Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 15, 1864, Image 4
STnrsm&sa stotioes- ADVICE TO THE MISERABLES. Tirow who are afflicts with Scrofula, Fever Bores, Skm Eruptions, 'Sait Rheum, Sore Head, Sore liege, Swelling of the Glands, Venereal Sores, Pimples, Blotches, Tetters, Chronic dis eases, Humors of : ail kinds, and have spent large Bums of money for medical attendance andauver tisedjemedies, Bhd are still uncured, we say use Dr. Rhtlway’s Cleansing Syrap, called *-J -VATING RESOLVENT. One to six bottles o.t this extraordinary medicine is warranted to cm-e •you. If six bottles of any remedy fail to mriusn satisfactory evidence of cure, stop »t; spena no snore money on it. Badway’s Renovating Resol vent has cured the worst cases of Chronic and Scrofu lous Sores by a single bottle. Let the wise give it a Br. Badvrey’aMedicWes resold by Druggiat* •verywhere. BAD WAY & GO.) 3 WJIUI gy Malden Lane, New Tori. STEINWAY & SONS’ -rfaOH-m ffTTIT pianos, frfrn SQUARE, UPRIGHT AND GRANDS. MOST CELEBRATED AND POPULAR, ALL OVER THE WOBLB, AT aßara BBASIVS BEOS -’ g§p^ 91 f I I* 100# Chestnut street, if S I |1 LEHIGH LOCUST MOUNTAIN AND DutK Heath, White Ash Coax, carefully ■elected and prepared for family use, free from slate and dust, delivered promptly and ■warranted to give full satisfaction, at prices as low as the lowest for a good article. Lump Coal for foond yies, and Chestnut Coal for Bteam purposes, at wholesale prices. An assortment of Higkoky, Dak and Pike Wood, kept constantly on band. Also', -an excellent article of Blacksmith 1 s Coal, delivered free of carting to any part of the city. A trial of this coal will secure your cnstom. -Send your orders to THOMAS E. CAHILL, Offices, 335 Walnut street. Lombard and Twenty-fifth street. North Pennsylvaniaßailroad and Master street. Pine stree - wharf, SchnylkiU. THE COLD SPRING lOE COMPANY. ' Offices and Depots as above. Wagons rnn in all the paved limits of the Con solidated City and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. MB" Bui.* GREATEST fff^IMPROYEMENTTgT^ OF THE AGE IN PIANOS. MEYER’S Improved Overstrung Pianos, ac knowledged by the leading artists, and endorsed, by the Musical public, to be the finest Pianos in America. The attention of the Musical public is called to these recent great improvements in Piano Forteß. By a new method of construction, the greatest possible volume of tone ha6been obtained, without any of the sweetness and brilliancy for which /these Pianos ars so celebrated, being lost, and 'Which, with an Improved Touch and Action ren der them TJnequaled. These Instruments received the Prize Medal at the'World’s Fair, held in London, as well as the Highest Awards over all competitors, from the frrst Fairs and Institutes in this Country. Ware 700ms, 722 Arch street below Eighth, Philada. HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE!! HAIR BYjEH! —BATCHELOR’S celebrated 11 AIR DYE is the beet in the World. The only Harmless, True and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect— changes Red, Rm*y or Grey Hair, Instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown, with out injuring the Hair or Staining the skin, leaving dbe hair soft and beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring Us pristine color, and rectifies J? ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed ttILLIAh A. Batohelok, all others'aire mere imi tations, and should be avoided. Sold by ail Drug gets, Ac. FACTORY—BI BARCLAY street, N. •Y. Batchelor’s New Toilet Cream for dressing the Hair. 6 • *. that their Manufactory of First-Class yiano Fortes is now in full operation. The general satisfaction their many Pianos, sold already, meet With, by competent judges, enables them to assert confidently that their Piano Fortes are not sur passed by any manufactured in the United States. They respectfully invite the musical public to call and examine theirinstriunents, at the Sales Room, Mo. 46 North Third street. Full guarantee given, and prices moderate. UR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINI MENT. It is a certain; remedy for Neuralgia. STEOK&CO.’S HAS ON HAMLIN’S CABINET SnßCK&’coV’s ORGANS. J. E. GOT Seventh NOW OPEN- r Now Open." _ Now Open.J - Now Open. - Now Open. . Now Open. Now OpenT Now Open. Now Open. . . _ Now Open. Saint James. Saint James. Saint James. Saint James. Saint James. • Saint James. Saint James. Saint James. .Saint James. Saint Jnmeß. Saint James. Saint James, - Saint James. Saint James. Saint James. Saint James. • Saint'James. . Saint James. Safot James. . _ Saint James. Green & Kelly. Green & Kelly. Green & Kelly. Green & Kelly. Green A Kelly. , v * '* Green .