Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 15, 1864, Image 6
Lecture by Joseph: Barker —During the early part of the present week Mr. Joseph Bar ker, recently the celebrated advocate of Secu larism, has been delivering sermons and lec tures in the Working Men’s Institute, West-, gate, in favor of Christianity. On Sunday he preached two sermons, and on Monday evening the subject of his lecture was, « The Bible, its worth, and how to use it.” The speaker showetf, that the Bible was the. only book adapted to all the requirements of man’s mental and spiritual nature, and showed that it had been the means of doing more good than any Other book in existence. On Tuesday evening his subject was, « Christianity, the best Secu larism. and something more and better than the best Secularism.” He compared the per sonal appearance, health and mental ability oi the Christians with those of infidels aud showed the former to be vastly' superior in all. He spoke of the elevating tendency of Chris tianity and the demoralizing efiect ot infi delity' and showed that Christians had done more to advance education, natural philosophy, geography, and every other branch of know ledge, thair the so-called Secularists, and were also more happy and contented in their secular pursuits in the hope of a life of bliss hereafter; whilst he stated, and he spoke from experience, that the life of an infidel was a life of coutinual •uneasiness, discontentment, and fear. On Wednesday night he took for his subject, “The teachings,' the experiences, and the lessons which ho had learned in his journey through life.” He reviewed his own history—entered into an account of the reason which had in duced him to become separated from the Church, and what had induced him to return, and exhorted his hearers to remain steadfast. The lecturer was favored with good audiences on each occasion. —Bradford {Eng.) Review, Jan . 2s. Arrival or Rebel Prisoners. —Four hun dred rebel prisoners, commissioned officers, who have been confined on Johnston’s Island, opposite Sandusky City, arrived here yesterday afternoon, by railroad, in charge of a detach ment of one hundred men belonging to the 129th Ohio volunteers. : The Provost Guard were in waiting at the depot for their reception, and kept them from holding any communica tion with the citizens during their stay here. They were soon transferred to the cars on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and left for Harrisburg and Baltimore. -They were comfortably clothed, with a few exceptions, and nearly all of them wore grey coats. The noted guerilla chief, Gen. Jeff. Thompson, and Captain Breckin ridge, a son of the renegade general, are among the number. We understand that, on the arrival of the prisoners at Baltimore they will he transferred to Annapolis, and placed under the charge of .Gen. Butler, who is very com petent to attend to them. —Pittsburgh Gazette , Feb. 12. BOARD OF TRADE. S. W. DE COURSE*, ) JAMES O. HAND, > MONTHLY COHHITTH3. GEORGE L. BUZ BY, 1 IMPORTATIONS, Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. TRINIDAD—Bark Andes, Meiriman—l6s hhdi sugar 12 tea do 212 hhds molasses 22 tci do George j Carson & Co. CIENFUEGOS—Schr C Fantuzzi, Wooster—2oo hhds sugar 33 tea do 34 hhds molasses Madeira St Cabada. SAILING DAYS OF STEAMSHIPS, TO ARRIVE. SHITE FROM FOB DATE North American-Liverp’l-Portland Jan. 28 Adriatic.... Galway...Boston Feb. I Virginia Liverpool-New York Feb. 2 CofMancheater.Liverpool..New York Feb. 8 Hammonia.. Southampton—New Y0rk.........Feb. 9 Saxonia Southampton—New York—...... Feb. 10 Africa Liverpool.. New York Feb. IS Asia IdverDool. .Boston. Feb. 13 Bremen Southampton-New York ...Feb. 17 Canada Liverpool—Boston Feb. 20 Bavaria.... .Southampton.. New Y0rk...... Feb. 24 TO DEPART. Arabia Boston—Liverpool .Feb. 17 Cof Washington..N York. -Liverpool. Feb. 17 8e110na........ New York.. London Feb. IS Morning Star.. New York. .HavanaStN.O—-Feb. 20 Bavaria... New York.. Hamburg ..Feb.2o Roanoke New York. .Havana Feb. 20 China New York. .Liverpool Feb. 24 LETTER BAGS it THX KBBOHAHT6' BXOHAH9B, PTrrT.ATVgT.PTTTA “tip Tuscatora, Dunlevy Liverpool, Feb. 25 Brig Sitka, Barbados, soon Schr Henry Nutt, Baker Fort Spain, soon rOBT or FHILAJELPITT*, TERRIT ATtY Jg, Bna toss,B 44 | Bun Sbtb, 516 | Eish Watse, 745 ARRIVED ON SaTURuaY. Bark Andes, Herriman, 17 days from Tvinidad de Luba, with sugar and molasses to O O Oaraon kOo. Bark Iddo Kimball, Ulmer, 11 days from New Orleans, with sugar, to Workman A 00. Barklmogene, Saunders, 20 days from Neff Or leans, with marble, to Curtis & Knight. Schr CEantauzzi, Wooster, 15days from Clen fuegos,.with sugar and molasses, to Madeira A Oa bada—vessel to E A Souder A Co. baflast tio Captefn. mB ’ 4 Var T «* lo *& fr ° m mif ° ra * wS chr >J? elel J’ ? un * er > 1 day from Pivot Bridge. Del, with grain to Christian A Co. “ 1 CLEARED ON SATURDAY. st ““ B a “ P E ° bert Morris > Warren - New Orleans, wJwS! 1 ’ , Fa “»- Mershon,N Orleans,Gaptsin. Emeiy>JLreclbo,PH. J MaaonAOo. Schr Marion, Prior, Stamford, Ofc. E A O ulnt ap.l inhpSS. tU r ljsto^eCw ashington, RJones. I Noble! CaWweU A r co Uamfl ’ Green P°tat ) ;NY. S bunf F Simmons ’ Williams, N. York, R N Bath lehi U T y tS Sha , rp ’ Mayhew, Beaufort, Hi A Adams. IS? pi Kc^ cdjr ' Hoover, Newbern, do §? sto ,?’ ® row sr,~Fort Monroe, Tyler A Co Bost °“.& B Kerfeot. St’r RWilim| I mao N n"i^f rn,U S Quartermaster. St>r H L (law nw 'p B u- timote ' A Groves, Jr. Dt-rui, (law, Iller, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. MEMORANDA. 13® tart! for tMB X port MattheWa ’ Cleared at Boston imS. £ B s,:i’r?;s;s {|*swa , ssrj"' 0 "“-’ “ •SSfISSiSSSg: » oa.