SPECIAL (NOTICES. UOUJNTY FUND.— i4lißt.of.subscriptions.-to. Pund: .. .. „ .. nn Washing’n Brown 150 oo ii.- G. Barclay, ;; Jfg'W John Gilbert, . WO W Henry G. Jtorns, .150 MO A. S. Roberts, WO 00 Ovaries Koons,„ J5O Ou • Tna. li. Townsend, ou jfH.Southworth.WsM d: O. McCammon. iOj uu Theo. W. Baker, J-J $ Bonsall Brother*,, *r? Elwood Bjnsall, .>3 00 additiofti> lifercgl R H. Downing, 100 00 S' wr Troutman, 100 00 W A. Mitchell, 100 00 johnK. Barclay, 100 00 George B. Wood, 100 00, James. Magee, 100 00 J. Sergeant Price, 100 00 J. B. Lippincott, 100 09 Israel Peterson, 101) 00 J! JL. Sharp, 100 00 H. B. Benners, 100 00 Wm. F. Hansell, 100 00 J. W. Goff, 100 oo G. W. Fahnestock, leq 09 Robert Ervien. 100 09 John Woodruff, ,100,00 Wm. I.- Schaffer, 100 00 J Fraley Smith, 100 00 Frederick Graff, 100 09, jfhom S5O TO SlOO. ; S, p.'Hansell, ■ 70 00, John W. Ktllon, 75 00 . William Musser, '75 00 Henry S. Field, 75 00 W: C. Hehmle, 70 00 J. W. Claghorn, 70 00 IBIPTIOKS. Joseph S. Jones, 50 00: John Rice, . 50 00 Joseph' Trimble, 50 00 John S. Stairs, 50 00 Joseph: S. Jones, (additional) 50 00 John B Myers, Jr. 50 00 HarryO. Kennedy, 50 00 11. Baker, 50 00 ■ ——T'vbitS WABI tne Tenth Ward Boon.y B Cuizens- o I S Flanagan, 350 DO §d£krdj&ratz, 3»3 ot : [ ■William €l. Baker, 200 001 Stephen Colwell, 200 0< J Samuel Powell, 200 (W| Wm.P. Hainm, 200 00J A. Whitney & Sons 250 00 ; JJ r& T °° da " d **>«> G . . g ?dditional, 100 00 .Toha M. Kennedy, 150 00 JO “t* ■ ' - 9100 sunso: johii M.Ford,.. 100 001 William K. Bray 100 00 A. M.Herkness, 100 00 . Henry O. Howell, 100 00 ! Thos. I. Potto, 100 00 . additional, 100 <K- 1 <?finmel StniUi, ; 100 00 , fSUrdM- Orne. 100 00 : 100 00 . f*s“ --JSS- B D. & Son, 100 00 TM. BnlloCk,. IQP 00 JV H Williams, 100 00 K‘m. Coates, 100 00 aijdsoeiptionb op : Cash, li . « Thomas Allman, -67 50 x nouu»= a. BUBBO Clement H. Smith 50 00 SSm Bitter, 50 00 George Muller, o 0 <W - loTo CtSlfs# Sower, |0 00 i a TMove?, vrmM- Vfilson, 50 00 Coleman Wynn, 50 00 E Kirkpatrick, 50 00 Jos. Sharpless, MOO Win. H. Allen, 50 00 Wm. S. Cruthere, 50 00 Frank Walter, e 0 00 ■Ed\v Ij. Clark, 50.00 Wm K Dubois, 50 00 Paul Graff, ou 00 H, W. Safford, for the support of families ot yol unteers, VV, George B. Collier, 50 00 1 pnolr 50 00 Patrick ’McHngh, 60 00 Wm. S. Brown, 50 ( 0 J C. De Christman, 50 00 airs. H. A. Bey □olds, 0® Ezra Bowen, 50 00 Charles B.Stewart,so 00 Barnes Pollock, 50 00 Wm. B Bullock, 50 00 James Crissey, 50 00 E. W. Miller, 50 00 E. P. Kershaw, 50 00 W. Oadwalader, 50 00 J. G. Maxwell, 50 00 P. Coleman, 50 00 Cash per G. H.W.,50 00 T. H. lepttY, 50 00 E. Mitchell, 50 00 P. Bushong, 50 00 F. Klett, SO 00 John J. Sharpless, 50 00 Hr. E. Gilbert, 50 00 R. S. Johnson) 50 00 Francis Jordan, 50 Oo W. C. StUes, Jr., 50 00 John Oarrovri 50 00 J. T, Baily, 50 00 : Samuel As berry, 50 00 ! B. S. Janney, Jr., : & Co., 50 00 Samuel Moore, 50 OO David Stuart, 50 00 J. G. Fryer, 50 00 Frauds Heyl, 50 00 jas. B. Sheppard, 50 00 James S. Martin, 50 00 Geo. C. Howard, 50 00 Edw S. Mawson, 50 10 Paul P. Keller*. 50 00 S. F. Corliea, 50 OO S. Hoffman, 50 00 John H. Harkness, 50 00 J. G. Oresson, 50 #0 Ge>. W. South, 50 00 James F. Magee, 50 00 E. Morris, 50 00 S. J. Kenneday, 50 00 Edward Clinton, 50 00 Edvard Cl&xton, 50 (H) Rene Gnillou, 50 00 Dryburgh & Son, 50 00 O. T. HiUiefj, 50 00 Tnomas Earp, 50 00 i SCESCRirTIONS. (Joseph BroomaH, 40 00 (George Sharp, 00 00 \ John Homan, 30 00 ij Robert G. White, 30 00 i|H. Bridport, 30 00 Clias. E. Karen. 35 00 Dr. G. T. Barker, 3S 00 D. R. Knight* 40 00 John D. Barr, 40 00 J S. Hawn, 25 00 DJ. Blair, 25 00 D. F. Freese, 25 00 D. Hendricks, 25 00 ■Wilson Fenton, 23 00 T. B. Thomas, 25 00 E. W. Barton, 25 00 C. Haines, 25 00 FROM s*2s TO S5O Geo. Truman, GS 001 Joseph M. Pile 30 00 Cash from 7 persons, 31 sol Samuel Hood, 40 00j Dr. Rodman, 10 00 j Charles T. Brans, 40 00 G. Henderson,Jr., 40 f-0 Geo. F. Wardell, 40 00 iff. J. Joyce, 40 00 H. Miller, 25 00 James Eachell 25 00 P. Falby, 25 00 J. Mcßride, . 25 00 J. J. Wilson/ 25 00 G./Erwins, 25 CO S. H. Radford, - 25 00 G. Young, 25 00 W.. Conover, 25 f 0 WV A. Ring, 25 00 Franklin Smith, 25 00 E. W. RanK, 25,00 Jj. Slack. 25 00 J. T. Hill, 25 10 J. G. Weeld, . 25 00 H. G. Smith, 25 00 C. H. Graham, 25 00 John Davis, 25 00 Wm. Taylor, 25 00 A. E. SUulze, . 25 COI Cosh, 25 00 Edward Hopper, 25 Oi Dr. W. A. Reed, 25 «i Edwin Morey, So 00 Joseph Wilkins, 25 00 Jos. Wilkins, Jr., 25 00 Curwen Stoddard, 25 (JO A. E. Kirkpatrick, 25 0(1 James M. Farr, 25 00 T. Rittenbouse, ■* 25 CO A. Donnelly, 25 00 C. Pool, ‘ 25 "00j A. Bank, 25 0t J. W.. Vaughan, 25 oo J. Y. McLSughliil,2s 0 | W. Boyd, 25 Mu L. B. Larrv, 25 001 E. C. Kleckner, 25 «i N. B. German, 25 CO P. Fox, 25 on E. J. Magee, 25 00 Sami. R. Ennis, 25 Oi W. R. Coles, 25 00 Henry Baldwin, 25 (n ©. A. Schwartz, 25 a oimons, 25 00 "Wiiilam R. Stack house, 25 Of : Richard A. Lewis, 25 00 M. A. King, 25 00; Wm. H. Johnson,' 25 00 James E. Brown, 25 00 Wm. Eisonbrey, 25 00 Vim, S. Pierce, 25 01 Cash per G. T. Barker, 25 00 H. O. Lancaster, 25 00 S. Broadbent. 25 00| George Whitely, 2.5 00 A. S, Naudain, 25 00 John Biblev, 25 00 H. Craig A Co., 2.5 00 ' A. Heaton, 25 00 B. V. 'Massey, 2.5 oo! W. H. Alderdice, 25 001 TV. M. Greiner, 25 00l Parker Owen, 25 00. Fnirnan Sheppard, 25 00 R. O. Cornelius, 25 00 Robert Reed, 25 ou S. P. Hancock 25 00 R. C. DaTis, 25 00 G. Hamilton M. D. 25 00 Cash per G. H. W. 25 00 J. Cook Longstreth 25 00 J. Steinmetz, » 25 00 A. Taw, 25 00ii G. H. Miller,. .25 00 ) B. H. Harper, 25 00 M- 8., 25 00 . Rothermelr- :25 00 1 Thomas Bobinson, 25 00 ~ „ S2O stJBSoi W. Steerer, S2O 00 . GeorgeFobes, 20 00 1 Thos. R. Glenn, 20 (Hi ' Henry Atklmon, 20 00 M. Cunningham, 20 00 S®!? eld * aj Wl 1 t“w’ l, '> 20 °o • J. W. Price, 20 co U. J. Rowland, 20 00 JjTi Cash, ' 20 00] Klemm, 20 00 Dr. R. P. Thomas, 20 00 George W. Bacon, 20 00 George Quinn, 20 00 Cash, 20 00 Edwin Troth, 20 00 John B. Parker, 20 00 Wm. Grosholz, 20 00 Wm. Caldwell, -20 00 M. H. Bicharson, 20 00 Wm. Chapin, 20 00 Alexander Kerr, 20 00 Horace N. Kates, 20 00 O. S. Kates, 20 00 , Mary F.R., per E. ■ „8.K., 20 00 2O 00) ' 20 00 ( Thwidore D. Rand, 20 00 ; v>. S. Haws. p.fe, is ■SSS3SB- 13 J. F.Bheatr. 20 w Jos. w. Sander, 20 00 - • • $l5 BU2IBOI Ft O Ganigues, *i s 00, Thomas Sherridan, 15 out O. L. Ingram, 15 oo; W. H. Weimer, 15 00 J. G. Bumgardner, 15 00 D.' Boyer Brown, 15 TO J. F. Goodwin, - 15 00 Daniel Sutler, 15 CO Thoa. J. Hemphill, 15 00. J." M. Barstow, 15 00 J. JDS. Farr, 15 00 L. Seibert, 25 00 G. Anderson, 25 00 S. Churchman, 25 00 O Scliriver, 25 00 CK Wonderly, 25 00 J H. Hunt, 25 00 Thomas M. Zell, 25 00 ffm. Pearsall, 25 00 D. E. Wilson, 25 00 Win. Draper, 25 00 Wm. at Whitaker, 25 00 31. 3VL Warner, 25 00 It Stokes, 25 oo Eli Hi Bart, 25 00 i P. Doyle,. 25 00 Henry McQnfud, 25 00 t H. A. Phillippi, 25 00 ‘ 31. Dongherty, 25 00 ' J. E. Dongherty, 23 0,) Henry Eas Witz, 23 trj ; Geo. W. Powell, 25 00 1 Win. H. Knight, 25 0J Thos. 34. Hughes, 23 00 : J. Hoys Carson, 25 00 > J. D. Gibbs, 25 00 i G. Snowden, 25 00 j J. 31. Bliodes, 25 00 Thos. Rhodes, 25 00 ,X. Bazin, 25 00 I W. Lee, 23 00 P. J. Aubin, 25 00 Titus S. Emery, 25 00 | Biestel & Eno, 25 00 i Fred. Pazson, 25 00 W. C. Smyth, 25 00 J. I. Bideway, 25 00 | T. Edwin Bidg- j way, 25 00 Isaacs. Williams, 25 00 J. W. Biddle, 25 00 r. B. Williams, 25 00 Miss Sarah E. i’ar nnm, 25 00 O. D. Tallmage, 25 00 Richard Parry, 25 00 E. C. McClnre, 25 00 N. Bmo*,- ' . 25 00 Hiram Horter, 25 00 W. Longhridge, 25 00 Wm. Wharton, Jr., 25 00 W. Wainwright & Sous, 23 00 Henry B. Baiguel, 23 00 .Day id Lee, 25 00 |S. B. Brick, 25 00 ] Joseph Cox, 25 00' IGeorgeL Knowles2s 00 jJ. B. Harding, 25 00 ■ Wm. H. Nassau, 25 00 Cash “ W. L. 8., 25 00 , ' James 34. Fadden, 25 oo i James Davis, 23 00 I James Marshall 25 UO, 1 Win. Wainwright, Jr., ' 25 00 Isaac Snlger, 25 00 William Gaul, 25 00 J. A. Needles, 25 00 ic. H.. Needles, 23 00 34. H. Cross, 25 00 J. W. Bugbee, 23 00 Haxy Walter, 25 .00 W. C. Harbison, 23 00 |T. B. Pogh, 25 00 jbiptioxs. ' h. K Eippincott, .20 00 C. Scott, 20 00 Wm. D. Eodgers, 20 00 W. S. Hagany, ~ 20 00 Wm.H. Vanlngen,2o OO Charles 34. Cresson,2o 00 John Bisler, 20 00 Myers Shew, 20 00 John McGlinh, 20 00 IT. Evans, 20 00 |Jas 34. Stewart, 20 00 I S. Smecker, Jr., 20 00 I John Gardiner, 20 00 !h- Omensetter, 20 00 SriSutler, 20 00 William Mencke, . 20 00; Bodmanß.Ellison, 20 00 J* 20 00 n 20 00 n 20 00 D. W. Chandler, 20 00 BobertNeiles, 2000 Jacob Ickler, 20 00 SamuelW. Hess, 20 00 8. M* HolbTook, 20 00 Dr. C. Bane, 20 00 ?• 00 James M. Kerns, 20 09 A. W. Straub, . 2000 E. H. Neall, 20 00 [W. B. Hanna, 20 00 W. w. Weaver, 20 00 Ig- PhTry, 20 oo T 20 00: lO 3rSrt n ’ 20 00 ' ■U O g.j» niPTIOSH. • w JVG C cgl U dweU, \IZ \ll itekisr 1 ’ “5 ' W.pl AsS" 4 ' 51 00 Edward A Adams, la oe | James Belskey, . 15 00 [Philip Heppe, is 00 .vi Gts Elkington, 15 00 i Oliver Ingram, 15 00T i Gbarle3 Bnrkhardt,ls 00 • i W* 'ls-UO-* )Rir_TIPNS, k Edward Abbott, 10 00 » i I), mtWiis, 1j.00,^ ► Thos; Mooney, 10 00- k Wm Booth,, 10 00 I aqi,Uaßagwg£-|OiO»-' i GHBeaumont, MD.IO 00 iT. B. Langton, 10 00 i jiso.'T. Lange, 10 00 i IV. H. Garrett, .10 00 i John Garrett, 10 00 Cash, r : 10 00 Z. Gemmell, 10 00 J,.Jackler, 1« 00 ■ J. J.Gaplun, 10 00 ) J*B.’ Lee Ic Co , 10 00 ! joS I W. H. Fletcroft, . 10 00 > Cash, " 10 00 i .T. F. Iredell, . 10 00 i E. Fest,' 10 00 i Samuel E, Kister, 10 00 18. J. Woodward, 10 00 I J. 11. Keed, 10 00 I H. Matlack, 10 00 I E. G. Etkinton, (ad. )10 00 I Hr. Spillin, ‘ . 10 00 ) D. R. Bnrr, 10 00 MS: W. Holland,: 10.00 I Harry Riter, 10 00 ) E. L. Schlemm, 10 00 i Isaac Taj lor, 10 00 H. W. Stinuon, 15 Jesse Garnett, ® 0( j B. Hopper. -Jolia H> P MIi9 J, 0 srnso ' * sia:Oo T, iO w v-Bi iifi «o ' o' r ‘ v ro c 0 K pavis (col’d) JO.OO George G>ant, ; 10 W) Tohn Lenahan, 10 00 jobnG. Moore, 10 00 V, Corlies, ' 10 00 .T. U. Carter, 10 00 Jno. F. Combs, 10 00 K. Ferguson, : • 10 00 '.T. L. Lipman, 10 00 D; A. Knight, .10 00 "Joseph Bimby. 10 co Xi, Mayer. . 10 00 Joseph Wehner, 10 00 E- Scbnseell, 10 00 Gto.W. Dixon, 10 00 John B. Herron, 10 00 Edward lUman,• 10*00 Frank Cookman, JO 00 O. Tar lor, ' 10 00 A l . Bitter, (add.) 10 00 A. Koidot, 10 00 S. Potts. 10 00 Z. Hopper, (add.) 10 00 C. B. Hemphill. 10 00 Jos. Kinike, 10 00 Thomas. Rhodes, 10 00 Jos. S. Matt,' 10 00 O. W. P. Natt, 10 00 John Roberts, Sr., 10 00 J; C. Leeds, 10.00 Robert Smith, 10 00 A. E. Kirkpatrick, 10 00 A. Partin, , 10 00 Hatter, - 10 00 Samuel O. dodgers, - 10 00 Jos. B. Rockhill, 10'00 James Hayworth, .10 00 (iland B. Miller, 10 00 Mrs R. F. Horton, 10 00 Henry Brooks, 10 00 Mrs. Yeager, 10 00 John Saylor, 10 00 O. Pickering, 10 00 A. M. Thompson, 1 10 00 Henry I>lbnrn, 10 00 Cash, C. R. K.. 10 00 um. H. 'Wayne, 10 00 W. L. Webb, 10 00 Isaac H. Bay, 10 00 Dr. E. L. Dner, 10 00 R. O. Clark, 10 00 A. H. Seipt, 10 00 Geo. Lawrence, 10 00 g: Hager, . 10 00 S. & F. Woodruff, 10 00 . L. W. Bickley, 10 00 Wm. Y. Nelson, 10 00 Wm. J. Cornell, 10 00 E. L. Burnham, 10 00 G. W. Blake, 10 00 ,T. W. Chandler, 10 00 M. P. McEwen, 10 CO John Sheaff, 10 00 Jno. Andrews, 10.00 A. J. Fish, * 10 00 N- Gilbert, - . • ,10 00 S. Boyd, 10 00 Cash, T, 10 00 J. HB-, WOO W.H. H., 10 00 Cash, B, 10 00| ! A. R. Vanhorn, 10 cut Cbas. Higbee, 10 00| George Dorsch, lp Otij Thomas Reed, 10 00 James V- Stokes, . 10 Oti John Weidenbacherl* 00 . J. T. Sherwin, 10 00 John W. Heins, 10 00 Wm. Sinckler, 10 00j C.L.lngram,add’l, 10 00! P. McManus, 10 CC! Wm. Claik, 10 001 Wm. Collady, 10 00 James Mason, 10 00 1 James Paitrick, 10 00 ' E. G. Gerhart, 10 00 Andrew Rankin, 10 00 George H. Beamer, 10 t o . Dr. J. G. Griffiths, 10 Cu . Wm. T. Fry, 10 00 . W. C. Desmond, 10 00 i i Albert Qmdnow,- 10 00. I W r . H. Kirby, 10 00 ID. D. Williams, 10 00! j B. G. A., 10 00| : Francis Parker, 10 CO; 1 Mrs. Sarah Homan, in Coj : Wilfred Hall, 10 00 ! George N.'Allen, 10.00, ! J. Fry, 10 ol| ■ C. A. Green, 10 00 i ! P. F. Bothermel. 10 00 ; W. H. MacDowell, 10 00 ; Charles Jewell, 10 00 • H. B. Lippincott, 10 00 ! R. W. Cushman, 10 cu i E< mnnd LeTerlng, 10 CO i H. L. Jewell, 10-00 ! Cash,per t>. O. M.,10 00 ' D. Weatherby, Jr. ,10 (o| i TUB rOLLOWIXG JIBED | _ BA' Edward Banks CLarles 31. Dalson, M. Ileßeuedetb, G W. HutchlnsoK, llilirfd H. Hippie. A. H. Fish. M.D., W. L Oakford, A. Tees, A H. Parke, J. Cuthbert, L Biaddock, Josephus Speak, Win. Gracey, I'. Kcsay & (Jo., O. Seidensticker, C.*L. Lincoln, C.L. Minster, J. Lnkens, 31. D., Hebert Kelsq. liayid Gilbert, W. Tanaken. Jas. H. Taylor, J. C. Leib, Geo. T. Bain, Jno. Keel, Clash. L. .T. G. Hopper, Cr. Caen, H. Bavis, Hamilt' n Scott, John Bowles, F. M.-Faust, C. b.. Metzger, Cash, El. O. G., J. Manderfield, T. Dstis, "Bobert Fletcher, John Thompson, William Walton, N. Hnlon, Thomas Haney, John'Haoghenbnagh, Capt Jos. l: McMackin. Thomas 31c A dams, < ' • Julius Thomas,. Philip Dahl, George 4.. Lenrs, Lewis Carrie, James S. Levers, Thomas Oraven, Mr. Fhilson, . Wm Towrsend, Mr. Forepaugn, B. F. JehnEon, B. C. Meeser, Mrs. John Drew, E. M. Erikme, Mrs. Willis, A. Montgomery, 3lis. S. Alexander, Conrad Binge, . Willie B; Keeney, J. W., John 11. Latta, Sir. Tanleer. Henry Hinee, John Eoberts, Sr., A. Caldwell, Ohas Lotkey, J. D. Moore, Henry Parsons, Edwin Ingraham, Eobert S. Davis. J. W. Owens, Thos. H. Hamilton, Henry Landis, Cash, D. Londenslager,- Isaac Caffrey, Mr. Ellicott, Mr. Wolle, E. Henderson, Geo. Mneller, F. Sachen, J. O. Panstra, Jr., Mr. Williams, Eobt. - Hayes, S. Killman, H. Waganell, McCrait, B. T, Boettger. C. P. Friend, E. B. Petit, • V E. P. Cooper, James Campbell, ' George W. Kendrick, Jr. F. Byan, B. L‘ Barns, William H. Jones, X. Bazin, F. A. Wenderoth, • William H. Fry, H. Snyder, (additional,) William Stronp, Mrs. Underwood, c. Stevens, F. Nichello, J- A. Kcete, . John Marl, H. Basing 1 George Alexander, fHE DAILY OPENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY,.FEBRUARY 29 1884 George Barclay, .10 00 Dr. Robert Foster, 10 O'J D. J. Hoar, • 10 00 W. H.Wannamaker,lO 00 Jacob Orie, - 10 00 F. tee, • 10 00 T. M. Dixon,. 10 00 A. R. DeHaven, 10 00 O. A. Burnham, 10 00 .T. A. Kirkpatrick, 10 00 Mrs. G. W. Rlter, 10 00 M. B. Wetherill. 10 01 E. "Wetberill, 10 03 John Dtfrborrow, 10 01 W. C. Stroud, 10 03 John Eccles, 10 00 Thos. Garrick, 10 00 H/M. Mitchell, 10 00 Jaccob Spielman, 10 00 James Kennedy, 10 00 William Smith, 10 oo H. J. Potts, 10 00 J. Bird, 10 00 Joseph Fallen,. JO 00 Wm. S. Ponlson, 10 00 S. J. Cress we 11,:.: 10 00 Jas. Anmont, 10 00 Cash, D 10 00 W. F., 10 00 George Taber, 10 co W. Ford, 10 00 ! J. W. Erwin, 10 00 J. A. "Wright, 10 00 F. Sanniento..; ,10 00 J. McOausland, 10 00 Digburgh&Son (ad) 10 -00 John Wallace, 10 no B F. "Woodward, 10 00 Chas. Ottens, 10 00 E. H. DaTis, . • 10 00 |R. J.Crulkshani, 10 00 I Jos. W. Price, 10 09 | Robert W. Peak, • 10 00 i Jesse D. Claypool, 10 00 Z. Weyl, 10 00 Edwayd Heald, 10 00 Jas. Cunningham, 10 00 Paul A. tide, 10 00. A. O. Stull; 10 oo j John Kile, 10 00 J. H. Abbjtt, 10 00 (C. N. Weygandt, 10 00 is. A. George, 10 #u John McElveney, 10 00 Chas. Oat, 10 00 T. G. Sheridan, 10 00 Carletonß. Moore, 10 00 E. E Eyre, 10 oo John P. Brawn, 10 00 LW Buffington, MDIO 00 Jas, R. McClure, lu 00 Cant. J. Gallagher, 10 oo J. Fi tinderman, 10 00 • James Alcorn, 10 00 (Richard Batturs, lu 00 |John Wisbruck, 10 00 jD M. Hess, It) 00 |W. L Dennis, 10 OS (Samuel Snodgrass, 10 12 M. D, Sahsbury, 10 00 J. W. Simes,. 10 00 Geo. L. Miller, 10 00 Jas. W.Curron, .10 00 J. B. Benners, 10 CO W. B. Dayton, 10 00 H. Stevens, 10 oo i Joseph Beitler, lu oo I O. E. Cathrall, 10 00 I H. W. Rldgway, TOO ) John Maxwell, S 00 i J. R. Young, 0 00 i ransoxs sur.scnißm>S3 CII. David Hunter, William Barger, Benjamin Herr. E. G. Schenktl, F. K. Hippie, A. Lopez, W. S. Adair, C. Roberts, Cash, P.-S.,'- H. Snjder, Charles Oat, Alexander Clark, Richard Hals;, Estler A Matin, P. Bradley, W. 11. Zeros, M. Seddlnger, E. P. Hippie, (add) J. J. Kirkpatrick, H. Simons, McFarland, O. Rodney, Mrs, Mason, 4 E. A. Neall, Mr. Garrigues, G A. McWilliams, Frank Wolley, W. 'Watson, W. Millard, PaulJ. Eisiek, Geoige R Bean, . Charles Kelso, G. Westcott, Johh Miller, E. Mack, M MCOahey, Wm. 0. Parker, Robert Nelson, Wm. Ho mes, Lewis Wisbmclr, C. J. Albright, James McLaughlin, . John R. Rose, John 13 Middleton, B. Schoenetnan, iCash, F. J. G., add. C- C. Burns, James E. Owens, (Godfrey-Seitz, [John Myers. George Henderson, ■ J. W. Taylor, Jamts (.luien, John Monteith, Bamborger, Dr. Steck, James Johnson,' William Dilks, IV. Major, Jihn M. Stille, • J. M. .Somerset, The mas 'Rodgers, Raynor Raynor, William Stefffe, - W. R. Allen, W.' W. Gardner, Thos. McKibben, J. Bross, Geo. Holtzm&n, John King, Dr. Wm. Armstrong, H. M. Alward, M. M. Riter, R. T. Calvert, IJ. E. Hendrickson Cash, Sarah Stokes, • -A. F. Meuter, I John Ervin, W. A. Buck, H. W. Schertr, Carl Sentz, F. J. Wallace, J. O. 1 tong, J. Lukens, E.P. Hippie, (add.) R.- Kelso, Mrs. Rowland, J. Storey, Dr. Winslow, John'Rusch, M. Wood, William Troclsch, J. Wesley Miller, Mrs. James Agnew, Miss Emma C. Hood, William F, Prewin, • Samuel Johnson; William BeasonetV Thomas Wagner, Peter Clew, Francis Haley, AUgUßtHandman, i Dr.Mintzer, (additional Dr. William B. Breed, Mrs. Patten, Mr. Oram, W. H. Stine, L. Poineer, Wm. OlaTke. . C. Alexander, : S. Alexander, j Ettwyn Joice, ■ J. Blatter i 3. Schjesselman, : . E. N. Cash, Jnd. I*M)iTVers, W Gamergn* -E-Prize, John-Alien. Carl Sentz, - o. Fiel, P< J. Hess, ,oj Seubard Ehl*, -OiGerke, - ■ (Gee. Phipps. J. l v . "Vinler, • ' ■ --.i :..d • ! THE I'QLLOWIKG, SttBECKIBED JW EACH. T 4 J-.'WeYiiand,' : “.|S.J>. Basdsel. r. : " ! -Ti}E FOLLOWING SUBSCRIBED 82 EAOH. JqhnG reeves. , ‘ v ■ S. Stroud, : P: N.. Hawley, J; Burke, ' El Fisher, - ; A. W. Bell,. Mt. Wesley, * J. Bowley,. T. B. pStterson, S. I*. Wilson, A: Graves,' E. Doran, J. Kevef, 11 Cash, S 3, G. Malian, P. A. Ash, - H. Bayfee,.- L. Stout, - W. S. Earnest, J. Boms, • J. R. Bowman, W. Lawyer, J John Stuard, Jr.; O. Tyson, ; Cash, C. E, No. 1, S. R R., u ! C, L. Jefferson-,-- Cathy O. L, No: 3, ,T. B. Parkinson, Cash, Me, •- J. B. Parkinson, - ■ J Kelly. G. Teh Flout," ' • E. Schiller, A. Lloyd, •- • •-: HI Cavenaugh, \ J. Starr, ' a. Hoffman, ■' ‘ S 1 Moore,- W. Wilkinson, Hi Brick, . J. Harris, ■ • J. J GaTdlner, A. M. Heilig, Mrs. Weatherly, Thomas Wardell, B; Ford, . A. Bolts, J. G. Jenkins," Wm. Miller, Mir. Hudson, J.-Wesley, • Cash, Ohtis. Solthall, W. O. Allen, THE FOLLOWING BUB Wm,E. Tracey, T. Be Cowpenhwait, ■S.i Gerhart, - F. : Hartman, J.i Shilling, W. S. Mink, E. Farts, J. Baas, ■ J. ; Robinson, C. H. Wile, JlFrisby, ■ T. P. Steward, W. Wl Beea, Cash, H. H , P. Healey, H. Coyle, O. Sterrene, .- Cash, W., 1, Cash, W.. 3, Cash, W,, 3, Cash, W., 4, Cash, W.i 5, - Richard Brown, J« s. Imuterman, . . H. Malceroson, McMlnn, Cash, Thomas Gallagher, A. Friskes, Cash. Jacob Weldlick, Wm. Martin, THE FOLLOWING Bt’: J. I. Lipp, I .A..Selble, i ■ THEFOLLOWING MTBSCniBED S 3 50 EACH, Cash, William Sutter, O. Hen-on, M. Brown, J. Pole, Mr Pepper, J. W. Leman, J. Haley, T-hos. Kannegleser, Cash. William Willings, THE KOLLOWrSG SCBSCUniED 50 CENTS EACH, Mrs. Wilson, (Cash. BUI Stoll,. |G. Lewis. Cash, | Two Ladles, -sets.; J. Garrett. SI 50. Omissions and additional collections will be pub lisned hereofter. - ■ NEW PUBLICATIONS. MUSICAL. L. 04 out 2or iha March number OP TUB BOSTON MUSICAL TIMES. In addition, to the usual amount ot interesting reading matter, it will contain all the gems from Qon nod's popular Opera of Faust, ana >god for the Fianobv F. Beyer. The last 11 Ye numbers can be furnished singly or to subscribers; they contain he following favorite songs, with piano accom painment, via: “Faded Flowers," “Then you’ll remember me,” “O. whisper what thou fee'.est,” “Olye tears,” “Goodbye, sweet heart, ” 1 ’Little Nell,' ’ *«Nomb, theprtdeofKildare,” "Three Fishers,” and five bi illlant pieces for the piano alone, viz. : “Break it gently to my Mother,”. >‘The Cele brated Shadow Dance,” “Sally Come Up.” (the only complete aud correct arrangement,) “Riverside March,” and “Heroes’ linickstep.” Single numbers mailed post-paid for 7 cents. Subscription pTiceSO cents per annum. The above music is printed'from large size, electrotype plates, and usually costs S.i 35; yet tho cost of the whole in its pf eient shape is only 13 cents, prepaid. Address Publishers, HENRY TOLMAN 5c CO.. SSI Washington street, Boston, Mass. Sixer. Air. TorsKV, Wholesale Agt., N. Y. fei7-3t jyj,HS. WOOD’S POPULAR NOVELS. Mrs. Wood’s novels are ro thoroughly secured in the favor and appreciation ofthe public, that their sale exceeds that of any author ofthe present day. Their immense, their almost nnequated popular ity with nearly all classes of leaders, is a suffi cient testimony to their power aha interest. NEW AND UNIFORM EDITIONS. THE SHADOW OF ASHLYDYAT U pah listed complete in a large oct tvo volume, bound in cloth for si 25, or in paper cover, price SI. SQ.UIBE TREVLYN’S HEIR. Octavo, pnp-r cover, price St, or in cloth for St 23. THE CHANNINGS. One volume, octavo, paper cover. Price 75 cents; or, in one volume, cloth, *|. THE LOST BANK NOTE: and MARTYN WARE’S TEMPTATION Price 50 cents.* THE FOGGY NIGHT AT OFFORD. Price 25 cents. AT BOR A FLOYD. One volume, octavo, paper cover. Price 50 cents; or a finer edition, in cloth, for SI. BETTER FOR WORSE. One volume, octaTO, paper cover. Price 50 cents. WILLIAM ALLAIR. OR, RUNNING AWAY TO SEA. One volnme, octavo, paper cover. Price 25 cents. THE CASTLE'S HEIR. Octavo, paper cover Price si; or, in cloth, forsl 25 VEBNER’ S PRII E. Oc'avo, paper cover. Price Si: or, in cloth. SI 25. • THE RUNAWAY MATCH. One vol., oc tavo, paper cover. Price 50 cents, „ THE EARL’S HEIRS. One volume, octavo, papercover. Priceso cents; or, one vol., cloth, 75 cents. THE MYSTERY. One volume, octavo, paper cover. Fifty cents; or, bound in one vol., cloth,; 75 cents. A LIFE’S SECRET. One vol., octavo, paper cover. Price 50 cents, or, in one vol., cloth, 75 cents. , New Books issued every week, and for sale, either wholesale or retail, at the Publishing and Bookselling House of T. B. PETERSON 3c BRO THERS, Philadelphia. • Orders solicited from Booksellers, News Agents, Sutlers, Canvassers, and others, In want of good and fast, selling Books. . Address all orders to the Publishers, T. B. PETERSON * BROTHERS. • No. 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, * And they wilt Teceive prompt attention. Send for one ot our new Catalogues. fe2fl. at NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! DALETH; or, the Homestead of the Na tion*. Egypt Illustrated. By Edward L. Clark. 1 vol., Svo. tinted paper. Illustrated. SOMJELLO STRAFFORD; Christmas EvC and Easter Day. By Robert Browning. 18mo. , REVELATIONS OF MOTHER JULIANA. An Anchorite‘of Norwich, who lived in the days of Fdward the Third, with preface. By J. T. Hecker. Pimo. MARJORIE FLEMING (“Pet Marjorie”); A Sketch by Rev. Johp Brown, M. D., Author of Rah and nis Friends. Paper. THE FRIENDS OF CHRIST IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 12mo. By Rev. Dr. Adams CHRIST, A FRIEND. By Rev. Dr. Adams, limo . *..»,• THE COMMUNION SABBATH. Bv Rev. Dr.~ Adams. 12mo. 1 For sale bv : 1 WILLIAM S. A ALFRED MARTIEN, ' feS9«tf ~ - ■ 60S Chostnut street! - BOARDING, ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED.—One or good size ane one .small Room on the same- Boor, for a Married Lady, Nurse and Child. Pri vate family preferred. . Between Tenth and Eigh teenth streets, and Spruce and Vine. Address MADENA, Bplcbtin Office. fedfl-m, w,f3t* COUNTRY BOARDING WANTED—On the Line of Railroad between Philadelphia and New York, Summer boarding for two families, consisting of 5 grown persons, 3 children and 2 servants. Other boarders preferred.: Address Box 582, Philsfla. P. O. Je-37-2t* Boarding.— wanted—two chambers and Parlor with Board for Four persons, situ ated north of Walnut and east of Broad. Privat® family preferred; Address “Box 1626,” Fhiia delphiapost Office. , fe26-3t* The handsome Desidenob, 1031 wal- NUT street, has been opened for the reception or BOARDERS. Single Rooms apd Suites, ana with and without private table. ' felO-im* BAY BUM Pure Bay Bum, Imported jUtaet from bt. Thomas, W. 1., in bottle and for sale : by OEOBGE ALKIN’ S 3, 10 and ISSouth Delaware Ayenue. ja3o iPCKIBED SI EACH. Jacob Schlabeck, . ■ Waller, Wm. Gravel, J. Sample, W. H. Crane, F. Haas, . T. Kabmerer, G. Ko'lnor, G. Riter, M. Lindsay, . U. O. Saw telle, J. Parkinson, F. Walters, T. I eweyllen, J. C. Lewis, T. Hatton, J. Healy, . A. Malloch, B. Spencer, Hugh McManis, D. R. Yonhg, Cash,- i Wm. Cplfleish, Cash; Jobn Smith, Cash, H. Frisk®, Cash, David Coons, John Rubbajd, Jobn Daley, T. D. Dilks. JISCItinBD SI EACH. | W. Diehl. amusements. OE-MOSIO.- “%ev:heiie:y W“Asf^eecher- Will deliver his great Address,entitled < ‘AMERI- H OA’ S MESSAGE TO GREAT BRITAIN,’ C • 1. ir MONDAY, FEB SOtH, ' : * AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. Admission, 25 cents. Reserved Seats, 50 cents. The sale of tickets will , commenc eat 9 A- M. on Wednesday, the 2lth,at'Ashmead & Evans’s, 721 Chestnut street.- ' fe27-2t* MUSICAL HALL j SECOND GRAND CONCERT j *’ OP THE • ffAISTOEL AND,HAIM SOCIETY, Thtusday Evening, March 3, COHHEKCIHO AT 8 O’CLOCK. ; . - • - ■ • . D - - ' Mendelssohn’s Great Masterpiece, / j THE HYMN OF PRAISE, Wil 1 be produced by the Society! supported'by the entire! :l. j Crermania Orcliestra. preceding which a short and select - . . MISCELLANEOUSPERFORMANCE ■Will he given. TICKETS. .FIFTY OENTa To be obtained at J. E. Gould’s, S. E. comer Seventh and Qhestnnt streets. ’■ fe2l-7ts MESSRS. CROSS and JARVIS will give their SECOND SOIREE OF CLASSIC AL MU SIC (Second Season), in the FOYER OF THE ACADEMY, on TUESDAY EVENING, March Ist, at 8 o’c’ock. assisted by Herr THEO. Hi-' BRLMAN N, the renowned Tenor, and other emi nent artists, as below: PROGRAMME. QhlnteU in O Minor—Plano and Wind Instru ments #.... .Spohr Messrs. Jarvis, Stoll, Koch, Mueller and Plageman Grand Duo—Two Pianos- Op. 129. ..Kaikbrenner Messrs. JARVIS and CROSS. Song— * *Der Wanderer.’ . .Fesca Herr HABELMANN. Solo—Violoncello—Souvenir de Suisse....Serrais - THEO. AHREND. Solo—Piano—Etude In O Sharp Minor—“ Vie Oragense.” Henselt . Polonnaise in A Flat—Op. 53 ..Chopin. CHARLES H. JARVIS. Song—••Vogelsang:’*.......... Abt Herr HABELMANN. Q,uariet—>{No. 3)—String lnstroments Mozirt Messrs. Gaertner, Rozgenbprger, Cross and Ahrend Tickets ONE DOLLAR. To be had&tGouid’s, Andie A Co.'s and Lee £ Walker's. fe29-2tQ AMEKIUaN AOADiSM-Y OF MUSIC’. MR J. E. MURDOCH Will dell Ter a lecture on RELICS CF THE THREE MEMORABLE PERIODS OF THE OBEAT REPUBLIC, GN THURSDAY EVENING, March 3d, ISM. The proceeds to bo appropriated to the Belief of the - NEEDY FAMILIES OF SOLDIERS, Under the supervision of the members of the Spe cial Relief Committee of the Women’s Pennsyl vania Branch of the U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. During the evening Mr. > nrdoch will state the object and cethod of operations ot the Society. TICKE3 5....... .TWENTY-FIVE CENTS RESERVED SEATS.......FIFTY CENTS. To be obtained on and alter Menday, Feb. 29th, at .T B. Pugh’s, S. W. comer. Sixth and Chest nut streets; Ash mead tc I vans’», No. 7*t Chest nut street; at the Rooms of the Sanitary Commis sion No. 1307 Chestnut street,and at the Academy cf Music on the day and evening ot the lec ture. fe27-st* CONCERT HALL. ■ _ , - CHESTNUT street, above TWELFTH. Immense success nr MB. BE CORDOVA’S FIRST LECTURE. The second will tskaplace ON THURSDAY EVENING. March 3, SM. Subject..Mß. PERKINS’S CHRISTMAS DIN NER. (A Tale of Shoddy.) Tickets for the remaining two Lectures....7s cents Singlo admission...., ......50cents Doom open at 7/ Lectnre at bo) clock, fesg-tt^ GROVER’S CHESTNUT ST. THEATRE. LEONARD GROVER ..Manager GENUINE SUCCESS Attending the GLORIOUS REVIYAL THE COLLEEN BAWN. Elly 0’C0tn0r................Mi5s Sophy Glmher Anne Chute Miss Effle Germon Mrs. Cieogan Mrs. M- A. Chspman Sheiah Mann... ..Miss Annie Ward Myles- Na Ooppaleen., Mr., Walter Lennox DaJnyM&nn Mr Ben. Rogers Father Tom air. Harry Pearson Har diets Orcagna ..Mr. F. Mordaunt KyrleDaly vR.,Mr. T. H. Knight Corrigan '. Sir. W. A. Donaldson Betty O’3l ore Mr. LH. Everett Wednesday, TICKET-OF-LEAYE MAN. FAMILY MATINEE ENTERTAINMENT SA TURDAY AFTERNOON. Admission—Br»s Circle and Parquet, 50c; Or chestra, 75c; Family Circle, 35c. Seats secured w ithout extra charge. MRS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH STREET THEATRE, ARCH street, above Sixth. FIRST NIGHT OF MRS. JOHN DREW. THIS (Monday) EVENING, Feb. 29, THE MAGIO MARRIAGE The Marchioness de Yolterra....Mrs. John Drew Zella. a Gicsev Mies J. Henry The Chevalier Monte Cellini Mr. Barton Hill Signor Malfreldi. Mr. Griffiths To conclude with SIMPSON * CO. Mrs. Simpson... ....Mrs. John Drew Mr. 5imp50n.................i...!-.«Mr. Griffiths Tuesday, Mrs. JOHN DREW. Prices as usual. Curtain rises at 7% o’clock. nyALNUT STREET THEATRE W Lessee Mr*. M. A. GARRETTSON First appearance in the city of Phila'.clphia or MISS ETTIE HENDERSON, Whose career during the past three years has been ONE TRIUMPHAL SUCCESS. THIS (Monday) EVENING, Feb. 29,1664, Will be produced the beautiful domestic drama, entitled FANGHON, OH, THE WITOH OF THE WOODS. Fancbon, nicknamed the Cricket Ettie Henderson To conclude with the laughable three of SARAH’S YOUNG MAN. Slowleaf .. S.Hempre Sarah Tishe... Miss O. Jefferson Box office open from!) till 3 Curtain rises at, THE INVENTORS OF AMERICA, BY O. SCHUSSELL, and FIRTH’S DEHBy DAY , the most in.ere,ting AiNTiNQs 0f y ON EXHIBITION FOB A . SHORT TIME AT EARLE’S GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNUT STREET. ADMISSION TWENTY-FIVE CTS. fe2o-12t$ THE GREAT PICTURE, AT CONCERT HALL LECTURE ROOM, For a Short Season, commencing THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1664, J. Insco Williams’s Celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. . This is the moatcomplete and finished Painting 9f the Sacred Scriptures in the world* comprising ° Ve SUBLIME*AND THRILLING SCENES Of the'first three thousand years of Biblical His tory, forming altogether one of the finest exhibi tions of the age. , , , OPEN EVERY EVENING at 7% o’clock, AdmiSßion 25 cents. N. B. —Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons, at 3 o’clock. ’ , Admission for Children, 15 cents. fel9-2m( Eleventh street opera house. “THB FAMILY RESORT.” OARNOROSS AND DIXEY’S MINSTRELS, THE GREAT STAR TROUPE of the WORLD, In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, Splendid Singing, BeanHlnl Dancing, Laughable : Burlesques. Plantation Scenes, he., *C-, by TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTS. EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tickets, 25 cents. Boors open at 7o’ clock. felB-3ms J.L.OARNOROSS, Business Manager. Temple, of wonders, assembly BUILDING, TENTH and CHESTNUT. LAST WEEK. MAGICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL EXPERI MENTS—Great Powers of Ventriloquism and the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. Signor BLITZ will appear'in his popular enter tainments* every . evening, commencing at 7% o’clock, and Wednesday and Satnrday afternoons at 3. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents. fe2* GERMANIA ORCHESTRA PnbUe Rehear sals every Saturday at 3k o’clock, P. M.,at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single tickets,9s cents; packages of Sixtiakets,Bl. -To be had at Andri’s, 1104 Chestnut street; J. B. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut; and at the hall doer, ocia AiMERICAN academy of MUSIC. A D. L CARPENTER’ S NINETEENTH 'ANNUAL' FULLDRESS PLORAL SOIREE. - Tiakctß to be procured of. Jolla Thornley, Esq., 311 Chestnut street,- 1 and of 1 1). L. Carpenter, Gl5 Arch street, Teacherd! Dancing. -fe23-6t« Fennsylvan? ACAKEtax op the 1 T-.NEARTS, ! 1685 CHESTNUT STREET. Open dally (Sundays excepted) from BA. ML till BP- M. Admittance S 5 cents. Children half-price. CHARLES EMORY. ■ . ALEX. BENSON, J*. CHARM EMORY & CO., j Jffld Exchange Brokersj . No. 15 SOUTH' THIRD ST* iPiuladelpliia. ARMrids ol tmcnrrent funds and Cold and 8U- Ter fcetigllV and sold,' and. Collections mad*.'' “particular attention giyen tothapurohase and sale of Government, State and other Stochs and Loans oncommlKslon. 1 r pLABKfeON & GO , barkers, No. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET, | PHILADELPHIA. Goveioment Securities of all Issue?, PURCHASED AND FOR SALE. - Stocks, Bonds and—£h>ld, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON OOMDUSSIbN. Interest Allowed on Deposit*. ■ COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY SLADE. fM-lm rpj • JOHN C. AERISON, Nos. 1 and 3 North Sixth/ Street, manufacturer of The Impmed Pattern Shirt, FIRST CUT BT J. BURR MOORE, Warranted to Fit and Give Satisfaction ALSO Importer and Manufacturer of * GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS N. B.—All articles made In£ superior manner tiy hand and from the Rest materials. oofr&a J. F, IREDELL, No. 147 NORTH EIGHTH STREET Betweaa CSerry and Baca, aaatalda, Fblla Haa ooir oa haßd and constantly recalYlnx an ele- <aal auertnwnt of Gcatleiriea’b ForairfiiigGeod#, Starts os nan a usd msde to order mtu nai •etislactor mso-ier. A fall line cl Gentlemrcl Merino SS-rts, Drawers, Ac. Also—XeutiM’ M*- rlno Vests, Drawers, Hosiery, Ac. ocl7-6m 147 T7OBTH EIGHTH HI. SMITH. & JACOBS. 1226 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Hone; Refunded If not Satisfactory! FINE SHIRTS Had* of New York Hilli Mu«Ht». Tor Fin* Irish tjHtm Bosoms, only JSj-usual pric* S 3 75. WltllamsTlUs Muslin 9£ TS, anal prlo* 93 50. Ysrrreasonahls deduction to vrhel—als trad*. WANTS. LARGE FIRST GLASS EMPLOYMENT HOUSE—always a good selection capable, civil "WOMEN and GIRLS, for Family servants. Hotels, and ’ every branch of usefulness, to suit all. 735 SaNSOM street. Conducted by Ameri can Ladies. fe£S-Ct* Mechanical draughtsmen want ed—Apply to JOHN McARTHUR, Junior Architect. £OO South SIXTH streeet. Only first, class need apply. fe£ti Sr* m WANTED—Amoderu built HOUSE, about 23 feef front, on Arch, Chestnut, Walnut or Locust streets: immediate possession desirable. Address Post Office, Box No. £lOO. feffiMt* M WANTED TO RENT —A furnished Honse or Cottage—possession wanted in Jnne —at aconTeuient distance and easy communication o the city. Address Box 536 Philadelphia Post Office. ‘ lei T-fits WANTED TO PURCHASE—A 30 or S 3 feet B 3 Ircint modern HOUSE, with good sized lot, north of Market and west of Broad Streets. Ad dress “Homestead,” 308 S. EIGHTH St. fe£7-2t* d@ WANTED TO RENT, for the summer, by tea a gentleman and wife, without children, a lurnished country place, with stabling; oi con venient access to the city. Address, stating terms, J. D. C., Box laiw, Philadelphia Post Office! . UHa-at} m~ WANTED TO RENT—A small HO or near Germantown, for a family of three persons. Address ©. M., at this office, statmg rent and location. feu>-3t* —WANTED TO RJSr«T, BEFORE APRIL j st , a three-story brick dwelling, with all modern improvements, siiuated between Fifth and Tenth and v ine and Poplar streets. Address box 1026 Philadelphia P. O. P i umcvuL a.xu valuablS DISCOVERT!! UKlil DIBOOVSBT INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more general practical -utility thon any inye'ntidn now before the public. It has been thoroughly test ed during the las t two years by prac tical men, and pronounced by all to be Applicable to - the useful Arte SUPERIOR. TO ANT Adhesive Preparation Ira own. Hilton’s Insoluble Cement It a new thing, and the result of years of study: its combination is on Its Oombina- SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES, tion. and under no circumstances or change of temperature, 'Will it be come corrupt or emit any offfenei yS smell. A new thing. Iloot and Shoe BOOT AXDSHOB Manufae- Manufacturers using Machines will turers.' Audit the best article known for Ce menting the Channel, as it works without delay, ie not affected by any change of temperature. ■ ■ JKWBIERS _ ' Will find it sufficiently adhesive 101 their nee, as has been proved. __ It ta Especially Adapted to Leather, And -we claim as an especial merit, that it stichß Patches and Linings to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong without stitching. _ ■ IT IS THE ONLY LIQUID CEMENT EXTANT That is a sure thing lor mending FOtuituxei Crockery, Toys, Bone, Ivory, And articles of Household nee. Remember Hilton’s Insoluble nmnarr is In a liquid form and as easily applied as paste. Hilton’s Ih 'stlulU Ceemat is insolnble in water or oil. Hilton' Unsalable Cemented heres oily substances. _ Suppliedin Family of Mantdac™- reFs Packages from 8 oz. to 100 ins. HU.TOX BROS, * CO., «L«i!SSSaSB®^ rdst. ; Joseph Godfrey A Co., 38 «. Jewelers. Families. Itts a Liquid- Remember. Finis. niß-wm&friy Agents in PI No. 30 N. Thi Fonrth street fpg FronUtreet. QOjf6TIT TJ T I © if WAX B B. HILTON’S CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION;WATER, CONSTITUTION-WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER. ooNferrruTiON water, : CONSTITUTION water, f CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, constitution; water, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER; CONSTITUTION WATER, THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDYfFOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THEONLYKNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN-REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR, THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB TifE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR DIABETES, STONE IN THE BLADDER .^CALCULUS, GRAYED, IRRITATION OF THENECK OF THE BLAD DER. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. CATARRH .OF THE BLADDER. STRANGURY. • For these diseases it Is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praise. A single dose has been known to remove; the most ar gent symptoms. : : Are you troubled with, that distressing pain in tba small of the back and through the hipsl A teaspooniol aday of the Constitution Water will relieve you like magic. PHYSICIANS Have long since given up the use of bnchn, cnbebs and juniper in the treatment of the diseases, and only use .them for the want of a better remedy CONSTITUTION WATER has proted itself eqttsl to the task that.nas e- TOlted upoa it. DIUERTICS irritate and drench the kidjjfys, and by constant use soon lead to cnronic degeneration and confirmed disease. We present the Constitution Water to the public with the conviction that it has no eqtial in relieving the <'}*** of diseases for which it has been found so eminently successful for curing, and we trust that we shall be rewarded for onr efforts in placing so valuable a remedy in a form to meet the require* menu of patient and physician. IN DYSMENORRHCEA, OR PAINFUL MEN . SIRUATION; AND MENORRHAGIA, Both diseases arising from a faulty secretion of the menstrual fluid—ln case of being too little, and accompanied by severe pain, and the other a too protuse secretions which will be speedily cored by the Constitution Water. The disease known as FALLING' OF THE WOMB, which is the result of a relaxation of tee ligaments of that organ, and is known by a sease of heaviness and dragging pains in the back and eldes, and at times accompanied by'sharp, lanci nating or shooting pains through the parts, willy in all cases, be cured by this medicine. There is another class of symptoms arising from. HABITATION OF THE WOMB, which physi cians call nervousness, ’ which word covers up much ignorance, and in nine cases out of ten the doctor does r.otreally know whether the symptom s sxe the disease or the disease the symptoms. We r*-n only enumerate them here. I speak more particularly bf Cold Feet, Palpitation of the Heart, Impaired Memory, Wakefulness, Flashes of Heat, Languor, Lassitude and Dimness of Vision. SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION, Which in theunmarried female is a constantly re curring disease, and through neglect the seeds of mere grave and dangerous maladies are the result; and as month alter month passes without an effort being made to assist nature, the suppression be comes chronic, the nhtient gradually loses her ap petite, the bowels’are constipated, night sweats come on, and consumption finally ends ner career BEAD! READ!! READ!!! Danville, Pa., June 2, 1662. Dr Wm. H. Gregg—Dear Sir: In February, ltd! I was afliicted with sugar diabetes, and for five months I passed more than two gallons of water in twenty-iour hours. I was obliged to get up as often as ten or twelve times during the night, and in five monthß I lost about fifty pounds in weight. During the month of July, 1661,1 pro cured two bottles of Constitution.' Water, and in two davs after using it I experienced relief, and. after taking two bottles I was entirely cured; soon alter regaining my usual good health. Yours truly, J. V. L. DEWITT.. Boston Cobnebs, N. Y., Dec. 27, IS6I. Wm. H. Gregg to Co. —Gents—l freely give you liberty to make use of the following Certificate of the value of Constitution Water, which I can re commend m the highest manner: My wife was attacked with pain in the shoulders, whoie length of the back, and in her limbs, with JPalpitation cf the Heart and Irritation of the Bladder. I called a physician, who at tended her three months, when he left her worse he had found her. I then employed one of the best physicians I could find, wno attended her for'about nine months, and while she was under nis care she did not suffer quite as much pain. He finally gave her up and'said, her cose was in curable. “Fot,V said be, “she nas suj* a combination of cenpiair.!:. that medicine giaen for one operates against tome o her of her difficulties. About this time she commenced the use of the Constitution Watek, and, to onr ntter astonish ment almost the first dose seemed to have the de. steed effect, and she kept gm improving rapidly under its treatment, and now superintends entirely her domestic affiiirs. She has not taken any of the Constitution Wateb for about four weeks, and we are happy to say that it has produced a perma nent cure; WM.M. VAN BENSCHQTEN. Wethebb field, Conn., March 2,1563. Dr. W. H. Gregg—Dear Sir—Having seen your advertisement of “Constitution Water,” recom mended for inflammation of the Kidneys and Irri tation of the Bladder, having suffered for the past three years, and tried the skill of a number of phy sicians with only temporary relief, I to try your medicine. I procured one bottle irom your agents at Hartford, Messrs. Lee, Sisson at s s°s,"s£ti |SS^topjsasss;»fi4K of iov«. vours, “‘Leonard s. bigelow. . THESE ARE FACTS ENOUGH. „ We present tne Constitution Water to the pnhlio wiuith# conviction that it has no equal in rellfv the class of diseases for which, it has Men found so eminently successful In curing; and wa trust that we shallbe rewarded for our efforts in placing so valuable a remedy in aform to meet tha reouirements of patients and physicians. ■ FOR SALE BY -ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE ONE DOLLAR. W. H. GREGG & CO., Proprietors. MORGAN & ALLEN, General Agents. No. 46 CLIFF street, New York. For sale by - _ JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY A COWDEN, ' FRENCH, RICHARDS 4s C 0,,; . ia26-m,Wif-6m . - Philadelphia.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers