Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 25, 1864, Image 7

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    Municipal, claim* _ ' ;
NOTIOF T<? ltT ! -n I ;'VA L - L . l >l n *' *’ eb - ‘H, 1664. J
■witli the A .it of 3 A E EN, in accordance
ol ol the Commonwealth
& ut f day 01 Ma ch ’ A
»in ■ • Aa , Act relative to Registered
Philari^robi? 1 -? 1 ?"' 1 ? Claims in the County of
placed in P mvhu,^ al t tbe ' tol ‘ ,owing wrlts oave been
piacedinmyliandb for service, to wit:
nr, l ! 6 Philadelphia vs. James Howell, owner
$> r r i? OWr ? „°wiar, or whoever may be owner; 0
• 18(14,-No ii, tor the sum of
m,| T 'l?K? d '? lan ' ailti Hv.nty.four cents, for work
b '„,, !abor done and performed and m aterials fur
bished, again, t all that certain lot or piece of
the situated on the west site of Canal street, at
the distance or torty feet ton hof George street! in
i'e!«t W , ard i c . ontai s iQ S in front or breadth
f!et and extending of
with???? 6r d^ 111 -westerly parallel
Street «>“ northerly line the. eof
y ° < r /c ;t . iUDe luclles ’ and on the southerly
Hne thereof thirty.two fee six inches 7
owner 6 , Pairi u'’ Conner, owner or reputed
Serm ’-ffii i- 01 '? 1 ? a) be owner; O. P , March
anriOiw!, 61 ' s "’ for fbesutn of twenty dollars
and forty.seven cents, for work and labor done
«?i“ P* riorme d» and materials furnished, against
an tuat Lfrtai’. l<nor piece of ground situate at the
southeast corner of Twenty-fouith acd Virginia
streets m the Fifteenth -vard. of the said Oity
containing inffont or breadth on the sad Twenty
it/Urtb ty-six (5261 feet, and extending m
length or/Qep’h easterly ot iliat; width b-tween
lines parkin right angles to the saia Twentv
sixly-s eve»n (07; feet nine andflve
eit’hth inches. \ ,c
Same vs. James Stewart, owner or re
puted owner, or whoever may be owner: O.
Ua, j C m err P*o No. 51; for the sum of
thirty _dollars and seventy cents, for work and
as^n^ J‘, erfor ! nfd ’ and materials furnished
against all ihat certain lot or niece of
distan e ce° n f tlle s0 ?° 1 f lde ot Brown street, at the
distance of one hundred and four feet one and
three quarter inches, Eastward from the east
Wmd^rTi? 6 ? 17 ' 6 ??,. 3 ? 661 ’ ln the Fifteenth
?? ii 117 uf Philadelphia, containing in
lront on said Brown street seventeen feet, and ex
tendmg m depth southward between lines parallel
Twenty-sixth sir, et, in iheeist line
** r»T* our ei £kt inches and three quarters, and
on the west line thereof, fifty-seven feet and three
quarter inches (57 ftr^in.)
Same vs. Jesse U. Coulston, owner or reputed
o £?“5 r ’..or whoever may be owner; C. P., March
i e ™ l il *§6*l Ho. 52, for the sum of fourteen 7-ICO
dollars, for work and labor done and performed
and materials furnished, arninst all that certain
lot or piece of ground with the .buildints and
improvements thereon erected, situate on the sonth
side of Walter street, at the distance of one hun
dred and twenty.five (125) feet eight inches west
ward from the west side of Fifteenth street in the
Twentieth Ward of the city of Philadelphia,
containing in front or breadth on the said Walter
street twenty (20) feet, and extending in length or
depth southward of that width at right angles to
the said Walte.- street one hundred and fifty (iso)
feet to Girard avenue. 1 ' '
Same vs. Thomis Jorrell, owner, or reputed
owner, or whoever may be owner, C. P., March
Term, 1664, No. 53, for the sum of seventeen
dollars and seventy-nine cents, for work and la
bovdoneand performed and materials furnished
against all that certain lot or piece of ground
with the buildings and improvements thereon
erected, situated on the north side of Walter
at the 1 distance of two hundred and seven
. (207) feet westward from the west side of Fifteenth
street, m the Thirteenth ward of the city of Phila
delphia, containing in front or breadth on the
said W alter street, fifteen feet and ten inches, and
extending ln length or depth northward of that
ipiaui at right angles to the said Walter street, one
hundred (10U) feet to Stiles street.
Sam# vs. Jacob Breinig, owner or reputed owner
m ? yb ,s OT? ner; C. P., March Term.
1864, No. 54; forthesum of onehundredand sixty
three dollars and fifty.six cents, for work and li
por done and performed and materials famished,
against all that certain lot or piece of ground be
ginning at the northwest corner of Twenty.fourth
street and Green street, in the Fifteenth Ward of the
Lity of Phil adelphia, thence extending northward
along said Twenty-fourth street one hundred and
eighteen (118) feet and one-eighth (%) of an inch,
thence westward, at right angles with said Twen
ty-fourth street, one hundred and sixty (16U) feet
to Pagoda street, thence southward along the same
one hundred and eleven (ill) feet three and five
eightb (3%) inches to Pennsylvaniaavenne, thence
southeastward along the same twelve (12) feet
eleven and-seven-eighth (11),') inches to Green
street, thence eastward along the same one hun.
ered and forty-nine (149) feet eight and seven
eighth (S% ) inches to the place of beginning.
same vs. Bichard W. Stell, owner or reputed
owner or whoever may be owner; O. P., March
Term, 1664, No. 55, for the sum of seventy-three
dollars and sixty-eight cents, for workand labor
done and performed, and materials furnished,
against all that certain lot or piece of ground sit
uate at the southwest comer of Twenty-fourth
street and Avreli street, in the Fifteenth Ward of
the City of Philadelphia; containing in front on
sard Twenty-fourth street fifty-three (53) feet two
(2) mches, and extending in depth westward of that
width along the sonth side of said Avreli street one
Hundred and sixty (160) feet to| Pagoda street, upon
•which the front is also fifty-three (53) feet two (2)
inches.. ’ 1
Same vs. William Applebaugh, owner or re
puted owner or whoever may be owner, G. P.,
March Term, 1664, No. 56, for the snm of eighteen
dollars and forty, eight cents, for work and labor
done and periormed, and materials furnished
against all that certain lot or piece of ground
■ situate on the south side of Sharswood street, at
the distance of one hundred and twenty-eight feet
eastward, from the east side of Twenty-second st.,
in the Twentieth Ward, of the City qf Philadel
phia; containing in front or breadth on the said
Sharswood street, sixteen (16) feet: and extending
in length or depth’southward of that width at
right angles to the said Sharswood street, seventy
(76) feet to Stewart street. J
Same vs. Connell Devinney, ownrr or reputed
owner or whoever may he owner, O. P., March
Term, :E6i, No. 57, for the sum of eleven dollars
and eighiy-one cents for work and labor done and
performed, and materials furnished against all
xnat certain lot or piece of ground, with three
story brick dwelling house thereon erected, situate
on the east side of Twenty-fourth street, at the
distance of thirty feet north from Meredith street,
in the Fifteenth Ward of the said city; containing
in front or breadth on said Twenty.fourth street,
fifteen (15) feet, and extending in length or depth
eastwardly of that width, between parallel lines
at right angles with said Twenty fourth s reet,
severity (70) feet to a ten feet wide alley.
Same vs John B. Coates, owner or reputed
owner, or whoever may be owner, C. P., March
Term, 1664, No. .‘ 6, for the sum of thirteen dollars
and forty cents, for work and labor done and per
formed and materials furnished, against all that
certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the east
tide ol Twenty-third street, commencing at the
distance of eighty feet north from the nor th side of
Pb e street, m the Seventh Ward ol the city of
Philadelphia; containing ln front or breadth on
the said Twenty-third street twenty (2(1) feet, and
extending in length or depth about fifty (59) feet,
be the same moTe or less.
Same vs. Jobn iiampman, owner or reputed
owner, or whoever may be owner, O. P., March
Term, 1814, No. 59, for the tnm of twenty-five
dollars and thirty, seven cents, for work and labor
done and performed and materials furnished,
against all that certain lot or pi- ce of ground,
situate a- the southeast comer ot Tower street and
Washington street, in the Tenth Ward of the city
o( Pnilsdelphia: containing in front or breadth ort
said Tower street thirty tee’, and extending in
length or depth along Washington Btreet fortv-six
feet eight inches.
Fame vs. Mary B-adley, owner or reputed
owner, or wh .ever may be owner, C. P, March
l-'lin, 1663, No. 66; for the sum of twenty
nine dollars and forty cents, for work and
ao-.re?, 011 ,*; and performed and materials furnished
ate in m certain lot or piece of ground sitn
ot tweidtThr t o 1 , < i < >, J 5 Tllird street at the distance'
toe north eight inches north Horn
oitoeciyo lP iioh P , p l n Etr eet, in the Fourth Ward
hreadth on°hfsairt containing * a Hunt or
incitreraSd eltenmnv ?,,fe ree f h 3eveateen fe6t two
.feet six inches. “ s to length or depth eighty
• Same vs. c V
owner, or whoever mav be ST re P Qted
Term, 1664, K0,6l ”g th?T£™' °/ P ' > # arcb
ana thirty cents, for work ana taw dbllari >
foimed, and materials furnished-° r -i»? ae per *
certain lot or piece ol ground, si tb > at
east corner of Second and High street? 6 soutb '
Sixth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, ’come? 6
mg m front or breadth on said High streni ;r . n "
feet, and extending in length or depth alon^^h 11
saui Second streetforty eight feet sixinches “ ■
vs - ’William Coyle, owner or rermted
owner, or whoever .may be owner, C. P., MarrS
(pFi®, |604, No. 62,*10r the sum of seven dollars
iP'd c-igbiy cents, for work and labor dene and ner
and htaterials furnished against all that
dwei'ii 1 ,!° t ,?. r plece ° r ground with two-story brick
eesterlvVrWf u* , erected ’ sitnate on the south-
Nml?inth wi H ,° ! i man < tate Parker)-street in the
of?tatvl6uif',2f doftllesaidcit y. at the distance
eilv side of Wm,rt° r ? easterly frouffEo northeast
brenmh on mid «nta tre . < ‘ t > containing in front or
died and forty-?nVoln r feet twn hQn '
eighths of an inch,on the northpnst?.m S i aad »f Ven r
one hnnfired and forty-three (1431 fit? lla i , ttl,ir eof
half inches to Trento?
Same vs. Estate of J. Twinning, owner or re
pnieo owner, or whoever may be owire? O P
March Term, 1664. Wo. 63, for thesum of ui nedol’
lare and seventy-five cents for work aSitabo? done"
and perfor red and materials furnished amhist ?li
that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the
ronthwesterlv side of Ella (late Price) street S?
Nineteenth Ward of the said city at the distance of
sevent y (70) feet southeasterly from Amber street
containing in front or breadth on the said Ella street
twenty 2(<) feet, and extending in length or.depth'
southwesterly of that "width between lines parallel
to the said street eighty*nine (89) feet to
Charter (late Clymer) street. '
Same vs. a. C. Nancrede,ownerorreputed owner
o fT h Sf Ter ma y be owner; 0.P., March Term,
186-J, i\o. 64: for the sum of thirty dollars and
forty- one cents, for work and labor done and per
leimed, and materials furnished, against all that
certain lot or-piece ol ground situate,on the north*
westerly corner otDeihgow (late Mechanic) street
ai d Diamond street, in the Nineteenth Ward of'the
said city.,containing in lront or breadth on the said
LeitLgow street fifty seven (57) feet, and extending
in length or depth westerly of that width between
lines parallel to the said Diamond street fifteen (15)
feet. '
Same vs. Xongstretb, owner or reputed
owner, or whoever may be owner* O. P., March
Teim, 1864, No. 65; tor the sum of nineteen dol
lars and sixty-five cents for work and labor done
and performed, and materials furnished,
against all that certain lot or piece of ground,
with the buildings thereon erected, situate on the
noTth side of liecket street, at the distance of
eighty-nine feet and five inches westfrom the west
side of Sixteenth street, m the Fifteenth Ward of
the City of Philadelphia; containing in front or
breadth on said liecket street twenty six (*26) feet;
and extending of that width in length or depth be
tweenlmes parallel to said Sixteenth street,«flfty
(50) feet, more or iess. • •
Same vs. Wm. Griffiths, owner, or reputed
owner, or whoever may he owner; O. P., March
term, 1664, No, 66; for the sum of fifty-nine dol
lars and forty-nine cents, for work and labor
done and performed, and materials furnished
against all that certain lot or piece of ground situ-,
ate on the northeasterly side of Yorlc street, in the
Nineteenth Ward of the said city, at the distance of
one hundred and twenty-six feet (1-26 feet) noith
w eeterlj from Emerald street; containing iu front
or breadth on the *aid York street one hundred
and twenty-two feet (122 feet). and extending in
length or depth northeasterly of that width, be,
tween lines parallel to the said Emerald street;
sixty feet (60 feet), more or lees.
Same vs. Jacob Gentner; owner, or reputed
owner, or whoever may be owner: C. P., March
Term, 1564, No. 67; for thesum of iorty.lour dol
lars and ten cents, Jor work and labor uone and
performed, and materials furnished, against all
that certain lot or piece of ground with the three
stoi y brick dwelling and tavern and one-story
frame shop thereon erected, situate on the north
eHsterly of Trenton avenue, in the Nineteenth
Ward of the said city, beginning at a point at the
intersection of the said Trenton avenue aud-the
Frankford road, thence extending northeasterly
along the said Trenton avenue one hundred aud
five (165) feet three and one-quarter inches toa
point, thence northwesterly at right angles with
the said Trenton avenue twenty-three (23) fret
eleven and three-quarterinches to a point, thence
westerly twenty-three (*2t) feet eleven and three
quarier inches to the said Frankford road and at
right-angles therewith, thence southwardly along
£ Frankford road one hundred and five ( 105)
lcet three and one-eightK inches to the place of be
ginning. *
Same vs. John School, owner or reputed owner,
be owner, C. P., March Term,
lfcG4, No. 68, for the sum of eighty-three dollars
and ihirty-seven cents, fur work and labor done
and performed, and materials furnished, against
all that certain lot ir piece of ground, situate on
the westerly side of Second street, in the Nine
teenth Ward of the said city, at a distance of sixty
two feet eleven and a half inches northwardly
from the northerly side of Norris street, containing
in front or breadth on the said Second street, one
hundred and five (105) feet ten and a half inches,
and extending in length or depth southwesterly
between lines parallel to and along the centre of
Wagi-r street (as iormerly laid out but now va
cated), one hundred (100) feet, more or less.
Same vs. Ellen Price, owner or reputed owner,
™ay be owner, C. P., March Term,
lfcC4, f, o. 09, for the sum of one hundred and fifty
eeren dollars and eighty.five cents, for work and
labor done and performed, and materials furnished,
against all that certain lot or piece of ground, situ
ate on the southeast corner of Crammond and Lan
caster streets, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the
city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth
on said Lancaster street, one hundred and thirty
one (lail feet ten and a quarter inches, and ex
tending m length or depth about sixty (60) feet, be
the same more or less. r ‘
Same ts. Henry McKeon, owner, or repnted
r^ r ’ l ?, r < W^ oe " r *? ay h® owner, O. P., March
Term, 1861, No. ,0, for the sum of fifteen dollars
cents, for work and labor done and p“r
formed, and materials lurnished, against all that
certamdot or piece of giound Bitnate on the south
west side of Oak street, at the distance of one
hundred and ninety-five (195) feet southwest of
J b,r i s U our h or Moore street, in the Twenty
fourth "Ward of the City of Philadelphia, contain
ing In front or breadth on the said Oak street ten
extending in length or depth about eighty
(ill) feet, be the same more or less. J
' Same vs. Howard Potts, owner or reputed owner,
or whoever may be owner; C. P., March
Term, 1864, No. 71; for the sum of thirty-three
dollars and eighteen cents, for work and labor
done and performed, and materials furnished,
against all that certain lot or piece of ground, situ
ate on the westerly side ot Fourth street, in the
Nineteenth Ward of the said City, at the distance
of two hundred and six feet southwardly from the
southwardly side of Cherry street, containing in
front or breadth on the said Fourth street seventeen
(17) feet and extending in length or depth westerly
or that width between parallel lines at right angles
with the said Fourth street on the northerly line
thereof thirty-seven feet, three and five-eighth
/inches (37 it. 35b in.) and on the southerly line
o. e J/ 0f linrt y-fc>Brfeet and one-eighth of an meb,
(3ift. &m.) thence further westerly at right angles
with Cadwallader street on the northerly iiae
thereof thirty-seven feet, three and tlve-eighth
inches (37ft. )and on the sontherlv line thereof
thirty-Jour feet and one-eighth of an' inch. (34ft
ijpn.) more cr less, to the said Cadwillader street.
Same vs. Estate oi Thomas Idnilaok, owner or
repnted owner, or whoevermay beowner; O P
March Term* 1864, No. 72; for the sum o l thirtv
four dollars and ninety-four cents, for* work
and labor done and performed, aud ma
terials furnished,! against all- that certain
lot or piece of ground with the three-story
brick dwellingtfcereon erected, situateon the east
erly Fourth street, in the Nineteenth Ward
ol the said city, at the distance of one hundred and
sixty-eight icet northwardly from tue northwardly
side of Columbia street, conuuning in front or
breadth on the said Fourth street, sixteen (16) feet
and extending in length or depth eastwardly of
that width between lines parallel to the said
Columbia street, one buudred and. two feet, six
inches (102 ft. Cm.) toHale street.
Same vs. C. A Smith, owner or reputed own»i
or whoever may be own*-r: C. P., March Term,
If 64, No. 73, for the snra of thirty three dollars and
twenty.eight cents, for work and labor done
and performed and materals furnished,
against . ail that certain lot or piece
of ground ..situate on tli? westerly side of
Fourth street, in the Nineteen h Ward of tbe said
city, ut the distance ol one hundred and fifty, five
feet southwardly from the southwardly side of
Cherry street; containing intfront or breadth on
the said Fourth street seventeen feetand extending
in length or depth westerly of that wid'-h between
lines parallel to the said Cherry street, on the
northerly line thereof, forty-seven (17) feet eleven
inches and three-quarters, and on the southerly
line thereof forty-three (43) feet eight and seven
eighths inches, be the same more or less.
Same vs. Seth Shelmire, owner or reputed
owner, or whoever may beowner; C. P., March
Terra, 1864. No. 74, for the sum of twen y four
dollars and sixty-four cents, for work and labor
done and performed and materials furnished.
against aJI that certain lot or piece of ground with
the three-story brick dwelling thereon erected,
situate on the easterly side ot Fourth street, in the
Nineteenth ward of the said city, atthedisutne'e of
three hundred and sixty-five feet northwardly
from the northwardly side of Columbia street; con
taining in front or breadth ou the said Fourth
street fitteen (15) feet and extending in letgch or
depth eastwardly of t; ah width between lines
parallel to tbe said Columbia street fitty-two (52)
leet, be the same more or less.
tame vs. William Young, owner or reputed
owner, or whoever may be owner; C. P., March
Term, ISG4, No. 75, for the sum of twenty, four
dollars and sixty-four cents, for work and labor
done and performed and materials furnished,
against all that certain lot or piece ol ground,
with the three-story brick dwelling thereon
erected, situate, on th 6 easterly side of Fourth
street, m the Nineteenth Ward of the said city, at
the distance of three hundred and four feet north
wardly from the northwardly side of Columbia
street, containing In length or depth easterly of
that width between lines parallel to the [said Co
lumbia street one hundred and two feet six inches
(102 ieeto in.) to Hale street. |
Same vs. Henry Crouch, owner or! reputed
owner, or whoever may be owner; O. P., March
ISO 4, No. 76, for the snm ot twenty-tr.ree,
dollars and thirty.eight cents,, for work and labor
an d performed, and material furnished
that certain lot or piece of ground with
e ’ st S r y brick dwelling thereon erected,
tkpNieS ts?' er, y side of Fourth street, in
of twoS? .Ward of said city, at the distance
from an<l fourteen feet northwardly
taining m°frni!'7' rdly side of Columbia street, co'n
streettilSen rant or breadth ou the said Fourth
depth nf * aad extending; In length or
to the said widtil between hues parallel
w 7? oe^
dollars, for work °£ tw enty four Gi-10(1
and materials furnished, a*!?