™. in®“nt. ‘ hami>ion ’ Tracey > heaoe at Brston, 12th at Sf a "? P e!!t ,^l S a al 131 Urohad ' at ß ß ri o S sto o ml2 e ;h D io V st''’ Bn<l H Mea “. Watts, hence ‘tig rP Porti “ inst fofthlS Hortl Btay - cleareil a » New York, lath inS I fo?tbis S Ne^ 8 v Ch b. rler6<l at Havana 6th Brig Geo alss)i l $5)i pcr hhd - ' Boston 13th inat. • m ’ T ‘ 10rnt °n, hence, waß below M in Peb? khOUBe ’ at I ‘ esllorn Mary J E^ ad^^u^a^’ Moody; A TirreU, Higgins; hence at Boatoi I2th init, d F A hawyer ’ Keed mOutb, 6®h®nsh anCe ’ Ni Sktingale, hence at Ply liHUnßf J™® Matanzas.at Portland Schis Geo EdwaX w2 U S d ° t > U port ’ eleared at New YorrisSffiwt aad Campbell,Soule, tor this at BrTstol m o th d f n ’f , y ti ?, Mington t from Fall port. Mrlat °l l °th inat. to .finish loading for this Schr Forest Kin* o ft , , ] 13th inat. for this' poft. a yd *. cleared at New York BarkLD C®v«® Philadelphia, bound’to ■ FeasSertt®** 1 Whlte > ft ™ Parmer’beach, on Saturday^ni"ht w « A W F eeied °“ . 088. , The crew were saved. iV SfJ' * total Classed A 2, 414 tons, built at Bocklahdffearf ar was from,which poit she hailed. land ’ Me - la 1255, AaHSjft&r CARRIAGE MAKERS, ■, ‘ GffSggL J. LEITENBERGER & SON 607 PINE STREET. SPECIAL NOTICES. -WAItD ATTENTION! ! The citizens of the Ward are invited to meet at the BAPTIST CHURCH, corner of FIFTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets, on MONDAY EVEN ING', Eeh. 15th, 1864, at o'clock, ' to-adopt mpa?nres to secure the quota of the Ward, and ™VOID THE DRAFT. Come all and show by your presence that you sire determined the Twelfth Ward shall not be sub jected to a Draft. A full report of tbe doings of the Committee will be read. One honest effort, and tae Ward will be treed from the Draft. Let every citizen attend the infecting. Eminent speakers have been engaged. WM. B. MANN, President. I)AVIS PEARSON, Treasurer. WM.B. CONNELL, i-ecretary._ fel3-2t* iVS» AMERICAN LIKE INSUKiiVCB AUD IL3 TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT street, Southeast comer of Fourth, Philadelphia. Feb ruary 4th, 1804. The Trustees have this day declared a divi fiend of FIFTY PER OJ2NT. on all premiums received upon Mutual Policies'during the year ending De cember 31st, 1563, and in force at that date, the above amount to be credited to said Policies, and have also ordered the dividend of 1860 on Policies issued during that year to be paid, as the annual pre miums on said Policies are received. feb-Bt JOHN S. WILSON, Secretary. ■y~==*OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD J 5 COMPANY, Philadelphia, January 25, NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDER. S—The annual meeting or the Stockholders of this Company will oe held on TUESDAY, the 16th day of February, 1=64, at 10 o’clock, A. M., at the SANSOM STREET HALL. ' The annual Election for Directors will ba held m MONDAY, the 7th day of March 1831, at the Office of the Company, No. 233 South THIRD street. EDMUND SMITH, je2s-tfel6 Secretary. MERCANTILE LIBRARY. -Theannua! Jot Election of Officers of tnis institution will be held at the LIBRARY, on TUESDAY, Feb ruary JCth, between the hours of 4 and 8 P. M. The adjourned .annual meeting of the Stookhold- ‘ ers to consider the proposed alteration: of the Chatter,add otherhiv iness,will he held on WED NESDAY EVENING, February 24th,- at 7k o ole ck. JOHN LARDN ER, Jr., fe!o-6ts Rec. Secretary. OFFICE OF THE UNION MUTUAL J 5 INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILA DELPHIA, Philadelphia, January 11, 1801. Notice is-herebv given to the holders of the out standing Scrip of the Union Mutual Insurance Company of Philadelphia, that the Stock and Scrip holders, at a meeting held this date, re solved to extend to the holders of the outstanding Scrip the privilege.of converting said Scrip into ’he Capital Stock of the Comnany, according to section 6th of the amendment to the Charter, on the same terms as previously done; payment’of instalment to be made February 1, 1861. Other wise, interest to be charged on payments made after that date, and the privilege of conversion to cease after June 30, 1861. jai3-w,f,m2in§ JOHN MOSS, Secretory.. PENNSYLVANIA MINING CUM ii5 PANY OF MICHIGAN—Notice is hereby given that an installment of two dollars per share bn each and every share of the Capital Stock in the Pennsylvania Mining Company of Michigan, has this day been called by the Board of Directors of said Company, due and payable at the Office of the Company, No. 326 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, on or before the 19th day of, December, 1=6.1. in. terest will he charged on all installments after the 3ame shall have become due. By order of the Board of Directors. de7-d2i-mw f-30t$ S. M. DAY,’Secretary. Dated Philadelphia. Dec. 7, IS#3. % YS=» OFFICE CITY BOUNTY FUNDOOM ILS MISSION, No. 412 PRUNE Street, Phila delphia, December 19, 1563. The Commission for tho payment of the Oity Bounty are now prepared to receive and adjust the claims of all new recruits in old regiments. Until further notice, the Commission will sit daily from 3 to 5 P. M. Bounties will he paid to those only whoso names are borne on rolls furnished to the Commission by the Assistant Pro Tost Marshal-General, or the United States Mustering Officer for Philadelphia. Claimants for the bounty must be vouched for by a responsible United States Officer. Officers will bring their men to the office In sqnads for the purpose. In afevrdaj-8 notice wiU he given when andhow recruits in new organizations and veterans re-en listing in the field can receive their bonntv. ’ By oi der of the Commission. ja4 tf SAMUEL C. DAWSON, Secretary. «%=• OFFICE CITY BOUNTY FUND COM -15 MIISSION, No. 412 PRUNE street, De cember 29, 1563. Warrants for the City Bonnty (two hundred and titty dollars) will be issued to all new recruits for old regiments, credited to the quota of Fhiladeß phia on the coming draft. Muster rolls, certified by proper mustering offi cers, must be sent to the office of the Commission one day previone to the issuing of the warrants. Officers must accompany and vouch for their men when the warrants are delivered. Philadelphia soldiers re-enlisting In the field will receive their warrants as soon as certified copies of the master-in-rolls are furnished to the Commis sion by the Adjutant-General of the State. Men enlisted in Col. McLean’s Regiment (tend Pennsylvania Volunteers), will receive the bounty In companies when duly mustered into the U. S. service, and credited to the quota of the city. The Commission sits daily from 3 to 5 P. M., during which hours only warrants are delivered. These warrants are casned .on presentation at the office of the City Treasurer, Girard Bank. By order of the Commission. jal-tf, SAMUEL C. DAWSON, See’y. ?y»_PHILADELPHIA AND READING LkS RAILROAD COMPANY, OFFICE NO. 237 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, December 3, 1863. DIVIDEND NOTICE The transfer Books of this Company will be closed on THURSDAY, 37th Instant, and re-opened on TUESDAY, January 12, 1864. . ' A Dividend of SEVEN PER CENT., clear of State tax, has been declared on the Common Stock, payable in Common Stock on and after 31st Decem ber next te the holders thereof as they shall stand registered on the books at the close of business on the 17th'inst. A Dividend of THREE AND A HALF PER GENT., clear of all State fax, bas been declared on the Preferred Stock, payable in cash or Common Stock, at the option of the holder, bn andaftnr the 31st of December next, to the Stockholders, as they shall stand registered on the books at the close ol business on the 17th Lust. Holders of certificates which have been dis eharged from this office, or either of the Transfer Agencies, are particularly requested to have them duly ’registered on the Transfer Books to which they have been transferred, nrior to the 17th Inst. Stockholders whose names' are registered on the New York Books will be paid at the Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, and those whose nameß are registered on the Boston Books will be paid at the office of Mesers l. E. Thayer A Brother. - de3 \S. BRADFORD. Treasurer. MBS HILTON’S CEMENT The Insoluble uJS Cement of the Messrs Hilton Brothers is cer tainly the beet article of the kind ever invented. It should be kept m every manulactory, workshop and house, everywhere. By its use many dollars can bo saved in the rnn of a year. This Cement cannot decompose or become corrupt, as its combi nation Is on scientific principles, and under no cir cumstances or change of temperature will it emit any offensive smell. The various uses to which it can be successfully applied renders it Invaluable to all classes. For particulars see advertisement. fHEADCiUARTEBS FOR DRAFTED MEN, 133 U WALNUT street—PmLADXLriilA, Feb. J, 1564. RECRUITS FOR HANCOCK’S CORPS. Sp PREMIUM. The Contributors to the Coal Bounty Fnnd have authorize d me to pay the sum of Five Dollars for every recruit received for the old Philadelphia Regimen s belonging to the Second Army Corps. This sum will be paid on the delivery of the re cruit at the BROAD and CHERRY STREET HOSPITAL, and will continue up tp the 30th inst , or until 3,SB# men are received. Recruits will be credited to the particular Ward selected by themselves. The; Regiments for which Recruits are required arc the 6Sti, 71st, 73d, lffllh, 81st and noth Pennu. Vo’unteers. ■ The attention or a’l recruits and reerniting agents is called to the matter. JOHN GIBBON, Brig. Gen. Vole. At a meeting of the contributors to the Goal Bounty Fund, held February Ist. 1861, itwas Hcittrtd, That the balance of the fnnd he applied to the filling up the Philadelphia Regiments of the Second Army Cornu. Army of the Potomac. Brig. Gen. JOHN GIBBON was authorized to disburse the fund for that purpose. B. W. RATHBUN, Sec. STOYES, HEATEBS, &C. Thomas s. dixon, „ I*te Andrews A Dixon, ■ No. 1324 GHESTN UX street, Philadelphia . Opposite United States Mint, . Manufacturers of LOWDOWN, PARLOR, CHAMBER, - OFFICE, AND OTHER GRATES, . Tor Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Tirol ‘ ALSO, - WARM AIR FURNACES, ■ Tor Warming public and private bulldiaga REGISTERS, VENTILATORa. ' '• - AK9 - ' CHIMNEY CAPS, > COCKING RANGES, BATH BOILERS. Ac. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, i my* ‘ YHE DAILY EVENING.BUILfeTIK : PHILADELPHIA, MONDAF tEERUAb-T in. 1864. TV EAVY4-4 SHIRTING LINENS,SU CENTS. "CIURWEN STODDART * BROTHER, . Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North Second street, fel3-3ts above Willow. Friendly. foulard silks. Browns, White Figures. Modes, Small Figures. Blues, Purples, and Blacks. Good Plain Silks. . 355 Black aiß Brown Silks. Spring Silks Opening, x . ■ EYRE A LAN DELL, Fourth and Arch streets. i A INCH LYONS VELVETS. 4(1 36 inch Cloak Velvets 30 inch Lyons Velvets. Velvets for Spring Mantles, feio EYRE & LANDELL. SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE LADIES. The CHEAPEST SILKS in the Maiket. 1,500 yards neatplaid India Silks at si OOperyard. 500 yards black and white India Silks, at Slpn.yd. 0i 0 yards brown andwhlte India Silks, atjlpr.yd. 1,100 yards broken plaids India Silks, at si per yd. 400 yards bine and while India Silks, at Si pr.yd. They make the most serviceable dress a lady can wear They are selling very fast. Call and ex amine them before the assortment is broken. At JOHN H. STOKES’ S, 702 Arch street. ■ IYI ARSEILLES QUILTS —Of fine quality, at 4*l moderate prices. Good Blankets in large sizes.. Sheeting Muslins, of every width. Several grades of Tickings TABLE DAMASKS—Power-loom Table Lineil, damask pattern. Power-loom Table Linen, dice pattern. Bleached Table Damasks and Cloths. 8-4 Bleached Damask, S’ 00, a bargain. , Fine Towels, Napkins, Nursery Diapers. Ballard vale Flannels, 62>4 j to SI per yard. New York Mills Williamsvilles, Wamsuttas. Richardson’s Shirting and fronting Linens. BLACK SILKS—Just opened a lar.e lot, marked low. Spring Delaines and Prints. Mode*Alpacas, choice shades. , Printed Brilliants and 4-4 Fancy Shirtings. , . „ . COOPER A CONARI), fe* S. E. comer Ninth and Market. T SIMPSON’S SONS. 922 AND 924 PINE .Street—Would respectfully call the attention of purchasers in general to the Large and Ohoice Stock of Worked Lace Curtains, purchased last ;vear at Auctidu in New York. Also. Embroidered Muslin Curta’ns ana Embroidered Muslin for Oar tains by yard or piece, which w II be disposed of at prices much less than present value to pur chasers, viz: Rich Vestibule Lace Curtains, 81 00 per pair. Ri.h Vestibule Lice Curtains, Ss Oi) per pair. Pretty styles Window Lace Curtains, SG 50 per pair. Three Different Lots and Styles Rich Designs Muslin and Laco combined, 310 00 per pair. Superfine Rich Design, Extra Size Lacs Curtains, SIS 00 per pair. Extra Superfine. Very Rich Design, Extra Size Lace Curtains, only 525 00 per pair. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS. 1 Lot Quite Pretty, Only S 4 00 per pair. 1 Lot Better, On.y S 5 00 per piir. 1 Lot Handsome, Only SG 00 per pair. 1 Lot Richer, Only S 3 td per pair. 1 Lot Very Rich, Only 810 CO per pair TO CLOSE OUT THE INVOICE. ALSO, 5 lots of choice designs Embroidered Muslin Onr tains, £7, SS, =9, 812 and 814. TRULY BARGAINS. LAST, BUT NOT LEAST. 4 lot 3 Embroidered Muslin for Onrtains, 75 cents per yard, worth the pneo five years ago. CLOTH STOKE.—JAMES A LEE INVITB the attention of their friends and others to thali large and well assorted stock of good* adapted U Mec snd Boys’ wear, comprising la part Black French Cloths. Bine do do Colored do do „ OVERCOAT CLOTHS. Black French Beavers. Colored do do Black Esquimaux do Colored do do • Bine and Black Pilots. PANTALOON STUYFC. Black French Casaimerss. do do Doeskins. Fancy Cassimeres. Mixed and Striped do Plaids and Silk Mixed. Satinets all qualities. Cords, Heavensent, Ac. „ VESTINGS. Fan cy Silk Vestings, Black Satin Vestinea. Fancy Silk Velvet do Plain and Fancy Cashmeres. Wool, Velvet and Valencia. Also, a large assortment of Trimmings, adapts* o Men and Boys’ wear, at wholesale and retail. JAMES A LEE, No. 11 North Second street, e*3* Sign of the Golden Lamb. S;i«PSpN’S SONS, 922 AND 934, PINE • STREET, Have now on hand, and offer at very favorable prices, a full assortment of Housekeeping Goods, Linen and Cotton, comprising Sheeting, pillow Case, Shirtings, Blankets, Snr.adi Towels, Nap. kins, Doylies, Table Cloths, Table Covers. Towels, Towelings, Nursery Diapers, Table Dam as as. Flannels, Ae. REaT KED'UO T lONS—VK«Y LOW PRICES.—As we are determined to closeout our entire slock of WINTER DRESS GOODS. REGARDLESS OF COS T: Closing out French Merinoes, 75 cents. Closing out French Poplins. Closing out -hawls Closing ont Cloaks. ALL THE LEADING MAKES OF MUSLINS, Bleached and Unbleached, V, V, j. v, 6-4. E-4. 9-4 and ItM wide, at the * ' ’ VERY LOWEST PRICES: H. STEEL A SON, ■ Nos. 713 and 715 North Tenth street. PRESENTS.— ~ LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. S. MILLIKEN A CO., 838 ARCH and 33 South SECOND street, have now open a very fine assort ment of Ladies', Genu’ and Children’s Handker chiefs, which they are selling at a small advanoe on old prices. LADIES’ HANDKERCHIEFS. Tape Borders, at 10,13, 14, IS, IB and 3J cents Hemstitched, from 35 cents up to the finest Bevtere Borders; Tucked Borders. Wide Hemstitched borders. Colored Embroidered Borders. Herringbone-stitch, In colors, Ao. Some of the above are put np in fancy boxes, suitable for presents. GHATS’ HANDKERCHIEFS. Tape Borders, from 20 cents up to the finest. Printed Borders, new styles, from 31 cents. Hemstitched, new styles, in wide hems. Hemstitched and printed. Herringbone-stitch, in colors, Ac. Also, a beautiful assortment of Children’a plain and printed Handkerchiefs. LINEN GOODS GENERALLY—We have always on hand the most extensive stock of all kinds ol Linen Goods to be found In the city. We Import and deal in Linen Goods, exclusively, and can always offer to either Wholesale or Retail buyers tho advantage of purchasing at a Tery small advance on manufacturer’s prices. A MILLIKEN A 00., de2SJ 828 Arch street, and 33 S. Second street. Magnificent Balmoral skirts, jo*t received. Price, SlO a piece. Balmoral Skirts, 50. Balmoral Skirts, S 3 00. Balmoral Skirts, $4 00. » Balmoral Skirts, $5 00 to Sl3 00 a piece. Blisses 1 Balmoral Skirts. EDWIN HALL A 00., 30 Sooth. Second street. IS, WATERMAN, ' . The only Hannfactnrer of WATERMAN’S COCKTAIL and TONIC BITTERS, Sold Wholesale and Retail. No. 11G6 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. BAY RUM.—Pure Bay lfnm, imported direet frombt. Thoirtaf, W. 1., in bottle add for sale by GEORGE ALKIN’ S, 18 and 12 South Delaware Avenue. . • ja3o SCUTCH WHISKEY Is cases of one dozen each, on consignment and for sale by GEO. AI.KIN-S 10 and -2 Son'll Delaware avenue. Extra sparkling champagne ci der, af wholesale. Grocers and snippers invited to examine. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pool street, below Third and Walnut streets. no 4 Jr, DUNTON, . 149 Sonth Front street, above Walnut. Agency ofCRUSOEand OAMPELL SHERRIES, ERNEST IRROY A CO. ’ S CHAMPAGNES, Golden Stnr Brand, Ay 'Grand Hensseax, BRANDIES, PORTS and HADEIRAB. aul* Sutlers and shippers, attention.— CHAMPAGNE CIDER, warranted, now In fine order for Shipping. For sale, wholesale only, at 220 Pear st., below Third and Walnut sts. no 4 ft barrel* pwe CHAMPAGNE CIDER now wUU offered for sale, at 220 PEAR street,below Third and Walnut. not MS LEANS, NO. 402 CHESTNUT . \ 1 . rB l Premium awarded by Franklin Institute S£r LEANS, Manufacturer ot masonic harks, PINS, EMBLEMS, AO. New and original designs of Masonic Marks and Templars’ Medal*, Army Medal* and Oorpi Badges of every description de3-3mo^d ,DRY GOODS, LIQUORS, ,&0. FOB SALE AND TO LET. ftjji -ARCH .STREET DWELLING, BfcLOW SSL. Eighth Street, FOR sSLe, 21 feet (fffiches teet with back buildings, aiming? Ac , and suitable, lor a Store, bv A ,>a.Vt h - ' MOP BIS, 916 Arch bt. fet. ” 7 rffij GERMANTOWN. -FOR SALE—-Early JSziL possession, the PREMISES, GREEN street. ,he , c , onU!rof Harvey, occnp’i^“y D r. Dar 'eTV 1 par i’ r ’ dining-room, winter end snm hot an<i co!cl water, bath, water- Sldtov* 0- ’ lot 70 by 2.0 feet deop; plemy Of shade Arch str^» eefi8 ‘ By A ’ * J ’ H - MORRIS, 01° nren street. fel3-3t* Oll . T ,° LET -A fia four iSeirtine? wlt!l tbree-story double back North BROAD street; two baths, JT a ter closets, billiard room table, Ac. Ap t&i—„ J ' ij- CURTIS A SON, Beal Estate Brokers, 433 Wslnut street. . . fel3 WEsT PHILADELPHIA.— For sale cheap, JSIaL a small Dwelling, Park street, 0n1y.315,00>). npply toj. H. CURTIS A SON,' Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnnt sirect. fel3 <§ COUNTRY HLAOE TO BE LET WITH Mi*- 40 acres of ground on Kirn Road, between Columbia and Falls Bridge: line MANSION of twelve rooms, tenant-house, stabling, Ac., easy of access, within bail a mile of a Passenger Rail g>aci; Apply to-J. H. CURTIS A SON, Heal Estate Broker?, 433 "Walnnt street, _ fe!3 - PIN E STREET.—FOR SALE—A four- JBsistory Brick Dwelling, with threc-sto’.y back buildings, having every modern ..convenience. Lot 20 feet front by OU feet deep to a street, situate ln ,\iP e - street * west of Seventeenth.'■: J. M. (iUM MEY AfcUNS, 508 Walkut stieet. jj WEST PHILADELPHIA—For sale, twi> 'Jblul handsome Cottage Residences; parlor, dining room, kitchen and out kitchen on first floor; sit ting room and six chambers. .Built in best man ner, with every convenience, and desirably lo cated on northwest corner of Locust and Thirty ninth streets. Lots each &oxlCs feet deep, to a 20 foot street. J. M. GUMMEY A SONS, 533 Wal nut street. 4Ejs» GERMANTOWN.—FuR SALE—Ahaad liffi some efoue COTTAGE, having every city improvement, with lot of ground, 70 feet front by 25» feet deep, hcantifallv laid out and planted with evergreens, situate on BUY’S lane, midway be tween llio Turnpike and Railroad. J. M. dUM ME'V A SONS, 568 Walnut street. fcl3 FuR SALE-GfikMANIOWN PRO- L PERTY wrfdn five minutes walk of I)uy ! s Lane Station. A well btixlt Stone Mansion with all the modern improvements, acres of ground. Ais abundance of shade and fruit trees. Good stable, wells, Ac. Apply to JUSTICE & BATE MAN, 122 South FR(*NT street. tel2-lm« FUR SALE—)iuUSE on GREEN HILL, Eft 1530 POPLAR street, 22 feet front, back build ings and side yard, all in complete order; lot 33 by 00 to a back street, filled with fine fruit in full bearing. Will be sold low and little cash, wanted. Apply on the premises. iei*2-3L* WEST PHILADELPHIA RESIDENCE. —For sale a handsome doable HlilOK DWELLING with modern improve ments, on the south side of Hamilton street, first house west of Thirty, fifth street. Lotsn feet froDt by 100 feet deep. Immediate possession given. Apply to A. B. CARVER & CO., southwest corner Ninth and Filnert streets. lel2-Gt* - FUR SALE—House on SPRUUE street, near Thirteenth street, with stable,&o Also, one on SPRUCE street, near Twelfth street. Ap ply to C. H. MUIRHEID, fe!2 30t§ 203 South Sixth street. NORTH BROAD bTRKET RESIDENCE FOR SALE —The spleudin four-story Resi dence, No. 162$ Norib BRUADstreet, 21 feet front, lot 2W) feet deep, finished in the most elegant.min ner, complete with gas, water, Ac. Price Sia.ow. The house is entirely new, and has never been occupied, and cannot bo builtat present cost of materials, to bo sold for le-s than 315,000. One of the present owners intended to occupy the house, and therefore^spent a considerable amount of mo ney on the property since it has been built. The yard his been carefully laid out and filled with fruit trees, shubbery. Ac. This property is to be sold for the purpose.of closing out a partner ship concern. 37,can remain on mortgage. lnqnireof SCHOMACKER A CO., fe!o-J2W 11*21 Chestnut street. FOR SALE.—A first class KESIDSNuE on Chestutst street,-west of with all ihe modern improTemeats, in lull view of Kitten house iquare. Addreas, Box 42, POST OFFICE. feo-7t* #3 FOR SALK.-A COUNTRY SEAT, with E3Lforty acres of Land. near Lin wood Station,oa iho Kaliiraore Railroad, eig&teen xziilcs from Philadelphia. The house commands an extensive view of tbe Delaware river, about a mil® distant. About •even acres of the land are admirably suited for a vineyard. Apply to CHAS. H. BITTIRIIEID, 3t>3 South "ixth street, or to JONATHAN GUEST, on the promises. Inquire at Lin wood Station Post Office, Delaware county, Peuu’a., which is ten minutes walk from the place. fed 3914 m COACH HOUSE AND STABLING TO LET—It L w«ll built vritb lulu, sndrooia tor Co&tbraan. Tfa. buildiu; i* ipljou; 31 Tret square, tv.o stortes, -With stain horsss, Wide. a larf» claaning stall, water closet, and constructed with all the taoism improTeineate, situate near LOUAN SUV ARE. GEORGE W. COLL ID AT, f.4-tf4 No. 619 Walnut street. MFORS'AI.K— DitUFERTIfcS, No. Ulluand til 1 - CHERRY street. Two superior dwel lings ea each iet. S'tJOO can remain on mortgage GEORGE W. COLLADAY, -rl'tl No. 619 Walnut street. |g ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT FOR JBSLBALE—-About eight miles from city; Railroad depot half a mile from the premises; conTeaieut, also, io churches and schools. For heallhinttssand beauty of situation, as well as suxToundingadvau tares, this property Is unsurpassed in/the suburbs of Philadelphia. The larr* mansion (commanding fine views of the river Delaware) is of browu stone, built and finished without regard to cost, and replete with all the modern conveniences for both Biauaersad vrmter. The ground comprises -213 acres, beautifully laid oni and ornamented with a great variety of fruit trees and shruos. A large garden with abundance of fruit. On the premises aie also erected a gardener's cottage,, lodge, orchard house, green house, conservatory, and yeiy extensive stablmg, no expense whatever hav ing been spared to make this in all respects a first class residence. Apnly to jat>9.3®t* C. H. MUIRHEID, No. 2U3 South Sixth, street. MFOR SALK— Modern DweiUng House, No. 19 Woodland Terraco, West Philadel phia, replete .with eTerv convenience. Apply to . .... £. li. MOSS, Broker, la*3l tf4 - . ai9 Dock street. ® DESIRABLE STABLE TO LET, U the neighborhood of Tenth and W&lnut'streeta Three stalls, with every convenience. Apply at No. 16 South Third street. dell-if ® COUNTRY SEAT AND PAKH FOB &£ SALE—Containing fifty-five acres,. 