1,500 cases Men’s, Boys’ and Youths’ Calf, Kip, and Grain Boots, Brogans, Bal morals, Cavalry Boots, Ac. Also, a large and desirable assortment of Women’s, Misses’ and Children’s Boots, Shoes, Balmorals and Gaiters, of every variety, suitable for spring sales. Open for-examination with catalogues early on the morning of the sale. ’ BXJCOESSOBTO W.- H; tJABRYL, . . ; :MABOBiflC BJLLIn,’" : ■ • ••- OFFERS KIS SPBING STOCK IDKDQW SHADES! - TABLE AND PIANO OOVEBS, CORNICES AND BANDS, LACE CURTAINS, PLUSHEKAND iMOQUETTE, ■ damasks and he ps, AT POPULAR PRICES. REMOVAL. p. P & wTp. SMITH, HAVE REMOVEDTO , No. 246 Chestnut Street. JAYNE'S BUILDING, And offer for sale by the package, the following Goods, In great variety of Styles and qualities: nr *** SHIBTINGS, BLEACHED ** o ~ 1. PB’ iWN, LE AD and BLUE DBILLS lil'MmS, BLUEand BBOWN. t ; TICKING?, CHECKS and SHIBTING £ tripes. PBINTS, Dark ana Light Styles. OGTTONaDtS, York, Everett, Ac., Ac. ; CANTON FLANNELS, Bleached and_Brown. WOI'LEN “ Plain, Twilled,Miners,Opera. KENTUCKY JEANS and TWEEDS. ALPACAS in Blackand fancy Colors. BRITISH DRESS GO* DS, Fancy and Staple. IRISH LINENS, L. C. HDKFS MARSEI LLES QUILTS Stafford Spool Cotton. TABLE DIAPERS, Bl’d. Brown and Damask, 6 4 BEf ELLANT OLOTHB, Black Doeskins. 3-4 and 6-4 MELTONS, Ac., Ac. mh2-lm§ FLOUR FLOUR - Of the following Choice Brands: “John Hnseelman,’* “AEtna.” ‘•Henry Musselmsn “Eagle.” “D. tiverholser,” “Union.** ‘•Strashurg Steam,” “Eclipse.” “Willow Grove,” “Snavely “Locust Valley,” ‘‘Metzgar/’ “Lordon Vale,” “Gish.” “New Providence,” “Zigpr.” “Samuel Brna,” “Peanea.” “John Banck," “Samuel Ranck.” And other Penna. and Western biand%Tor ealehy BROOKES & BtJGH, ftll-lm« 1731 db 1733 Market Stjeet. - jng ly degrees, in a few days 1 nras astonished to find the coldness and cramps bad entirely left me, and I could sleep tbe night through, -which I have not done for years 1 feel like another being. Sly appetite and strength have alto greatly improved by tbe use of tbe Plan tation Bitters. Bespectfully, JUDITH RUSSEL. ’ * - oßxsnssvnT, Win, Sept. 16, 1663. * * * I have been in the army hospitals for fourteen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, 111., they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters ** * Three bottlesjestored my speech and cured me. • * • *. O. A. FLAUTE.” The following is from the Manager of the Unlen Home School for the Children of Volunteers: Mansion, Ffty-seventh street, > New Toss, Augusta, 1863. J Dn. Dbaxk Tour wonderful Plantation Bit ters nave been given to some of our little children suffering from weakness and'weak lungs with most happy effect. One little girl. In particular, with pains in her head, loss of appetite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with hut a teaspoonful of Bitters a day. Her appetite and strength rapidly in creased* and she is now well. Respectfully, MBS. O. M. DEVOE.” «•* * * x owe much to yon, for I verily be lieve the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. BET. W. H. WAGGONEB, Madrid, N. Y. ’' “» * * Thon wilt send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by their nse. Thy friend, ASA OUBRIN, Phila., Pa.” ”* « * I have been- a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and had to abandon preaching. * • The Plantation Bitters have cured me. - BET. J. & GATHORN, Bochester, N.Y.” ”* * *. I have given the Plantation Bitters to hundreds of our disabled soldiers with the most astonishing effects. G. W. D. ANDREWS, Superintendent Soldiers’ Home, Cincinnati, O. ’ ’ *•* • * The Plantation Bitters have .cured me of liver complaint, of which I was laid up prostrate and had to abandon my business. / H. B. KINGSU2Y, Cleveland, O.” •** * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like s charm. O. O. MOOBE, Agent for Colgate ft Co., 254 Broadway. ’ ’ ftc., ftc , ftc., ftc,, ftc. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the languid brilliant, and are exhausted nature’s great restorer. They are composed of the cele brated Calisaya Bark, Wlntergreen, Sassafras, Boots, Herbs, ftc., all preserved In perfectly pure St. Croix Bum. 8. T.—1860 X. Persons of sedentary habits troubled with weak ness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, distress after eating, torpid llTer, con stipation, ftc., deserve to suffer if they wiH not cry them. They are recommended by the highest medlcai authorities, and are warranted to produce an in mediate beneficial effect They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure and harmless. Neman—Any person pretending to sail Planta tion Bitters in bnlk or by the gallon Is a swindler and impostor. It Is pnt it np only in our log cabin bottle. Beware of Bottles re-filled with Imitation deleterious stuff for which several persons are already in prison. See that every bottle has our Tihlted States Stamp over the cork, u nmntilatea, and our signature on steel plate side label. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable globe, P. H. DRAKE & CO.. SOS BROADWAY, New'York. Jte!6- wfrm-6m ■ ■ _—- , -L - CARPETS, OAKPETd, FURNITURE, FUB NITUBE.OID CLOTHS, OILCLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, WINDOW SHADES, and a large assortment of Household Goods at H. B. LEWIS’S Old Established Stand, No. 1434 Mar., ketst,, next door to the corner oristhst, mh2im# Non-retention or Incontinence of Urine, irrita. tlon. Inflammation or Ulceration nf th t • Bladder and Kidneys, V ' Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Stdno ' ' in the Bladder, Calculona i : . Gravel or Brickdust . V J Deposit, . :v; - AXTD ..y^t All Diseases or Affections of the Bladder Und Kid* neys, and Dropsical Swellings existing :inMen, W omen or Children Heimbold’g Extract Bhcliii Helnibold’g Extract Bnchn Fpr 'Weakness arising from Habits of BiaslpaHon attended with the following . * Indisposition ip Exertion, Loss of iffeiaofy.nHffl culty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trenabiing, Horror of Disease, Dimness of Vision, Wakefulness, Bain In the Back, Uni versal Lassitude of the Mnscomr System, Hot Hands, Flushing . of the Dryness of the \ : Skin, ' ■ . * ERUPTIONS ON THE PALLID COUNTENANCE. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which t medicine invariably removes, Soon follow / Fatuity, Epileptic Fits, m one of-which / fhe patient may expire. Who tap gay / that they are not frequently feiT / lowed by those “direful <w». • / eases’’ “INSANITF " and / CONSUMPTION!” /■ Many are aware of / the cause of their : suffering. / The records / of the ■ ■/: , Insane / •' Asylums,/ and the Melon ' > eholy Deaths byOon- * sumption, bear ample - witness to the/rnfh of the assertion. The constitution once affectedwith Organic Weakness, re quires the aid of Medicine to Strengthen and invigorate tbs' System, which HELM BOLD 1 S EaTBAC/T BUOHU in variably doer,* Helmbold’B Extract Buoha Is safe, pleasant in its taste and odor, indEaoM Strengthening than any of the ~ " / preparations of / IRON OR BARE; / For those suffering from BBOB3OT Down ABU nXLIOATX COnSTITUTIOaS. / From whatever cause, either In MALE OR FEMALE. / . -IT / wnx aivn ron / A GOOD APPETITE, tnu ervs von STRONG, HEALTH kIN ERTES, will ervn yon BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEELINGS, and will enable you to SLEEP WELL.' A trial will convince the most SKEPTICAL* Helmfcold’s Highly Concentrated astonished at any* nd a correspondence ittonaltUes of the ha -ies into Acts and n ere need not err. facts as the follow > write them axe. ■nmstances, hence Ltements: , Not. 24, 1663. :d many years with ly limbs, cold feet 'red system. Phy- Jliere me. "While rk who were using Jed upon me to try small wine glassfol of the worst * disorders that afflict mankind aril • Cron the corruption that accumulates In the blood. Of all discoveries that have been made to puns tS oat, none can equal in effect . EXTRACT SARSAPARIUA. It cleanses and renovateß the blood, te'waiie vigor of health into the system, and purges ont the humors which‘make disease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body and expels the dis orders that grow and rankle m the blood. Such a remedy, that could be relied on, long been sought for. and now, for the first time, the publlo have one on which they can depend. Onr space here does not admit certificates to show its eflfect, but the trial of a single bottle will shew to the sick that it has virtues surpassing anything they hay* ever taken. Two tabiespoonsfui of the Extract of Sarsaparil la added to & pint of water, is equal to the Inbson Diet Brink, and one bottle is fully equal to a gal lon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the Decoction as usually made. •7 THESE EXTRACTS HAVE BEEN AD MITTED TO USE IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY, and are also in very general use In all the STATE HOSPITALS and PUBLIC SANITARY INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as well as in private practices and are considered as Invalu able remedies. > From Dispensatory of the United States! See Professor DEWJBES*S Y&lu&bleworfcs*on the Practice of Physic. / See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PHYSIC, Philadelphia. ' See remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM McDOW ELE, a celebrated Physician, and Member of the Royal .College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published igJbe transactions of the King and Queen’s Jour- See Medieo-Chimgicai Review, published by BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Fellow of Royal Col »eee Qf Surgeons. - See most of tne late Standard Workl onJMadl olnea Extract Bactm, si ua per bottle, or Six far SK) ■ •Sarsaparilla, SI 00 per bottle, or Six for fj. Deli vered to any; add Tess, securely packed, AddreßS letters for Information, to Drnß abd Oh.em.ioal Warehoud Dros and Chemical Warehoais 104: South Tenth Street* BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ARB TOT PRINCIPLED DEALERS^ Who endeavor to dispose of “theirown” snd «(other 1 ’ articles on the reputation, attained toy HELMBOLD’B PBJEPAEATIGJTS. HELMBOLD'S . GENUINE EXTRACT BUOHU. HELUBOLD’S _ __GENUINEEXTRAOT SARSAPARILLA.’ " P 1 GiasrufNE IMPROVED BOSS /WASHf' * Sold by all Prnggiitt ; ASK FOB HELMBOLD'a ■rout out tne SdwrtiMiiiaiVan* ««A*w tttt C Ttoid imposition and ezpotun _ WW|ii*H HEIMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’s _ HIGHLY C;onßEsroanm . HlCtHLlY c«S^^' ' COMPOUND ' ' FEUTD EXTRACT BUOHTJ ’ fXUIB EXTRACT BUOHU. v . » A POSITIVE A POSITIVE • AND. SPECIFIC REMEDY > SPECIFIC REMEDY :■■■' ; ■ fob - - : - COMPOUND fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, ' For purifying the blood, is* moving all dis eases arising from ex cess and imprudencies In life, ehrunic constitutional diseases arising from an Impure slate of the blood, and the only rail* able and effectual known remedy fisr th cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swellings at the Bones, Ulceration of the Throat and Legs, Blotches . Pimples on the Face, and all scaly eruptions of the slrin, And Beautifying the ComplexlM, , NOT A FEW H E LM B O L D’B COMPOUND See Medical Pmpertiex cf Bucket. PRICES. HELMBOLD’B 594 BROADWAY, N. Y., OB 694 BROADWAY, N. Y., OB HELMBOLD’B MEDICAL. DEPOTS PHILADELPHIA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers