TBS WESTSBH SBEEDOM COKVENTIOB, L.OUIBVH.I/E, Fob. 21. —An adjourned meeting of the Freedom Convention was held tula morning in the saloon of-Briers' Hall. Pending the report of tlio Committee on Resolutions the Convention was nddreseed bjr Hon. Caspar Butz, of Chicago. He made a very radical speech, as the representative of t he Gorman Convention which met at Clove* land lost lall. lie said some of the Germans had gone over to the but they had four hundred thou- Band votes leit, and ehonld attain universal free dom- throughout the United States. He asked, where can wo And a better territory for famishing to the slaves than that we are now conquering t Mr. Anderson (Ohio) said the spirit of John J Crittenden hangs line a nightmare over AemacKy, and prevents her from uttering her true prm- C *Tbc'convention was nddresflcdby Dan ham, Baird, Preston Gen. BlcNoil and Messrs. /Mo \ At thfi afternoou session tuoioiiowingreso lotions werenreßontod by the committee, exooptlug. the “evMih, wSlcli wni otaml by Mr. Kintal? They wero noted upon singly aud attorwards made B j?croie”(. S i. That the unity of this country with tlio present .Rcpublicitn form of governtnnm, State and National, must bo preserved anil tho robsllion suppressed. ; a. That slavery was the oansoof the roholUou, and that peace cannot lio obtained until tho prin ciples of freedom, nunouneftdln tho Declaration of Independence ami the i'edeval Constitution, are carried Into pvitolloo. The nuo-ttoH whether slavery Is to lt» perpetu ated is no looter exclusively a Slate lint a Na tional one, ills, therenm', proper that the Con stmitlm of the Ihnted States should be amended, sons to srotive freedom to every human being within ils Jurisdiction, Snoh a guarantee ot Indi vidual freedom is as necessary in the Conslunium of the United Stales a» thivvoi a Kepnhllean form of government to each Slate, a. The uovermneut has the eousUiutloua! rUht to command the services of every male, no matter what utay be Ins color or condition, whether bond . v free, and the muster cannot interpose his right let wren Hie man tied and that we ate in favor ofeuhsu> guudeuroldus all alike, f. That during a lVtndUßgfethe President, In the i xevoUc- of the war powerßhus full and ample an, tu’H \ to tvv» all the slaves in the rebellion* dot nets, and they are thereby Invested trie vocaldy with all i'm ustH- el freemen, and that tn Urn pom . rot w-telUou he onset to exercise this power in S fullest eSiCflt a That with the eded ot the President's Am- eo.v pnv'tamaucm la'fore ns, we vied,are that tn vr vpmlvm the same has beer, itainriovr. to toe Video eae-e- amt ttivpesoiwvm within thedtstnd o wid.bfteFfWdally-tfii'Avlieiv humiliating nml ttn fit., to my.A teen, by idacitrilhem epon the some iovifec e:c.o wc-d-, av,t we wvodd cope ns recall or ttvdfl the fv-i'divdt is wholly wota a pcvmvi-ov.v Pee vee,,veAPo.o et an Kxegv.HV* v\ta.’#.¥Ata d one memtaw and eve aberrate iie.yaesxAeinbesthsve d--c>ec, te-r tbe vppve of VAfSSVr.'c dst V,S V'.’o.nc\p.ee,. ce.f that dcieea'ceoe ffv-'ls esdh bkV'e beAWepenWat tn ts.fs tVnveevwa kta We dkflwv enpfv-t. sve p, vo.-wPe so. st.-eh A'Staoefr-ffitai d the de.*-- sttfnv.es, vi eta fi ta. .'SeseW as redo,ta Vcwoo, oS.-p > f ery.'eee.,e e,ed . A cv'c’i'e wo. W (, ‘- e-C'.-.m lie.c., v,'p:reta v o.''Je-- | tol-o; vSevsoc.eii, p-V'V’-dec 'tare Vv-e ski ■'Stso.o'.VSf 1 V.\0i,..0 , . , ..Cn. ee 0,.eu., K-c'SV. ijSita'-t.k '.be ep AOJlsy . f Vta >.o.'“-m,evdceo. kW-e of. ‘ow- tyre ,1) sOcd'CY e .vwhpe'.vta SA -c c amp. eta kv-spchPOkc :e.se,y on I tVe-'P Ae. ! .'»-'Oiv'. ypo.vv J T. : Pei*,. - I Tlta y rvoocp ;■ i,taelC?};stalSoor Tfeo, vert., taef-- | tatatvpyVuo. tao oASta'-H ota optae tahtaodis j Weye.'ii s;:,cOieo e'eompetrV'>lp co,i r ;,miei.'ece'-.0, ‘*edi. , pevecepidjo, aiobr. iniiivb'r tadee,. km; fbf ■,'Vo.vst. : V'ee Op. ' ; Tbo -eCmiP,,..t- Tcekp-iuev 'e obe irtrasdethitfbte. vvipeon,. kPiilefel.deimnapioe-oitvp!, 'e ic.cjc.o.e ipirr- 1 ccCkb.' mt. 1)i,.-epil : o': Ard 1 , : u v.etTv.ic eetcoee 'u: | 'Cto otdiimmvdta>ro>itdo,- lppe‘. tineoje-ooi nbt : »«RWilUtSSllil»-tiWftrftt»tab:. 1 •oiuiva.ts?Pstdi. dbbti fltpuibtrmvv, 1,., SC ftonooe., - bV';mor,vip‘ ,j,;. eA. lft-i>snsV,, vt>: Vrpwiiutrtott: vl. Ife tay boeiiatoli lllvtii,0".-no-; ;p. ; , | ’l. Ip:, eve■...,H. dliTecip'sip- 'lp- 1* o’-ulmi'e, IK, ;. ceo: eude'tV; . Ijcove, ovuuee. ; am., wjjfttfc ttrAi' , srwsialiar idjnburr, '.virivdii.tvttsst.rrtiiii fcti toe -.ssku'. sh&xkt. rwe-; rtwiiiinjj: iVxdiaj: -on tin; ihimuaiifcfeas ssecreftybesa-nwisE. .the.-.ynuag v >&••{&» tus^rnf-ane tai-3 :c9seet£ud isSs:? gresnoewfts, and ‘Tri'*c :;;r-miitu: mcras-sSise r 'J-':-- ~o indxace •tnErea hb-3HDDnerT>-as idepoEied *tssrj gjjrvisijaJAa 2.2dc??gait &o-/psr- £»• irfa&aj-. .-iiuniasß. K -VIE- W ®at£& -jaOrfHia Cosr. c: -Gssossec yw«- v .5352; iN-c. ~ LCi uiYji'r-c^?. nnrp- r •'*&. • tUf .reportOf •lOr* Exanihra: incoiinp -zz,siio~ &t I^juu-?i a-tumie*"3u^~.lil hm *- ‘^txiiucC.on raspsn>i«nsr;psrtit'.vr?'ts»Tt&p y?aea u iYvr7*;>\i-rofii'iaf beadr t*,c avtrrruirmuv •.tfuruic ,do- Or -Oti ;: jrj=. IS£l££JX*£. Tfi.(T43&y2A ddtts—s*ti»asie lii&e avytiov \C tn>\ r r.u^- fi&SSSi. fenWOGHEgTY, feSLtai. or.t*v Air'7 {■■■: L-ce-sSit. FTHSfjSPHATfjr COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY or PHILADELPHIA. E«a» of JOHN STILES, The Auditor appsie:*4 fey sfc# ts» as4;t, settle and adjust the third a*4 %&//*}i*iot HANNAH STILUS, EI)WAKI> H STOKERfc*4 HENBY STJLES, Bgcolor* of ite Kw*. >c cdiscns who have, not already eubsoribad air urgently requo* ed to do po, that tho list of tub vcriiHus may be uunbsdted intuit. «\n * DdOI’KNKD WARD MEETING will ba held at the above HhU cm next {SATURDAY t>Y FNING, at TA Vol ok. PROS. R, DAVIS, Soorotary, ? OOMMVt'V-EV' will meet daily from a mul) s M-. fojr the purpose of paying Urn. WARD UOVNVY, at the; Southeast corner of RRUAD and SFIUNG G ARDKN, COMMITTEE, Chevies V Dowxmsi, j Amor Walker, YU D.% ! Ohatio* V. Hnsiner, $W K>uy\v. i Robert M. Evans, John A, Clark. VC KKf'kl'll'lNd OFFICERS.— XJ?OFFK'E. OF CITY BOUNTY FUND No, FECNKsUvot, February STS Ttft VatViba. detached o*rutwav* of muster will vnn at ihu <^s£oa. are **qu**f*d to ‘4So of twv or dayi* opo tvih wriUe-U. specU xV-.TiJ: s'V *>ao-h r.v.vm the ovsmpauy and i&r. the warn* of the XVb%-*. vhix to* by a va««i»s } »W: #i stfar, W £s*sOsi*i sh'is ’The vadeaVvsr to a to reoetvetheir to ">.is tbe fr.vasao ti&z- -bi -wet hr t&3&\3£«d for ail 5X WiUCr 4-4 rbr ChTrr.rrTsjceifc. -ii&'Zi c •*«=* uhyjrxa?: tCITY FCND 0024- iL§ T»a r Yarxs «=***. 2>e‘ -csujharili>. *tSiv>. W’umiß'rs sur 'h'tr.lre*daßd milhrrsi} itPftnnc. iz< f^r oltT xtrttd riei ir'ibf* sqtica bfaim nomine dfrfcdt. “ Tcroer ca.- 4SEfs,mms;ibts«t ?T. S vice,-and lh- querm uZ the cny. • "The n-ommiMinn aii& ouiiy '2xinn S lt>2*?. winch hours only wurraute.afe duhverud- ; Thfise-warrandH are .caih«ti on. jiresemaiion s: she cSsoaa£.tiK*;Cny-Trsaattrcr, GirardJittnfc. • .■'SIOZS3V rCTosasss Ft orderofCommission- , jai-r,-: .SAdLX’ZIL JJ. XeAWSOK. .SeuT. jiiade for the purpoe*, la it fewdays notice wtii b* given when ar.d bow recroiie in new lorgaojaatione aad rewraue re-en. fitting in tee fte)4 can receive thejr jbooflty. By cider of the Kiommisuon. js-f-if. . .SAidf/iift C. P&V/SSOW, Secretary, a ve-.w i a tjj m n< i o' 7mi'an V Ci' jEdlifliftiAN.—Notice is hereby gives, that ali Stock iu thie (hirajisoy, on wiiieh the in. euiimentof TSVC UOJ.J.AftS per iitiare, called iieceOiit-r 7th, Übt3, a>,4do. fieomietr I9tb. IMi3, Is not paid, is forfeited for said default; and that, a/.coroi/.g to tit* Charter and Jiy-la*ws of tha Corn traey, it wifi be eojd a! Public Auction, on IVtON'- JiAT, Sl»fcb?(»t, led I, At did.. at the Cilice of the fiecretary of the Company, No. .'lid WALNUT street, Philadelphia, uofeee paid on or before that day, Jiy order of th* Board of filrector*. felS-li'Af, in, wlwaVl)) K. M. UAY, Eec’y. Hated PdliyAi>e<-e«t*. Feb, i», ifiOf. n^a^ofridWfJ¥^eWH^NlGN~TlvTUAL IN.SUHANCE COMPANY OF PHILA DELPHIA, PhlhAhsLrHia, Jiinuury 11, Ibdt. Notice le hereby gi *en to the holders of the out standing Kerip of the Union Mutual Insurance Company of Philadelphia, that the Stock and Scrip holders, at it meeting held this dale, re solved to extend to the holders of thn outstanding Scrip the privilege ol eonrerliu* said Scrip info the Capital Stock of thn Company, according to Rectiun Olh of the amendment to the Charter, on the same terms as previously don"; payment of instalment to be made February], IMI. Other wise, interest to be charged ou payment* made after that date, and the privilege of conversion to cease after June 30, lfitH. jal3-w,f, m‘2m§ ; JOHN MOSS, Secretary. rws==* PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD UOM UJj PANY. TREASURER’S DEPART MENT, PHILADBXPirfA, February 15, 18ft!.—■The Board of Directors have this day declared an EX TRA. DIVIDEND OF FIFTEEN DOLLARS upon each Share of the present Capital Stock, as registered on the boot s of the company this day. The said Extra Dividend to be payable in Stock of the Company, at its par value of Fifty Dollars per share, the shares to be dated May 3, ISftl, and to be entitled to dividends payable in November next, and thereafter, as the present stock of the company. Stock Certificates for the extra dividend will be delivered on and after May 2, 18(44. felft-tmhl THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. mc=» PHILADELPHIA AND READING [JJJ RAILROAD COMPANY, OFFICE NO. 227 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Phiaaduiphia. December 2, 18638 DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The transfer Hooks ol this Company will be closed on THURSDAY, 17tb instant, and re-opened on TUESDAY, Jannsry 12, 1864. X - A Dividend of ; SEVFn PER CENT., dear of State tax, has been declared ou tbe Common Stock, payable in Common Stock en and after Gist Decem ber next te tbe holders thereof as they shall stand, registered on the books at the close of business ou the 17th’inBt. I A Dividend of THREE AND A HALF PER CENT., clear of all State tax, has been declared on the Preferred Stock, payable in. cash or Common Stock, at the option of the holder, on and after the 31st of Decemberinext, to the Stockholders, as they shall Btand registered on the books at the close of business ou the 17th lust. Holders of certificates which have been dis charged from this office, or either of the Transfer Agencies, are particularly requested to have them duly registered on the Transfer Books to which they have been transferred, urior to the 17th inst- Stockholders whose names* are registered on the New "York Books will be paid at the Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company,. and those whose names are registered on the Boston Books will be paid at the office of Messrs I. E. Thayer & Brother, del) ■ 8- BRADFORD. Treasurer. ry==» DELAWARE MINING- 00. OF MIOH- U 3 IGANv—Notice is given, that au Installment of One Dollar per Share of the. Capital Stock in the Delaware Mining Company of Mich igan, has this day been called by the Board of Di rectors of said Company, due and payable at the office of the. Company, .50... 3*2ft.WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on or before the lat day of March 1564. Interest will be charged on all installments siter tbe same shall have become due. By order of the Board of Directors. . S. M. DAYj Secretary. DatedPmLADawßiAjFeb. 15,1861. fe!6.tmhl§ THE DAILY EVENING BTTfLETTN': 'PHILADELPHIA-. WFPNf SPAY lEBEPABY 24 3864. SPECIAL N OTICEB. 7-ATCSOX. fe-r. sjoier es. c. SPECIAL NOTICES. MKS. UORA. L. V. HATCH, OF NEW \k3 YORK—POSITIVELY FORGONE NIOKT OibLY.—Tnis popularspeaker will deliver a Lee-, tore to the citizens of Philadelphia, inUONOBRT HALL, on FRIDAY EVENING, Feb. 26th, at Ro' clock. Subject— 4 4 Peace and War, their effects on civilization.” The speaker will answer ques tions; or discuss any points connected with the subject, ufUr tbe lecture. The Clergy, Press,- Critics and professional men are invited to ask questions. Tickets 25 cents MERCANTILE LIBRARY.—The ad- LL3 jonrncd annual meeting ol the Stockholders to consider the propo c ed alteration of the Charter* and otln r business will be held on WEDNESDAY. EVENING, Feb. 24, at7>£ o’clock.. JOHN LARDNER, Jr., fe!7»7ts Rec. Secretary.' »wr==* OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL IL§ ROAD COMPANY, Philadklphia, Feb ruary 15, 1804. NOTICE TOSTOOKHOLBERS, The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the Seventh day of March, 1564, at the Office of the Company, No. 233 South THIRD Street. The pells will be op*n from ten o’clock A. M., until six o’clock P. M. No share or shares transferred within Sixty days preceding the election will entitle the holder or holders thereof to vote. . EDMUND SMITH, fel7-tmh7 Secretary. ry'=a. PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE AND lIJ? CHICAGO RAHWAY COMPANY. Office of the Secretary, Pittsburgh, Pa.\, February 12th, 1864. . / The annual meeting of the Stock ana Bondhold ers of this Company i for the Election &f Directors, and such other business as may come before it, will be held at'the Office of said Company, in the city ofPITTSBURGH,on the THIRD WEDNESDAY of MARCH, A. D. 1801, at 10 A. M. ~ The Stock and Transfer Books of the Company, at their Office in the city of Pittsburgh, and at their Transfer Asency in the city of New York, will be closed on the Ist day of March, at 3 o’clock, P.M., and remain' closed until the 17th day of March thereafter. W. H. BARNES,- fel&tmal7 Secretary. nrsr* THE WORLD OF FACT AND FANCY. LkJ? —Lecture for the relief of disabled Soldiers* families, under the care of The Ladies’ Union Association, bv ENOCH H. SUPPLEE, atHan- M and Haydn Hall, on TUESDAY EVENING, March Ist, at B- o’clock. Tickets 25 cents. For sale at the Association Rooms, 537 North EIGHTH Street. fe2o-ut* WINONA MINING COMPANY OF Lk3 MICHIGAN.—The first meeting of the Cor porators of the Winona Mining Company of Michi gan, will bo held on the Bth day of MARCH, 1351, at It o'clock A. M., at the Office, No. 127 South FOURTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. Pa JAY A. HUBBELL, JOS. T. FORD, SAMUEL ALLEN. Three of the Associates of said Corporation. Fim.ATOtt.rniA, Fob. 19, 1861. tei9,ists «y«ss» HILTUN’S CEMENT—The Insoluble SXJj Cement of the MessxS -Hilton Brothers is cer tatuly the best article of the kind ever invented U should be kept m every manufactory, workshop and house, everywhere. By Its use many dollars can he saved in the run of a year. Thl3 Cement canned decompose or become corrupt, as Its combi nation is on scientific principles, and under no cir cumstances or change of temperature will it emit any offensive smell. The various us©3 to which it can be successfully applied renders it invaluable to all class*©- For particulars see advertisement NEW PUBLICATIONS, MAKCU MAGAZINES!!! Atlantic, tV> coins; Continents!, 2.1 cents: Godov. 20 cents; Lady’s Friend, 15 cents; Service Magaaiue, 4b cents.* T«£3-2t* PITCHER'S, SIS Chestnut street. jpRIYATE MILES O'REILLY HIS BOOK Is ready this week, and it is one of th-» richest and raciest comic books on War and Politics that has appeared. Sj, Mis glorious Irish songs and speeches—his mili tary. misfortunes in the Department of the South— his"arrest ~his petition—his pardon—hU receptions and banquets at Detmonlco’s and at the White House—Lis adventures at Richmond, and more, are they not described in the jol'.iest ra inner on the immortal y-agesof HIS BOOK, just published, fall of comic illustrations * 12mo, cloth bound, price SI 25. AT-SO- JUST FCBX.ISXZSD. GUEOWSKI’S DIARY FOR ISS& which rreaiixg a sensation of the tallest kind Siu'cncbci:: tie ccusrry, wherever military and poiaical mmiers are dLcursed. i2rao. cloth oouxd, Bl 25- ALSO* 3HW BXHTJOS.S OF Ep« Sargent’s wonderful book, PECULIAR, Kimball* • capital novel, WAS HE SUCCESS" TULifisa. Kenan's celebrated LIFE OF JESUS, SI 50. T. S. Arthur’s ON SHADOWED PATHS, €1 t£s* LOUIE. By tbe author of “Rutlege, ”$1 25. *** Any of {these books wilt be sent by mail, txrttact frt*, on receipt of price, by ivik OABLETON, Publisher, New York. WILH. VON HUMBOLDT’S LE ITERS TO A L/W>Y. With an introduction, bv CHARLES GODFREY LELAND, l vol. Kimo. Tinted paper. Cloth price, 81 to. “Thepur ppeecf lb)* corrciponaence is obvious through out, —u> console, guide, and enliven, by advice and r*flections at once elevating and serious. The reader will be struck with the original views sud forcible remarks that abound in it.”— London Athenaum, ju*t r*-ady. For sale by all booksellers. Sent postage free on receipt of price, by V. LEYPOLDT, Publisher, No. 13?3 Oh»*?tnui fttreel, Philadelphia. XT fcW ENGLISH BOUK.S JN ; JUST KEOEIVED. h SPEKE’S JOURNAL OF THE DISCOVERY of the SOURCES of tbe NILE, with numerous lllostralious and Maps. 1 vol., royal octavo. MAYHEWS ILLUSTRATED HORSE MAN AGEMENT; Octavo. 3. YOUATT A BURNS’ COMPLETE GRAZIER, FARMER AND CATTLE BREEDER’S AS SI ST A NT. Illustrated. # 4. THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW for January. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW and CRITICAL JOURNAL, for January. 5. GAMYEE A LAWS’S GENERAL AND DE SCRIPTIVE ANATOMY OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Illustrated. SYMES’S PRINCIPLES OF SURGERY. sth edition. ' FOREIGN MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC BOOKS imported to order. LINDSAY A BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, lel7 25 South SIXTH Street, ah. Chestnut. TWO REMARKABLE SERMONS. BY REV. DUDLEY A. TYNG. OUR COUNTRY’S TROUBLES. A Sermon preached in, th* Church of the Eph phany, June 29, 185 ft. Price 15 cents. NATIONAL SINS AND NATIONAL KETRI ' BUTION. A Sermon preached in the Church oi the Cove nant, July 5, 1557. 'Price 15 cents. Published by WM. S. A ALFRED MARTIEN, fe9 606 Chestnut street. ALLEN’S LIFE OF PHILIDOR ruß LIFE OF PHILIDOR, Mnslcian and Chess Player, by George Alien, Greek Professor in the University of Pennsylvania; with a Supple mentary Essay on Philidor, as Chess Author and Chess Piayer, by Tassiie Von Heldebrand und del Lasa, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni potentiary of the King of Prussia, at the Court. Saxe-Weimar. 1 voL, octavo, % vellum, t top. Price *125. Lately published by E. H. BUTLER & CO., noi 137 South Fonrth street. Theological-books, pamphlets and NEWSPAPERS bought and sold at JAS. BARR’S, HO5 Market street, Philadelphia. fel STOVES, HEATEKS, &(J. Thomas s. dixon, Late Andrews A Dixon, Ho. 1324 CHESTNUT street, Philadelphia, Opposite United States Mint, . Manufacturers of LOWDOWN, PARLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE, AND OTHER GRATES, For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood FITS— ALSO, ' WARM AIR FURNACES, For warming public and private building*, REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, . . Ann. CHIMNEY CAPS, I (POKING RANGES, BATH BOILERS, AO., VGTOT/ESALE AND RETAIL. TOTS Yellow metal er Brothers A Co.’s Tahntoh YedßiefcJffietal Sheathing, Bolts, NaUs and Spiiee of ln ■tore fof sale by WTT.T.T atvt g. quanik IS Vo&tlx Dal&w&rt avosu. - FOB SALE AND TO LET. t CHESTNUT STREET:—For sale, a valu miiL able property, situate in one of the beet btifeiness blocks on Chestnut street, 50 feet front by 235 feet deep to Sansom street. J. M. GUMMEY & EONS, 518 Walnut street. fe24 453 WE&T PHILADELPHIA—FOR SALE— plj{j a handsome modern Residence, with large lot of ground attached, situate on Cnestnut street, west of Thirty-ninth. Was built in the best man ner, and has every city convenience. Grounds planted with-evergreens and shrubbery of every kind. Terms accommodating. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, 508 Walnut street. U‘2i m CAPE MAY—FOR SALE. —The desirable property Known as W.HI PE HALL HOTEL. Cape corner Lafayette and Jefferson; sts. S 4 rooms, Bar-room, Ice Mouse, &c.; partly nir nisbed; a fine location. Apply toJ. H. OURTIS & SON, Real Estate Brokers, 4h3 Walnatst. SOUTH BROAD STREET—FOR SALE. A three.story BRICK DWELLING, with three story double back building?, 417! South BROAD street, altanodern improvements. Apply to J. H. CURTIS’S A SON,Real Estate .Brokers, 433 WALNUT B’reet. Te^ £=> FOR OK EXCHANGE FOR A LARGER PROPERTY.—A tbree-story bnck dwelling, with, back buildings, 7**l PINE street*, modern conveniencHs. An excellent loca tion for a physician. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street ST. BARNABAS CHURCH FORSALS— Ull Situate on SEVENTEENTH street, above Chestnut street, 44 feet front by 66 feet deep, with fixtures complete. Part of the purchase money rnav remain on the property. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS. SOS Walnnt stteet. • MFOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY. A handsome >Count y Seat :ind welßimproved Farm of 90 acre* . It is one of the most desirable properties ever offered for sale. Will be told with or without stock and furniture. No money required. Immediateposseesion given. For lull particulars, apply to J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, 503 WALNUT street. fe23 lms S VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. Tilt subscriber will sell at Public Sale on the premises, on ‘ATURUAY, the 27th aay of FEB RUARY, 1864, at 2 o’clock P. M.. his FARM, situate in Chester township. Delaware county, Pennsylvania, containing about 91 Acres. The improvements consist of a large and commodious STONE MANSION HOUSE, three stories high, having 10 rooms, all of which are ot convenient size. ■ There are two fronts to the dwelling, one of which has a piazza extending the whole length, and Hie other a portico. The lawn is filled wth de ciduous trees and shrubbery of different kinds, making an abundance of shade. There is, conve nientto the dwelling, an excellent spring house, over a never failing spring of water, of the purest quality, with apartments above for bath-room and smoke-louse; an ice-house filled with ice, tool house, and other ont-buildings, all in good order. There are alsotwoTENEMENTS,oneoi stone and the ctber ol frame, used as tenant houses, a larg«\ stonebarn, capable of holding all the produce of’ the,farm, and a stable and carriage house The land is not surpassed in point of productiveness by any farm in the cdunty. It is easily tilled and pro duces well. There is cn the premises an Apple Orchard of selected fruit in the prime of bearing. This farm is wo t thy the attention of purchasers, as it is seldom a property combining so many advan tages is brought into the market. It is two miles from the railroad depot at Chester, whichis reached over a good road during a greater part of the year. Condition*, which will be easy, will be made know’ll at sale. J. ENGLE tiINKSON, fei5, 17,19,22,24,26* Front st,below James, Chester. fig COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE. Bg A very desirable country residence with Mores of highly-cultivated land on the Limekiln Turnpike road, about two miles east of German town, 22d Ward. The improvements consist of a substantial double tbree-story dwelling, with back buildings, stone stabling, carriage house, ice house, and usual outbuildings. Terms aecom medHtu g; immediate possession given. Apply to A. B. CARVER & CO , Southwest corner of Ninth and Filbert street*. f«22-6t* fSS GiRMANT* WN.-For sale or *lO ex hang© Jg. for a HOUSE worth from 87-000 to 83 oouia the. Northwestern part of the city, a hands me HOUfiJS containing fifteen rooms, lot iouby2<6 feet. Apply on the premises No>th TUL FEHOOK.EN street, fourth door east of GREEN street, or address fe£2*6i» E. IjINNARD, G*rm*ntown. FOR SALE.—A. COUNTRY SEAT oa the Birmingham road, about three miles south of \\>st Chester, in Chester county, Fa., beautifully located on Oebenm’s HIU, near the Brandywine. The House is modern built in cettage style, and of commodious size. Wat'r introduced from a hy draulic ram. lea House, Bara, &c., attached. The tract contains 40 acres of land, well supplied with fruit and large shade trees The property- is near the rammer residences of Isaac Norns, the late Henry Pepper, deceased, Wm Parker Foul tee and Samuel J. Sharpiess, Philadelphia. AppW to OH ARLES RHOADS, No. 36 S. Sererth street, Philv gSB FOB. SALE-GfiKMANTOWN PRO PERTY vriihin five minutes walk of Day’* Lane Station. A 'well built Stone Mansion with all the modern improvements, l acres of ground. An abundance of shade and fruit trees. Gk>od stable, wells, Jcc. Apply to JUSTICE * BATE MAN, 102 South FRONT street? lehMm*' dft Foil SALE—House on SPRUCE street, BtEj nrar Thirteenth street, with stable, Jcc. Also, one on SPRUCE street, near Twelfth street. Ap«. ply to C. H. MUIRHEID, fel2 30t§ 5303 South Sixth street. |SS FOR SitLL-A COUNTRY SEAT, with ptia forty acres of Laud, near Lin woo4-Station,on the Haiti more Railroad, eighteenXmiles from Philadelphia. Ihe house commands an extensive view of the Delaware river, about a mile distant. About seven acres of the land are admirably suited for a vineyard. Apply to CHAS. H. MUIRHEID, SO3 South Sixth street, or to JONATHAN GUEST, on the premises. Inquire at Linwood Station Post Office, Delaware county, Penn*a., which is ten minutes walk irom the place. fe&-30t$ £5 ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT FOB Bfrl! SA LE—About eight miles from city; Railroad depot half a mile from the premises; convenient, also, to churches and schools. For healthiness and beauty of situation, as well as surronndingadvan tages, this property is unsurpassed in the suburb* of Philadelphia. The large mansiou (commanding fine views of the river Delaware) is of brown stone, built and finished without regard to cost, and replete with all the modern conveniences for both summer and wmter. The ground comprises 23 acres, beautifully laid out and ornamented with a great variety of fruit trees sfnd shraos. A large garden with abundance of fruit. On the premises aie .also erected a gardener’s cottage, lodge, orchard house, green house, conservatory, and very extensive stabling, no expense whatever hav ing been spared to make this in all respects a first class residence. O. H. MUIRHEID, No. 203 Sonth Sixth street. Apply to ja29-30t$ a COUNTRY SEAT AND PARM FOB SAXE—Containing fifty-five acres, Sg handsomely situated In Cheltenham township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, about eight miles from the city and one and a-half from York Road Station, on the North Pennsylvania Rail road. The buildings are nearly new, substantial and well calculated for a winter or summer reel* dence. Apply to O. H. MUIRHEID, No. 2CJ South SIXTH street, Philadelphia. sel9-tfs OB' DESIRABLE STABLE TO LET, it the neighborhood of Tenth and Walnut streets. Three stalls, with every convenience. Apply at No. 16 South Third street. dell-tf 4C| FOR SALE—Modern Dwelling House, pH No. 19 Woodland Terrace, West Philadel phia, replete with every convenience. Apply to IE. L. MOSS, Broker, Jaaitf, 319 Bock street. Battle okoiind. -oebmantown.- Eiegant Building Sitee of various dimensions: fronting on Obew, Duval and Johnson streets For sale by J. It. GUMIIEY ,fc SONS, 508 Wal nnt street. foil Handsome country seat for SALE—Containing 27 acres- of land, nit t stream. of water running through, and several acres woodland, beauiitnllv located on the corner of WASHINGTON Lane and TOWNSHIP LINE Road, convenient to either the Philadelphia and Uermantovrn or North Penn. Railroads, Pointed Stone Mansion, built in ths best manner, with every city convenience, except gas; handsome stable and carriage-house, ice-house, Ac. J. M. GUtMMEY A SONS, 508 Walnut Streot. ja.24 TO LET— ROOM ON THE GROUND FLOOR, on FOURTH Street, above Walnut, suited tor a Banker’s,Broker’s or Insurance Office. Address «‘Banker, ’ ’ Box 488, Post Office. fel9-Bt* Til LET—Large and small ROOMS, up stairs, 813. and 614 CHESTNUT street. - fe3-tf CIA AAnJ£§.. INVEST 1N OLD GROUND OIU.UvUKENTS. No commission or ex penses.. J. HAYS CARSON, fe23-31* , 251 Nortt Ninth street. LOST, 7 LOST— A CERTIFICATE of 5 per Cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for ssis 05, dated March 12th, 1830, No. 754, in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of 5 per Cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for the sum of 8200, ated June 30th, 1845, No. 1452, in name of ELI K. PRICE, Administrator of William Meredith, in Trust. Application has been made'td the Audi* tor-General for a renewal of said Certificates. ELI K. PRICE. le9-3ms . . No''Bll Arohstreet- LATHS —A cargo 01 tsoo.ooo tar sale by E- A. SOUDERA CO.. Dock street wharf. MEDICAL. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS NEVER FAIL TO CUBE THE SUFFERERS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS are a (pacific for all female faculties LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS an wonderfully adapted to obstinate cases. LYON’s PERIODICAL DROPS tie not pleasant to take, but powerful la tb.lr LYOK’S PERIODICAL DROPS carer Harm any one if they follow tbe direction*. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS, n cases of palnfnl sickness, act like a cbaim lx rlsoratmg, restoring and renoTating tbe system. LYON’S PERIODICAL DaOPS an a scientifically prepare fluid preparation, and more reliable than any Pill or Powder. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS are genuine only, wben tbe name of Doctor Jobs L. Lyon Is written upon tbe directions, wblcb an wrapped Carefully around eacb bottle. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS an far sale by druggists la city and country srery- LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS oostbut one dollar per bottle; will yon waste away with anxiety and pain, wben an InYSSintent of one dollar -will sorely cure you. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS will restore nature toltsbealtby course, wbateTer b© th* indisposition. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS tr* *a& at all times 'when the direcUon* an *d uredto- LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS when taken regularly always, prevent tichnsas and U not prevention better than cure 1 LYON’S PERIODICAL iIBOPS have stood the teat of 35 years’ experience. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS receive the eneomlams of all who use them. Mo lady should he without them. We have letters al most every day from ladies of ths highest respec- tability, telling ns they would not be without the French Periodical Drops for anything. Could w< publish the letters we have received, they would convince the most Incredulous. We have now lr mind an Instance of a lady who had been trrejnla.’ nutti her constitution was nearly broken down Her physicians told her she had the Consumption. and must die. Sue saw our advertisement, and came to see us. We, too. thought she was too fhi gone to be cured, hut commenoed at the cause with the Drops. They acted like a charm; and to-day ■he is well and healthy, a living witness of ths •fflcacy of the French Periodical Drops, and a re- sident of East Hartford, Connecticut. If you an suffering any of the Uls caused by irregularity, w» ask you to give them a trial, and recommend them to your afflicted friends. One trial will convince the most sceptical, and never after will you be In duced to be without It. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS WHOLESALE JOHNSTON, HALLOWAY ACOWDKN, NO. W NORTH SIXTH STREET. *nd. at RETAIL by all Dealers In medicine everywhere; e SI per bottle. O. G. CLARK * DO. t o Wholesale DragffMte, Proprietors, shm m,wly Haven. Oonn. JjJLEOTRICIT Y. WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH. Messrs. GRIM and ALLEN, Medical Electrician*, ™?f»?iin™2 l ’ B 0 £ lat ! d ' 'with Professor Bollea tavin e dissolved partnership, th» R^V.Vrf 6 c ° atlllDetl b y THOS. ALLEN, at S”' 11 office, No. 723 North TENTH oat *® “ 4 Brown where he will still treat and cure all cnrable diseases (whether acnte, chronic, Pulmonary or Paralytic, without a Choct or any pain,) with the various modifies tions of Electricity and Galvanism. This treat meat has been found remarkably successful in all cases of Bronchitis, Diphtheria, and other diseases oi the throat and respiratory organs. *»o of 1110 diseases in which successful cures JV* been made are mentioned below. first and General Debility. PflraiSriiP** o** 0 ** Diseases of the Liver or “- 8 ‘ SS“?" *2&S2SS< na ? DvsDensia. Prolapsus Ahi (or Piles) ItLSmatam. Noctiunal Emission*, Bronchitis. . D e^e “ Influenza and Catarrh. JN o charge far consults 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Testimonials to be seen ANH O O » AND THB YIGOK OF YOUTH RESTOBEB in Foira wishes, by * DR. BICORD’S ESSENCE OF LIFE! Dr. Bicord, of Paris, after years t>£ earnest soli* citation, has at length acceded to the argent re quest of the American public, and appointed an Agent in New York for the sale of bia* valued highly-prized Essence of Life. This wonderful agent will restore Manhood to the most shattered lonstitutions, whether arising from excesses thf effects of climate, or natural causes. Thetime re quired to cure the most inveterate case ie four weeks* and, if need according to printed instruc tions, /which are very simple, failure is impossi ble. This life-restoring remedy sheuld be takes by all abont to marry, as its effects are permanent. It is the medical press to be the greatest" discovery ever made. Its developing powers are miraculous. Success, in every case, is aa certain as that science overthrows ignorance* Dr. Bicord* s Essence of Life is sold in rsneff. with full instructions for use, at S - or four quan tities in one -for 89, and will be sent to any part, carefully packed, on receipt of remittance to his accredited agent, PHILIP. BOLAND, 147 Broome street, One door west of Broadway N. Y. QPAL DENTALLINiL de7-3m* A superior article for cleaning the Teeth, a*. * troy in g aaimalcula which infest them, giTlnf tone to the gums, and leaving a feeling of fra grance and perfect cleanliness In the mouth. I* may he used dally, and will be found to 'strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and de tersiveness will recommend it to every one. Be ing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physician, and Micros copist, it is confidently offered as a REEIABXiE substitute for the uncer tain Washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constitu ents of the DENTAIiLINA, advocate its uses; it contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained «z> ployment. Made only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary. BROAD and SPRUCE Streets For tale by Druggist* generally, and Fred. Brown,. , D. I*. Stackhout*. Hassard A Co., Robert G. Davit, G. S. Keeny, Geo. C. Bowers, Isaac H. Kay, Charles Shivers, G. H. Needles, G. J. Scattergood, T. J. Husband, J. C. Turnpenny, A Co. Ambrose Smith, Charles H. Eberls, Thomas Weaver, James N. Marks, William B. Webb, E. Bringhurat A 00,, James X*. Bisphara, Dyott A Co., Hughes A Coomb*, H. G. Biair, Henry A. Bower, Wyeth A Bro. Electeiuity. W ONDERFUL DISCOyERY aitd WOW- All acute and chronic diseases cared by spe cial guarantee, when desired by the patient, at 1220 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, an£ in case of a failure no charge is made. No drug ging the system frith uncertain medical agents. Ail cures performed by Magnetism., Galvanism or other modifications of Electricity, without shocks or any unpleasant sensation. For fur ' ther information send and get a pamphlet, which contains hundreds of certificates from [ some of the most reliable men in Philadelphia, 1 who have been speedily and permanently cured after all other treatment from medical [ men had failed. Over eight thousand cured in 1 less than four years, at 1220 WAIiNUT street. N. B- —Medical men and others who desire a | Knowledge of my new discovery, can com-, 1 mence a full course of lectures at any time. ! Prof. B GLEES has qualified over one thousand physicians, who use Electricity as a specialty. ’ Consultation free. t PBOFS. BOELES A GAEEOWAY, [ ocl4-tf 1220 Walnut street, Fhiia. # # A FRIEND IK NEED—TBY IT—DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT la prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the great bone setter, and has bees used in his the last twenty years with the most* astonishing success. As an external remedy it is without a rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than any other preparation. For all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders it is truly inf alible, and as a curative lor Sores, Wounds, Sprains," Bruises, Ac., its soothing, healing and powerful strengthening properties, excite the Just wonder and astonishment of all who have aver given it a trial. Over four hun dred certificates of remarkable cures, performed by It within the lost two years, attest this fact. Sold everywhere. j mie»ly JUMELLE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK.—We often hear it repeated by those who have used JUJVIELLE f S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK, that among all the thousand, remedies offered to the public, there is none of them so salutary as a cough medicine, so potent as an in vigorator, so effectual as a purifying specific, and eo shooting and restorative in eases of physical de bility, nervous irritation and a general sinking or & prostration of the system. For sale by the proprietor, F. JUMELLE, No* 1525 Market street, and by all Druggists. [fe4-3ms HODGSON’S BRONCHI AX* TABLETS ABB found to be an indispensable requisite in the treatment of Bronchitis, catarrh, Hoarsness, and similar complaints affecting the organs of ths voice: particularly recommended by public speak ers, singers, and amateurs. Prepared, wholesale and retail, by LANCASTER A WILLS. ESTLACK’S DIPHTHERIA LOZENGES These Lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for Diphtheria, Coughs, Sere Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections generally. Try them. THOMAS ESTLAOK, Jr., Druggist, S. W.COT. of Eighteenth and Market sts.. Phila. ia9B-3ms AYLOR’S ARNICA OIL OR ESIBBOOA TION A reliable article. Positlvelycure* Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sprains, Frosted Feet, Chlllblains, Pejus in the Limbs, Chest, Sid* Bask. For sale by the Proprietor* H. B. TAY LOR, Tenth and Callowhill streets. Pries, 25 cents. f*i2-3m», TUST RECEIVED BY LATE IMPORTA. J tion, Hennessey’s fine Old Brandy, expressly for medicinal use. LANCASTER * Pharmaceutists, N. E. comer ARCH and TENTH Sts.. Phila. .? Is. WATERMAN, The only Manufacturer of * . WATERMAN’S COOKTAU. and TONIC BITTERS. Sold Wholesale and Retail. No. UO6 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. fts-lm§ COTUH WHISKEY-In. cases of one doMB each, on consignment end for' sale b y QAU. ADKINS, 10 and )2 South Delaware aTQpne.agg Extra spakbun» „ cha s^mdS DER,af -wholesale. Grocere and sMpvera tnylted to examine. street, below Third and Walnut streets. nos J. ?* 1?» U s“uS%»ISHE^tES. KBNEST . neat and substantial worK, more, any Dentist in this city or State. Teeth plnfiged tofastfer life. Teea No pain la extracting, dll work warranted to St,. Reference, best families* dwsuasa^ MEDICAIi. Ltion; Office hour* from at the office. de3-am) DERFCL RESULTS. liquors, &c. DENTISTRY,