3* handsomely situated In Cheltenham township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, about eighi miles from the city and one and a-half from Tort Road Station, os. the North Pennsylvania Rail* road. The. buildings are nearly new, substantia) and well ealcuiatod for a winter or summer rest* C- H. OTTIRiIEID,' No. 204 South bIsTH street, FMlattelpltla. flu* OFFICES, Southwest cor . ot and CHESTNUT streets. En- SJRJf °fl both streets. Good light and verv de- B “ ab , 10 ? or T, a T or conveyancer’® office. t? 1 ' 7 4? p. WHITE, Attorney at Law, No, 600 CHESTNUT street, second noor - ♦ j i27-Wfnt-9t4 a ' J d small ROOMS, up stairs, 612 and 614 CHESTNUT street, fe3-tf K UE j * Agents for the Purchase and Sale of City and Country Pjopertr. Atensy procured on Mortgage. Collectors J>f Svi* se .. n HI Ground Rents, Boole Accounts, Obligations, Ac. Office, NO. 120 South FOURTH Btre “ l - jal6-lmi TOBACCO AND SB GABS. KENTUCKY TOBACCO—Dark heavy Ken tucky Tobacco, suitable for shipping, in store £ nd £ r Y, t, 2 ie by GEORGE ALKINS, 10 and 12 South Delaware avenue jal6 PENN SYLVANIA SEED LEAF TOBAOOO. —lUCases Pennsylvania-Seed Leaf Tobacco, Fr il^, ail ‘ 10(11 for sate by GEORGE ALKIN’B, 10 and 13 South D»!a ware Avenue. .yi2D VIRGINIA MANUFACTURED TOBACiJO - O T#EEtmTSIt^SIVALE E tmT S lt^S IVAL S.UNCE T tSe WAR pibUKJS PUT.—boxes superior sweet lump* Just received from Norfolk, now landing from aehooner Florence, and for sale by : THOMAS WESSTSRr J*., General Agent Union Ste&mship.Ooinpuny, North Delaware avennu CABPBTINGS, &C. ) QARPFTINGS, OIL CLOTHS, AND DRUG WILTON, \ VELVET, BRUSSELS, INGRAISP*’ VENETIAN, I / HALL and | STAIR, f AU at the lowest oaeh vnoes, for sale by . K. L. KNIGHT A SON, MS hO7 Chestnut street. SHIPPING. WEEKLY TO LITER" cSHBHBr&J'UUIj, touching;- at QUEENSTOWN StoWo -Tile well-known Steamers of th* IS 2 U F LONDON.... Saturday, Feb. 27 Ffe 44 North River* Satoday at Woon, from BATES OF PASSAGE: ' PAYABLE IK GOLD OB ITS BQUrvsLHWT IS? GUE « BEUOY. Steerage >••830 St lit SE £ & J" ndon - E 5 Do- to London 34 li i? ari J 95 Do. to Paris.. 40 65 lot Cabin toHamburg 90 Do. toHamburg 37 « pDojsengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen. w^2? m 4^ nt^-elT ’ * c -’ at equally low rates. DiVEEPOOL OS CItJEEHBTOWir S,S ’ ® Bs ’ ® lO5 - steerage from Liver, s S. d ce S 3 town, ssa. Those wbo wish tc ratS lor tdeir Glenda can buy tickets here at these For further information, apply at the Compa ny ’ s Offices. ■ JOHN G. DALE, AgentT lea . 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia. .JSOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA SeIpisi&bTEAMSHIP LINE--SaiUngffoni eac! £SS.. o T)i^?iS r ? a J" From flrst wharf above Pin: and Long wharf, Boston, on Saturday, February 20, 1801 :l The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will mil from Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday, rVT r . I r ar rV- )r ,^ * at 10 Clock, A. I*l. ,and steamship NOBMAN, Captain Baker, from Boston for Phil adelphia on Saturday, February-llith, at 4p. M. These new- and substantial Steamships form a Saturday™ 6 ’ EttiliQK from each port punctually on Insurance at one-half the premium charged bv sail vessels. 1 Freight taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send slip receipts and bills of lading with their goods. 1 For freight or passage, having line aceoinmoda tions, apply to HENRY WINSOR * CO., 332 Sonth Delaware avenue FOB NE vV YORK—Expr fs Line— Wednesday—The fine new steamer Fit a ACES, Captain Bristow, is now receiving freight at Girard’s wharf, above Marketst. For frnght, apply to DAVID COOPER, 18 North Wharves, ' f e i3 FOB ALEXANDRIA, GEOK.GE- SaBA.-g.TQWN and WASHINGTON-Hand’s Steam Line, via Canal—Every Wednesday at U M., and every Saturday at SA. HI. Steamer LEADER, Captain Callahan. • . Steamer H. J. DEYTNNY, Captain Bristow .' Steamer S. SEYMOUR, Captain Pnom Steamer E. CHAMBERLIN, Captain Stewart These steamers form, a semi-weekly line between Philadelphia and the above ports, sailing regularly as advertised, and carrying freight lower than by any other route. Freights received every day bills of lading given. Apply to THOMAt WEBSTER, 14 North Wharves. selO-tf FOR NEW ' YORK.-DESPATCH SSia&and SWIFT-SURE LINES-Via Deli ware and Raritan Canal.—The steamers of thest iihes are leaving daily at 12 o’deck, M and; o’ clock, P. M., from third Pier above Walnut st For freight, which will be taken on aecommo dating terms, apply to WILLIAM M. BAIRD & CO., 132 Sonth Delaware aver.ne. FOR NEW YORK—New Daily Lint jrfesxfrffrfe.—via Delaware and Raritan Canal- Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboa: Company will receive freight and’leave dally at! P. M., delivering their cargoes In New York tki following days. Freight taken at reasonable rates. WILLIAM P. CLYDE, Agent, H South Wharves, Philada. JAMES HAND, Agent, Jy2s-tf : Piers 14 and 15 East River, N. Y. FOE SAN FRANCISCO. . COLEMAN’S CALIFORNIA LINE. ‘ SAILING EEGTTLAELY AS ADVERTISED The A 1 Extreme Clipper Shin EMERALD ISLE, Cornish, Commander, Is now rapidly leading at pier 15, E. B. toot Wall street. _-fV j This magnificent Slipper ship 1» one of the fastest sailors afloat; his made the passage to LiTerpool in same time as steamer America. She has 3 decks, superior xeatilaaon, and is in erery pray a first-class ship. "We inrito shippers to inspect this yessel. and send their goods along side immediately. Vie expect this ship will heat the fleet now loading. For balance of freight, apply to BISHOP, SON A CO.; 105 Arch street, afaore Front. FOB BARBADOS—Tae fliia Bniub sciu JANE, Parritt, master, will sail lu b few days. For freight or passage, apply to GEORGE AL.KINS, Nos. 10 and I*2 South Dela ware avenue. A FOB CIENFUEGOS —The Briti-h briz CRUMP, Winchester, master, having gocd accommodations lor passengers, v ill sail as above In .a'few days For passage, apply to E. A. SOUDER * CO., Dock street wharf. FOE HEW OKLEAKS, La Direct SSqfThe fait tailing regular packet baric 0031 ET Lapiain F-riL ASorriion, having two-thirds of her cargo engaged, ■vrill bave quick dispatch for tbs above port. For balance of freight or passage apply to WORKMAN k CO . 123 Walnut street. ' w&A FOB NEW YORK—Express Liuo —To Sgssall OB Tnesdav, February 18 IS64—The Hue p-.cket schooner C. E. ELMER, Captain Jdasou, is now receiving freight at Willow street w harf, an d will sail for the above port with prom o t dispatch. For freight, apply to DAVID OOOPE &, lb North Wharves. feu t&Z. FOB FREIGHT OK CHARTED-The Sggafollowiug first class vessels: The brigGlL- BiGITE MEREDITH. 430 tons, 4.500 bbls; brig £JtSF? T a F-aIIS, I9r tons, 2,00 a bbls: brig 1 > ELI N O 1NN,330 t0n5,2, 600 bbls; brig ELIZA ANN, •226 tons, 9,200 bbls; sehr HARPER, 138 tons, too bbls. For terms, apply to J. E. BAZ LEY A CO., 129 South Wharves. feli-4t >'J?. R .SALE —Th. brig JOHN BAR- XggnARU, Jnmesson. master, 400 tons regieter, twelve mrnthß old, copper fastened, 4 4fiobirrels capacity, draws 1-2 feet of water, and is now on Fimpson k Nelli’s dry dock. Apple to E. A. SOLDER k CO., Dock street wharf, ’ fe!3-4t: FOR SALE—The coppered and copper MBsfastened bng ELI ZA ANN, 333 tons register, 3U» tons coal, 9,300 bbls. capacity; built in Blue HUI, Me., 1851; length 9S fret, beam-35 feet, depth ©f hold 10 fett 6 inches, metaled iB6O, in good order, ready for sea, can be sent to sea at no ex pense; will be sold reasonable if applied for within ’.tree days. For terms, apply to J. E. JiAZLEY A CO., 122 South Wharves. feii-it . JOHN SHINDLER A SONS, SAIL Bag MAKERS. No. 914 North WASVES. beiov Vine street, Philadelphia. All work done In tho best manner and on th< lowest and most favorable terms, and warranto.* ta give perfect satisfaction. mhts.tf . Particular attention given to repairing. *f THE UNDERSIGNED having rente! their Ship Yard, located between Queen and Christian streets, with the Marine Railway and Sectional Dry Dock,to A. S. SIMPSON & 3R0.. take tins opportunity of expressiug their thanks to their friends end patrons for their long and con tinued kindness. A. S. SIMPSON A BRO. being practical Ship, wrights and Caulkers, we recommend themjto our late customers and these that have vessels to re pair, and are confident whatever is entrusted to them will be cafefollv attended to. ja2o-lm* SIMPSON & NEILL. pHiLa.PUI.PBIA, Feb. 1, 1864. CONSIGNEES* NOTICE.—The bark Texas* Captain. J. F. Horton, from New York, is now discharging her cargo at South street whar£. Consignees will please attend to the receipt of their goods, as tli»*y will remain on the wharf at their risk. J. E. BAZLEY A CO., No. 122 South Wharves. lela CONSIGNEES’ NOTICE.—Brig CONDOR, Captain Brown, is now discharging cargo at Lombard s reet wharf. Odnsignees will please send lor tb*>ir goods,and oblige DAVID COOPER, 18 North Wharves. fe ! 3 3t LOST, Lost or mislaid—a certificate of FIVE SHARKS OF THE STOCK of the LOGAN LAND ASSOCIATION issued in the n*me of Robert Buidt. Notice is hereby given that application has been made for the issue of a new certificate. j013»3t» ROBERT BUIST.g LOST— A CERTIYICATE of 5 per Cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania,'for $5lB C 5. dated March i)Jth, 1830, No. 754, in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of 5 per Cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for the sum of $2OO, ated June 30th, 1845, No. 1452, in name of ELI K. PRICE, Administrator of William Meredith, in Trust. Application has been made to the Audi tor-General for a renewal of said Certificates. ELI K. PRICE, No 811 Arph street. I^jilitaryan: NATAL CLAIM AGENTS. PENSIONS, promptly collected and BO UNTIES, procnred by BACK PAY, BIGELOW, WYNKOOP * PRIZE MONEY, 00., SUBSISTENCE No. 115 S. Seventh street, CLAIMS ... Below Chestnut street, PASSPORTS. dfc!>-3ra« Philadelphia. OSBORN’S PREPARED JAVA COFFEE.— Ano'llor invoice of this excellent Coffee, inst. received and for sale by JOS. B. -BT'bSIEE.fc CO., Agents tor Osborn, Nos. 103 and 110 South Wharves. ' . A llbeial allowance to wholesale bujois. LEGAL NOTICES. Henry g duffieldvs. annie f. duf xno ■ P -* la Diy.i Sept. Term, 1883 To ANNIE F. DUFFIELD, respondent above named—Madam: Please take notieathatthe Court has granted a rule on yon to. show cause why a divorce, A. not i*e decreed in this S2ff»T?SW ble on SATURDAY, February 2i)Dh,‘ JoVi2^ at ° cl °clt A. M., personal service haying ailed ou,account of the absence of respondent. feio 4ti CHARLES WV BROOKE, Attorney for Libellant. Ul, °“ been duly ctmm ti tJ Ih ' br., deceased, haying Bister orSw.tS undesigned by the He aelnliiji ’ „ i or 'be City and County of Phtlu- Please make nn ons lndebted <*> sa *d Estate will or- ilraiS® and those having ' claims without J oal 433 U’ at tcttt Ch-onVt 1, UUK.n& r Executor, ■s**&* bo^^S.r^COKD-^i-dtVmVeasi cause whi i e Tv n the P>*‘of the libellant to show be decreed«^r^ Ivor s? the abov * ’case should not 2utSf 0 .86 e ,?> a " et 1 ST b OT tQ Sf TUK , DAT ’. tailed on SemCa haTing rfeB?m* ?^ e iS e f ta °‘^ 0n WM. e M e G4.IiIiA.HEB, To AUSTIN N : _CO LGO^Xrp t.^^ ll^‘- upon tht Estate of J ceased, have been granted to tin* TON, de* peteons indebted 4 .saS‘State Xa&ill make>ayment, and those h* V in°- d l ? the same, to present them to ° against lel,m, th-C.t* GiOKUE H « E M-s iect,tor * * ’ _ **>*. Madison strcst. IN ThE OhPHANV UOUJiT FOR Tm? ■ AND COUNTY OF 0 I ?Y state of SARAH EBEBTH Auditor appomted by tlie Court to autut settle and adjust the account of Joseah W £ 4 ecutorof Sarah Ebenh, decM aifrl f, on TUESDAY, Frt ienulliitt 1 • MoE^9 Y - T Auditor. I;KT *'OR THB PHIfL AISIJ COtisTi OF PHILAHEL ceSed! 