Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, March 01, 1864, Image 1

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    TfvV.V, r
'■-*?:** W'-
PEACOCK, Editor.
The Bpx&STni is aerYod ta Subscribers in th:
City at IS cents per week, payable to the carriers
Or >3 S> per annum.
aaMSquare, 1 Urns.* 3511 Square, a weeks.. S 3 33
$. Square, 1 time..,.. 50J1 Square, 1 month.. 5 ee
l Square, S Uinta.... 75|1 Square, 3 months. 806
1 Square, S times.... 1 60 1 Square, 3 months. 11 0(>
1 Square, 1 w»ek....l 75]1 Square, 6months.ie et>
Six Unas constitute one square: three lines or
lass half a square
Parity of Materials, 7
. Good 'Workmanship
' Low Charges.
1408 Chestnut street
KNIGHT—ALLEN— On the Ist instant, .by
Mayor Edward Knight, of this city,
toLizgieC., daughter of lien is min Allen, Eso.,
of Bristol, Pa. »
AEGHEB—In New York city, Feb. 2Sth, nit.,
Norman L, Archer, of Baton Rouge, La., aged 23
years, son of-Elils*S' and Mary *Ann-Archer, for
merly of Philadelphia.
His relatives and friends atld those of the fal
mily are invited to his funeral from the resi
dence of his uncle, John J. Robinson, No. 423
North Tenth street, oh "yPednesday, 2d instant, at
12 o' clock, M., without further notice. Inter
ment at Lanrel Hill Cemetery. it
HORN—At her residence in Flonrtown, Mont
gomery county, Pa., on the 28th Feb., Mrs. Ann
Horn, relict of the late Henry Horn, aged 71
The relatives and friends of the family are
particularly invited to attend the funeral from the
residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Franklin Ashby,
No. 991 Marshall street, oh Saturday next, at 10
o’clock, A. M. *#
PRICHETT—On Monday, Feb. 29tb, Margaret
Barclay, Infant daughter of Wm. C. and Meta
T. Pricuett.'
The relatives and friends of the family are
respectfully invited to attend her funeral-from her
father’s residence, No. 115. South Nineteenth st..
on Wed ncsday-morning, 2d~inst., at 10 o’ clock. *
Al opened bv
Mourning Store,.No. .918 CHESTNUT street.
N. B. Wholesale Booms on second door.
IvU Bine, Ltiaci and Brown Plaids.
Black and White, Brown and "White do.
India PJaid Silks, $1 per yard.
'Fourth and Arch streets.
Corner of BROADand 'WALNUT Streets
it for discussion THIS EVENING,
“Planting and Management ol City Gardens, it
• IkS are engaged in preparing Boxes of Clotlung
'to be forwarded to the snifefing' loyalists of East
Tennessee,-who-“have lost everything but honor,
-and—Suffered -..everything. .but., death.’-’ --.They
reameetly.solicit donations in money, materials or
-clothing, which may be sent to the CHUROH in
SECOND street, between Market and Arch streets,
-every AFTERNOON this week, from two to six
-o’ clock. Cannot every person in onr favored city
spare at least one garment. .Donations may also
be sent to Mrs. E. A.-Louder, 938 Pine streetr Alrs.
J. C. Hand, £3O, Pine street;’ Miss C. West, 1512
.Pine street: Mrs. Jesse Gcdley, 529 Arch
street. mhl-3t#
■4c;,v r 'Will be held at CLARKSON HALL,
©HERB Y, ; above Sixth street, on' FIFTH HAY
EVENING, 3d month, 3d, at 7# o'clock. Fail
attendance desired.'
. ; HILLVYN PABRISH, President.
Amos HiLLnonx, )
- Jos. M. Tr.rt.iA>', Jr., j Secretary. _ it#
.OaarcU Ist, JS«I. :
The-'State Medical Board of Pennsylvania
Militia will meet in Philadelphia on THURSDAY,
ment as Assistant Surgeons in Pennsylvania Reg.
intents. The object is to provide for vactncies
m. the recruited. regiments -which may require
additional Assistant Surgeons.
the 20th of Marcn next and continue in session at
JJeast eight days, to examine candidates lor appoint.
Physicians in good health, furnishing satlsfaci
.tofy testimonials of their industry, sobriety and
loyalty will be admitted to the examination.
The rooms in which the examination will take
place will be indicated in tbe city papers on the
day of meeting.’ Bv order of the Gorefnor,
Surgeon General Penna.
has received tUe followin
Henry C. Lea, S5O 00
A.. 8. C.,, 20 00
Lindley Smyth, 800 00
E. S. AVhelen, ' ICO 00
Mrs. IV. Bncknell, ICO CO
Abigail (Food-win, 500
Benj. Bullock, 10 00
Bev. J.Gord. Max
O. D. Cooper,
Thos. Garrett,
Barnham, ICirkham
& Co., -• 230 00
•C. L. G , 5 00
o., 23 00
Ked wood.Warner, 100 00
Henry Blackaller, SCO
Geo.D.-pairish&OoSOO CO
'Hancational, - ioo 00
™ • Schxaeder, ■;
s- £> T 100 00
x. H. JLegee, 5000
Settle, 5000
ir t ij - Joll n6on 100 00
n-n'nf ege . ar ’ J 100 01
S' D s 0 k. Veland > 25 00
' sichara'snarp, 5® “
Bethany MUstonfor °°
‘ Thos. Kimber, j r . ,
(2d contribution) l«s oo
Joseph Lea, 05 oo'
Church of the Cru-.
ciflxion,perßev. .... 1
- J. B. Moore, . is 00l
John Wright, 1.501
B. Pittman, 3 00
30 00
John Skirving, -10 00]
"3 ladies,per JW W' 2'ooi
-- _ Previously acknowlei
i t 3ts Treaa. penna. Fri
0^ Vd d S e v r iP J Tf following
Fourth National Bank - y electe< * Directors of the
■ A. O. Boberts, wSi hSmS’v
At a meeting of the Board, held this
■P.HAMM, .Esq., waTinaoimoMWawH,’
dent, and SAMUEL J. MacMDLlan
SAMUELJ ' “‘W 5 "
. ** --t . .Cashier. '
«m» fmrauiua gratmitoiuly to tu» »o«. aSy
TION.—The Treasurer
ig contributions since last
Daniel Neall, $3OO 00
Collection Presby
terian and United
i Pres. Churches,
i (xilgal, ..Indiana
> county. Pa., 67 50
> Billings, Roop&Co, 50 00
James S, Cox, 100 00
Jos Mendenhall, 10 00
Moravian Church,
| Nazareth, Pa., 1700
[Rev. .Geo. Morris, 40 00
[■JohnS. Haines, 100 00
[John Ashurst, joo 00
r. Kimber, Jr., 125 00
A member of Christ
vUle, Pa., per
Rev. J. F. Ohl, 10 00
Mlbb Mary Boyd, 30 00
S. Flanagan, aoo 00
A. Gr. Oattell &
Co., 200 00
E. A. Bonder & Co, 100 00
Fred.- Brown, 50 00
a. a. 5 00
A P. Randolph, 50 00
Mary J). Brown,
trustee, ' •’ 500 00
sharp, Weiss A Co 100 00
B P. Hnht, 100 00
Miss N. B Peters 50 0J
J ll ®- ®! Peters, 50 00
, 25 00
Thro'H B »ur.t!M w
s?vS??* Unsaiiao 00
b p J 4 ' * : 25 00
Ri-IjOXiey. 500
Qeo B.Woed, so 00
Adriend atAb-
Tngton, 5 oo
, • \ ■..'Sfl.OH-00
1ged...,.......30,473 08
. 533.491 08
sdmeu’s Belief Assec’ n.
Arrival of the Steamship
American Affairs in Parliament.
Progress of the War in Pchleawig,
Late* t N ewe of 'tie Pirate Alabama.
New Yobk, March I.—The steamer Bremen
from Southampton, With datesto the! 17th iilti,
has arrived. .■■■
The Canada arrived out on the Isth, the City
of New York and City of Limerick on the 17 th,
and the Germania on Ihe 17th. • \.'
High gales Were prevalent on the English
coast. : ~ ■
The seizure of the Tuscaloosa at the Cape of
Good Hope Is confirmed.
In the House of. Lords, Earl Russell proVed,
by a comparison of dates, that the Govern
ment’s decision as to detaining the Birkenhead
iron rams was not influenced by any represen
tations made by Mr. Adams.
In the_ House or Commons/Mr. Peacocke
gave notice of a motion as to the dcmandfor
compensation made by the United States for
injuries done by the Confederate cruisers.
Earl Russell said in the House of Lords that
as to the claims for damages done by the Ala
bama, the. Government considers itself in no
way responsible, and no hope is held out for
changing the policy respecting this.
The rebel loan is quoted at 51a58; Illinois
Central advanced 3; United States s’s de
At the Pa. is Bourse Rentes had declined to
GOf. Cue.
Le Nord denies that a French army of ob
servation will be.placed on the frontier. - - ;
The Sixth Prussian Army Corps is mobilized
and quartered in Lansitz.
It is officially announced that a Council of
Ministers will open on the 18th at Wurzburg.
The Italian Parliament has resumed its sit-,
tings. The armament ot the National Guards
is hastened, and large quantities of war mate- i
rial have been forwarded to Ancona and Bo
logna. _
The Austrian Reichsrath has closed." The'
Emperor said: «In conformity with the■
lederal Diet, I, as a German I’rince, have
taken part in the Federal execution and,inebh-’
cert with Prussia, occupied Schleswig as a’
pledge.” • - i
The Revolutionists.have expelled the'officials,
from Tondera. Prince Augustenburg.'hasi
been proclaimed at Apenrade. ■’
The Copenhagen Privy •Council has resolved ■
to devote the whole strength of the nation to
recover Schleswig. Mortars have been piicfid
tofshell the Dane&at Diippcin. ;
The Prussians occupy Friedrichsort.
A Prussian heavy artillery battery has gone
to Holnes, from where Flensburg harbor and*
Diippeln intrenebments can be bombarded. }
Loudon, Wednesday noon, Feb. 17—Con
sols, 91| a 91j for monev. -
_ v - THE ALABAMA. ,
Bombay, Jan. 29, per;Bremen.—The pirate
steamer Alabama is off the west coast of India.
She has burned the ship Emma of New York;
[This is probably the ship Emma Jane,which
was reported at Bombay, Dec. 26th.].
BosTOjf, Peb. I.—The following is an extract
from a letter written by an. American shipmas
ter, dated Singapore, Jan. 3 r The Alabama
came here last week, coaled and steamed into
Malacca Straits. I think she will go round
Sumatra into Sunda Straits, again up the China
Sea and oyer to the California coast. She has
111 men on board, but all are discontented.
There were many deserters here,notwithstand
ing the watch of the officers with loaded re
volvers. ■
There are about six Southern men on board
and the carpenter is a Massachusetts man. She
has completely stopped American commerce
in the East. Our vessels are lyingup in all the'
ports. Some are being sold at moderate prices.
The ship destroyed may be the > Esmeralda,
from Calcutta for Bombay,
The_Danish frigate Neiljael left Ply month on
the ljth Jan. The Captain announces the
intention of seizing two'Austrian brigs there, i£
cangbt three miles outside of the coast. Two’
Bremen barks and one Prussian bark were
also in the harbor. The course the frigate!
took will place her in the track of all mer
chant vessels going up and d6wn the channel j
while a continuance of this course will fctke her
near Brest, where there is the 'Prussian frigate
Thetis, an encounter with which the Danish’
officers had been constantly referring to while
Apexbade,- 'Jan, 16*—The Austrian head
quarters are here. 1 The Prussian headquarters
are transferred to Gravestem. There' are indi-'
cations on the part of the allies to enter .Jut
■AlionAj Jan. 19.—The Austrian civil com
missioner,in a speech at Flensburg,stated that
all the : wishes of the Schleswig-Holsteiners
be satisfied, although a personal union
of the Duchies with Denmark could not be!
given up.
Stockholm, J an. 10. —Sweden does not sup
port the proposal of an armistice. Neither
does she recommend the withdrawal of the
Danish Novemtfer constitution.
StioßiDj Jad. 16<—A bill has been brought
into the Cortes calling ont 35,000 men. : ,
Liverpool Cotton Market.— The Gales for the
last two days have been easier, with a downward
tendency, and quotations are barely maintained.
Sales to speculators and for export 2,500 bales,
f“ e advices from Manchester are unfavorable, but
™^ B^ Te ? rn3, Breadstuffs heavy, witha down
-2?f?“ tendency. Provisions dull. Lard' dull.'
yonsols for money 91a9l v.‘ . ' n ;
do ‘“fefleld, Nash * Co., and Bigland, Atiiaya A;
Aj n onr very dull, and tending down
forWinSr h< 5 t i s d JJ“ hut easier at ea.ld.afs.9d.
Mixed assrJfio'n. P'S?* heavy and declined. 6d.:
Sy £;?' Beef steady. Pork/quiet and
qu?et!' Timawin*^*. 6 .?,, I niet - Butter
received: y l he places named, has been
Halifax, ‘ N?W.
Be=lS d ’ 11;
IS: g£Sv
KS»» asp,
_ ___ 34 ;
Elsctbd.—Dr. Thomas George Morton ' hni
J’®‘Xfit oted Surgeon. totUe Pennsylvania Hosnitar
JuKKr created by
TUESDAY. March 1. 186^
.. • ■ "' l TEE. ' '
'' ' [Covrespondenco of the N. T. Tribune.]
Oh Board Cosmohoi-itan, H'obpital Ship, is
Head, S. c.. Feb:22 r lBM.—T)n Thursday, Teb.
Oen. Seymour and his staff left Jacksonville,
and reached Baldwin,. 22miles distant the same
evening. Here lie tad established au importaat:
oisnppliesfor the army he woe leading into
r, e . fj this pomp the two rtiilroads of'
rlorida cross each other. Gars had been placed
on uie track; and a' locomotive was in a forward.;
- state of reconstruction for service on the road from
JacKsonyille..rljarge amounts ol food* ordnance
and clothing had been hauled up to Baldwin by
horse-power. Here, too, the tbriee-blessed San
rary'Commission had a store of comforts and
necessaries for wounded men. It was a place of
no natural strength. Important only as.the jiinc
; tion of the railroads, it had been seized and rudely
fortified. Might chcvaux dc fvitt of fir-branches
■ had been made, and a few block, houses and rifle
pits were hastily prepared.
Fyom Baldwin, on the morning of the 19th Feb..
General and Ilia staff iaoved forward to
Barber’s Station,l2miles further, near the rail
road. -Here were encamped the bnead- com
manded by Colonels Barton, Hawley and Mont
gomery. In the immediate neighborhood also,
4Uth Massachusetts Mounted Infantry,
i? 1- ~e nrZ ’ ’be Independent Battalion of Massa
■ ®“? ISB2® 1 S8 2® CaT!dl ?’ Dnae r Major Stevens, and the
artillery, consisting of Captain Hamilton’s, Oapt.
Langdon’s and Captain Elder’s Batteries, as well
c H on 01 3d Itbo<le Island Artillery. In
all, the force amounted to about 20 cannon, 400
cavalry and 4,500 infantry. This was intended to
operatesgainst an enemy whose strength was re
53’°?? nien; under General Gardiner
Gardner), who was said to have recently ar
rived from Georgia, in order to defend the Pasture
of 018 Confederacy from the
invasion of the Union army. ■
Onthemonungofthe‘imb, ai abont 9 o’clock,
me troops set out to find the enemy,- moving in
lines, almost parallel to the road. Itwas in
tended to reach Lake City the fol'owingday, unless
the enemy should dispute the way,-' The route
was through the unvarying pine-forests of the
country, over immense levels -where only the
pixea and the sandy soil coold bo seen, or through
swamps impenetrable to the eye or foot of man.
On Monday the army arrived at Sanderson, a rail
road station, surrounded by a few houses, in
habited by tnrpentine-tanners. Here tbe most
positive statements were made as to the large force
that awaited the Unionists, net more than tan miles
The residents predicted that our men would re
turn before night, and get there in more of a hurry
“•y •I*®* pressed forward. Again
the devoted soldiers formed, and set out in three
columns, keeping, aa- oefore, near the railroad
teack. Ihe column on the right was led by Col.
Barton, of the 48lh Hew York, in command of his
brigade, consisting of the 47tb, 40th and 115th Hew
York regiments. Tbe.column In th. centre was
made up ofthe cavalry, under Major Stevens, the
mounted infantry, under Colonel Out Y: Henry,
the 7th Connecticut, Colonel Hawley," and the 7th
New Hampshire, Colonel Abbott. The left was
commanded by Colonel Montgomery, under whom
were the Mth Maseachusetts, Oelonel Hallowell, |
the let North Carolina, Ueut-.001. Beed, andSih '
U. S. Yds., under Colonel Kriblev.
■ About aiv miles from Sanderson the.rebel pickets
were driven in by cur cavalry, and fell beck upon
their main forces, posted between' swamps about
tvro miles from Cluslee, a railroad station ten -
miles beyond Sanderson. .Tbe railroad intersected
their position " Iheir line rested upon the right :
on an earthwork, very low and slight, and pro-'
tected by rifle-pits. In their centre they were de
fended by a swamp. On their left was a slight
elevation concealed by pines, among which their ‘
cavalry-was .drawn up.. On the railroad track a t
battery was placed to operate.against the left ot
our line, oi; capable of being turned against the
;centre. A rifled gun was mounted on a truck, and
commanded the load. Sharpshooters swarmed In
thepine-tsps. .
dl ° rc bels for onr troops
to occupy, and which, they did occupy duxteg
the temporary exigencies of tbe occasion, was be
tween two swamps; that one In our front pie-
Tamed a charge upon the rebels’ front—that one
behind was. to impede our retreat. -The railroad
could only be reached by going up to the waist In
water or by an immense detour. To fall away
irom the railroad was to cut ourselves offfromour*
reserves; which were coming up on the left of the
track,, and to endanger the safety of our: train, ;
which, also, was mar the reserve. Nothing
could have been better planned or more etviUv !
acquiesced in than'was this whole scene. Oen
Seymour accepted the issne justns it stood, pushed"
his guns Intoposition upon low ground about 80’
yards from the nearest rebel battery, and saw his'
gunners and' their horses shot down with un
matched equanimity. ““
The 7th New Hampshire had so deadly a Are
poured into their, ranks that thsy broke and fell
back in confusion. Dissatisfaction and want of
confidence had been created in the regiment bv
cepriving.lt of the ••Spencer Bepeat.ng Bifle,”
and the Issue, instead, ofthe bpiingfleld muskets.
In bad condition; some lacking locks, others
rosted, or wanting screws, proper springs, or
otherwise useless. Unahle to protect themselYee
With these enrions weapons, ene wing of the regi
ment gave way, and could not be rallied. The
i„olher wing, which had retained the ‘‘Spenber”
arm, rexaained until they had expended their
ammunition, and their officers could sunnlv no
more. Then they withdrew to the rear, and the
till (colored) U. S. Y-, commanded by Colonel
Frihley, was pushed forward to stead the brunt
ol the enemy’s Are.
minutes 350 men, including the Colonel
(killed], were stricken down by the storm of bul
lets. They were withdrawn, and the lete did not
again offer any vigorous resistance to the enamv
Meanwhile, on the bright and centre, persistent
efforts were made to crush la onr linea. A rapid
cannonade ■ and concentric fire was
poured in. The cannon-shots generally crashed
oB ejhe tr«.s, and brought down among:
*v® m the rear branches
•ft. : pin«e, to inflict ' rratutums
injuries, upon the helpless men and their at
tfnd&ikt .Burgeons. tThree times successive!* did'
Hr. Adblftfaje*: Chief MediJaJ
Army ot Fiorida.xrder the removal of the "field
hospital* still further tp, the rear. The enemy’s
sharpshooters on the opposite side of the railroad,
in the tree tops.or the long grass, poured in bnllets
upon the bleeding fugitives; and Bucoeeded in
rnaking it necessary to remove the wonnded eight
miles away to Sanderson. .
The stream of disabled men naturally took the
railroad track ns the easiest path from thebattle
f 8 J d - ,V? seen enemies pursued them. The spite
fol bullets whistled near them. Many were thus
killed: among others, Ocl. Fribley of the Bth U. S.
Colored; who was being removed from the scene
by one. of bis Lieutenants, when both were mor
tally wonnded
• The centre stood firmly until desired to tall back
in order to give the batteries a better and more ele
yated position. Captain Hamilton, with Battery
M, 3d XL S.. Artillery, lost two Parrott guns by
tbe death of bis men and horses, after fighting con -
tinuously for an hour and a hall. Captain Lang
den*,‘ of the Ist U. S. Artillery, lost three brass
Napoleon guns in the same way. First Lieutenant
t. Eddy, of the 3d U. S. Artillery, received a
wound in his leg,and First LieutenantT.MeCroe,
of Battery Ttl, Ist U. S. Artillery, was-also
wounded. Captain Hamilton rwas wounded in
the arm. [
Desperate assaults on the Union right failed to
drive in the h ave 115th New York, holding the
extremity of the-line. Colonel-S. Sammiss was
wounded in the loot, Major Walrath’s shoulder-
Btrap was cut away by a bullet. As an instance
eu^n^eoj; s ** l endnred < Company F maybe
men brcn K“ t into the fight,
th Tfo*vifle!o3!i ‘wenty.nihe wounded. '
But the details of the slauehter must. k*» innfrrd
for among the lists hereafterto Only
medical staff. On the battle.fiem
dea:T brothers, molst jf whom are
dead.. In; the,mercy-of Providence, -the nights
have been frosty of late. Cold latoe\eBtkind'of
wea her for wounded_men while thevarewtSiiiSi
• The 47th and. 4Bth, .Mem-on SSS&,
47th are Cam. Henry
tSS&wtth toi
Mont* n b y rat lroaa 1 fhe re,
c^->*§n^4S t 8 !**s
cheer.” Thej—were I 'lK}*®^ ei l? ln Srst al
! Carolina, (cotaldl & T'sZ*?nT"3 ia ‘-' let
s inarid, ~V~r aea **'»^o** 0 ** lit c^m-i
■ m a deatrnettye*flr? : ’nX?’■''“d Ppured :
Bortally woraded. ' - Their Majo?, -fiS^?“feU
wenndtd belors at Malvern Hills eOtnhSE??’
~s££2*t bnt »■»««£TSPr! unury*
I«u?SMh» S 9 11 ? him * Hi>lde utenant Ooloneif
hiS^ D i g « tbe */ embraced him; and Imv'tevh
retest” The i^° b ° , - P “c»'rfd r topSitJ tfrtSi
S-g- JgJ® &
mounted infantry and S£
Seymonr arrived on sSndayVpM.. lid S2Sl
anragesaents for the evacuation. of the place and*
the burning of the stores. He also d„
w“^°\ o^ he P ro P e£t y of one neigh!
teclion Vl Y ho bai son E bt and oblalnodpro
•hongone over to the enemy with in
t?^oiA° n -, The wounded men who had'beS
brought so far, or had. painfully marched hither
10 *"?-«■« “dTnt'down £.
10 be ,tustaally transferred to the Cos
m¥K!vm!’w plac £ d “ hospitals at Jacksonville
Car!l?iM h s! ' a ?? us * t , t *' ■which, with the Ist. N.
for™!?. ’ *• trul J sa»d to have saved the
SawS“<L r ° nt ’ lostaboat9omen wounded
. The.o are not fewer than 1,200 men, white and
ThiL*’ lo,tto tbe army by this heavy calamity.
This moment ot grief is too sacred for anger. The
!h2?** b ?-.f t ' ,a ® be * 10 lbe planners cr leaders or
hereafter develop itself; Gen.
will himself superintend the Security of
rs,u h , l'mf regiments. There are force/ in
enough to hold the place. Not all
the regiments thereabout were in the fight. Be-
Inforccments for the Department ef the South .are
hSjh?? daily at Hilton Head. It is a dearly
famf disaster 1 fcr US ’ but notan over whelming or
tuh CasuatTiaa in thb Sth tjuitzi) stats*.
[Correspondence of the N. Y. Tribune!]
« nd .y° n a list ot killed and woinded
°J cth State# colored troops at the battle
olOln.tee, Fla., Fob. 20, ISCI.
’ Tb . er * ■»«« threo Color Sergeants shot down.—
tbe last on# was shot three times before he retin
qnlshed the nag ol his country. His name was
Samuel C. Waters, Company C, and his body
sleeps where he fell. The battle-flag carried by
Taylor, was borne through the fight with
!$? >9 n\. tan . <) ’, aI '* r tharittht one was nearly shot
on. The reoels fired into the place where the
wounded were being attended to, and their cayalry
was about making a charge on it just as the Slth
rjihJtd n ** tta * ppeared cn the field, when they
vOrri'csEe Kiixbd.-CoI. Chas. W. Fribley;
tdent. Gouldsborough, Co. D. J '
°r»u uKBWoßapan-llajo r L. Buirltt; Cant.
£ E - Wa * on "’<&
Wowjinan-COMVASY A—Nelson Bush, D. Bell,
Theodore WUey, WmDaTit, J.H. BuckmaMer,
Isaac Buckmaster, Lemuel Simmons, William -
Edwards, G«o.JPebhlntt6n, A. Young, George
Bobinton, C. Doruy, John XJcker, John Slezer. i
.Tames .Ctchii>T,, Wlin,n' TtragHen
Killko—COMPksr A Sergeant A- Harms.
Jacob HoUiaswortb, Jos. Nelli t, Jos. Jackson.
Wm. Jennings. Alex. McGraw. ’
Wovanjov-CoMrasr B—Sergeant L. McKen
ale, T. A. Barnett,E. Greger, J. Boyd, JSergeint
A. Martin, Sergeant B. Chancellor, Isaac J
Boyd, H. ConoTtr, Z. Carbeny, Jos. Ford, John
Fiiber, Calrin Hasal, J. Hamar, Thoa. Loyd,
John Thompson, W. H. Wilton, W. Collins.
KlLLxn—CosirasT B.—H. Thompson, William
James, Willism Lewis, Bradley Gregot, Charles
Johnson, E. D. Taneamp, Sidney Charles, James
p A * T ®—George Alexander,
sawyer B?l ’ Isalc lonllc > George Postley, Geo.
Wopitmro—ConraxT C—Samuel Gibson,
Simon, Corp. E. Thorn, W. H. Jackson.
Lewis Thomas, Absalom Sill, Andrew James,
?n P w“ r ?' Jol V nSOI, > .9.- Shitrp- o. Sippe, Sergt. H.
Whedon, James Bias, James Hall, Isaac Brown.
O —Color Sergt. Samuel
Waters, William Wright. C. Polk. *
JfiiPPtso—CovrAtrrC.—S. Christen.
Worxukn— Compast D._W. Boyd, Sergeant
LtJi J. Tailor, John Sipple, Robert Jackson,
£>.»** Sill, sergt. Henry AThompson, John
Williams U. Scott, A»ca Boyd, Wm Robinson,
™-H' Harris, S. Creen, B. GroSn, S. Thomas,
W. Chandler, P. J. Craig, Theodore Johnson, J.
Hogan, John Townsend, James Sibbet, H. Clark,
in S' na y,?i, W i, Shg rp. Peter Miller, Andrew
W. Hnms, Caleb Either, Abraham Harris; Wm.
H. Keffd, J. Havwood.
n 3^ L f D^ C ? :ii : A * Y ®—Swgt. D. Mortimore,
»igt. J. G« Jackson, W. A. Scott, J. K. Parker,
Alexander Whittaker, James Anderson. George
Urawlord, Wm. A. Gregg, Che. Htaeona, Charles
Fedtiyman. H. Lockwood,
worupio—Compact E.— F«veant Appietoa-
Erans, fcerjt. Cba*. Conn, Capt. John Clitfrord,
m * 7ci3 * p > Jackson Sam’i Newman.
g*™* 0 ?°^ ard » tha ’ Ifti'ler, Wm. Collin*, t*.
Sw>n*rial 1 fcaTd ’ J * B ‘ H. Jacobs,
H?m£? >_t< * P -‘ KT T ~ A - KuUar > T - D, SS»- b -
Coin*ANT F. —Wm. C. Hall, Joseph
J?hß Fields, Corp. H. Hutchinson, Wm.
y i if° D J Charles Wilson, E. Wapples, Geo. Wll
w”imms°H"sadd!S' n,! ’ Hlibt - Towns * nd - Ch “-
T Comtast F. —Sergta. J. H. Conrad,
w John Walker, John Johnson, B.
WoSS? 1 ' Bradley, Rosier, B. Good.
vvocHMD-.posirAav &.—Sergt. jas. Fayette/
TO rp ',vK h “ J )' aU * r > MilU)n Frank. Lewis Biown,
Vln -Chandler, H.M. Johnson, Albert-Thomp-!
son, B. Haines, Charles Hue, Charles Hill. - ?
WouxnuD—CoxPA«y H—L. Sobriskey, E.
Adams, Darld Overton, Sergt. W. H. Brown. H
Cerdner, W. H. Kenney, Wm. Wren, George l!
Hill, Sergt. E. Adams, Thomas Green. m
MEM? Thomas Benedict;
IVotjxnßD —Compant I Henry Scudder An.
E. K. McKim, Wm. Wallace, B~
liurea, Corp. Silas Simms, Wesley Green, George
Gon° o H.^an n Fl,lds ’ J° h »Yonug, Samuel Jack-
KiLLxn— Covtaxt I—Sergt J. Jackson, Corp.
WhK, Samuel Miller, O. Annan. *
W ocn dud—Compart K.—John H. Green, Har.
risen Tdman, Sergt. Nelson Beaumont, William
jonesjForesterStandlon, Jno Wilson, Gao. Ban
Gem H. Kelley, Sergt. H. Carry »Isaac
Becket, Joseph Whitten, Ogden Huff Tiariiwl
Washington, Corp. Ohas* Hubb^.W^.
KiLLm—Company K,—John Carl, Amos Huff,
son ’ G*°rge 'Wlllet, Fleming Dcvan,
§ -£r“ < i D ’ Sernly, Bichard Collins,
Benjamin Wooley, Elijah Little, Joseph Thomp-
recapitulation. .
. . Officers. Enlisted man. Total.
Wounded...... , 8 jkj- 161
Killed,, .....a ‘ 63 65
JACxeoKVTLLR, Fla., Feb. 25, IS6l.— The Die-;
tator, Captain Blakeffian, a new,' fast, comfortable:
boat, leaves to-day for HUibn Head, wlth nearly.
two hundred and fifty wounded men,, who will be
placed in the general hospitals at Hilton Head and
• Beanfort. . Surgeon Craven, Medical Purveyor of
the Department ImscliaTge of Uie -. . i.
Gen. Yogdes and staff arrived here yesterday, i
His posit! nia not announced, but it is supposed
that ne will take charge of the defences of Jackson
ville and also act as second in command of the'
Major T. B. Brooks, of General Gillmore's
staff, has just returned lrom an expedition up,the
St. Marys for lumber. He went up from Fernan
dinaonthe 15th on the United States transport!'
John Adams, Harrlet A. Weed,lsland City-, Beau ■'
fort and Nelly. Baker, with the mortar sohodne
jpara, Capt. Furbur.: Major Pennypack,., with a
detachment of three hundred men of the- 97th
.. Pennsylvania, Colonel H.R.GUBB,-: commanding ;
marched overland, and reached the lumber
mills ee unexpectedly to the enemy that thsi"
[Correspondence of the N. Y, Herald;]
bulletin build:
£, i fS?H J wer ?. nnablfl »o Are the lumber, aatbev
ia« r^L < J ere<l , to bo,n 0(180 of an approach. "When
Slafro?^ 11 “
S m M fi t Kill ?' s Ferr y “ illß -' ora Mf
«4“d, feet and° r sS3 , T r be reU now P^o’rtb^ 1
llfrtt«t olk ? n K hnl ‘ dred doUar s per tboulSur X
jl*£l s *\” nis h with arebel picket new Ihe min £T
1 lbnrUB 8 waa all tbe opposition met with *
firht at oiuitee! .““ report 3 recelTed.from the
ti onary' Mr Ttl“'U'Jtont of tbe expedi- ]
Tt\x Cemmissioxl?; mak P, mte s Sta,es
“^forafcah,? d°wn'Si'e lmnber? berman '
placed across the 7 8ar 8601,88,1
ascent of bur nays! yessehT - t0 pre . v ®nt *a
freshes and' lodged e^A a late
Major Sterens’s cavalry battalion made a raid
££5“JS£ f t W since an* a n”m- ;
toe main fendes inthis
quarter of the country. Coloceli Qingh mth,
' waslBoWn B afte™hbn*
topgallant Major’ b movements werrtoo rapid.
aDd bis command, afterra- long march- and £ter
saMyret“ r nti ompUBiiiße tbe ob i eots toe rad,
Marshal, wiih one company of nicked
toslrortieih Massachusetts,.stax.wi from
Sem'fro^'L,®® 5^’I '''^’^ B e^my^dtojTe
s?"rs-isr’s“ * «-»«“
took a position in tbe main im 1
* liB k £ bar^? c 2 de ‘' they secerned
tbe enemy, who rushed confidently up to capture
*a‘d ®2JL me 5L u,ed toe Spencer repeating
rifle’with deadly effect, and after s>. short contest
?o=.V‘i, he a llen ‘ Ta '^ ajr - In confntiom Tbe rebels
lost forty horses and about that number of men,
and werenot again seen. After holding the town '
for over fifty boon, Captain Marshall destroyed ,'
the remainder of the. rebel stores sad. came safety ;
fnl^ff° rber ’ S ‘ I±w “ amott-gaUaacand snccess. i
The na-ral fcrce in the tixaT opposite .Jackeon-
Tillecoim.u of the P»inw>,Coomaadar Gsorge
th » Ituha-tric, Commander
Craigbton, the Ottawa* Ldeotenant Commandee-
Bruee, and Norwich, All are well on board.
«a m TH * ®y orriof DAT
* ISfiL, 3C 3 ,, IV p. M.. 330
Minimum TtmMrutum durlur Hoik. su=
Weatiitx momog—'Wlad North»a«t.
T St»-
Stmst Culuiikg Dkpa*tksxt Str.
Mahloa H.liickiiuon yesterday entered upon his
duties as Chief Inspector oJtboSfreou, andE. B
AlclloweU was appointed Clerk or the Eepart
atl* Chief reieived authority from
tne IcrnmiUec- of Councils to employ as manr
cart#, laborers, eic.» as be deems proper, and he
commence bis work in a few d&T#
That the #trr*u will receive a thorough cleaaiar
in a •hort spate of time, tfi ere is not the least doubt
Asofltclent nuihhtr of carts to hare the work
done immediately hare already; been fcDgaied. It
was the antentien of Mr. Dickinson ta ha ye com.-
' B^ e ?- c *r' . o P eratloaa thia morning, bat the snow
stotm haslnterfered, with his arrangements Tha
.first thin«: to, claim the attention of the new In
spectOT wiir be .the removal of the ashes, which
nave been a source of annoyance to our citizens for
so long. Soma of the smaller streets In the lower
part of iho city are almost blocked up by ashes
thrown there from the houses, and the larger
thoroughfares large piles of ashee scattered
along llle jn. Mr. Dickinson is determined to dis
f^£ hl# S xm £* C3refalI y» and if well supported
"•.*■«« «"*&»«.
Bsichbr os Awebica ast> ExGtAsp The
Academy of Jiutic presented a brilliant and in
teresting appesrarce last evening. The second
lecture of the Bev. Henry Ward Beecher, delivered
in that noble building, was attended by an audi
ence at once large and intelligent Every availa
ble seat appeared occupied, and hundreds patiently
stcod in the aisles of the parquet circle, listenin'-
with a silence that showed the intense interest and
attention of-the audience, broken only by the
hearty rounds of applause with which his more
j ointed remarks were received. The subject of hi'
discourse was “America’s Message to Great Bri
mm. ’ We have previously published in the
AiuiLvrixAlr. Beecher’s'stirring remarks on this
subject. , The lecture of last evening was in a strain
somewhat similar to that already laid before our
leaders. We need only add that the discourse of
last evening was me of the most thrilling ever de
livered by Mr. Beecher, and ihat it is calculated
io do great good, particularly in Europe, at this
A Boi.b RnßcruTTwo men went into the
flag-making and pair ting establishment or E. H.
nrray, on North Fifth street, yesterday after
noon, and inquired for the proprietor. The at
tendant, a young man named John Dougherty,
replied that he was not in. One or the men thin
asked how gold leaf wae placed upon the silk
flags. The young man Said he wonldshqw him.
and, as he turned to gel some gold leaf, one of the
strangers struck him a violent blow on the back of
the head, which felled him to the floor. Dougherty
remained insensible for some time. "When he re
coyered he ascertained that he had been robbed of
ail the money he had,being about si GO. Tbe rob--
bars carried off a few other articles, and. ont the -
fields of a number of silk flags. j
Philakelphia Dental College. At Con
cert Hall lott evening the commencement of ■ this
Institution was held. '• The graduates'who were
honored with the Degree of the College were Win
A. Breen, Pennsylvania; Wm. P. Henry, Penn
sylvania; Bichard J. Hoflher, Pennsylvania; H.
E. Khon, Massachusetts: 'Wm. S. Miller, Massa
chusetts; Ambler Tees, Pennsylvania. The vale
dicrnry.was delivered by O. A. Kingsbury, D. D.
De’ntjstry 110 * of Den,al Physiology and Operative
■ ■ Anothik Snow Stomi.—The first day of
spring Is rather stormy. Before daylight this
morning snow commenced falling, and the white
flakes hare been coming down quite briskly all
day.. The house, tops and streets again appear in
their winter garb, but the weather is moderate, and
to morrow there will be plenty ot slush and and
in the streets.
Stealing Wood.—Gwen Trainer was ' ar
rested last night upon the charge of stealing wood
from a wharf above Dock street. He is also alleged
to ha've assaulted officer Haines who made the ar
rest. The accused had a hearing- this morning be
fore Alderman Beitler, and was committed in de
fault ©l sl*ooo bail to answer.
Fatal Railway Accident.—Joseph Heeny,
aged 76 years, was ran oxer by a car of the Green
and Coates street railway line, at Eighth and
Fitzwater streets, about nine o’ clock last evening.
He was injured in a horrible manner. The suf
ferer was conveyed to the Pennsylvania Hospital,
where he died this morning
Tavern Licenses.— The City Commissioners
are now sitting doily to hear the applications of
keepers of hotels and restaurants and. others, for'
licenses to sell liquor by less measure than a
quart. To-day, those Iromtho First "Ward were
heard, and to-morrow those from the Second and
Third Wards will be taken np.
Appointment.—Daniel Biggs has been ap
pointed t>y the Commissioner of City Property
the regulator of the State House clock. Mr.'
Riggs formerly: held this situation, 'when the State
House clock 'was the regulator for the whole city.;
Under his charge it will become so again. :
The Union League.—There was quite a
large attendance *t the league House last evening.':
E- w. Dunbar, who was expected to speak,- was
not present, and an addrees was delivered by Bev.
Hr. Paddock, of Kansas. - •
- The- AiMT Hospitals.—During the past
:week 149 patients were admitted into the Army
Hospitals of this Department; 123 were returned to'
duty; SO were transferred and 6 died.. The number
remaining is 3;623. ■
j -Tub . ..Wars Bounties.—This Evening a
meeting of the delegates from the several Wards,;
appolnted for the purpose of equalizing the' Ward,
bounties, will be held at the Board, of Trade
Booms. ...
Presentation.—Chief Engineer Lyle,, of
the Bird Department, has been presented with a
handsomely-framed lithographic picture of the
house and apparatus of the Hibernia Bigine
■F. L. FETHEBSTON, Publisher. :
PO fr.°“ MeMCHUJL Pob.
? iclMrds > Arch and
Chestnut street above Sixth. :7y and 60S
do€ 3 not mnc&resemWe
mm A *t> *> fffjfr %P d Indies should bearia
are eeSteg^Pi®^^“J B at. OUfford&Sons“
Continental HoteK ® M - Ces ‘ SSire under the
Fuss of the most fashionable stylos aS'eoafc
prices. Oakfcuds’ Continental Botei
Fra * St “*• OOfords' Cbnti.
op Abl—The «Brea«* of
?? u,B!ledina Sn atea of the day, militarv
political, literary, and professional.
I>BArxEss Ax&snxKss—J. Irßifaaes.- H D
n»Mjfß^ ccess ' es *nnonials from the most raw
inaerted Artificial *ey*i
examination r r>« ,-jFf 0 V c * iar £ es Eade for an.
M^s.tsg , J > J^» a^B toU'AlM:,2to
JoSd^fn laTerted Kails^Bnlarge*
Joints, and all Diseases ol the Feercnrai iitiS™.
street CMro P° d ist. »i
Eefers to Physnaana and Snrgeens^S
Bbst ahd Ptoßsi Coxt in the oiiv; noaa
better; please*try it. Samuel W. Ufea/ t2S?
street, abore east W Brood
Yictoet—lea Cream and Witter- Ices, at
40 cents per qaar}, Morse’s23SS. Eleventh street
Fihk Cicsmsa.—Ready-made and, made-to
£TJ?n r U,F aTi ” e . b ??.*$ t ont Eobert H. Adasns'a
wcU.kaowu establishment, the subscriber nr«-
neiTennrt ol^ 11118 Tailoring and Clothing t£s?i
fl n ®a ?* 011 pimaiplestofisoaest
and upright dealing that hare gainedfor ihe hadse
lt L en -j°y s ' He - pleasace^in
soeur e* me *“**“?*»*
JL??.7 ri i i ; b ® totppy to see their friends anAtim
pnbho, at WILLIAMS. JONES’sT^
„ (Successor to Hebert H. Adams,
J5..E. eorner Seventh and-Mwfcatstreeta.
PoEjm CAJtB, lady and Almond Sponge, 35
ggg. at Morse’.. 338 Soath Eleventh street
Philadelphia Evenlngßullettn.
ll^?f^^S t !? , ? sUp S s Ss ß> CaPt-Matthews—
;-. c * “T goods C Amory, Jr, A co; *4 do and 113 do
S> l T^ e K.S?r erfc 0 c °sl*'** 61 halos and 2 trusses
doj s Barry A co; Bcm do Bang* A Maxwell: 6 do
JEsrton fcco; 25 cs 31 bales doB W Chase A Sons
phffs do Farnfcam, Xirkhasa & Cdi 9 cs aa m J
twice A^TTThl’if“ a WeUE;ls cs 3 bales 100 biS
A H Tnauamn Lest bales Jordan. Marsh
A co, S u Little, Stokes A eo: 9 cs 41 bate? Lewis.
Boardman Jt WfcartoajU cs 3 kales T T liea* 9
HFAW ; p<M £ £ i W fc&rtn;l?’doeS
“*.® " * Smith; 39es Stuartfiroi: 10 halpn r*p
Siker’Bms? *J* oes Arney A Slate; ado
MEay; {ffeL a C o;^ C
Hanner; 42 E A Hendry; 21 J B Hkrmer-M
dg'lt,E»dA co: 12 Jones A Kmi
Warrington; Ilf A JM Jonesf 27k’ EIS t
co: 2J munioe A Smalts; Ai C 6 M«aees Aco-7
WTT tl E** l ™* Mose?cj*;i7
To a . P 30 J l3 SterllngtFrink*
c ? s 50 A G Slade; lTShiritelt
Gardner: 23 Thacher & co; 18 S Williams: 35eah*£‘
Warnock; 239 halea. 40 mata liX oallbte
°A?p wnf B; 47 - baliM a ° Fairfield it rise;
f° * H Stilt, M F Billsen ,i co: 18 bags do J Blake^
ley; 12 do J Bromlr ItSon; sotagi $ bales doJl*
Sproifi & eo; H Soule; 25Vbla rice J
& co; 2fi do J A TPaten & co* 25 do W&fionaTTAn»)i*
34 ea oilcloth CM Bailey; 26 do “W
uon M W Baldwta A eo; « rdatM BEiwlfS
v rS? 82 hdl* iron'E Leggettt A co; 92 do Richardson
A Overman; 12 tasks 2 bars copper H Winsor Am-
Mbdi t 'h^ a T' O^MpbiuAß^
S 3 tssfisw sassffisssssftfs!
as coil, cordage J S Lee A cof iObxs medicinf
4fl hhie w? ware Muzzey A Munroe;
i°on bl l?K T & Son; 16 casks do Shober
10 hxsiresh fish Cur-
V” AKBiShl; 17 do GE Fields; 42 J A Hopkinst ia
do E Kessler; 20 do Geo Beinine; IS do Wormsell
£?M,i"B^?n ne ii 186bb i? 536 haU hbls 180 kits fish
60 bbls oil 70 rolls matting 2oo phga m q se i^ch
O* Set Marins Bvilaitt m sixth Pagt,
. Steamship Sasea, Katthews,. 48 hoars from Bo*,
ton, with mdse to HWinsor & Co.
iSaS I '' Mays fremFbrt
. Schr C W Holmes, Buckaloo, days from New
bermin ballast to-Tyfer ft tlo.
Edward, Week*, 3 days from New York. in
ballast to captain. . -
SehrWm Roper, Robinson, C tiayß from Provi
dence, in ballast to captain.
b^fo^fef. cuU>6 dsy * from Fort lioriroe, la
inb»?oV^kci 6 aaySlro “ Folt Monwe >
SohrCP StielmeyjGarwood, 6 days from Fort
Monroe, in ballast to Tyler & 00.
SehrP M Wheaton, Glover, 5 days from Fort
Monroe, in ballast to Davis Pearson & Co.
Schr Bolivar, Adams, 4 days from Wareham, in
ballast to captain. ■ ■ •
Ship Westmoreland, Decan, Portland, J R Penrose
A Go. -
Ship Lancaster, Decan, Portland, . do "
Bark Texas, Horton, S W Paas,Hunte r ,Norton&Co
Bark Ada Carter, Benny, N.York, J E BazlevACto.
Brig D Maloney, Steelman,N, Orleans,AHenmfjr.
E Fol«)m FUte ’ B&rratt ’ Bird’s Island, Baker*
Schr Gen Meade, DiMmore.Bostoii,E A Soudex&Co
A p o a ot»isr«
davat3PM, in towofcitvlceßoat,
following cargo: bushels wheat, 11M barrels
flour, 313 bxa bacon, 26 hhda bark, 49 bales raes.'s
hhds tobacco—32 passengers. ’
the Bxehan^ei
The schooner Diamond, of and for Portland', Me.,
with a load of coal from Philadelphia, Aerore re
ported ashore’near the pitch of Cape Henlopen.l*
fun of water—vessel and cargo a total loss; satl».
tiering and spars saved. : . « - :
TheTJ S guardship Saratoga, and ahoiit tweatv
schooners are at anchor, in ;tne Ro4dfltead.'Wt»S
variable and fresh from Nto NNW. . v
■ auaaoBANDA. -- "
Ship'Bavaria, Warren, from Manila - Oct-23 amt
yre£fe NoV> \^ lth
Bark Victoria (Br), Christian, hence' for Port au
F t^i’'J* d ™ yff out oF Bß spoken 16th ult: lat 2h lon 68.
bt Marys, Bryant, "hence at Bemedlos, 13th
Contest, Beauchamp, from Masollpatam,
Bay of Bengal, Nov 18, and Cape Town Jan 4, with
plumbago, Ac. at New York yesterday.
Bark Carnlola, Hopkins, at Cape Town 4th Jan.
loadingmolcs for St Helena.
BrigNantasket, Bay, at Bemedlos ISth ult. for
this port.
Schr Fhnny A Bazley, Crosby, clearelat East,
port 39th ult. for this'port. " ' ' _..
Schr M Ftemiur, Shaw, cleared at York
fkf W'UfiUßgtMi