& Kelly. Green & Kelly. Green & Kelly. Green & Kelly. Green & Kelly. New Restaurant. New Restaurant. New Restaurant. New Restaurant. New Restaurant. New. Restaurant. New Restaurant. New Restaurant. % . New Restaurant. i New Restaurant. No. 421 Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. i No. 421 Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. No. ‘--421 Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. EVENING BULLETIN MONDAY, FEBRUARY J 5, 1864. DAVIS TO HIS SOLDIERS. Jefferson Davis has found it necessary to publish an address to the troops of the rebel »rmy. The wholesale desertions that are .occurring among them, in every part of the .South, must have seriously alarmed him •or he would not have felt called on to make' .-such ah appeal as that: we lay before our readers to-day. Of course, he says nothing about the thousands of desertions,butmakes a great-parade of the fact that some of his . troops are re-enlisting. Then he goes on to •all the Union soldiers “mercenaries,” the Union people “corrupt,” and the Union press “pensioned. ” We should like to have . this address widely circulated at the North as well as at the South. It will excite the loyal people to new indignation at this ring- Jeader of the .Southern traitors, and the loyal »ldierswhom he insults to new * determina *ion to fight against hi m and his armies> - league island If ito new Navy Yard be not located at lieagne Island, there is the strongest reason to believe that it will be because the citizens •f Philadelphia do not exert themselves with sufficient heartiness, but allow the friends *f the Chester site to retain possession of ike ear of the Navy Department and of the Congressional Naval Committees. The re- ; presentatives of the Department and the Senate and House Committees hate visitecT: both localities, and have seen the superior advantages of the one nearest to Philadel phia. If those advantages are not pressed with earnestness and unanimity by Phila delphia, there is a probability of their being lost sight of, and’ thus the victory'will re main with the advocates of the other locs** tiOn. Every one who has any influence at Washington should be called upon to exert it, and every friend of Philadelphia should bestir himself to that end. We invite at tention to a communication on the in another part of to-day’s paper. COLORED PERSONS IN RAHWAY CARS. The ejection from a railway car, in the city of Washington, of a colored surgeon, holding the rank of Major, belonging to a .regiment of black troops—and while on important public business —has called public attention to the system of pre venting colored persons riding in rail way cars, and. such legislation is in pro gress as will probably put an end to such distinctions in the Federal Capital. In our own city there is abundant, room for reform in this respect; but the delicate question of the right of colored persons to ride in city railway cars is beset with serious and em barrassing diflScultics. All this trouble comes, of course, of the prejudice against the African race, which has been so long in culcated and encouraged by the South to suit their own political purposes, that it is ex ceedingly difficult to dissipate it. The Abolition party was long in such had odor with the roaring democracy that the latter ran into the most violent opposite extreme, and persecuted, by every means in their power, the poor unoffending black man, whom the South cunningly pushed forward as the apple of discord which was td divide the North. It is a little curious that Phila delphia is almost the only city in the Union where this blind prejudice prevails to any great extent. In New England all classes ride in the cars just as they mingle together in the same streets; while in the slavchold ing States, before the war at least, no Southerner ever thought of objecting to the presence in the car or the omnibus, of the race with whom he was in constant intimate contact in all the social relations of life. In New York there is upon the city rail ways a certain proportion of cars in which colored persons are allowed to ride. These are properly inscribed, and those who are fastidious upon the subject of color are under no constraint to enter them. Philadel phia stands almost alone in' her exclusive ness upon this subject; hut public opinion and the necessities of the case seem to be gradually operating to bring about a change, and it should be such a change as will avoid offending honest prejudices while it looks to justice and fairplay for all. The encampment for colored troops at Camp “William Penn attracts a large num ber of the dark skinned friends of the sol diers to that locality, and some mode of public conveyance for them seems abso' lutely necessary. Under the present sys tem the front platform of the car is the only place which this unfortunate ’ proscribed' race is sufl’ered to occupy, and it is no un usual circumstance to see men who have donned the uniform of the country and ral lied to the defence of the old flag, crowded on this most uncomfortable place, and ex posed to the wet and cold, while half drunken white men and whole traitorous Copperheads 101 l upon the cushions inside. <■" PIANOS. PIANOS. LD, ind Chestnut. But even this is not the worst phase of the system of exclusion ; old women, gen teel young girls and’ tender little children, whose only offence is having a dark skin,are crowded upon the front platform, and they are compelled to ride in a place of such peril for the inexperienced, that upon most lines therules-of the companies forbid boys (pro vided they are white) riding upon it for fear of accident. The fact that these patient people never complain, is no , reason why this cruelty should be inflicted upon them. We repeat that we are well aware of the prejudice existing among a certain portion of the community, and of the embar rassments under (which railway companies .labor; but we have often witnessed growing out of this prejudice, and cor porate deference to it, that have made our cheeks tingle with shame, or our lips quiver with indignation. We have seen children, whose skins were scarcely darker than our own, put out of a car of a dismal rainy night, and made to .stand upon the front platform until the united voices of the in dignant passengers compelled the conductor: to restore the little ones to the places inside the car which they , had paid for. We re collect once to have seen a delicate, pretty and genteel little light mulatto girl put out upon the front platform of a car because a passenger objected to her remaining inside. The fastidious gentleman (?) had his pet spaniel with him.' The child was put out of the car, and the dog remained inside! These are extreme cases; but they are matched every day, and if patriotism is a thing to he admired and respected, and if tender childhood amj.cld age and feebleness are entitled to /manßu-kympathy, such scenes are more tWo-etjualed daily. It may be urged with great justice that no genteel person would like tp ride in a car with a “great dirty nigger;” this is very true; but we * reply to this that no genteel person would like to . ride in a car with a dirty or a drunken white man, or with a low coarse blackguard, even .although he be both white and sober; and yet every one who rides frequently in a a city railway car has to submit to just such inflictions;- and there is no help for it, except to leave the car and finish yourjour— ney on foot. ' ‘ - • Most of the city railway companies are making heavy dividends, and they can well afford to run occasional cars upon the New York plan, in which colored persons can rid? inside. Our own impression is that fBI BAIL'S ITOIUE ma V/i'B-ILAi)ELV.fiIa, MON v'&'i, Ft BBIJAR Y'l6-,:“i564. theirjirofits would not be lessened thereby { but even if they were, the small sacrifice could be afforded very readily. Start the; New York plan of alternate cars, or every third or fourth car, in which both white and colored may ride; exclude the dirty .and the drunken of either race, and if the “respec table” Copperhead whose creed is that of Judge Taney, and that coarser class who hate “Naygurs” by instinct,.willavoid these conveyances, we will promise ample white patronage to the occasional cars. We regret to .notice a desire upon the part of the Medical authorities at Wash ington to diminish the number of accom modations which have,during the war, been offered to the sick and wounded heroes, who have been compelled to seek shelter and medical attention in army hospitals. The