lot or piece of ground, thii 1 , certain
dwelling thersoVerec4d'! suuam 1 ffiy
s.dv of Fourth street, in the Nineteenth wSrd df
the sai.v euy, at the distance of seventv-flvA
sonthwaidly from the sarnhwardly sme on
street; containing in front or breadth on the said
Fonrth street fiiteen (15) feet, and extending
length or depth easterly of that width, betweeW
lines parallel to the said Cherry street, on» hun
dred and two feet six inches (102 feet 6 inchest to
Hale street. 1 u
Same vs. Chas. Adams,owner,or reputed owner
ox whoever may be owner; G. P., March 1., i6ei;
Same vs. John D. Jones, owner or reputed
owner, or whoever may be owner, D. C., March
Terra, l&Gi, No. G 2, for the sum of five hundred
and twenty-three dollars and ninety-two ceots,
for work and laoor done and performed and mate
rials furnished, to wit: For paving and curbing
in front of all that certain lot or piece of ground at
' the southwest corner of Twenty-third and Arch
. streets; containing in front or breadth on said Arch
| street one hundred and ten feet, and thence ex
tending southward of that width between parallel
lines along the west 6ide of Thirty-third street one
hundred and eighty-fourfeet one and three-eighths
inches, and on the Wtstward line of said lot one
hundred and sixty-eight feet two andthree-auarter
(2) inches to Foster street. 1
Same vs. Trostees-of Susan H. Justice, own
ers, or reputed owners, or whoever may be own
er; D. C., March Term, lc4>4, No. C 3; forthesuin
of four hundred and twenty-two dollars and
thirty-two cents, for work and labor done and
performed, and materials furnished, lowit: for
paving and curbing in front of all that certain lot
or piece of ground at the southwe-t corner of
Thirty-third aud Bridge street, intheTwentr
fourtlA\ ard of the city of Philadelphia containing
in fiont on said Bridge street one hundred and live
feet, and extending of that width southwardly be
tween parallel lines along the west 6ide of Thirty
third street one hundred and sixty-six (166) feet
eleven and seven-eighth inches to the north line of
the Baring estate.
Same vs. Ferdinand J. Dreer, owner or reputed
owner or whoever may be owner: D. C. f March
l era, 1864, No. 65, for the snm of five'hnndred and
fifty-one dollars and eighty-nine cents, for work
and labor done and performed, and materials fur
fiwv J to Y lt: ? or F av . m £ curbing in front of
all that certain lot or piece of ground on the east
side of Thirty-second street, in Twenty-fourth
ard of the City of Philadefphia; containing in
front or breadth on said Thirty-second street, two
£* et ’ “<* extending eastward
of that width along the north side of Hamilton
street and the south side ol Bridge street one hun
dred and forty-five feet, to ground now or late of •
Edward H. Bonsai!: bounded on the north by
Bndpe street, on the east bv E. H. BonsalTs
ground, on the south by Hamilton street, and on
by said Thirty-second street. fe24-2aw2w
existing under the name of SHARPLESS
.BROTHERS, is this day dissolved. The business
of the firm will be settled by either of the under
signed at SOI CHESTNUT street.
Philadelphia, Ist mo., Isth, ism.
The subscriber will continue the Dry Goods Busi
ness as successor to. the old firm of SbarDless
Philadelphia, Ist mo., 15th, ism. jatem-th6wd
nave formed a Co-partnership fcr the purpose ol
transacting business, as Shipping and Commission
Agents and General Meachandise- Brokers, under
the style and firm of GEORGE ADKINS & CO
fe16,1t61 GEORGE ALKINSi CO.,
154 North Delaware si venue.
Notice —the partnership hereto
ex£H^^'veea JOHN H. CURTIS and
' OUKTIS, Jr., under the lirm of J H.
KEAL estate brokers
AND AGENTS, at 4*l WALNUT street, was
t H£F,°^ v s'J hy the recent death of the senior partner.
. *he business will be, continued by the under
signed at the same place, under the same firm
felg-12t* JOHN H. CURTIS.
|AI?D.—*An unexpected event haring interfered
'with the intended arrangements of the sub
scribers, it is deemed advisable to withdraw the
notices of the Dissolution of Partnership and Co
partnership of M B. MAHONY & CO. fia which
we are severally interested, that were annoanced
on the first instant.
„ „ O. A. MAHONY.
Philada , Feb. 4th, IS6I.
daj' admitted Mr. CHARLES A. MAHONY
as a partner in onr house, to date from the Ist inst.
The style of the llrm will remain unchanged;
Phtlada., Feb 4, ISOI. fel-lm*
Harry l. carpenter is this day
admitted to an interest in our business.
W. & F. CARPENTER, Tailors,
825 Chestnut street.
Phila. , Feb. 1. 1864.
BARR are this day admitted members of odr
THE UNDERSIGNED will continue the
Wholesale Grocer) and'Tea bnsi less, under
tne name and sLyleof REYNOLDS, HOWELL &
REIEF, 13& North Third street, Philadelphia.
And HOWELL, BARR <fc GO., 04 Water street,
New York.
Philadelphia, jan. i, isgi.—The co-part.
nership heretofore existing between Thomai
A. Biddle and Alexander Biddle, in the business
and Exchange Brokers, under the firm of
THOMAS BIDDLE & GO., iis this day dissolved
by mntual consent. The business of the late firm
will be settled by either of the partners at No. 3*26
Walnnt street. i
,h«^ B n ARY ' -THC-'-lAS A. BIDDLE, ol
the late firm of Thomas Biddle i; Co , has this day
associated with him HARRY PEALE, and will
continue the business of Stock and Exchange Bro-
CO., at No. 3'2h Walnnt street, jal-3ms
NOTICE.—The under
signed haye tMa day entered into Co-partner*
amp tor tne transaction of the DRV OOODS
WOMMrssiON BUSINESS, nncMo name ol
WILLIAMS Jc 00., at No. 339 Chest
nut street. JOHN H. WILLIAMS,
Philada., Jan. 1, 18S4
«S3|sh,'. AN ASSORTMENT of the best
New 1 ork and Philadelphia Manu-
APo MPT nTvpnwS K 'Ti fronl 8275 upwards.
rvi»2i>.r tStJSP.?®* Harmomnms and Cabinet
Sj ° S I fo~°j 233 FIFTH street, at the New
Store, a few doors below Walnut. -p. SCHULER
CO -1 fal7-3m
h 2 l0 i CO I? te i,P ocoaand Broma; single, doable
Ua i i llBo ' °rtd Cocoa and Cocoa
Shells, in store and for sale by WM. &. RRANT
«0 South De. aware -Wharves U.HAHT,
Ao. 7? ; for the sum of sixty- six 56- lw doll j.rs, -t r
w ark aid labor done and per&jrmed, andm i-vi't i*
lurnichtd, against all that certain lot.or p ee« <*
ground, situate on the westerly siJe of Fourt
street, in the Nineteenth Ward of the said city, a
ifce distance of one hundred ana seventy-t .vo t'p
southwardly from .the southwardly side ol Oh**rr
street; containing in front or breadth on t to.sau‘
f ourth street thirty-four (34) feet, and ext *adioi.
in 1* ngih or, depth westerly of that width bv Weei
parallel lines at right angles with the said Four .«
street on the northerly hue thereof forty-three fe»*.
eiuht end seven-eighth inches «43 feet incne**)
and on ?he southerly line thereof thirty-seven ie-v
three and live-eighth inches (37 feet Z% inchas),
more or less.
Same vs, George R. Hallowell, owner
or reputed owner, or whoever may be owner; O-
P.,March tenn, 18C4, No. 79, for tne sum ot seven
teen dollais and sixty-four cents, for work and
labor done and performed, and materials fur
mslied, against all that certain lot or piece of ground
with the brick messuage or tenement thereon
erected, situate on the south side of Oxford street a’
the distance of eighty-two (82) feet eastward from
the east side of Eleventh street, in the T wentieth
Ward cf the city of Philadelphia, embracing in
front in breadth on said Oxford street, twelve
leet, and extending in length or depth southward
oi that width, at right angles to said Oxfordftreet,
fifty- seven feet to a four-feet wide alley.
Same vs. John McMullen, owner or reputed
owner, or whoever may be owner; O. P. t March
Term, 1864, No. 84; for the sum oi thirty four
dollars and lorty. eight cents, for work aud labor
done arid performed aud materials furnished
against all ihat certain lot or piece of ground,
situate ou the easterly corner of Unity and Frank
lin streets, in Frankford, in the Twenty-third
Ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in
front on said Franklin street thirty-two lW»t six
inches, and on Unity streettwohundredandforty
seven feet eight inches to Frankford street.
Same vs. Joseph Duerr, owner or reputed
owner, or whoever may beowner; C. P.\ March
Term, No. 85; for the sum of fifty-five dollars
and eighty-five cents, for work and labor done
and performed and materials furnished, against
all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate
on the easterly corner of Trenton avenue and
Orthodox street, containing in front forty-five
feet six inches, and in depthalongTrentonavenue
one hundred and one feet one inch.
Same vs. James Carter, owner, or reputed
owner, or whoever may be owner, C. P., March
Term. 1664, No. 66, for the sum of sixty-three dol
lars and fifty cents, for work and labor done and
performed, and materials furnished, against all
that certain lot or piece of ground, situate ou the
northwesterly side of Leiper street (Fran.ford),
in the Twenty-third Ward of the City of Phila
delphia, beginning at the distance of oue hundred
and seventy-five feet northeastward from the north
easterly side of Unity street, containing in front
on said Leiper st eet fifty f-*et, and in lenglhr'Or
depth beiween parallel lines at right angles with
said street, one hundred feet.
BROPCH^t^™ iBTMKKT, February 4| iW4.
Bermr,™!* ”ALs will be received at the Navv
■ in the 3d day of Marc*. 1861, for
■md risn° r rlecku >K and removing the materials
vr 6 fh ' be Untied States Navy Yard!
viz : 1 ’ V ’ ide wrecks of thefoUowing ship,,
XewDowV‘ oamberland ” and “Congress,” at
Cand° rt Ne7 - B i and ‘ * Merrimack,’ ’ near Oraney
Fril4”s“!p a 5L r ‘‘.Whitehall,” at Old Point,
l-ine-of J? nd “Colombia,” and
acre,” and ‘‘Pennsylvania.” ’.‘Dela-
Xavy Yard. Columbus, m ihe vicinity of the
b<m “that will take into considers
■‘C umhir r®a Q ,? yernment requires the Frigate
ne "vCnmbeNand,” and not to engage or com
: r e «« °n a ny other Wreck, without pwmissmi
?®„ GoVernment ’, untll she is dispose“if?
..Z*]® Go-ternment will also claim the right of de-
V, n A e order ln whic h, after the ‘‘Oumber
tand, the wrecks are to be raised: also, to deter
wh“e W er a WreCk sbali he blasted or raied
~,^, 0 - Ea . lB ° r a Pl>raisement can be claimed by the
contractors on any wreck until all the vessels
rv?he 6baU hav , e bee “ removed, and duly receiy-ed
Nay/De°™mme n a t nt ’ nnleBS by UUthority of lde
o w j u b ® Considered removed whileany
J>0 a t i\ o 4u° l keel or floor timbers remains. J
anaothPr^f P T Ck ® , i as we J- 2 s fragments of timber
(Which may be the result ol
l ‘‘ g ’ > must , he deposited at the Navy Yard at
“tac °r piaces as the Commandant may de
received K f !“ C I’ r °P erly ’ niter having been
received by the Commandant, shall be considered
°/ the Unitea States Government, unfit
contract to* *° the BpeC “ fi “ Uo “ of ‘he
mni, 1 ’sf appliances used in raising the wrecks
traders farDl6 hed at the expense ot the cou-
1 ?? 5t Etate the rate per centum, or sal
vage, lor raising and del veriug each vessel, also.
.?iJ^ rec l the value be ascertained and de
termined by two persons to be appointed bv the
Department, and ore person to be appointed by
tne contractors, or on the actual proceeds of a sale
at public auction, for the whole or any part, as the
Department may elect. The offer mast be accom
panied by the guarantee of responsible parties that
tne contract will be executed if awarded. The
Department reserves tbe right to reject all bids of
•antes who have hot the proper means provided
.or executing the work, and of annulling the con
iractir the work is executed in dae proportion
to the tune fixed for completion. Tbe proposition
must also state the lime req aired to do the work.
Proposals will be marked, ‘‘Proposals for
racing wrecks at Norfolk,’’ Ac , so as to prevent
“tfiu from being opened with other let
l£rs - fe3-micth-3w
Proposals foe bituminous uoals^
Sealed Proposals will be received at the Office
?£4 cdelphia Gas Works, No. 20 South
bi.V tr.TH Street, until noon of FEIDAT, 22d of
. r 2k ,t6 U for supplying the whole or any part
oit-tghty Thousand Tom of Bituminous Coals-, suit
able lor the manufacture of illuminating Gas, to be
delivered on the Railroad tracks of the Gas Works
at the First Ward ai.d the Ninth Ward S ations, in
the following monthly quantities ; eight thousand
tons in each of the month* of September, October,
November, December, aud six thousand tons in
each of the months of June, July, August,
1665 January ’ February, March, April and May,
The coals must he delivered fresh, dry, and of a
duality approved by the Engineer of the Gas
works, as equal to the sample on which the con
tract is based.
The proposals must describe the particular va
riety ot coals intended to he supplied and the lo
cation and name of the mine or pit from wnich
they ate to be raised, r If ihey are of a kind n't
now or recently nsed at these Works, samples for
tnaJ of not less than fifty tons, mnst be delivered
at 'he Works, on or before the 7th ol April next.
The gross ion of -brio pounds will be considered
as ihe weight intended in the proposals, unless the
contrars - be expressly stated.
The Trustees reserve the right to accept any pro
posals in whole or in part, or to reject all. as they
may deem best for the interests of the Trust, and
in the event cf failure on the pa tof any contrac
tor to deliver the coals according to his atreemeut,
both in quantity and quality, the Trustees reserve
the right to buy elsewhere, whatever quantity
may be required to meet the deficiency, and char-e
to the contractor any loss or damage arising irom
each failure. “
Payments will be made monthly. In two equal
instalments at four and six months alter the speci
fled pel iods ol delivery, the 13th of each month
being taken as the average of the monthly delive
ries, or at the option of the Trustees, will be made
at earlier dates with legal interest off.
Should contractors prefer to make deliveries
earlier than required, they may be. received so far
as they can be conveniently stnrea, but payments
will be made to date from the time specified to the
Security for the fulfilment of contract will be
required, and each proposal must name the
amonut and character of security that will be
• fitted. JOHN C. ORESSON,
leHUtapaj} Engineer in Chief.
SEALED PROPOSALS to be endorsed ’‘Pro
posals for Lamp Posts,” will be received at
the office of the Philadelphia Gas Works, No.au
South SEYENTH street, until noon of TUES
DAY*. March 1.-t, ISf-f, for supplving two or three
hundred lamp posts, s.milar i . pattern and weight
to those now used for the public street lamps. The
proposals should slate the price for e tch post,
delivered either at the shops of the Gas Works or
at the place where it is to be set, and also how
many will be delivered each month if required
. felfltmhß Engineer in Chief.
PniLAPELniTA Gas Works. Feb l'l. Istii.
*]\4 EXICAN BEANS—Black or Mexican Soup
-LTJ Beans, Red Beaus, Lentils, Split Bems, and
Shaker Sweet Corn, for sale by JAS. K. WEBB,
Walnut and Eighth streets.
PAh LD PEACHES of unusually fine quality,
•-8n ed Jf 1 ?“ s ’ tc ” lor sale by JAMES It.
>v fc.BB, Walnut and Eighth streets.
ALMEKIa GRAPES— Choice Aimeria Grapes
larjre clusters and first order, for sale by M.
*• TRILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth
CCFFEE. —Prime old Government Java Coffee:
alco, Maracaibo* La Guayra, Rio, «fcc., for
suie bv M F-vJSPIELIN, N. W. comer Arch and
Eighth streets. ,
Maccaroni and Vermicelli of superior Quality
just landed and for sale 'bv M. *F. SPILLIN N
w. corner Arcb and Eighth streets.
Champagne in bait pints, <8 oottles to the
case Also Heidsieck A Co.,GieslorA Co ,Grane
Leaf, P»=ftri o ? the Hhine, qts and pts : Widow
eeunii.e article, for saw bv
StM« N l. ULTON A SON* Broad ana Walnut.
BEJHJ EH t M BUOKWHE \T. -The tienuine
Pethlebpin Ru, kwh»‘at Meal and Oat Meal, for
sa eby ' IMON COLTON & SON, Broad andWaJ
nut streets.
> KATI UaMv\— Ji\bt jet‘.“iverl And for
VJ ea.eby SiMON OuLTON & SUN, Broad and
walnut streets.
choice Sherry and Madeira Wine, fine Brandy,
Younger s Scotch Ale and Guiness’s Brown Stout
for sate by E.B. CLARKE, Grocer and Tea dealer,
Main sireet, adjoining R. R. depot,Germantown.
Cornucopias, Ohocolato Almonds and
Almonds and Mixtures: all fresh.
KolPrf ky E. B. CLARKE, dealer in fancy and
staple Groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad
Depot, Germantown.
PEAS, Champignons, and Boneless
°* a fresh importation; for sale by
E. B. CLARKE, dealer in flue groceries, Main
street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown.
Fresh grooepcles for ghristmas—
Wew Raisins, Currants, .Citrons, Prunes,
* and Almonds. Just received fresh,.for sale
by E. Pi CLARKE, dealer In fancy and staples
groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot,
Refined sugars and syrups of all
grades manufactured at the Southwark Sugar
Refinery and the Grocers’ Sugar House, for‘sala
by E. O. KNIGHT 4: CO., Southeast comer
and (tbf.ctnTit streAt#
FRESH OLIVE OIL in Whole, haif, and quarter
bottles; for sale by B; B. CLARKE, grocer,
Main street* adjoining Railroad Depot, German
town. ?
LOST— ACERi IFIUATEof 5 per Cent. Loan
of State of Pennsylvania, .for 8516 05, dated
March 12th, 1830,,N0. 754, in name of WILLIAM
MEREDITH Also, a Certificate of 5 par Ceat.
Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for the sum of §3OO,
ated June 3Uth, 1845, No. U 52, in name of ELI
K. PRICE, Admihistrator.of William Meredith,
in Trust. Application has been made to the Audi
tor-General for a renewal of said Certificates. .
LATHS.— A cargo 01 600,000 ror sale by E. A.
SOT7DKBA 00.. Doch street wharf
No 811 Arch street
—: :
Messrs. GKIM and
formerly o« rtn « o+ 'Medical Electrician*,
SL®l d MMUtu* office, No. m O Sr™'TS
Street, betwficiii Oo&tAn atwi ’oi >n i KPI I*l
•ail t?eat and cureSl He will
acute, chronic, P^ a 8 .^2? s (pettier
a shock or any pain,) with the vs'rtJSi 0 ’ w * t s on '
tions of Electricity and OalTanism
ment has been found remarfrahiu treat
cases of Bronchitis, Diphttolal^d^tw ,n 811
the throat and respir^toiyorgans. otller diseases
in which anocessfui cures
nave been made are meutioned below. ** cure*
Consutoption, tot and General Debility.
pzdfa* Maeas^oftheldTeror
. Diabetes. '
Prolapsus Uteri (Faliinj
of the Womb). 1
DrsDeMia. Prolapsus Ani (or Piles)
|J 0 ~m. N Sf™ “ OT '
Inttuensaand Catarrh,
Woehargofer consulta!
9 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Testimonials to oe seen
qSof the“S^£t*£:
tswv 6l ! p ? bUc ' and appointed an
IOT tbe sale of his valued and
highly-prized Essence of Life. This wonderful
Will restore Manhood to the most shattered
oonstitutions. whether arising from excesses the
effects of climate, or natural causes. The time re
quired to cure the mbst inveterate case is four
DBed according to printed mstruc
wi Tery sim Ple, failure Is impossl-
Pjf- hhis life-restoring remedy should be taken
f i S? nt *° “any. as its effects are permanent
vreoto«? n e^ ,le<iged by 1116 medi cal press to be tin
greatest discovery ever made. Its developing
powers are ; miraculous.; Success, In every case
Um certain as that science overthrows Ignorance.
s ' Essence oi Life is sold in cases,
atB3 or fOQr quan
-1 n on ® ® 9 ’ and w *ii he sent to any part
J aref a}JJ r packed, on receipt of remittance 7 to hu
accredited agent, PHILIP EOLAND, ““
„ . Broome street,
One door west of Broadway. Ef. Y.
A. superior article for cleaning the Teeth. <i«.
ttroytng animalcule! which Infest them, (rtVlni
tone to the gums, and 1 earing a feeling of tea
grance and perfect cleanliness In the month. I'
may be need dally, and will be fonnd to strengthen
weadt and bleeding gums, while the aroma and tie
terslTeness will recommend it to every one. Ba
tag composed with the assistance of the Dentist,
Physician, and Mlcroscoplst, It Is confidently
a *L a RELIABLE substitute for the nnoer
tain Washes formerly In rogue.
Dentists, acquainted with the consutm
»nte of the DENTALLINA, adrocate Its uses; u
contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained em
ployment. Made only by_
JAM£b T. SHINN, Apothecary
broad and SPRUCE Streets
.Tor *X le 1,7 Druggists generally, and
d. BroWn, D. L- Stackhouse,
RobertC. Darts,
Keeny, Qeo. O. Bower*/
Charles Shivers)
2* ?■ J«ecdles, (S. J. Scattergcod,
T. J. Husband, J. C. Turnpenny, A Co
Ambrose Smith, Charleg H. Eberle,
Thcmas Weaver, James N. Marks,
William K. Webb, E. Bringhnrst & Co,,
JameeL. Bispham, DvottACo.,
Hnghes A Coombs, H. O. Blair,
Henry A.. Bower, Wyeth A Bro.
I All acute and chronic diseases cured by spe-1
cial guarantee, when desired by the patient, at 5
1220 VVALNUT street, Philadelphia, and in »
case of a failure no charge Is made. No drag, i
ging the system with uncertain medical agents. >
All cures performed by Magnetism, Galvanism \
or other modifications of Electricity, without J
shocks or any unpleasant sensation. For fur- J
ther Information send and get a pamphlet, 1
which contains hundreds of certificates from
some of the most reliable men in Philadelphia,
who hare been speedily and permanently 1
cured after all other treatment from medical
men had failed. Over eight thousand cured in
le« 'ban four years, at 1220 WALNUT street,
N. B.—Medical men and others who desire a
knowledge of my new discovery, can com
mence a ftill coarse of lectures at any time.
ITpf. BOLLES has qualified over one thousand
physicians, who use Electricity as a special tv.
Consultation free. 1 '
ocli-tf 1220 Walnnt street. Pima I
prepared from toe recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, oi
Connecticut, the great hone setter, and has been
used in his practice for the last twenty years with
the most astonishing success. As an external
remedy it is without arr i al, and will alleviate
pain more speedily than any other preparation
For all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders it. i»
truly lnfalible, and as a curative for Sores
Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Ac., its soothing
healing and powerful strengthening properties
•xcite the just wonder and astonishment of sli
who have ever given it a trial Over four hun
dred certificates of remarkable cores, performer
by it within the last two years, attest this fact
Sold everywhere. mic-ly
DOCK—We often hear it repeated by those
y.ho hare used JUMELLE'S COMPOUND
SYRUP OF DOCK, that among all the thousand
remedies offered to the public, there is none of them
so salutary as acongh medicine,sopot<-ntas an m.
vigorator, so effectual as a purifying specific, and
so shooting and restorative in cases of physical de
bility, nervous irritation and a general sinking or
a prostration of the system.
For sale by the proprietor, F. JUMELLE, No.
15l:o Market street, and by all .Druggists. [fe4-3ms
fonnd to be an indispensable requisite in tht
treatment of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hoarsness, and
similar complaints affecting the organs of ths
Toice; particularly recommended by public speai
srs, singers, and amateurs. Prepared, -wholesale
and retail, by LANCASTER * WILLS.
These Lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for
Diphtheria, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness and
Bronchial Affections generally. Try them.
THOMAS ESTLAOK, Jr., Druggist, S. W. cor.
of Eighteenth and Market sts.. Phiia- iaiS-3m{
TION.—A reliable article. Positively cures
Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sprains, Frosted
Feet, Chillblains, Pains in the Limbs, Chest, Side
Bash. For sale by the Proprietor, H. B. TAY
LOR, Tenth and Callowhill streets. Price.
'l5 cents. fe-«-3m*
t? tion, Hennessey 1 s fine Old Brandy, expressly
for medicinal use. LANCASTER & WILLS,
Pharmaseutists, N. E. comer ARCH and
TENTH Sts., Phtla. .e-15
. The only Manufacturer of
Sold Wholesale and- Retail.
No. 1106 MARKET Street,
SCOTCH WHISKEY -In cases of one dozen
each, on consignment and for sale by GEO
ALKINS, 10 and ,2 Sou’ll Delaware avenue.
Extra sparkling champagne ci
der, af wholesale. Grocers and shippers
invited to examine. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear
street, below Third and Walnut streets. nn4
. 149 South Front street, abOTe Walnut.
■ j, Golden Star. Brand,
, Ay Grand Mousseox,
Sutlers and shippers, attention.-
CHAMPAGNE CIDER, warranted, now In
fine order for Shipping. For sale, wholesale only,
at 220 Pear st, belo w Third and Walnut sta. no 4
KA A barrels pure CHAMPAGNE CIDER now
OUU offered for sale, at 220 PEAR street,below
Third and Walnut. no* .
@H<§?for the last twenty years, 219 VINE Street,
below Third, Inserts the most beautiful TEETH ol
the age, mounted on fine Gold, Platina, Silver,
Vulcanite, Goralite, Amber, Ac. , at prices for
neat and substantial work, more reasonable than
any Dentist in this city or State. Teeth plugged
to last for life. Artificial Teeth repaired to suit.
No pain in extracting. All work warranted to a
Reference, best families. de29-3mj*>
ition, Office hoars from
at the office. de2-9ms
rpUE UNDERSIGNED - having rented their
A .Ship Yard, located between Queen and
Christian streets, with the Marine-Railway and
Sectional Dry Dock,to AS. SIMPSON A BRO.,
take this opportunity of expressing Jheir thanks to
their friends and patrons for their long and con
tinued kindness.
A. S. SIMPSON & BRO. being practical Ship
wrights and Canikers, we recommend them to our
late customers and those that have vessels to re
pair, and are confident whatever is entrusted to
them will be carefully attended to.
ja3u-lm* j. SIMPSON A NEILL.
Philadelphia, Feb. 1, 1564.
KIM BALL, Ulmer, master, from New Or
commence discharging her cargo at
(Tatham’s wharf), South street wharf, this
(Thursday) morning. Consignees please attend to
Sak??^ od iheiT goods, and oblige WORK
MAN & CO.. 123 Walnnt street. ‘ feiB
captain .T. F. Horton, from New York, Is
now discharging her cargo at sooth street wharf.
Consignees will please attend to the receipt of
their goeds, as they iwiil remain on the wharf at
theirnsk. J. E. BAZLEY A CO., No. 122 South
Wharves, ~ fels
SEPH MAZZA Is prepared to give lessons in
the Italian Language, at Schools, at private houses,
orathis Rooms, No. HIM CHESTN Ur street,o’fer
Mr. G. Andre’s Mnsic Store. felo,m,th,3ts
MRS. SAMUEL EDWARDS, Principal. This
Institution, providing a refined home and the leu
derest care and culture for Children from three
to seven years of age, will be opened on Wednes
day, APRIL 13. Media is 13 miles from Phila
delphia by Railroad. For particulars apply to
R'c k. Edwards, Media, Pa. References:
Bishop Potter, Bishop Stevens, and the Epis
copal Clergy of " the city; also to Abraham
Martin, Esq.- fe!7-3ms
BORDENTOWN female college,
mis Institution is pleasantly located’ on the
Delaware River,. hour’s ride from Philadel
phia. Special attention is paid to the common and
higher branches of ENGLISH, aad superior ad
ran furnished in "Vocal and Instrumental
Music. -FRENCH taught by native, and spoken
in the family. For Catalogues, address
jal4.2m* . Presiden
TOBACCO.- —30 cases Anderson’s Navv Pounds
-28 hhda. old MasonConnty Leal; 27 case”old
Pennsylvania Leaf. For sale by BOLDIN A
WABTMAN, No. IPS North Water street its”
lucky Tobacco, suitable for shiDDino’ in store
and for sale by GEORGE ALBANS™ 1U and S
Sontt- Delaware avenue. - * • ,jai6
JL —ll4 Cases Pennsylvania Seed Leaf Tobacco,
ers ani Fillers, and Old Cavendish, for sale
by GEORGE, ALKIN’S, 10 and 12 South Dela
ware Avenue. ja29
BROKE OUT.—3S boxes superior sweet lump*
just received from Norfolk, .now landing from
General Agent Union Steamship. Company,
;“?■/ , 14 North Delaware avenue. ■
Yellow metal sheathing, -crock
er Brothers A Co.’a Taunton Yellow Metal
Sheathing, Bolts, Nails and Spikes of all sixes, &
■tore and for sale by w I lt.t am s. GRANT, U
South Delaware avsns*.
Liverpool, New Yorh^s'S?, 7 ™ &tea mer« of the
Com pan v are^lntendert^sfi? 11 " 161 Steamship
SKA?.r.“ ND ? K ~ :: S^:SU"-
Capin . M.. .,.BBo Steerage..... ....83d; oo
Ist Oabtn to London, 85 Do. to London 34 00
Ist Cabin to Pans 95 Do. to Paris in no .
Ist Cabin to Hamburg 90 Do. to Hamburg 37 00
nf.? se S £lgerB 11180 forwarded to Havre, Bremen.
Rotterdam, Antwerp, Ac., at equally low rates.
noS 875 ’ 885 ’ SIOS - Steerage from Liver,
rend ne l2 Btown > * 3O - Those who wish to
rates.* 01 tllelr can buy tickets here at these
,e 24 ill Wainnt street, Philadelphia.
street, Philadelphia, and Long wharf.
Saturday, February 27, 185 J * Boston, oa
The steamship NORMAN, Captain Baker, wfll
.UllhanPWladrtpU. for WoHn SctaS:
KAV,,^ J , 27th ’ at i° O’dot*. A. M. ,and steamship
tsAXCN, Captain Matthews, from Boston for Phil,
adeiphiaon Saturday, February 27th, at 4P. tvr
and substantial Steamship* form a
Saturday? 6 ’ * aUin * from eacll P° rt punctually on
•aifveS^ 8 at onB ‘ nalf premium charged by
Freight' taken at fair rates.
Shljjperv are requested to Bend slip receipt* ana
bills of lading with their goods. p
For freight or passage, having flue accommada*
Uons, apply to HENEYWINSOE
• ~ . 332 South Delaware aT©nu®.
hteani lane, via Canal-Every Wednesdayirtli
IH., and every Saturday at BA. BL * “
Steamer LEAD EE, Captain Callahan.
Steamer H. J. DEYINNY, Captain Bristow.
Steamer S. SEYMOUB, Captain Boom.
Steamer E. CHAMBEBLItf, Captain Stewart
pSro e e e i St S? mer l form a semi-weekly line between
Philadelphia and the above ports, sailing regularly
as advertised, and carrying freight lower «w>n by
er I 0 ?*?-, received every day
webst s eb to
BaritanCanal—The steamers of these
iT n fL? aay 84 12 o’clock, M., ands -
° r™ <vi?‘ ,JF* ’ T<l Pier above Walnut it
<.« or ? elght ’ which will be taken on accommo
dating terms, apply to WTT.T.Taivt ™r; Wseo ™“
CQ., 132 South avenue.
FOB NEW YORK-New Dally T.riS
Via Delaware and Barltan dmal—
Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat
J- will receive freight and leave dally at 1
thßsx cargoe * Yorktt.
Freight taken at reasonable rates.
14 South Wharves, PhiladJL
Jy2s-tf Piers 14 and 15 East Elver, N. Y.
The A 1 Extreme Clipper Ship
S no ’^,r? picUy loadtak at pier U; East Elver,
dim >“ is beautiful clipper comes to her berth
SSSewith a large portion of her cargo On board,
Bjou naving large engagements will flllrapidlv
We commend the WIZARD KING to all ship
pers to San Francisco as the most desirable vessel
now loading, and invite inspection.
Shippers will confer -a lavor by sending their
freight immediately alongside.
t* 105 Arch street, above Front.
FOR Barbados—The British schooner
JESfEANCIS COFFIN, Couzens, master, will
commence loading on Monday next, the22d inst..
?v wtoL it dispatch. GEORGE
ALKINS & CO., Nos. 10 and 12 South Delaware
avenue. ■■ . iel7
for NEW ORLEANS, La.-First Ve£
aip r' T b e lest sailing favorite packet
baia COMET, Momsou, master, Is now rapidly
finishing her loading at second wharf aboveßaca
street, and can still take Eome freight on favora
ble terms, if applied for at once. For balance of
S^iIStSSSf 1 SPP,y 40 WORKMAN A 00.,
■jfi-ftPOE BOSTON—Express Line—The toe
Sggpacket schr SEAESVILLE, Capt. Sears?
ii“. ow receitang freight at Arch street wharf and
fol L* lle v „ al>OT6 P ort with prompt dis-
wbirvfs ’ aPPljr *° DAVID COUPEE,
FOR NEW YORK—Express Line—The
®SSflne packet schooner JOHN FARNUM,
Captain Hall, is now receiving freight at Callowl
hill street wharf, and will sail for the above port
with prompt dispatch. For freight, apply to DA.
VIP COOPER. 18 North Wharves. PP y A
JgK makers, No. 244 North WARVES, below
Vmestreet, Philadelphia. *“*’ w
All work done In the best manner and on the
lowest and most favorable terms, and warranted
to give perfect satisfaction. Tnbiy.t-f
Particular attention given to repairing.
WANTED—A good vessel to load down
aESgihe nvrs.iw to S.OOO bushels grain to Bos
x? I ?—■i' £^£ atps and onick dispatch. Apply to
Da VID COOPER, 18 North 'Wharves.