> XXVIIITH COHGEESS—FIBST SESSION. ■Washington. Feb. 12.* Senate -Mr. Trumbull till.) presented a peti tion from .ludpes ol Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa and jfew Jersey, setting forth tlio inadequacy of their salaries, and asking amincrease. Mr.. Harding (Oregon) introduced a resolution instructing the Committee un Host Offices and •Roads to inquire into the expediency'of establish ing a posiroad from .Salt Lake city to Oregon. Mr. Riddle (Del.) moved that'*lo,ooo additional ♦copies of-tiie report of Gen. McClellan, without the .accompanying maps and documents, be printed ior .the use of the Senate. Deferred 10 the Committee -on Printing. On motion of Mr. Lane find.) it was resolved •that the Committee on the Judiciary be directed to Inquire into the expediency oi-so amending the .pr« sentlaws regulating the jurisdiction of the Suv jpreme Court of the United States as shall confine the Court to the consideration of questions of law .-uloue, except as is provided by the 19th section of the act to establish the judicial courts of the United ;fstates, .passed September 2 l?8J, and to report by hill or otherwise. On motion of Mr. Fessenden* (Me.,) all- prior -orders .were postponed, aud the Senate proceeded to consider the House .Deficiency bill, as reported with amendments by the Senate Finance Oom .iniitee. The committee’samendfuents, withafew •slight exceptions, were agreed' to.' The Senate •committee’s amendment strikes out all the House provisions for am increase of the clerical force of the Department, and xtuthoiizes the appointment in the various bureaux, for' a. term not exceeding ©ne .year .alter the dose of the rebellion,, of about one thousand clerks and employes of various grades. The* Senate’s amendment appropriates the amount necessarj’ to pay the salaries of .these ad ditional employes to lhe.OOth of June, 1864, and . provides for-the employment of females instead of males, at a salary uoc exceeding hundred dol ; lars per annum. It also repeals the act limiting the office of'Assistant Register of the Treasury to •one year. ; Certain amendments from the Naval Committee were concurred in- They appropriate $l5O, uuo for repairs at the Norfolk Navy-Turd; SU4,i)UQ for works at Port Royal, 5.0., and 5i7,000 for repairs to the Brooklyn Davy-Yard. % Mr. Fessenden presented amendments, which were adopted, appropriating about 560,000,0u0 for deficiencies in. the (Quartermaster's Ordinauce and Commissary Departments. These amend ments were based upon the estimates ol the Chiefs of the Bureaus; as transmitted with an explana tory letter from the Secretary of War. Mr. Wilson moved an executive session. Mr. Fessenden thought the bill could be passed to-day. Various minor amendments were offered, When the Senate «d>ouTned until to-morrow. House Mr. Wasbhurne (III.) from the Com mittee on Commetce, reported the Senate bill which was passed, re-establishing the principal port of entry' for the District at Ohamplam at Piatteburg, New York. The House proceeded to the consideration of the ‘Senate Enrollment bill, as amended by the Com mittee of the Whole on the state of the Union. Mr. Cox (Ohio) suggested that the bill- should lie over till Monday, in order to give further time •for examination, the amendment being much con fused. Mr. Schenck (Ohio) replied that the public exi- j geneies were; so pressing that he could not give an hour. He moved.the previous question aud : then explained the amendments and substitute, } concluding by jin appeal to the friends of the f country to pass this bill that the army may be re- ( cruited aud-the government sustained. , Mr. Harding (Ay.) desired to address the House. \ Mr. Garfield (Ohio) proposed that the gentleman . .^from-Kentucky should, b? general consent, be ! allowed half an hour ior that purpose, but j Mr. Schenck objected. : Opposition,to further proceedings on the bill was manifested. ; . Mr. .Rogers (N. J.) moved to reconsider the ! vote by which in the earlier stage of the pro ceedings the House had asked tj adjourn tiil Monday. The motion was laid on the table—yeas 100, nay«4t. . . ( ; ; . Mr. Harding (Ky.) moved that the House .. No quorum voting the question was taken by ..yeas and nays, and determined in the negative— ..yeas 12, nays 90. It was now 4 y % o’ clock. Mr. Clay (Ky.) asked leave of absence till Mon day, but afterwards withdrew his request. Mr. Wadsworth (Ky.) moved that the bill and amendments be laia on the table. The question was determined in the negative yeas 48, nays 87. The Hou&e then proceeded to act on the amend ments to the Senate bill. _ The Hcnse then voted on the following amend ;; ment adopted by the Committee of the whole on " the State of the Unicn : n All able-bodied male persons of African de scent, between the ages of twenty and forty years, Whether citizens'or not, resident.in the United •States, t .shall be enrolled according, to the provi ■; sions of the act to which this is,a supplement, and shall form part of the national forces; and when •a slave of a loyal citizen shall be drafted and mus *• -iered inic ihc service of the United States, his mas ter shall have a certificate thereof. The bounty of •$lOO now 'payable by law lor each dratted man shall be paiu to the person lo whom such drafted person owes service or labor at_the time of his muster into the service of the United States, on freeing the. person- The Secretary of War shall a commis. ion in each of the slave States Tepresented in Congress, charged to award a just .. compensa.ion, not .exceeding 5 SCO, to each loyal person to whom the colored volunteer may owe ... service, who may volunteer into the'service of the United States, payable out of the commutation money upon the master freeing the slave. 5 ’ The above was agreed to by the following vote: Yeas—Messrs. Alley, Allison Anderson, Ar nold, Ashley, Baldwin (Mass.), Baxter,Beaman, Rlair (West Va.}. Boutwell Boyd, Bran ■degee. Brown (West Ya.), Cobo, Cress well, Dams (Md.) Davis’ (N. i Y ), Deming, Eliot, GrinneD. Hotchkiss, Hubbaru (Iowa), Driggs, Dixon, Eckley, Trank, Garfield, Gooch, Hall, • Hooker, Hubbard (Conn.) Hulburd, Julian, : Hasson,'Kelley, Kellogg (Mich.), Kellogg (N. Y.). Loan, Longyear, Marvin, Me-Bride, JlcClnrg, Mclndoe, Miller (N. Y.), Moor bead, Morrill, Morris (N. Y.), Amos Myers, X«eonard Myers, Norton, O’Neill (Pa.), Orth, Patterson, Perham, Pike, Pomeroy,Rice (Mass.), Rice (Me.), Rollins (N. H.), Schenck, Schofield - Shannon. Sloan, Smith,* Smithers, Spaulding, Starr, Stevens, Thayer, Thomas, Tracy, Upson, Yan Yaikenburg, Washburn (111.), Washburne T In addition to MARINS and INLAND IN SUfiANCE, this Company Insures from loss or damage by FIRE, on liberal terms, ou buildings, merchandise, furniture ore., for limited periods, and , permanently on buildings by deposit o. premium. _ _ The Company has been in active operation for the period of SIXTY YEARS, dnriug which ail losses have been promptly adjusted and paid, John L. Hodge, A dolphue Perie3, Willism McKee, M. B. Mahonv, John T Lewis, Jobn R. Wilraer, William S. Grant, Robert W. Learning, JOHN R. WTJC Samuel Wilcox, Seen fnHE COUNTY FIRE gINSURANCE COM I pany. r OFFICE NO. Ill) SOUTH FOURTH STREET, BELOW CHESTNUT. «‘The Fire Insurance Company of the County 01 Philadelphia. * ’ Incorporated by the legislature of Pennsylvania in 1339, for indemnity again** loss or damage by fire, exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL.. This old and reliable institution, with ampi* capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to insure buildings, furniture, merchan dise, Ac., either permanently or for a limited time, against loss or damage by fire, at the iowes. rate's consistent with the absolute safety of it-, customers. . Losses adjusted and paid with all possible de spatch, DIRECTORS. Charles J. Sntter, . Robert V. Massey, Henry Crilly, John Horn, Frederick Schober, Joseph Moore, Henry Budd, George Mecke, Andrew H. Miller, ” James N. Stone. CHARLES J. SUTTERi President. Bbhjamih F. HoEOKI.iiT. Sec’ y and Treasurer Afire association - • Incorporated Maxell 27 r. 920. OFFICE, No. 34 N. FIFTH street Insure BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and MERCHANDISE generally, from Loss by Fire. (In tbs iladelphia only.) Statement of the Assets of the Association, Janu- ary 1, 1883. Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the City of Philadelphia only .87»b,494 6t Gronndßents . 2S> 130 T: Keal Estate... 14,306 U Gash on hand............ 34.051 34 TRUSTEES: GEORGE W. TRYON, President. Wm. H. Hamilton. Geo. I. Young, John Sonder, Peter Frits, Peter A. Keyser, John Phllbin, , John Carrow, mys WILLIAM T. JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA Office North. last corner of THIRD and BUTTONWOOD streets (late Tammany). Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva nla. Chaetkk Pekfetual. Capital authorised bylaw, 8100,000. Make Insurance against Lou or Damage by Fire of Public or Private Build, mgs, Furniture, Stocks of Goodß and Merchar ■Use, on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. George Erety, Henry Gerker, August C. Miller, Christopher H. Miller. £ John F. BeUterling, Frederick Staake, Henry Troomner, Jonas Bowman, William McDaniel, Frederick Doll. Jocob Nullet, Jacob Schandler, George Blutz, Jr., Stephen Smith, Samnel Miller. GEORGE ERETY, President JOHN F. BEL STERLING, Vice President. Philip E. Oolbxah. Secretary. al2-ti American fire insurance oom PANY, INCORPORATED WIO—CHARTER PER PETUAL. 310 WALNUT Street, above THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA Having a large paid up CAPITAL STOCK and SURPLUS Invested in sonnd and available Seen rltles, continue to insure on Dwellings, Stores. Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels In port, and their Cargoes, and other personal property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIKBOTORB. Thomas R. Marls, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, James R Campbell, Samnel O. Morton, Edmund G. Dutilh, Patrick Brady, Charles W. Poultney, Israel Morris. THOMAS R MARIS, President, q AlburtO. L. Obawjobd. Secretary mrsa- American mutual insurance com PANT—Office, Farquhar Building, No. U Walnut street. MARINE AND INLAND IN SURANCES Risks taken] on Teasels, cargoes and freights to all parts of the world, and on goods on Inland transportation on rivers, canals, rail roads and other conveyances throughout ths United States. WILLIAM GRAIO, President. PETER CULLEN, Vice President D. B. Staory, Secretary. DIRECTORS. William Craig ■ Henry C. Dal let Peter Cullen, William T. Lowber, John Dallett J. Johnson Brown, William H. Merrick, Samuel A. Rttlon, Gillies Dallett Mason Hutchins, Benjamin W. Richards, Henry L. Elder, Pearson Sen-ill, Charles Conrad, William M. Baird. tai 107,947 16 Anthracite insurance company charter PERPETUAL. Office, No. 311 Walnut St., above Third, Phila. Will Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, ob Buildings, either perpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also—Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes and Freight Inland Insurance to all parts of ths Union. Wm. Esher. D. Luther, Lewis Audereld, J. R. Blakiston, Jos. Mazfield, WM, *1,089,435 S 3 WM. F. W*. M. Skitb, Scerel Fame insurance company, NO. 406 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRBCTORB. Francis N. Buck, Jno.W.Everman, Charles Richardson, Robert B.Potter, Henry Lewis, Jno.Kessler, Jr., O. W. DaTis, E. D. Woodruff; P. Justice, Chas Stokes, Geo. A. West, Jos.D Ellis. FRANCIS N. BUCK, President. CHAS. RICHARDSON, Vice President. W. I. Blauchard, Secretary. THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, „ Accumulation nearly $3,000,000. Total Losses Paid 650,000. Dividends made over. 700,000. PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE, Ne. 419 WALNUT Street JAMES B. CARR, Agent and Attorney. TMe Company offers enperior inducements to Sereons desiring to effect an insurance upon their yes, giving to those who desire the privilege ol settling their premiums, annually, semi-annually or quarterly. . The rates are lower than most Companies offer, and the insured are participators in the profits. The business of the Company is devoted txcltt tivciy to the insurance of lives. It is prompt in the payment of its losses. Any information upon tie subject will be cheer fully given by the AGENT, together with all ne cessary Books and Tables Upon the subject. LOCAL BOARD oFrEFERENCE. Bt. Rev. Alonzo Potter. Keen A Coates. D. D. Thos. Robins, Esq. Rt. Rev. W.B; Stevens. Clem. Tingley, Esq. D. D. A. W. Little, Esq. Hon. John M. Butler. Henry Simons, Esq. Alfred Jenks A Son. Alfred Day, Esq. S.Y. Merrick A Sons, Jacob D. Hett, Esq. Rich. Garsed A Bro. Watson Malone, Esq. T. B. Peterson A Bro. George Gilback, Esq. Hunsworth, Eakens A Thos. B. Beck,‘Esq. Naylor. Adam Warthman, Esq Boswell A Wilson. J. A. McAllister, Esq. Walton A Tost. J. Wafner Erwin, Esq. E B. AJ. F. Orne. MEDICAL EXAMII M. D.: Wm. Gardener, D. Lndia rubber machine belting STEAM PACKING, HOSE, Ac. Engineers and dealers will find a FULL AS SORTMENT OF GOODYEAR’S PATENT VULCANIZED RUBBER BELTING, PACK ING, HOSE, Ac., at tlie Manufacturer’ a Head quarter*. . GOODYEAR'S, 303 Chestnut street, Soutn side. N. B. We bare a NEW and CHEAP ARTICLE or GARDEN and PAVEMENT HOSE, rexj cheap, to which tits attention of the public Is called. . 