v . LAIER FROM EUROPE. Nisw Yonx* Feb. 28.—The i-teamstup Asia arrived early this morning, 'with Liverpool dates of tbp 13th via Queenstown on the 14th lust. ‘ Lord Derby, in theHouseof Lords, had attacked andTSarl Bussell defended the- Government poliov relative to the suspected steam rams. The latter declined to produce any papers pending thtfieeai investigation. . “ i ; In the House of Commons Mr. La yard reiterated his statement that Mr. Adams had made no official or verbal communication to Earl Russell of "' of Se^^ d - s des P4 of Jnij Mr. Seymour Fitzgerald called attention to the circumstances attending the capture of certain British vessels by Federal cruisers, and itn* inur ;der of One o'f the crew of the barque Saxon by a -'Federal lieutenant,-Ac. He asserfedritimt : Earl Bussell had not done enough in the matter, and moved for the correspondence. : .The Attorney-General opposed the motion and said.the principle of prize &cijudi'caUon'ln r A .avrica ■was the same asmlEnglandand that thedisposition of the American Government was very ;air and just.. -During the general debate.several spe ikers charged the Government with a truckling policy towards the American Government, i Lord Palmerstom said it wav dne to the Ameri can Government to say that they invariably 're ceived England’s representations in a spirie of equality'and justice. • He cfuoted -the Trent case as an evidence of a desfcre to do right. It was pre judicial to the good understanding between pow ers Jo'acduse. foreign-Governments of act-, of which they not'guilty, and to express dis trust of their equity wben nothing jusiiUed such •charges. . i: - -■ The resolution: v< as “withdrawn. It is questionable if the report’be true that two first-class English houses, sufferers by rebel . cruisers, -are about to despatch one of the fastest - Steamers alioat, in/, pursuit: of the -pirates. It is suggested that-this. may be another rebel dodge, . i - “ It is *c6nfirmed that England has proposed an -armistice on the basis of the evacuation of Schies wJgby.the*Danes. -Russia, France, and Sweden support the proposition, and it is stated that Aus tria assents. The result lb not yet known. Nothing but a mere skirmish is reported from the seat of war. The Germans were receiving large Teinlorcements, and were making preparations against A lsen. The Prussians occupied iUtona in spite olthe Federal protests. The Daneswere capturing Prussian vessels. The Bir.k of France gained thirteen and a half millions of specie during the month. Mazzini has been indicted as an accomplice in the • late plot against the life oi Napoleon. The Bourse was ilrm-at GC. GU. ' The Asia brings the OhinUand AnfffXlian mails. Arrived from Philadelphia, Elba, at Gibraltar. Sailed, "Westfield and EmpiTe Queen, from Liv erpool. For Baltimore, the Mozart, from Liver pool. The London TYmas of the T3th, evening, say3* • Co|ton sales to-day 7,000 bales, including 000 to speculators and exporters. The market is un changed. Breadstuff's very dull but steady. Pro visions quiet and steady. Produce quiet and ••''steady. v -••• London, 13th, evening.—Consols for money, S0&a9l: Illinois Central shares, 24a22 dis.; Frift shares,' 60aC2. Liveepool, 13th,—There will be no Galway steamer on the 10th. The new steamer Pennsyl vania.leaves Liverpool that day for. New York. Preliminary proceedings have been commenced in the case of tbe steamer Pampero, seized on the -Giyde, in the Exchequer Coart in Edinburgh. The indictmen.s are similar to those in the Alexandra case.. The defendants put in a general denial, and amappeal to the jury. The case, was then ad journed to the 13th. Tbe London Timet has an article on the Parlia mentary debate upon the seizures by:the Federals of certain British ships. It treats the'alleged murder onboard the Saxon as a most serious case, and says that any negligence in demanding and urging punishment of tbe crime will be the aban donment of the protection which the State owes to every subject LokdoiJ, Feb-14.—Consols, after official hours yesterday, c.osed at9llns stated that Prussia has refused the armistice proposed by Great Bri tain. The. Paris Bourse closed heavy on Saturday. Rents, r (56 35. ' , .Bendsburg, Feb. 12.—The' Danes, on the 10th were posted about an hour's march from Duppel. Fuaxkfort, Feb. 13 —The Bank of Frankfort has reduced the rate of discount to 4. St. Peteusbubg, Feb. 13.—'The Bank rate is re- duced to S. ’ ' Havre, Feb. 12.—The Cotton market opened firmer and closed inactive and tending down wards. 5 Sales for ‘the we*k, 75,000 bales, Stock, 34,000 bales. New Orleans tres ordinaire, 362 f.: ao. bas, 347 f. ... ' Among the passengers by the Asia is Mr. Bash ford, United States Minister to Belgium. LATEST BY THE ASIA. • Fleubbuhg, Feb. 12.—Troops and xirtilleiy con tinue to pass through here, bound northward. It ' is not certainly known whether the attack on Dnp pel was commenced, but a few wounded men have > been brought in. CoFiuniAGKX, Feb. 12. An outpost skirmish occurred yesterday, and the enemy weie repulsed with loss, and more prisoners were made. The «nemy'to-day took-possession ofi/Jatrano. An iron-clad steamer has gone to dislodge them. TheJling has returned to Copenhagen. CANDIDATES FOE COMMAND OF COLORED TROOPS—RESULT OF. THEIR EXAMINA TION. . i *We-publish the following report with pleasure : Free - Military School job, Applicants . ros • CONWAXI) OV COLOREB TROOPSt: ho. 12Hl Street, John H. Taooart, PRE CEPTOR* LATE COLONSL 15TH P.. V R. V. C., PiriXAUELPHTA', February--26, -1664. —Thanas ■ Webster, Esq., Chairman of Supervisory Committee —Sir: I have the honor, to report that of the ; sixty-one students of the Free Military Schools ' recommended by me, to you, as qualified for ex amination before the Board of Examiners at *V7ashlnjitofi, and ior whom yon obtained permis sion to appear before the said Board, twenty-one have been examined, paseed and! recommended - for ; the following positions, to wit: I—George W. Baird, private Co. H, 13th Regi ment Invalid Corps. Colonel, of the first-class.. *2—Edward O. Geary,Sergesnt Co. E, 149th New York Regiment,-Lieutenant-Colonel, of the first-- - classr'3^JamesH.-liane,of Philadelphia,civilian, late? private 69th Pennsylvania Regiment, Lieuiehant- Colonel; of the second class. 4 Arthur Mr Green* civilian,- Lieutenant-Colonel, third class. s—" William B. Wright, Co. —,'2Gth Pennsylvania Regiment, Captain, firs class. 6—Christopher McKey > civilian, late pri vate C-S. Engineer Corps* Captain* first class. 7—Joseph T. Pratt, of Philadelphia, private In dependent Company ot Engineers, at Fairmonnt, West Virginia, Captain, first class. S—Edward W. Bacon, civilian. Captain, first class. 9 , Frank Holsingfiv Sergeant Co. F, Bth Pennsyl vania Reserves, Captain, fiist class. 10—James Butler, civilian, of Philadelphia, Captain, first class. H-i George D. Moore, Corporal Co. B, 140th Pennsylvania Regiment, Captain, first class. 12—Charles Cnssy, civilian,* of Philadelphia, Captain, first class. 13—Arthur J Smith, pri%'ate - Co. C, ?lst Pennsylvania Regiment, Captain, second class. 14—Delos T. Stiles, of Buffalo, N, Y., Captain, third class. 35—Eben Whitney* civilian, of Philadelphia, Captain, first class. 16—" William W.ißurke, civilian, of Philadelphia, Captain, third class. 17—Charles McGlnlsy, cor poral, 00. L* 15ih Fenna. Cavalry, First Lieut., : first class. IS—rJames C. Nelson, private, Co. C, 12th New Hampshire Regiment, First Lieut, first class. 19—Albert Henry, private, Co. G, 145th r -Penna.-.Regiment, First Lieut., first class. 20— Thomas G- Bennett, civilian, First Lieut., first - class. 21—William Swearingen, private, Co. F». 140th Penna. Regiment, First Lieut.first class. 22—George Mahafley, civilian,of Pittsburgh, Pa., First Lieut., second class. 23—Martin L. War son, private, Co. H, Bth-New York, Heavy Ar tillery, Second Lieut., first class.. : 2-i—James Scully, prir ate, Co K, 10th New York Regiment, Second Lieut., = first class. 23—John Reed, of Philadelphia, late private,'72d ‘Penna. Regiment, Second Lieut, class. 26—William P. Roberts, • civilian, of Montgomery Co., Pa., Second Lient, first class. 27—Henry Whitney, civilian, ofPhil adelphia. Second Lieut., fiirst class. Total—! Colonel, 3 Lieutenant-Colonels, 12 Captainß* 6 : f‘ Lieutenants, 5 Second Lieutenants. :All the* Board S taTe been examined have passed the I have the honor to be, your obedient servant, JOHN Preceptor. 1511 NATTn^ l nv I ?t-^ 0S01, THEEEKOMI. •v-.-* -HATION OF PRESIDENT T.TWfiftT.N o?n 6ting soldiers con- Volunteer Hospital, fully decorated, the trimoloro; han“nlTiArich festoons, forming a canopy over theaje&ws In the back-ground was the motto -‘Let us tmtai! ' the Government by onr voices which Va win defended m the field, ’ ’ which was disnlavad Tn bold letters the .width of the room. ’ * y ■ m Eloquent speeches were delivered by the worthv Chaplain, F. W. Olmstead; Sergeant Matthews* ' of Michigan; Corporal Taylor,of New Hampshire- Privates Ela, of Maine;- Eaton, of Minnesota; Ewart, of Pennsylvania; and-others, .after which the following resolutions were unanimously -- adopted: - . .. . Whereat, The approaching contest for the Pre sidency is one fraught with weal or woo to our telovedblhod-bonght-iandj involving- the mighty - ,< i n ? st '? u . whether we shall treat- with treason an “ admit that for three years we have pursued a . toyUPthut the monuments erected to the memory of the brave and honored dead have been reined m 'vain. thalljtbejmilUons of, moneyed freely nation’s tribute to the base ingratitude-ofthe South, whose pampered; leaders have heaped insult and.contumely upon ourselves and comrades? ~Qt.shall we press mooly forward to victdryrajd crush the unnatural. rebellion, now ’ determined prosecution : r of the war,, and show all enemies (hat we are de* .. -lermined toisupport the Government/and tomain ■ tain unimpairsd thiLelorions privileges of free in stitmlqns banded' down to n, our (m. Ethers? Therefore, the soldiers who, by reason of wounds received in battle, are now in the Citizens* Volunteer Hospital, having assem bled in mats meeting for the ', interchange of opinion on the political' ' -affairs, do- Resolve That in reviewing the course of the present Administration we do not perceive what more -could have been; done than has • been Accom plished by our able President in advangliig the ob jects-for whi.h the_war is waged, and that we deem it impolitic in the present national crisis that any change should.be made, in the ad ministration of the Government, except such as may ba shown to be necessary by the subseqnentcourseof events. R' #oltfi /,That we recognize in Abraham Lincoln the guiding star of our hopes—one whose wisdom, aided by sage counsellors, will eventually bring us* from under the lowering cloud that now, shadows our national prospects to the more per fect day offslorjous peace: and his re-election to his present position -"will best :. accomplish the objects for which the war, is waged, and be a just tribute to his; wisdom, integrity and pa triotism. Resolved, That we earnestly recommend Abra ham Lincoln for re-nomination, and pall upon our friends athome, and companions in ihe fields to aid us by voice and vote to secure his renomination iind re-election, by such a cours, we shall sliow the rebels we are netermined to crti h tbeir internal schemes and to maintain the integ rity of i nr free institutions. Resolved, That the officers of the meetingbe di rected to publish the proceedings, signed/by a delegate f. omeach State represented. The resolutions having been adopted, the meet ing adjourned. , JOS./H; HICKS, President. Jos. S. Eatotj, Secretary, r , Messrs, J. A. Lank, E. 11. Sheppard and Jos. 4 Shaw, Committee on Resolutions.. /. ? IMPORTATIONS. / Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. •" NEW ORLEANS—Bark St James, Wayne-ril nhds sugar GeoHelmuth; 3G do W A James & Cos U 9 doT R Stotesburyj 60 do “Thompson, Clark & Young; 3 Dales hideß order. HILLSBORO—Brig Wicopee, Leland—6oo tons plaster EASouder & Co. : ORLEANS—Brig Hydra, Merriman—lo2 bales cotton Sloan & Co; 100 hhds 1 bbl sugar 146 bbis molasses Geo Helxnuth;-180 hhds sugar4o bbls mol«8seB order. NEW ORLEANS—Sohr M Reinhart, Peterson— -6 hhdssugar33 bbls molasses-J Z DeHayen: lIS hbda sugar T P Stotcsbury; 75 do order. ''.CARDENAS—Briv Moonlight, Small—22s hhds i ugar 316 bxs do SO hhde molasses J Mason & Co. CARDENAS—Brig Cygnet, Croscup—3s6 hhds molasees S 6 tes do 7 ddlb do E O Knight & Co. CARDENAS—Bark Sullote, Panno—33ohhds 50 bxs sugar S &. W Welsh. i MATANZAS—Brig Neva, Smith—l 33 hhds mo aeses f 6 tes do 40 hhds sugar E O Knight A Co. NEW’ YORK—Bark Lamplighter; Morris—23l hhds sugar Ficken A Williams. NEW YORK—Brig Nameaug, Davis—23l hhds £0 bxs sugar Ficken A Williams. LETTER EA6B AT TES HXBOBAKTS' BXOHANGB, Pmr. ATVHT/P7TT k Ship Tuscarora, Dunlevy Liverpool, Feb. 25 Schr Francis Coffin, Cousins Barbados, soon SQRT pF PHILADELPHIA. FEBRUARY 29. Srry Rises,6 27 j Sus Sbts, 5 3.1 j High Watbb, 616- ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Bark Elbe (Ham), Barden, 3 days from N York, in ballast to H L Foster A Co. Brig Wicopee (Br), Leland, from Hillsboro, NS. via Boston, with plaster to E A Souder A Co. ARRIVED ON SATURDAY. Bark Suliote, Panno, 10 days from Cardenas, with sugar to S A W Welsh. * Bark Sherwood (Br), 15 days from Sombrero, with guano to J E Bazley A Co. Bark Lamplighter, Morris, 5 days from N. York, with sugar to Ficken A Williams—vessel to D S Stetson A Co. • Brig Neva, Smith. 20 days from Matanzas, with sugar and molasses to E C Knight A Co. Brig Olivia (Brsz),. Marinho, 3 days from New York, in ballast to captain. ' . Brig Nameaug, Davis, 5 daysj&om New York, -with sugar to Ficken A Williams-vessel to DS Stetson A Co; r Schr J Williamson, Winsmore, 5 days from New York, with barley to captain. Schr M H Banks, Cannon, 5 days from Beaufort, in ballast to captain. Schr E F Lewis, Wallace, 10 days from Portland, with headings. Schr J H Moore, Nickerson, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell A Collins. Schr Mary, Hendrickson,'l day from Odessa, Del. with grain to Christian A Co. Schr Lancet. Bayard, 1 day from Christiana, Del. with grain to Christian A Co. Brig Dirigo, at the. Breakwater 25th inat. from Jamaica, consigned to D-N Wetzlar, has been ordered to New York. CLEARED ON SATURDAY. Schr J H Wainwright, Mulford, Fort Monroe,Tyler A Co. Schr Hugh HoFadden, Sharp, Waihihgtoii Com H A Adams. Schr M B Mahouy. Maccmber, Boatoo, Blakiston. Graff A Co. ’ Schr Searerille, Sears, Boaton, Twells A Co. Schr C A Stetaon, Rich, Boaton, Geo B Kerfoot. Schr R Vanx, Powell, New York, J R White. St’r J S Shrirer, Bennia,■ Baltimore, A GroTea, Jr. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES, Dei.. Feb. '57. Ship Frank Boult, for Portland; bark Sea Eagle, for Port Spain, and brig American Union, for New Orleans, went to sea yesterday. Two brigs (one from New Orleans), and ten. schooners are at the Delaware. A schooner, name not ascertained,came ashore on the cape, yesterday, and is fall of water. Wind W. AAEON MABSHar.I. . . > MEMORANDA. Ship Sea Crest, Tobin, from Liverpool for this port, had all her cargo on-board at Fayal, 2sth ult. and would have it stowed and ready to sail Feb. 1. Steamship Saxon, Matthews, cleared at Boston 27th Inst, for this port. . Bark.Oicbilla, Havener, from Matanzas for this port, was passed 23d inst. off Cape Florida. Bark Dcsiah, Gilkey, at Matanzaa 16 th inst. from Havana to load for this port, and remained 20th. Bark Irma (Br), Russell, hence at Cardenas 18th instant. . Bark AI Harvey. Faber, hence at Sierre Leone 21st ult. via Goree and Gambia. Bark G W Horton, Hackard,clearedatNew York 27th inst. for this port. Brig Alice Maude, Edgett, hence at Sagua 10th instant. Brig Fanny Foulke, Cook, for this port, was towed to sea from New Orleans 16fh Inst. Brig A Hopkiuß, Leerhoffjor this port, was towed to sea from New Orleans 14th inst. Brig S V Merrick, Norden, hence at Matanzaa, lSthinst. ' Brig EM Strong, Strong, sailed from Matanzas 20th inst. for this port. • BiigGeoS Hunt, Woodbury, cleared at New Or leans 13tb inst. for this port, and was towed to sea 16th. . - Ship Harpswell, from Philadelphia, at Uonte - video Bee 16, was Btruck by lightning the day after her arrival, during -a terrific thunder storm, which carried away the main and mizzentopgallanpmasts, (putting the mizzen mast and foretepmast, and sprung bead of foremast. The lightning came down the mizzenmast info the:'cabin; tearing everything to pieces and going through the cabin into the holm starting off a number of planks on the outside of the vessel, causing her to Peak two inches of water per hour. 1 It also rented the mainmast, but nothing serious. Capt Rogers says; It seemed to me that, after I came to my senses,the ship was tom entirely to pieces. 1 am now waiting to get out my cargo, so as to estimate the damages; which wUI he heavy, but I shall do the best I can. Bark Fannie, Carter, hence at CienfuegOß 10th instant. ggßark Pleiades, Miller, hence at New Orleans 18th instant.. IS Brig Frontier, Brett, hence at Cardenas 16th inst. : Brig Faustina, Griffin, at Cardenas 18th inst. from New Orleans. Brig Tiberias,Bmee,hence at denfuegos 10th inst. . Brig Breeze, Terry, sailed from Cienfuegos 15th inßt. lor this port. Schr Velma, Stanwood, hence at'Oardenas 16th instant. • ./ SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF PHILA DELPHIA. FRANKFORD. Capitai 9100,000, with the privilege of increas ing to 9500,000. . NATHAN HlLLES,President; WILLIAM H. RHAWN, Cashier, late of the Philadelphia Bank. dißbotors: . Nathan HiUes, Lewis Shallcross, George W. Rhawn, Charles E. Kremer, ’ Simon R. Snyder, Benjamin Rowland, Jr., Edward Hayes, Benjamin H. Deacon, John Cooper. - The Second. National Bank of Philadelphia Is now open at No- 134 Mam street, Frankford, for the transaction of a General Banking Business upon the usual terms. , ■ Collections upon all accessible points will be wade upon liberal terms. . Respectfully, W. H. RHAWN, ~ fe3-3m{ Oasher. eno. o. BTAHDBBTDBB. : . J. W. U73BISAW gTANDBRIDGE fo CO, BANKERS AND exchange BROKERS, No. 49 South THIRD street, . PHILADELPHIA STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON commission. on A bags laguayba coffEeT-now, OU,U landing frmn bark Thomas n£i?to For sale by DALLETT 5c SON, -128 South FRONT.. jfitXWL't ;i \f;'. . -; . S ' • I^7' THE DAILY WVifiNING BULLETIN * PHILADELPHIAN MO i ? lw v rt 29 <s>«4 Letters of administration on the Estate of JOSEPH B. SHEWEL.L,, deceased, latd/oj .the city:, -of rjPhilade lptua, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to his 'Estatff'ure requested to make payment, and those haying claims or demancis against the same to preEehttheiit Without delay to F.^.R.BACKUS, Administrator, No. 350 Nortn Delaware Avenue. Philadelphia, Feb. . . fe!s-m6t* Estate of -rev. henry steele CLARKE,' i>. D.,' DECEASED.—Letters of Administration to tbe estate of -Rev. Henry Steele Clarke,-D. D.« late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, base been duly granted to STEPHEN COLWELL, 1031 ARCH street, said city. All persons indebted to said Estate wilPplease make payment, and those having claims will present them to him oi his Attorney. fe3s-m6ws WM. S. PEIRCE, 633 Walnut st. IN THE. ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OT PHILADEL PHIA. . a Estate of; ALEXANDER TO WAR, dec’d. The Auditor appointed ,by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the"account of JOHN H. CUR TIS, Jfi.V’* surviving Executor of the last will of Alexander Towar, deceased,and to make distri trulicn jot thff the hands of the ac- meet the parties interested for the purposes of .his.' appointment, on WEDNES DAY, March9th,'lS6i.'at4 o’clock, P. M., at the Arbitration Rooms, Washington Building, No. 274 South THIRD street, in the City of Phila •delphia. :. ; / fe26 f,m, w,st* IN THEtfORPHANSJ COURT. FOR THE CITY ‘ OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOHN STILES, deceased. • - The Auditor. appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the third and final account of HANNAH SYILESrEDWARD H. STOK ES and HENRY STJLESf. Executors of the Estate of JOHN STILES, deceased, and to report distribu tion of the balance in the hands of the acconntants, will meet the parties interested for the purposes 0 his appointment, on THURSDAY, March 3d, 1804, at 4 o.’clock, P. M., at No. 402 WALNUT street, , (second :story,) in the city of Philadel phia. ’ ' - fel9-f, m, wjt* IN -THE ORP.HANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA;—Estate of ELIZABETH PARIES, de ceased. ' ' ■ J’ The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle,- and-adjust the account of BENJAMrN B. HEATH, Administrator d. b„ n. of the estate of. ELIZABETH FARIES, deceased, and to re port distribution ot the balnnce in the hands of the accountants, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of 1 his appointment, on WED NESDAYrMarch 2d,‘1664, at 4 o ? clock P.M.« a No. 402 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadel phia. - fel9-frmJc wst* SUMMONS IN PARTITION.—The Sheriffl* directed to publish the following order. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. • fftfy and Uounly of Philadelphia, 3S. ' The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting. 1 If William Darlington, Administrator d& honit non cum testamento annexo of the last will and testament of Elizabeth Baldwin, deceased, make you Secure of prosecuting his claim, then we com* maud you that you summon by good and lawful summoners, Sarah S< Barnes, dharles M. Tyson and Lydia Ann his wife, in rightof the said Lydia Ann, Jonathan D. Barnes, Samuel B. Cope, Oli ver Cope, late of vour cdbnty, so that they be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at oui Court ofOommon Pleas, for the. City and County of Philadelphia,'there to be held the first MON DAY of March next, to show wherefore whereas they, the said Demandant and the said Defendant together and undivided do hold all that lot or.piece * of ground with Ihe buildings thereon erected, situ ate on the north side of Chestnut street, in the citj of Philadelphia; containing in breadth on the said Chestnut street fourteen feet, and in length or depth fifty feet; bounded northward by ground* formerly of John Bar, and afterwards of thehein of John Speel, deceased, eastward by' Strawberry alley, southward by the said Chestnut street, and westward with the shop.and ground sometime in the tenure of Isaac Warren and afterwards be. longing to Samuel Barnes, or hdwsoever else tht samq is or of right ought to he butted and bounded, with the appurtenances. Being the same premises which Samuel E. Howell and wife, by indenture dated the twenty-first day of May, A. D. 1816, re corded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book M. R., No. 9, page 36!, Ac., granted and conveyed to Samuel Barnes' and : Elizabeth Lawrence, widow of Thomas - Lawrence in fee. as tenants ix common and not as joint ' heirs, the same Defendant partition thereof between them to be made (according to the laws and. cus toms ofrihis Commonwealth in such case made and provided )-,-do gainsay and the -same to he done dc not permit, very tin justly and against, the same laws and customs (as itis taid,) Ac. ; ' And have you then there tne names of those Summoneis and this writ. Witness the Honorable OSWALD THOMPSON, President of onr said Court at Philadelphia, the twenty-third day of January, in the year of out Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. i L. S. > of the Court O, P. and duly 6tamp edaccording to Act of Congress.. je23-6ws* T. O. WEBB. Pro Prothonotary. CARD —An unexpected event haTing interfered with the. intended arrangements of the sub scribers, It is deemed advisable to withdraw the notices of the Dissolution of Partnership and Oo partnership of M. B. MAHONY CO., in which we are severally interested, that were announced on the first instant. M. B, MAHONY, J. P. STACKHOUSE, C. A. MAHONY. Philada j Feb. 4th, lttil, , CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE —We have this day admitted Hr. CHARLES A. MAHONY as a partner lit our house, to date from the Ist inst. Thestyleof the firm will remain unchanged. M. B. MAHONY A CO. PHU.ADA., Feb. 4,1881. . , fel-lm« aARRY L. CARPENTER IS THIS DAY adniltted to an Interestin onr business. W. A F..CARPENTER, Tailors, 826 Chestnut street. Phi!a. , Feb. 1. 1864. fel-lm* WILLIAM H. HOWELL and THOMAS T. BARR are this day admitted members of onr him; : -. . REYNOLDS, HOWELL A REIFF. THE UNDERSIGNED Will continue tht Wholes*ie Grocery- and Tea business, under the name and style of REYNOLDS, HOWELL A REIFF, 139 North Third street,-Philadelphia. And HOWELL, BARR A CO., 91 Water street, New York. THOMPSON REYNOLDS, CHARLES HOWELL, BENJAMIN REIFF. WILLIAM H. HOWELL, fel-lm* THOMAS T. BARR. PHILADELPHIA, JAN. 1, IS6l.—The 00-part. nership heretofore existing between Thomas A- Biddle.and Alexander Biddle, in the business --of Stock and Exchange Brokers, under the Arm of THOMAS BIDDLE A CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the late firm will be settled by either of the partners at No. 32t Walnut street. JANUARY 1, 1664.—THC'UAS A. BIDDLE, Of the late firm of Themas Biddle A Co.. has this day associated with him HARRY PEALE, add will continue the business of Stock and Exchange Bro kers, under the Arm of THOMAS A. BIDDLE A -00., at No. 326 Walnut street. jal-2ms CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE—The under signed have this day entered Into Co-partner ship for the transaction of the DRY OOODi COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the name o; JOHN H. WILLIAMS A CO., at No. 329 Chest nut street. . : JOHN H, WILLIAMS, JOHN WIEST. PffftAUA.. Jan. 1. 1861: •' ‘ ; ial-tm* ftiOBACOO. —30 cases Anderson’s NaTy Pounds, X 28 hhds. old Mason County Leaf; 27 cases old Pennsylvania Leaf. Eor sale by BOLDIN A WARTMAN, No. 105 North .Water street. fel6 KENTUCKY TOBACCO—Dark heavy Ken. tncky Tobacco, suitable for shipping, in store and for sale by GEORGE ALKINS, 10 and 12 South Delaware ayentie. > • jalo TJENNSYLVANIA SEED LEAF TOBACCO. 114 Cases Pennsylvania Seed Leaf Tobacco, Wrappers and Fillers, and Old Cavendish for sale by GEORGE ALKIN’S, 10 and 12 South Dela ware Avenue. : ja29 YTIRGINIA MANUFACTURED TOBAOCO- Y THE FIRST ARRIVAL SINCE THE WAR BROKE OUT.—3S boxes superior sweet lump* just received from Norfolk, now landing from schooner Florence, and for sale by „ THOMAS WEBSTER, JB., General Agent Unlcn Steamship Company, ‘ . ~ 14 North Delaware avenue- FORT SMOOTH STEAM FACTORY SPOOL : COTTON, Best six* cord. Also; of same r».a-' nufaptme, Amory’e .Enameled : Thread; each spool warranted to" couiain'2oo yards, ttnl mea sqre, and equal in every respect to any Thread of Foreign or American production. All colois and assortments to suit purchasers ■ ' Also, a brand of the above Thread expressly for. Sewing Machines. . *. - . CHARLES AMORY, .Tb., AOO., . SBLtms AOBWIg, - No'2t)oOhhTch Alley, fe!2-lm* ' ;Philadelphia. VrELLOWMETAL SHEATHlNGv—grook '.Tto&ta*. YeUbW Metal' wheathtng, Bolts, Nalls tod SplkeS of ‘all sizes, la .troeandfor saleby WILLIAMH T GRANT, U SoathTkiawMaaw^^^' LEGAL JS OTICi£S. CO-PAETN EBBHI PS. TOBACCO AND. SEGABS. AUCTION SALES. Tt l ..J OHS B. MYE B S & O 0., wTT. 00a , Auctioneers, r!!' ? r l , arkat street, corner .of Bonk. Ac.? SHO;ES > -BE Q GABS,Ai»a;Y GOODS, TUESDAY JJYG, Mapoti . ■ o' clock,'will be sold. by ‘ Sit*aS§S! Ami5 a Tuw eS s°°“’ g hoe3 - Brogans, Balmroals; Army Boots And Shoes, of Oitr ■ 3teTD tuar.nfacture, embracing a fresh, mail asso J tm6n t of desirable' articles;-, foi men, women and-children. ‘on tm. LAEQE OF BOOTS, SHOES, BUG- AKSfY GOODS, ■ &ci' ■ ■ shoes)W held on' OUr S!Ue « boofB - MOKNfNG, March lst/ I tiimf 1 5® lon % dln part tbe following part! o^ 1,0S .° Id withont reserve^ «nd shoes; men’s a 2 a Jflpbrogans; men’ s fine-patent * ots and,slioeB; men’s and women’s irai. p Sed grain boots; high cut miliSv wn^.? on s5 s ’’ ll^1 welt Wp-footer women s and goat Balmoraf-boots- :mo. roc ? o boots;fine city made kid urelt buskins todies gaiter kidß. B, ties; colored ant! black lasting >buskins; ,men’s - fine eKy-tmacS CsU. moroceo and klp, boots; - men’s.pninp sole grain boots; men’s buff leather pump boots; men’t pump sole calf boots; do. seal pump sole boom; women’s lined and bound boots; youths’ kip brogans; misses’ grain ■ tie? misses’ grain buskins; misses’ spring heeLgrain lace boots-' ‘ women’s grain lace boots;-women’s grain ties: boys’ kip brogans; misses* glazed mo. rocco boots, men’s half welt calf do.; youths’ hall weltcalf dp.; children’s brogans; traveUng bags POSITIVE SALE OF EUEQTPEAN, INDIA.AND; AMEBIOAN DKY GOODS, Ac! We will hold- a large sale of-British, German, French and American Dry : Goods; by catalogue, en FOUK MONTHS’ CREDIT and part foi ON THDRSDAY MORNING, MARCH 3, commencing at preciselyio o’ cloak comprising ■, „ W PACKAGES AND DOTS ' of British; German, French, India and American Dry Goods, embracing a large, full had fresh as- - sortment Woolen, Worsted. Idnen, Cotton and Sill. Gcods. for city and country sales. ’ " N. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged foi axamlnation, with catalogues, early on ihe morn ing of the sale, when dealers will flnd-lt to tbelr : Interest to ' ‘ k; SADE OF CARPETINGS, MATTINGS, Ac. ON FRIDAY MORNING, MARGH t, At precisely o’ clock, will he sold, without reserve, by catalogue, on FOUR MONTHS’ CREDIT, an assortment of tbreeply, snperllns and fine ingrain, .Venitian, hemp and rag’carpet ings, mattings, Ac , which may be examined early dg tbe morning of sale. Moses nathans, acctioneeb ant COMMISSION MERCHANT, Southeast coiner SIXTH and RACE streets. WATCHES—WATCHES—WATCHES. At prlyate sale, upwards of 2000 gold and silyej watches, at half the usual selling prices. Watch makers, dealers and jSjJyate purchasers will dc well by calling, at the “S. E. corner of Sixth ant Race streets. \ AT IPRIYATE SALE. SO Peters’a Philadelphia cases English Pateit Layer Watches, of the most approved and ba>t makers; some of them have fire pairs extra jewels. and very fine and high cost movements. If ay piled for immediately they can be had singly, o: the Ist at 825 each. The cases will wear equal u solid gold cases. AT PRIVATE SALE FOR LESS THAN HAT.I THE USUAL SELLING PRICES. Pine gold magic case, hunting case and donbli bottom English patent lever watches, jull jewelec and plain, of the most approved and best makaix fine gold hunting case and open face Geneva pa tent lever and lepine watches; todies’ fine go 1c enameled diamond watches; fins gold Americas hunting case patent lever watches, of the mas: approved styles; fine silver hunting cose and opex face English patent lever watches, of the most approved and best makers; fine silver bun ting case American patent lever watches, of the mo* approved makers; fine silver hunting case and open taco Swiss -and French patent lever one lepine watches; independent second and douhit time lever watches; sUver.qnartler English, Swiss •and French .watches; flee gold-plated watches: Peters’s patent watches, fine English movements.' and numerous other watches. Very fine English twist double barrel fowling pisoes, barr and back action locks, soma very costly. ' MONEY TO LOAN, m large or small amounts, on goods of ever; description, for any length of time agreed on SALES ATTENDED’ TO, either at private dwellings, Btores, «r elsewhere, and, when required, two-thirds of the ."value o! the goods will be advanced la.anticipation of sale CONSIGNMENTS jf goods ot every description solicited for ov public sales. Very line sewing machines; several ernperlor. Hammocks; fine gold chains; jewelry of every description; diamonds, and numerous other arti cles. Very Bne double barrel duck guns, breech, load tag; carbines; revolvingrifle*- one wng»*h nfiar revolvers. Ac- CITY OBDINANCK. q LEEK'S OFFICE COMMON COUNCIL— Phiudsuhu, February 5, 1864. a accordance 'with a resolution adopted by the Common Council of ihe City of Philadelphia, on THURSDAY the 4th Inst, the annexed bill entitled “An Ordlnanc e to Authorize an Additional Lean to aid the Enlistment of Volunteers,” is hereby published for public information. WM. F. SMALL, Clerk of CommonUouncll. An ordinance to authorize an ad- DITIONALLOAN TO AID THE ENLIST MENT OF VOLUNTEERS. Seotiok 1. The Select and Common Councils of the City of : Philadelphia, do ordain: That the Mayor be and he Is hereby authorized to borrow on the credit of the city from time to tune, as may be required by the City Treasurer, each sums of money as may be required to aid the enlistment of VoiunteeTß for the service of the United States, not exceeding in the whole the sum of Two Million, Dollars,. lor which interest, not to exceed at the rate of six per cent, per annum, shall be paid half-yearly, on the first days of July and January, at the office of the City .Treasurer. The principal of said loan shall be payable andpaid attheexplration of thirty years from tb, date of the same, and not before without the consent of holders thereof, and cer tificates therefor, in. the usual form of such certifi cates pf City Loans, shall be issued in such amount as the lenders toay require, but not for any frac tional part of one • hundred dollars, for inquired In amounts of five hundred or one. thousand dol lars, and it shall be expressed in said certificates the said loan therein mentioned, and the interest thereof are payable free from all taxes. Sic. 2. whenever any loan shall be made by virtue hereof, there shall be, by force of tbls ordi nance, annually appropriated out of the income Ql. the corporate estates, and from tbe sum raised by taxation, a sum sufficient to pay the interest on said certificates; and the further sum of three tenths of one per cent, on the par value of such certificates eo issned shall bo appropriated quar terly, out of the Income and taxes, to a sinking fund, which fund and its accumulation are hereby specifically pledged for the redemption and pay ment ef said certificates. RESOLUTION Authorizing the Clerk to publish the Ordinance. Remitted, That the Clerk of Common Council be authorized to publish in two daily newspapers of this City, daily lor four weeks,the Ordinance pre sented to Common Council at a stated meeting thereof, held on the 4th day of February, 1664, en titled “An Ordinance to Authorize an Additional Loan tq. aid the Enlistment of Volunteers, ’• and the said Clerk, at the stated meeting of Connells, next after the expiration of four weeks from the eaid publication, shall present to Connells one of each of said newspapers for every day in which the same shall have been made. feo-4w6 COAlk - /'(UAL ' ■ . : ! . KUHN A HILLER, • JFAMILY COAL OFFICE, No. 120 South FOURTH Street (Northwest corner Fourth and Library streets), Philadelphia. _ . Coal .selected from the best Mines for Family Use, at the lowest market prices. t&~ Prompt at tention to Orders, and speedy Delivery. Also, _ Agents for PHILADELPHIA and BOSTON JOE Families, 1 Hotels and Offices supplied at the.low est market prices. ja39Mm #i|OAL.—SUGAR ■ LOAF, BEAVER i MEA- V DOW and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, anc : best Locust Mountain from' Schuylkill, prepared expressly fcr family use. Depot, N. W-iCoraei -EIGHTH and WILLOW street*-. Office, No- IM *W E °5 > ? 1 ?* trW * J. WALTON ;_CO_ B» KABOS BlHlfii' " • JOBN P. BH2APV fPHE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION 1 to their stock of Buck Moxuatain Company * Ooa!t ; ‘ - Lehigh Navigation Company’s Coal, an<^ ; , , • Xiocnat Mountain 14 • * * Which are prepared to soli at the low6>tißS) r ketrates, andtodeurer in the best condition, Orders left with S. IKASON BINES, Frankllx Institute Building* SEVENTH street, “betyw Mar* ** tov™*** a SES i s^EAFF,. . . Mtti . t r-. . ttvnh street wharf; .Sohuplkili Messina' or anges— 2oo boxsß Sweet Frmt landmg aud fer sale by JOS. B, BUSSIEB' & CO., 108 and 11# SontU/Wbams J auction sales. M THOMAS & SONS, AUCTIONEER* • Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street aiOOKS AND BEAL, ESTATE—TUESDAI - ;/ -• NEXT. -, *i a ’?P“let catalogues now ready, containing *?B " esc Nptions of all the property to ho sold or. ?*arch Ist, Twlth a list of sales Bth, 15th, 22a and 2ith March, comprising a lorgc smount autttgrMt:,'^«ety,,of- -valuable property, , b I; Ofder of Orphans’ C.ourt, Executors and othere. ' , OABH-rThe. .sa^e : ot the assets of the Bank’ot ' Is postponed to the first Tuesday in . i : SALES OR: STOCKS AND REAL WPATT? Exchange, every TUESDAY^ ' HandbiUs of,Mich property issued separately, • and on the Saturday previous to each'sale catalogues, in pamphlet form, giving lull descry, re^e^S 1 **&&&&!?*■ «««» at privit, ;;,i ia- FUBNITTJBE SAEES atThS AUCTION STOBE, E¥EBT .THURSDAY STOCKS, Ac. ON TUESDAY, MARCH 1, Atl2 o’clock h'oori, arthe Exchange— *’ i 100 shares K imbertou.Coal Co. ; ‘ ... 11 shares NorUiwestfcrnHsllroad. 100 fharet Uhioo Mutual Insurance Co. > vh‘ 1 share Philadelphia Library..-. ■. ;/ .'. 69 Shares west Chester and Philadelpliia EailJ road Co. 8 per dent prereAed stock, . bead estate sale, March i. Sale—Estate of Joseph T. Bailey, CRICK RESIDENCE,, wltt ‘st No - 1330 CHESTNUT ' ° f 13th Btl op P osi “ Mint. = Sale abso- stArv MODERN tour. fmCHESTNm^t S I? NI L^^ IUENGE '- N ° h-ws; v,HJas iNUT st, adjoining the above—has all the modem conveniences. • ■ . Yhe > above properties may be: examined ok application to the auctioneer^ Al RK ? I,E:EmABI ' E REOUND RENTS • Crjhana’ Gourt Sale—Estate of W. .Patterson, - S^e,^ EISEEMAB!LE ; _Sa* e by order of Heirs— 2 old IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENTS, 8122 50-100 each. THREE-SI ORY -BRICK DWELLING, No 817 Eleventh at, ssnth of Ogden st. fe; VALUABLE LOT OF GROUND, Richmond st, 49* ! by 109-feet to: a street. It is situated in the Improved pan of Kensington. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, N 0.524 south Tenth st, betweanLombard and South sts.. THREE-STORY BRICK Duelling, No. 281 north Tenth st, between Race and Vine sis. 2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Ncs. 1517 and 1519 Vine' at* with 7 three-store brick dwellings in the rear., - T THERE &TORY BRICK STORE and DWEL- LlNQ*i No. lS2sYinest, "with- 3 three-story brick dwellings in the . ear on Pearl it* 7 Peremptory SaIe—THREE STORY BRICK HOTEL and DWELLING, No. 1832 Ridge aTecne. between Girard stiand Girard avenue. 2*ith’Ward MODERN DOUBLE BRICK RESIDENCE, and about 2% Acres, Wyomtng avenue, east of the North Second street Road. VALUABLE FARM, about 91 Acres, East Brand? wine township, Chester county, Pa. VALUABLE COUNTRY SEAT, 10 acres Bethlehun turnpike, Chestnnt Hill, about on« square sputh of the Chestnut Hill Derot. LARGE and YALUABLE RESIDENCE, No. 267 South 4th street, between Walnut and Spruce sts.,with brick stable and coach house in the rear. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No l?2f) Mar vine street, west of!7th street. Executors* Peremptory Sale—Estate of John T Bichette, dec* d—HANDSOME MODERN RE SIDENCE, No. 520 Vine st, eastol Sixth st, near Franklin Square. Sale absolute. TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 73( Webb st, west ol Sixteenth st, Ist Ward. THREE-STOBY BRICK STORE and DWEL LING, No. 1527 Vine st, with 2 three-story brick dwellings on the rear 2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. 1513 and 1515 Vine st. VALUABLE BUSINESS LOCATION—Large lot, with brick ofiise, stable and carriage house, Levant st, east of Third st and north of Spruce st, LARGE LOT, N. W. comer of Evelina and Levant sts, adjoining the abrve. SUPERIOR FOUR STORY BRICK RESI DENCE, No. 15& Filbert «, finished throughout in & superior manner; has all the modem conve niences. REAL ESTATE SALE, MARCH S. To close a Concern—VALUABLE STEAM SAW.and FLOURING MILLS, Chesapeake City, Cecil county, Md., 6 miles from Elkton, on the Philadelphia. Wilmington and Baltimore rail road and Delaware railroad. Tte mills are in successful and profitable operation. For full particulars see handbills. . v . FOUR STORY BRICK STOREHOUSE, N-E. comer of Girard avenue and 7th st, 2oth Ward. VALUABLE PROPERTY, 9 ACRES, North Pennsylvania railroad and NICETOWN LANE, 2lth ward—haring £ fronts. VALUABLE LOT, 18 ACRES, Limekiln Turn pike, J£ miles above GERMANTOWN, in the vicinity of handsome country seats. 3 THREE STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, No. k 36, J:s3b find 1610 Catharine st, east of 19th st. Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of Peter Wilkinson, dec’d-3 THREE-STORY BRICK DWEL LINGS, Morgan st , Same Estate—TWO-STOBY BRICK DWEL LING. Elder st. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, No. Mi norin Sixth st, above'Spring Gardens!. H« all tbemodern conveniences. - Execntors* Sale—Estate of Elizabeth Davis, deb’d-BRICK WAREHOUSE, No. Kilo Market street. VALUABLE COUNTRY PLAGE 24 ACRES, Delaware connty, 2 miles south of Darby. TW ft-ST CRY BRICK DWELLING, No. 932 north Tenth tu with three-story brick dwelling in tbe rear on Alder st VALUABLE LOT, Clinton and Muller sts, north of Cumberlan d at, 19th Ward. TWO*STORE BRICK DWELLING, No. 1022 Ridge avenue, with frqme shop in the rear. BEAL ESTATE loth MARCH. Estate ol Jacob Horter, dec’d ,'Germantown, Estate of Henry Quigf, dee'd. Estate ol R. J. Dixon, dee’d. BEAL ESTATE 22d MARCH. Estate of George McKeown, dee’d, Estate of James Maull, dee'd. Estate of Naisby, dec’tl. Alto, valuable Coal Lands, Loonst Mountain. Three squares of ground, First Ward. SALE OF VALUABLE MEDICAL LIBRARY. ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 1, At the auction store, the valuable medical library of the late Prof.'Robert P. Thomas, which iu eludes many valuable standard works. Also, surgical instruments, cabinet of, specimens of Ma teria Medica, large book case, office table, Ac. Sale for accotmtpf the United States WOOE COTTON and LLATHER GUTTINGS. . ON SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 5. At 10 o’clock, at tbe auction store, will be sold’, without reserve, a large quantity of wool cotton and leather cuttirgs, baieing rope, paper. Ac. May be'ezamihedtheday previous to sole. Executor’s Sale—Elate of Catharine M. Moore. RESIDENCE AND HOUSEHOLD FUBNI- TURE ' ON MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 7, At 11 o’ clock, on the premises, Holmesbnrg, by order of Exeon tor,, tbe la e residence and furniture Of Catharine Moore, dec’d. ay Foil particulars in handbills now ready. Y' THO M A S 818 O H A SON Anctioneers and Commission Merchants, No. 914 CHESTNUT street, above Ninth- Sale at No. 914 Chestnut s'reel. COLLECTION OF COINS, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, iAt ID o’clock, at the auction store, No. 914 Chestnut street, will be sold a collection of over 200 gold, silver and copper, coins and menals. , Also, 2 coin cases- „ _ FRENCH, SPANISH and ITALIAN BOOKS. Also, a coUaction of French, Spanish and Italian books. - —■■ Sale at No. 914 Chestnut Street. : NEW AND SECONDHAND. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, MIRRORS, CAB PETS, FRIDAY MORNING, • At 9 o’clock, at the auction store, No. 914 Chestnut street, will he sold— , A large collection of new and secondhand inrni tnre, carpets,-mirrors, piano fortes, Ac. Sale at 1626 Walnut 4treet. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 9, ■At Ioo'clock, at«l26 Walnut street;-will be sold, the furniture of a family declining ho uaek< eping, including 1 parlor, > chamber,.-' dining-room and kitchen furniture. Can-be examinae dt 8 o' clock on the morning oi the sale; _ • 's——■ tj :..-. ■ ■. ’ i iTfcomon Biroh..* Son will gi-re then pereona attention to the sale of Fhrnjtnre at the fesifienc* of those nhoot breaking ap housekeeping orr*- morlnr. Alsof-holdsales of fnrnitnie eT»rj FaH>A'X at »; o’closii, St thea •pacione Warerooms. No. 914 Chestnut strget^.^ •■'..•HR. SCOTT'S flVr\ CBggsgl LIVERY ST ABLES, >2fflgfc ' ioric ayenup, ..Bouonwooii and streets, Philadelphia, \ . No Horse that can injure another spitted, * XiiTerTto be paid before a Horse leares or iSUkehawty- ■-Boardera recelTe medicaV attend*- dnce mtis. Carriages, Wagons and Saddle Horses to hire. customers tfor these.are mpstTespect*' ttlli roqßes'ibd to brinp a. ©rate, tmfr cash payments. -. , i i j.4ejO'3niJ 7 , AUCTION SALES. « .muss A FREEMAN ATTtvrTf .wt-wiT " a>>OT ’ Fourth. 519UEn™!v A X E SAEE > March 2, 1854.- leetdecp. rSlOCOmay rejnmn on each:house V Tsal*r?U :00Urt *****!* 11TH and GJRABD AYRNUE—Business stand, and dwellingiQ'use;'three.EtorV brick house, SjW comer, IS by 60 feet. 890 ground rent.' Peremnl tory sale. - ■ .MANUFACTORY, &<s. , MONTGOMERY COUNTY—A tract of laud a the corner of Second, .and Mill ets, Bridgeport, Montgomery county, opposite Norrlstqwn, on the Schuylkill, with ma chine ehop,.foundry, store-home, eteam engine and.boilers; lathes, saws, pullies and machinery letSl feet 9 inches on 2d Et, i 49 feet on mill st where ft narrows to 40 feet and extends the fnr- JjfW depth .of 91 feet to the railroad. See hand bills. - ■ ■ ' ■ . j-- ... ST— A three-story brick house and ' n£,i?i* feettoa 6 feetaliey. S3B ground eent B ainvm’?.°f Patrick Grogan,dec'd. ■ -/.V.fOyRRRENTS-Tach 542 per anmrni.ont ‘Tasterat. f ,e ood dwellings thereon, 15 uiches by 63 feet 1; COURT, 13Tii and LOMRAED-12 smaU houses, • ‘lane’s Conrt,” Uombard, above 13th at. 38 by 122 feot-. Subject! 0 8123. ground rent -Yields nearSTOOayear above the gronhd rent Orvlvin? Carurt-Salt—gdaie of Ro’ert S. Potter, dec'd ■ BRIDOK ST., threa-storv brick hou»e and lot No. 10 plot of Jat ;D. Pratt 20 by. 120 feet to Scatte'rgood st Orphan?. Covert Sal&r-Estate of Xiicholai Gundlirig, dr.c'd. " * _BRIDGE ST.. WHITEHALL—A lot ol ground Bridgest, adjoining,4oJ* by 120 feettaScattergobd • tVS?,"’’ Court Sale—Same Eitatc . .VSJrSS, ST nr-^„ t ?' o‘Bto 0 ‘ Btor y brick. Bhop :aud lot, ’r'r 1 , by 4° feet - 824 grou: d rent v- D PtL, S° —Ettate of Crook minors. FRAME .HOUSES, "MANTUA—Two irame dwellingsantt lot N. E. side of Lancaster tnru .ptte, west of the Mantua road, 2ith 'Ward, 35 ieet front extending through to The old Lancaster road. Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of Sarah Buck ley, dic'd. ,69. ACHES, CABPENTER’S ISLAND—A tract of land in 24th Ward on Carpenter’s Island mid tbe_ Delaware fiver. Orphans’ Court Sale— Estate, of Jabez Bunting, dec'd, _1!13 WALNUT ST—A genteel reeidenceand lot Wall ut ft, back buildings; Ac., 21 feet front, feet deep to al2 feetaliey, of which ft hss tbeprivilege. 85,600 may reraain if desired. Sale peremptory by order of Hcirt—EtiaU of Peter A. Brtwye, dec 3 d. • 2D ABOVE WHARTON—The third interest in 3 frame houses and lot, 18 by 100 -feet to Wheat st. §24 ground rent. - Orphans 1 Court Sale—Estate of George J. Bnncn, tfec’xL ' *. - . COTTAGE RESIDENCE,-24TH WARD—A neat two-story ; brick rough-cast., house, /with attic) and lot ot ground, S- W. corner Kings ess ing •avenne Mid 47th st, 84 by .87X feet. SX7OO May re main if desired. i J 128 SWANSON ST—A three-story brick housa and lot, below Almond st, 18teet fronh U9feet 9 inches deep. Orphans 1 Court SdU—EMIaU cflsaaa R. Russell, dec d. ‘ J 1104 SPRING GARDEN STREET—Four-story brick residence, with back buildings and lot, 21 by 105 feet, with an outlet into Ridge avenue. First story could be easily altered, into a store, only requiring a bulk window. Half cash. TAVERN STAND. AND FRAME HOUSES, HADDJN G TON. —A valuable property, «* Union House,*’ frame dwellings, smith shop, in the -Tillage of Haddington.; Sate by order of Hri’rr— Estate of Samuel Sanders, dec?d. . VALUABLE LARGE LOX on Coumbia ave nue, 192 leet io?£ inches; 56 .feet on Howard and 190 feet-3 inches on Putnam street, 3 fronts, suita ble for a manufactory. Sate positive to close d concern- 1717 SPRUCE ST—Fashionable brown stone residence, with ail modem improvements and conveniences, 21 by 105 feet to a 2tf feet street. Full descriptions in handbills. SCHNITZEL’S BREWERY, 31ST ST A valuable lager beer brewery bn the' Schuylkill, 50 feet part on Thompson 'street, and 200 feet deep stone brewery, brick beer vaults, large cellar,* two steam-boilers, storerooms, dwelling, &c.,«fcc. 860 ground rent. Orphan** Court -of Christicti SchnitxcT, dec'd* LOT OF GROUND. 7TH AND YORKISTS— A lot o f ground at the S. E. corner, 60 feet “on 7th street, IS4 fretinches onYork street io/Tyson street, ato feet sneet. 86G ground rent* ‘.Orphan** Court Scte-Samc Estate. BUILDING LOTS, FILBERT.ST--2 building lots, south side, east of 22d street, each 16 by 102 feet. Executor's Sale—Estate of Rary CutKbert* deceased. 14 LOTS ADJOINING—AIso 7 lots on each side of the above (U.in all), same size. VALUABLE CHESTER CO. FARM—7S acres, part in the bofough of West Chester, with fine im provements; twb large orchards, Ac, Halt cash. ROOM TO KENT. A large third story room to rent, over the auction store, 29 by 65 feet. Has gas andtvater introdnced end tunable for any business requiring light; If taken by a Printer a large amount of tvbrk cah bo obtained. FOR SALE—SIu, 663' SIOETOACHS. AtPriynte Sale—A mortgage of §12,000, -well **. cured on property In the heart of the city, bearing 5 per cent interest, .haring several years to run. SCOTT A STEWART; AUCTIONEERS, 622 CHESTNUT and 615 SANSOM street. SCOIT & STEWART* Auctioneers, -wilt give their personal attention to sales of MEROHAN DISE and WARtS of all descriptions. tnre of parties removing or breaking rip. House keeping, on ihe premises of the o\men 9 -or at their elegant and spacious Salesrooms, Nos GH; Chest nut Street and 6to Sansom street. iel3-tf SALE OF COLLECTION OF MODTETi OIL. PAINTIF <IS. On MONDAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS, ' Feb. 20th and March Ist, At 3 o’ clock precisely, tee will sell by catalogue, a very choice a»d valuable collection of Oil Paint ings, of Varied and : pleasing; subjects, from the .studios of eminent artists, embracing choice Ame rican landscapes, lake, mountain and river sce nery, figures, fruit pieces,. Ac. Among which will be found subjects by— Bechnel, Nicholon, Boese, Paul Bitter, Thifiav, Meade, • ; Dyke,'. ; Atwood, Joahn, &e. The Pail tings are now arranged for examina tion with descriptive catalogues, at our Gallery, No. 622 Chestnut street. "QHIIUP FOBD A CO., AUOTIONEEBS, X 525 Market and 522 Commerce streets. BARGE POSITIVE SALE OF-1500 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. ON THURSDAY MOBNING, MAHOH 3, ■Will be sold, by catalogue, lor cash, at 10 o'clock precisely, 1500 cases Men’s, Boys’ and. Youths’ Calf, Kip, and Grain Boots, Kogans, Balmorals, Cavalry Boots, Ao. ,Also, a large and desirable assortment of Women’s,Misses’ and Children’s Boots, Shoes, Balmorals and Gaiters, of every variety, adapted to spring sales. Open for examination with catalogues early on the morninffof sale. .. EURNESS. BRINLEY A CO.. Noa. SIS CHESTNUT and 612 JAYNE street POSTPONEMENT. NOTICE—Our sale advertised for Friday, Feb. 26th, is postponed until TUESDAY, March Ist, at 10 o’ clock: SPECIAL SALE OF DRY GOODS. ON TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 1, At 10 .o’clock; by catalogue on four months’ credit-i 4CO packages and lota of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. 1500 PIECES RICH SAXONY WOVEN DRESS GOODS, Ol tie importation of Mr. HENRY SCHMIEDEN, consisting of— Jacquard ground floridas. Satin itiipe and plaid-do. do. Blk and white poil de chevres. All wool flllingchnliies; high col’d plaid do. Elk and white check*; mozambiques, Figured gronnd chene; satin plaid do. Extra quality Rrittanla; mousseline a soie. Favorites; Evellines; royals, fce.. LAMA, MOZAMBIQUE AND ZEPHYR SHAWLS. ON TUESDAY, 400 t-4 Berlin colored Lama Shawls. 3< 0 Paris Mozambiques. 500 all wool Berlin Zephyr Shawls. FIRST LARGE SPECIAL SALE OF 1200 CARTONS RIBBONS, Just Landed, Of the importation of Messrs., SQLELIAO - FRERES, ON FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, At 10 o'clock, on four months credit, consisting Of . ■ . Fall Tiiie6 ofplain horded edge poult doseie rib bons, in various qualities,- choice colors, from. Nos. 4to SO. • . \ , A lull line of blade corded' edge ribbons, all boiled silk, extra quality, Nos. ,4to 80. A splendid -assortment ;of broche plaid, raye, quadrille, Scot chp’tiidand broche-ilg l d ribbons, .BLACK,SJLK VELVET RIBBONS. Celebrated Steamboat-Brand;' •. • . A full line of steamboat brand black silk velTet ribbons, ' N. B. —The attention of the trade is called to this sale in whick’all the.new styles for the spring business .will be found. -. • AST.OFF. CLOTHING in demand from »'i to S 5 forFahte.-fromSa to-sis for Goats, from Sfl toS3S for Silk Dresses, »nd other goods in pro. portion. Also the highest price paid for Carpets, tali'or addrese A. D. ANCONA.' 330 SOUTH tStraetdi ...7 , .ftei-lm* C ATBS—.A .cargo of *»
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