FURTHER FROM EUROPE. THE FITTING OUT OF THE RAPI‘AHANNOCK. On the 26th of January, Air. William Rum ble, Inspector of Machinery at Sheerness dock yard (England), was brought before the bencn of Magistrates at Sittingborne, charged with a breach of the Foreign Enlistment act,in con nection with the fitting out of the rebel priva teer Rappahannock. After a long examination the prisoner was Committed for trial, but bail was accepted to the amount of jE1,090 sterling. , THE REBEL FLEET IN FRANCE. Advices from France say that the rebel Cruiser Rappahannock is rapidly preparing for sea at Calais, and ready to ship guns and Stores. • _ V. The Florida is quite ready for sea at .Brest, sailing is only a question of time. The Georgia’s repairs are in a forward state, and it is expected she will be ready for sef iu February. THE REBEL AGENTS IX LIVERPOOL. - Jones and Wilding, the two other parties ' indicted for enlisting men for the rebel, service at Liverpool, have appeared before the magis ' Irate. They both were directed to find bail to appear at the Assizes. . DISPOSITION OF THE SEA BRIDE’S CABGO. [Correspondence of the N\ Y. Tribune, j Cape Town, Cape or Good Hope, Dec. 19, 1863.—From Madagascar we have the news that the Sea Bride, which was captured at the entrance of this harbor, arrived at Foule Point, an unfrequented harbor at that island, about the 17th of October. There a portion of her cargo was landed and sold, and the remainder tvas put on board the British bark Reward, ostensibly bound for Mauritius, but which subsequently was taken to St. Mary’s • and sold. The Sea Bride was Bought at Foule Point by a Mr. A. Baillou, of Fort Louis, Mauritius. Before purchasing, he asked the British authorities at Mauritius if he Could get a British register for the vessel, and receiving a negative or doubtful answer, he left with a blank register in his pocket, intend ing to get it filled out by the Malagash authori ties at Madagascar. He has since returned to Mauritius, and his ill-gotten bargain has been spirited off to some secluded spot on the island. It is quite probable that failing to get a re gister at Madagascar, the next we shall hear of the famous Sea Bride, now Helen of Hamburg, Will be in the Mozambique Channel with a cargo of slaves on board.- The part of the Sea Bride’s cargo which was smuggled in here has been claimed by the American Consul, Mr. Graham, who has com menced a suit in the Admiralty Court for its recovery. The case will come on for trial in January—the Colonial Government being the 1 defendant. The Governor sent for Mr.-Anderson, of the firm of Anderson, Saxon & Co., a few days ago, to see if he had no demands to make for redress for the coal taken by the Vanderbilt at Penguin Island; but he answered no, and said that his bill had been sent to Washington, and Be did not wish to trouble the British Govern ment about it at present. It is high time that a war vessei should he Stationed on this coast to watch the pirates. There is only one vessel at present to protect the whole coast of Brazil and the whole of South Africa and the Indian ocean; and there Is only one vessel east of the Straits of Sunda, besides the old Jamestown, which is useless in imodem warfare. THE O’KANE-PAIMERSTON CASE. In the Divorce. Court, on the 26th, the 'case Of “ O’Kane agt. O’Kane and Viscount Pal merston,” appeared in the list for the first pmft: This petition was filed on the 19th of Octo ber last, and was served upon the respondent on the 21st of October. The respondent’s answer was filed on the 11th December, denying first the alleged marriage, and secondly, the alleged adultery. On the 17th of November an order was obtained by the noble corres pondent for the delivery of particulars of the time and place of the alleged marriage and of the alleged adultery. This order had not been complied with. Mr. D. Seymour, Q. C., now moved that the petitioner be directed to supplytheseparticu iara within acertain time, or that the petition should be dismissed. Mr. Seymour, in the course of his argument, cited an affidavit of Mr. Horsley containing these words: “Lastly, I say I verily believe that the petition was presented and filed and served for purposes of extortion only, and that the petitioner has no case upon the merits.” r : Sir James Wilde said that the Court could not tolerate for a moment any want of reasona ble expedition on the part of the petitioner. Ihe Court was asked to make some order with regard to particulars,but the respondent having already answered was not entitled to make such an application. But she has a right to insist on the petitioner proceeding. He would, therefore, make an order on the petitioner to show cause on the next motion day (Tues day the 2d) why he should not proceed or why the petition should not be dismissed. AMUSEMENTS, Thb Gebmakia Oeohbstea will give their regular public rehearsal at the Musical Fund Hall to-morrow afternoon, with the following nro. gramme: * I—O verture—A Wight in Granada.... o. Krentzer lers Spring Jubilee.... Prof Guns' l i—Adagio from Ist Symphony ..Kaliwoda J-Overtnre-wnHam T l eU __ » .. . ......EoTsiM 7H^rt U Twf n t V f^ I V, Bo^ rt le Diable. Meyerbeer 7 rrt-. * lnalc from Der Freyschatz. Weber the Bame “ tllat of ‘wo weeks Kqieste rtpeated ln compliance withnnmerons bill comprise?* ‘The'liunchblck 1 ’ ' Lit! U* Treasure,” and we can honwitlT sav that in entertainment conld be given anywhere with IP'eater excellence than that at the Arch this evening. In both pieces Miss Thompson tesnoerh and She will be worthily supportwl. p b ’ Tax Pixobaha of «‘Ten Nl»hte in a n*r aSPws^'isssSaE Blvfn tteOtelim at°tSsTCtrr r,lOon " « The Mobeis Mikstbels offer better bills wim SSSRSfi nlghUy n *SS£S S??Sof f t^ e c?mp^’ y aild eacb one 18 " y S ES»°wS oS'ass^’^lS?? performs are worthy of mlSaAe ° d ToVl^nS o Iws^fiSKirwK'sEs wiassysaa?” Benefit or Miss Westeeh After this g? will see Miss Western no more at the Walnut* She baa had one of the most surprisingly DODnlaT engagementa ever played in this city, and She will depart for CalUjynia on quite a wave of popu »The P la 7 11116 «>' e ning for her benefit Is ‘‘hast i l,ynne. ,f To-morrow evening “Imcretla ®g#a ’ and “Don Cffisar de Bazan” will be at Musical Fund Hall to £Ss? < 2*dg lt i on “The Art of Money (Jetting, > • te^’weTi^T e L ty ' tlle Hall. Mr. BanSm attend me£w^i. b l re P n tation, that many will man whohS 3 *!? 1 4118 ET atlfl eation of seeing the seente£ S more , before Republic and less seen py tnem, than any individual in this country. J^Sjtabyan: NAT All CLAIM AGENTS. BOejNTIEs’, proTufed by Uy COllected and mlS&mi. 6l EVENING, Feb. 12, THfcBEAUTIFUL liftAMA, T->- ■ „T HE tioket-of-leave man, Tv meh has attained I, AN ENTHUSIASTIC SUCCESS. The delightful Domestic Drama, ' AT GROVER’S NEW CHESTNUT TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN, Is presented entire. THE CAST OF CHARACTERS IS Pronounced by prominent journals of this city, to be otje.of tbe strongest ever given the drama. THE SCENERY superior to anything hitherto piesented in the drama. -A dmission—Dress Circle and Parquet, 50c; Or chestra, 75c; Familv Circle, 25c. Seats secured ■without extra charge. ‘ SPECIAL, ANNOUNCEMENT. The First Regular FAMILY MATINEE at the CHESTNUT will he given on SATURDAY AFTERNOON next, jipon which occasion the prices of admission will be reduced. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. Lessee„.. Mrs. M. A. GA3EETTSOK 1 UTS (Friday) EVENING, Feb 12, COMPLIMENTARY TESTIMONIAL BENE FIT and Last Night but One Of the Beautiful, Young and Popular Actress, LUCILLE WESTERN. Lmit Night Positively of the Great Moral Play, EAST LYNNE; < iR, THE ELOPEMENT. Lady Isabel and Madame Vine ..Lnctlle Western SATURDAY NIGHT, Tragedy and C.'medy, LUCBETIA BORGTA and DON C.ESAR DE BAZAN. On Monday, the eminent tragedienne, MRS. EMMA WALLER. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. GERMAN OPERA. THIRD NIGHT OF THE SEASON! BRILLIANT SUCCESS! On FRIDAY EVENING. Feb 12tll. The Company will introduce to the public of Plii ladelphia, ior the first time, .Richard Wagner’s celebrated Opera, TAN NH ABUSER. This grand opera, in three acts, has never been given m this country, except in New Torn, where its perfoimance called forth the enthusiastic ap plause of the critics and the public. The cast of the opera will include the full strength of the Company, as follows: Count, of Thuriugen Herr HERMANNS Tanuhaeuser Herr Dimmer Moitram....... Herr Steinecke Walther Heir Habelmann g?‘"Uch - Herr Scheeie Herr Graff Remmar .....Herr Haimer Elisabeth Frau Johannsen Frau Frederic! A Nbepbera Boy Fniuime Canissa Pages, Attendants of tbe Court, Naiads, Syrens Scene, Thunngen (Germany), Ca?tle ot tbe 'Wartl burg, in tbe Thirteenth Century. Conductor CARL ANSO EUTZ. On AFTERNOON, Feb. 13, GRAND MATINEE, when TBE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR Will be given, in -which HERR HERMANNS W ill appear as ‘ *Falstaff. *» Tickets ol admission to Parquet, Parquet Circle and Balcony, SI. No extra charge ior secured seats. Family Circle, 50 cents. Amphitheatre, 25 cents. 1 Doors open at 7#. Performance to commence a 8 clock. • TICKETS TO MATINEE, FIFTY‘CENTS. Reserved Seats, which may be secured at tbe Academy or at Gould’s, Seventh and Chestnnt, before noon of Saturday, Twenty lire Cents extra. Tbe doorß of tbe Academy of Music will be opened at one o’ clock on SATURDAY AFTER. NOON, 13th, and tbe performance of "The Merry Wires of Windsor' ’ will commence at a o’clock. |_| AYE ARRIVED " CONCERT HAT.Tj. MONDAY EVENING, Feb. Btb, :1 ■ ' AND EVERY EVENING DUBING THE WEEK. Tte far-famed original and only = MORRIS MINSTRELS, MORRIS MINSTRELS, BEASS BAND _ ' AND BURLESQUE OLD FOLKS CONCERT TROUPE. Twenty.onp Established Artists, from their Opera House, Boston. EVERYTHING NEW. NOTHING OLD. READ THE PROGRAMME. The acknowledged champions of Minstrelsy. An entire change of Programme every other eve ning, giving the most extensive and versatile eh ever witnessed. CARDS OF ADMISSION 2S CENTS, Toars open at a quarter of 7o’ clock. Commence quarter of 8 o’ clock. CHABL.ES A. MOBBIS, W . A. ABBOTT and CHAS. GASSETI^* 1 ' ” 1 ~ Agent*. COWOEKT HALL, LECTURE BOOM, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH POSITIVELY THB LAST WEE K or YEREY’S GREAT MORAL PANORAMA ov TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM. JOHN BONYAN’S PILGRIM’S PGnni!T«c EVERY EVENING AT O'CLOCK ’ AND EVERY AFTERNOON, ’ AT THREE O’CLOCK. . , ~e ilra day exhibitions are giT«n to acoomtno. «f ,te i t ?, ose wio^ Te beß “ ““Lie to obtain aeats for the Afternoon Matinees. lor REMEMBER THIS IS POSITIVELY THBt , last week Musical fund hall. ONE NIGHT ONLT. SATUBDAY EVENING, Feb. 13, ‘864. /or t, ME - p - T - BABNUM, ’ Will d ( ,gh? onW?’ NeW Tor *- > HIS ; IN ‘THE ART OF MONEY GETTING- ” ft«lontr"mr f o?u r oTng Mell * Pablic “ d Pro ~ THE ALMIGHTY DOI?LAB and every subiect th A t « C H?ii be pr i ,c , nr ' d for the aforesaid. 17 count?v IIT /,^?, ‘ n al ’ tbo P'iacipal cities ol this Hall, £indon" and in St ‘ Ja “ e8 ’ s ‘ViCKET^kT^ 1 ® 188 ™^ 1 ”. 1830. night of the Lecture.* 0 b ° bad at the HaU « n the SPECIAL NOTICE To avoid crowding at night, a few can be obtained atßislev’e Biml ' felO-Gt* M WANTED TO KENT—A H(iii>sp „e,,r. modern con T eniences, contiininiP )3 'uT{k «™S be X* elt "f *“« on .Walnut or Sp?nc2 ttteetf, from Eleventh to Seventeenth streets t M. GUHMEY & RONS, 508 Walnut etreet ' J ' WANTED TO DUKOHASE—A haud- SmWoM’l X M ' GDM \ IET * SONS, WANTED-By a gentleman and -J-* 7 vlf ?o mon hlTe accommodations for a ser- P^^'n,? eferel>c ” «c*»»nged. Address Box 2352, root- umce. fcl2-2t# kesidenoe, 1031 TTiC igg?iSS&J“Jr*, < « n - for reception Z~. ■» U A KDEJtS. Single fiooraa and Suites, and vate table, felO-lm^ pko: Gunn w i thln fiTe minutes rv.Mlcof Duy’s ill A “ bßllt StonsHans,on with An “P r 9 T * n i ento ’ 1 'i -icres of ground. rtM,le b welU C lr »hade. and frnlt trees. Good ApT/on Se^Til 10 " 1 “ di ““•'“^“g* ments, on the south side of HamUtoi?