SECOND EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. SHERMAN'S ADVANCE IN MIS SISSIPPI. THE OCCUPATION OF JACKSON CONFIRMED. * A Sharp Fight at Clinton, The Enemy Defeated and Driven. Interesting from Washington City. To-Day’s Proceedings in (Congress. THE WAR IN MISSISSIPPI. Cjhcinnati, Feb. 15.—A despatch from Nashville to the Gazette gives official newß that General Sherman entered Jackson, Miss., on the sth. The enemy offered hut little re sistance and was’ supposed to be falling, back over the Pearl river. It is believed that the rebels are receiving reinforcements from Dalton. There is no news from General Thomas’s front. The veterans are rapidly returning to the army. ‘ IHE TIGHT at CLINTON. Cairo, Feh. 15 The reports from the rebel papers of a fight with a part of Sherman’s iorceß, near Clinton, Miss., on the 4th inst., are confirmed by officers • who have just arrived from that point. Our troops charged on a rebel battery and lost 16 killed and 30 wounded. Among the latter was Col. Rogers, of Illinois. The enemy was driven from its position, and ®ur forces proceeded towards Jackson. THE WAS IN ALABAMA New York, Feb. 15. —A fight occurred at Lebanon, Alabama,on "Wednesday last,between Lewis’s squadron and our troops. According to the Selma Reporter, “The ‘enemy (Federate), 9,000 strong, subsequently abandoned Lebanon and retreated toward the Tennessee river. The tebel force is said to have numbered 400 only.” . FROM WASHINGTON, [Special Despatch to the Bulletin.] Washington, Feb. 15.—Nothing further is known here this morning respecting the alleged escape of over one hundred officers from Libby prison. A large amount of beef, hides and tallow will be offered at public auction here to-morrow, by the Government; also, a large lot of con demned horses; and on Thursday, the 3d of March, all the condemned stock in the hands of the Government. Mr. J. E. Murdoch, the Elocutionist, reads in fee Chamber this evening. Edwin Booth appears, for the first time, at Grover’s theatre. Dr. Turner, of Philadelphia, preached a ser mon upon the war in the Hall of Representa tives, yesterday, to a.very largo audience. A New York officer, just escaped from the Libby Prison, Richmond, is with the Secre tary of "War this morning. The Senate Military Committee voted, this morning, to non-concur in the House Con scription bill. This will send the bill back to fee House for a Committee of Conference. The Committee of Ways and Means will re port the following joint resolution this morn ing. “ Resolved , That the Secretary of the Treas ury be and is hereby authorized, from time to time, to sell at his discretion any gold coin in the treasury over and above the amount which, in his opinion, may be required by the Gov ernment for the payment of interest on the public debt and for other purposes.” FROM MEXICO AND SOUTH AMERICA. New Yoke, Feb. 15.—The steamer Ariel has arrived from Aspinwall with $453,000 in teasure. The French Flag-ship Pallas, was at Pad ama. The Freni* blockade of the west coast of Mexico is now effective. The steamers of the Pacific Mail Company are excepted, .being slowed to, touch at Acapulco for provision, to land and receive mails, but not passengers or cargo. Advices from Bogota report that tranquillity is restored in the whole republic. Other accounts, said to be reliable, report that the revolutionists in Antioquia have several thou sand men, and have routed the government troops in an engagement. They were, how ever, defeated in invading the State of Cauca, and were pursued into Antioquia. I XXVIIITE CONGRESS—FIRST SESSION, "Washington, Feb. 15. Senate. The. Senate disagreed to the House ajnendmei.ts to tbe Enrollment bill. House.— Mr. Stevens (Pa.), from tbe Com mittee of Ways and Means, reported a bill authorizing tbe appointment of an Assistant Re gister ot the Treasury. Also, a bill extending the time lor the with drawal of goods from the public stores and ware houses.' A bill was reported from tile Special Committee on tbe Pacific. Railroad granting public lands to tbe People’s Pacific Railroad and Telegraptt Com pany by tbe Northern, route. Mr. Wallace, delegate from Idaho, Introdnced abillto establish amint in that territory. All of the above hills -were appropriately re tarred. Many resolutions of Inquiry were adopted, among them one requesting the Committee on the Judiciary to report as to the expediency of the establishment of a new Executive Department to be called the Department of Revenue. '* Mr. Arnold (111.) offered a resolution declaring that the Constitution should be so amended as to abolish and prohibit slavery wherever it exists. Mr. Holman (Ind.) move to lay the resolution on the table. Not agreed to—yeas 58, nays 79. ■ Mr. Arnold’s resolution was then adopted—yeas 78, nays 61. The House then took up the Senate* s amend ments to the Internal Revenue bill. “BANK! ROBBERY. „ , ' Boston, Feb, 15 The Savings Bank at South Scituate was broken into on Sunday morning and robbed of $5OO in bills of various banks and about $2,500 in bonds,' papersj &c. [By the Peoples’ Telegraph LineJ Boston, Feb. 15.—The Savings Bank at South Scituate was broken into between the hours of two and four o’clock yesterday morn ing, and the iron safe blown open and robbed of five hundred dollars in hills of various de nominations ; some sixty dollars in counterfeit •rworthless banknotes; three or four bank books belonging to as many individuals; several bonds and other ■ papers, and three or four foreign silver coins. The'banking room is in a building, one part of which was robbed of some five or eight dollars in bills an<L2oo'cents._ The robbers gained an entrance to the building by picking the door lock, either by false keys or other means. ' FIRE AT CLEVELAND., . Cleveland, Feb. 15th.—A fire last night destroyed the dry goods store of J. M. & H. Howe; causing a loss of $30,000, which is in sured in New York, Albany and Philadelphia offices. j , i . Messrs. Whitlard & Marshall, dealers m harness and leather, lost $5,000, and Parker, a druggist, $5,000. FROM NICARAGUA. New York, Feh. 15.—Advices from Nica ragua to the 29th of January, state that the Congress has not yet assembled but its ratifi cation of the contract with the Central Ameri can Transit Company is not doubted. The Company has the cash there to pay for the privileges asked. OUR RELATIONS WITH FRANCE. Washington, Feb.l6.—The rumors as to an intended protest by onr Government against the French occupation of Mexico are certainly not well founded. The policy of the Govern ment on this subject is fully explained in the lately published diplomatic correspondence. THE THIRD NEW YORK CAVALRY. New York, Feb. 15.—The 3d New York Cavalry, veteran volunteers, home on furlough, are assembling to-day for return to the army. They are 1,200 strong, and are ordered to New bem by Gen. Butler. FROM NEWBERN. New York, Feb. 16.—The steamer Decatur arrived this morning from Newbern, N. C. She brought thirty-seven rebel soldiers who were set at liberty immediately' on their arrival. ARRIVAL OF THE NORTH AMERICAN. Portland, Feb. 15.—The steamer North American, from Liverpool on the 28th ult., ar rived this morning. She reports having spoken on the Ist, the steamer Hibernian, and on the 14th the Jura, both bound east. Her new* has been anticipated.’ _ U. S. SUPREME COURT—THE VALLAN. DIGRAM CASE. Washington, Feb. 15.—1 n the Supreme Court of the United States to-day the applica tion for a writ of certiorari in the Vallandigham case was refused, on the ground of a want of jurisdiction. BURNING OF COTTON: New York, Feb. 15.—One thousand bales of cotton were burned at Wilmington, N. C., on the Bth inst., by an accidental fire. WEATHER BKPORT. The following telegraphic report of the weather ■tin tvt. to-dRy, at the points named, has been received: Wind. Weather. Halifax, N. Clew. Boston, N. N.'W. Fresh, Springfield, N. Clear. Mow York, East. Clear. Philadelphia, N. “, Washington, N. N.E. Cloudy. MARKETS. New-Yoke, Feb. 15th.- Cotton qmet, Flonr steady and quiet, sales of 5,000 barrels at SO 20a66 40 for State, 67 20aS7 45 far Ohio, 67 75a 68 10 for Southern. Wbest steady, sales of 58,000 bush*ls at 61 5Sa6l SS for Chicago Spring, 61 56a 61 59 for Milwaukee Club. andSl 6fia*l 63 for Bed. Com firm, mixed is held at 61 29al 80, with no buyers. Pork is buoyant at 233(a523 75 for Mess. Lard buoyant at 613 - Whiskey dull, at 90*95c. Receipts.—Flour 5,921 barrels; Wheat 5,815 bushels: Corn, I,Bo2bushels. Stocks firmer. New York Central, 183 V, Beading, 123L' ; Hudson Riser, 146 V ; Missouri 65., 71« ; Erie, 114 V i Michigan Central, 135* ; Harlem, 107 « i ; Treasury Notes, 111; Coupons 1681, 110 V; Gold, 159,V- ' gßs-fTiMon*, Feb 15. —Flour dull. Red wheat is active and adTanced 3asc ; but white is dull. Cora active; white and yellow 61 11a61 13. Whis key dull and noraimil at 51c. Coffee firm at 3 1a34 Vc. for Rio. CITY BULLETIN. Highway Robbery.—James Kelly was be fore Alderman King this morning, charged with highway robbery. In company with others, he is alleged to have struck a soldier upon the head, knocked him insensible, and then robbed him of S6O in money and a gold watch. The alleged rob bery was’committed at Nice town last night. Kelly ■was tent below for trial. A Second Edition.—We are pleased to ob serve that a second edition of the manly and pa-- triotic Thanksgiving Sermon ol the Rev. Wilbur F. Paddock, Pastor or St Andrew’s Church, of this city, has been called for, and is for sale by W. S. & A. Martien, 606 Chestnut street. Light Artillery —Lieutenant Wm. M. Runkle, of the 2d Pennsylvania Artillery, has received authority to recruit for a Light Artillery Battery, and has opened a recruiting station at 406' Walnut street. Mh.itaby Funeral.—This afternoon the funeral of the late Capt. Wm. C. Moss, of the 119ih. P. Y., will take place from No. 315 South Fifth street. A military escort will participate, accompanied by Birgfeld’s Band. Selling Liquor without a License.— Robert Fox, proprietor of Fox’s Casino, has been held in SI. 000 bail by Alderman Dougherty to an swer thecharge of misdemeanor in selling liqnor without a license. Needles’ Truss and Bbace Department.— Ladies’ store on Twelfth street, Ist door below Race, (Conducted by Ladles.) Gentlemen will apply to C. H. Needles, on th- corner. The most thorough assortment bf best makes of every article in the line will be found here, and adjustment made with professional exactitude. White Felt, Corn and Bunion Plaster. —A small invoice just received. . For sale by the dozen or single box-, Bower, Sixth and Vine. Bower’s Infant ■ Cordial is the oldest, safest and best remedy for yielding relief to children teething. Sold by Bower, Sixth and Green, and by all Druggists. LRRGE SALE REAL ESTATE, LOANS, STOCKS, Ac., to-morrow, by order of Orphans’ Court, Executors and others, See Thomas <C Sons' advertisements and pamphl-t catalogues. COURTS. Supreme Court— Justices Thompson, Strong, Read and Agnew.—The following judgments were entered this morning: - Moore’s A Williams’ Appeal.—The decree of the Court below ordering distribution to be made to the judgment of Hannah Moore is confirmed and the record ordered to be remitted for the purpose of making distribution accordingly; and the appeals of Richard Williams and wife and Ruth Ann Moore are ordered to be dismissed with coits. •Fleetwoed Lodge vs. Wm. Barnett —Certificate from Nisi Prius. Judgment of the Nisi Prins af firmed. . Benjamin Fitter vs. John O Welt et al. —Error to Common Pleas of Union county. Judgment re versed and venire de nous awarded. Brolasliey vs. Thorne Error to District Court, Philadelphia. Judgment affirmed. RdSEel vs. Murphy, Morphy vs. Russel. Ap peals from Common Pleas of Schuylkill county. It is decreed that the appeal of Mi hael Murphy be dismissed with costs, and it-is farther ordered, Ac., that the decree of the Court of Common Picas of Schuylkill county he reversed and set aside, and thstthe bill ot the complainant be dismissed with costs. . Letitia White’s Estate. It is ordered that the accountant he credited ■with 8158 56, and that tne same he deducted from the sum of 8512 74, the balance found against them. _-■ ■ Geddes vs. Jenkins. Error to Common Fleas Northumberland county. Judgment affirmed. % Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Company vs. David Mann & Co. Error to Common Pleas of Northumberland. Judgment reversed and a venire de novo awarded. Pollock etai. vs. Kreitzer & Cares. Error to Common Pleas of Northumberland. Judgment reversed and a ventre de nouo awarded. Haslet vs. Fisher. Clearfield county. Judg ment reversed and the record ordered to be remit ted for further proceedings in the Court below." Joseph Weitzel vs. Marr & Griffey. Northum berland. Judgment reversed and a venire de novo awarded. . _ ~ . John Pounder vs. Executors of Conrad Foot, deceased. Schuylkill county. Judgment affirmed. The Philadelphia last was taken up. Ashton and others ys. The Lehigh Coal and Na- tH.I .iIAIL? •BUi.'i.Blrl'i* * . MONihv t vipation Coal Company. This case involves t question as to the right of the defendant r 5T.6C0.000 of t!feirsciip certificates into the stocK of the Company. Plaintiffs are holders of poiias, and stoch, and they allege that such a conversion would violate the terms of the mortgage contract between thfrCompany and the Bondholders. * Nisi Pbius—t'hiel Justice Woedwafd.—^ Mary Frank vs. Tbeopbitus Geisse. An action to secure the cower claimed by the plaintiff in her deceased husband’s estate- On trial. Distbict Co r BT Judge Hare.—, + Smethurst and Wm. Smeihuret, devisees in crost, Ac., vs. Ki-liard H. Darrata, administrator, «c. An action on a covenant in a ground rent deed to recover arrears of gronnd rent. Verdict forpins. for $516 89. .■ , +>l - Alex. McKinzie vs. Cochran & Elliot,- and tne Phi'adelphia Bank, garnishee. An attachment execution. On trial. rt**-*. Distbiot Cocbt— Judge Stroud. --James oar son to the use, &c.. vs. James H. Wats r n, J. w. Forsyth and Thomas Bird. An action to recover of the defendants as»sureties in an appeal to me Supreme Court. On trial. Quarter Sessions —Judge Eudlow. —The oock was crowded this morning with prisonera, ana a number of petty cases were disposed of during me day. PERSONAL. ✓ Colonel S M. Bowman has been relieved trom duty on General Casey’s examiningjboard, ana ordered to relieve General William Bimey, mus tering. in*oflicer of negro troops in Maryland. General Bimey will take the field'atthe head of a colored brigade, composed principally of troops reomited in Maryland. Bev. Dr. Parsons Cooke, a clergyman ox con siderable prominence in the Orthodox denomma lion, died at Eynn, Massachusetts, oh Friday, ai the sge ol sixty-two: He was formerly editor of the Boston Recorder. . .v A Beanregard has