003 INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. D Clark "Wbarton, Lawrence Lewis, Jr., David Lewis, .Benjamin Etting, Th( mas H. Powers, jA R. McHenry, - | Edmond Oastilion. DHERER, President, ftary ' Jos. E. Lyndail, Levi P. Costs, Ssmnel SparUawk, Charles P. Bower, BUTLER, Secretary DIRECTORS: Daria Pearson, |Peter Sieger, J. E. Baum, Win. F. Dean, John Ketcham, ■HER, President DEAN, Vice-President jaS3 LIFE INSURANCE. ERS.—T. M. Drysdale, M. D.; J. K. Knorr, M. dfllB*tb) B|tii| tf ■ AUCTION SALES. PHILIP POKE & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 523 M.;iriter. and 522 Commerce-streets. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OB' 15(M CASES ! '■ SH °KS, BBO(IANS, s to. L, T HUKSDAY BIORNINO, FEB 18, W ill be sold by catalogue, for cash, corjamoucing at 10 o'clock .precisely,*'lsoo cases Roots, Slices,- Brogan?, Balmorals,- Gaiters, Slippers, &c , em bracinga prime- assortment of goods, direct from iriiintiiactuTere, adapted to springsales. G oods open for examination with catalogues early or the morning of th° sale. R. T. HAZEL.L UuTi ON EEK. —IMPO-ii. . TANT POSITIVE SALE OF OVES WORTH HARDWARE AND OHr- LERY. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 2lt.h, and following days, niitil tbe whole is sold, commencing. at lo o’ cloek each day, at No. 5 PLATT street, New york, (by order.of Messrs. G W.'Scofield & Uo.-, who are declining the Hardware branch i%* their bufevne^ej:... The entire stock of H*avy an<&Shelf Hardware, Cutlery Ac., contained iasMd store, comprising a large and general assortment of de t-irable goods, all of which will positively be sold.' Terms Cash, in bankable funds. ‘ .Catalogues-will be ready on Friday, 19th iust., and can be had on application to the auction* ere. WHITTEMOHE & HAZELL, felfl-lOtfr J.iber y street, New York. BX 1' hi O JYi Ats Jt> iiC tj ii. .X u N _ Auctioneers and Ooinraission Merchants,' No. OH CHESTNUT street, above Ninth. Tdomos jtfircn. IMON COLTON A SON, Broad and Wal nut streets. CINOIftNATI HaMs.—Just re.i-lied and tor sa.eby Si MON COLTON A SON, Broad and Wnlnnt street*. CIHOIOE HAMS.—Cincinnati covered. Hams, ; just received and for sale by THOMPSON BLACK A SON, BROAD and CHESTNUT streets. GRAPES AND ORANGES.—Extra Almeria Grapes and sweet Havana Oranges, just re ceivedand for sale by THOMPSON BLACK A SON, BROAD and CHESTNUT streets. SPIOEIi SALMON.—Fresh Spic.-d Salmon in small cans,just received and for sale by THOMPSON BLACK A SON, BROAD and CHESTNUT streets HEIDRIEOK A GO'S CHAMPAGNE, very choice Sherry and Madeira Wine, due Brandy > Younger’s Scotch Ale and Gniness’s Brown Stout for sale by E. B. OLARKE,Grocer and Tea dealer, Main street, adjoining R..R. depot.Gennantown. VERY CHEAP TEAS.—Finest Young Hyson, Imperial, Gunpowder, Oolong, English Breakfast, Uhulans, Ao., for sale in original pack, ages, or in small boxes, for family use, at JAMES R. WEBB’S, Walnut and Eighth streets. de33 TJIDLEY’S BROKEN DANDY, Vanilla Cream X»i Candy, Cornucopias, Chocolate Almonds and Drope, Burnt Almonds and Mixtures; all fresh. For Sole by E. B. CLARKE, dealer in fancy and staple Groceries, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. . RENOH PEAS, Champignons, and Boneless Sardinee, of a fresh importation; for sale by E. B. CLARKE, dealer in fine groceries, Mali street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. Fresh groceries for ohristmas.- New Raisins, Currants, Citrons, Prunes, Figs, and Almonds. Just received fresh, for sale byE. B. CLARKE, dealer In fancy and staples groceries, Wniw street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germantown. ; EFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS OF ALi grades manufactured at the Southwark Sngai Refinery and the Grocers’ Sugar House, xor sal* by E. O. KNIGHT A CO.. Southeast eomej Water and Chestnut- street*. _ FRESH OLIVE OILln whole, half, and quarter bottles; for sale by E. B. CLARKE,- grocer, Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, German, town. j] FRUITS Layer Raisine, the finest imported, Sultanas; New Figs, in fancy boxes; New Currants; Prunes; English Walnuts, Ac., ai JAMES R. WEBB’S. Walnut and Eighth sts CANARY SEED —TWENTY-FIVE BBLS Prime Canary Seed-In store and. for salojby WORKMAN fcdO.iWo.l2WBJn.str*** BUSINESS (:)AiUDrt. ;J. W. BVKaaiAH PHILADELPHIA. ON COMMISSION SALAMANDER SAPI2S, GROCERIES. AUCTION Si MSS. J AISLES A. FREEMAN-' ATHTTIOSEEK, H'l-JM JVAEN'UT strasl, aSor* s|oartft- HEAL ESTATE SALE. FEB. 17. This sale will include— STOCKS. BOHEMIAN’ MIRING-.STOCKS. . 2 shr-re& stork Bohemian Mirnr*:? Company** STEUBENVILLE. AND INDIAN A. RAIL HOAD STOCK. 10 shares Stock Steubenville and Indiana Rail road. - ITS ACRES, MONTGOMERY GO—The valu able fltrm of '173 acres, with extensive- jmprove men;e, tenant*house and otu-buildiuga, Montgo mery county, 19 miles-from Philadelphia, 10miles iroin Norristown, :$ miles from two suuicms on the North Penn. Railroad. Sale absolute, by order.of the Orphans*- (:;outi of Montgomery county. Es tate oi Peter "Wager, riec’d. IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENTS—One of $55 per zimium, out of a lot loth, above Parrish sis; l5Js byS3leet, well secured. One oi S5O per annum, out of a lot Ogden sr, east of is:h st, 16 by 50 feet. Well'seoured. 4 DWELLINGS, COATES ST—Nos. 1329,1331, 1383 and 1337 Coates st, each 17. feet 9 inches front by tb ft et deep to a 4 feet alley, of which they have the privilege. Will be sold separately. Sl.SOuto remain on each house. DRINKER’S ALLEY—Three story brick house tn.d lot, 14 ieet7)s inches by 37 feet deep. Sale positi\e. l>7 N. 2D ST—Valuable store property, 19 feet 2 inches front, 119 feet deep to an Sleet adey leading into Eltreih’salley, of which ir has the -privilege. Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of Baokson Toy lor, det-’d. ' . ' 135 ELFRETH’ S ALLEY—A lot of ground and dwelling thereon, iC teet front and 40 feet in. deep (including on the side an S f-et alley, to be left open at least 12 feet, high). Orphans* Court Sal e Same Es fate. 122 RACE ST—A genteel dwelling and lot. 20 hj'76)s ic-et,. and a lot on the rear 51 fret 2 inches by 05 feet 4 inches. Orphans’ Court Sale—Same Estate. .124 RACE ST—Three Story brick dwelling and lot, 15 by 7feet deep. Orphans’ Court Sale- Same Estate. VALUABLE PROPERTY. DRINKERS ALI.K t A stahl**, with three small houses, and lot, £7 1 v inches fruiit and 37 f*et 5 inches deep. orphans* C- un Sale—Same Estate. GROUND RENT. A well secured irre deemable rem r ut of a lot Ridge avenue and Wal lanists, 50 by 233 feet. Orphans* Court Sale— S>’ine Er-wue. MAN A YUNE PROPERTY—A lot with 7 stone and frame houses, Mai-i street, Manayut.k, I's 7 inches front, f4-feet deep .o the canal, being 76 f-et cktp on flat* east l*ue. absolute. MANAYUNK PROPERTY—'The property ad joiniug th* above on Ma.u street wi'-h a two-story frame house thereon; by jO feet to the caaal. Sale absoD-tp. MANAYUNK PROPERTY—AIso, the pro periy adjoining the above, with a two story stone house: lot 20 feet 2 inches front by about 50 feet de*p to the canal. Sale absolute. FRaNKFORD ROAD—A two-story brick house and ahoot three quarters of au acre of land, on Frank ford road, above Ann st. 100 feet front and 300 f*et deep to Waterloo st; limit trees, Ac., suihie, cam ge-house, tenant-house, Ac. £3. (UO may remain. Administrator's Sale. 121 North Eleventh street. -liOUs-EHOLD Fl> NATURE, DINING-ROOM AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, &c. ON MONDAY MORNING, At 10 o’clock, will be sold, by order of the ad mil isrtator, at No. 121 North Eleventh street, the superior furn iture of a gentleman deceased, com prising chamber, dming-ioom and kitchen furni ture. FOR SALE—SIO,OOO MORTGAGE. At Private Sale—A mortgage of 810, (XX), well r* cured on property in the heart of the city, bearing 5 per cent interest, having several year* to run BY JOHN B MYERS & CO AUCTIONEERS, Sioi. 232 and 23* MARKET street, corner of Ban* LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF llWi PACKAGES BOOTS. SHOES. BROGANS.. &c. ON TUESDAY MORNING, FEB. 16, At io o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue, without reserve, on FOUR MONTHS’ CREDIT, about lira: packages H.ots, Shoes, Brogans, Balmroals, Cavalry Boots,'Gum Shoes, Ac., &c., of City and Eastern manufacture, embracing, a frest and prime assortment of desirable articles, foi men, women and children. N. B.