quiet which has prevailed at the front, during the past few months; has- naturally ■reduced the necessity for such accommoda tion; hut the winter months are rapidly passing away,and in a few weeks a renewal of the scenes of carnage, which made the past year remarkable, will he experienced in the valleys of Virginia. The old regi ments will have been greatly strengthened; new ones will have been organized, and corps, which now offer hut fragmentary evidence of their former power, will have been increased in numbers commensurate with the great work which the country ex pects them to resume and complete before the many colored leaves again impart a brilliant hue to the “sacred soil. ” The great battles of the war will doubtless he fought during the present year, and it is the duty of the Government to provide,, as it has always done, for the thousands and tens of thousands who, during that period, may he borne from the field wounded victims of unjustifiable hostility, or who, from the exposure incident to active service, may be prostrated by disease. The Army Hospitals of Philadelphia have always been regarded as models of cleanli ness and discipline, where the patients are treated with the best medical skill and nursed with the most tender care. Two of the largest in the Department have been closed, and we hope, as must every Phila delphian, and indeed every patriot who has the proper regard for the comfort of our de fenders, that the list will not be extended* The empty beds, which may be visible now in the various institutions, will not long be without occupants,and the few idle moments, which some of the surgeons and attendants may now experience,-will be followed soon by hours of painful labor. The few hun dreds of dollars saved by the diminution is but a paltry consideration when compared with that vast amount of good which will in a few weeks, or perhaps a few days, re sult from their continuance. .No place in the country presents the same inducements and advantages as Philadelphia, and no community offers to the Government a larger number of commodious and suitable buildings, of more talented surgeons, of more capable nurses, and of kind, sympa thizing, devoted women to cheer with their words, and solace with their-acts, the inva lid hero. , THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD STOCK. To the Editor of the Evening Bulletin : The city of Philadelphia holds a large amount of stock in the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Said stock is controlled by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, who are authorized] by law to dispose of the stock from time to time to the best advantage for the benefit of the sinking fund. On Monday last about two thou sand shares of this stock were Bold at $75). The stock was sold, it is said, without consult ing the President of the road, who doubtless would have informed the Commissioners of the approaching stock dividend, a loss already to the city of $14,000! Where were the City Directors elected by Councils to protect the interests of the city ? A Citizen. German Opera. —Spohr’s opera of Jessonda will be played by the German company this evening, for the first time in America. Spohr was one of the greatest and most classical of German composers, and Jessonda has always borne a high reputation. Italian Lessons. —Those wishing an in structor in Italian are referred to the card of Signor Joseph Mazza, who comes here highly recommended. REAL ESTATE SALE. Pamphlet catalogues ol* the large »a!e of Real Estate to be held on Wednesday, by Mr. Freeman, are now ready. The valuable Farm belonging to the estate of the late Peter Wager, deceased, to ba sold by order of the Orphans' Court of Montgomery county, several ground rente and other property, by order of the Orphans’ Court of this county, are included The most sensible and profitable styles of Pictures made are fouud at B. F. REIMER’S, G 24 ARCH street. Go early, and secure good likeness—CAßTES DE VISITE CHAIN-BOLTS permit chamber or other doors to be slightly opened, and thus promote venti lation, while they arc as seenre as other bolts. T 8 patterns, of iron or brass, lor sale by TRUMAN A SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty five) Market street, below Ninth. A GREAT DEMAND FOR THOSE FINE Likenesses for SI, made by REIMER, at SECOND street, above Green. COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS executed with accuracy and taste. J . Matrass, bag and sail needles, Sprigging, Pegging, Sewing, Scribing and Ice Awls, for sale at TRUMAN A SHAW’S, No. 635 (Eight Thlrty.flve) Market street, below Nintb. WHAT WONDERFUL FIDELITY OF EX- P RESSION and accuracy of COLORING is manifest m those splendid PORTRAITS and life-size Photographs In Oil, by B F REIMER, 624 AROH street. ju.i.hhiuub, TNSTRUOTION IN ITALIAN. Signor JO ISEPH MAZZA is prepared to Vivo lemons in the Italian Langnage,at Schools, at private honses. or at his Rooms, No. 1104 CHESTNUT street, over Mr, G. Andre’s Music Store. fels,m,tU,Bt) Bethlehem oat meaxT mst received. Robinson’s Patent Barley, Bermuda Arrow root, Sago,.Tapiocaimd other Dietetics. „ JAMES T. SHTNN - . fe!s-6trps Broad and Sprnce Btreets. Edwin hall & 00., No. as s. second ar6 now o P emn e new goods in every New French Chintzes and Brilliants ( Percale Bobes, new designs, ' ' Organdies and Jaconets. v Splendid quality and styles of OrenitrUnfiß Fine Black Alpaca Mohairs. wona(Unes * Fine all -wool Be Lalnes, beautitni Rhidea gS3!S,''iKS, < ¥S;£r"' SS ' v New toe deepening daily.- OUR ARMY HOSPITALS, “ FIR^T SPECIAL OPENING SPRING SILKS: EDWIN HALL & CO. 26 South Second Street, "Would inform the Ladies of this city and eiewhere they will open to-day the best assortment of Silks they ever had the pleasure of offering. MAGNIFICENT MOIRE ANTIQUES, ALL COLOBB- • 1 3VIA GNIFICENT QUALITY CORDED SILKS ALL COLOKB. * 1 PLENDID QUALITY PLAIN SILKS, ALL ooLoas. CH ENFA.SILKS, op TIIE.NEW STTLBS. NEW FIGURED SILKS. HBOWN AKB OTHEB COLORS FIGURED SILKS. PLAID SILKS, OHDEBED STTLBS HEAVY CURDED SILKS, Eon cloaks and DRESSES- *■ jit. AOK TAFFETAS, FOR CLOAKS AND DRESSES. SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS. RLA. K SILKS, OP ALL KINDS. •CtiINTZ FIGURED FOULARD SILKS. BHOSVN WHITE AND BLAOK WHiTE FIGURED FOULARD SI KS. PLAIN FfetULARD S-LKS. BLACK FIGURED SILKS WHILE MOInE ANTIQUES, WHITE C *RDED, and PLAIN WHITE SILKS. feU-miw 2ts AMERICAN G9LD PEN CO., Salesroom, S. E. corner Eighth and Chestnut its. I* B, MABTEB, Agent. fel3-Gcs ’ __ ° CLARKSON & CO, BARKERS, No. 12! SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Government SesnrHes of all Issue?, PURCHASED AND FOB BALE (' Stocks, Bonds and Gold, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Interest Allowed on Deposits. PROMPTLY MADE, ftrl-lm rps W. G. MINTZER. Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer In MILITARY, SOCIETY, AND THEATRICAL GOODS. EPAULETTES, SWORDS, SASHES, BELTS, LACES, BINDINGS, HATS, GAPS, „ KNAPSACKS, GOLD AND SILVER EMBROIDERIES, BULLIONS, PLUMES, BUTTONS, “GLOVES, DRUMS, FIFES, Ac., Ac. Also—Regalia, Banners and Flags of every de scription. Army and Naw Officers. Regimente, Companies, and Dealers supplied at short notice, fell-lm* No. 131 Nor-h THIRD St., Phila. 4QAHA - A yearly ground rent of tyOV/UV. SlBO, payable out of large Lot, im proved bv S Dwellings—ground alone wortu 59,010. . E. T. COXE, 594 Walnut street. Ylt* Letters of administration on the E'siate of JOSEPH B. SHE WELL, deceased, laic OI the city of Philadelphia, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to his Estate are requested to make and those having claims or demands against the same to present them -* ithoui delay to F. R. BACKUS, Administrator, No. 350 North Delaware Avenue Philadelphia, Feb. 13. 1864. fels-mGi* M VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. The subscriber will sell at Public Sale on the premises, on - ATURDAY, the 27th nay of FEB RUARY, 1664, at 2 o’cloekP. M.. his FARM, situate in Chester township. Delaware county, Pennsylvania, containing about 91 Acres. The improvements consist of a large and commodious STONE MANSION HOUSE, three stories high, having 10 rooms, all or which are ot convenient sire. There are twd fronts to the dwelling, one of which has a pianza extending the whole length,and the other a portico. The lawn is Ailed with de cidnons trees and shrubbery of different kinds, milking an abundance of shade. There is, con ve nientto the dwelling, an excellent spring honse, over a never railing spring or water, or the purest quality, with apartments above for bath-room and smoke-Icuse; an ice-honse Ailed with ice, tool honse, and ether ont-buildings, all in good order. There are also twoTENEMEN TS,one of stone and the ether ot frame, used as tenant houses, a large stonebarn, capable of holding all the produce of tho farm, and a stable and carriage house The land is not surpassed in point of productiveness by any farm in the county. It is easily Ailed and pro duces well. There is < n the premises nil Apple Orchard of selected frnit in the prime of bearing. This farm is wo: thy the attention of purchasers, as it is seldom a properly combining so many advan tages is bronghtinto the market. It is two milo= from the railroad depot at Chester, avhich is reached over a good road during a greater part of the year. Conditions, which Will be easy, will be made known at sale. J. ENGLE HINKSON, fei5,17,19,ga,5i,26* Front st,below James, Chester. George j. boyd. ~ : STOCK A EXCHANGE BROKER, _ No. 19 South Third street, stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commit, sion, at the Board of Brokers. Government Securities, Specie and Unonrrent money bought and sold. UVS.. 5-20 Year Loan tarnished at par. n024-3mrp*g URE PALM OIL SOAP.-This Soap is made ol pure fresh Palm OH, and is enArely a vege table Soap; rmore suitable for Toilet use than those made &em animal fats. In boxes at one cakes for 81 50 per box. Manufactured by »EO. M. ELKINTON A SON, ®orgaretta street, between Front »im Second, above Callowhill street. del7-lyrp6 BROIDERING, Braiding, Stamping, Ac. ' M. A. TORReV, ■ IPfie Viibart vtrcit T°IU A Rshuts r r S fi£l K EN PASTE, AND DR °PS—Excellent Con- PHKN P WH S T^’rvT C A°I?" “4 Sore Throat. STE- Mariiet sireTh No.JMO pAPER AND ENVELOPES— " For sale by The 1,634 and ctlea P eat tn.the City. DUXBURY& GLENN, _ ■ No. 37 North Sixth street. Dwyers, Military Offl others, shonld call before purchasing eisewnere. ja27-lmrp* Musical boxes, in handsome oases. playinefrom two to twolTe cboloo melodis. lor.ala b ?TFARBA BEOTHEB, Importer., ns itWOlißitnatStTMt. txalow Fnortfc 1} IT I.Eli . WE AVEB a VO., . Manufacturer# of MANILLA AND TARRED GOKDAGJJ, _ „ Coeds, Twnra, Ao., Me. 38 North Water street'and No. 33 North ihi«, 22? “J 61 ™* Philadelphia. Kfiwta.H. riTasa. Michaud Weav OoniSE Ctnnim ft - FOR: SALE. ; ;H The Three-Story Brick Dwelling, No. 510 SOUTH TENTH STREET, . Has THREE-STORY BACK BUILDINGS. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. Lot 18 by 87 Feet. O-OBly a email part of Cash repaired. IN QUIRE ON THE PREMISES. felS-tf* New Fancy Cassimeres, ALFRED H. LOVE: COMMISSION MF.~R.nTTANT 212 CHESTNUT ST. jal2-2m4 1864. 1864, NOVELTIES AND DESIRABLE STAPLES IN Silks, Shawls, and Dress Goods. BLACK SILKS, all widths and qualities. COL’D and FANCY SILKS, in great variety. BICH FOUL ABBS, in new coloring; choicede signs. BUFF, CUIR, and HAVANA MOHAIRS and ALPACAS, BLACK ALPACAS and MOHAIRS, fine to su perfine. BICHBROCHE OR.FNADINES and Hernanis. 3-4 and 6 4 DELAINES, black and colored. FRENCH PERU ALES, P r INTS and Organdies. LINENS and WHI i E GOOIS. Also, COURV OISIER’ S PARISKID GLOVES. To all of which, together with onr assort* ment ol DRY GOODS, we Invite attention. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., , No. 737 CHESTNUT ST. fell-9t§ <v jr ' V $ BANKERS. 'i" Exchange on England, France and Germany, 7 3-10—5-20 Loan and Coupons, CERTIFICATES INDEBTEDNESS ttU ASTERMASTER’S CHECKS AND VOUCHERS, American and Foreign Gold, STOCKS AND LOANS, BOUGHT AND SOLD. to. ds-iy COUPONS OF 7 3-10 Treasury Notes due February 19. “ •« “ April!. 5-20 Bonds dne May 1. Highest market rates paid by DREXEL & CO., 31 South Third street. fell-10t$ ‘ KICH LACES. -GEO. W. VOGEL, No. 1016 CHESTNUT Street, opened this morning, two esses New Goods, .ne from Paris. the other from Brussels, containing Heal BLACK LACE PARASOLS, mmtnlcd in new and elegent styles also, Real Point Gaze and Point Applique Lace Fans, beautiful goods for Bridal, Presents; also, Real Black Lace Fans in very superb mountings; “Dncbesse” Collars, in nch variety, all of the proper shape , the same exactly as sent to the Paris market, and eery different from many in this mar ket; Bartes, Capes. A superb assortment of Rtml Black Lace Points, received directly from the manufacturers in Brussels, the cheapest and hand sumest to be lound anywhere; Lace Pocket Handkfs., new sizes aud new styles; very fine veils; all widths of Point Application Laces by the yard, fresh new goods just finished; White Point Lace Shawis, Ac., Ac. -- Parties requiring rich poods in Laces, reliable in style ani n-alitv. will find this stock worthy of attention. The goods are imported direct and placed before the retail buyers with but one advance in price. felti-fit* NDRESSEI) KID GLOVES—GEORGE W'. VOGEL, No. 1016’CHESTNUT street, has received per STEAMER ETNA, a case ot ‘ ‘GANT DE SWEDE’ ’ ol superior quality, manu factured with care “expressly for his sale,” and entirely free from the imperfections usual in a Swede Glove. These Gloves are re aly g°°d- felfi-Gt* VY7 ORMS. WORMS. WORMS.' WORMS. VV WORMS. WORMS. ■„ WORMS. fe2-26trp NISKEY’s Worm Powders; Vegetable; sure cure. RIDGE and GIRARD Avenues Price 25c. SUSPENSORIES. —Cavalry Officers and men will find a rare assortment of these indis pensable Bandages at C. H. NEEDLES’, corner ofTWELFTHand RACE streets. A new stock of French patterns just received. feu-lfltrpj SOAP-PURE FAMILY SOAF.—4 .'UN TAINS no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or CLAY, but is an entirely PURE SOAP, and should be used by every family. Put np in BOXES OF FIFTY POUNDS, full weight, wben packed and marked Fifty Pounds, not Bars,or Lumps, as many manufacturers brand their boxes. Manufactured bv GEORGE M. ELKTNTON A SON, del“-lvrp} lttt Marparettnstreet. HUSBAND’S CALCINED MAGNESIA is free from unpleasant taste, and three timet the strength of the common Calcined Magnesia. A World’s Fair Medal and four First Premium Silyer Medals bare been awarded it, as being tbe best in the market. For sale by tbe druggists and Country Storekeepers, and by tbe manufacturer, THOMAS J... HUSBAND, ocl9-m, wr, f; ly, rp N. W. Cor. Third and Spruce ISAAC NATHANS, AUCTIONEER and MONEY BROKER, N. E. corner of THIRD and SPRUCE streets, only one square below tbe Exchange. NATHANS* S Principal Office, es tablished for the last forty years; Money to Loan, large or small amounts, at the lowest rates, on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Cloth ing, and goods of every description. Office hours trom 8 A. M. till 7 P. M de2o-tfrp Gray hair restored baldness PREVENTED,— «‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. * * ‘ ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. * * “London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. ” «‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. ’ * 1 ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. ’ * > ‘ ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.” '“London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.” ‘ ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. ” This discovery for the preservation of the human hair is taking the lead of all hair preparations; be sides restoring the color and making hair grow on bald heads, it is a beautiful dressing, keeps the hair soft, smooth and flexible, removes any erup tive disease, Itching, Scurf, Dandruff*, «fcc. Many Who wercbald.and gray have had their hair per manency restored. Only one preparation. UNREAD THIS CERTIFICATE. dyeii?g Y haib restored without, PREVENTED. lam happy to add my testimony to the great value of the “London Hair Color Restorer,* three bottles of' which restored my Hair* which was very gray, to its original dark color, and the hue appears to be permanent. I am satisfied that tbe preparation is nothing like a dye, but operates upon the secretions. It is also a beautiful Hair dressing. I purchased the first bottle from mr. Garrignes, Druggist, Tenth and Coates streets, ■who can also testily my hair was very gray, when I commenced Its user MHS . MILLER, No no North Ninth street, Pbila. “London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing, 8013 dr. SWAYNE A SON, 330 North Sixth street, Philada. Price, 50 cents. (Six boKJ« B > jaB-f, m,wly TENTH WARD AHD THE DRAFT I! The Executive'Committee of the Tenth 'Ward, appointed to s£ licit subscriptions to the Bounty Fund, wheieby the quota of the Ward may be filled by Volunteers instead of drafted'men. would urgently call the attention of those who have not subscribed to tbemecesfity of so doingimmadiately. The Committee have been obliged to suspend en listing men for want ol funds. Six thousand dol- H >f now subscribed, will enable the Ward to fill its quota under both calls of the President, ihe gTeat majority of those who are subject"to .the dralt and the ones most particularly interestqd, ate not contributed to this fund. It now reznaips J°- Supply the deficiency or take their ch-nces of being drafted. These are, therefore, . lT 14 to come forwardatid subscribe, . obje< r t ls on ® wh »ch appeals to the penevo lentmc well as to the patriotic, and is one to which, all classes of sociely should nobly respond. Sub scriptions may be lelt with or forwarded to any or tbe Executive Committee, or either orthe follow in^named gentlemen:' DR. GEORGE T. BARKER, No. 1111 ARCH Street. -BONSALL BROS , No 116 North NINTH Street. CALEB B. KEENEY, N.W. eorner SIXTEENTH and ARC a Sts. CALEB NEEDLES and RACE Streets. CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HEW HAVEH, COHH. BRANCH OFFICE IN THIS CITY* No, 409 Walnut Street. CASH CAPITAL & ASSETS, $330,500. JOSEPH TILLINGH AST, Agent. Philadelphia, February 6th, I*o4. A Card. We, the undersigned, taka plfasurein recom mending the CITY FIRE INSUBANCE COM PANY ol New Haven, Connec'icut. to the cid xens of Philadelphia, with t.e FULL assurance, that all transactions with this Company-will be eminently satisfactory to the assured. 1-. O. Scranton, Pres. Elm City Bank, New Haven, Conn. A. T. Lowe, Pres. Safety Fond Bank, Boston- SlOfS. H. Day Kimball, Pres. Atlas Bank. Boston, Mass. James M. Beene k Co.. Boston, Mass. Fanlkner, Kimball A Co., Boston, Mass. Homer Bartlett, Treas. Massachusetts Mills, Rowell, Hiss. William Dwight, Treas. Saco Mills, Saco, Me. George Buss <t Co , New York City. Willimantie Linen Co., New York City. Lcngstreet, Bradford A Co , New York City. J. B. Lippincctt&Oo., Philadelphia. H. P. AW. P. Smith, Philadelphia. fes-12tf COFFIN & ALTEMUS, No. 220 Chestnut Street, Agents for the following Goods PRINTS. JAMES SANDIRS. GREENE MFG. COi BLEACHED COTTONS; LONSDALE, HOPE, Br-ACKSTONE, ASHMEAD’S, CUMBERLAND, PLYMOUTH, maatok, GREENE MPG. CO., FORREST DALE, J. A W. SLATER, , SOCIAL, - DYERVILLE, RED RANK, JAMESTOWN, CENT REDALE, C( 'TEE TRY, THAMES RIVER, BROWN COTTONS ASHLAND, FARMERS’ EXTRA, GREEN BANK, PASSAIC, ETHAN ALLEN, MECHANICS’ and FHENIX, A. A., EARMERS, Ac., &C. CORSET JEANS. GLASGO W, FIsHERYILLE, . MANCHES TER—CoIored and Bleacbed- SILESIAS. LONDON, SOCIAL, LONSDALE. &0-, Ac. PAPER CAMBRICS. Eud W'AEREN MEG. CO’S. WOOLENS. GT ENHAM GO’S CLOTHS—Blacks and Faney Mixture-, "Water Proofs, Sultanas, ao. HINSDALE CO’SBLfiOK CLOTHS. OASSIM EKfc.S ar.d ' DOESKINS— GaySTIIIe, Perry’s, Saxton’s Klver. SAT;NETS—B*iss River, Crystal Springs, Con" Tfrseville, Orcmtville," Bridgewater, Uxbridge, Chapin’s.Campbell’s, Lithrop AGoodri h', <fce. JEANS Robert Rodman's Gold Medal & others. LINSEYS—Large and Small Plaids. COFFIN & ALTEMU& NO. 220 CHESTNUT STEEET r Offer by tbe package tbe following description of - O OOils ARMY BLUE CLOTHS AND KER SEYS AND GREY 1 FLANNELS. PRINTED AND FANCY SATINETS,. IN GREAT. VARIETY. HEAVY TWEEDS AND COTTONADES. NEGRO KERSEYS, PLAIN AND TWILLED PRINTED CLOAKINGS AND SLEEVE LININGS. DOMET AND FANCY, SHIRTING FLAN NELS. BLUE DRILLS, DENIMS, NANKEENS. CORSET JEANS AND CAMBRICS OF VA RIOUS MAKES.- LAWNS—DUNNELL’S AND OTHERS. BLEACHED GOODS OF STANDARD MAKES, IN VARIOUS WIDTHS. BROWN SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. IN GREAT VARIETY! Ac. Ac. ' jalSm&th t-3 HOOP ' SKIRT MANUFACTORY.-Hoop Skirts ready-made and made to order; war ranted ol tbe best materials. Also, Skirts repaired. MRS. E. BAYI.EY, 812 Vine street, above Eigbtb. jal6-lmji THU UNIOM i’IAWO^iOANt;. FAOTUBINGf COSZPAITY haT» a& ICS lT' their factory and wararooms, lei? WAIiNUT street, always aL®?°stbsautlful assort aent of their unrivalled PJASOS, which thsj? sell at the lowest cash prices or on Instalments, mre as a call before-purchasing elsewhere, an© iVery satisfaction and guarantee will he given buyer*. ■ . • , ’ ,E. SARCKEIhTT’S ord6r* ioB R 5 I f /Tuning and. Repairing Pianos are r®« reived at Maaon & Co.’s Store,-9d7 CHESTNUT itreet, only. Mr, Sargeant has had Eleven Year* 9 factory experience in Boston, and Five dears’ employment in Philadelphia, SPECIAL—Pianos re-leathered to sound as soft and sweet-toned ss yew, without removing. Term* for tuning. si «F"T~ 11 JAMES BELLiK, . S|?|pjpip 279 and as 1 South FIFTH ppga£gg|& Soie Agent lor ’ i Q-. A. PRINCE & CO.’S World-Eenov,’ned Melodeons, HARMONIUMS AND DRAWING-ROOM i ORGANS. ERNEST GABLER’S, RAYEN & BACON’S. HALT, FT, DAVIS & OO.’S, Jall-3mrp} CELEBRATED PIANOS. WARREN, MIDDLETON, PHENIX A. A., AUBEKST, ZOUAVEf COHANNET, CENTRAL, OTTOWA, KENT RIVER, "WHEATON, COLLINS, PALMER RIVER, BELLOWS FALLS, WOOD RIVER, TOLLAND, MANCHESTER, Ac oci.t-smrttf