Proposals for raising wrecks at NORFOLK, VA., AND IN THE VICINITY. Navy Department, February 4,18 W. PROPOSALS will be received at the Navy Department until the 3d day of March, ISfil, for raising or wrecking and; removing the materials, and deiiveung at the United States Navy Yard, Gosport, Ya., the wrecks of the following ships, viz: Frigates * * Cumberland’ ’ and * • Congress, ” at Newport News; aad *‘ Merrimack,” nearCraaey Island. > The small steamer “ Whitehall,” at Old Point. Fngaies *.Baritan” and “Colombia,and Line-of-battle ships “ Pennsylvania, ” “Ppia ware,” and “Columbus,” in he vicinity of-the Navy-Yard. Bidders for this contract will take into constdenu non that the .Government requires the Frigate ••Cumberland,” and whatever may be on board of her, either public or private property w to/be delivered at the Navy Yard, Gosport, Va., or at an other convenient place which the Government may. designate, without any further mutilation ■fr&n iriay be absolutely necessary to raise her. It will be required by the Government that the contractors commence as soon as practicable on the •‘Cumberland, ” and not to engage or com mence on any other wreck, without permission Government, until she is disposed of. .The Government will also claim the right of de signating the order in which, after the ‘.‘Cumber land, ’ * the wrecks are to be raised: also, to deter mine whether a wreck shall be blasted or raised whole. * No sale or appraisement can bs claimed by the contractors on any wreck until all the vessels named shall have been removed, and duly received by the commandant, unless by authority of the Navy Department. No wreck will be*considered removed whileaay portion of keel or floor timbers remains. * All the wrecks, as well as fragments'of timber ana other material, (which may be the result of blasting,) must be deposited at the Navy Yard at such place or places as the Commandant may de signate. And such property, after having been received by the Commandant, shall be considered m charge of the Unitea States Government, until disposed of agreeably to the specifications of the contract to be made. All the appliances used in raising the wrecks must be furnished at the expense of the tractors. The offer must state the rate per centum, or sal jage, for raising and delivering each vessel, also, for wrecking; the value to be ascertained aud de termined by two persons to be appointed, by the Department, and ore person to be appointed by the contractors, or on the actual proceeds of a sale at public auction, for the whole or any part, as the Department may elect. The offer mast be accom panied by the guarantee of responsible parties that the contract will be executed if awarded. The Departmentreserves the right to reject all bids of parlies who have not the proper means provided for executing the work, and of annulling the con. tract if the work is not executed in due proportion to the time fixed for completion. Tbe proposition most also state the time required to do the work. Proposals will be marked, “Proposals for raising wrecks at Norfolk,’ * &c , so as to prevent them from being opened with other let ters. feB.m&th-3w<£ P -EOPOSAES FOE BITUMINOUS GOADS.— Sealed Proposals will be received at the Office of the Philadelphia Gas Works, No. *2O South SEVENTH Street, until noon of FEIDAY, 22dof April, 1864, for supplying the whole or any part ot Eighty Thousand Sons of Bituminous Coals , suit able for the manuiacture of illuminating Gas, to be delivered on the Bailroad tracks of the Gas Works at the First Ward aiid the Ninth Ward Stations, in the following monthly quantities ; eight thousand tons in each of the months of September, October, November, December, and six thousand tons in each of the„months of June, July, August, 1864, and January, February, March, April and May, The coals must be delivered fresh, dry, and of a •fnality approved -ljy the Engineer of the Gas Works, as equal to the sample bn- which the con tract is based. The proposals must describe the particular va riety ol coals intended to he supplied and the lo cation and name of the mine or pit from wnich tbey a r eto, be raised. It they are of a kind not now or recently used at these Works, samples for trial of not less than fifty tons, must be delivered at the Works, on or before the 7th of April next The gross ion of 224<i pounds will be considered as the weight intended in the proposals, unless the contrary be expressly stated. The Trustees res ervc the right to accept any pro posals in whole or m part or to reject all. as they may for the interests of the Trast, and in the event of failure on the pa tof any contrac tor to deliver the coals according to his agreement, both in quantity and quality, the Trustees reserve the right to buy elsewhere, whatever quantity may. be required to meet the deficiency, and charge to the contractor any loss or damage arising from each failure. Payments will be made monthly, In two equal instalments at four and six months alter the epecu fled pexiods ot delivery, the 15th of each month being taken as the average of the monthly delive ries, or at the option of the Trustees, will be made at earlier dates with legal interest off. Should contractors prefer to make deliveries earlier than required, they may be received so far as they can be conveniently stored, but payments will be made to date from the time specified to the contractor. Security for the fulfilment of contract will be reqmred, and each proposal must name the amount and character of security that will be cflexed. JOHN C. ÜBESSON, le2Utap22ft Engineer in Chief. SEALED PROPOSALS to be endorsed “ Pro posals for Lamp Posts,” will be received at the office of the Philadelphia Q-as Works, No. 20 South SEVENTH street, until noon of TUES DAY, March Ist, 1864, for supplying two or three hundred lamp posts, similar in pattern and weight to those now used for the public street lamps. The proposals should state the price for each post, delivered either at the shops of the (jas Works or at the place where it is to be set, and also how many will be delivered each month if required. JOHN O. ORESsON, Engineer iii Chief,. fel9tmhl} Philadelphia Gas Works, Feb 19, ISM LOST, JUST.- $25 RE WARi>. —On Thursday night, i February ISth, 1864, a small fcize Ladies’ GOLD WATCH, open face gold dial, Koskeil, maker, No. 59,775. The above reward will be by leaving the ab:>ve Watch, at No. j 5 South SIXTH Street, and no questions asked. le2i-&i# LOST —A CERTIFICATE of 5 per Cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for $516 05, dated March l?tb, 1630, No. 754, in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of 5 per Cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for the sum of $2OO, ated June 30th, 1845, No. 1452, in name of ELI K. PRICE, Administrator of William Meredith, in Trust. Application has been made to the Audi tor*General for a renewal of said Certificates. ELI K. PRICE, No. 811 Arch street. feS*3ms PIANOS, &0. rr^-ra —- AN ASSORTMENT of the be3t |Sltr--"~Vv' ?? New "York and Philadelphia Mantt- IT © 5 ?*■ factoring. from 5275 upwards. Also, MELODEONS, Harmoninms and Cabinet Organs. No. 233 South FIFTH street, at the New Store; a few doors below "Walnut. P. SCHULER A CO. . • , _fel7-3m TEA V ELJIIN G GUIDE. Rr: I WEST JERSEY RAILROAD —Running time of trains, com. mencmg FRIDAY, Jan. 1, 1864. 'SOM WALNUT STREET WHARF. ' For Cape May at 9A. M. Returning at 6 A. M. ForMilleville, &c., af9A, M. and3P. JI. Re turning at BODA. M. and 110 P. M. For Bridgeton, &c., at 9A. M. and 4P. M. Re turning at 6.30 A. M. and 130 P. M. For Salem, &c., at 9A. M. and 3 and 4 P. SL .aturnin gat 4 and BA. M. and 110 P. M. F°r ' injury, &c., at 9A. M. and 3, 4 and 6P. m. Returning at 7.00, 7.48, 9.38 A. M. and 3 45 P. M. J. VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendent. . SALEM RAILROAD. Running 'u- ol trains, commencing FRIDAY, Jiill, IctH* From Wal nut Street Wharf at 9 A. M. and 3 and 4P. M. Freights M. Returning, laayc Salem at 4 and 81. M; and 1.10 P. M. ™ Freight daily each way. Apply to MORTON MILL'S, Agent, 2d Covered Pier above Walnut st. J. VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendent. CAVE MAY AND MILIJVILLE HAIEROAD. Kunulngtimoof trains, commencing FRIDAY* l» 1564, from Walnut ‘Street Wharf. 5 a P e Island, Court House, Dennisyille, ort Elizabeth, find by connecting unes of stages to all parts of Cape May county, at 9 sh-ft, pTiWl* leave Cape island at 6 A. M. Die m Philadelphia .at 10.15 A. M. TONMin? °, r hrou e lu daily. Apply to MOB nutstreet^" 8 ’ Agent> 2d covered Pier above Wal no 12 J- VAN RENSSELAER, Sup’t. BALTIMORE HIA CENX^2£ WINTER ARRANGEMENT ' On and after Monday, Deo. 7th, 1863 tha Tnlr. WUlleave Philadelphia from the DEPOT W-C. &P. R. R. Co., NORTHEAST CORNER OF EIGHTEENTH AND MARKET at a oo A. M. ana 4.00 P. hT:R EETS, leave Oxford at7.OOA. M., and3.lo The Train leaving Philadelphia at 8.00 A wr Mnncots at Oxford with a line of Stages for p e a?h PMeifo V 1 Lancaster County, returning, leaves lirPhiH'? 4 ? 11 ! 40 with the afternoon Train Lu adeipiua " HENRY WOOD, Superintendent TRAVELING GUIDE. BE ramr~Tiii beading railroad. great trunk line TEomPhiEaDelphia to the interior OF PENNSYLVANIA, THE SCHUYL KILL, SUSQUEHANNA, CUMBER LAND AND WYOMING VAL LEYS, ■' i THB • . WORTH, NORTHWEST AND THE CANADAS PASSENGER TRAINS ; Leave the Company’s Depot, THIRTEENT and CALI.OWHILL streets, Philadelphia, at the following hours: , MORNING MAIL, At 8.15 A. M., for Reading, Lebanon, Harris-' burg, Pottsville, Pinegrove,, Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Roebester, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Allentown, Wilkesbarre, Fittsten, York, Carlisle, Chambersburg, Hagerstown, &c., Ac. Tbis train connects at READING with the East Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentown, Ac., and with the Lebanon Valley train forHarTisburg, Ac.: at PORT CLINTON with Catawissa Rail road trains for Wilkesbarre, Williamspoirt, Lock Haven, Elmira, Ac.; at HARRISBURG with Northern Central, Cumberland * Valley, and Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains, for Northum berland, Williamsport, York, Chambersburg, Pinegrove, Ac. AFTERNOON EXPRESS. Leaves Philadelphia at 3.30 P. Mi for Reading, Pottsville, Pinegrove, Harrisburg, Ac., connect ing at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania Central Rail road trains for Pittsburgh, Ac., Northern Central Railroad trains for Sunbury,. Northumberland, Elmira, Ac., and at Port Clinton with Catawissa Railroad train for Milton, Williamsport, Elxnira, Buffalo, Ac. READING ACCOMMODATION. Leavesßeading at 6.30 A. M., stopping at all way stations; arrives in Philadelphia at 9.25 A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 P.M.; are rives in Reading at 7.25 P. M. Ttans for Philadelpnia leave Harrisburg at 8 A M. and Pottsville at 9.15 A. M.. arriving in Phila lelphia at 1.50 P. M. Afternoon trains 1 eave Har ris Durg at 2.00 P. M., and Pottsville at 2.30 P. M.. arriving at PhiladelDhia at 7.00 P. M. Market trains, with a Passenger car attached, ayes Philadelphia at I P. M.for Reading and all way stations; leaves Reading at 12 Noon, and Downingtown at 12.30 P. M. for Philadelphia and all way stations. ; All tne above trains run dally, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 7.30 A. M.> and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M.< CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. Passengers for Downingtown and lntsrmedlats paints take the 8.15 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. trains from Philadelphia, retaining from Downingtown at 7.05 A M. and 12.30 Noon. HEW YORK EXPRESS, FOR PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST. Leaves New York at 7 P. M., passing Reading at 12 midnight, and connecting at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train for Pitts burgh. Returning, Express Train leaves Harrisburg on arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburgh, at 6.30 A. M., passing Reading at 8.45 A M., and arriving at New York at 1.45 P.M. Sleeping Car accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without change. Mail trains for New York leave Harrisburg at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. Mall trains for Harrisburg leave New York at 6 A. M. and 12 Noon. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsville at 7,15 AM. and 3.30 P. M., returning from Tnscarora at 8.05 AM. and 5.45 P. M. - SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL- ROAD.- Trains leave Auburn at 3.45 A. M. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, at 10 A M. ‘and 1.20 and 7.10 P. M. for Pinegrove only; returning from Harris burg at 7.30 P. M. and from PinegroTe at B. IS A M. and 4 and 5 P. M. TICKETS. Through first-class tickets and emigrant ticket* to all the principal points in the North and West and Canadas. The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicolls, General Superintendent, Beading. COMMUTATION TICKETS, At 25 per cent, discount between any points de sired far families and firms. MILEAGE TICKETS, Goedfor2,ooomiles, between all points, at 546 35 such, fer families and firms. SEASON TICKETS, For three, six, nine or twelve months, for holder only, to all points, at reduced rates. CLERGYMEN Residing on the line of the Bond will be fur nished with cards, entitling themselves and wiTS* to tickets at half-fare. EXCURSION TICKETS, From Philadelphia to principal stations, good lor Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office at Thir teenth and Callowhill streets. FREIGHT. Goods Of all descriptions forwarded to all the shove points from the Company’s New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Philadelphia daily at 6A. M., IP. M., snd 9P. M., for Reading Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. MAILS Close at the Philadelphia Post Office for all places on the road.and its branches at SA. M., and. tor the principal Stations only at 2. IS P. M. JX i GERMANTOWN AND NOK town railroad. TIME TABLE. •On and after December 7th, 1863. Until further notice. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia—C, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, A. M.; 1, 2,.3.10, 4,5, 6,7, 8,9, 10, 11 and 12P.M. LeaverGermontown—6, 7,7 X, 8, 8.20, 9, 10, 11, 12 A.M.; 1,2, 3,4, 5,6, 6 X, 7,8, 9, 10 and 11 P. M. The-8.20 down train will not stop after leaving Germantown. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9.lo A. M.; 2,7, 10* P.M. Leave Germantown—B.lo A. M.; 1,6, 9X P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia—6, 8, 10, 12 A. M., 2,3 X, s*, 7, 9 and 11 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill—7.lo, 8, 9.40, 11.48 A. M. 1.40, 3.40, 5.40, 8.40, 8.40 and 10.40 P. H. The 3X and sx a P trains do not stop on German town Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Piiladelohia—9.lo, A. M.; 2, and 7P. M. Leave Chestnut Hi 11—7.50 A. M. ; 12.40, 5.40 and 9.25‘P. M. FOR CONSHOHOOKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia—6, BX, 11.05 A. M.: IX, 3, iX, 6.05, 8.05, and 11* P. M. Leave Norristown—6, 7, 7.50, 9, 11 A. M.: IK, 4K and'SJP. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9 A. M.; 2J( P. Rt. Leave Norristown—7 XA. M.: SP. M FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia—6, SX. 11.05 A. M.; IK 5, iX, 6.05, 8.05, and 11* P. M. . Leave Manaynnk—6x, ~X, 8.20, OK, 11K A. M. • 2. SandGX P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9 A. M.; 2K and6V V. M. Leave Manaynnk—7V A. M.; 5K andSP. M. H. K. SMITH, General Superintendent, ; Depot, Ninth ana Green streets. ISZ Mmssiß-i OFFICE UP THE ADAMS 3sBfJ§g«§ii3l EXPRESS COMPANY, 328 CHESTNUT STREET, Pgn.ADßi.rHiA, January 17th, 1862.. ! The Adams Express Company having enlarged their facilities at Washington, D. 0., by building a Railroad depot, and having acquired additional capacity for traneportation, are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages ani Parcels, to Washington, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South, occupied by the sxmy, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made for merchandize In large lots. Sutlers’ goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at our office. Soldiers’ parcels taken at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and* bulky packages received-«iici re. oslpted for at onr depot, Southeast corner of BROAD and LOCUST Streets 27 ' -TOHN BINGHAM. Sunerintandsut fjTTnmTmrm ie63 - Philadelphia and CagEfißSgggpS ERIE RAILROAD. 1663. This great line traverses the Northern 1 and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city oi Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and under their auspices is being rap idly opened throughout its entire length. It Is now In use for Passenger and Freight busi ness from Harrisburg to Emporium, (195 “iles,) °n the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie (78 miles) on tha Western Division. TIKB OB PABBBHGEK _THAIW AT PHILADELPHIA— mr-.i’m—, LEAVE WBBTWAHD. Mail Train.• o so a ! tw Express Train V."""’""'" aodMP: M Cars run through without change both wavs on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock .Haven, and between Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business, apply, at the Southeast comer of Eleventh and Market streets. - . And for Freight business of the Company’s Agents: ■ S. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. Thirteenth and Mar ket sts., Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J ffl. Drill, Agent N. O. R. R. Baltimore. . . H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. LEWIS L. HOUPT, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. JOSEPH D. POTTS, Mhl General Manager, Williamsport. THE DAILY EVENING BTJLLETIN ; PHIIABILPiin; MQNuAI. EEJBBUARY 22; 1864 Prom Wilmington to Phlladelphiaat6.3o P. M. Only at 9 35 PM. from Baltimore to Philadel phia. fi!5T nmaasri NORTH PENNSYLVANIA R. R.— FOR BETHLEHEM, DOYLESXOWN, MAUCH CHUNK, HAZLE TON, EASTON, WILLIAMSPORT, AO. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. THREE THROUGH On and after MONDAY, N0v.,10, 1863, Passen ger Trains will leave the NEW DEPOT, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays excepted) as follows: At 7 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Williamsport. The 7 A. M. train makes close connection with ffie Lehigh Valley Railroad, at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable ronte to all points In the Lehigh coal region. At 3.15 P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Eas ton, Ac. ' This train reaches Easton at 6.40 P. M., and makes close connection with the JS«w Jersey Cen tral for New York. -- At 5.15 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk. For Doylestowii at 9.15 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Fort Washington at 10.15 A. M. and 6.15 P. M. White cars of Second and Third street line City Passenger Cars, rnn directly to the new depot. TRAINS FOR* PHILADELPHIA. . Leave Bethlehem atffi.3o A. M., 9.30 A. M. and 4.87 P.M. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. M. and 3.40 P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.40 A. M. and 2 P. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 10 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M. and 2P. M. . Eare te Bethlehem., 55 Pareto Ea5t0n....;.... i se Pare to Mauch Chunk 2 55 Through Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Uffice, THIRD street or BERKS street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. ap!B ELLIS CLARK, Agent las PHILADELPHIA AND EL MIRA RAILROAD LINE. SWSJ. I ALL AND WINTER ARR ANGEMENT. For . Williamsport, Scranton, Elmira, Buffalo, Magara Falls, and all points in the West and Northwest. Passenger Trains leave the Depot of Philadeiphia and Reading Railroad, cor. BROAD and OALLOWHILL streets, at 8.15 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. daily, except Sundays. QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to points m Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western York, Ac., Ac. Baggagechecked through to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or lntemediate points. . For further information apply to General Agent, —, Thirteenth and Callowhill streets, «»4 and office N.W. cor. Sixth and Chestnut WEST CHESTER AND PHI SNpft SPS LADELPHIA RAILROAD, J. - VIA MEDIA. 1 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On, a llll afrer MONDAY, December 7th, 1863, 117111 le Philadelphia, from the Da pot,N. E. comer of EIGHTEENTHand MARKET J'nn'p'’ m 8 'r r S V 1 A .V, M ” and at 2-00 and & , , r,lllls 'eavo the comer of Thirty-first and Market streets ( West Philadelphia) 17 minutes a seet? 6 starting time from Eighteenth and Market JkW t .P ata> 171111 Passenger Oar attached, Will leave the comer of THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET streets (West Philadelphia), at 6.30 Trains leave West Chester at 6.40, 8.20 and W 35 A. M-, and at 1.25 and 4.35 P..M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia, at 8.00 A. M. and 2.00 P M i < West Chester, at 750 A. M. and 4.00 P. M. The Trams leaving Philadelphia at 8.00 A. M., and 4.00 P. M., connect at Pennelton with Trains on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Rail road, for Concord, Kennett, Oxford, Ac., Ac. seM HENRY WOOD, Superintendent. TRAVELING GUIDE. KSC B—wnman- 1864; ARRANGEMENTS UJT IBeSBESSINEW YORK LINES. 1564. The Camden and Amboy and Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Companies’ Lines-from Phila delphia to New York and Way Places. , from walnut street wharf, Will leave as follows, viz: 7ABB. At 6A. M., via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Accommodation...; 82 25 At BA. H., via Camden and Jersey City, • Morning Express 300 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Class Ticket 225 Atl2M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Accommodation 2 25 At 2P. M., via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Expre55............. 3 6* At IP. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom modation (Freight and Passenger)!........ 1 75 At 6, P. M. via Camdon and Amboy,. Accom modation (Freight and Passenger), Ist Class Ticket...... 2 25 id Class do 15® At 7K P. M., via Camden and Amboy Ac cpmmodationfFrelght and Passenger's) Ist Class Ticket. 2 25 IdClasdo ........ .i11.,".. 1 56 For Mauch Chunk,. -Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, Ac., at 3P. M. For Mount Holly, Evansville and Pemberton, at 6A. M., 2 and 4X F-M. For Freehold, at 6 A.M. and 2 P.M. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, BeveTly, Bur lington, Florence, Bordentown, &c., at 6A. M., 12 M., 1, '3 and 4% P. M. The 3 and IK P. M. Lines run direct through to Trenton. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly and Burlington at GX P. M. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT Will leave as follows ■ "At 1.50 A. M:, (Night) via Kensington and Jersey City, Washington and New York Mail. At 11.15 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City Express 360 At 4,30 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Express ; 3 86 At 6.45 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Washington and New York Express 3 60 Sunday Lii es leave at 1.50 A. M. and 6.45 P. M. There will be no line at 1.50 A. M. (Night) on Mondays. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkes, barre, Montrose, Great Bend, Mauch Chunk, Al lentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, Lam bertville, Flemington, Ac., at 7A. M. This Lins connects with the Train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk at 3.30 P.M. For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 7 and 11.15 A. M. and 3 and 5 P. M. ForHolmesbnrg, Tacony, Wisslnontng, Brides bnrg and Frankford, at 9 A.M., 5, 5.45 and BP. M. W For New York, and Way lines leaving Ken sington Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hoar before departure. The Cara ran into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train, ran from the Depot. Fifty pounds of baggage only, allowed each Pas senger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to Qne Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount bey ondSlOG, exceptby special contract Graham’s Baggage Express will call for and deliver baggage to the Depots. Orders to be left at No. ;i, W alnut street. Jan. 20, ’6l WM. H. GATZMER, Agent. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADEL PHIA, WILL LEAVE From foot of Courtland Street at 12M. and 4 P.M., via Jersey City and Camden; at 7, 10 A..M-, 6, P. M. and 12 (Night) via Jersey Olty and Kensington. From foot of Barclay street, at 6 A. M-, and 2 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1, North River, at 12 M., 4 and 8 P. M., (Freight and Passengers) Amboy and Camden. fSSc—lwwi PHILADELPHIA, WIL AND BALTIMORE CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after WEDNESDAY, January 20, 1984, • Passenger trains leave Philadelphia for Baltimore at 4.30 A. M. (Express, Mondays ex cepted), 8.05, 12.00, A.' M. t 330 and 11.30 P. M. Chester at 8.05, 1.15, 2.30, 3.50 and 11.00 P. M., Wilmington at 4.30, (Mondaysexcepted),B.6s. 1.15, 2.30, 3.50 and 11 P. M. New Castle at 8.05 A. M. and 3.50 P. M Dover at 8.05 A. M. and 3.50 P. M. Milford at 8.05 A. M. Salisbury at 8.05 A. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore at 8.35 A. M., 9.10. A. M. (Express), 12.45, 7.10 and 9.35 P. M. Wilmington, at 7.15, 9 and 12.10 A. M., 12.45. P. M., 4.20, 6.30, 11.05iP. M. Salisbury at 12.05 P. M Milford at 2.35 P. M. Dover at 6.30 A. M. and 3.55 P. M. New Castle at 8 30 A. M. and 5 55 P. M. Chester at 8 10, 940 A. M., 1250, STOO, 7 14 and 11 40 P. -M. . Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and -intermediate stations at 7* 10. Leave Baltimore for Dover and Intermediate stations at 12 45 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE. Leave Chester at S 40, A. M., 300 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 5 35, 925 A. M., and 335 P- Id.. Freight Trains with Passenger Car attached, will run as follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryviile.and interme diate places at 5 40 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryvilie and iaterme dlate places at 7 20 P. H. Leave Baltimore for Philadelphia, 3 45 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphiaand Interme diate places at 4 20 P. M. SUNDAYS: Only at 430 A. M., U3O P.M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Prom Philadelphia to Wilmington at 430 A. M.,1l P. M. WM. STEARNS, Snp’t. ON SUNDAYS. MEDICAL. LkOiVS PERIODICAL DROP! NEVER FAIL TO CURE THE SUFFERING LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS ire a speofflc for all female difficulties LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS us wonderfully adapted to obstinate eases. LYON’ S PERIODICAL DHOFB ae not pleasant to take, but powerful in their rations. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS never harm any one if they follow the directions. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS, n cases of painful sickness, aot like a charts vlgorating, restoring and renovating the system. LYON’S PERIODICAL DxtOPS ere a scientifically prepare fluid preparation, more reliable than any Pill or Powder. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS are genuine only, when the name of Doctor John L. Lyon is written upon the directions, whloh an wrapped carefully around each bottle. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS are for sale by druggists Ineity and country every- LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS oost but one dollar perbottle; will yon waste away with anxiety and pain, when an Investment of one dollar will surely cure yon. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS will restore nature to its healthy'eourss, wh be the indisposition. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS are; sale at all times when the directions ara ad- buedto. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS when taken regularly always, prevent staknaas snd Is not prevention better than curs 7 LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS have stood the test of 25 years’ experienos. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS receive the eneomlnms of all who use them. No lady should be without them. We have letters al most every, day from ladies of the highest respec- tability, telling ns they would not be without the French Periodical Drops for anything. Could w» publish the letters we have received, they would convince the most Incredulous. We have now lr mind an instance of a lady who had been lrreguloj until her constitution was nearly broken down. Her physicians told her she had the Consumption, and must die. She saw onr advertisement, and come to see ns. We, too, thought she was too ft u gone to be cured, but commenced at the cansa wltb the Drops. They acted like a charm; and to-day she Is well and healthy, a living witness of ths efficacy of the French Periodical Dreps, and are- sident of East Hartford, Connecticut. If yon art suffering any of the Ills caused by irregularity, we ask yon to give them a trial, and recommend them to your afflicted friends. One trial will con vines the most sceptioal, and never after will yon be In duced to be without it. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS WHOLESALE JOHNSTON, HALLOWAY A COWDEN, NO. 23 NORTH SIXTH STREET, end at RETAIL by all Dealers In mtdlclntirrsrywhsrs t si per bottle. O. G. CLARK A CO., Wholesale Druggists, Proprietors, »uSS-l m, . Hutsu, Conn. JJLEOXBIOITY.— ~,. ' r What islije without health. Messrs; GBIM and AISLES, foment associated and Galloway, haying dlseolvedpartierelilD ths practice will ee continued by THOS Aljfit ge old established office, No. 723 HoStotb Streep Between Coates and Brown where he wtil ■till treat and cure all curable diseases (whether acute, chronic, Pulmonary or Paralytic, without a shock or any pain,) with the various modiflctu tions of Electricity. and Galvanism. This treat, ment has been found remarkably successful in all c s E ® a of Bitmchltis, Diphtheria, and other disease* of the throat and respiratory organs. • A few of the diseases in which successful cures have been made are mentioned below. Consumption, first and General Debility. second Btage*. Diseases of the Diver or Paralysis. Kidneys. Neuralgia. ■ Diabetes. Fever and Agus. Prolapsus TJteri (Falling Congestion. of the Womb). Astitihh- Prolapsus Ani (or Plies) Dyspepsia. Nocturnal •Rmissinu^ S“?™tism. Ac., Ac. Bronchitis. Deafness, in Husnu and Catarrh. No charge far consults » A. M. to » P. M. Testimonials to be seen AnH O O B : -Vf AKD THB VIGOR OF YOUTH RESTORED _ • EJ POUE, wmn?fl. bt BICORD’S ESSENCE OF LIFE! n ,®y: aft€r years of earnest soli- has at length acceded to the argent re questor the American public, and : appointed an Agent in New York for the Bale of his valued and highly-prized Essence of Life. This wonderful agent will restore Manhood to the most, shattered constitutions, whether arising from excesses the effects of climate, or natural causes. > The time re quired to cure the most inveterate’case is four weeks; and, if used according to printed Instruc tions, which are very simple, failure is impossi ble. This life-restoring remedy sheuld be takes by all about to marry, as its effects are permanent. It is acknowledged by the medical press to be the greatest discovery ever made. Its developing powers are miraculous. Success, in every case, Is as certain as that science overthrows ignorance. l)r. Ricord’s Essence of Life is sold in with fell instructions for use, at 83, or four quan tities in one for 89, and will be sent to any part, carefully packed, on receipt of remittance to his accredited agent, PHILIP ROLAND, _ . 447 Broome, street, One door west of Broadway. N. Y. QPAL DENTALLIKa] “ de7-3m* A superior article for cleaning the Teeth, do- Jtroying anlmalcul® which infest them, giving tone to tlie gums, and leaving a feeling of fra grance and perfect cleanliness In the month. may be need dally, and will be found to strengther weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and de torelveness will recommend It to every one. Be ing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physician, and Mlcroscoplst, it la confidently offered as a KETjI A BLE substitute'for the uncer tain Washes formerly In vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constltu •nts of the DENT ADDIN A, advocate its uses; 11 contains nothing to prevent Its unrestrained em ployment. made only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary. „ BBOAD and SPRUCE Streets For tale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown, D. D. Stackhouse Hansard A Co., Robert O. Davis, a. B. Keeny, Geo. C. Bowens Isaac H. Kay, Charles Shivers, O. H. Needles, Q-. J. Scattergood, T. J. Husband, J. O. Turnpenny, A Co Ambrose Smith, Charles H. Eberls, Thomas Weaver, James N. Marks, William B. Webb, E. Bringhurst A Co,, James D. Bispham, DyottACo., Hughes A Coombs, H. C. Blair, Henry A. Bower, Wyeth A Bro. Electricity. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY aitd WON- . All acute and chronic diseases cuxedby spe cial guarantee, when desired by thd patient, at *1220 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, and in case of a failure no charge Is made. No drug ging the sy stem with uncertain medical agents. , All cores performed by Magnetism, Galvanism or other modifications of Electricity, without , shocks or any unpleasant sensation. For fur ther information send and get a pamphlet, which contains hundreds of certificates from | some of the most reliable men in Philadelphia, who hare been speedily permanently cured after all other treatment from medical 1 men had failed. Oyer eight thousand cured in less than four years, at 1220 WALNUT street. . N. B—Medical men and others who desire a | knowledge of my new discovery, paw com-! menoe a full course of lectures at any time. 1 Prof. BOLLES has qualified oyer one thousand physicians, who, use Electricity as a specialty. Consultation free. J 1 PROFS. BOLLES A GALLOWAY, oc!4-tf 1220 Walnut street Phila. A FRIEND IN NEED—TRY IT.-PR. SWEET’S INF AUDIBLE LINIMENT lx prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, ol Connecticut, the great bone setter, and ft**-* been used in his practice for the last twenty years with the most astonishing success. As an external remedy it is without a rival, and will alleviate fain more speedily than any other preparation. or all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders it ii truly infalible, and as a curative for Sores Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Ac., its soothing healing and powerful strengthening properties, •xcite the just wonder and astonishment of al; who have ever given it a trial. Over four hun dred certificates of remarkable cures, performed by it within the last two years, attest this fact Sold everywhere. mlO-ly JUMELLE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK.—We often hear by those who have used JUMELLE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF DOCK, that among all the thousand remedies offered to the public, there is none of them so salutary as a cough medicine,so potentas an in vigorator, <so effectual as a purifying specific, and so s- hooting rfhd restorative in cases of physical de bility, nervous irritation and a general sinking or a prostration of the system. For sale by the proprietor, F. JUMELLE, No. 1525 Market'street, and by all Druggists. ffe4-3ms HODGSON’S BRONCHI AD TABLETS ARB found to be an indispensable requisite in the treatment of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hojtrsness, and similar complaints affbeting the organs of tht voice} particularly recommended by speak ers, singers, and amateurs. Prepared, wholesale and retail, by LANCASTER A WILLS. ESTLACK’S DIPHTHERIA, LOZENGES These Lozenges are a safe and speedy cure for Diphtheria, Coughs, Sere Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections generally. Try them. THOMAS ESTLACK, Jr., Druggist, S. W. cor. of Eighteenth and Market ets., Phila. ia2S-3mQ TAYLOR’S ARNICA OIL OR EMBROCA TION.—A reliable article. Positively cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sprains, Frosted Feet, Chillbl&iiis, Pains in the Limbs, Chest, Sid« Bask. For sale by the Proprietor, H. B. TAY LOR, Tenth and Callowhill streets. Price, 25 rente. fe22-3m* JUST RECEIVED BY LATE IMPORTA tion, Hennessey’s fine Old Brandy, expressly for medicinal use. LANCASTER A WILLS, Pharmaceutists, N E. corner ARCH and TENTH Sts., Phila. *825 IS. WATERMAN, * The only Manufacturer of WATERMAN’S COCKTAIL « and TONIC BITTERS. Sold Wholesale and Retail. No. 1106 MARKET Street, fps-lm§ Philadelphia. SCOTCH WHISKEY In cases of one dozen each, on consignment and for sale by GEO. ALKINS, 10 and i 2 South Delaware avenue. Extra sparkling champagne ci der, af wholesale. Grocers and shippers invited to examine. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street, below Third and Walnut streets. ko4 F. DUNTON, ! • 1-ia South Front street, above Walnut. Agency of ORUSOE and C AMPELL SHERRIES. ERNEST IRRO Y&CO.»S CHAMPAGNES, Golden Star Brand, Ay Grand Mousseux, BRANDIES, PORTS and MADEIRAS. aul* Philadelphia, SUTLERS and SHIPPERS, ATTENTION. - CHAMPAGNE CIDER, warranted, now In fine order for Shipping. For sale, wholesale only, at 220 Pear st., below Third and Walnut sts. ao4 tjAA barrels pure CHAMPAGNE CIDER now OvU offered for sale, at 220 PEAR street,below ThiTd and Wain nt. , . no i— DR. FINE, PRAOTIUA^^I/X-^ 1 for the last twenty years, 219 VINE Steeet, below Third, inserts the most boautifW TEEIHO! the age, mounted on fine Gold, Platina, Suyer, Vulcanite, Ooralite, Amber, &C-, SS? 6 *!* 01 neat and substantial work, more reasonable than any Dentist in this city or State. Teeth plugged to last for life. Artificial Teeth repaired to suit No pain in extracting. All work warranted to fit * Reference, best families. de29-3ms ition, Office hours from at the office. de2-<smf *DEEFUL RESULTS. LIQUORS, &C. DENTISTRY : y*aaa.Y TO HTBS. Liverpool, Company are sail asfollowi.- teamsMf CITY Of WASHINGTON bn CITY Of MANCHESTER.' .'.SatJSda?’ feb 4? CITT OF L0ND0N...... SttSgVSeb” RATES OF PASSAGE; PAYABXtBIK SOLD OK ITS BQTJIVALBJIT IK fTTTC KBHOY. rat 0a’01n...,,.,580 Steerage..... ..«.f3O 00 Ist Cabin to London. 85 Do. to London 34 00 Ist Cabin to Paris.... 95 Do. to Paris.. 40 00 Ist Cabin to Hamburg 90 Do. to Hamburg 37 00 Passengers* also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotterdam,- Antwerp, &c., at equally low rates. ,a °H ‘LIVERPOOL OB Q,tTBBKBTOWK. bin, $7O, $B5, 8105. Steerage from Liyer ££srt ne i^ stowl1 ’ 830- Those who wish to raxes. lfa6ir fi * iendß can huy tickets here at these nrjoml^ 1 lex 7 til Walnut street, PhHadeiphffs, steamship LlNE—Sailing from each port on Satu,day--From first wharl above Pin. Etreet, Philadelphia, and Long wharf, Boston, on Saturday, February 27, 1864. ’ aa The steamship NORMAN, Captain Baber, t will sail from Philadelphia fer Boston on Saturday. at I<> o’clock, A. M. ,and steamshli SAXON, Captain Matthews, from Boston for Fbifc adfilPbia on Saturday. February 27th, at 4P. M. These new and substantial Steamships form a Saranfays 18 ’ ,a * Un * t trom each port punctnally on ..tag**, at one-half the premium charged by Freight taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send slip receipts and bills of lading with their goods. * For freight or passage, having fine accommoda tions, apply to HENRY WINSOR k. ■ 332 South Delaware avenue. - lOR ALiXdN DRt A, GEORGE- SbCbSiTOWN and WASHINGTON—Hand’s Steam Line, via Canal—Every Wednesday at U M., and every Saturday at BAt EL Steamer LEADER, Captain Callahan. ' Steamer H. J. DEVXNNY, Captain Bristow. Steamer S.~ SEYMOUR, Captain Room. Steamer E. CHAMBERLIN, Captain Stewart _ These steamers form a semi-weekly line between Philadelphia and the above ports, sailing regularly as advertised, and carrying freight lower than w any other route. Freights received every day. and bills of lading given. Apply to THOMAS : WEBSTER,. 14 North Wharves. . sel6-tf FOR NEW YORK.—DESPATCH 3M£&and SWIFT-SURE LINES—Via Dela ware and Raritan Canal.—The steamers of theso ‘“as are leaving dally at 12 o’clock, EL, andS o clock, P. M., from third Pier above Walnut st .. For freight, which will be taken on accommo dating terms, apply to WILLIAM El. BAIRD At CO., 132 South Delaware avenue. FOR NEW YORK—New Dally T.i™ •SHE ■& —Via Delaware and Raritan Canal Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Company will receive freight and leave dally at t P. M., delivering their cargoes in New York tbs following days. Freight taken at reasonable rates. WILLIAM P. CLYDE, Agent, 14 South Wharves, Phllada. JAMES HAND, Agent, 1y25-tf Piers 14 and 15 East River, N. T. FOE SAN FEAN CISCO. COLEMAN'S CALIFORNIA LINE. SAILING- REG-TJLAELT AS ADVERTISER Tli© A 1 Extreme Clipper Ship __ "WIZARD KING" * Is now rapidly loading at pier 11, East Biver. This beautiful clipper comes to her berth Savr with a large portion of her cargo on board, auu haying large engagements will All rapidly. We commend the WIZARD KING to aU ship pers to San Francisco as the most desirable vessel now loading, ano invite inspection. Shippers will confer a laror by sending their freight immediately alongside. „ BISHOP, SON & CO., tf 105 Arch street, aboys Front. FOR LAGUAYRA' and PUERTO OA SKye BELLO—The bark WHITE WING will sau lor the above ports on Wednesday, February SMth. For freight or passage, apply to JOHN DALLF.TT A CO., I‘2S Walnut street. le2o-4t FOR BARBADOS-The British schooner JEgFRANUIS COFFIN, Conzens, master,will commence loading on Monday next, the 22d Inst., and will meet with quick dispatch. GEORGE ALKINS A CO., Nos. 10 and 12 South Delaware avenue. ■' ■ . iel7 FOE NEW ORLEANS, La Direct.— JOgThe feat eaiUng regular packet bark OOMET Captain P. H. Morrison, haying two-thirds of her cargo engaged, ■will have quick dispatchfor the above port. For balance of freight oryjassaae.' apply to WORKMAN & QQ . 123 Walnut street! A, EAGLE LINE FOR HAVANA—Wanted 3G2& a small neutral vessel to load as above; good dispatch and good fates guaranteed by J. E. BAZLBT AGO., 122 South Wharves. fel9-5t FUR BOSTON —Express Line—To Sail ag&thi6 Day—The fli • packet schooner OAKES AMES, Captain French, is now receiving freight at CallowhilT street wharf, and will sail for the j»bove port with prompt dispatch For freight apply to davip hoover, is North Wharves. FUR BOSTON—Express Line—The fine 3Bftgpacket schr SE&RSVILLE, Capt. Sears, is uow receiving freight at Arch street wharf, and - will sail for the above port with prompt dis patch. For freight, apply to DAVID COOPER. 18 Nortl. Wharves, FOR NEW YORK—Express Line- I The 3E£|flne picket 'schooner JOHN FABNUM, Captain IJaii, i* now receiving freight at Callow hill street wharf, and will sail for the above port with prompt dispatch. For freight apply to DA VII■ Onovpß North Wharves Jhh MaJJN uLLK A SUNS, SAIL SS|M AKERS, No. 244 North WARVES, below Vine street, Philadelphia. All work done in the best manner and on the lowest and most favorable terms, and warranted to give pefiect satisfaction. mhls-Ef Particular attention given to repairing. THE UNDERSIGNED having rente! their Ship Y»rd, located between Queen and Christian streets, with the Marine Railway and Sectional Dry Dock, to A. S. SIMPSON A BRO., take this opportunity of expressing their thanks to their friends and patrons for their long and con tinued kindness. A. S. SIMPSON k BRO. being practical Ship wrights and Cahlkers, we recommend them to our late customers and those that have vessels to re pair, and are confident whatever, is entrusted to them will be carefully attended to. ja3(Klm*' - J. SIMPSON A NEILL. Phil.adei.pbia, Feb. 1, 1864. STEAMSHIP SAXON, F«UM BOSTON.— Consignees of merchandise per above vessel will please send for their goods, now landed on wharf above Pine sireet. HENRY WINSOR ACO.» 332 South Wharves. fe!B-3t CONMGNEfc.S*’ NOTICE The bark _IDDQ KIMBALL, Ulmer, master, from Now Or leans, will commence discharging her cargo at (Tathßm’a wbar'l), South street wharf, this (Thursday) morning; Consignees plea«e attend to the reception of their goods, and oblige WORK MAN A CO.. 1*23 Walnut street. felB CONSIGNEES’ NOTICE.—The bark Texas, Captain .T. F. Horton, from New York, is now discharging her cargo at street wharf. Consignees will please atteud to the receipt of their goods, as they will remain on the wharf at their risk. J. E. BAZLEY & CO., No. 122 South. Wharves. ~ • ~ . iels TOBACCO AND SEUAKS. TOBACCO. —so cases Anderson* sNayy Pounds; 28 hhds old Mason County Leal; 27 cases old Pennsylvania Leaf. 1? or sale by BOLDIN A WARTMAN, No. 105 North Waterstreet. felB KENTUCKY TOBACCO.—Dark heavy Ken tucky Tobacco, suitable for shipping, in store snd for sale by GEORGE ALKINS, 10 and 12 South Delaware avenue . ja!6 - Pennsylvania seed leaf tobacco. —ll4 Case* Pennsylvania Seed Leaf Tobacco, Wrappers an d Fillers, and Old Cavendish for sale by GEORGE AT.KTN'S, 10 and 12 South Dell ware Avenue. ' . Tirginia MANUFACTURED TOBACCO— THE FIRSTARiaVAL SINCE THE WAR BROKE OUT. 35 boxes superior sweet lump* Inst received from Norfolk, now landing from schooner Florence, and for sale by wmooner±iorenc^ oMAS WEBSTEK) jB f General Agent Union Steamship Company, l4 North Delaware avenue. qOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW."' BUIJHE2S’ COMPANION,EYERYSMOKEES COMPANION. The most complete present, a Father, mother,' Brother, Sister or Friend, can make, to their rela. tlvelnthe arniy; THE KIDGWOOD PIPE AND TOBACCO OASB ■ The cheapest, most useful, compact and con ye. nlent article ever mannfactured. call and inspeo ’ them. -■ R. AG. A. WRIGHT, Appointed sol® Agents, V Chestnut street. The tirade supplied at tb« Company’* prices; full ißcnunt -- * 1 *3 PRIVY WELLS. -OWNERS OFPROFER TY.—The only place to . get Privy Wells Cleansed and dislnfeoted at verj'jloi^.gri®®®- Manufacturer of Poudxette, Goldsmith's Hall, Idbrary strs*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers