THE WAR FOB- THE UNION IMPOBTANT FROM NOBTH CAKOimA. NuwßEmN, Feb. 26.—Major General Peck, since bisrauru, lias been busily engaged In making a rigid inspection of all the fortifications; of this; de oartment He has received reliable inteHigence of the enemy’s intention to make Neuse, Roanoke and Tar t 0 impede the General Peck is taking measure *° irpoee inov- , progress of these iron-clans, wh^P onr three ing conjointly o'se rivers, Newbern, most impbrtant poinrn on Q Itia ppears to be the Plymouth and Wasmngto of oar lineas impression, both within an and that the battle thatvirginiais to Carolina ground is to be na^ g enemy to make a formidable He hce the de- ™ ffoTt w obtain possession of this s?ndncUve portion of the State and its extensive water communications before reinforcements can arrive foT US. Th« Wilmington Journal , In its recent declara tion tbat North Carolina would be lost to the Con federacy nnless this achievement should be real ised, gave utterance,, says the jßaleigh Standard, to the condition on which Governor Vance would pledge the further co-operation of this State with ths Confederacy. The presence of aiuulditional number of formidable gunboats, and 4 small in crease to our present force, which Gen. Peck is, anxious to • obtain, will the enemy s efforts fruitless, and turn the existing conditional co operation mentioned in our favor. The com mander at Plymouth has sent.word to Gen. Peck that bee?" ' " against any force tb§ ~:a iiwu «.*«* - eiiemy can send against it. • - - . • . Washington bids fair to be the theatre of a deep fi xate contest soon Acting Bi igadier-General Mo- Chesney is in command there. The recent expe dition which left Plymouth under the command of Xiieutenant-Colonel Maxwell, and destroyed such a large amount of rebel commissary stores struck a severe blow to. the enemy in that section, frus trated their operations, and secured for Col. Max well the thanks of the Commanding General. Washington’s birth-day was celebrated here by the military and fire department, and the most im posing demonstration ever witnessed in this city. Intelligence has just been received that the enemy have hung fifty-one soldiers captured by them in their recent attack upon Newbern, all of whom belonged to the 2d North Carolina Union-Kegi ment of white volunteers. The report creates a great deal of excitement, and if the news is con firmed the affair may result in the hanging of fifty one rebels by Gen Bntler. Witnesses have ar rived who saw three of these brave men shot by the enemy soon after their arms were taken from them. GENERAL SHEEHAN’S EXPEDITION. Canto. Feb. 26.—The steamer Superior, from - Evansville, has arrived with one hundred and sixty-eight hales of cotton, a quantity of sugar, and Memphis dates of the 24th. Gen. Davidson, from Bittle Bock, is among the passengers, and will wait here for orders. The Memphis Bulletin has information from high military authority at Vicks burg confirming the report that Gen. Sherman had occupied Selma., Ala,, which place, it says, was gamed by seveie fighting. No particulars are re ceived. The Bulletin asserts that it is understood that the next point of attach will he Montgomery, the capital of Alabama. The steamer Clyde, engaged in the cotton trade, was seizi don the 13th, at Skip wich’s Handing, by the gunboat Houisyille, for alleged violation of trade regulations. Her commander, Captain R. Cook, is charged with having agreed to convey a rebel battery across the river for 85 00. The ocean steamships Belvidere and Northerner arrived at Memphis on the 24th. When a hundred miles below, the commander of the Belvidere ob served the steamer Pike holding communication with the shore, contrary to military order. The Belvidere fired open the shore, and the first volley started up about two hnndred guerillas, who fled an consternation. The Pike was ordered to report at Memphis. SKIBHISH NEAB BUZZARD'S BOQST. Louisville, Feb. 26.—A special to tbe Journal from near Buzzard’s Boost, In Georgia, dated tbe 25tb, at 9.30 P. M., says that Omit, in tbe Talley beyond Bocky Face, found tbe enemy in heavy force, and awaits heavy reinforcements. Morgan and McCook are feeling tbe enemy at Buzzard’s Boost, and skirmishing is yerly lively in that quarter. CO TTBT-MABTIAI AT LOUISVILLE, Louisville, Feb. 26. —Tbe court-martial of Captain Crandall for killing lieutenant Hagan has been concluded. The testimony substantially con firms the account published at file time of the arrest. Crandall ..exonerated Mrs. I*ight and daughters, arrested some time since for harboring rebels, and they are ordered to take the oath of alle giance and go north of the Ohio Hirer, there to remain during the war. THE WHEREABOUTS OF&THE ALABAMA, San Francisco, Feb. 25.— Arrived brigG-lencoe from Kanagawa, January 15. A private letter received by her says— 4 ‘We regret to say that the news that ihe Alabama was blockaded at Amoy is not confirmed. It is, however, believed that the Alabama is blockaded at or near Saigon, and is not in dock as at first reported. THE END OF TWO BLOCKADE BUNKERS. "Washington, Feb. 26.—A telegraphic despatch "was received at the Navy Department this morn ing from Fortress Monroe, which states that the blockade runner Pet, horn Nassau, with an as sorted cargo, was captured by the IT. S. steamer Montgomery, on the morning of the 6th inst., off "Wilmington, N. O. The Pet is a new side-wheel steamer of 700 tons, and said to be able to ran 17 or 18 miles per hoar. Information has also been re ceived at the Department to the effect that the steamer Spunky, which recently rau ashore under the guns of Fort Campbell, below "Washington, is likely to go to pieces. FROM WASHINGTON. • Washington, Feb. 26.—The Senate to-day, in executive session, confirmed the nomination of .Caleb Lyon, ofLyondale, New York,as Governor of Idaho Territory. ■ D. M. Cooley has been nominated as Commis sioner of Taxes for South Carolina, and Lieut. Henry. B. Seely lor Lieut. Commander in the Navy. The second Committeeof Conference on the dis agreeing amendments by the two houses to the whitkey bill, had another meeting to-day, but were unable to agree. There is no prospect of their arriving at an accommodation ot their differ ences. ' A memorial of merchants of Philadelphia was presented by Representative O’Neil, of Pennsyl vania, to-day, praying Congress to tax the circa tion of all Sta*e hanks to such an extent as to com pel them to call in their issues, that the country may have no hing but a national legal tender cur rency. They say that the State banks issues have already depreciated, and are liable to further de- predation. : - THE LOSS OF THE BOHEMIAN. Poetland, Feb. 26.— The testimony before the Coroner’s jury, in the case of the disaster to the Bohemian, snows no carelessness or want of skill on the part of the officers of the ship. The pilot on the Boston steamer which passed the Bohemian before she struck, testifies to seeing her signal for a pilot, and that the fog made the lights look much furthex off than they really were. Capt Borland tfisUlies that he had two lookouts in the forecastle and aloft. The ship was going very slow. He 55* tll \ B P° Tt for mine winters and never found himself in that locality before. He thinks the current may have set him to the west ward. The ship struck near her middle and went right over the rock. Shortly atierwaTds the engineer reported that she was making water very fast, and fnli steam was put on, and the ship headed for shore, intending to beach her. She run about ten minutes, when her fires were drowned out. Or ders were given to get the boats ready as soon as she struck. : The officers were; all at tneir stations attending to their 'duties, but all the passengers .rushed on deck, making great confusion. Boat No. 2 was swamped by the fall, or by a ©in breaking in lowering, which let one end do wn, throwing the passengers who had filled it into the r a t ter ‘rrv. Fome °- f *5? bolts -were Ailed and others mot. The men m the boats not filled refused to pull alongside, thus leaving the captain and boat swain, -hree of the crew and seventy or eighty Das sengeis on board. 3 v A dense fog came on, and the ship settling very fast, the only alternative was to get the passengers into the rigging. He succeeded in getting fifty women and children into the foretop, the water then being over the forecastle-head. The boats came back in three hours, and took all off. The women and children were lowered into the boats from the rigging, and all these got safe to land. A few ’or*the passengers were washed off the fore castle when the ship filled, and after seeing the passengers housed and cared for, Captain Borland returned to the ship. • „ tjaptain Stone, of Kennebec; testified that he was fSM E n E 7 oa Aoard and made no remarks to Bun. i2 and aboot the ship being in danger. Jnail Oacs srren5 rren . tly reported that two more one for Boston. 1 nnd tQ ' da y, one for Canada and ' . 3edS,rtl>eent 1>een Tecoyoreii •Who express confidence iStn? ay t or tbe wreckers, intact, if the storm fr eir abmly to raise her Cole Agent for the Manufacturers, le2o-7t* r US. ' B . The Universal Spring Bed; easiest, eh™*, eetandbeßtin nse. Hair, Palm and Hnsk iv£S' treeßes, Feather Beds. Comfort niffl Spreads PHILBEOOK&oo., No. 0 Soutb.Seventh-irtrfiat <3ec4-2mr> .TIBIYY WELLS OWNEBS OF BBOPPig: -fjPTTs—Hie only place to ,get Privy 'Well tJJsansed and disinfected at very low prices. >S?A.- -PEYSSON, Manufacturer of Poudrette, mjl-ly Goldsmith’* Hall, Library str#» ' coAt STATEMENT. tie amount of Cdal transported The foUowWSV ». and Beading Bailroad during Feb.2s, 1861: - Prom port Carbon... <> Schuylkill Haven........ « Auburn « Fort Clinton u Harrisburg and Dauphin. Total anthraoite Coal for week...... 42,330 15 11 Harrisburg, total Bituminous coal. 3,462 01 Total of all kinds for week. 46,756 iff Previously this year. 483,316 01 Total.. * 629,072 00 To same-time last year 674,984 14 Decrease....... Our correspondent at Scranton, sends us the fol •owihe report of the amount of coal transported over the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, for the week ending Saturday, Feb. 20, and for corresponding time last year; Week, Tons.Owt. Tons.Owt. Shipped North 4,424 10 31,202 13 Shipped South.;... 16,241 13 149,434 09 Total 20,666 03 163,687 02 For corresponding time last year: ■Week. Tons. Cwt. Shipped North.... 6,339 16 Shipped South.... 16,361 10 T0ta1......... 21,701 06 1ncrea5e...........1....,..-. 50, 863 04 BO ASS OF TBADB. ISRAEL P. MORRIS, ) JOSEPH C. GRUBB, S Mohthhv Co: EDMUND A. SOUDEE, 1 SAILING DATS OF STEAMSHIPS. TO ARRIVE. SHIPS THOM VOB DATS A5ia............ Liverp001.. Boston ..Feb. 13 Pennsylvania-.Liverpool—New York... Feb. 16 Etna.... ....Liverpool-New York Feb 17 Bremen Southampton-New York Feb. n Canada Liverpool—Boston Feb. 20 Bavaria Southampton. .New York Feb. 24 Australasian..—Liverpool—New York Feb. 27 TO DEPART. Geo Washington...N York—New Orleans— Feb. 27 Cof Manchester..N.York..Liverpool Feb. 27 Havana New York—Havaca..., Feb. 28 Corsica —New York—Havana, ha- Feb. 29 Africa Boston.. Liverpool .March 2 Evening Star.. New York..Havana,Sic March 6 City ofLondon...N York.. Liverpool March 6 Hammonia New York.. Hamburg March 5 LETTER BAGS AT IHI HnaOHAHTS' KXOHABBB, PHH.ADai.PHIi Ship TUBcarora, Dunlevy Liverpool, Feb. 26 Bark Sea. Eagle, Howes Port Spain, soon Schr Franclß Coffin, Cousins Barbados, soon Schr Henry Nutt, Baker ...Port Spain, soon POST OF PHILADELPHIA. FEBRUARY 27. Suk Eises.6 311 Sun Sets, 6 291 Hiqh ffsm, 425 Brig Altavela, Seed, 10 days from Cardenas,with sugar and molasses to J Mason & Co—vessel to J E Bazley h. Co. Brig Moonlight, Small, 9 days from Cardenas, with sugar and molasses, to J Mason & Co—vessel to J E Bazley Sc Co. Schr Geo J Baker, Hugg, 2 days from Milford,Del. with corn to Jas L Bewley & Co. Schr Thos Borden, Nightingale, 2 days from Fail Kiver, in ballast to Captain. Schr Wm Collyer, Eayner, 3 days from N. York, with mdse to D Cooper. Schr J W Hall, Cain, 3 days from New York,with barley to Captain. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Bark Angela Carolina (Ital), Cullotto, Glenfuegos, Madeira A Cabada. Bark Cephas Starrett, Gregory, New Orleans, Workman & Co. Schr E A Cummins, Whirlow, Alexandria,TylerAOo Schr B E Sharp, Jirrell, Fort Monroe, do Schr Reading Railroad No. 36, Smith, Alexandria, Tyler A Co. Schr Mary A Caroline, Adams, Alexandria,TylerACo Schr Saco, Weßtcott, Newbern, do Schr W S Thompson, Hand, Norfolk, Com H A Adams. Schr T R Hughlett, Owen, Washington, Castner, Stickney A Wellington. Schr Damascus, Church. Baltimore, Baugh A Sons. Schr Saratoga, Adams, New York, Blakißton, Graff A Co. St’r Yinelsnd, Maul, New York, via Millville, NJ. R D Wood A Co. , St’r H L Gaw, Hler. Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Si’r F Cadwalader, Pierson, Baltimore, do Ship,. Oswingo, Card, for this port, entered for loading at- Liverpool 10th iest. Ship Susan G Owen, Norton, cleared at Liverpool 10th inßt. for Callao. Ship Geo West, Keel, sailed from Liverpool 10th inst. lor Calcutta. Ship Hamlet, Collins, from New Yorlt, at Boston 2oth tnst. to load for Australia. Steamship City of Manchester (Br), Halcrow, cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. Steamship Caledonia (Br), Craig, from Glasgow 3d inst. via Portland 24th, at New York yesterday. Steamship Columbia, Barton, at Havana 19th inst. from New York, and sailed for N. Orleans. Steamship Matanzas, Llesegang, from N York, at Havana 16th inst. and sailed for New Orleans. ■ Steamship Vulcan, Bunker, from New York for Shanghae, cleared at Pernambuco 11th ult. Bark Elba, Pettingill, hence at Gibraltar Ist Inst, and sailed 4th for Marseilles. Bark J F Spencer (Br), Spencer, cleared at Balti more 25th Inst, for this port. Brig A Horta, Washburns, 15 days from New Or leans, at New York yesterday, with sugar. Brig Kentucky, Leland, cleared at New York yesterday for San FrancißCO. Brig HO Bazley, Fevin, hence at Havana 20th instant. , „ Schr H W Benedict, Case, hence at Providence, 25th inst. Schr A Tirrell, Higgins, cleared at Boston 25th inst. for thiß port via Gloucester. Schr Hichard Hill, Smith, from New Haven, cleared at New York yesterday for Wilmington. Schrs Alert, Yates, and Eliza Williams, Taylor, cleared at New York yesterday for this port. Steamer Frances (new), hence at New York yes terday. MABINE MISCELLANY. Ship Jacob A Stamler, Samßon, from Havre Dec. IS, at New York yesterday, with mdse and 120 pas sengers,-had strong galeß from NW to SW most of the passage; loßt sails. &c. Jan. 16, lat 45 20, lon -30 25, fell in with Br bark Stadacona, from St John, NB. for Southampton, with rttdder damaged, and in a sinking condition; took from her Captain Moore, officers and crew, 14 in all; it being squally at the time and a heavy sea ion, it was with i much diffi culty the boat was picked up; the cre\y of the bark were worn out with constant pumping, and it was necessary to haul them over the side on board with ropes. Capt Moore reported having had very heavy weather for the ten days previous to leaving hia vessel, she making so much water that he could not run her. Jan 22, exchanged signals with Bhip Ma cedonia, with loss of topgallantmast and maintop mast. Feb 20,spoke brig George F, from St Thomas for Digby, NS. who took the crew of the stadacona on board, leaving Capt Moore, mate and carpenter on board the Stamler, where they have been 34 days, and,the passengers’ provisions having become short from the extra number on board,had been on rather short allowances, when, on speaking schr Native, of Newburyport, her captain very kindly supplied them with what he could spare—three bam 1b of bread-and a half barrel of beef—and when he heard the women were hungry he sent his own supper, which waß ready for the table. gOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW. fiOLDIESS’ COMPANION,_EVEET SMOKEK& The most complete present, a Father, Mother, Brother, Sister or Friend, can make, to their rela. tire in the army. THE RIDGWOOD PIPE AND TOBACCO CASE The cheapest, most nselnl, compact and conve-. nlent article ever manufactured. Call and inspec them. B. A G. A. WEIGHT, Appointed sole Agent*, 624 Chestnut street The trade supplied at the Company’ i prices; full lscount allowed. 1e 11 j^tlitaryan: bo£§t°ie| ■ |pST J ““" d BIGELOW ’ca^ KO °? * Y« E NU E No. 115 S. Seventh street, PASSPOOTs Chestnut street PASSPORTS. de9.3m5 - Philadelphia.« NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the nn- has made application for the re newal of Certificate No. 5745 for one hundred shares of stock of the North Pennsylvania Rail read Company, issued to him and dated tho eleventh of November, 1803. . fe24-w&sa-Bt* T. RIMBER, Jr. 1 io?S N , BR ICK, Walnut fctree Cotton sail door, cotton oanvaST of every height, from one to two feet wide,- ail hhmhers: heavy and light' RAVENS DECK ASHLAND TOPSAIL and other Awning Twills Paper Felting, Sa Twine, Ac. - . W. EVERMAN * CO., Wn IRS! ToriM’d allicv • PEARL SOAP, a yery superior DETERSIVE and WASHING p ° t n P la tin cans of one, five, ten and For sS« P h!!‘Sirk'T, Lll,em discount to the trade. Itelaw«e b i?S aE ALKENS > » “<1 * fogh rHI DAILY BVSIHNg BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA- SATE B PAY, FEBRUARY 27.1864. * 10,8i8 16 979 00 6,978 09 15 17 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. MEMORANDA. COMPANION. fD NAYAL CLAIM AGENTS, TRAVELING GUIDE. rgmr ■ lii.nn 1864—PENNS YLV A. NX A iso Btete^WgSgaiCENTRAL RAILROAD. PUIiIatTEEPHIA TO PITTSBURGH. 350 MILES DOUBLE TRACK! THE SHORT ROUTE TO THE WEST. Trains leave the Depot at Eleventh and Market streets, as follows: Mail Tain at......... 8.00A.M, Fast Line at...... .....11.40 <• Through Express at.... 10.30 P. M. Parktburg Train at 1.00 •> Harrisburg Accommodation at... '2.30 <• Lancaster Train at.. 4.00 “ • The Through Expi issTrain runs daily—all the other trains daily except Sunday. FOB. PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST. The Mail Train, Fast Line and Through El press connect at Pittsburgh with through trains on all the diverging roads from that point, North to the Lakes, Westtothe Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, and South and Southwest to all points accessible by railroad. INDIANA BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express connects at BlairsvUle Intersection with a train on this Road for Blairs, ville, Indiana, &c. EBENSBURG AND ORESSON BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express Train connects at Ores son at 10.45 A. M., with a train no this road for Ebensburg. A train also leaves Cresson for Ebons burg at 8.45 P. M. HOLLIDAYSBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. The Mail Train and Through Express connect at Altoona with trains Mr Hollidaysburg at 7.55 P. M. and 8.40 A-. M. TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD BRANCH RAILROAD. The through Express Train connects at Tyrone with Trains for Sandy Ridge, Philipaburg, Port Matilda, Milesburg and Bellefonta. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP RAIL ROAD. The Through Express Train connects at Hnn lngdon with a train for Hopewell and Bloody Run at 6.56 A. M. • NORTHERN CENTRAL AND PHILADEL FHJA AND ERIE RAILROADS. Fob StranußY. Williams port, Look Havhb and all points on the Philadelphia and Erie R- R , and Elmiba. Rochebtkb, Bdppalo and Niagara Falls. Passengers taking the Mail Train at 8.00 A. M., and the Through Express at 10.30 P. DL, go directly through without change of cals between Philadelphia and Williamsport. For YORK, HANOVER and GETTYSBURG the trains leaving 8.00 A. M., and 2.30 P. M., con nect at Columbia with trains on the North Central Railroad. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD, The Mail Trains and Through Express conneo at Harrisburg with trains for Carlisle, Chambers burg and Hagerstown. WAYNESBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. The Trains leaving at 800 A M. and 230 P. M., connect at Downingto wn with Trains on this road for Waynesbnrg and all intermediate stations. Tona.Owt. 23,200 03 338 U 35,912 14 Year. Tons.Gwt. 27,914 03 74,909 06 102,823 08 Passengers for Westchester taking the trains leaving at 8W) A. M., 100 and 400 P. M., go directly through without change of cars. For further information, apply at the Passenger Station, S. E. corner of Eleventh and Market streets. JAMES COWDEN, Ticket Agent. WESTERN EMIGRATION. An Emigrant Accommodation Train leaves No. 137 Bock street daily, (Sundays excepted,) at 4.06 P. M For full information, apply to FRANCIS FUNK, Emigrant Agent, No. 137 Dock street 1 1 ' " By this route freights of all description can he forwarded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin. lowa, or Missouri, by railroad direct, or to any port on the navigable rivers of the West, by steam, ers from Pittsburgh. For freight contracts or shipping directions, ap ply toS. B. KINGSTON, Jr., Philadelphia. ■ ENOCH LEWIS, janS Genera,! Superintendent, Altoona. Pa. WEST CHESTER AND 4hHhE9PiPHILADELPHIA, VIA TUB PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD.- Passengers, for West Chester leave the Depot, cor ner of ELEVENTH and MARKET streets, and go through without change of can. FROM PHILADELPHIA. Leave at aoo A. M., arrive at Weat .Chester 9. *0 A. M. Leave at 1.06 P. BL, arrive St West Ghsstu 3.00 P.M. Leave at4.eeF. M-, arrive West Chester Ml P. M FROM WEST CHESTER. Leave at 6.50 A. M., arrive West Philadelphia 8.35 A. M. Leave at 10.45 A. M., arrive West Philadelphia 13.95 P. M. Leave at 3.50 P. M., arxlT* W**t Phlladiiphls 5.20 P. M. £ Passenger* for Western point* from Wes, Chester, connect at the Intersection with the Mall Train at 9.17 A. M., the Harrisburg Accommoda tton at 3.55 P. M-, and the Lancaster Train at 5.25 P. M. Freights delivered at the Depot, comer THIR TEENTH and MARKET streets, previous to rU.3OP.BL, 'will he forwarded by tha Accom. modation Train, and reach West Cheater at 3.0* p. M. For tickets and further Information, apply to JAMES COW DEN, Ticket Agent, ja2-tf ' Eleventh and Market street*. oigHg] 1864. RE-OPENED. 1864. SKtaBMIIH PHILADELPHIA. WIL- MnSTOKAND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. I HEIGHTS WESTWARD VIA. BALTIMORI AND OHIO ROUTE. RECEIVING DEPOT, BROAD STREET, ABOVE CHERRY. Through Freight facilities between Philadelphia ad the Western States, have been fully resumed by the above route, at lowest rates. QUICK TRANSIT BY FAST FREIGHT TRAINS without change of cars to the Ohio river. This route is now considered entirely safe from injury by rebel raids, In proof of which the Balti more and Ohio Railroad Company guaranies owners against loss or damage bv military seizure, whilst in transit on-the line of that road. We haye no hesitation therefore In respectfully thing the confidence and patronage of shipper*. For further information, apply to OOLHOUN A COWTON, General Freight Agent*. JOHN S. WILSON, Agents, Office, Sixth street, above Chestnut Puix.Al3Sl.phia. January A 1663. . au7-tfl MARSHAL'S SALE—By virtue of a writ of sale>y the Hon. JOHN OADWALADER, Judgeof the I'istrlct Court of the United States. In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at MICHENER’S Stole, No. 142 North FRONT Sreet, on MONDAY. Match 14, 1601, at 12 o’clock M., the cargo of the sloop ANNIE THOMPSON, consisting of 33 bales and 19 bags of cotton, 42 boxes of tobacco, and 20 barrels of spirits of turpentine. WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal E D. of Penna. Pmr.AtiEi.rmA, Feb. 20, 1864. fe27-0t MARSHAL’ S SALE—By virtue of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN OADWALADER, Judge of the District Court of the United States la and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will he sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, ai MICHENER’S Store, Np. 142 North FRONT street, on MONDAY, March 14th, 1801, at 12 o’clock M., the residue of the-cargo of the steamer CHATHAM, consisting of 90 bales of Cotton, 12 boxes of Tobacco, and ui barrels of Rosin. WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania Phixadelphia, Feb. 26, 1864, fe27-6t mHE PHILADELPHIA RIDING SCHOOL 1 FOURTH Street, above Vine, wUI foJ the Fail and Winter season on MONDAY. Sent 2toh. Ladles and gentlemen desiring to acquire a thorough knowledge of this accomplishment will find every facility at this school. The horses sure safe and well trained, so that the most timid need not fear. Saddle horses trained in the best man ner. Saddle horses, horses and vehicles to hli* Also carriages for funerals, to cars, steamboats, Ac al>l * TI ? TtfOS ORATOR A SOW C H S£P FUEL -—Cokeofa quality suitable for family use, may he had at the PHILADEL PHIA GAS WORSTS, at the price of# cents pot bushel, or six dollars a ton of 2,000 pounds fair,™ JOHN O. CRESSON, fe!6-12t} Chief Engineer. G^cn?TVfS l n^ TA ?S 1Na ’ BRAIDING, EM BROIDERY and Tambonring done at CAMERON’S, 228 North ElGHTHstreetand 508 South SIXTH street. Ladies under-olothing in stock and made to order. Tuckmgneatly done to order. fe3-2m# QArv bags laguayra coffee, now OUU. landing from bark Thomas Dallett, For sale by DALLETT A SON, 129 South FRONT Btrent. mi Yellow metal sheathing. —orook er Brothers A Co. ’s Taunton Yellow Metal Sheathing, Bolts, Nalls and Spikes of all sizes, Is •tore and for sale by WILLIAM S. GRANT. 12 ■oiitl, Tlole.wn-n nwaiive MESSINA ORANGES —200 boxes Sweet Fruit Handing nnd for sale by JOS. B. BUSSIEB A 1)0.. 108 and 110 South Wharves BAP LEy. —6,000 bushels of- Barley, cargo of r.ClaTa, to arrive, for sale bv HENRY WINSOR A on., 33a south WharvesT CHOCOLATE. -WALTER BAKER A CO.’S Chocolate; Cocoa and Broma: single, doubl* and triple Vanilla; also, Orid Cocoa and Cocoa Shells, in store and for sale by WM. H. GRANT. 1M South Dsawars Wharves. FOR WESTCHESTER. FREIGHTS. MAESHAL’S SALES. CIVIL AND . MILITARY ULOTH HOUSE. WILLIAM T. SNODGRASS, No. 34 SOUTH SECOND, and 23 STRAW BEBRY Streets, is happy to state that he has laid in anexteoeiveatock of CHOIUE GOODS, snchas CIVIL LIST. ARMY AND NAVY. Black (Jloths, Blue Cloths, Black Doeskins, • SUy-Bli}*- Cloths, Black Cassimeres, vSky-Blun Doeskins, Elegant Coatings, Dark-Bine Doeskins, Billiard Cloths?, Dark-Blue Beavers/ Bagitelle Cloths, i)ark-Bln<- Pilots, Trimmings, 3-4 and 6-1 Bine Flannels Beaverteens, Scarlet OJo'hs, Cords apd Velveteens. Mazarine- Blae Cloths. We advise onr friends to come early, as our pre sentstock ia cheaper than we can purchase now. fel6-im§ , TBIQDOKE M. APPLE, GAUGER AND COOPER, Nos. 102 and :04 GATZMER STREET, (Between Frunt aid s-econd and Walnut and v Chestnut Streets,) PHILADELPHIA. Imitation Brandy Casks always on band. Casks. Barrels and Kegs, always on hand or made to order. fel2-ly EDWARD P. KELLY. JOHN KELLY. TAILORS, 612 CHESTNUT ST. LATE THIRD STREET SB. WALNUT, Keeps constantly on band a large assortment of NEW and STAPLE GOODS. FATTIEST OVERCOATS AKD Waim Sack and Business Coats, FOR SALE AT Reduced Prices. TERMS CASH—Prices lower than other Cus tomer Tailors. TO LET— Up Stairs of 612 and 614 Chestnut st. FUBLOIUII*. Officers and Soldiery rising the City on Fur rough, needing SWORDS. AND OTHER MILITARY EQUIPMENTS are invittd to the very extensive Manufacturing Es tablishment of GEO. W. SIMONS & B&O,, SANSCM STREET HALL, Sansom Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS Macs to order at the snorte»t nonce, which foi richness and magnificence challenge competition, no other house in the country combining the MA NUFACTURING JEWELER WITH TKB PRACTICAL SWORD MAKER feb=-lm) TURNER & WAYNE, Successors to W. D. GLENN, Importers of Druggists' Articles, Ne. 26 Soutii Foarth Street, Offer for sale the following desirablegoods : Labia's Toilet Powder. Bose and Violet. Condray's hice Powder. Condray's Pomade Dupoytren. Coudray s Creme Dnchesse. Condray's Stick Pomades assorted colors. Piner’sSdck Pomades. •* 44 Society HrgieniqueToilst Soaps, assorted odors Pap*erPayard. Mahogany Hand Mirrors, assorted sizes Maboganyßand Mirrors, in sets of 12. Tt oth Flushes in great variety* Bair Frohes in great variety Nail Brushes in great variety NOTICE OF REMOVAL, The undersigned -would inform their fnendsand the public generally, that they have removedfrom their Old Stand, 517 ARCH street, to their SPLENDID NEW WAREttOOMS, No. 912 ARCH STREET. Wbere they will continue the sale of GAB FIXTURES, CHANBEL*EBS, COAL OIL BURtfEKS, Ac. Having with our hou*e Mr.CHARLES PAGE, (formerly the PriUsipil Designer for Cor nelius A Baker.) we are now prepare,) to execute orders for Gas Fixture ox all gr ides and designs, from the plainest to the most mass! ve and elaborate. TAN KIRK & CO., fel9-?mj No 912 ARCH STREET. FURNITURE. Those about to purchase Furniture would do well to call at the NEW STORE of ULBIPV & WARD, 915 Arch Streei, Ard examine their styles. felfi-lmj I 10:34, CHESTNUT ST. SPRINGJTR-ADE. E, M. NEEDLES Ibuow receiving, and offers for sale below present market raies, iu:uiy novelties ia LACE AND WHITE G-iODS. | He would call “special a’toiuioh'” tohis assortment of over vo rifferent new f-ihrlcs ai d- styles of White Goods, suitable for ‘•Ladles Bi'Cies and Dresses, *’ in stripes, plaids and figured, puffed and tacked raus lins. itinpie es of figured and plain Buff and White Piques, bought before the recent ad vance. New invoices of Guipure an Thr*ad Laces, Tnread a ; d Grenadine Veils, Edgings, InscrPngs, Klouneinc-, ,V-v, Broad hemstitched I*ANI)K FK« IH.I KFS all linen, good quality, from M cents up. 1 C»£4 ('hhN'i N* > f'l U KM WASHINGTON’: BIRTHuaY. COPIES OF THE IDENTICAL BADGE Worn at the Celebration of The Centennary Anniversary, 1832. Printed from the Original Plate, on fine Plate Pa per, for amalenm and connoisseurs. Also on Satin Ribbon. Soldiers, Societies, and others supplied with these badges. ” W. P. HAZARD, ja2l-tjyl 31 South SIXTH Street. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS STANDARD DRILLS. FOR SALE BY Froth Ingham Ice Pitchers, Castors and Plated Ware, Of every description REPAIRED and RE FLATED, AT JABDEN’S, S< W. corner Tenth and Baoe StSi ’.a2o-3m, DUPONT’S GUNPOWDER.—SUPERFINE Sporting and all other hinds of Eagle Gun powder. Gunpowder for blasting and shipping; also, GovernmentFroot for ordnance and military ,ervioe-.Cannon, and Rifle Powder, fo sale by WILLIAM S. GRANT, 316 South. Dels on tons LIGHUMVTTAE, now landing OU from Br. bark Thomas Dallett. For sale by DALLETT & bON, 129 South FRONT «Met W. G. MIN TZER. mporter, Manufacture/, and Dealer in MI LIT A a Y, SOCIETY. . Am __ theatrical goods, epadt.ettes, swords, BASHES, BELTS, LdCES, ™Sc\ G |' HMS ’ OAPS Gp^SB#raffiBOIDEBIES > • p DEDMS, FIF I^ T c 0N AlßO—EegaUa, Banners and Flags of every de eenption; -, * Army and Navy Officers, Regiments, Companies and Dealers supplied at short notice. fell-lms No. 131 North THIRD St.. philti NEW MILLINER! HOUSE. P. A. HARDING & CO., Respectfully Inform the mercantile commnmt) that they ; , j HA.YE NOW OPEN, AT No. 413 Arch street, A COMPLETE STOCK OF STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, Suited to the trade,and trustthatprompt and cart ful attention, moderation in prices, good assort ment, together with their long experience in bu siness, (having been for the last seven years witi the honse of Lincoln, Wood & Nichole, and 'hen successors. Wood & Cary,) they may merit t share of the public patronage. MTOrders solicited by mail and promptly exe cuted. j3O-lms WOOL. Choice Peima. and Ohio Fleece. Lots Arriving Daily. FOE IMMEDIATE SALE. Alex. Whilldin & Sons, Nos. 20 and 22 Sooth Front Street. ieOO-lStt Philadelphia. COTTON YARNS. ZABRISKIE'S, HEATHCOTE, RIDDLES, PONDS, BELYIDEBE MPG. GO., GLASGOW CO., HENRY CLAY MILLS, OARMAN’S, J. BANCROFT. And Varioiu Other Tint-Clan Hakes, NOS. 6 TO 40. IN WARPS, BUNDLE AND COP. FOE SALE BY ALEX. WHILLDIN & SONS, Nos. 20 and 22 So. Front st. feSO-12tf PHH.ADEt.PHIA. felS-nti SPRING, 1564. SPRING 1864 EDMUND YARD & Co., 617 CHESTNUT STREET. AND 614 JAYNE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Hare now in store their SPRING IMPORTATION OF Silk and Fancy Dry Goods, Consisting of DRESS GOODS of all kinds, Black and Fancy Silks, - Satins, Gloves, Mitts, Ribbon and Drets Trim mings. | ALSO, White Goods, Linens, Embroideries and Laoes. A large and handsome assortment of Spring and Sommer Shawls, BALMORAL SKIRTS, OF ALL GRADES, p Which -we offer to the trade at the lowest price, _ - 1864, 1864. COTTONS AT RETAIL We call the attention of Housekeepers to the LARGEST STOCK OF COTTON GOODS ever offered at retail in this city. Having purchased largely of these goods at the COMPARATIVELY LOW PRICES of last month, we can extend to our eustomers su perior Inducements, not only In the character of our assortment, but IN PRICES. Among out extensive line of Cottons, are to be found the following popular makes of 4-4 Bleached Shirtings. Wamsutta, Semper Ideur, Rockland, New Jersey, Pillow Caie and Sheetings, We offer the following leading makes : '4O inch Bartalett, 6-4 Pepperill, 42 inch Waltham, 10-4 Pepperill, 5-4 Bates, 10-4 Bates, 5-4 Boot W, extra heavy, And other makes; ALSO, • 9.4,10-4 and 11-4 UNBLEACHED SH EETINGS Marseilles Counterpanes. We can furnish these goods in all sizes and qua lities. We have several lots in LOW-PRICED GOODS that are FaR BELOW PRESENT IMPORATION PRICE, and axe also prepared to furnish, in large quantities, the well-known Lancaster, Manchester and Honey- Comb Guilts, in 10-4, 11-4 nnd 12-4 sizes. House-Furnishing Linen Goads. LINEN SHEETINGS, all widths. TOWELS, *fxbm S 2 to 87 per dez. NAPKINS, all Linen, 81 62. Barasly. Damask, Power Loom and other stand ard makes of Table Linen. Persons about purchasing Line l } do well to examine onr stock We Invite comparl son. No trouble to show our gooaa. COWPERTHWAIT & Co., . m N. W. cemer Eighth and Market Sts. jaH-th sa tu tjyl Williamsville, Attawaugan, Union, Phoenix,&c. IN g J’OCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, BY GEO. HENDERSON, JB„ alB-3m* No. 333 DQ.QK STREET.' SOLD, SILVEB, AND BANK notes WANTED. DE HAYIH & BRO. 20 SOUTH THIRD ST. MICHAEL JACOBS. BANKER, No. 46 South Third Sheet, Phiit. »oT»mmrat Secnrltie*, Sped* Mid ÜBCirraai Honey Be a gut and Said. stociu Bought and Sold on OonunHulox. Particular attention paid to the nriouauam 01 time paper*.. City Warrant* Bonfbt. EXCHANGE ON LONDON, FOB SALS In Sums to Suit, by MATTHEW T. MILLER fc CO., No. 45 South Third street. STOCKS Bought and Sold on Commissioi s BY Matthew T. Miller A Co., No. 4S South Thl»d at. STOCKS AND SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. DE HA YEN & BRO., 20 SOUTH THIBD STREET. f<*R JOHN C. CAPP & SON, &TOCK AND NOTE BROKERS, No. 23 South Third Street, Directly opposite the Mechanics’ Bank, Government Loans, Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission at the Board of Brokers. MONEY INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED ON THE BEST TERMS. fell-3m C. B. WRIGHT & CO„ No. 142 South Third Street, OPPOSITE THE EXCHANGE, Dealers in Government and State Securities, Quartermasters’ Checks and Vouchers, and Cer tificates of Indebtedness. Orders for the purchase and sale of Stocks and Loans promptly executed. ja3o-lm§ GEO. N. HARVEY & SQN, STOCK BROKERS, No. 218 Walnut Street. GEO. N. H4.RIYEY has this day taken Into partnership h>s son MILTON L. HARVEY. Th. business will hereafter he conducted by GEO. N. HARI EY A SON. GEO. N. HARVEY. feS-imJ MILTONL. HARVEY. P. F. KELLY. B. K. JAMISON. P.F. KELLY & CO., Bankers and Exchange Brokers, NORTHWEST CORNER OF THIRD AND CHESTNUT STS., — PHILADELPHIA., jal9-3m} ft FOR SALE. & The Three-Story Brick Dwelling, No. 510 SOUTH TENTH STREET# Has THREE-STORY BACK BUILDINGS. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. Lot 18 by 87 Feet. srOnly a email part of Cash required. INQUIRE "ON THE PREMISES. fels-tfj> Immense Assortment of LOOKING GLASSES, Oil Paintings, First Glass Engravings^ PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, WINDOW CORNICES, PIER TABLES, *O., *®*. James S. Earle, & Son, 816 CHESTNUT ST.