*tT?J? r « Te l s°we west or Thirty. fifth *treetT ISM by 300 feet deep. Immediate • " elfrollt Apply to A. B. fc P on “ 0a H lTen ' corner Ninth and FiUmrtßtreats! ° 0- ’ *sss**■ SALE—Uonts on SPRimn --■- near Thirteenth street.-with Btre f t i ig,mi °^vSgB.™°. JWI)A L L ' B . aiuu r> l i AMBOUN E I ’ OKTHE MOISTENS, • BEAUTIFIES, ODOBATES, tBNOTHENS, INVIGORATES. nourishes, the HAnP ELLISHEB ' entirely Flowers. K extraets of Boots, Herbs and 01lt <*tomxng pro- R P T W y^ r ° S4W,r ’ NewToVfc HAuEoWAY * COWIIEw to 3m{ W»- 2-3 NorthslX? s E £* et . Cltanaed and dla&StoStt Ter/low^S s . W,UB mTI lT Goldmtttti’ * Hall, Üb^tr.. STANBARB BEILIS. FOR SALE BY' Fyotliiiighass & Weils, Ajyiu.tihM.Ji2, IS, Wanis. BOARDING. FOR SALE. AND TO LET. ENTERPRISE mills, ATWOOD,RAISTOH & Co„' MANUFACTURERS AND . WHOLESALE DEALERS in ; ; CAKPET INCrS, -.- . - Oil : : Cloths, ' Mattings,: &c. s Ac.. Warehouse, 619 Chestnut Street, AND Jaynp Street. febL3mO 1864. SPRING 1864. GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA. M’CALLTJM & CO., Manufacturers. Importers and Whole sale Beaierc IN CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. Warehouse, 509 Chestnut *st, { Opposite Independence Hall. SPECIAL NOTICE. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. M’CALLUM & CO. K c L'fJ® inform the public , that they hay 1 (t&sed die old established Carpet Store, * No. 5J9 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite Independence Hail, FOR A EETAIL BEPAETMEHT, Where they are now opening A NEW STOCK, OF IMPORTED AND AMERICAN CARPETS, Emb> Being the choicest patterns of \ T PIvl STRY CAS •V ELYET. yene |BEUSSELS CARPETS Together with. & full assortment of ereryUunf pfcnninicg to the Carpot Business. ja3Q-tfs CIVIL AND MILITARY CLOTH "WILLIAM T. SNODGRASS, b £'Jb SECOND, and 23 STRAW BERRY Streets, ii, nappy to etale that ha tq, uih in an extensiTC slock of CHOICE GOODS, sochaa °i. TIL hUT. AJutTa*» aa-rr Blhck Cloths, Bint Cloths, « ? C V Boe, . tin «- Sky-Blna Cloths, S Sky-Blue Doeskins, 92 atl “**> Dark Bln* Doeskins, Billiard Cloths, Dark Blue BearmT Ie^ ,0UU ’ Darlt B1 “* paots sliJSSS a-4 and 6-4 Blue Flannels Beajerteens, Scarlet Cloths Cord, and Yelretaan*. Maxarine Bine Cloths, °k r fn< ‘ u 'i s t 0 corat earlr, as our pre sent stock is cheaper than we can purchase now. Ji'd'iis On hand and censtantlv receiving ALL NOS. TWiST FROM 5 TO 20, and FILLING Noe. 10 12 and 14, Suitable for Cottonades and Hosiery. In store at present a beaatifal article of 14 TO 16 TWIST. MANUFACTURERS Will And it to the* in. erest to give me a call. Also on hand, and Agent for the sale of ths UNION A, B and O JUTE GRAIN BAGS, in quantities of from 100 «o 10, 000. fell-3t* R- T, WHITE, 242 SOUTH THIRD STREET, jals-lms Wenderoth/blSyim^' PBOTQOitJJ‘HM£a AND ITOSYTTPIBIa, 912, 914 and 916 Chestnut street, Inylte attention to their improved styles or Xmr». I“Pe««X Photographs, Me finish ofrt touched pictures at the cost of plain. Every style of picture furnished from the Carii ie Tuits to the highly finished iTorytype OU Portrait, with satisfaction guaranteed. Particular attention si Ten to copying Old Pictures. Fine assortment of ALBUMS constantly on no2B-3m| GREEN CORN AND TOMATOES Hermetically Sealed by FITHIAN & POGUE, of Hear Jersey, are saperlor to all enters. Their large and varied stock of Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Jellies, Sauces, Meats, Soups, etc., In eane,- Is offered tathe trade at the lowest Mar ket Prieee, by their Sole Agents, ARCHER & REEVES. WHOLESALE GROOERS, No. 45 North Water St-. and No. 46 i^_i| tJorthDelawareaTennB. fe«.«j LITTLE PET BOOKS, THREE charming volumes, . by aunt,xanny, Anthorof “Night-caps,’’ “Mittens.’’ “Seeks » entirely in words or single sylla- THEY WILL BE SUM! TO AMUSE THE VERY LITTLE ONEsT In a neat Box, Price SI SO. Published by O, „ WILLIS „P- hazard, jaai-tjyß 31 South SIXTH Street Ice Pitchers,Castors and Plated Ware, . Of every deeerlption REPAIRED and RE FLATED, AT - JARDEN’S, Sterner Tenth and Race Sts, TJBTHLEHEM OATMEAL by the pound or X> keg—fresh every week. HUBBELL, Apothe cary, ltto CHESTNUT street. „ feia HOUSE. yarns. Comer of NEW Street OONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION - WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOE THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOE THE ONLY KNOWN EEMEDY FOE THE ONLY KNOWN EEMEDY FOB THE ONLY KNOWN EEMEDY FOR TEE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOE THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOE DIABETES, STONE IN THE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRAVEL. IMITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BEAD DEB. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. GAT djRRH OF THE BLADDER, STRANGURY, „ F° t 111056 diseases it is truly asoyereign remedy, ard too much cannot be said in its praise A single dose has been 1 sown to remove tile most ur gent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the small of the bac* and through the hips! A teaspoontul aday of the Constitution Water wiU relieve you lite magic. w u PHYSICIANS Have long since given up the use of buchu, cubebs and jumper in the treatment of the diseases, and only use them for the want of a better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER has proved itself equal to the fast that has da. volved upon it, DIUERTICS irritato and drench the kidneys, and by constant disease 11 eld 50 CQroEic degeneration and conlirmed We present the Constitution Water to the public with the conviction that it has no equal in relieving the class of disease- for which it has been found so eminently successful for curing; and we trust that we shall be rewarded for our efforts in placing so valuable a remedy in a form to meet the recuire menu of patient and physician. u ut bysmenorrhcea, or painful men , STKUATION; AND MENORRHAGIA, Both diseases arising from a faulty secretion of the menstrual fluid—in case of being too little, and accompanied by severe pain, and the other a too proiuse secretion, which will be speedily cored bv the Constitution Water. J J Tb« disease known as FALLING OF THE WOMB, which is the result of a relaxation of the ligaments of that organ, -and is known by a sense of heaviness and dragging pains in the back and sides, and at times accompanied by sharp, lanci nating or shooting pains through tne parts, will, in all cases, be cured by this medicine. Tbere is another class of symptoms arising from JRRITATION OF THE WOMB, which physi ciau. call nervousness, which word covers up' tsscfl ignorance, and in nine cases ont of ten the doctor does r ot really know whether the symptoms are the disease or the disease the symptoms We can only enumerate them here 'I speak more Mrticularly of Cold Feet, Palpitation of the Heart, Impaired Memory, Wakefnlness, Flashes Vision I*’ 1 *’ Languor, Lassitude and Dimness of SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION, Which in the unmarried female is a constantly re carring disease, and through neglect the seeds of more greye mid dangerous maladies are the result: and as month alter month passes without au effort, being made to assist nature, the suppression be «°“®s c^ roElc ’ patient gradually loses her ap petite, the bowels are constipated, night sweat* ceme on, and cvnrxm?Hm Anally ends her career BEAD! BEAD!! BEAD!!! Ttr xvrr, XT rP'^^ l^ I *' Pa -> J'inaa, 1662. IM. TG™ss-D*ar Sir: In February, *! aict * d with sugar diabetes; and for Are months I passed more than two pail one of ‘?,„J r ' n . ty ' iour tonr »- I was obliged to get S t *° or ‘welre times during the night, and in fire months I lost about fifty pounds in weight. During the month of July, 1661, I pro curve! two bottles of Constitution Water, ana. in two days after using it I experienced relief, and after talcing two bottles I was entirely cured; soon alter regaining my usual good health. Tours truly, J. V. B. DEWITT. Bostok Coesbrb, N. Y., Dee. 27, 1881. Wm. H. Gregg A Co.