6 01 JONATHAN HARGRAVES, de. a PP°in‘(’d by the Court. to audit, SiVi? adjnst the account of CHARLES iTHAVr , EiXeCUi or Of the ijlSt will testilm* n f rtf JONATHAN HAEGRAYEs! detSS to mak.e distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, -will meet the parties interested mv i 'S llri ' ose! of hi 3 appointment, on TUES- r AA > February 23d, 1804, at 4 o’clock, P M at i 623 WALNUT Street, in the City of Philadelphia. WILLIAM M. SMITH, ft rf-n,, w, t, sts Auditor. IN THEOHc'Hai'cS cOUtiT i UiiTHE CZ TY ANDCI.DNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Es. ’ ;i lf v c ‘ WIEEIAM LANCASTER, deceased. Tne Auditor appointed by the Court to audit fettle anoadjan the account of XHOJAS WlL l?iiV^nT n r 0r i ,f „ t!le .i a£t “■ ill and te3 ameuot WILLIAM L NCASTER df ceased, ahitomake distribution o’ the balaj.ce in the hands of the ac countant, will meet the parties i. terested for tb pnrp.se3 ol his appoin menr, on MONDAY, F-b rnary 2dd, 'S6-, at 4 nMo t, p. M., at his office No. ..11 WALNUT street, in the City of Philadel phia. WILL AM. M. GALLiHtE, fcs fro wot* ■ Auditor, I It THE ORPHANS’. COURT FOR THE t!ITY COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, ESTATE OF CONRAD KELLER, dec’d. Tfce. Auditor appointed to credit, settle and ad inst tile first and final account of A3IELIA KELLER, of -tfie Estate of CONRAD ii.tljX.EE, deceased; and to report distribution of the balance m the hands cf the accountant, wil meet the patties interested a: No. 124 South Sixth street, on WEDNESDAY, February I7thy li&l, at 4o' clock, -A. M. feo, fr,m&rw--sts SUMMONS IN PARTITION.— I The Sheriff is directed to publish the following order „ ■ JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. City and Ceunty o/Philadtljth i*, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff ofPhiladelphia Conn ty, greeting: IX William Darlington, Administrator d 6 bonis noncnmtesiamentoannexo of the last will and testament of Elizabeth Baldwin, deceased, make yon secure of prosecuting his claim, then we com mand you that yon summon by good and lawful aummoners, Sarah S. Barnes, Clharles 31.- Tyson and Lydia Ann his wife, in right of the said Lydia Ann, Jonathan D. Barnes, Samuel B. Cope, Oli- T«r Cope, late of your county, so that they be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of Philadelphia, there to be held the first MON DAY of March next, to shew wherefore whereas they, the said Demandant and the said* Defendant together and undivided do hold all that lot or piece of gronnd with the buildings thereon erected, situ ate on.theAorth side of Chestnut street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in breadth on the said Chestnut street fourteen feet, and in length or depth fifty feet; bonneted northward by ground formerly of John Bar, and afterwards of the heirs of John Speel, deceased, eastward by Strawberry alley, southward by the said Chestnut street, and westward wiih the shop and ground sometime in 'thotenured Isaac "Warren and afterwards be longing to Samuel Barnes, or howsoever else the came is or of right ought to be butted and bounded, with the appurtenances. Being the same premises which Samuel E. Howell and wife, by indenture dated the twenty-first day of ICav, A. D. ldlC, re corded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book M. R , No. 9, page 36?, Ac., granted and conveyeato Samoa Barnes and Elizabeth Lawrence, widow of Thomas Lawrence in fee as tenants in common and not as joint heirs, the same Defendant partition thereof between l H em to be made (according to the laws aud cus toms of this Commonwealth in such case made and provided), do gainsay and the same to be done do not permit, very unjustly and against the same laws and customs (as it is.said,} Ac. And have you then there the names of those Snmmonois and this writ. "Witness the Honorable OSWALD THOMPSON, President of our said Court at Philadelphia, the twenty-third day of January, in the - year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. SL. S. I of the Court C. P. and duly stamp ed according to Act of Congress, je23-6wj T. O. WEBB, Pro Prothonotary. USJSJh Uii / M) VALOAB LS DISCOVERY! Gkzat DiscoynßT INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more general practical utility thoii any inrention now before the public. It has been thoroughly test ed during the lasttwo years by prac tical men, and pronounced by all to be Applicable to the useful Arts. SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesiye Preparation known. RUtoii’a lugolnblc Cement is I a new tiunc» and tlie result of years of study: its combination is on SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES, iand under no circumstances or change of temperature, will it be come corrupt or emit any offensive j smell. A new thing. Its Combina tion. Boot and Shoe BOOT AND SHOE Manufae- Manufacturers using Machines will turers. find it the beat article known for Ce menting the Channel, as it works without delay, is not affected by any change of temperature. JEWELERS Jewelers. TV'ill find it sufficiently adhesive foi their use, as has been proved. , It Is Especially’ Adapted to Leather, And "we claim as an especial merit, that it-sticks Patches aud Linings to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong vrithout sUtchiug. Families, IT IS THE ONLY CEMENT EXTANT That is a sure thing formending Furaittu’e, Crockery, Toy** Bone, Ivory, And articles of Household use. Itis a liquid. Kememher Hilton’s lusolnble OiDiBUT is in a liquid form and aa easily applied as paste. Hilton* t In* solttble Ceemnt is insoluble in water or Oil. Hilton* a Insoluble Cement ad heres oily substances. Supplied in Family or Manufactu rer's Packages from 2 02?. to 100 lbs. HILTON BROS.& CO., jPropnetorx* Ptttvitlknce* R 7 iladelphia, LAINO k M AOINNIS, rd st.; Joseph Godfrey is Co M & Tvf. Remember. nIS-wm&itiy Agent* in PI No. 30 N. Thx: Fourth street —OItfMOdTH steam FACTORY SPO IL . COTTON, Best six cord- Also, or same ma nufsetioe,' Axaory’s Enameled Thread; each spool warranted- to comaiu 200 yards, iu,l mea sure, ami equal to every respect to any Thread of Foreigner American production. Ail coto.-s and aseortmente to snit purchasers Also, a brand ox the above Thread expres-ly for- Sewirg Machines. CHARLES AMORT* .Tr m &OO. t Sbll«>’g Agents, No dUS Church Alley* Philadelphia* fel2-Im# Yellow metal sbEAxmna—okock erßrothers A Co.’s Taunton Yellow Metal Sheathing, Bolts, Nails and Spites of all sizes. In store and for sale bv WILLIAM F. GRANT, 1R eosth Ilsiawars avan*». HILTON’S