Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 29, 1864, Image 4
.WQ3jlgg& 1 SEB l EST_B|,l^g l T^.J'. i . A KE'. Sfwr pills TO TAKE. , Dr. »dway sFiHMg® coa ted with gum, occa low. They are el g straining, tenesmus, weak-. ■sssjS.'sS'KfS Hs&da^‘“leTuJosewhS'l pUte yo DyspeD6ia, Elver Complaint, and medicines iori»y r- Nervous Auction 3, £■«“: Biliousness, keadache, Enlargement ®°?hi Jnleenf Affections of the Kidneys, and other * .Wished diseases, without deriving a perfect s-'saisys?" ’ffi’Sg-v* “*“Sffiw“Vi ooff“" everywhere. CT Maiden Lane, New York. S2SS* .SftSS VIYE is the &M<*n ffis irerld. The only Barmlcss, Si, an d Reliable Dye known. ■ This splendid Hair Bve is perfect—changes Eed, Busty or Grey Hair, instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown, with. Snt iniuring the Hair or Staining the skin, leaving 55, hair soft and beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, iUoneentlv restoringits pristine colpr, and rectifies S£*iU effecte of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WrrxiAM A. Batoethlob, all others are mere imi- J7.,rr„ and should he avoided. Sold by all Drug. &e FAOTORY-81 BARCLAY street, N. yT Batchelor’s New Toilet -Cream for dressing cue Hair. rL—wi—. GREATEST IMPROVEMENT WW| ' * OF THE AGE IN PIANOS. MEYER’S Improved Overstrung Pianos, ac knowledged by the leading artists, and endorsed by the Musical public, to be the finest Pianos in America. - ~ ■v. The attention of the Musical public is called to these recent great improvements in Piano Fortes. By a new method of construction, the greatest possible volume of tone has been obtained, without any of the sweetness and brilliancy for which these Pianos are so celebrated, being lost, and which, with an Improved Touch and Action ren der them Uneqnaled. These Instruments received the Prise Medal at the'World’s Fair, held in London, as Well as the Highest Awards over all competitors, from the first Fairs and Institutes in this Country. Ware rooms, 722 Arch street below Eighth, Phllada. LEHIGH LOCUST MOU NTAIN AND Black Heath, Whitk Ash Coal, carefully (elected and prepared for family use, tree from slate and dust, delivered promptly and warranted to give full satisfaction, at prices as low as the lowest for a good article. Limp Coal for found ries, and Ohebthut Coal for steam purposes, at wholesale prices. An assortment of Hickobt, Oak and Pike Wood, kept constantly on hand. Also, an excellent article of Blacksmith’b Coal,- delivered tree of carting to any part of the city* A trial of this coal will secure your custom. Send your orders to THOMAS E. CAHILL, Offices, 325 Walnut street. Bombard and Twenty-fifth street. North Pennsylvania Railroad and Master street.. Pine stree" wharf, Schuylkill. THE COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. Offices and Depots as above. Wagons run in all the paved limits of the* Con solidated City and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINI MENT affords immediate relief for Piles, and eel dom mils to cure. gtißßjß S(^uB^ C tH'^v| l W K S?ounS ■ I l» that their Manufactory of First-Class TUno Fortes is now in fall operation. The general ■atifliaction their many Pianos, sold already, meet With, by competent judges, enables them to assert confidently that their Piano Fertes are not sur- Mssed by any manufactured In the United States. They respectfully invite the musical public to *aii and examine their instruments, at the Sales Boom, ITo. 46 North Third street. Fall guarantee given, find prices moderate. DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINI MENT cures Toothache in one minute. ETECK&CO.’S MAS ON HAMLIN’S ffTTfi CABINET ETECK&CO.’S ORGANS. J. E GOT Seventh <.§a> E s&Kif''s l &,B,°m |*L# I !« UPRIGHT SQUARE PIANOS,are bow considered the best in Europe, as well as this country, having received the first Prize Medal at tt «JWorld’s Exhibition in London, 1662. The principal reason why the Steinway Pianos are superior to all others is, that the firm is com posed of five practical pianoforte makers (father and four sons), who invent all.their own improve-' nents, and under whose personal supervision every part of the instrument is manufactured Forsaleonly at BLASIUS BROS., 1006 Chestnut EVENING BITTjT/RTrPf MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1864, NORTHERN REBEL OFFICERS. Retributive justice has come swiftly* upon many northern men, of 'southern proclivities, who, when the rebellion broke out, joined the rebel forces. They were welcomed by the boasts and promises of Jefferson Davis, and made to believe that the Sonth would speedily triumph, and that their fortunes would be made as great generals of the triumphant 'confede rate army, a large number of these traitors lave paid for their folly with their'lives. n haVe f “ led as military men, mid (01 the rest have lost the confidence of the Southern people. - - . m ° Bt Boted of the officers who have Lieutenant-General Pemberton. To bim was assigned the tdsg of defending Vicks burg, and because he could not do it against the strategy and force of General Grant, the Southern people grew furious at him, charged him with being a traitor or a coward, and brought such a pressure upon Jefferson Davis, who had been till then his devoted friend and supporter, that he was. compelled to relieve ■him of his command. Pemberton is now an unemployed officer, and it is not likely that he will again have a command while the war lasts. The prejudice against Pemberton has ex tended to all rebel officers of Northern birth. to .suggestedte ? me thattife\Voons'?n th-' ™ has been very hostile to officers of wiith 18 D ?P artment ,ttat, on that accost, and arrival will weaken ,^.t7^*y or r <jeneral French’s Deg ofyon to c o n E w4r ?h^l^L Bt „ r , e r astheil I era birth, are on duty m thffi Sl°,?“ rE °f North. 18 a °yr a want of mZjOT-GeneSiS t “ eat - Ther « dia«n{em? PBrt “ t t 0 a ™ d “tciwse further In Ms reply Davis tried to fyench.as well as other Northern officer 'Bnt the fact exists that the Southern pie have not a particle of confidence officer not a native of a slave State. ' Nobody® seed be sorry for this, except the deluded rec xeants themselves* RECRUITING IN PENNSYLVANIA. -- Cur tln, ever mindful of the into ■ ; jv S o ,f enns citizens and her sol - anatfnn M $” md ** neces ? ar y to issue aprocla- W wm TObjeot of , fenl »tments, which,we ‘ S^frMder Ve w 6 th ° Dshtful consideration e a zi by dSrofetr & we enlisting in regimentsthat'do not beWto Pennsylvania. By_.so doing, they forfeit not ■ 'enlythebonntieswhichare,offered tothemi . bis State, burtheaid totKcir families, which is secured while they are absent in the field. After the war they will be entitled to nothing from Pennsylvania, and they will certainly get nothing from the States under which they en- Jfct. Self-interest, as weß ae State-pride, should make them serve as soldiers of Penh sylvsnla. They will receive immediate boun ties as 1 >rge as theylcan from any other State, and will secure also the ftfture rewards of the noble old commonwealth of which they, are citizens. We trust that tne Governor’s appeal may be handsomely responded to, and the quota of Pennsylvania may be : filled with out recourse to the draft. ■ ■ : The members of the rebel Congress, have come out with a manifesto to their constituents which comes more appropriately under the : head of “ cheek,” than of any distinctive name we can think of. Lyingis a comparatively vulgar accomplishment, and it is generally prac ticed by individuals who presume upon the ig norance of their auditors concerning the thing lied about. But to lie boldly, roundly, directly, by implication, by iniiendo, by inference, and in every other way by which a falsehood may be uttered and the. truth suppressed, and to utter these manifold and. multiform - “ whop p.ers ” gravely in the faces-of those who know all about the facts, and jjWho-'Know ; how thor oughly the liar is avoiding the truth—arises to a fine art in libbing. It becomes sublimated into “cheek.” The rebel leaders who pro duced this extraordinary address have outdone all former efforts in the lying line. .Think of the sublimity of the “ cheek ” required to give utterance to the assertion that the South had for many years been the victims .of Northern tyranny, of the evident intention of the North, before the election of 1860, t-o subjugate the South ; think of the “ cheekiness ” of charging the North with inaugurating the war. at Fort Sumter; and imagine the cool impudence of applauding the readiness of the Southern peo ple to take up arms in the rebel cause at the present time. These are a few specimen “whoppers,” but they answer as samples of the whole: . Bnt, as in the case of a badly-scared indivi dual who makes a 6bow of whistling to keep his courage up, there is an under-current of alarm and apprehension running through this document which cannot be concealed. There is also -a very shrewd and cunning little pat upon the back given to Northern Copperheads, who are thus diplomatically referred to; • ‘Many sagacious persons at the North discover in the usurpations or their Government, the cer tain overthrow of their liberties. A large number revolt liom the unjust war waged upon toe South, and would gladly bring it to an end. Others look with aiatm upon.the complete subversion of con. stitutional lreedom by Abraham Lincoln, and feel in their own persons, the bitterness of the slavery which three years of war have failed to lnllict on the South. Brave and earnest men at the North have spoken ont against the usurpation and cruel ties daily practiced. The success of these men over the radical and despotic faction which now rules the Ncrih may open the way to peaceful negotia tion and a cessation of this bloody and unnecessary war.” “Brave and earnest men at .the/North” is a very good phrase to apply to tbedaction led by the Reeds, the Woods, the Whartons, and the Ingereolls of the day, and it is only a fair re cognition of similar, rhetorical compliments bestowed upon the “Stem Statesman.” Upon the whole, though, it is rather “cheeky.” With one more specimen we dismiss the subject. The manifesto says: PIANOS. '- .* ‘ Until some evidence is given of a change of policy on the part of the Government and sora® assurance is received, that efforts at negotiation will not be spurned, the Congress are of opinion that any direct overtures for peace would com. promise our self-respect, be fruitless of good, and Interpreted by the enemy as an indication of weakness, we can only repeat tne desire of- the people for peace, and our readiness to accept terms, consistent with the honor and Integrity and independence of the States, and compatible with thd safety of our domestic Institutions. • ’ ’'PIANOS. id Chestnut. Considering that the framers of this precious document had just before declared their intention to fight it out to the «last ditch,” and to give up all ideas of peace, the para graph quoted above , looks like a very active desire for peace, and a conviction- of the hopelessness of obtaining it upon their own terms. It reads very like the sagacious remarks of Grumio, in “ The Taming of the Shrew,” who thus berates Curtio for interrupt ing him in the telling of a tale: “Tell Ibou the tale:—Hut hadst thou not crossed me, thou shouldst have heard how her horse fell, and she under her horse; thou shouldst have heard in how miry a place; how she was bemoiled; how he left the^horse upon her; how he beat ine because her horse stumbled; how she waded through the dirt to pluck him off me; how be swore; how she prayed—that never prayed before; how I cried; how the hotses ran away; how her bridle was burst; how I lost my crupper; with many things of wotjjiy memqry ; which now shall die in ob livion, and thou return unexperienced to tbv grave.” ’ -F A CONTRAST —THE PEOPLE AND THEIR One of the main matters of interest at the North for some time has been the attraction of money to aid the'Sanitary Commission by fairs. Successful efforts in this way raised at Cincin nati near $300,000, at Boston about $150,000. A fair is in progress in New York, and one, is in prospect in Philadelphia. In all, with 1 much efiort. and much individual liberality, it is pro bable that v sum of about a million will bo raised to supply the deficiencies in the govern ment care of onr soldiers. * Meantime Congress carelessly throws away a snm ten times as large to the whiskey, specu lators. So long as the statement that tho amount involved was ten millions rested on Mr. F ernando "VYood’s authority, it was liable to question; but we have now Mr. YYashburne affirming its correctness. Even should Con gress now rectify this matter, it cannot recover from the disgrace of having been on the point of yielding. - - . . • POSTAL REFORMS. The qfresent Congress is expected to act upon the revised code of the laws relating to the Post-office Department,which was submitted to the last Congress by the Department . The re forms already effected, under Mr. Blair’s ad ministration, have proved most' excellent and satisiactory. They are referred to, along with, an article from part of Z- Intelll S encer copied into another We trust thatr”’ t 0 we iuvite attention. K£n\£r ereBa WiU not faa to consider present XU Pr ° P ? Bod refonM the Union League E.’w t*-,.,"- w Connecticut, will addresseeUmbUot League at tbeir rooms, this 6v Xn„ at ® o’clock. It is expected there will be afbf’atten dance. GREAT BALE OF REAL ESTATE FuU descriptions of the extensive Ptrtmvicm, £ Eeal Estate to be held on Wednesday uextauhn Exchange, by James- A Freeman, Auetinnll can be had in the pamphlet cataiogues 0 661 ’ _ L 4? GE SALE'REAL ESTATE AND STOCRfI. den?« EB » W l (Tuesday,) Including elegant Res? 6 0 fn”tItU u ™L llinga ’ 4 IrreteenabU Q^ni fttE DAIL? EVENING BKfii.i3£TllN[- F FEBRUARY 29i804 CONFEDERATE •' CHEEK,” LEGISLATORS. Spring Millinery Goods. JOHN SToii & SONS, No. SOS CHESTNUT. STREET, "Will open on WEDNESDAY, March-Sd, a hand some assortment of *; ■ ~ FLOWERS, . ,,- r " - RIBBONS, . ' , SILKS, - - And other GOODS suitable for the , SPRING TRADE. fe23-2t* PORTRAITS OF FINE STYLE AND RARE Artisting Coloring and .Life-like appearance. S»e specimens, and engage: Life-size PHOTO GRAPHS, ia oil co.ore, at 8., F. REIMER’ S, :624 AROH street. . .- ’ PLOW aNJi TRACE CHAINS, COW Cnaiav DogOhains, and Chains for.Haacing Baskets, for sale at the Hardware Store of TRU MAN A SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. COLORED PRi.TO.fRAPHS, FOR Si <JO: tie most extensively patronized of any Pictures made. Their fine style and qualityis combined with wonderiul accuracy. REIMER’S, SECOND street, above Green. IRON BRACKET.-for Shelves nr Mantels, and fancy Iron Clock Shelves, for sale at the Haul ware-fctore of TRUMAN k SHAW, No. 815 (Eight Thlrty-llve) Market street, below Ninth. A BTISTIO, NATURAL AND ACCURATE A. CARTES DE VISITE are executed at B. F. REIMER’.- Gallery, C 24 ARCH street. Go early and secure pleasing and satisfactory Pictures. WANTED IN AN EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Address “Organ,” this Office. n* THE ATTENTION OF PHYSICIANS uad others is directed to the SALE TO-MORROW AFTEBNO* N, af 4(o elocv, by M. Thomas & Sons, of the M BDICAL LIBRARY, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac.. Ac , the property ot the late Professor ROBERT P. THOM AS. it* CIDER.— A very superior article of Champagne Cider, for draught or bottling, bv the barrel or hogshead. HENRY F. NIEMANN, fe24-6trp* 327 South Water street. SOAP— PURE FAMILY SOAP.—CONTAINS no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or CLAY, bnt is an entirely PURE SOAP, and should be used by every family. gr Put up in BOXES OF FIFTY POUNDS, full weight, when packed and marked Fifty Pounds, not Bare or Lumps, as many manufacturers brand their boxes. Manufactured by GEORGE M. ELKINTON A S ON, d# 17-Ittp4 118 Margarettaatreet S HARVEY THOMAS, : STOCK BROKER, . No. 312 WALNUT Street, ' ' Philadelphia. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on commission, at the Board of Brokers. Particular attention given to U. S. Government Loans, inS-lmi-pS SPECTACLES TO SOIT ALL SIGHTS: Artificial human eyes inserted without nain. JAMES W. Q.UEEN A CO., OpUciuiSt 924 Chestnut street. TTTAX FOR MAKING WAX FLOWERsCISt *» quality. assorted. For sale by JAMES T. SHINN, Broad and Spruce streets. ie2o-3trp) ISAAC NATHANS, AUCTIONEER and MONEY BROKER, N. E. comer of THIRD and SPRUCE streets, only one square below the Exchange. NAT HANS’S Principal Office, ea tablished for the last forty years. Money to teei, In large or email amounts, at the lowest rates, on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Cloth lng, and goods of every description. Office boar* from S A. M. till 7-p. M. deso-ttrp VERY ELEGANT REAL BLACK THREAD Lace Polntes and Square Shawls. GEORGE W. VOGEL, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, has received per steamer America, direct from Bru eelles, and opened this morning a case of Real Black Lace Pointes and Square Shawls; his as sortmenfls now very large and handsome, well, assorted in prices from *35 to SGOO, parties requir ing Real Pointes. will find it greatly to their ad vantage by examining this stock, and ascertain what can be done by dealing directly with the Importer of the article. ie2j,6trps PURE PALM OIL SOAP.—This Scap is mads of pnre fresh Palm Oil, and Is entirely a vege table Soap; ’more suitable tar Toilet use n»«n inSs* made trem animal Otta. In baxea el one dom cakes for Cl 50 per box. Manufactured by GEO. M. ELKINTON k SON, Ne. 118 Maigaretta street, between Front and Second, above CallowhiU street. del7-tyrp4 Hoof skirt manufactory Hoop Skirt* ready-made and made to> order; war ranted of the best materials. Also. Skirt* repaired. MRS. E. BAYI-EyT • fel7-tf 813 Vine street, above Eighth. 4SS FOB SALE —One of the most desirable jpa Properties in. West Philadelphia, situated oa Chestnntstreet, between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth streets. Lot!«) by 214, House 40 by 09, with bnck stable, hot-house, Ac., residence of the late J M Slnnard. Enquire of .C. B. PENROSE. No. 152 Sonth Fourth street, or J. T. SLNNARD, 1207 Market street. ’ fe29-6t* FOR SALE OR TO LET A large three- Story HOUSE, with two-story back buildings, situate on GERMANTOWN Avenue, b-low Mill Street,' Twenty-second Ward,Philadelphia, lately occupied by Charles P. Beef. The above prem ises will be rented either lor a dwelling or store, and is <n One of the best localities for business pur poses in Germantown. Apply to i JOS. BING, Conveyancer, |pe29-Ct* Main street, Germantowa. i*Kb^T~ , c> % WEIGHT & SIDDALI % No. 119 Market Street. Between Front and Second streets. C. W. WKIGHT. V. H. ftinr.. T.T. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, AND GENERAL STOREKEEPERS Can find at onr establishment a full as sortment of Imported and Domestic Drugs, popular Patent Medicines,' Paints. Coal Oil, Window Glass, Prescription Vials, •to,-at as low prices as genuine first class goods can be sold. FINE ESSENTIAL OILS for Confectioners, in full variety, and of the best quality. Cochineal, Bengal Indigo, Madder, Pot. Ash, Cudbear, Soda Ash, Alum, Oil ol ' Vitriol, Annatte. Copperas, Extract of Logwood, Ac., FOR DYERS’ use, always on hand at lowest net cash prices. o SULPHITE OF LIME, for keeping cider sweet; a perfectly harm less preparation; put up, with Tull direc tions for use, In packages, containing suf ficient for one barrel-. Orders by mall, or oity post, will meel with prompt attention, or special qcota tiona will be furnished when requested. WRIGHT A SIDDALL, - Wholesale Drug Warehouse, no2l-lyrp( No. 119 Market street above Fron OPERA GLASSES AND OFFICERS, FIELD Glasses, Microscopes tor Physicians and Stu dents. A very large assortment for sale bv coo J-aJHES W. QUEEN AOO., fe22-lpi.rpj - • 924 Chestnut street. Mathematical drafting instru ments, tjhesterman’s metallic and steel tape-measures. Eor sale by JAMES W. -QUEEN A CO., 924 CHESTNUT street. Priced and illus trated catalogues gratis. . , fft2o. !m . rp j FOB SALE—A WHARF ENGINE In good , Ina “ i “E'°r d ® r ; A PPIy to H. WINSOR & yjyj-. 332 Sonth Delaware avenue. [1 fe27 FITLBB, WEAVER * Manufactmere of MANILLA AND TARRED COBDAGB, _ Couds, Twnra, Ad., , No. S 3 North Water street and No. 33 North Bela, _ ware avenue, Philadelphia. MBWWH. Fxm.Hu. i.-' Miohaul Wuav bb. ■ OssvAP F. Ctovsm : If EHDALL’ 8 a MHO LINE L . -FOR THE HAIRT * U amboline «• MOISTENS,. BEAUTIFIES, ODORATES, LENGTHENS, / . , THE HMR. BEUJSHBS « W should not fUi togtv?th. des^3^ STOWt H^^) 'WAV A COWDEN, Til Wo.iHNnwi. si xt natreet. B quality insure cef^? ’ 000 lbs - * u g ori or . PEOPLE’S JfELEGRAPH. JCjEW FIRST-CLASS LINES .* DIRECT TO £o&ton, Providence^ . - Hartford, New Haven, New York, Baltimore ani Washiogton, ■ And connecting with lines to - THE WEST, And all otter parte of the United States and BRI TISH PRjV-NCES. , ... Philadelphia Offices,, 411 CHESTNUT STREET, - . GIR4RD HOUSE, and Mebchaxt’s ExcHAxaE Rkadiku Room, (right Ji&nd tide, rmtip entr&uc© ) Prompt, Ac:urate and Sellable. .James merriheyv. MAKAOKR PmtADEI.riIIA DISTEICT, fe23 6tt. 411 CHESTNUT STREET. TJms Sunbeam Stories, ' Containing lhe charming, bright Stories of TRAP TO CATCH A SUNBEAM, ■ CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, . HOUSE ON THE ROOK, ONLY, OLD JOLLIFFE, BERRY Chsistmab, DREAM CHINTZ, , STAR IN THE DESERT, *c. Six beautiful volumes, Illustrated, $2 50. i,o, , W ‘ P- HAZARD. ja2l-t;yl 3t South SIXTH Street PRICE & WOOD, i 113 North Ninth Street, (Above ARCH.) Have just opened— One Case fine quality Plain all-Wool Delaines, all colors, very cheap. Gocd Black Silks SI 12<f, 81 20, 81 25, 81 70, 81 75 per yard. fe27-3ts IMTBRPRISE MILLS. ATWOOD, RALSTON & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESAU DEALERS IN CABFETING^ Oil Cloths, Mattings, &c., Ac* Wsrehoose, 61S Chestnut Street, AND ffIA.I“STPC gtTffigt Abl-Smi 1864. SPRING 1864. GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA. M’CALLTJM & CO., Manufacturer*. Importer* and Whole* •ale Sealer* IN CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &o. Warehouse, 509 Chestnut st., Opposite Independence Hall. SPECIAL NOTICE. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. M’CALLUM & CO. • * Feg leave to inform the public they Hat leased the old established Carpet Store, ' No. 519 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite independence Hall, FOB A RETAIL DEPARTMENT, Where they are now opening A NEW STOCK, or IMPORTED AND AMERICAN CARPETS, Embt acing the choicest patterns of AXMINSTEH, IT A PESTBY CAB ROYAL WILTON, I PETS, VELVET, I BRUSSELS CARPETS . -VENETIANS. Together with a full assortment of everythin, pertaining to the Carpet Business. ja3o-tfj ■rjNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE.. ANNUAL TAXES FOR 18M. The attention of tax-payers is hereby called to the pro visions of the United States Excise Law relative to the assessment of annual taxes. By the sixth section of the act of July 1, 1603, it is made.the duty of-all persons, partnerships, firms, associations, or corporations, made liable to any annual duty, license, or tax ON OR BEFORE THE FIRST MONDAY OF MAY IN EACH YEAR, to make a list or return to the Assistant Assessor of the District where located of the amount of annual -Income, the articles or objects charged with a special tax, and. the busi ness or occupation liable to pay any license. Every person who shall fail to make such re turn by the day specified will he liable to be as sessed by the Assessor according to the best infor mation which he can obtain: and in such case the Assessor is required to add fifty pier centum to the amount of the items of such list. Every, person who shall deliver to an As: ess or any false or fraudulent list or statement, with in tent to evade the valuation or enumeration re quired by law, is subject to a fine of five hundred dollars;, ax din such case the list will be made out by the -Assesser or Assistant Assessor, and from the valuation and enumeration so made there can be no appeal, ' ’ Payment of the annual taxes, except those for licenses, , will not be demanded until the thirtieth day of June. The appropriate blanks on which to make re turn, and all necessary information, will be fur nished by the Assistant Assessors of tbe respective Divisions to whom the returns shonld be delivered on or before the first Monday of May. - Washington Keith, U. S. Assessor, First Dis trict. Pennsylvania. Thbs.'W. Sweney, U. S. Assessor, Second Dis trict, Pennsylvania. Y > .J. Fletcher: Dodd, U, S.- Assessor, Third Dls trict* Pennsylvania., ' . - D, P. South worth, U. S. Assessor, Fourth District, Pennsylvania. , Edwin T. Chase, U. S. Assessor,: Fifth District, Pennsylvania. ‘ ’ - • feao,39,mh4,3trp WORMS. WORMS. WORMS. WORMS. WORMS. * WORMS: ... WORMS. NIHKEY’s Worm Powders; Vegetable; sure cure. BIDCJE &»d GIRARD Atohum. price Me. OPEHINii OF SPBING GOOD 3, JOHN W. THOMAS, Having completed the improvement in his Store, WILLOPtSN On Monday forcing, Feb’suaiy 29th, ;WiTH A SPLINDIIi STOCK CP DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, Bright PLAIDS, for Children; r AT^ L ? vm P TZES ' KOB Ei to . . . ALot !t A FPLL STOCK OF rr AND FURBISHING HOODS, To "Winch the attention of the public is invited. Nos. 405 and 407 North Second S fe27-Sts ' . REMOVAL ALEXANDER WHIL LDIN & SONS, 20 and 22 South Front Street, 21 and 23 Letitia Street, Where, from large and desirable stocks of WOOL. and WOOLEN YABNS, COTTONS and COT- TON YABNS, they wiH be pleased to serve ail customers. PATENT 'HINGE-BACK PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, The most indestructible Album male. It lies open perfectly fiat without injury or strain to the Bock. For sale by Photographers and Booksellers. AI/TEMUS A CO., N. W. CORNER FOURTH AND RAGE, feSO-lm} Entrance on RACE Street. CHARLES STOKES & CO.’S rntßT-CLABB “ONE-PRICE*' RkXdT MADECLOTHING STORE, NC 824 CHESTNUT STREET. TO- @s. For Coat— /“s % Lengtholback i* J K from bass cf %iSj * cellar to wain tandfrom waist \ toendoftaiL L. Length at I \ | Sleeve {with / | I aim clookedif | j from middle I ft ? of back be-f g I tween the! a *«* shoulders toF 3 f end of cuff, I j j and around yf a ; the most pro- | 8! mtnent paitol I the chest and ■waist, state | whethereroct \ or -stooping. \ F«I Pants. V inside seam. \ ■ and outside \ ‘ ■earn from hip bone arend the waist and hip. for Test, same 7 as Coat. A good *t guaranteed. All garments made from directions! sent m ao* cordaiice with thes&iitstractions will begaaranteed satisfactory. If not so, the money will be retain for them. olßcere’ Uniforms Ready-made,' always a. hand, or made to order in the best manner and or the most reasonable terms- Having Oniehed manj hundred Uniforms the past year fbr ■ < 3r— Fled, and Line Officers, as well as fbr the Navy, wi are prepared to execute all orders in this Ires w I correctness and despatch. The largest and most desirable stock of Beady Made Clothing in Philadelphia always on hand THE PRICE MARKED IN PLAIN FUTURES ON ALL OF THE GOODS. Specimens of Cloth, or other materials, with es timates .sent by mail to any address when re quested. CHARLES STOKES k 00 /V 2STo. IS O +' SOUTH THIRD ST., B.4MERS & BROKERS $ r SPECIE, STOCKS, Quartermasters’ Vouchers and Checks, AND ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT ANTDrSQIjD. «c OKAY HAIR RESTORED BALDNESq PREVENTED— • ‘♦London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.*’ ‘♦London HairOolor Restorer and Dressing. * * «‘liondon Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. * * ‘ ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. * * * ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. * 1 ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. *• ‘ ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. * * ‘ ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. * * This discovery for the preservation of the human, halr is taking the lead of all hair preparations; be sides restoring the color and making hair grow on bald heads, it is a beautiful dressing, keeps tbe hair soft, smooth and flexible, removes any erup tive disease, Itching, Scnrf, Dandruff, &c. Many who were bald and gray have had their hair per manently restored. Only one preparation; ■?“ READ THIS CERTIFICATE. ■3-GRAY HAIR RESTORED WITHOUT DYEING. , • jGTBALDJCESS prevented: I am happy to add my testimony to the grea value of the “London Hair Color Restorer,* three bottles of which restored my Hair, which was very gray, to its original dark color, and the hue appears to be permanent. I am satisfied that the preparation is nothing like a dy.e, but operates upon the secretions. It is also a beautiful Hair dressing* I purchased the first bottle from Mr. Garrigues, Druggist, Tenth and'Coates streets, who can Also testify my hair was very gray, when I commenced its use. MRS. MILLER, No. 730 North Ninth street, Phiia. “London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing, sold by dr. swayne a son, 330 North Sixth street, Philada. Price, 50 cents. Six bottles. «a s». y HUSBAND’S OALOINED free from unpleasant taste, the strength of the common Catcmcd ' -A World’s Fair Medal and Your Ffiaf PTmmum Silver Medals have been a '”J J 5f^ tl e t ’q r nggiBta K and best in the market. For sale’ e m^|gotuSr? Country Storekeeper* and by g| 7 ®^ NDi • nnlfl-ui. wr! f. lv. rp* N. W. Cor. Third and Sprucejj ,-vTOTn a r nnyRS. IN’ HANDSOME OASES; S ei^ U N« SJMRisetiiutStreet, below Fourth.' fe2-26trp Have Removed to PHILADELPHIA, CHARLES STOKES, E. T, TAYLOR, W. J. STOKES. 1864. SPRING GOODS; TBOMAS W. EVANS & CO., ABE DAILY BEOEIVING AND OPENING THEIK SPRING IMPORTATION Hew and Elegant Silks, Choiee Dress Goods, Embroideries, Lacos, &c» THISSTOCK IS PRINCIPALLY OF THEIR OWN SELECTION IN THE BIST EUROPEAN MARKETS, Will be found one of the Choicest and Handiomeit Auortment* Ever OfLied Their Cos- 818 and 820 Chestnut Street. * fe*2U-l2ts PAPER HANGINGS. JAMES c. FINN, LATE OF HOWELL * BROTHERS. "Wall Paper Decorations* SHOW ROOMS, 614 CHESTNUT STREET. feSl-3m». Elj *V * V BANKERS. Exchange on England, France aid Germany, 7 8-10—5-20 Loan and Coupons, CERTIFICATES INDEBTEDNESS^ QUAE' CkECKS AND VOUCHEES, American and Foreign Quid, STOCKS AMD'LOANS, BOUGHT AND SOLD. Orders bv Mall attended to. JOHN HORN, JR, Stock Commission Broker, 140 SOUTH THIRD BT. UP STAIRS) Philadelphia. KEF EREN CES—Messrs. Thas. A. Biddle As Co , E. S. ‘Whelen A Go., Buzby&Co., Alexan der Biddle, Esq., G. M.Troutman, Esq., Messrs Gaw, Slacalester & Co , Henry J. Williams, I. P. Hutchinson, Esq*, D. 6. Cummins, Esq., Drexel ACo., Jas. G. King & Sons, N, Y. fe2s*2ms BEDDING. BTATTBESSES, (FEATHERS, BLANKETS, I QUILTS,' COIttFOBTABLES, {BED TICKINGS, And every other article in the Bedding business at the lowest cash prices. AMOS HTLLBOR3T, fe26 3mi TENTH ST. BELOWAEOH. SAMUEL W. LAPSLEY, STOCK BROKER, No. 40 South. Third Street. bought on Commission inphiladel-’ phia. New York, Boston and Baltimore. le26«*2ms. 1564 NEW STOCK. 1864 LINFOIU) lUKEUS, N. W. corner Sixth and Chestnut Sts» . NOW OFFERS A LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK OR Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods. .All the choicest novelties in this department. Constantiy.on hand, the best made Shirts in the city. (irders promptly executed, reasonable km correct piaho ttjkino- SBBSBHMr. O. E. SARGENT'S orders for Iff • I 1 1 Toning and Repairing Pianos arre eelTed at Mason 4;-Co.'s Store, 967 CHESTNur street, only, Mr. S&feeant has tied Kleren Ysars' factor; experience In Boston, and Plr* Years’ cttp employment In Philadelphia. SPBOlAXr— Pianos TC-UatAercd to sound as soft • n<t swsst-tonsd an new, KWunit removing. Terms for tuning. *1 frernTT PT«wn twawsr. FAOTURINO COMPANY Hat* at Vr U T l| tooir factory and warerooms, HIP wai.NOT Street, always a most beanttfnl assort mettrfitSeir nnriralled PIANOB, WMcd tlup Sirattoe lowest casb prices or on Instalments. . fj/re ns a call before poxcbasing elsewliere, anC •sery satisfaction and gmrantea will be glTsn bpyprg- si ' I : . flMflßmm JA-fffKS BRTiTAtt' Sole Agent lor " * * ** GKA. PRINCE * CO.’S World-Renowned Melodeons, HARMONIUMS AND DRAWING-KOOEt ORGANS. ERNEST GABLER’S. RAVEN ARAGON'S, HAT.LET, DAVIS & CO.’S, - jall-3mrp{ CELEB BATED PIANOS. dg. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, 05* Ent onr own importation,-reliable In quality. ■mtm and at low prices. - PARR A BROTHER, Importers, 331 Chestnnt street, below Fonrtb. MARKING WITH INDELIBLE INS, ESI BBOIDERINC, Braiding, Stamping, Ac. tomeis. f«34-w fin,3uf oclS-Smx,,