I‘V oBEiUEKOE rtu a/iiuli;.oi Otfu.-t, die ',n e . riffoithe City, and Ootinty of PMladel nia lmbUciits tiie following writ-*:" w f.-dia THUISIi'SON, Sheriff, i fciu niF s c*-bru;a\r ‘Jo, City l i t d Vuunty trf Philadelphia. «»• £ F PENNSYLy|A -1 of ■cl-iettiiir = x- -W e Command-yoh,’ M'WloJelwe • ?;.r;s n un^oHlwnOTj&S ll Hh h,t,°i v l bu be and appear before our Judges . » * ??■ b - fi' b l a ’ at onr District Court for the City •’ ‘ a * ld Philudelxihia, to bp.hoiden.at Phiia- VBi “*.“<* fQT,the said City aha,County! of tbe J ilst M.NDIf of March next, tlitre, io ans-wer The Hermann Building and Sa *rsoctftU°it~No. ; a ( purchased at r-V ? * a ; e . ° r the grou • d rent as the prooerty of ' 1 vJl« rfe^r' a 5 kln f , < wbo »»' assignee of Koraiioiß. a P lea 01 breach of covenahtj and ha've tbfii and tliere.tbis ■writ. • ’ ■ *• ■» Wu-cummund you. as oei'orejwe did, that rin "'‘“'bon JUSEPH M. BUiVNCHbW, law of your ■ at he , bK Obd appear before’our Judges a , BUl.uklphiu, at our District Court for the City ■ Ot Philadelphia. to be hoiden at Phii ■'VMiSiK*' ,* ’‘“n f P. r ;U e said Ciiy ana County ; of ; tbetix-l MONDaY ofHarch next, tbeie to answer the Hermann Building and Saving f auc * -e ootatiou- No. a, pip-chased at Sheriffs sale si the ground rent as the property of G-eof-e ■Harbins, who -was assignee of Hpraiio B. BennorS. oi a plea ot breach ot covenant: uudhavo you then and there this writ. - < '• '£ We coihmand you -as before we did, that you - summon .I DSD Pa M- DUNNOHKWy late of your (aunty, to that he be and appear before door Judges at pmladelpnia, atuur BistrictCourt, for the City anu t oumy of Phi.adelphia,' to be hoiden at 1-hiladelplua, in-and tor the saidCi v andC.ountTOfPhi aoelphia the first ID jNDAY. of h'. arch' heat, there to answer Tile Hermann Build ing and S iVing r und Association. ,No a, pur chased at Shtr it's sale. of the ground rmt as the proper yof George . arhins, who, was assignee 01 Horatio B. Peunoes of a pica of breach ot Co Tenant-, and have yon then and there this' writ vve command you, as . before we did that vou , i; . EummoivPATRICK Me KEEN, ON,. late ot your County, so ti at lie be anuappeiirheforeonr Judges at Philadelphia, at our idstrict Court lor the City "WitlConnty ol Philadelphia, to be hoiden at Phila delphia, in and for the said City- and County of Philadelphia, The. first MONDAY of March next, there to answer Charies'Kvans. -Juhn Ltppincott Jeremiah Willitts, Thomas tVojd, Stepheu P. morris, X*ind.zey Nicholson and. George £*. Smith, (who enrvived Danied Maulc, dec’d.) of a plea o breach of covenant. and have voa then and ther this writ. We command yon, as before 'we did, that you 'summon ALLEN SERVER, Jate of your.Connty, so: that he be and appear before. our Judges at Philadelphia, at our* District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be hoidenat Phila delphia, in and for said City and County of Phila delphia, the first MONDAY of March next, there answer William I) Walker, grautea-ot-:Samuel II- Austin and Atmte I#t his wife, who was grantee of Charles Henry Fisher, of a plea of breach of covenant; and hav.e you then and there this writ. We command you, as before we did, that you summon'CHRISTOPHER H, ' WITTIE, late of vour County, so that he be and appear befifre our Judges at Philadelphia, at pur i District Court lor the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holdenu.t Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MON DAY of March next, there to . answer Richard Smethurst and William A; Smethurst, Executors of the last will and testament of Priscilla Smeth urst, deceased, who was grantee of Benjamin S ; Janney and Lydia 0., his. wife, o: a ulea of breach of Covenant; and have you then and there this . .writ. We command yon as before we did, that you summon JOHN S. HOFE.MAN, late of your *;Cotinty, so that he ho and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court, for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia) in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of March next, there to answer Richard Smethurst and William A. Smethurst, Executors of the last Will and Testament of Priscilla Smethurst, dec’d., who "was. grantee of Benjamin S. Jannev and Lydia 0.. his wife, of a plea of breath of covenant and have yon thenand there this writ.. ’ We command 'you, as before we did, that you summon Patrick BEENAN, late of your • County, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be hoidenat Phi ladelphia, in and for the si id City'and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of March next, there to answer Lawrence Lewis, Jr., Robert' M. Lewis, Jr., and Francis A. Lewis, trustees, named in the last will and testament cf Lawrence Lewis, deceased, of a plea of breach of cove nant; and’have you then and there this writ. We command yon, as before we” did, that yon summon THOMAS WILLIAMS, late of 'yonr county, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Ooiir c for the Ci>.y Sind County of Philadelphia, to he holden at Philadelphia, in and for tbe City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of March next, there to answer Joha H. Connell and Margaret Connell his wife, to the use ol Margaret Connell, of a plea of breach of covenant- and have you then and there this-writ. We command you as before -we did, that you summon ALEXANDER C. CO YBE, lateofyour county, so that he and appear before our Judges ait Philadelphia, at our District Court for the City and County of ?o be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County ot Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of March next, there to answer Virginia Peale, •widow ot Augustin R. Peale, deceased, and Augustin R. Peqle, Adelo Virginia Peale, Algernon T. Peale, and Alma Eugenie Peal, minor children of the said Augustin R. pedle,' deceased, by their guardian and next friend Virginia Peale, of a plna of breach cf covenant; and have you thea and there thib writ. We command you as before we did, that you 6uinmon JOSEPH CLARK, late of your Coun y, so that' he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court fo' the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the firstMONDAY of March next, there to answer Charles Norris assignee of Henry Norris, of a plea of. breach of covenant; and have you then and there this writ We command you as before we did that you summon JOHN BLAIR, THuMAS G MOSS. ROBERT ALLEN and JOHN, At. WILSON, late of your county, so that they be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court for the City and County ot Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, ia andfor the said City’ and County of Pbilacelphia, the first MONDAY of March next, there to answer Charles and .Samuel Norris, Trustees of *he Fair Hill Estate, and Charles, Samuel and Isaac Norris. Trustees ofJos. P. Norris, Jr., of a plea of breachof cove nant; and have you then and there this writ. To the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting: We command you,, as before we did, that you summon JOHN SCOTT, late of your county, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Phila delphia, at our District Court for the-City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at PlUladel phia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of March next, there to answer George Norris, of Henry Non is, of a plea of breach of covenant; and have you then and there this writ. . Witness the Honorable George Share wood, Doctor ot Laws, President of oar said Court, at Phila delphia, the 13th day of February, in the year, of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty four. " ; _fe2s-th2t F. ATTREGOj pro Prothonotary. IN OBEDIENCE TO A RULE OF COURTS the Sheriff of the City and County of Philadei pma publishes the following writ: . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Sheriff s Office, February 20, 1864. r ' Uni V of Philadelphia,, ss: THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL- Vania you ’ 85 before we did, that you Coumv JANE STEVENS,' late of your JurteesLt b 8 and a T>P ear before our forTte £ Qar Court of Common to be holden at C puiltdelnhft ntiy of Jbiladelphia, City and County of lP Ph ? i'e nd ■ :for tlle aaid MONDAY of March L« !^ 8 i p ? la ’ tile flrst Pemberton Morris and John e Fnn° anS P WBr , P ’ of breach of covenant* if a lon > of a plea and there this writ. = ana have y° tt then W« toitunand you, OS ’betOTA -wrft AtA *X. *. summon JONATHAN PETEIISO N d latent vnnr county, so that he be and appear before'our at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common PicK .for the City and County of Philadeinh',!, holden at Philadelphia, in .and tor thesaidrw and County of Philadelphia, the first MONniv of March next, there rto answer p. PerubTrhSn Morns and John Fallon, of a plea of covenant; and have youthen and there this writ we command you,-asbefore we did, tuatvmi Bummon SuMHEL YEAGER, late cf your he be aud appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas, l Cl and County of Philadelphia, to be is*l?o n * at^bilat^el PW a J in and for the- saio. SM'? 01 ! 01 Philadelphia-' the first MON- W^Wnih^nk h nf ext ', tllere to William Jl*, l ban *\.°* a P lea of breach of covenant; and have you then and there this writ - ’ 1. SHAW, late Of your County, 6 o that thev be and appear, before our Judees .it Phiin 7 dclphia, at our Court of Common Pleas for the City tmd County Of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said County of the first MONDAY of March nbxt, there to ; answer Thwmml nV,„ herlairi, Trustee under will of William cnv.™!?-’ deceased, of-a plea of breach df coyeSun have you then and there this wi? “ aat ’ and . we command you, as before we did. that™™ summon GREENBURG T.ROSE, late ofvour Sf ) sb‘y> so that he be and appear before our fct Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas? for the City and- County of'Phil.idclphituf to oe holden,at'PhilqdeJpiua, in and for-the saiSr-’Oitv and County ol Philadelphia; the first MONDAY of March next, thereto answerAnu. J. ( TuomiS, who W- 1 ;-' - 11 tj' of Benjamin Davis, who was assignee ofWiluimjj. Lew is,-©t ,a : ,.'plea’of breach of cove .nant; and have yon then and there this writ. W.e command you, as . before We did, that you summon SiDNEY R. DOW, late of your county, so thatbe appearhelore eui Judge 3 st r’tuD nde,pi-.ia,. at, our CYurf of Common Pleas, for the City and County of Phiiade'lph a, to be holdeniat Philadclpniju,iu and for the.,-.aid City and Oouritv of Philadelphia, the’ lirst ‘ MONDAY of March litxt, there 10.-an&wer John .Ward, assignee of lohu McOIVS aiui'M'ary his wife, assignees of John fiici and Mary R, his wile, to the use of Joseph W. Emery, ol a pl-aof breachbr'covenaut: and-' have you .then aad there this Writ. -, - - - We command yon,' as' before we did, that von S. RiDiYf late oryohr county-, so that he be aad appear before our judges' at Pi ilsdelpliia, at our. Court of Common Pleas ior tbe City and County-of Pbiladelphia, to beholden at Pliilaelphia. in and for the said City and County ol Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of March; next',- there to’ answer Oharles VVi ham vY liartou, Trustee of Wharton, Assignee .of llie siiitl Charles "William Wharton, a 3 surviving Trustee, under the will, of William Wharton, de. ceased, ol aplea of breach of covenant: ahdhaS'e j ou then and there this writ., *-y We ecmmaifd von, as befcTe we' did, .that you summon GTLbLIiT LOW, late of vour County,so' itv e and appear before our Judges at Phila delphia,atouT: L'onrt of ; CommoavPleas, for the City apd County of Philadelphia, to be holden.at Phiia'.elphia, in and for *the;said; City and County' of Philadelphia, the lirst MONDAY of March i-ext_ thereto answer Lawrence Lewis, Jr. .Robert • .+®T^ is > Jr., aud Francis A. L*wis, Trustees named - in' the last Will and Testament of • LtWiS Lewis, deceased, ofa plea .of and have you then' aud there "We command you; us Jjerore we dirt, that von surmnon: JOHN B. WHITNEY* late of your .Connty.so thathebe and appear beforeour Judges at Philadelphia, at our Conrt of Common Pleas, for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City ‘ and County of Philadelphia, the lirst MoND LY of March next,there to answer John.D. Wells ami Ann Petman Wells, his wife, in right of said wife, which said Ann Lehman Wells, as tenant for liie with .William Lehman Wells and Elizabeth 0. « eliS, parties in remainder, were grantees of Alex amler B. Carver, who was grantee of Joseph Lloyd and Maria L., hia wife, who was* gr»ntee of John McCreaancrAJaiy,his wife; and have you then • aDd there this wiit. - - Wp command you, as before we did, that you summon BE v JAMIN WALLACE, late of your County, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pieas,for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MON DAY of March next, there to answer William Hobart Brown, A6sienee of Theodore De Kline, who was assignee of James Sullivan Smith and Eliza A., his wife, of a plea of breach of covenant: and have you then and there this writ. Vc command you, as before we did, that you OHR I STiAN J, FELL and GEORGE M. KINsLER. late of your County, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadel phia, in and for the-said Oitv and County of Phila delphia, the first MONDAY'.of March next, there' to answer Charles and-Samuel Norris, Trustees of the Fair Hill Estate, and Charles, Samuel and Isaac Norris, Trustees of-J. P. Norris, Jr. ofa plea of breach of covenant; and have you then and there this writ Witness the Honorable Oswald Thompson, Doctor of Laws, President of onr said Court, at Phila delphia, the eleventh day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. fe24tu2t WEBB, Prothonotary. THUPOSALS. 'VT.OTICK TO CONTRACTORS.—The time f>r J-’.receiying Proposals to BUILD THE BRIDGE UOBOCKSINK CREEK, at DEL ,,*“■ Avenue, is hereby extended until MON DAY, February 29, 19S*. Sealed Proposals will be received at the Depart mentof Highways, southwest corner of FIFTH and WALNUT streets, until MONDAY, 28th inst., at 3K o’clock, P. M., for the construction and erection of an Iron Pratt Truss Bridge over the Ojhocksink Creek, on Delaware Avenue, and raiee, recurb and repave the approaches. Plan and Specification may be seen at the Department of Surveys. All Bidders are invited to be present at the time and place above noted, when the bids receired will be opened. No bid will be received unless a bondis given agreeably-to Ordinance approved May 25th, ISW , „ ‘ W. W. SMEDLEY, ie«s*3ty Chief Commissioner of Highways. J PROPOSALS FOR BITUMINOUS COALS.— wUI be received at the Office S^.is£v P £J l!ldel Pb‘ 3 Gas Works, No. 20 South .SEVENTH Street, untU noon or FRIDAY, 22d of J-Apnl, I&G4, for supplying the whole or any part ot Eighty Thousand Tons (f Bituminous Coals , suit, able lor the manufacture of illuminating Gas, to be delivered on the Railroad tracks of the Gas Works ft the First Ward ai d the Ninth Ward S ations, in the following monthly quantities ; eight thousand tons m each of the months of September, October, November, December, and six thousand ions in each of the months of June, July, August, lghl, and January, February,March, April and May, LSGS. • J The coals, must be deli veredire6h, dry, and of a quality approved by the Engineer of the Gas Works, as equal to the sample oh which the con tract is based.'. The proposals must describe the particular va riety of coals intended tone supplied and the lo cation and name of the mine or pit from woich tneya-eto be raised. H they are of a kind nit now or recently used at these Works, samples for trial of no Mess than fifty tons, must be delivered at lhe Works", ou or before the 7th of April n-xt. ■The gross ,oa of 2.-1 . 1 pounds will-be considered as the weight intended m tbe proposals, unless the contrary be expressly stated. The Trustees ret.erv.r.the right to acceptany pro posals in whole or in part, or to reject all, as they msy deem best for the interests of the Trust, and In the event cf failure on the pa tot any contrac tor to deliver the coals accordingto his agreement, both in quantity and quality, the Trus ees reserve the right to buy e Eewhere. whatever quantity may be required to meet the deficiency, and charge to the contractor ahy loss or damage arising from each failure. Payments will be made monthly, in two equal instalments, at fonr and six months ai ter the speci • fled pel iods ot delivery, the 15th of each month being takes as the average of the monthly delive ries, or at the option of the Trustees, will be made at earlier dates with legal interest off. Should contractors prefer to make deliveries earlier than required, they maybe received tofar as they can be conveniently stored, but payments will be made to date from the time specified to the contractor.- . i Security for . the fulfilment o'f contract will he required, and each proposal must name the amount and character of security that will be -ffi-red. JOHN O; ORESSON, ie2otap22s Engineer in Chief. _ , SB A I.K I ? PROPOSALS to be endorsed ”Pro posals"for Lamp Posts,” will be received at the office of the Philadelphia Gas Works, No. 20 South SEVENTH street, until noon of TUES DAY, March Ist, 1564, for supplying two or three hundred lamp posts, s.milsr 1 1 pattern and weight to those now used for the pnblicstreet lamps; The proposals should state the price for each post, delivered either at the shops of the Gas Works or at the place where it is to be set, and also how many will be delivered, each month if required. , . JOHN G ORESsON, fel9tmhls Engineer in Chief. Philadelphia Gab Works, Feb TO. ISGL. eduoatiojn INFANT’S RETREAT. MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA. MRS. SAMUEL EDWARDS, Principal. This Institution, providing a refined home and the ten derest care and culture for Children from three to seven years of age, will be opened on Wednes day, APRILI3. Media is 13 miles from Phila delphia by Railroad. For particulars apply to Rev. S. Edwards, .Media, Pa. References: Bishop Potter, Bishop Stevens, and the Epis copal Clergy of the city; also to Abraham Martin, Esq, - . fet7-3m} BORDENTOWN FEMALE . COLLEGE, „ BORDENTOWN; N. J. This Institution is pleasantly located on the Delaware River, 1# hour’s ride from Philadel phia. Special attentiou Is paid to the common and higher branches of ENGLISH, and superior ad vantages furnished in Vocal and Instrumental FRENCH taught by native, andspokon in the family. For Catalogues, address • m14.2m* V ' JOHN H ' BERKELEY, A. M., . Presiden STOVES, HEATEKS, &0. rpHOM A-S s. DIXON' *°- . LOWDOWN, • PARLOR, ■ CHAMBER, OFFICE, AND OTHER ORATES. For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Fires WARM AIR FURNACES, ,or ' ■ - • AITD ' CHIMNEY OAFS, -•■■■■ COOKING RANGES, BAK BOTLEBS, Ac. * WHOLESALE 1 THE DAILY EYENING BPLLETIW ; yHILABEtPHIA. g R r o AY , ®B«TOSKH2^Sffie4if be the indisposition. are. safe at all times when the directions an ad' hired to. when taken regularly always, prevent elckncs* end la not prevention better than cure! have stood the test of 25 years’ experience. receive the encomiums of all who use them. Ha lady should be without them. We have letters al most every day from ladies the' hlghestrespec lability, telling ns they would not he without the French Periodical Drops for anything. Could w» publish the letters we have received, they would convince the most lnorednlous. We have now lx mind an Instance of a lady who had been lrregulai until her constitution was nearly broken down Her physicians told her she had the Consumption, and must die. Sue saw our ad vsrtlsement, and came to see us. We, too, thought she was too far gone to be cured, but commenced at the cause with the Drops. They acted like a charm; and to-day •he is well and healthy, allying witness of tha efficacy of Periodical Dropa, and h re- sident of East Hartford, Connecticut. If you an •offering any of the Ills caused by Irregularity, w» ask you to give them a trial, and recommend them to your afflicted friends. One trial will oonvlnci the most sceptical, and never after will yon be in duced to be without it. ’** JOHNSTON, HALLOWAY A OOWDENi and at RETAIL 1 auss-f m, wiy Al ibDltiMr’. tyy.vs wmouicMf drop« fail to cube the suffering 3 • ij m i yoa, /■ LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS •re a fpecific for alifemale difficulties . . LYON’S- FEBIQDIOAL DROPS are wonderfully adapted to obstinate LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS; •Tempt pleasant u> take, but powerful la their rations.: ' ' LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS never harm any one if they follow the direction*. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS, - n cases of painful sickness, act like a chaim !s Tigorating, restoring and renovating the system. LYOfif’S PERIODICAL'DaOPS are a scientifically prepare fluid preparation, ani more reliable than any Pill or Powder. LY ON’S PERIODICAL DROPS are genuine only, when the name of Doctor John L- Lyon Is written upon the direction*, which are wrapped carefully around each bottle. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS are for sale ty druggists in city and country every- LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS cost bnt one dollar perbottle; will you waste away with anxiety and pain, whec an In-vestment of one dollar will surely core yon. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS will restore nature to its healthy course, whatever LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON’S PEBIODiOAL DROPS LTON’S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS WHOLESALE NO.-S 3 NORTH SIXTH STREET, by all Dealer* lnmadlclne everywhere • Si par bottle. -O. G. CLARK A CO.. Wholwale Druggists, Proptietora, —* Messrs. QEIM and AUJEIN, formerly associated ™,£ let^S a l Eleotriolaill > and Q^.U o wa^hn a i?s„ Professor BoUes. pracUce wnt?i>^li? e dissolved partnership, the foe old e.^Vo i '?w C S n, i? oeil THGS. ALLEN, a t Streets office, No. 723 North TENTff acute, chrome SS?™ 8^1 cnra -ble diseases (whether ashocliSS'S,? Paralytic,'' without tions of wits i t 5i Tar i°us modiflca ment has 5 G ?i van lsm. This treat cases of BroncMtl?ni^htw?i , ' y aaccessful In aU of the throat ann aud other diseases A few oTOf ' seconAtaM.®”* and General Debility. Diseases of the tlyer or Neuralgia. Tt. K i d ? ey *- Fever and Aru* Diabetes. , &Bssst&r*- tei. ■ ■ Bronchitis. rwi’ &c * lhfluenxa and Catarrh. MO charge far consult. I 9 A. M.‘to6P. M.t to oe seen AKHO O D . . AJTD .THB VIGOB OF YOUTH BESTOBEB : rs POUB WEEKS, BV EE. BICOBD'S ESSENCE OF LIFE! ° f Eari ®> after years of earnest sou ?* lengtli acceded to the urgent re agent ii Ker^ er i c 5 n ' p ?^ Ue ’ appointed an e IT ?? rk for sale of his rained and aimlt 3 ™?n 2ed . EBSBnce of Late. This wonderful■ tonsttauJjSt s * ol ? ,^ anhoot ) to 1118 most shattered effeS ofSJ ieUlcr arising from excesses, ths U w V or "atnral causes. The time re week.-?- moBt toreterate case Is four Uons whiM,?»]J sed ac “ )l:dln e tc printed lnstruc- very simple, failure is impossi. hrkn J - re stonng remedy sheuld betaken „V? *J 0 “any. as Its effects are permanent. rreatest^du^ d^ d by the medi °alpress to be ths grratest discovery ever made. Its developing , e “ijacatons. Success, In every daS” I *T>t o iii ain .?, B^? at science overthrows ignorance!. w«h fS 1 .*. 01^® 8881 "* of is sold in ‘actions toruse, »tS3 or four qua*! ***** wili be sent to any part, I l y - packed ’ 1011 rtelpt of hli accredited agent, PHILIP BOLAND, 447 Broome street, One door west of Broadway: N. Y. de7-3m# QPAI dentaeiana. A superior article *o7'cleaning tne Teeth. H.+* jtroying animalcules which infest them, ciTitu tone to the gums, and leaving a feeling of fra! trance and perfect cleanliness In the month. r may be used daily, and will be found to strengthen weajx and bleeding gums, while the aroma and do tersiveness will recommend it to every one. Be. tng composed with the assistance of the Dentist.’ Physician, and JXBcroscopist, it is confidently “* a substitute for the uncox W ashes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constitu *nts of the DENTAELIN A, advocate its uses: ii contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained em ployment Made only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary _ , BROAD and SPRUCE Streets rar sale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown, D. L. Stachhouss. Hassard &Oa, Roberta Davis, O. R. Kceny, Geo. C. Bowers, Isaac H. Kay, Charles Shlrera, 2* » Jl^dl® 8 * Ch J. Sc&ttergood, T. J. Husband, J. C. Tnrnpenny, & Oo Ambrose Smith, Charles IL Ehexle, ThOluas Weaver, James N. m.t-it. William B. Webb, E. Bringhuro A Co,, James E. Blspham, Dyott A Co., Hughes A Coorabr, H. O. Blair, Henry A. Boyer, Wyeth A Bro. TJI LECTRICIT Y. XiWONDERFUL DISCOVERY AJXTt WON- [ ~. DERFUX, BESUX.TS- I ncute and chronic diseases cored by spe- I ft?*. desired bv the patient, at ( 1220 Vr AXjKUX street, Philadelphia, and in , case or a failure no charge Is made. No drag ging the system with an certain medical agents. ; AU cures performed by Magnetism, Galvanism or other modifications of Electricity, without | shocks or any unpleasant sensation. For far ther information send, and get a pamphlet, which contains hundreds of certificates from some of the most reliable men in Philadelphia, who ha Ye been speedily and permanently cored after all other treatment from medical men had failed. Orer eight thousand cored it Ires than four years, at 1220 WAENUT street. N. B—Medical men and others who desire a knowledge of my new discovery, can com- 1 meuoe a full course of lectures at anv time 1 prof. 801.r.r.S has qualified over one thousand' p Electrlcltras a j PROFS. BOLLES A GALLOWAY, ocl4-tf 1210 Walnnt street. Phil a. A FRIEND IK NEED—TRY IT.—DR SWEET’S INFARUBRE LINIMENT a prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, oi OoirnecUcnt, the great bone setter, and- has beer used in his practice for the last twenty years with the most astonishing success. As an externa] remedy it is without a -rival, and will alleviate pain mere speedily than any other preparation. Fpr all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders it lx wuly lnfhlible, and as a curative for Sore*, wounds, Sprains, Bruises, &c., its soothing healing and powerful strengthening properties! excite the just wonder and astonishment of all who have ever given i: a trial. Over four hun dred certificates, of remarkable cure£, performed by it within the last two years, attest this fact bold everywhere. min-ly JUMELLE’S COMPOUND - SYRUP OF DOCK.—We often bear it repeated by those used JUMEEEES COMPOUND .SYRUP OF DOCK, that among all the 'thousand remedies offered to the public, there is none of them so salutary as a cough. medicine, so potent as an m vigorator, so effectual as a purifying specific, and so f-hooting and.restoratiYe in cases of physical de b.uty, nervous irritation and a general sinking or a prostration of the system. b y proprietor, F. JUMELLE, No. 1520 Market street, and byall Druggists. rfe4«3mfi ir~ UIMISON' S BBON CHIAi, TABLETS ARS found to be an indispensable requisite in the treatment of Bronchitis* Catarrh, Ho&rsness, and similar complaints affecting the organs of th# roice: particularly recommended by public speafc ftrs2 lingers, and amateurs. Prepared, wholesale ind ratal], by LANCASTER * WILLS. IpSTLAOK’S DIPHTHERIA LOZENGES.— JL-J lnese Lozenges, are a safe and speedy cure for Diphtheria, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections generally. Try them. THOMAS ESTLA.CK, Jr., Druggist, $. W. cor. of Eighteenth and Market sts.. Phua. ia2B.;ims TAYLOR’S ARNICA OIL OR EMBROCA **^N**,“ A Teliabl© article. Positively cures , Neuralgic, and Spraine, Frosted Feet, CMUblains, Pains in the Limbs, Chest- Side E°r sale by the Proprietor, H. B. TAY LOR, Tenth and CallowhUl streets. Price, 25 cents - . fe29-3m# JUST RECEIVED BY LATE IMPORTA Old Brandy, expresslv ror medicinal use. LANCASTER A WILLS B - ooraer IS. WATERMAN, " : ; • The only Manufacturer of WATERMAN’S COOKTAU. - and . „ . TONIO BITTERS. Sold wholesale and Retail. No. 1106 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. fes-lm§ SCUT Oil WHISKEY -Iu cases of one dozen .SS», onco,lßi * ll “ent and for sale by G-EO. ALKINS, 10 and 2 Son'h Delawareavenue.3lt'® 30 - fo fo r their friends can buy tlckets Kera at these information,-, apply at tbe Cornua n ?ln, office *- . __JOHN G. DALE, Agenv fe2l, HI Walnut street. Philadelphia.. Aggftgfi BOSTON AND PHTT.A f>P. .*>hT7 3fjft§fe&STEAMSHIP LINE--SaUiriefromeael '6Qeea° PMiS r ? a 7," Fro 5 l T flrEt wharl above Pin« SSSS Boston, or , a u* l l.®? a g^Wp i tJ o ßiaAN, Captain Baker, wll ‘Febrniir2<>-!K ladel P llla for Boston on Saturday, s A , ?OTa r C?, K^ W VOBK-Wew Dally Lies JWMsi—Via Delaware and Raritan CSanal rvJJJ adel F S 2!i “d New York Express Steamboo. Comnaiy will receive freight and leave dally at > foik^ng e ddys. S tt£lX cargoe * »n Ne w York U» Freight taken at reasonable rams. WILLIAM p. CLYDE, Agent, _ .14 South Wharves, Phllada. „ JAMES HAND, Agent/ - Jy2s-tf Plere 14 and 15 East River, H. T. „„ FOR ban FRANCISCO. —COLEMAN’S CALIFORNIA LINE. KATTiTN o REOULARLY AS. ADVERTISED . The A 1 Extreme Clipper Ship _ WIZARD KlNfx Is now rapidly loading at pier U. East River Tb is beautiful clipper comes to her berth 3EHE' K ! t b a large portion of her cargo on board, atm having large engagements will All rapidly We commend the WIZARD KING- to all shin pers to San Francisco as the most desirable vessel now loading, ana Invite inspection. Shippers will confer a iayoFby sending their freight immediately alongside. L BISHOP, SON A 00., v 105 Arch street, above Front, FOR BARBADOS—Tbe British schooner SSfiFRANCIS COFFIN, Couzens, master, will tonimence loading on Monday next, the22d Inst qm ' k dispatch. GEORGE ALKINS A CO., Nos. 10 and hi South Delaware avenue. . lel7 t&i. fob NEW ORLEANS, La.-First Vee- Sail—The fast sailing favorite packet bars COMET, Morrison, master, is now rapidly finishing her loading at second wharf aboveEace “ d ,, can f«n hibe some freight on farora ble terms, if applied for at once. For balance of apply to WORKMAN A CO., 123 Walnut street. ’ FOR BOSTON—Express l.ine—The flue **S jacket schr SEARSViLLE, Oapt. Sears, Guow'receiTing freight at Arch street wharf, and will sail for the above port with prompt dis „ FOK NEW YORK—Express iWI nge Packet schooner JOHN FAENUM. Capiain Haii, is now receiving freight at Callow - mif street wharf, and will sail for the above port* tip Bpp,y to Ba - JOHN SHINDLER & SONS, SAIt No. North WAR YES, below Vine street, Philadelphia. • All work done In the best manner and on th* lowest and most favorable terms, and warrantee’ to give perfect satisfaction. mhlS-tf Particular attention given to repairing. WaNTEH—A . good vessel to load in. the Jggi Express Line to New York. High rates hud u uitk Oisi atch. Apply to DAVID COOPER, 13 North Wharves. Y AN'l ED—A good vessel to loid down «Ss the riveT 5,000 to 8,000 bushels grain t-» Bos *?**•• Hiffh rales and quick dispatch. Apply to DAVID COOPER,* IS North Wnarves. THE .UNDERSIGNED having'-rented their Ship Yard, located between Queen and Christian streets, with the Marine Railway and Sectional Dry Dock,to A. S. SIMPSON & BRO.. take this opportunity of expressing their thanks to. their friends and patrons for their long an£ con tinued kindness. A. S. SIMPSON. A BRO. being practical Ship wrights and Caulkers, we recommend them to our late customers and those that nave vessels to re pair, and . are confident whatever is entrusted to them will be carefully attended to. ja3o-lm* J. SIMPSON & NEILL. Philadelphia, Feb. l, 1884. CONSIGNEES* NOTICE.—The bark ID DO RIM BALL, Ulmer, master, from New Or leans, will commence discharging her cargo at CF£ tham * 8 vbarf )» South street wharf, this (Thursday) morning. Consignees please attend to rJi e „ .°i. £*>it goods, and oblige WORK MAN A CO.. 123. Walnut street. ■ feiB CONSIGNEES 4 NOTICE.—Tor h.ii-lr T»rn. Captain J. F. Horton. from New York, ia now discharging her cargo at South street wharf, t onsignees Will please attend to the receipt of their goods, as they will remain on the wharf at their risk. J. E. BAZLEY & CO., No. 122 South Wharves, . ,„i S Geeat Diboovsby USEFUL AND VALUAB EE DISCOVERY! INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more general practical utility thon any invention now. before the public. It has been thoroughly test, ed during the last two years by prac tical men, and pronounced by all to he. Applisable to the useful .•Arts. SUPERIOR. TO ANY Adhesive Preparation known. A new thin#. Hilton’s Insoluble Cement Is a new. thing, and the result of years of study: its combination is on SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES, and under no circumstances or change of temperature, will it be come corrupt or emit any offensive smell. Its Combina tion. BOOT AND SHOE Hoot and Shoe Manufac turers. Manufacturers using Machines will flnd.it the best article known for Ce menting the Channel, as it works without delay, is not affected by any change of temperature. JEWELERS Jewelers. Will And It sufficiently adhesive foi Jheir use, as has been pro ved. It is Especially Adapted to Heather, And we claim as an especial merit, that it stickß Patches and Innings to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong without stitching. Families. ITISTHEONLY LIQUID CEMENT EJXTANT That is a sure thing foij mending Furniture, CrooUery, Toys, 1 Bone. Ivory, And articles of Household uso - Hilton’s Insoluble CktiEHT is in a liquid form and as easily applied as paste. Hilton 4 * Jn tolublc Ceemnt is- insoluble in water or oil." Hilton 'x Insoluble Cement Ad heres oily substances. Supplied in Family or Manufactu rer's Packages from 2 oz. to 100 lbs.i ItisalJquld, Remember. . .. HILTON BROS. A CO., ' proprietor*.' Providence* B. I. ' iladelphia, LAING & MAGINNTS, rdst.; Joseph Godfrey &Go., SI lif. nlB-wmiftiy Agents In PI No. 30 N:. Thr Fourth street HILTON’S : ,N U o/ L 'cil H t A'b r -rwi. la s*i uta^ y "P’atbß Estate KlJniisburr, in MOORE, late of -Cityi:itlTS.jS (fe [ ) Ward of the granted to™,* endefeef-^ the sniii PWsonwndebted » »j.«r those having clalmi'ob dem,^H lke , paymenf > JOHN B • WuOHFhi?d’ Prasent /Ho fmeshure,or at-Nn-',2'24Walmit street, T N »^H E^PHANS ’ COURT FOR THE (JITY 1 i and county of. PHTt. AT>FT.i-->irrA TY ut JuHiN £>TILES. deceased. - T , - appointed by tfce ‘Court* ttfaudit, udjust tile tUiTd and final account nf" HANNAH STILES, EDWARD H STOll|s ant f sTJLES,'. Executors of the J‘ *HN STILES," deceased, tpnj to report distribn “““Of the balance in the hands of the aeconntants, win meet the parties interested for thd pnrposes of bis appointment, on THURSDAY, March 3d, 4tfcl o ° k) : P . Mi, at. Wo; iU3 "WALNUT r.bin- ( 6econd story,) in the; city of Philadel -1 ’ fel9-f,m, wst» 1 CITY E a N^ Pi^v NS ’ COURT FOK /THE PHIAV^, 0 ..COUNTY. OF PHILADEL feasIa: —E^tate of ELIZABETH VABIESj de- SB «s!f ■*?^ tO J, app , oi s b y'«» Court to audit, ' B BFATH A ij - h l e acconQt of BENJAMIN I, -?I T7- T i l tiV'rtT l \? I ;Tr?^? r d b: n. or the estate ?^« L ,, I 2 l A ? E . TH FABJES:, deceased, and to re port d.stnbunon or the balance in the hundsof ?J 6 accountants, roll meet the parties interested I ,ar l 3 I n / es bis appointment, Oil WED < NEisDAY, March lid, ; 1 Si) 1 , at 4 o’clock P M at A 502 WALNUT Street, in the city ofPhdadel- Pbia. • I Summons in partition.—The soeridla directed to publish thefollowing order. : JOHN THOMPSON,'Sheriff. PASadeloiix,' S 3. of Pennsylvania .to the ■ Philadelphia County, greeting: non cur^i^. l m i ? 1 V 1 ” ton ’ dfc ‘bonis O-uneio of the last will and entf °*Elizabeth Baldwin,, deceased, .make J°” 5' scnre of pro-ecnting his claim, then we com! mand you that you summon by good and lawful snmmoners, .Sarah S. Barnes, Charles M. Tyson S* fe ' “trtßW of the said Lydia ““if 11 P • Barnes ’ Samuel B. Cope, Oli- I Ter Cope, late of your county, so that they he and appear beiore our-Judges at Philadelphia, at our JvSk* ,° e C ,°” moll Pleas for the City and County ?f, I S 11 2 <1 , < v pluaf 01616 40 b* 3 held the first MoN UAY of March next, to show wherefore whereas theythe said Demandant and the said Defendant together and undivided do hold ail that lot or piece of ground with the buildings thereon erected, situ e side of Chestnut street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in breadth en the said j ,tLe F^ n J I }. ®} reet fourteen feet, and in length or depth fifty feet; bounded, northward'by ground fomjCTly of John Bar, and afterwards of the heir* aiipv^nntK 6 ’ deceased, eastward by Strawberry weltwSd^Th by >! he Baid O&estnut.street, and So S^iT!?^ thea s2 paild^ ground sometime in the tenure ot Isaac and afterwards be i° S ? Jpt l e . l Barn es, or howsoever else tha smne is or of right onght to be bntted and hounded. Being thesamepremiss ,§^ el E- Howell and wife, by indenture da iS d J Ule fwenty-first day of Kav, A. D. Iril6, re -6or°6‘l ®*.Philadelphia, in Deed Book M. B-, No. I; page 361, Ac., granted and conveyed to Samuel Barnes and Elizabeth Lawrence, widow of Thomas Lawrence in fee as tenants in common and not as joint heirsT the same Defendant partition thereof, between -t'-em to be made (according to .the laws and cus toms of this Common wealth case made and provided), do gainsay and the same to be done do not permit, very unjustly and against the ■■■«■ laws and customs (as it is said,) Ac. And have you then there the names of those Summoneis and this writ. _Witnessthe Honorable OSWALD THOMPSON, President of our said Court at Philadelphia, the twenty-third day of January, in the year of our Lord one hundredandsixty-four. S. | of the Court C. P. and duly stamp ed according to Act pf Congress. Prbtfabhotsn-y. CITY ORDINANCES, TO T THE POLK3E DJ^jUtT^ Besolred, By the Select and Common Conneils of the City of Philadelphia, That the City Con tro ier be and he is hereby authorized to make tha following transfers in the items of appropriation made to the Department of Police lor the year 16&1, by Ordinance approved January ‘4th 1861, From Item4—“Salaries of Policemen’’ Two Hundred Dollars, to Item 1. From Item 4—'‘Salsuries of Policemen,” Five Hundred Dollars, to Item S-2, “Salary ol Snuer. intendent of Telegraph, Ac.” p r _From Item B.— ll Conveyance of Prisoners,” Two Hundred and Tw. nty.four Dollars audNinetv Cents, and frim Item 4—“ Salaries of Police men,” One Hundred Dollars; In all, Three Hundred and Twenty-four Dollars and Ninety Cents, to Item 7, “Cl.ansing StaUon Houses, Rooms and Cells. ” ’ ALEX J. HARPER, . F resident of Common Council. Attest— ABRAHAM STEWART, - Arsis tint Clerk of Common Council. , JAMES LYND, President ofSelectConncll. Approved this twentiethjday. of February Anno Domini One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-four (A. D. lSdl). _ ALEXANDER HENRY, 14 Mayor of Philadelphia. An ordinance to pay the expenses OF the COMMITTEE TO WHOM WAS e £S? ee:ei> the preamble and reso lution-declaring the SEAT OF‘JOHN in common council, va- CANT. Sxctiohl. The Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the sum. ol fifty oollars be, and the same is hereby appro priated. to pay the expenses of the Committee te 'whom-was referred the Preamble and Resolution, declaring the seat of JohnS, Painter, in Common Council, vacant, as follows, to wit: The som'of fifty dollars to pay Cltrk hire,' Messenger and Subpoenaing witnesses. And 'Warrants shall be drawn for tfce same, by the Clerks of Council, in conformity with exisiing Ordinances. ! ALEX. J. HARPER/ President of Common Council. Attest— ABRAHAM STEWART, A&sistant Cler# of Common Council. ! JAMES LYND, President of Select Council. Approved this twentieth day of February, Anno DominUOne Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty - four (A. D. 1864). < J ALEXANDER HENRY, ) Mayor of Philadelphia, CLERK’S OFFICE COMMON COUNCIL.— Philadelphia, February 5, 1884 _ Inaccotdance with a resolution adopted by tha Common Council of the City of Philadelphia, on THURSDAY the4thinst, the annexed hill entitled “Ab Ofdinanc e to Authorize an Additional Loan to aid the Enlistment of Volunteers,** is hereby published for public information. WM F. SMALL, - Clerk of Common Council. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE AN AD DITIONAL LOAN TO AID THE ENLIST MENT OF VOLUNTEERS. Section 1. The Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia, do ordain: That the Ma> or be and he is hereby authorized to borrow on the credit of the city from time to time, as may be required by the City Treasurer, such snms of money as may he required to aid the enlistment of Volunteers for the service of the United States, not exceeding in the whole the sum of Two Million, Dollars, for which interest; not to exceed at the rate of six per- cent. Ser annum, shall , be paid half-yearly, on 16 firs, days of Jnly and Jandary, at the office of the City Treasurer. The principal of said loan shall be payable audpaidattheexplration ol thirty years from the date of the tame, and not before without the consent of holders thereof, and cer tificates tiierefor, in the usual form of such certifi cates of City Loans, shalTbe is seed in such amount as the lenders may require, bnt not for any frac tional part ot one hundred dollars, for ireqnired in amounts of five hundred or one thousand dol lars, and it shall be expressed in said certificates the said loan therein mentioned, and the interest thereof are payable freefrom all taxes. Seo. 2. Whenever any loan -shall be made by virtue hereof, there shall be. by force of this ordi nance, annually appropriated ont of the income of the corporate estates, and from the sum raised by ' taxation, a sum sufficient to pay the' interest on said certificates; and-the further sum of three tenths of one per cent, on the par value of such certificates so ifsned shall he appropriated quar terly, of the income and taxes, to a sinking fund, which fond and its accumulation are hereby specifically pledged for the redemption and nav ment of said certificates. " —, , RESOLUTION . Authorizing the Clerk to. publish the Ordinance. „ That the Clerk of Common Council be auffionzcdto publish in two daily newspapers of thrn City, daily for fonr weeks, the Ordinance pre sentecT to Common-* Council at a stated meeting tbereof, held on the 4thday ot February, 1884, en titled ** AnOrdinagiethAArthorize an Additional Loan to aid the Enlistment of Volunteers*** and the said Clerk, at the stated meeting of Councils, next after the expiration of four weeks from the said publication, shall present to Councils one of each of said newspapers fop every day in which the same shall have been made- . fe6-4ws AST. OFF* CLOTHING in demand from 81 to $5 for Pants, from ?5 to Sl5 for Coats, from $5 to $35 for Silk Dresses, end other goods in pro .portion. Also the highest price paidfor 'Carpets. Call or address-A. D. ANCONA* 330. SOUTH gtreet, .c.." 7 ' fe24-lm*