paid, through an agent, xne United States tax on his property in Mempms.. amounting to over $lOO. -inn , v -_ nf Michael Dan Mageban, Esq., for a number ot years past the oldest practising attorney at me Cambria county bar, died at Embensbnrg on tne 6tb inst. He represented the county in the legis lature durißg the sessions of 1644 and 1845. • A colored woman named Hester Williams died in Baltimore a few days since, having reached tne advanced age of 111 years. The deceased was tne widow of Henry Williams, who served in tne Revolutionary Army under General Washington, and who died some years since at an advanced age. Her claim as the the widow of a Revolutionary soldier vtvis admitted by the Government, which furnished her some Telief in her extreme old age- The daughter of W..H. Bell, ot Swanton> Falls, Vt., died two or three days since from the effects of laughing gas, administered by a traveling dentist. She was seventeen years of age. General Hays has issued an order that any per son detected in New York wearing the unilorm or officers in the army, without authority, shall oe stripped of such emblems, shoulder-straps- but tons,stripes on pants, or other ornaments as would indicate him as connected with the service. General Sol. Meredith, the distinguished Indiana commander, has had a severe attack of hemorrhage of the lungs. _ Colonel John E. Wyakoop, of the 20th Penn sylvania Cavalry, has received authority to raise a-Brigade ol Cavalry, to be composed of the 20tn, 21st and 22d Pennsylvania regiments or tnat branch of the service. The2othai:deistare already fnll and the 22d is rapidly filling np. Hon. Henry Y.Cranston,of Newport, R. I ..died at bis residence in that city on Friday. He was bora in Newpoit on the 9th of October, 1789, and was tberefrre at the time of bis death seventy-four years of age. He studied the profession of law; be held the office of Clerk of the <-°urt of Common Pleas from 1816 to 1633; be took an active part in the Convention called for framing a Constitution for this State: was a member of the House of Representa tives from 1627 to 1643; was several times elected to that body between 1647 and 1854; and was re peatedly elected Speaker. From 1613 to 1847 b. was a Representative in Congress. In politics no was a staunch "Whig. For the last ten years he has led a quiet and retired life. Mr. Cranston was the father or the Hon. Wm. H. Cranston, the present Mayor of Newport. . . _ . Colonel Tippen, of the GStb Pennsylvania Regi ment, is said to be among the number who .scaped recently from the Richmond Therm. ie S 3 22 29 32 32 BEiujtKkßLK Horn os Life. —Maj. George N. Lewis, of the 12th Regiment, is in town, slopping at the XJ. S- Hotel. His remarkable wound promises to heal and his life will be saved. Not one man in ten thonsand would survive snch a wound. It was a canister shot, weighing about four ounces, and made a hole clear through him, shattering his collar-bone and shoulder-blade, and splintering, his spine. It did not displsce'the Tertehrse, which would probably have ended his life suddenly, but it has left a hole through him, and it is said that even now a stick can be passed through it.— Hart'o-i Times. ( COMMERCIAL. XXESB D. RLL A BON, STOCK BROKERS, Ne. 305 WAL- SALES OF STOCKS. BEFOHE : 100 sh Beadß 61)4 : 260 ah do 52 100 sh do blO 62 150 Bh do eash 61)4 100 sh do 2 days 62 150 sh do blO 62 200 sh . do ' 62)4 200 Bh do b3O 62)4 200 sh do 62){ 200 sh do bio 6214 100 sh do 62j* 100 sh do 62 100 sh Coulter Mining I bl 6 1 U 100 sh do 3)4 200 sh do 3 H 300 sh HandanMini’g 7)4 ‘ - FIRST 1 *lOOOO Amer Gold 159)4 1500 US 6s 5-20 S 106)4 . 1600 do 106)4 4000 dO „ 106)4 20600 do 106)4 2570 Penna 5b 94)4 5000 City 6a . 102 110 0 SchNav 6a ’B2 90 13000 Sub Cnl 6s b 5 66 210 Sub Cnl Scrip 69 3060 NorthPa R 6s 100 17 sh N Y A Middle Coal Field Co 11 1241 ah FultonCoalCo 7 1060 sh do . 7K 100 sh. do b 6 7)4 360 sh New Creek 1 % 100 sh Bobem Miningl3)4 100 sh Girard Mining 6)4 100 sh Mandan Min’g 7)4 109 ib do 7)4 200 sh JEtna Mining 23 2CO sh do 22)4 200 shSchJNav prfd t 6 39)4 270 sh ■ do 39)4 400 sh do bSO 40)4 160 sh Sch Nav 27 60 sh 2d A 3d St £0 25 sh do 80)4 100 sh Girard Col R 31 100 sh Little Sch B 49 PRICES OF STOCKS IN NEW YORK. (By Telegraph.) FIRST CALL. SECOND CALL. American Gold. -159)4 bid •• • • bid Chicago and R. Island.. .... bid Reading Railroad 61)4 bid Ba }® a Illinois Central. bid ...• Ba |® B Galena and Chicago bid .••• Ba {®“ New York Central 133)4 bid •••• Ba }® B U. S. 6s ’Bl int off 110)4 bid .... Ba { eß Erie.... ..114)4 bid .... Ba |® B Harlem. ....107 bid —• Ba J®“ Cleveland and Toledo.. .... bid •••• Baiea Exelteu. .*•••• FINANCE AND BUSINESS—FEB. 15,1864. ' The Stock Board this morning was the scene of unusual excitement, and the spirit of speculation was more-ramp ant than ever. The bulls had it a* their own way—the bears were nowhere! The U. S. Five-Twenty Loan sold at 106)4, but afterwards 106)4 was freely bid. The Seven-Thirties, February and August, sold at 109)4. State Fives were steady at 94)4. City Loans were without change. Penn sylvania Railroad sold up to 62)4—a further advance of )4 since Sdturday, and a rise of 7)4 since last Monday! Norristown Railroad was steady at 60. - Little Shuylkill Railroad rose )4. Reading Rail road sold up to 62)4—an advance of 2, hut dosed at 62. Catawisßa Railroad Preferred was steady at 43)4644. North Pennsylvania Railroad dosed 36)4 bid, and the Six Cent. Bonds sold at 100— the. first time they have sold at par sinoe the organiza- 1 tion of the Company. Schuylkill Navigation Pre ferred WBB the moßt active on the list, and sold up to 40)4 b.‘ 30—an advance of 1)4. The Common stock sold at 27; the Loan of ’72 advanced .to 100)4, and that of ’B2 to 90. Susquehanna Canal was steady at 26; but the Bonds declined )4. The Mining stocks were in better request, with a general up ward tendency, except Penn, which was weak. Bank shareß were without change. Passenger Railway securities were held stiffly. Seeond and Third Streets sold at SO; Thirteenth and Fifteenth Streets at 40)4; Race and Vine Streets at 20)4@21> and Girard College at 31. Upper Ridge was firm Ata. _McBSrE. De Haven & brother, NO. 20 South Third itreet, make the following quotation, of the ratev of exchange to-day, at 1% P, HI.: Buynm. Selim;.. American Gold ....£9% piem. 67% erem. Demand Note,. .69% prem. 60% pres. Quarters nndha1ve£:........62 prem. Dimes and half prem. Spanish quarters 46 prem. Pennsylvania currency...... % dir. 1-5 tils. New York 1-1(1 par. Jay Cooke A 00. quote Government Securities fte.i as follows! . NOOX, Feb. 16, 1864. ' Buying. Selling. U.S.S’s, 1861. ...109% 110% TJ. S. 18,1 Notes, August ...109% 110% “ October 109% ' 110% Certificate of Indebtedness......... 103% 103% ' " 11 • new 98% 99% Quartermasters’ Vouchers 93 98% C. S. Demand Notes: Cold 169% 169%' 6-20 Bonds, full coupons 106 107 “ registered 106 107 Deliveries of 6-20 Bonds are being made to January Bth, inclusive. The following Is the weekly statement of the Philadelphia Banks, made up this afternoon: Capital Stock 612,837,060 Loans and Discounts. . 34,090,880 Specie in Banin*. 1Ji02,748 U. S. Demand and Legal Tender Notes... 9,446,706 Due from other Banks 2,080,760 Due to other Banks 4,322,609 Deposits 29,911,704 . Circulation : 2,069,061 The following statement shows the condition ol the Banks of Philadelphia, at various times during the last few months: 1563. Loans. Specie. Circulation. Deposits. Jan. 6....37,679,676 4,610,760 4,604,116 28,429,189 Feb. 2....37,268,894 4,662,680 4,181,603 29,131,753 Mar. 2....37,901, 080 4,267,626 3,696,097 ‘30,178,618 April -6....37, 61 6,620 4,339,262 3,374,413 29,531,659 May 4....36,687,294 4,366,324 2,989,428 30,839,239 June 1....37,143,937 4,357,021 2,706,963 31,888,763 July 6....35,936,811 4,360,745 2,661.658 28,504,544 Aug. 3.... 34,390,179 4,187,066 2,417,739 30,799.441 Sept. 7 36,773,696 4,113,162 2,258,306 30,654,672 Oct. 6.... 38,798,830 4,227,266 2,193,000 32,268,554 NOV. 2....39,180,421 4,164,804 2,106,284 31,805,966 Dec. 7,...36,414,704 4,166,939 2,105.174 29,371,165 “ 14....36,798,343 4,167,144 . 2,036,116 23,937,137 11 ' 21....56,696,114 4,173,206 2,077,921 29,419,486 “ 28....36,660,924 4,164,643 2;067,611 29,682,906 1664. Jan. 4....38,698,808 4,168,585 2,065,910 29,813,920 “ 11.... 36,465,967 4,158,236 2,050,891 30,48 ,227 “ 18.... 34,696,642 4,158,125 2,044,427 31,194,851 “ 25 34,819,969 4,103,066 2,047,846 32,354,263 Feb. 1.... 34,346,126 4,108,109 2,069,632 32,027,147 “ *...34,146,677 4,102,671 2,066,069 31,u33,030 “ 30....34,590,880 4,162,748 2,069,061 29,911,704 BOARDS. 100 ih Penn Mining b 96 S)4 100 ah do blO 9)4 100 ah do bSAin B*4 100 ah NorthPa B blO 36.14 10 sh do cash 36)4 60 ah do sIS 36)4 100 Bh do b2O 36)4 100 sh Fulton Coal Co 6)4 150 sh do 7 100 ih do 6)4 1100 §h Sch Nav prfd - b 5 39)4 208 sh Pa Oil Creek Petroleum Co 10 HOARD. 100 ah Race A Vine 20)4 ioosh do b3O 21 60 sh Spruce A Pine 16)4 100 sh 13th A 15th st blO 40)4 50 Bh do 40)4 13 sh Morris Cl pfd 134)4 400 Bh Suaq Cnl bi 25 566 sh do 25 100 sh do eash 25 78 sh Penmi R cash 82)4 430 ah North Pa R 36)4 200 sh Cheater Valß 6 360 ah Catawtaaa pfd b 5 44 500 ah do bls 44 300 sh do *3O 43)4 100 Bh do b2O 44 200 ah Bead B ' * 2 * 400 ah do b 5 62 * 375 ah do cash 62)4 100 ah do hJAint 62)4 200 sh do al 62)4 300 ah do cash 62)4 603 ah do . #3ll ' 400 ah do b3O 62)4 : 500 sh do blO 62)4 100 sh do - blO 62)4 100 sh de eash 62)4 : 100 Sh do b3O 62)4 100 Bh do b{Alnt 62 Messrs. M. Schulze A Co., No. 16 South Third street, quote foreign exchange for the steamer Arabia, from Boston, as follows: Philadelphia, Feb. 16, 1864. London, 60 days sight 174%@175 *• 3 days.... -.176 @176% Paris, SO days sight...... s po @3f22% “ 3 days.... 3f17%@3E0 Antwerp, 60 days sight 3122% Bremen, 60 dayß sight 126% @127 , Hamburg, CO dayß sight 6S%@ 69 Cologne, 60 days sight 117 ® 1 17% Lcipsic, 60 days sight 117 @117% Berlin, *0 days sight 117 @>l7% Amsterdam, 60 dayß sight *6% Frankfort, 60 days sight 66%@ 66% Market firm. PHILADELPHIA BASKETS.- Moxdat, Feb.l6.—There is very little Quercitron Bark here, and No. lis firm at »37 ¥ ton. Prices of Tanners’ Bark are nominal. Cloveraeed ia in steady demand at 68 60@9 ft 64 fit. Timothy is held firmly at 63 75 fl bushel. Flax seed ia held at *3 SO, with sales or 600 bushels. The Flour market is extremely dull—there being very little demand eitker for export or home con sumption—and prices favorhuyers. The only sales reported for shipment are 6@Soobarrels good West ern and Penns, extra family at *7 Ss@7 60 p barrel. Small sales to the retailers and bakers at 6* 25 to *6 60 fl bar: el ror common and good superfine, $6 76@7 26 for extras and *7 31%@S for extra family and $8 to filO for fancy lota—according to quality. There is nothing doing In Bye Flour or Corn Meal, and but little of either here. There Is but little movement In Wheat and only 2000 bushels were disposed of at 61 Ss@l tt V bushel for good and prime Bed, and 61 6* for eholce Ken tucky White: There is but little Bye andPeana. commands SI XO. Com Is In fair request and 5609 bushels yellow sold—part at *1 ll@l 12, and part on orivate term*, and some white at *1 11 from the earafoataare iteady at 86@87 cents, with limited , *No change in Barley or Malt. The latter rangoe auctionAbls morning, 127 bales ofCetton were dlauosed of et e5%@79% cents, eaah. Whiskey—The demand ia limited. Small sales of Fenna. and Ohio barrels at M@93 cents, and drudge at 69620 cents. MPOBTATIOHB. Reported forthe Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. NEW ORLEANS—Bark Iddo Kimball, Ulmer -70 hhds sugar 330 bbls moUeaea Geo Helmuth; 20 bbls molasses 20 hhds sugar 25 bbls syrup 23 hf do do 16 qr bbls golden syrup 2 bales cotton Nathan layers; 210 bbls molasses 149 hf do do 10 hhds sugar Jacob Baker: 26 hhds sugar Chas Smith; SO hhds sugar 201 bbls molaßses 160 bbls syrup Penn’s E R Co; ISS empty casks and bbls Massey, Collins & Oo; 122 hhds sugar order. „... JLATANZAS—Bark Sea Eagle, Howes—473 hhds 70 tcs molasses Thoß Wattaon A Sons. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA. FEBRUARY 15 MB'See Marine Bulletin on sixth Page. ARRIVED THIS DAY. Bark Sea Eagle, Howes. 11 day* from Matanzas, with molasses to Thoa Wattson & Sona. Bark O Starrett, Gregory, 6 days from ProTl dence, in ballast to Workman & Co. Schr Chatter Oak, Crowell, 6 days bom Boston, With mdse to Crowell A Collina. Sohr D H Bills, Kich, 6 days bom Boston, with mdse to Crowell * Collins. Schr Typhoon, Treworgy, * days bom Baltimore, with mdse to EASoudei a Co. Schr C E Elmer, Mason, from Alexandria, In bal last to Captain. Schr Diamond State, Still, 8 days bom Milford, Del with corn to Jas Barratt. City lee Boat,Kelly,bom Bombay Hook. Brought up bark Sea Eagle; towed down bark S D Ryerson, for Cork, from whence she proceeded under canyas. Passed S Thurston, from NaTaaaa, off Bombay Hook, beating up. : CEEARED THIS DAY. Brig American Union, Smyth, New Orleans, DS Stetson & Co.; MEMORANDA. .. Steamship Morning Star, Courtenay, fronfNew Orleans, Ist inst. via Havana lOthinst, at N. York S< Steam&ip Corsica, Ee Meosurier, from N York via Nassau, at Havana 7th Inst. Steamship Arago* frouf Baltimore, at New Or le Sh ß ip.LySia Skolfleld, Skolfleld, from Boston 15th Aug. lit San Francisco 13th inst. Ship George Baynes, Batchelder, from Callao, sailed from Dublin 28th ult. for Cardiff. Barkßersia, Jones, cleared at New Orleans sth inst. reported for New York. _ , Bark Edith Rose, 'Waltlngton, from New York 16th Sept, at San Francisco 13th inst. Bark Scandinavian. Friend, cleared at N Orleans 4th inßt. for New York. Bark Florence Chipman, Jones, from Liverpool, Bt aSk Malign!' Merrill, at Rio Janeiro 2d ult. for K Bark < BrenSin. a Jachens, sailed from; Rio Janeiro IS Ba“k f Anni e e W Shcrwood (Br), Fadelford, saUed from Oienfuegoß 6th inst, for New York. Brig Faustina, Griffin* cleared at New Orleans et ßrfg A Washburn, cleared at New Orleans Geo^mT Smith, Pearson, from Frederloa, Del. and Mary Price, Blizzard, from Brandywine, at &chrSaUie J ihdays from New Orleans, at New York yesterday, with sugar, Ac. . Schr Julia Newell, Xrott, cleared at Portland 12th Robinson, sailed from Provi deichr OVHeckschw* smith, cleared at New Or from New York, were below New Orleans 6th inah Ship Charles A Jane (ofßostonl.Harrlman, sailed ifom Cardiff Aug 6, 1863, for Bermuda, with a cargo of coal, was spoken Sept 2, lat 35 -40, lon 45 30, and has not teen heard of Bince. GEORGE BuLDIN. MIC RAEirWARTMAN. : TOBAO^O^d^I^^OOMISSIbN No. 105 North rad 106 North fe!s TVFT.A~WA.RE arenne, Philadelphia. TXT ORSTED YARN.—Nos. anti 36 0 f supe fel.Vtf f & WELLS. 1 A A PIECES OF SI FANCY SILKS. JUJU Blue, Lilac and Brown Plaidßr- Black and White, Brown and White do. India Plaid Silks, SI per yard. *sBest Brown Silks. S 5 Best Black Silhß. Moire Antiques Best Goods. Foulards, newest styles. Friendly Foulards- IaNBBLL, . Fourth and Arch ssroeta. FEBRUARY IS. 1864. NOVELTIES. - (K .' ■ LACE CURTAINS srasiiN CUET&INS AND WINDOW SHADES I. E. WALRAVEN, \ " BUCCESSORTO W. H. CA-EBYL, MASONIC SAIL, 719 CHESTNUT ST _ *■. pa ex X - - - SENAT, BROS. & CO. 214 CHESTNUT Street, opposite Strawberry St, Importers of TV HITE GOODS. Offer a complete assortment of Jaconets, Cambrics, Checks, Victoria Lawns, N"insooks, Swiss Mulls, India Book, India Mail and other Muslins of our usual make and finish. , jal6-tft FIJBLOIIGHS. Officers and Soldiers, neiiing the City on Fur lough, needing SWORDS, AND OTHEB MILITABY EQUIPMENTS are invited to the -very extensive Manufacturing Es tablishment of GEO, W. SIMONS & BRO., SANSOM STBEET HALL, Bansom 3treet, above Sixth.. PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shortest notice, vrnicn lot richness and magnificence challenge competition, no other honse in the country combining the Mi- NUFaOTURING JEWELER WITH THE PRACTICAL SWOBD MAKER- febB-lm4 LITTLE PET BOOKS. THREE CHARMING VOLUMES, BY AUNT FANNY, Author ol “Night-caps, ” “Mittens.” “Socks.” entirely in words of single sylla- BLES, they will be sure to amuse the VERY LITTLE ONES. In a neat Box, Price £1 SO. Published by • WILLIS P- HAZARD. ja2l-tjylf 31 South SIXTH Street. Ice Pitchers .Castors and Plated ware, Of every description REPAIRED aad RE FLATED, AT J ARDEN’S, S- W- corner Tenth and Bace Sts, ja2o-t>M JOHN C. ARRISON, gos. l and 3 Nottb Sixth Stna, MANUFACTURER OF The Improved Pattern Shirt, FIRST OUT BY J. BURR MOORE, Wan anted to Tit and GiyejS&tiifaction. ALSO Importer and Manufacturer of GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS N. B.—All articles made in a superior manner by hand and from ♦He best materials. oed-6m J. F. IREDELL, No. 147 KOBTH EIGHTH STBEE7, Between Cherry and Race, east side, Fhlla. Has now on hand and constantly recolylng an ole gant assortment ol Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods. Shirts osi hand and mads to order in tho mes satisfactory manner. A foil line ol Gentlemen's Merino Shirts, Drawers, Ac. Also—Ladies’ Me rino Vests, Drawers, Hosiery, Ac. OCI7-6m 147 NORTH EIGHTH ST. COPARTNERSHIP. —Philadelphia, Feb. 1, 16G4. The undersigned hare THIS DAY as eoclattd themselTes under the firm of BOLDIN & toaptman.m TobaccoandGeneral Commission Merchants, at No. 105 North WATER street, and 106 North M B AS| &iNi Late of Boldin & Penrose. MICHAEL WARTMAN, Late of M.Wartman & Co. STATE OF REV. HENRY STEELE CLARKE, D. I)., DECEASED—Letters of Administration to the estate of Rev. Henry Steele Clarke, D. D., late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, have been duly granted to STEPHEN COLWELL, 1031 ARCH street, said city. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make payment, and those having claims will present them to him or his Attorney. - feis-mowt WM. S- PEIRCE, 633 Walnut st. • TOR SALE—THE RESIDENCE OF the undersigned, situate at No. 1916 VINE street, near Logan Square. The lot is 16 feet front by 100 feet deep to W inter street. The main build ing is of four high stones, 34 feet deep. The baek buildings are about 45 feet deep; dining room and kitchen on first floor, and superior arranged dumb waiter from kitchen; two furnaces in the cellar and every room in. ihe house heated therefrom; the sitting room in hack building is about 30 feet in depth, with very high story and two chandeliers; the rear part of this room has a compartment of 8 feet 6 inches, in which is a superior perma nent sideboard; all the work In oak graining. The third story back has bath room heated, with water closet and conservatory, in which is a superior billiard table, which, with its appoint ments, will be sold with thp house, if desired. Tho whole building is superior in construction and in thorough good repair; the best property of its dimensions in the city. Pricesl4,ooo. Insured for 53,000 in the Franklin. $4,100 can remain. Also, LOTS, DWELLINGS and COACH HOUSE and STABLING, about three squares, distant. The houses (three of them) are situate on Wood street, east of Seventeenth, and are 12 feet in front by 30 feet deep, with good yards. The coach house and Btabling are 32 feet 6 inches front on Pearl street, by 28 in depth, and are ventilated all around. This property was built by the undersigned fourteen years ago, is complete in all its parts, and is being placed in thorough repair. Insurance thereon in the Green Tree for ■53,500; free from all incumbiance. Price 59,090. 1 Also, all those two several properties, No. -no and 2112 CherTy street. These properties were purchased by the undersigned fourteen years sine as superior neat dwellings (no better built can De found),, and are improved on «« reaxsouth street (called Towerstreet) bytwo three-story dw with bath rooms; each lot IS feet front by feel deep. Insured in Frankhn S'- and lot, with two houses. Titlesu 82 50 0 These P A^% C r"?iv?”g"* t o, examine between the hours of U and 1 OOLLADAY, No. 619 Wainut street. Copies of City Directory wantedfor 1«3 and 1£64. ELOUB. Ot the following Choice Brands ♦ * Jobn Mtjsselv, .aD t * * ‘.‘HeiiTy M.iU'jelmfm,** **l). ;'vt i 7brlsc»‘,” . SU'j-m,” ♦ ♦“Willow Grov‘v? “T,o. u« t Vailey,’? “J o dun Yule,” Providence,” Brua,” ♦ ‘John BancS,” And other Penna. and “Wt stern brands,for sale by BROOKE & PUGH, fell-lmt I >731 & 1T33 Market Street. EXCHANGE ON EUROPE. BANKERS’ BUJLS DEAWN on ' Brown, Brother* ft Co., London. H. M. Rothschild ft Sons,..London, Baring Brothers ft Co., London, IN SUMS TO‘SUIT, For G-old Or Currency. AT BEST PRICES. FOBSAU3BY M. SCHULTZ & CO., No. 16 SOUTH THIRD STREET. oco-mtn&sa Gmh CHARLES STOKES & CO.’S FIRST-CLASS “ONE-PRICE” READY MADE CLOTHING STORE, NO 824 CHESTNUT STREET, UN DER THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL, PHILADA, *> ' Coat— LengthofbacS from base of cellartowaisi andfromw&iat to end of tail. Length of i Sleeve (with! arm crocked)? from TniririlA j ' of bach be-1 tween the! shoulders toi end of .cnfi;i and around the most pro minent partol the chest and waist. State whethererect or stooping. Fsr Pant*, inside seam, ® | \ and outside seam from hip bone arond the waist and hip. For Test, earns as Coat. A goodli guaranteed. ah garments madofromdirect! onsjamt in ftO« cordance with these instructions will be guaranteed satisfactory. If not so, the money will be returned for them. • Officers 1 Uniforms Ready-made, always am Hand, or made to'order in the best manner and on the most reasonable terms. Having finished many hundred Uniforms the past year for Staff; Raid, and Line Officers, as well as for the Navy, Wl axe prepared to execute all order* in this line Witt correctness and despatch. The largest and most desirable stobKof Beady > Blade clothing in Philadelphia always on hand. the price MARKED IN PLAIN figures ON AT.T. OF THE QOODS. Specimens oi Cloth, or other materials, with es timates sent by mail to any address whenie tn“*ed‘ CHARLES STOKES k CO, * CHiELES STOKES, E. T. TATLOB, VT. J. STOKES. KNICKERBOCKER LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW TORE. ASSETS, $400,000. G. PAUL. Agent. 50 So nth THIRD STREET near Chestnut. The standing of this Company} according to the Insurance Commissioners’ Report* is - 21537, Placing it above all contingencies as to safety. Dividends Large. Liberal. Inducements. ERAST US LYMAN, President, GEO. F. SNIFFIN, Secretary. B.F. JOHNSON, Vice President. Policies issued on all the various plans iu use, upon the lives of Husbands, Wives, Children, Debtors. Ac., Ac. Pamphlets and Blanks with full particulars, fnrnishedatthe office, 161 Broadway. fel2-3t{ THEODORE M. APPLE, GAUGER AWD COOPER, Nos. 168 and 104 GATZMER STREET, I rßetween Front aid Second and Walnut and ' Chestnut Streets,) PHILADELPHIA. Imitation Brandy Casks always on hand. Casks, Barrels and Kegs, always on hand or made to order. iel2-ly •0. jsapQ & WEIGHT & S3DDALL No. 119 Market Street., Between Front and Second streets. "O W WEIGHT. S. S. BIDBALt. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, AND GENERAL STOREKEEPERS Can find at our establishment a foil as sortment of Imported and Domestic Drug*, Sopular Patent Medicines, Paints, Coal U, Window Glass, Prescription Vials, etc., at as low prices as genuine first class roods can be sold. FINE ESSENTIAL OILS for Confectioners, in full variety, and 01 the best quality. „ . Cochineal, Bengal Indigo, Madder, Pot- Ash, Cudbear, Sodd Ash, Alum, Oil Of Vitriol, Annatts. ■ Copperas, Extract of Logwood, Ac., FOR DYERS’ use, always on hand at lowest net cash-prices.. 0 ■ SULPHITE OF LIME, for keeping cider sweet; a perfectly harm- % less preparation; put up, with full direo tions for use, in packages, containing suf ficient for one barrel. ... . , Orders by mail, or city post, wHI mcil with prompt adaption, or special quota tions will he fnxmshed when requested. WRIGHT A SIDDALL, Wholesale Drug Warehouse, noai-lyrpS No. 119 Market street above Fron S. HAEVEY . ' NO. 312 BtocKs and “ aSwE'' commisBlon ‘ Particular attention giren to V. S..QoM loans ■•r WATCHES! WATCHESI WATCHES!—SOO flue GOLD and. SILVER WATCHES, by the most ap- O © proved maters, for sale at one-half the priceß at the Broker’s, corner of THIRD and GASKILL streets, helow Lombard. ja2B-lmrp ATCHESi WATCHES, WATUUta. WATCHES—New and Second-hand WATCHES for sale at the Broker’s Office, corner of THIRD and streets. ja2B-imrg MONE’H!—To O no’Sold established Loan W w JONES* OU. »« QASKIEL street* Office, comer THXED iaas-im. Office hours from 7 A. M; ft, J2S& skssm’sw: “““rgiSsssassst FLOUR. “JEtna.” ‘ ‘Eagle. ” “Union.” “Eclipse.” “Snuveiy s,” • ■ ' “Metzgar,” “Gish.” “Zigler.”' “Peqiiea.” “Samuel Ranck.”
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers