MUNICIPAL CLAIMS. MUNICIPAL r ; is-- hereby given to the owners of proper ies-raftnUbaed in tbe appended , memoranda ot 'claims, that 'writs of scire-facias will be is.'Ued’ttjereon, un less the are duly paid. WM. 'W. JUVENAL, Atty. for Claimants. - - jfQ-. 2 Mercantile Library Building, Philada. > Feb. ,0/ISGi; • v * * IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITS' AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHI A.. The City ©f'Philadelphia to the use of Adam Waxtiintun. und Jamts ORarron,' trading as WaTtbmsn A'jßarron vs.' .'Wiilium H. Boyer, of March Term, 1859; No. i,for paving, Ac ,8208 27; let situate on the nonheasterlv corner ot Hunting* don & Jasper streets, 114 feet i'rout by 120 feet deep to Elizabeth street, lf)th ward.. Same vsiDarrett A SteUou, of September terra, 1809* No. Hi fqr pavin? T vi'c r S7OG 23; . lot situate, east Eide of Howard street, 69 feet northward from north side of [Daupinu street ,3S9feet front by. 16J feet 6 inches deep. 'Nineteenth wardi^ Same vs. Peter Fritz, of December terra, 1850, No., 85, paving, ~&c r , SSG3 61 ;• loVnortherly corner of Cumberland land Emerald.streets, containing in front on 'Cumberland etieet, ' 374 ; feet to Jasper street, by 140 feet 6 inches deep, Nineteenth ward. IN THfe" COURT OP COMMON PLEAS FOB THE CITY AND 'COUNTY OF PHILA DELPHIA. The City ol Philadelphia to the use of Adam ‘Warthman of/ James L. Barron,tradingos Warth man A Barron v©. A,.-Longstreth,' of March term, . 1859, No Jil'-paving Ac.% §l7 91; lot so at awest side of York - reel «>l (eel southeast from Sepriva sireet, con.:- jj g 30 feet by 129 feet G inches and % to G ordon, street, Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Philip Rump, March Terra, 1859. No. 96; paving, Ac., ?*32 8>; lot S. W. corner of York aud-LemonStreets, containing in front-on- York street 54 -'feet by 129 'feet -Gv inches- deep: 19th Ward. £ame vs. .E.:C*rQ,nin t -JUlarch. Term, .1859, No'.v 32'; paving/'»Acr, '€fo2'-22p lot S. 'sidi of Huntingdon street, .177 feet S. E. from Jasper fctTeet, containing dn-fronr 53 feet'6 Inches by 146 ieetB# inches in depth: 19th Ward. Same vs. A. Cet i, March Term, 1859, No. 121; Saving. A c.\8174.30; Jot, - Ac., westerly'corner ©f Lnntingdon and Jaspgr streets, Containing infront on Huntingdon street 90 feet G inches by LIG feet 8 inches m depth; 19th Ward.- , tame vs. James Croleher,' March Term, 1859, No. 135: paving Ac;,• §lO9 87, .lot, .Ac., N. W. corner of - Huntingdon and.Eraerala streets, 60 feet front on-Hpntingdoii sireet by l2oTeet in depth;,loth ward. ' ••• - ' - Same vb. McCartney &;Townsend, March Term, 1859, Ncf/l9t; : paving, Ac., SIUS p 0; lot; Ac., S. E. corner of Corat-andDreer streets* 19th ward. Same vs. Brown A Boyd, March Term 1859, No. ICG, pavinjg; Ac,'/s9s'€o;.Totr &c,/S. E.~ corner of Coral and Dauphin streets, 19th ward. ' Same vs. same, March Term, 1859, No. 198, paving, Ac., 816.G2: N. E. corner ol Coral and Moore streets, 12 feet front by 52 feet 7 inches deep, 19th waid. * ' Same vs. same, March term, 1859, No. 199. pa ving, Ac., BIG 62/ southeast sids of Coral street, 48 feet northeast- from Moore Street; ; Nineteenth' ward. Same vs. same‘s March term, June 1859, No. 200, paving, Ac., 810 62, lot. Ac., southeast side of Coral street, 24 feet, northeast from Moore street, Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Edward Leigh, March term, 1859, No. 201, paving, Ac., 624 97, lot northwest side of Coral street,,., .69 leet northeast from Dauphin, street, 54 feelt front, Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Brown A Boyd, March term, 1859, No. 202, paying; As., '.616 02, lot Ac., southeast side of Coral street, GO feet northeast from Moor© street, N.ih&hasnth ward;. . : . Same vs. Same, March'Term, 1859, No. 203; paving* Ac., Sl6 62v S.. E side of Coral street; 35 feet, N«,E. from Moore street, 19th ward. Same' - vs. Same, March Term,. 1859, ,No. 204: paving; Ac. ,' 818 39, S. E. side ot Coral street, 72 JeetN. E. fr6m:Mo'orestreet, 19thward.; ’ Same Janies Bodkin, March Term, 18$9, No. 205; pavfbg 'Ac., 824 97, lot, Ac., N. W. side of Coral street, 103 feet N. E. from Dauphin street, 19th ward. Same vs. Allen A Wiegant, March Term, 1859, No. 209; Paving, Ac., 823 14; lot rio'rthwest side pf Coral street 60 feet 6 inches southwest from Sergeant street; Nineteenth Ward. Same vs. James K. Polk, September Term, 1659, No. 60; paving, Ac., 827 67: lot, Ac., wesMide of Mascher street, 18 feet 3 inches south from Putnam street; 18 feet front; Nineteenth Ward. " Same vs. Nathan Warner, September Term, 1859, No 61; caving, Ac , 826 13; lot west side of Mascher street, 87 feet 3 inches south from Putnam street, 17 feet front: NineteenihWarcL' Same vs. Joseph Miller, September Term, 1859,’ No. 63; paving, Ac., 826 13; lot, Ac., west side of Mascher street, 70 feet 3 inches south from Putnam street; 17 feet front; Nineteenth Ward. ' felO,w;3t~V 00-PABTNEJBSHIPS. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—J. B. MITCH ELL is, from this date, admitted a member of om firm. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. PHII.JipEI.PHIi., Jaa. l, ISM. ietli-stfr CO-PAB.TNEItSHJP NOTICE.—GEORGE ALKINS and JOSEPH H. THOMPSON fcaye formed a Co-partnership for tlie purpose of transacting business, as,Shipping and-Commission Agents'and General Merchandise Brokers, under ♦.he style'and firm of GEOBGE ALittNS & CO. lelC,lBCl- IvGEOKGE AEKXNS & CO., • 151 Jfofr; F. JUMELEE, No. 1525 Market street, and by allDrngglsts. ffet-3m§ HODGSON’S DKONOHIAIkTABEETS ARB found to he an ir.dispensc.ble-'.T BRANDIES, PORTS and MADEIRASX aul* SUTLERS and SHIPPERS, ATTENTION. CHAMPAGNE CIDER,' wurrantedV-ndw’ is fine order for Shipping,: For sale, wholesale onlVi at 2211 Pear st., below Third and Walnut sts.. no! SAA barrels'pure -CHAMPAGNE- CIDER -now ilVv offered for sale, at 220 PEAR, street,halov* Third and’Walhnt. 1 ' i.. . - .- - • nut ' TJGTTQN SAIL DUOKrCOTTONCANVAS, \J of every weight, from one to tyro feet ,wide, all numbers; KeavY.Aahdlight RaRENS' DUOK iSHInAND TOPSAlLandVdiher Awhini Tw>ll», Paper Felting, Sa Twine,'Ac. For sale by W. EVERMAN & CO., au3S-lr Us. 13$ Jonas’a allay ition, Office hours from at the office. de2-6mi , TRAVELING gotde. READING RAILROAD. 3SBpPwS!fE“a!¥&:- q GREAT TRUNK LINE TO THE INTERIOB ANIA. THE SOHUYL ■ KILL,’ SUSQUEHANNA, OUMBErT LAND AND WYOMING LEYS, "... . \ - r : - .* THB *••• • ; . NORTH, NORTHWEST AND THE CAN ABAS, „ ; ' PASSENGER TRAINS' Leave the Company’s Depot, THIRTEENT tad OALLOWHILL streets, Philadelphia, at the following hours: a.'aVia *,MORNING.MAIL, At 8.15 A;JM, for 'Heading, Lebanon*, Harm, hure, R°ttsvpie, Pinegrove,,■ Snnbury, WilUamßportj Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Falla, S™!; ?’ 4,\}e n town,'Wilkesbarre, Pitts ten, York, C ?nJr,» l +!»,? llai?lliersb^rg ’ Hagerstown, Ac., Ac. This train connects at READING with the East Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentown, Ac., ana TOth the Lebanon Valley train for Harrisburg, Ac.; at PORT CLINTON with Catawissa. Rail road trains for Wilkesbaire, WilUamspoh, Lock Haven Elmira, Ac.; at HARRISBURG with Northern Central, Cumberland Valley, and Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains, tor Northum berland, Williamsport, . York, Chamhershure, Pinegrove, Ac. AFTERNOON EXPRESS. Leaves Philadelphia at 3; 30 P. M. for Reading, Pottsville, Pinegrove, Harrisburg, AC., connect ing at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania Central Rail road trains for Pittsburgh, Ac., Northern Central Railroad trains for Snnbury, Northumberland, Elmira, Ac., and at Port Cliuton with Catawissa Railroad train for Milton, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffalo, Ac. READING ACCOMMODATION. Leavesßeading at 6.30 A. M., stopping at all way stations; arrives in Philadelphia at 9. *25 A. M. Returning. leavesPhiladelphiaat4.3oP.M; ar rives in Reading at 7.25 P. M. Tmns for Ehilsdelphialeave Harrisburg at 8 A M.: and Potts vilfe at 0.15 A. M-.arriving in Phila delphia at P.M. Afternoon trains leave Hax risnnrg at 2. DO P. M.. and PottsvUle at 2.30 P.M.. arriving at Philadelnhia at 7.00 P.* M. Market trams, with a Passenger car attached, aves Philadelphia at I E. M.fofeßeadine and all way stations; leaves Reading at 12 Noon, and Downingtown at 12.30 P. M. for Philadelphia and all way stations- - ‘ - • All me above trains run daily;Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 7.30 A. M-. and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. Mi- ‘ , ” - CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. Passengers for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 8.-15 A. M and 4.30 P. M trains from Philadelphia, returning from Downingtown at 7.05 AI M. and 12.30 Noon. NEW YORK EXPRESS, FOR PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST. ■ - ; - Leavea New York at 7 P. M. , Musing Reading at lamldnigfct, ana connecting at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train for Pitts burgh. Returning, Express Train leaves Harrisburg or arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburgh, at 6.30 A. Id., passing Reading at 8.45 A. M., and striving at New York at 1.45 P.M. Sleeping Car accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without .change. . Hail trains for New York leave Harrisburg at b A. H. and 2 P. M. Hall trains for Hamsbuxi leave New Yorir at 6 A. M. and 12 Noon. ... . SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsvllle at 7. IS A. 31. and 3.30 P. H., returning from Tuecarom at 8.05 A. M. and 5.45 P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL- Trains leaye Auburn at 3-45 A. BL for Plntgroya and Harrisburg, at 10 A. M. and 1.80 and P. M. for Pinegrave only; returning from Harris burg at 7. MP. M. and from PinogroTß at 8.15 A M. and 4 and SP. H. TICKETS. Through Orst-da£s tickets and emigrant ticket* to all the principal points in the North and Weil and Canadas. The tallo wing tickets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 Soetb fourth street, Philadelphia, or of Cl. A. NlcoUs, 'j eneral Superintendent, Bedding, COMMUTATION TICKETS. At 25 per cent, disco tret between any point* da aired r*r families and flrmr. - try, MILEAGE TICKETS. _ .Jood for % 000 miles, between all points, at MS 3* each, fer families and firms. SEASON TICKETS,' For three, six, nine orttyelve months, for holds'; aaJy, to all points, at reduced rates. CLERGYMEN _ . Residing on the line of the Bead .will be Id alshed with cards, entitling themselves and wITBS to tickets at half-fare. . ' . .. ■? ■- EXCURSION TICKETS, From Philadelphia to principal - elatlone, good ier Saturday, Sunday and Menday, at redared (are, to be had only at the Ticket? Office at Thir teenth and OallowmU streets- FREIGHT. noods of *ll descriptions forwarded to *U Hu HvovTirolEio from tie. Company’s .Now Fra*b: tSmot, Broad and Willow streets. FREIGHT TRAINS Leayo Philadelphia daily at 6A- Iff.* IP* H.,. and 6P. M., for Reading Lebanon, Hanisbarg, PottSTille, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. Close at the Philadelphia Post Office for all Slices on the road and its branches at SA. M., and ir the principal Stations only at 2.15 P- M. Ml .I . 1.--. GERMANTOWN AND NOB PTr***#” TOWN RAILROAD. " ~ 'TIME TABLE. On and after December 7th, 1983. Until further notice. FOB GERMANTOWN. „ Leave Philadelphia—6, r, ?, 9, 10, 11, 12, A. M.; ’l, 2, 3.10, 4,5, 6,7, 8,9, 10, Hand 12P.M. Leave Germantown—s, 7, 7}f, 8, 8.20, 9, 10,11, 12 A.H.; 1,2, 3, 4, 5,6, 6*, 7,8, 9, lOandUP. M. The 8.20 down train will not atop . after leaving Germantown. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9.lo A. M.; 2,7, 10X P. M... Leave Germantown—B. Hi A- M-; 1, 6,'o\ P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. . Leave Philadelphia—6, 8, 10, 12 A. M., 2, 3Jf, : sk, 7, 9 and 11 P. M, . . i. Leave Chestnut Hill—7.lo, 8, .9.40, 11.40_A. BL 1.40, 3.40, 5.40, 6,40, 9.40 and 10.40 P, Ml The 3\ and sj( up trains do not stop on German town Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9.lo, A. BL; 2,.and7P. M. Leave Chestnut HR1—7.50 A. M.; 12.40, 5.40 and 9.25 F. M. FOR CONSHOHGOKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave PhUadelphla—6, 81(, 11.05 A. M-; I*, 3, 4.>(, 0.05, 8.C5, and Ilk F- M. Leave Norristown—6, 7, 7.50, 9, II A. M.; lkf, 4R andO.P. M. . . ON SUNDAYS. Leave -Philadelnhla—9 A. M.; 2R P. Bt- Leave Norristown—7lf-A..M.t 5 8. M V - FOR MANAYUNK. Leave PhUadelphla—6, BJf, U.OS A. M.; 1# J. 4X; 6.05, 8.05, and ll.lf P- M- _ : Ijeavo Macavhnk —6ir, 7><, 8.20, 9X, 11)4 A. M. S, 5 and 6K‘P. M. r • K 1 ON SUNDAYS. „ „ Leave Philadelphia— iVX* :~,r -r ■ !~i tV." a ; > I'ziiro tO' Rsthteh^UX.itMiMiM• a■ 56. .... Fcire tO-rEitetcjn.l 56 1 Fare toMaucK Chunk ..,.=~ ■ v Through Tickets must ba procured at the Ticket ’ Office,7T-HIRD streetctf-BERK.S'street, In otdec to secure the above-rates of fare.. - ■■ ■' ■ apis , • ELLIS CLARE, Agent. ■ Philadelphia and el 18alfiS!SS«!B3MIRA RAILROAD LINE. _ EHIIcW) winter arrangement. For Williamsport, Scranton, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and.all points in the -West and. Northwest.. Passenger Trains .leave the Depot of Philadelphla.and Reading Railroad, oor. BROAD and iCALLOWHILL streets, at 8.15 .At Mi and 3.30 P. M. daily, except Sundays. ■ ;;; ttTJICKEar'RO'UTEfrom Philadelphia to points In Northern and Western Penns ylyania, .Western New Yark. &c., Ao. .Baggagechecked through to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or intemediate points. Fax further information apply to JOHN S. HILLES, General Agent, Thirteenth and CallowhißstreetSi' set'- and office N.W. cor. Sixth and. Chestnut jgg; WEST CHESTER AND PHI LADELPHCAr RAILROAD, VIA MEDIA. . WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On''and afrer MONDAY! December 7th, 1863, the Trains will leave Philadelphia,-from the De pot, N.E. comer of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET streets, at 8.00 and 10.45 A, M.,, and at. 3,00 and 4. OOP.'M. Trains leave the corner of Thirty-first ■ and Market .streets (West Philadelphia) 17 minutes after the. starting, time from Eightc.9nth, and Marker ■ A Freight’Traln, with Passenger Cara®*? l^! ' wtU leave the corner, of.- -XHIPTY-FXR 15 ! „„ c MAREET,’.streets (West . 'PhUadelplua), at o.ju ■ Trains leave West Chesterat ((..40,.6.30 an dlft. 35 A. M., and atl;2annd4i3s.Pt M.-,. . ■ * Leave Phi.adeipkf & TXi a V kULsU G'CTiDE. SgßS7%jfte. WHST JEnSEYRAIIiEOAD, . uiae oj-trains, coin*, i-Mi/AA, Jun: -u i&r4 ' . * 1 -. - ;*Ta-iv; walnut street wharf. .. jii-bA. M.'at 6 A; M. ForT*iiitt.-vnn T , *c.*ct9A. M. ar.d3P. H. Be ' t im»ixig rf;f» A. M- and 1 10 E M ‘ &c., at 9A. M. and 4 p.* -Iff, Be. . .tunitir'iai6.3(; A. M* aridT3U‘l\ LI. - * v FbrSttifiru,. A c.. ,ai .9 A. and 3 and i p.lff A. jVI. anditOP.-10. For if* '-*uvr, ic., at 9A. M. and 3, 4 and.6P. .... at7.t:o. 75*18, 9.58 A» H. and 3 - 45 IMVI. ~ -. J. Superintiendent, .: SALEM RAILROAD. .ot trains, commencing FRIDAY, Rmmiijs Jan. ii-04, Froiii .Wainv*tSTtreet- Wnairi at 9 A. M. and 3 and 4P. ax. Freight 12 M. Returning, leave Salem at 4 and BA. and I.IOP. PTtiglit uaiiy eacii wuj. Apply to MOBTON HILLS, Agent,yd Covt»red Pier above Warntitst,. •J. YAN RENSSELAER, Snperinteiidenl.- ~ CAPE: MAY AND MILLVILLE RAILROAP. b nnning timeol trains, commencfijlfe FRIDAY* Jan. 1, 1&94, from W r aliini Street WLarf. ' For .Captr Island, Court House, Dennisyllie, Txictaboe, Port- Elizabeth, and by lines oi stages to all parts of Cape Hay county, at 9 A.- M. Retuiumg, leave Cape island at 6A. H, Due in Philadelphia at 10.15 A» M. ; . Freight sent or brought daily.. Apply to HOR TON MILLS, Agent, 2d covered Pier above WAI - street ino 12 : 3. VAN RENSSELAER, Sup’t BCXmM&r- PHILADELPHIA • AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL WINTER ARRANGEMENT. : On and after Monday, Dec. 7th, 1863, the Trainai »vin Philadelphia Ixom theDEPCT of the : - W. C. A'P, R. R.CO., NORTHEAST CORNER - 05 EIGHTEENTH AND HARRET STREETS, atB.oo A. H. andLOOP.-H. Returhing, leave Oxford at 7.00 A. H., and3.lo P. H. ; The Traiirie'avliK: Philadelphia at 8.00 A. BL connects at Oxford Vith & line of Stages Tor Peach Bottom, 'in Lancaster County; returning; leaves Peach Bottom to connect -with the afternoon Train for Philadelphia. HENRV W00D,.; »e!4 Superintendent. SHBEEPFS NOTICES. TLtGTIOE—T.> THO.dAS L, CHESTER, J3i late or .the County of Philadelphia;—ld obe dience o aii order of Publication to me directed, . you are hereby nodded to be and appear.'in.ihe Court oi Common Pleas for the City and County, of on the firstMONDAY of March nest, to show cause, if any you. hate/why your' wife, ADALAIDE CHESTER' should . not he di* ort'ed from the bonds of Mammony enteredlnto., with you.according to the prayer of her petition ’*. hied in said Court. .. JOHN THOMPSON* Sheriff Snxmß'F’s Office, Philadelphia, Feb. 8, 1564. Q, ■-Ta Washington o. hart. ite of tbe County of Philadelphia —- to an order of Publication to vme are hereby notified to be and appear of Common Pleais for the