fit -.fiM** GF.HEiRSi-JSsttta frlilS? « of SANDERS, ' deceased. -DAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. VALU ABLE TAVERN ;ST AND • * -UNIO N HOUSE. * * HADDINGTON, FRAME DWELLING AND SMITHERY, -TWENTY-FOURTH WAaD. On WEDNEM?AYr Marcli2 1 liBM ) at 12 o’clock, TrVrV«TA b^vM?Vtr^ >UcSale i at tS ® *HILA- A EXCHANGE, the folio wiog described * Sandtrs,' deceased, viz:'- All that valuaole tavern stand, tenanthonse, frame otaole, Ac., Ac,, -with ground thereto belonging, in the village of Haddington, in the T wenty-fourth', ward,: beginning: at "a stake on l “* Read, thence south 86 west2 7-10 S?tZ es taa ' BtaJje iu the line' how or late of Thomas Goodwin, thence partly by said land and land now or lateofJam*'S Logan, north s'deg.v WestB 8-10 perches to a stake on the Haverfoxd Road. thence along the same nor itrBs deg., east 6 ♦•*10 perches to a stake in the Merion Road, mence south 4# deg., west 4 perches to an ether stakein said 'Merion'road, , thence south 28 deg B-10 perches to the place of beginning. , A?d alßo that lot of. ground aajoinins the above, beginning at the comer of Goodwin’s land* thence along.the Haverford Road, N. 85 deg., E. 2 7-10 perches, S. 5 deg. E. 8 1.10 perches to a stake, a corner of land-now or late oi- James Legrand, thence S.-85 deg. W. 2 7*lo perches to a stake, a cpr»er.‘ of land; property of John Rose, thence N- 5 deg; W.*:B l-io perches to the place of begin ning, containing 218-10 perches. Also the lot of ground adjoining, 'beginning at a - stake in the middle of tbe Haverford Road, thence by Logan* b lot S. 5 deg. E. 133 fc-10 feet to a stake, thence by Goodwin’s land, S. 85 deg. W. 315*10 feet io a point, th* nee by R. C. Martin’s land, N. 5 deg w. 133 6* 10 feet to a stake in the middle of the said Haverford Road, thence along the same, N. 85 deg. E. 315-10 feet to the place of-begin ning, containing 4,250 4-10 feet more or less. On these two lots are erected four frame tenant houses and blacksmith shop. Willrent together for about $5(O per annum. Half of tne pnrehasemoney mav remain. . • gIOO to be paid at the time of sale. By order of the heirs. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer* * fell, 16, mhl Store, No. .422 Walnut st., ab. 4th. ©REAL ESTATE.— JAMES A. FREE MAN, Auctioneer. NINE WELL-SE CURED GROUND RENTS, eachs42per annum. —On WEDNCSI'AY, March 2, 1801, atl2o’clock, noon, will be sold, at Public Sale, at the PHIL ADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following des cribed Real Estate, viz : All tho3e nine yearly ground rents or sums, each of forty-two dollars, lawful money aforesaid, payable half yearly, on the first day of the months of January and July in every year, forever, without any deduction*for taxes, Ac., by George R. Southcott, his heirs and assigns, respectively issning out of and chargeable upon the nine several lots or pieces of ground, sit uate on the north side of Tasker street, between Eighth and Ninthstreets, in the city of .Philadel phia, beginning respectively,, at the distances, 61 feet 9 inches; 96 feet. 1 inch; 111 feetXi inches:' 127 feet 5 inches; 205 feet 9 inches, 221 feet 5 inches; 252 feet 9 inches; 2GSfeets inches, and 284 feet 1 inch, westward from the weßtside of Eighth street, each of said'lots f containing in front or breadth on the said Tasker street, 15 feet 8 inches, and extending of that width in length or depth northward, between lines parallel with the said Eighth street 68 feet. They are all well three-story brick dwelling-houses, and are punctually paid. $5O to be paid bn each at the tame of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN*.; Auctioneer, fell, 16, marl Store,422 Walnut st. above 4th. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE;—Estat o SSL LOUIS O. BATTERS ACHS, deceased JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer.—BUlLD LOT, North Penn Village, Twentieth Ward. Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY*, March 2, 1864,’at 12 o’clock, Noon, will he soldat Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE, the following described Real Estate* late the property of Louis C. Bauersacbs, de ceased, viz AH that certain lot of ground, com posed of four contiguous lots, marked-in a certain plan 91 Ncrth Penn village, Nos 565, 566, 575 and 676, situate on the north side of Dauphin street, and south side of Hermann street, between Twen ty fifth and_Twenty-sixth streets, and at the dis tance of two one feet one inch east ward from the east side of the said Twenty-sixth street, in North Penn Township, in the county’bf Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Dauphin and-Hermann streets, respec tively, thirty-six feet, and in length or depth from said Dauphin street to Hermann street, two hun dred and. twenty-five feet. ‘ sso to be paid at the time of sale. By order of tne Court, WILLIAM C. STEVENSON, Ulerk O. C. JAMES A. ZIEGLER, Administrator. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, _fell-16mhlj Store, 422Walnntst.,above4th. fm ORPHANS’ COURT SALE—ESTATE mil OF GEORGE J. BROWN, Deceased— JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer—FßAME DWELLINGS, ami LOT, SECOND Street, above Wharton. Under authority of the Orphans* Court for the City and County of- Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY. March 2, T9M, at 12 o’clock, noon; /will be: sold at Public Sate, at the PHILA DELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Heal Estate, late'the property of George J. Brown, deceased,-viz: An undivided third part of, in and to all that certain lot or piece-ofground sitoate on the east side of Secondstreet, in the City of Phila delphia, and having three frame messuages or tenements thereon erected, beginning at the dis tance of 20 feet northward of the north side of Wharton street, containing In front or breadth on said Second street, 18 feet, and extending in length or depth eastward of that width, 100 feet to Wheat street. S5O to be paid when the property is struck off. By the Court, WM. C. STEVENSON, Clerk, O. O; TO. T. BRQWN, Administrator. - JAMES A. FBEEMAN, Auctioneer,' fell, 16, mhl' Store, 422 Walnut st., ab4th. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE.—Estate o MSI CROOK MINORS.—JAMES A. FREE MAN, Auctioneer TWO-STORY BRICK CARPENTER SHOP, ALDER street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, above Poplar. Under, authority ,of the Orphans’ Court for the City and County of : Philadelphia, on WEDNES DAY? ; March 2,~ 1864, at, 12 o’ clock, Noon, •will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADEL PHIA. EXCHANGE, the following described Beal Estate; the property of Crook Minors, viz: All that certain lot of ground with the two-story brick hiessuage thereon erected, situate on the east side of Alder street, between Tenth and Eleventh s’reets, at the distance of 82 feet 3 V inches north ward from Poplar street, containing in front on Alder street 18 feet, and in depth eastward from Alder street 40 feet. Subject'to ail annual ground rent of §24, payable hall yearly in April and October. : - . O' §6O to he paid at the time of sale. By older of the Court, - WILLIAM C. STEVENSON, Clerk O. O. PIERCE ARCHER, Sen. Guardian. ■ JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, fell, 16,inhl Store,No. 422 Walnut St. ,ab. 4th. ®REAL ESTATE—JAMES A. FREE MAN, Auctioneer—VALUAßLE BUSI NESS LOCATION, No. 1104 SPRING GARDEN street. On WEDNESDAY, March 2, 1861, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Beal Estate,' viz: All that desirable two-story bricirDwelling House,.with three-story brick back-bufldiugsAnd lot of ground thereto be longing. situate on the south aide of Spring Garden street No. 1104, containing 21 feet front and about 105 feet deep, with the privilege of an outlet into Ridge avenue. This property is in a good location for bittiness, opposite the Spring Garden Market . The first slnry is on a level vr.’.o ‘he pavement, having been built for 8 utrge office, and only wants a bulk window to convert it to a store. The rooms arc all large. There are dining room and kitchen cn first floor : also « summer kitchen oboce saloon parlor in second story, ten JcdA», <£ JltaUr ’ Sac ge, hot and sofd.,water,.gai,. mone y may ■- •fan i« *wkT*s*- FREEMAN* Auctioneer, fell. 16,mhi store No.422WalnutsL above Fourth. It Au E cU™fer TA^i^ E |^:|;RßEMAN, LINGS. OITTNPT' Vrri.L °“IALL DWEL WEDNESDAY 1 , noon, will be sold at Pubnc^Sale a ut I ,ha O TOT?’ ADELPHIA EXCHANGE? the scribed’Beal Estate, viz: All tho«e U three 8 «tMV dwelling houses and lots of ground on whfehthe? are erected, situate oirthe west side of OnS street, beginning 131 leet 10 inches north of Lor-ms street and extending in front, together, 43f«*t ■> inches, (each being 14 feet five inches front) and ■he two southward ones 52 feet deep, and the northward one 50 feet to a.2-feet-wide alley, with the use of a 2-feet alley leading into a 0-feet alley, which bounds the last described on the north. Will he sold separately. $lOO6 may remain on each nonse. §5O to be paid on each when the property is struck off. .... .. ........ ........ , ~ JAMES A. FREEMAN, ’Auctioneer. seii,l6,mhl store, 422 Walnut streetahov.e 4th. -ESTATE OF MISIS p - JAMES, deceased—JAMES BTpBY^BRrok A »s e g-lg E^gHE^Y BlreeE On "WEDNESDAY, March! 2d, 1864, at » PUTT Aiwtpul A b sv ld public sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE the fol wing described ;BeaEEstate, late o EBobert P. Jamee; deceased!t All that genteel two-storybrick dwelling house, with two-story back dwellings and the lot of-, ground thereunto belonging on the north side oLCherry street, .No. stoffn Se°ax?h ward of the. City,, containing in front 16V feet and in depth 04 feet to a three feel alley, of v&ich it the privilege House! has saloon parior. gas? bath, &c. Subject to a ground rent of §24 . ’ SCO to be paid wben ibe property is struck off JAMES A. FBEEMAN, Auctioneer feu,i6,mhi Store, 423 “Walnut »t., ah, 4t», REAL ESTATE SALES. . T a ORPHANS’ sOQUKT. SALE.—ESTATE of CHRISTIAN SCHNITZEL, 'D'aaeaiOdV— lES A. < FREEMAN,- Auctioneer. —Under authority of the Orphans’ Court f-ir the Oily mid County of Philadelphia, on WEDCi ESUAY, March 2,'1861, at 12' o’clock noon, will besolcl at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA' EX CHANGE, the following described Beal Estate; late the property of .Christian Schnitzel, deceased, viz:. No. I—Schnitzel's Lager Beer BREWERY, THIKTY-FIRST ana THOMPSON Streets j near I’airmonnt Park—All that certain lot or piece of ground with the hnck beer vaults and atone brew ery and other buildings thereon erected, sitnateoa the veest aide of 31st street, at the distauce of 312 feet nioithwnrd from the north side of Thompson Btreet, In the late District of Penn, now the 20th Ward of the City of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on said 31st street, 50 feet, and ex tending in length or depth westward between par allel lines with said Thompson street 200 feet. Subject to a yearly gronnd rent of *6O. Kg'This brewery has always been considered one of the best and mo S‘ practically built on the Schuylkill Has two boilers capable to mash, 300 bushels grain a Boy, a superior fermen ing room, cellar for present use, beer vaults that have storage capacity qf.soto6oj*-'. ; rels. for stockbeer, large malts o rage floor, hop rem, l and back frame dwell ng house, containing kitchcnand : some ten rooms y all in such condition as to be used at OTt’O. i'’'*:i 1 * . : DARGE lot s. e. corner of YORK ANDrSEVENTH STREETS, . 6Q by.lBl feet, 3 fronts.—All that certain lot ot ground situ ate in the-latetownship-nf- the Unincorporated » ru Liberties, now in the consolidated city °f Philadelphia, at the Southeast corner otYork and Delaware Seventh streets, coiitainin'g in ! front on said Seventh street..6o feet,.aod extending in depth on York street 184 feet B>s .inches to Tyson street (50 feet wide, leading from Dauphin"street to York street, and equidistant .between Sixth and Seventh streets). Subject to a yearly ground rent of *6O. t, ‘ 1 • *lOO to be paid on each when the property is struck off. " ■ ■ r By order of the Court, WM. C. STEVENSON, Clerk O. O. . KATRINA. SCHNITZEL; Administratrix. 1 JAMES A.' FREEMAN,. Auctioneer, fell, IC,mhl Store, 422 Walnut street, ah.,4th. M ORPHANS’ COURT SALE.—Estite. of SARAH BUCKLEY, deceased.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer.—FßAME . HOUSES AND LOT,.Lanca*ter tnrnpike and Mantua road, opposite Thirty-Sixth street, T wenty-Fourth ward. Under authority of the Orphans’ Court for the City and ' County of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, March 2, 1864, at 12 o’clock, noon, v ill be sold at pnblia sale, at the PHILA DELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, late tbe property of SABAH BUCK LEY, deceased, ..viz. :—All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two frame messnages or tenements thereof..erected, “port and parcel of the Greenville Estate,’* situate on the tortheast wardly side of the Lancaster turnpike road, and ■westwardly from Mantna road, formerly-in Block ley township, now Twenty Fourth Ward of tbe city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on tbe said tnrnpike road.3s feet, and extending in length or depth, between lines at right angles with the said tnrnpike road, to the centre of the Old Lancaster;road. The. said lot of ground* being marked and oeeignated on a certain plan, filed ol Record in the Recorder’ S-Office, at Pailadelphta, inDeedßookß.L.L.,No. 51, page 536, * ‘number seven,’ ’ and being part of the same premises which Edward Buckley, by indenture dated the 38th day of September A. D. 1843, recorded at Philadelphia in Heed Book A. W. M. No. 78, page 418, Ac. .granted and conveyed unto the said Sarah Buckley in fee, with the appurtenances. Clear of incumbrance. *5O to be paid when the property is struck oft By order of the Court, - W. C. STEVENSON," Clerk O. O. R. M. BATTUES, Trustee. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, fell, 16, mhl. I Store, No. 422 Walnut st. ab.4th ® ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—Estate of ISAAC B. RUSSELL,’deceased.—JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 723 .SWAN SON-STREET, below ALMOND street. Under authority-of the Orphans’ Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, the 2d of March;' 1884, at 12 o’ clock, noon, will be sold at Public Sale; at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Es tate, late the property of Isaac B. Russell, de. deased, viz: All that certain three-otory brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground thereunto-belonging, situate on the west side of Swanson street, south of Almond street, lately in the District of Southwark, now in the city of Phi. ladelphia, beginning at the northeast corner of a house formerly owned by Francis Penrose, thence westward along said house and fence, as it for merly stood. seventy-two feet, at which depth it Is twenty-four feet three inches wide, thence northward three feet nine inches, thence westward seventy-seven feet nine-inches, more or less, to the back of the Front street lots, thence northward twenty fcet six inches to ground now or late of Samuel Penrose, thence eastward on sl straight line along said gronnd to Swanson street, one hundred and forty-nine feet nine inches, more or less, tbence southward eighteen feet six inches to the place of beginning. T The above is a three-story brick dwelling “with two-story back building. Clear of .all incumbrance. i JGT $59 to .be paid at the time of- sale. .By\theCouit, i '. WM. O. STEVENSON, Clerk O. C, HENRY M. DECHERT, Administrator. JAMES A FREEMAN, Auctioneer. * fell, 16, mhl Store,422 Walnutstreet, above 4th. M JAMES A. FBEEMAN, AUCTIONEER, FINE FARM; 75ACRES. WEST CHES TER. On. WEDNESDAY, March 2, 1861. at 12 o’clock, noon, at the PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE, will be sold at Public Sale, thefollow-: ing described Real Estate, viz: All that valuable FARM, situated partly within the northern boon dory.of the borough or West Chester, and partly in-the township of West Goshen-, Chester Co. Pa., containing 75 acres, more or less, iu a high state of cultivation, with excellent fences, dividing it into 10 enclosures, and supplied with an abun dance of pure, spring water. ! The improvements are located about -the centre of the property, and comprise a stone dwelling, large and commodious barn, wagon-house, corn crib, ice-house, milk-house, Ac. The buildings are well watered by a forcing-pump from a never failing spring. Two fine young orchards are on the-property,- comprising a choice selection of the ’ .best varieties of fruit, one of which is now in suc cessful bearing, and is unexcelled for productive ness. t&~ Possession April Ist.. ; Half the purchase money may remain. ( US* $250 to be paid when the property is struck ! off. . JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer fell-16mhl Store, 422 Walnut st., above 4th. Sga REAL ESTATE—JAMES A. FBEE- Dii MAN, Auctioneer, COTTAGE RESI DENCE :-KINGSESSING Avenue and FORTY SEVENTH-street-'West Philadelphia. On WED-' NESDAY,-March 2d; 1864, at 12: o'clock, noon, will he sold at pnblic sale, at the PHILADEL PHIA EXCHANGE,, the following .described Real Estate? viz: A commodious and well finished two-story house and lot of ground situate bn the southwest corner of Kiusessing avenue and Forty seventh street. West Philadelphia, "containing a front on'the Avenue of 84 feet, ' and on Forty seventh street, 87 feet 6 inches. The house is of brick (rough east,) it has a large parlor,' dining room, large pantry and kitchen on the first floor, with neat veranda and bay windows, fine cham bers and bath room, gas .pipes inserted. Kitchen range and bbiler, stove furnace and low down : grate, Ac. . . ' . ; ' '■ ! The neighborhood is being rapidly improved with handsome residences. 1 : 81,700 may remain on mortgage. S5O to he paidut the time of sale.- , JAMES A. FREEMAN, • Auctioneer, fell, 16, mhl, Store, 422 Walnut above Fourth st. ■ ORPHANS’ COURT SALE Estate of PATRICK GROGAN, deceased JAMES A. FBEEMAN, Auctioneer. Three-story BRICK DWELLING,,,. 170 ADAMS STREET. Under authority of tbe Orphans’ Court-fortbe City and ;County of Philadelphia, on .WEDNESDAY, March 2, 18;Administrators. JAMES A. FREEMAN,' Auctioneer, fell,l6mhl Store, 422.Walnutst;, above4th. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE —Estate of HI NICHOLAS OUNDLINO. dec’d—JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer.—Under anthonty of the Orphans’ Court for the. city and- conmy of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, March 2,1861, at 12 o’clock noon, will be told at pnblic sale, at the; PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, tbe fol lowing described real estate,:lata -the property of Nicholas Onndling, dec’d., viz; No. 1. DWELLING, BRIDGE street, White 8a11..-All ibat'certain lot of ground, with the three*story brick messuage thereon erected, situate on the east side of Brings street, in ithe Twenty, third Ward of the city of Philadelphia, and marked on James D. Pratt’s plan of lotsNO-10, containing in front on said Bridge streer 9o f et,ond extending in length or depth eastwardly 120 feet to Scatter, good street. NO. 2.—BUILDING LOT, BRIDGE STREET. All that certain lot of ground, situate In Twenty* third Ward of tbe City of Philadelphia, In tbe State of Pennsylvania.being composed of two contiguous lots or pieces of land, marked Nos. 11 and 12 in a certain plan of lots laid out by James D. Pratt, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Begin ning at a corner on the eastnardly side of Bridge street, being also a.comer of lot No. 13, granted or Intended so to be, to John M Klotz, thence extend ing along the side of said lot eastwardly, NO feet to a corner oh tbe side of a 30 feet wide street called Scattergood street, thence along the aide of the same southwardly, 36.57*4 feet to a comer of land now or late of-James D. Pratt, thence along the aide of the.same westwardly 120 feet to a corner on the side of Bridge street aforesaltLand thence along the side of said street northwardly, 40 (eet 6 inches to the place of. beginning. O'CLEAR OF IN CUMBRANCE' - (60 to be paid on each at the time of sale. By the Court. WM. O. STEVENSON, Clerk O. C. r SAMUEL COUGHLIN, Administrator. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, feli,l6,mhl,. Store. 422 Walnut st. abOTetth ®RFAL ESTATE —JAMES A. FREEMAN Anctioner—To Manufacturers, Machinist, and others. VALUABLE PROPERTY, MA CHINE SHOP, WAREHOUSE FOUNDRY, Ac., at BRIDGEPORT, Montgomery county,- op posite Norristown, with Steam Engine, Lathes, Machinery, Ac. On .WEDNESDAY, March 2, 1854, at 12 o’ clock, noon, will be-sold at Public Sole, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE the following described Real Estate, viz: All that valuable piece of land with the improvements thereon erected, situate in the Borongh of Bridge port, oppofjteNqrristoWa, on the Schuylkill River, in Montgomery county, at 'the S. E corner of Second and Mill streets, being 81 feet # inches front on Second street, and 14U feet on Mill street, then narrowing to 40 feet wide it extends the further depth of SI feet to the Reading R. B. The improve ments are very substaatial/havlng besn need for on agricultural machine shop and lonndry and comprise a two-story brick machine shop, about 30 by 70 ieet, in which is a 15 horse steam engine with boilers complete, with lathee, circular saws, put lies, and machinery requisite for such a business; a smith shop joins, also a foundry with the power connections} introduced; and a large brick ware honee, th* whole under good roof and heated by the steam from the boilers, a track is laid from the Reading R R. into the premises. There is an tfllce in the shop untt ajtre-proef built therein. The main building may converted inlo a cotton or woolen manufactory. These premises are 16 miles from Philadelphia, very aceesßib e by the Reading EE, and Schuyl kill canal. The neighborhood is rapidly being im proved by mannfactnre of all kinds. This property cost $16,000, and will be found well worthy of attention. It may be examined at any time. : WTerms at sale. *lOO to be paid at the time of sale,. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, fell, 16,mhl Store, 422'Walnut St.. ab. 4th. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE Estate of ■5 ROBERTS. POTTER; deceased—JAMES A: FREEMAN. Auctioneer TWELVE COURT HOUSES, Lane’s Court, Lombard street; above Thirteenth. Under authority of the Orphans’ Court for the Citv and County of Philadelphia on WEDNESDAY, March 2, 1864, at 12 o’ clock, noon, will be sold- at Public Sale, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Beal Estate, late the property of Robert S. Potter, deceased, viz: All that certain Urge lot of ground witbthe 12 Uiree-story brick dwell ings thereon erected, situate on the south side of Lombard street, 160 feet westward trom Thirteenth street, containing in front 38 feet, and extending in depth southwardly 122 feet, together with the common use of a large conrt or alley way leading into Lombard street, aa also of ti certain 3 feet ■wide allcy.leading south into Owens street. Subject, the easternmost 18 feet in froat, to a yearly ground rent ofsstj And the western most 20 feetfront, to a ground rent of 890, also-snbject, the east rear lot, 18 by 44, to a ground rent of 89 pfrannnm. - stoo to be paid at the time of sale. - These , conrt hqnsea rent, at, reduced rents, for from 85 to §S per month, yielding.-!. net rental aboiye the ground irentS of nearl##6so per Annum. ' ; By order of the Court: WM. O. STEVENSON, Clerk O. C MARGARET POTTER, Administratrix. . JAMES A. FkEEM AN,: Auctioneer, ; fell, 10,mhl ; Store,'422 Walnnt at., ah- 4th. M JAMES A. FBEEMAN, Auctioneer, Per ■SlL emptojy Sale, by Order of Heirs, Estate late of PETER A "BRO-WNE, deceased, residence No. 1113 WALNUT STREET, on WEDNESDAY, ■March 2d, 1864, at 12 o’filock noon, will be sold, /without nny reserve,at Public Sale,at the PHILA DELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Eeal Est.te, late the property of PETER A. BBOWNE, Esq., deceased': All that lot of f round .-with the desirable-, THREE STOBY (RICKBESIDENOE, wlthdouble back buildings Ac. thereon erected, situate on the ‘ north side of Walnut street, No. 1113 between 11th and 12th streets, containing, in front 21 feet, and extend ng in depth 132 feet to a 12 feet alleyof which It has the privilege. 7hi* is a'defirableproperty in a very pleasant neighborhood ;<: Itmay he examined on application tq_>lie Auctioneer. - By- 85,6C0 may remain on mortgage, if desired by the purchaser. • •• ■ ■ $250 to be paid when the property is, struck off. JAMES A.’.FBEEMAN, Auctioneer, fell, 16, mhl Store 422 Walnnt street above 4th. dKh JAMES A. FBEEMAN, Auctioneer. 'BM. PEREMPTORY SALE TO CLOSE A CONCERN VALUABLE LARGE LOT, COLUMBIA, HOWARD AND PUTNAM Sts., 19th Ward, 3 fronts. On WEDNESDAY, March 2d, 1864 at 12 o’c ockpnoon, at the PHILADEL PHIA-EXCHANGE, the following described real estate, viz: : All that lot of ground, in the 19th :ward; beginning at the southwest corner of Co lumbia and Howardstreets,,.thence extending west ,ward along the south side..ol the said Oolnmbia street; 192 fett H),’; inches ttpgron nd ot Humphreys .and Yerkes, tbence by tbe same southwardatright angles with the said Columbia; street 63 feet IV inches to the.xtorth side ot Pntnam street, th’nce .eastward along Putnam street, 198 feet 9v' inches tothenottbwest corner of Putnam and-Howard .streets, and thence northwardalongHoward street; 66 feet to the beginning. This isd valuable lot iuitable-for-a manufac tory having three i roots. ■ : BS- Plan at the store. BS~ Sale peremptory to close a concern •• slou to be pail when the pro perty is struck off. 1 . FREEMAN, Auctioneer; xelfr-10-miii v tore, 422 "Walnut, street ' ESTA ' p B. JAMES :Af.--FREE MAN, Auctioneer—Gentetl DWELLING. No. 1324 CHERRY street. On WEDNESDAY March 16, 1864, atl2o’clock, noon, will be sold at P'AMio sale, at the PHILADELPHIA 'EX OHANGE, the.fQ'iowipg,described Real JEatote,. Eenteel two-etory brick honse and belonging, ’ sitttate on (the south side of Cherry street; No, 4324, contain :ing in frontffl _leet, and m depth OTj/fdit ’to‘ an may ” main ’ PMd at «te BEAL ESTATE..SALES. . A. FBEEMAN, AntUoneer. fe2sjmi} X 5 Store, 422 Walnnt st. , alcove 4&i. ifSli ?AL:-FRBS ■bROWN ’, • SruRE RriSIDEMOE. No 1?17 i '’treet,,on WEDNESDAY, March id, sale ’YiaoH’ in ,'solu-atPnbUc rif^ e An at 1h “ '-PD Ir ' A DE-LPHT-A*-EXOHANGE,' ' h ''J, ollo J- 1n .6 described Real Estate, .viz: rtll Vuu wiUidon b hri/j? l ‘ fcB ‘ ) ur *^RiSideace r/n,rt .v thrie-Bkiry back buildings and iotot : *Jd”f«S^ ,l,, s tof T? el -! ,l ** taB: '* lt,,a ' e '® a taeQorth ' 'd«» to trout and 'lO5 feet j a r 1 * f ’ et stae( ‘ t - The resClince ! n tki'e*n*W *t arts Ayer' rFurwtcet bach XrL, P lale -vl*ss windows front and . hamtUr, V* ■ Permanent washslands-in at l the 1 MarUr - "umtcl in the parflr cost 8250 tom linen and^d tub, plaUd fauceit T m % co PP" planished lined recciTed. * - ' ■ ' the property is struck o *fMi auctioneer, jelly 16, mhx ? Wo. i'£2 Walnut street, above 4th. EIFVVNTO Sbhthwest corner 1 and GIRARD-avenue, Twentieth Waid, on WEDNESDAY, March 2d, 1881, at 12 o clock, Noon, will be sold at Public Stile, with at the: PHILADELPHIA EX . ae following described It-al Esuite, Tiz: All »nat certain lot of ground, with the three story biictr Business Stand and Dwelling House thereon erected, ejtuate; of, the southwest'corner 2? Girard avenue, in tbe Twentieth Ward; ol ibe city, 18 feet front aird eo ii P* -Subject to $9O a year grouc d rent. .This is a good business stand,'do w occu piea as a retail grocery store, with a good hall for gs m ,he secoDd-story. Kents for over SSCO per annum. K?" Fale Peremptory. $lOO to be paid at the time of rale. . v-r mJ, .JAMES a. FREEMAN, Auctioneer,' tell, to, mhl Store, 482 Walnut street, ab. 4th. M POSTPONED ORPHANS COURr PER JMPTORY a* LE. Estate of PETER VVAGFR, deceased—JaMES A. EREEMAN,- Auctioneer.—Jfalcable FARM, 178 A«res, with extensive Improvement?, on BETHLEHEM tnrn- MONTGOMERY county, 19 miles from tbe —Under authority of the .Orphans* Court for the I'ounty of Montgomery, on WEDNESDAY, March ]6th, 1864, at 12 o’clock Noon, will be sold at Poblie Sale, withont reserve, at the PHILA DELPHIA EXCHANGE, thefollowiug described Real Estate, late the properly ofPETER WAGER, deceased, viz: Being a valuable tract of about 178 acres of land, situate at the village of Montgomery Square, Montgomery towusbip, Montgomery county, Pa., fronting on the Springhouse and Hilltown turnpike, and the State Rjad from l'oylestown to Norristown, 3 miles from two sta tions on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, 19^miles liom Philadelphia, io miles from Norristown, and 8 from Doylestown. The property isboaaded and described as follows: Beginning at a corner stone of this and of Edward Bartholomew’s laud, thence extending along the middle of a road leading to North Wales Meeting. House, dividing this tract from Edward Bartholomew’s land S. -39 deg. 45 .min. W. 145 perches and five-tenths to a stone, thence partly by land of Jonathan Dickerson, and partly by Peter Martin’s land, S. 26 deg. and 30 min. E. 81 perches and two-tenths to a stone; thence still by the said Peter Martin’* laud the four following courses and distances, to wit: N. 87 deg. E. 22 perches and five-tenths to & stone, thence S. 35 deg. E. 21 perches and five-tenths to a white oak. thence S. 42 deg. W. 23 perches and. two-tenths to a stone; thence S. 40 deg. 30 min. £. £6 perches and five-tenths to a stone, thence by land o* Robert Gordon the following courses and distances, to wit: S. 44 deg. E. 3 perches and two tenths to as ake, thence N. 65 deg. 30 min. E. 42 perches and three-tenths to a stake: thence N. 41 deg. E. 70 perches and five-tenths to a stone in the middle of the great road leading from Bethlehem to Philadelphia, thence along the middle of said road the four following courses and distances, to wit. N. 27 deg. 40 min. W. c? perches and two-tenths to . a stone, thence N. 50 deg. W. 20 perches sad three-tenths to a stone, thence N. 5 deg. W. 14 perches to a stone, thence N. 13 deg. 50 min. W. 97 perches and two-tenths to a stone, thence by land of Edward Bartholomew N. 4S deg. 20 min. W. 41 perches and five-tenths to the place of be ginning. Containing ITS acres and 44 perches of land, Ac. The improvements are a large Mansion House and large tenant house, with bam,audall ne cessary outbulldincs. The property is handsomaly located end conveniently eitoated, being near to schools, mills, places of pnbUc worship, Ac. Per sons wishing to view it, can call upon..the under signed. Executors, upon the premises. Sale Absolute. ■7~ 9500 to be paid at time of sale. A. E. WAGER, > *r. S. S. WAGER, j Executors. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, fe2s,mhi, 15 Store N 0.422 Wainuist., ab.JFourth. MKEAXj ESTATE.—JAMfci A. FREE MAN, Auctioneer.—Germantown Residence* FISHER’S lane. S-oce House, large Lot and fine Shade. On WEDNESDAY, March 16,1*64, at 12 o’ clock, noon, will be sold at Publto Sale, at the PHI LA LDELPHIA EXCHANGE, toe fol lowing described Beal Estate, being lhe former residence of JOHN LISLE, deceased, viz: AU that lot of ground utuate on tbe N. W. side of Fisher’s lane, beginning at a stone or 6t&tce, a corner of a lot of ground granted by John F Grabe for a burial ground, thence by Fisher’e lane, N. 59# degrees, E. about 05 feet more or !es*, front to a stake, corner of land now of Dr. Wm. Ash* mead, thence by thetame N. W. about n perches 13 feet 2 inches to a stone, corner of Neiser's laud, thence by the same S. W. abont 97 feet 6# inches to a stone, corner of said burial ground, thence by the same S. E. about lUsJ?pet to tbe place of begin • Tbe improvements are a good substantial double two-story stone dwelling, about 15 front, 30 leet deep, parlor 20 by. 27 leet, hall 7 feet wide, dining-room 15 by 17 feet on first floor. Three-story back buildings 13 by 20 feet, and one* story frame kitchen 13 feet square, adjoining. Many chambers,range in «he kitchen,gas through out, well of very superior water at the kitchen door,and not three miuutes walk from either steam or horse passenger cars. There are two frame stables, each lR by 20 feet, on the premises. The property i« delightfully shaded by old forest trees: there are also much shrubbery and boxwood. Three-fourths ol the purchase money may remain. - J ■ SlOO to be paid at the time of sale JAMES A."FREEMAN, Auctioneer,' fe25mh1,15 Store 422 Walnut st. ,ab. Fourth. ffei PEREMPTORY SALE—JAMES A. JKa FBEEMAN, AucUoheer. —On WEDNES DAY, M*rch,l6, 1£64, at 12 o’clock, Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, withorit reserve, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, viz: No. t. —2 DWELL INGS. U 23 and 1125 CATHARINE those two neat three story brick dwelling houses with tbe lots of gronnd thereunto beloaging.situZtg on tbe r orth.stde ot Catharine street, 18 feet west : of Florida street, Nos. 1123 and T 125, each 18 feet front. 57 feet deep, with the use of a three feet alley leading into Florida street. Subject to S5Sk gioond rents (redeemable) each. Will be sold separatelv. , No. 2'—TWO SMALL DWELLINGS AND LOT, No. 1212 FULTON street—Also a lot of gronnd on the south side of Fulton street 90 feet north of Catharine street (Third Ward), 18 feet front on Fulton street, and 146 leet deep to Catha rine street, narrowing to l foot front on Catharihe street. On the lot are a three-story brick dwelling house No. 1212'Fulton street, and a small dwell ing In the middle of the lot. B£F“- Clear of all incumbrance. V9T hale Peremptory. $5O, to be paid on each when the property i struck off. ' . „ JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer,', 15 Store, N0.,422 Walnut st. ab. 4th. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE—Estate Or. BSI TOBIAS PYLE, deceased. JAMES A. Andioneer. DWELLINGS, ME- S?.iS 10 lJ reet ’ nearCRESSON street, MANA }•j! R. Under authority of the Orphan’s Conrt’ I;’ 1 " e City and County of: Philadelphia, on' WEDNESDAY, March 16: 1861 at 12 o’clock, , neon, will be sold at Pnblic Sale, at the PHI LA.' DELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described Real Estate, late the property of Tobias Pyle, de ceased, viz: All those two certain messuages and lot ol gronnd, situate in the late borongh of Maua ynnk, on the southeast side of Mechanic street, 73 feet 7 inches from Cresson etreet, having a front on Mechanic street of 32 feet, and extending in length or depth between lines at right angles to said Me- , charic street about 38 feeVmore or less, to gronnd late of Benjamin E. Cautlet. Subject to a certain yearly gronnd rent of 834 so'payabla half yearly. tS~ On the above lot are one : tv story frame, and ohe sipgle 2v story stone dwellings. . • . $5O to be paid when the property is strnck off. By the Court, 1 „ _ WM. O, STEVENSON, Clerk O. U. ; MARGARET PAXSON, ) Exccu tors. JOHN PYLE, i , JAMES’ A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, , fe2s-mhl-45 Store, 422 Walnut street,, ab Athr ; RFAL ESTATE—JAMES A FREEMAN AT THREE-STORY : BRli’K DWELLING, No. 258. North ELEV-: ENTH alreet. On WEDNESDAY; March 16; ’ 1664, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be Bold at Pnblic s Sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following: described Real. Estate: viz. , All that lotpf ground with the three-story brick dwelling honceithereon erected, situate on the corner: of Eleventh and Griff Streets’,TH the Tenth Ward. lhfeet on Bley.- entb slreet, 53 feet on Graff street. Subject to s72’ gronndrent; ■ : . 10" $5O to be paid when the property is struck off. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, fe2s-mhl, 15 Store, 422 Walnut at above 4th, 1 Eal EStATE -SALES. \gg| ■' SALE— „SETH OBAIGE, deceased— Auctioneer.