—Samples with catalogues early on th* morning of sale LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, Ac. NOTlCE—lncluded in our sale of boots, shoes, Ac., to bo held on TUESDAY MORNING, February Ifi, at 19 o’clock, will be found m part the following prime and flesh goods,tc be sold without reserve, viz: Men’s Tine calf Congress boots and shoes; men’s and boys’ calf and kipbrogans; men’s fine patent lKi'htrrboois and shot**: men's and women’s gai ter do; long leeged grain boots; high cut military slices; youths’ half welt kip boots; men's do; women's and misses’ goat DaJm.ral boots:^ mo roceo boots: fine city made kid welt buskixs; Isdies’ gaiter boots; kid R. R. ties; colored and black lasting buskins; men’s fine city made calf, morocco and kid boots; men’s pnmp sole grsin boots; men's butf leather pump boots; men’s pump sob- calf bools; do. seal pump sole boots; women's lined and bound boots; youths* kip brogsns; misses* grain ties; misses’ gram bcskii ?; misses’ spring heel grain lace boots; women’s grain lace boots; women’* grain ties;. boys’ kip brogaos; misses’ glazed mo rocco boots, men's half welt calf do.; youths* half welt calf do; children's brogans; traveling bags, large peremptory sale OP EURO- I* FAN. INDIA AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, Jtc. W# win hold a large sale of British, German, French and American Dry Goods, by catalogue,- on FOUR MONTHS’ CREDIT and part for cash, ON THURSDAY MORNING,EBB. 18, ct-mmeDcing at precisely 10 o'clock comprising TCO PACKAGES AND DOTS of British, German, French. India and American Drr Of ode, embracing a large, full Und fresh aa ► or’iment Woolen. Wonted. Linen, Cotton and Silk Goods, lor city and country-sales. N. B.—Samp!** ofthe same will he arrangedfor ax&ininsiion, ■with catalogues, early on the morn ing of the sale, when dealers will find it to tfceii interest to attend. LARGE ATTRACTIVE POSITIVE SPECIAL SALE OF SOFT HATS. ON FRIITAY MORNING, FEB. 19, At 1 0 o' clock, will be peremptorily sold by cata logue, on FOUR MONTHS’ CREDIT, 573 rases men’s and boys’ >oft hats. including every va riety ot shnpe, quality, colors and style, recently manufactured for spring sales, to which we invite the atter lion of dealers, as the Eale will be pe remptory; . , N. B.—Samples with catalogues early on the piorniug of sale. OSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER ANI COMMISSION MERCHANT, Southeast corner SIXTH and RACE streets. WATCHES—WATCHES—WATCHES. At private sale, upwards of 2000 gold and silver watches, at tali'the usual selling prices. Watch makers, dealers and private purchasers will dc well by calling at the S. E. comer of Sixth and Race streets. AT PRIVATE SALE. 5G Peters's Piiil&delphia. cases English Paten, I.erer Watcher, of the most appro-red and bar maters: some of them have live pairs extra jewels, and veTy fine and high cost movements. If ap plied for Immediately they can he had singly, 01 the let at *25 each. The cases will wear eqnal tc AT PRIVATE SAKE FOB LESS THAN HALT THE USUAL SELLING PRICES. Fine gold magic case, hunting case and doublt bottom English patent lever watches, jnll jeweled and plain, of the most approved and best makers; fine gold hunting case and open face Geneva pa tent lever and lepine watches; ladies 7 fine gold enameled diamond watches; fine gold America! hunting case patent lever watches, of the mosi approved Styles; fine silver hunting case and open face English patent lever watches, of the most approved and best makers: fine silver hunting case American patent lever watches, of the most approved makers; fine Bilver hunting ease and open lace Swiss and French patent lever and lepine watches: independent socond and doublt time lever watches; silver quartier English, Swl» and French watches; fine gold-plated*watches: raters’ s patent watches, fine English movements, and numerous other watches; Very flue English twist double barrel fowling pieces, barr and back action looks, some verj costly, MONEY TO LOAN, In large, or small amonnts, on goods of ototj description, for any length of time agreed on SALES ATTENDED TO, _ either at private dwellings, stores, or elsewhere, and, -wnen required, two-thirds of the t value 6} the goods will he advanced in anticipation of sale, GON SIGNMENTS i of goods ot every description eolicited for oh public sales, Very line sewing machines; several superior. Hammocks; fine gold chains; jewelry of everj description; diamonds, and numerous other arti cles. Very fine double barrel duck guns, breech loan ing; carbines; revolving rifles- fine English revolvers, to THE PHILADELPHIA FOURTH Street, above Vine, ?Y P Stent, the Fall and "Winter season on MONDAY, oop* 2toh. Ladies and gentiemen desiring to acquire* AUCTION SALES. M THOMAS & SOWS, AUCTIOHEEBS . Nos. iso and 141 Sontli Kornth i.’rnt STOCKS ANI) REAL ESTATE—TUESDAY NEXT. ' .. ■ . *, a ™P*“4t catalogues now ready, containing rtiL descriptions of mi the property to bb sold on Tuesday next, loth inst. . iwith a list'of sales 23d February, and March ist, ,fi:h and 15th, com prising marge amount and great varietv of valua ble property, by order of Orphans’ Court, Execu tors and others. . ■ CARD—The sale of the assets of the Bank of Pennsylvania is postponed to the first Tuesday i» April. ' BALES OF STOCKS AND REAL EaffATß* at the Exchange, every TUESDAY, at 12 o’ clock noon. i | Handbills of each property issued separately, and on Saturday previous .to each sale ICO) catalogues, in pamphlet form, giving fulldj&feertp* lions. ' • ' > - " Particular attentiongjyen to sales at private residences, &c. SALES atthb AUCTION STORE, EVERY THURSDAY. STOCKS, LOANS, &c. ON TUESDAY, FEB. 16, At 12 o’clock noon, at the Philadelphia Ex change, previous to the sale of Real Estate— '2 shares Philadelphia Exchange. SHM-’OU Pennsylvania g per cent, coupon bond*, principal and interest payable in coin. 53,5L0 Callaway Mining Company Bonds. 28sharc& do. do. d.o. . ' . : 200 shares Chester County Mining Company. £5OO Lehigh Coal 'Navigation Company; ADDITIONAL. 2 shares Havre de Grace Steam Toowboat 00. 5 coupon Bonds. (5507 each) Kaighn T s Point and Philadelphia Ferry Company. EXECUTORS* SALE. 78 shares Chefter County Mining Go. 119 shares Schuylkill Bank • EXECUTORS’ tSALE-VALUABLE BANK STOCKS. t . Also, by ortler of Executors— -12 shares Philadelphia Bank. 4 shares Bank of Kentucky, i 10 shares Commercial Bank (Philadelphia). 12 shares Girard Bank. > 8 shares’Salem Banking Oo , (N. J.) . EXECUTORS’ SALE. Sit o Mortfoge Loan Frankford and Germantown Turnpike < o. , 3 shares Mercantile Library, 3 shares Ph;ladelphiaand i-avre de Grace Steam Tow Boat Co 42 shares West Chester and Philadelphia Rail road preferred stock.. 16 shares Be iford and Stoy3town Turnpike Co. 2 shares Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Co. REAL ESTATE SALE, FEB. 16. Orphans’ fruit Sale—Ertatn.of Neff, BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, N- W curner ofTine and Eighth sis. Same Estate—DWELLING, north side-of Vine st, west oi Eighth st. Same Estate—BUILDING LOT, Eighth Bt, be tween Vine and Callowbill sts. Same Estate— BRiCK DWELLING, S. E. cor ner oi James and Ragan sts, 13th Waitf. Same Estate—LOT, James street and Willow street railroad. ;>. • Peremptory SaIe—HOTEL AND DWELLING No. 70S Filbert st, with stable in the rear. Sale absolute. Peremptory SaIe—STABLE AND LOT, front ing on an alley between Eighth and Ninth and Market and Filbert sts. Perero ptory SaIe—STABLE AND LOT, front ing on the above all, y. • Peremptory SaIe—SMALL LOT, adjoining the above. Sale by order of Heirs—VALUABLE THREE STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, S E corner of Tenth and Spruce sts, (knownas-Portico Row.) Kas all the modern conveniences. Lot 25 by 160 feet. Same Esiate-2 VALUABLE FOUR-STOBY BRICK STORES. Nos. 46 and 48 south Second above CHESTNUT STREET—good Business Stands. Same Estate—'Valttable Bubhtess Staj?d— FOUR-STORY BRICK STORE,' No. 422 squOl Second st, occupied as a dry goods store and a good business stand.. VALUABLE SITES FOR COUNIIBY SEATt—A TRACT OF 60 ACRES, at Abingtou Station,North Pennsylvania Railroad,aud Willow Grove Turnpike, 10 miles from Philaaelohia. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 916 Marshall st, north of Fop.lar. £ v THREE-STGRY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1628 north Third st, above Oxford. VALUABLE THREE STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING, No. 1123 Spring Gar den st, west of lith st. . THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 429 north 9th st. south of Noble st. ter For full descriptions of the;_whpl6 of . the above see handbills. REAL ESTATE SALE- FEB. 23. Executois’ Sale—Estate of Charles Williams, dec'd—VaF-Varlb Busiksss” Sta7*d—MODERN FOUR-STORY’ BRICK STORE, No. 239 South Second st. between Spruce and uock sts. THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING,No.S2B j onh Thirteenth st, comer of Brandywine-st. TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING, No- 108 Feileralst. " .... VALUABLE FARM, *55 ACRES- Ton khan nock township, Monroe cotmty.pa.. lAmiles west of Stroudsburg. . T.. . . YALUAiibB Business Stattd—FlY r E-STORY IRON FRONT BANKING HOUSE, - fio.nth Thirds*, above Waluut st. Executor's Peremptory Sale— CATION, No. 617-Pass junk road, below South st. VALUABLEFARM, 172 ACRES-Montgomery county. Pc... 20 miles from Pbiiadelphia,Sy miles from G vrvnedd station and l’, miles from North Wales Station on the North Pennsylvania Rail road. - ■ A WELL SECURED GROUND RENT OF THREE-STORY BRICK STORE and D WEL- LlbG, No. 414 nc-jth Front st. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING,No. lOuNargsretta st, west of Front st BUILDING LOT, Montgomery avenue, ISth Ward. ■ _ . . • BUILDING LOT. Vienna st. IStitWard. A e’s SaIe—VALUA BLETHREE STORY BEH.K WAREHOUSF, Nos., 25'>. 252, 251 and 256 north BROAD st, 93 f-et front, 190 feet deep. REAL ESTATE SALE, MARCH 1. Trustees' Sale—Estate of Joseph T. Bailey," dec’d—ELEGANT BRICK RESIDENCE, with all modem conveniences, No. 1230 CHESTNUT st, west of 13th st, opposite the Mint, _ _____ Same Estate—ELEGANT MODERN FOUR STORY BROWN STONE RESIDENCE. No -1332 CHESTNUT st, adjoining the above—has all the xxiotiexxi conveniences. > 4 IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENTS. Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of W. Patterson, dec’d—2 old IRREDEEMABLE GROUND BENTS SK’Oeseh. . < _ Sale by order ofHeirs—2 old IRREDEEM ABLE GROUND RENTS, 5122 50-100 each. Furness, brinley- * go., Nes. gis CHESTNUT and 612 JAYNE street. POSTPONEMENT. Our flint sale of Spring Goode is postponed until February 16th. 1 1 _ ______ first Large package sale or springs DRY GOODS, AT OUR NEW STORE, 615 CHESTNUT AND 612 JAYNE ST. ON TUESDAY MORNING, EEB 16; At 10 O’clock, on four months’ credit, by cata logue, comurising Woolen, Silk and Cotton Goods, of British,"French and American fabrics. BRITISH GOODS. ON TUESDAY MORNING; —cases. G-4 black alpacas and mohairs. - Do. .6-4 silk stripe regiuas. l)o. wore:ed broche fancies. Do. fancy cjieck mohair lustres. Do. small check mohairs. Do, moaambiques, printed merinoes. Also, check ginghams, .denims, stripes,-sheet- LINEN DRILLS AND MARSEILLES TEST INGS, FOB MERCHANT TAILORS. 150 pieces French faney linen drills. 200 do do do fig’k Marseilles vestingd. London flue Valencia fanev silk vestings. LININ iDSILLiS, BDEYS AND lANEH DAMASK, brown linen drills. 4-1 and 3,4 finebley linens. 7-4 to 10-4 brown linen damask, BLACK ITALIAN SEWING SILK. 20 eases superior black Italian sewing silk. SILK NECK TEES.! An invoice of fancy and black silk neck ties. 1000 PIECES SAXONY WOVEN DRESS GOODS. ___ ON TUESDAY MORNING, ICGO pieces Btipor newstyleß and extra quality PARIS WOOtfMOUSLIN DE; LAINE& 100 pieces super quality mode, hot ll colors and BBIT ON TUESDAY MORNING. _ Oases London 8-4 blk alpacas and pure mohairs, do choice colored do do do check and stripe lenos. no. s-4 and 3-4 solid colors mohairs. do" silk stripe do. PARIS 6-4 MOZAMBrQUES. 3 cases Paris 3.8 mode col? d mozambiques. -■ do. do 0-4 high col’d plaid do. DAMAGED DRY GOODS FOR CASH. M ON TUESDAY. ’ - , Feb. 16th. for cash, a large invoice of domes tie dry goods, slightly damaged at a late fire; con sisting of—Brown and bleached muslins, tweeds,, cottonades, jeans, indigo blue J”??.™! flannels,.mpuslin.de laines, printed drills, woolen half hosei Ac. |MM —_ ii^jsgteighgfaaaMat l*6;SoUtil ( Dft.awM* Wha^VCA