-t-EXTEN- f 1 ™ S^®?] ?v., I) T VEt ' LI NGS, BUILDING ;lyge Lots, suitable lor Man- -Coal ,Yards,, Ac., WASHINGTON avenue,,lltjt aii^.l2m streets, Second Titod. XJn dtr authority the Will of the' lata >m Crtpfcdk**,. will-be sJfd £y reserve, to. clo* the estate, At Public Sale, on WEDNESDAY, March. Noon, at the .PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE’ the Jollowing described Beal Estate, Nm i •to A .BUILDING LOTS,' Temnlo street,between 12th ‘and 13th. temple < Tbeoniiaing lot on the north side of Temnle jsirfet (whicdi l2th and 13th streets be .twcen.Carpenter street,had Washington' avenue! US fret east of 13th street, 16 feet front, 4G feet deep / The fctiUding lot adjoining the above on the eas! ... . j The h'DildlßgTDtTiortlf side of Teitiple street, 108 feet east 7 of 13th Street, of the same dimensions ; i The building lot north side oi Temple street, 283 jfeefc east of !3th street/ of the same dimensions; . The building lot adjoining on the east, 304 feet 'east of lath street/ of the same dimensions. ; Nos. fr-to 8, inclusive. THREE DWELLINGS, I v OS * 1014 and 1016 South Twelfth street. The ( three-story brick house, No. lM2 r and lot, on tb‘e : : vest side ot 12th street, below -.Carpenter, 15 feet 4 • i D^1 s «U ORt \ 76 * ftct.deep, with the privilege of a teauiDginto Temple street. > «,■,iotrick house adjoining the above 10 l*» °* **** same description ! including, on the rear, part of ' these lelt opett for the nSe ot The three-story *bnch, No. 1016, adjoining the above on; the south, of the same de scription and dimensions.' * ; Nos. 9to 11 inclusive. —THREEDWELLINGS, *lO2O, 1022 and .1024 South Twelfth street. , Tte three-Btdry brick dwelling and lot, No. 1020, on ihe west side of Twelfth street, below Carpenter street, J6?eet front, more or less, and 73 K feet deep ; to a 3 feet alley, leading from Albert to Temple : streets, of which it bas the privilege. The three-story, brick dwelling adjoining the above, on the south, No. 102?, 17 le«tfront, more 1 orrless, and the same In depth as the above. Ihe three-story f>r»ck dwelling house adjoining the above on the south* No. 1024, of the same de scription and dimensions. Nos. 12 to 14 inclusive.—VALUAßLE COAL YABD and VACANT LOTS, WASHINGTON avenue, above Twelfth street. A valuable lot of ground now used as a coal yard, on the north side of Washington .avenue or Prime street, 180 feet west of 12th street, 60 feet front and 95 feet deep to Albert street (2 fronts). With the lot are included, at the sale, all the improvements suitable for an extensive coaL.yard, among which ate counting house, platform scales,fencing,Bhede,rallroidtrack, &c. The lease will expire about first of July. The lot of ground adjoining the above on the west, 60 feet front oh "Washington avenue, and 95 feet to Albert street* .. The lot of ground adjoining the above on the -*we»t. 70feet front on Washington avenue, and 95 feet deep on the east line. at. right angles to Wash* ington avenue and. Albert street to Albert street, the front on Albert street being 84 feet. It adjoins a triangular lot which separates it from 13th street, 12 feet on Albert street and 26 feet on Washington avenue. Nos. 35 to 19inclusive—VALUABLE LARGE LOTS OF GROUND, Washington . Avenue, Eleventh and Twelfth Streets. ’. . A lot of ground at the northwest corner of Eleventh Street and Washington Avenue, having a front on each street, 100 feet. Three fronts. The large lot at the northeast corner of Twelfth Street and Washington Avenue, 100 feet front on each street. Three fronts. A lot of ground north side of Washington Avenue, 100 feet westwartfrof Eleventh Street, 57 feet Irontand 100 feet deep to\a 30 feet street, to be left 1 open for the use of the property bounding thereon. A lot of ground, north side of Washington Avenue, 100 feet eastward of Twelfth Street, 57 feet front* and 100 feet deep to the said 30 feet street. The lot of ground on the north side ofWashington A veuve, 157 feet westward from Eleventh Street, 57 feet front and 100 feet 1 deep to the said 30 feet street. These lots are admirably located for large manufactories, machine works, mills, ware houses, or any business requiring room. The railroad track in the centre of the Avenue, afforus great facilities, as the steam engines pass over if from the Baltimore Railroad to the Delaware. Eleventh Street is here 100 feet wide, ani the street improvements of every kind are completed. Nos.2Cand2l inclusive—TWO SHALL OWED* LINGS South TWELFTH street, above Wash-' ington avenue.—The three-story brick dwelling house and lot of ground on the east side of Twelfth street, 165 feet 0 inches north of Washington aye. nue, 15 V twt front, more or less, and 73% feet deep, with the use ota2w feet alley leadingjinto the said 30 feet street. Tue dwelling house h** apt been finished. The dwelling house and lot adjoining the abore on the south, 15. V feet front, more or less, and 73x feet deep, including the raid 2X feet alley on the rear leading into the said 30 feet street the ose of which is reserved to the property above. Nos. aa to 39 inclusive —IS BUILDING-LOTS. —One at the Northeast corner oi Twelfth street andtheeaid 30 feet street, 2t>x feet front more or less, 73X feet deep including on the rear end the 2 a feet slley, the use of which is reserved to the two properties north hereof. Fourteen Building Lots situate on the north side ot the said 30 feet street beginning at the distance of 73,feet eastward rf Twelfth street, and con taining in front, each 16 feet, and extending in depth, each 51 feet. On the two western lots is erected a brick stable, and on three of those in the centre is a dye-house Three Lots of Ground at the Northwest corner of Eleventh and the said 30 feet street, the south ernmost IS feet, the next, 17 feet, and the north ernmost 16 feet fronton Eleventh street, and73X feet deep. A 2feet alley Across the rear of the two southern lots to be left open for the nse of the three. cy Sale of the whole peremptory, to close the estate, ty Plan at the store. Terms of Sale—upon the dwellings, the lots fronting on 'Washington avenue, and the lots fronting on Eleventh and Twelfth streets, half the purchase money may remain if desired. S5O to be paid on each when the property is struck off. By order of Executors. JAMES A- FREEMAN, Anctidheer, fe2s.mal, 15 422 Walnut street, above 4th. M TRUSTEE 1 S PEREMPTORY SALE. Estate of ELIAS BOUDINOT, deceased JAMES A. FREEMAN. Anctioneefg-t6 STORES; AN D DWELLINGS-FIRST RATE BUSINESS LOCATIONS, ELEVENTHBELOW WALNUT AND NINTH ABOVE ARCH STREETS. —On WEDNESDAY, March 16, 1564, aL 12 o’clock, Noon, will be sold at Public Sale, without any reserve, to close the estate, at the PHILADEL PHIA EXCHANGE, the following' described Real Estate, late the property of Elias Bondinst, dec’d, viz.: Nos. Ito 9 inclusive 9 STORES AND DWELLINGS, ELEVENTH Street, below Walnut Btreet—All those nine three-atory brick dwelling houses, numbered severally 201, 203,205,: 207, 209, 211, 213, 215, 217,' and the lots of ground thereto belonging, beginning at the distance of 228 feet fix inches, more .or less/north of Locust street, and containing in front' each 15 feet lv Inches, and in depth SOleet to a 20-feetalley, called Burd alley. : Clear of all t'gcum&rance. ’ , ty Will be told separately. : Nos. 10 to 13 inclusive- 4 DWELLINGS, South ELEVENTH Street, below Walnut street.—All ; thoee four three-story brick dwelling houses and dhe lots of ground thereto Belonging, sitnata on the east side of Eleventh street, rul] lining the above on the south, and numbered severally 219. 221, 223 and 225. cohtainingtn front each 14feet Hi v inches and extending in depth 74 feet 4 inches to a 2X -feet alley leading into Locust street, of which they have theprivUege. ty The. rear 14 v feet of the southern house, No. 225, narrows 4 Ret. . ty Clear of aUinctim'ranee.. vy Will be sold separately. No. 14.—THREE-STORY BRICK DWELL ING, No. 1035 LOCUST Street.—A three story brick dwelling house with tt-e lot of ground there to belonging, situate on the nonh side of Locust street, 60 feet east of Eleventh street, No. 1030, i 4 feet 4 Inches front and 37 feet deep. ay Clear of every >ncnmbrance. ■ Nos. 15 and 16 — I TWO DWELLINGS, GOOD BUSINESS LOCATIONS, Nos. 14landl4o North NINTH-Street.—All those two three-story brick dwelling houses and the lots of ground thereto be longing, situate on the east side of Ninth street ad joining, now nnmbered 141'and 145, containing In front each 15 feet lox inches, more or less, and ex tending in depth 10 feet to a 52 feet street leading into Cherry street. ; i y Will resold separately. > sty The above properties are all clear of every in ciiv,iterance. Tie ternstof the different tenants will ex pire between Hay and September next. ■ tty Sale of the Whole Kstateperemptory. 850 to be paid-oh each when the property is struck:off.' r; .? By order of Edward j. O. Atterhnry, Trnstee. JAMES A. FREEMAN; Auctioneer, fe2s.mhl, 15 .No. 422 Walnut street. SSS REAL ESTATE. JAMES A. FREE fi!. MAN, Au ctieneer. -N EAT THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No 769 FLORIDA Street.' —On W EDNESDAY, March 16,1864, at 12 o clock,. Noon; will be Bold at Public Sale, at the PHILA-; DELPHI A EXOHANQiE,-the folio wing described Real Estate: All that neat three-story b. of ground thereunto belong* irig, situate oh tije east .side ot Florida feet south'of Fittwater street, in the Third_Ward of the city, 16 feet fronted* feet deep to Jessup street. Gasintroduced, range ui kitchen, ,bath' room, A A Subject toSSO ground rent. : 550t0 be paid wbenthaoroperty Is struck off, ■. „ JAMES.A FREEMAN, Auctioneer, . * fe25.m1.75 . Store.l22 Walnut st.y ab. ith CANARY SEED—TWENTY-FIVE BBLS Prime Canary Seed In store and for sale by WORKMAN *OQ-, No. D 3 Wain, street. I HSALE, BY QROEB OF ol HiOuOLASRITTEN-. : v .• *’ deceased-.,-JAMES A ! i ! Auctioneer, Vain able Track irT' DweUmgir,- Stod' •«#» Twenty. first ’wrrfte J -sold, without anv reserve. at t»hkh^ , c?ia' ! WEDNESDAY. March’' II 4 ■noon,, at: the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE’ the iollcwing described Real Estate, iat? nr .Nicholas Biitenhuuse,, deceased.'. No l' ? l7i? Acies,‘ Schoolstreet, Twenty.first Ward. A/cgrtain tract, of laud situate on the northwest side of Sqlidol sireM,.in the Twenty, first Ward, begidniug in the middle of a 50 feet street, leading to Wiesat .hickon Turnpike road, thence along the mlddlfe of ;the Ean>e, about 1671) feet,’ thence by No. 3. herein described N: i 3 deg., W. 130 feet.ltp the.middle o£ t“»issahickon Taropike; thence along' the middle of the same 313 feet inches to''land' of James Lord.'Ueh.'e SV 39 deg., E. 801 feet lit' inches to a thence s: 05 deg.,' Wi 414'feets. i?,t '®t 4 ° *».tpoe,llteA!» S. 34deg. lOmin. E. 944 feet “L School, trect. thence along, the eameitil irtt. 1 1-o ■ che ? 40 t“e Place of b-'ginLlng.' Cdntaln- S cre ?» iJSSi-? 21-niuths percres pflaod. .16 ACRES, SC fctOOHi Street* adjoinlngr. °. f lan . -•- a ■ . JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, , fe2s, ml, 15 Store. 422 Walnut street.'ahove4th; NB BEAL ESTATE—JAMES A. FREEMAN, IEJ AUCTIONEER.—IO ACRES, BRICK CLAY TRACT, HARRISON, I TAOKSON AND BRIDGE STS.—FBANKFORD, 23d WARD.—On WEDNES DAY. MARCH 16, 1564, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the PHILADELPHIA. EX CHANGE'. the following described Beal Estate, viz.: All that valuable tract of land.situate on the : south tide of Harricon ami Jackson Btreets, and west side of Bridge street/in the late borough of Frankford. row 23d Watd, having in front on Har rison street about 2Co.feet, on Jaokson street about 300 feet, and on Bridge street about .600 feet, and containing over 10 acres of land. Thls'tract adjoins the land of Mr. Baker, and op-’ posite the brick yard of Mr. Wm. Smedlv, whore there is a good deposit of brick clay. -Openings have also been made in this lot. Harrison streetia just above the Passenger B.R. Depot. > J)3~ Terms at sale. ~ . - sa *ff'J‘lan at the store. $lOO paid at the time JAMES A. REEMAN, Auctioneer, K 25, mh1,15 Store No. 422 Walnntst.. ah 4th. LIQUORS, AC. IS. WATERMAN, t , The only Manufacturer of ' WATERMAN’S GOCKTAU. . ■■■■ and ■ • . . . . TONIC BITTERS. Sold Wholesale and Retail,. No. 1106 MARKET / Philadelphia. fes-lm§ XTEA bJAKKUHO . CHAMP ACUTE CI DER, sf wholesale. Grocers mu* Shinnera' invited -to .examine.P. J.JORDAN,' S fc.. Street, below Third and Walnut streets. , - noV SUUTuii WtllSKiiy- -In .cases of one dozen .??„ COB ® 1 P?5 ent and for sale byGEO- lO and ;*2 South. Delaware avenn9.t£&Sß Jr. denton, • - • . : ” » 149 South Pront street, above Walnut ' : . ’ .. Golden Star Brand. i . ; , ’ _ Ay Grand Monsseox, SBANDIKg. PORTS andMADE! BAS. frnlt SOTLEBBandSHIPPERS, ATTENTION:— CHAMPAGNE CIDER, warrantad,now-Ul nne order for Shipping. For sale, wholesale only,' at aSO Pear at., below Third and Walnnt sts. nod C< A A barrele pure CHAMPAGNE OIDEH now OUU offaredfor sale, at 820 PEAR street, below nurd and Walnut. not