—Gents—l freely giT6 yon liberty to make use of the following Certificate of the raise of Constitution Water, which I can re commend in the highest manner: My wife was attached with pain in the shoulders, whoie length of the bach, and in her u “! ,s > with Paludalien of ifu heart and Irritation *f Bladder. I called a physician, who at-* tended her three months, when he left her worse found her, I then employed one of the best physicians I could find, who attended her ler about nine months, and while she was tinder ms care she did not suffer quite as much pain. He finally gam her up and said, fur cate was in suratle. “For,” said he, "she has such a combination of complaints, that medicine given for one operates against some o'her , of hor difficulties. ’ ’ About this time .she commenced the use of the Coxstitutiou Watbe, and, to our utter astonish ment, almost the first dose seemed to ham the de sired effect, and she kept on improying rauidly under it? treatment, and now entirely her domestic affairs. She has not taken any of the CoKSTiTCTion Tatib for about four weeks, and we are happy to say that it has produced a perma nent cure. WM.M. VAN BENSCHOTEN. xv. w It “ kiiii bb. Conn., March 2, 1883. ®r. W. —Dear Sir—Haying seen your advertisement of “Constitution Water,** recom mended for inflammation of the Kidneys and Irri tation of thoj3ladder, having suffered for the past three years; and tried the skill of a number of phy sicians "With only temporary relief, I was induced to try your medicine. I.procured on© bottle from ;rour agents at Hartford, Jffessrs. I*ee, Sisson Ac Go., and when I had used half of it, to my sur prise I found a great change in my health.. I have used two bottles of it, add am where I never ex acted to be in my life, well, and in good spirit*. !! cannot express my gratitnde for it: I feel mat it to all and more than yon recommend it to be. Jday the blessing of God ever attend yon in your labors of love. Yours, truly, liEONABD S. BIG-EItOW. THESE AEE FACTS ENOUGH. We present the Constitution Water to the nuMia with the eonriction. that it has no equal in relief! hag the class of diseases for which it has been found so eminently snccessfnl in Corine- and we trust that we shall be rewarded for our eflorts in placing so valuable a remedy in a form to meet the requirements of patients and physicians rOESALE BT AU, DEUQgSstS EEICE ONE DOLLAfi: It • H. GEECK3- & 00. ■ Pronrietors. MOBOAN * ALLEN, Oen^aTlgSta. No. 46 CLIFF street, New Yorlt. i ' For salehy JOHNSTONy HOLLOWAY * COWDEN, _ - , FRENCH, RIOHARDSACo,, jaS5-xa»W|f-6ia Philadelphia* GIRARD FIRE AN.D MARINE INSURANCE -'COMPANY, OFFICE, 415 .WALNUT STEEET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL - - - $200,000. INCOME; FOR, 1863, FROMFIRE INt TTRANOE PREMIUMS ANT* INTEREST ON iKVESTMENTS, ' §©0,618 82. LOSSES *AID, - - - -- 829.127 92 po n rted n fm u'.Un g*?* aEd one »ir-SBao. ae re ary Ist, 1884,) thus, leavin *neariy’ !<1 *l**? ,aaa - Incorre, over lofe,s outof which see have been paid; also. tvZl.ivfde^lf expen ds to TWELVE PER O ENT * dSmed S 0 MAY AND NOVEMBER. The Capital df tCis Ccmpan? is *nvr-sted in fri-».a* Ponds ard Mortgages, United Stat-sT nt/iJ? Loans,. CamdenandAmtay Rail 0.-. d, and tiudoubisd Securities in. int?’ mg balance of Cash in Philadtlphiißlng 1 1 d ‘ $lO 146 87 This Company has been do'n; busine=s f,ir mar,- jeais and ranks among the safest m the connS^ §®oo,eo© pa^ns^TENYli^. 11 ' f ° rthe "«• NO COMPANY Excels it in promptness and fairness, in the adjust ment and payment 01 losses. directors. Tiromas Craven. t eo W niophoh., N. S ’ Furman Sheppard, Jer. Walker.' George H. Ashion, ' .Tno. Supplee, Charles I. Dupont, Henry W. Gray. Samuel Jones, M. D., Silas Yerkel jr . Allred S. GUlett. ’ - THOMAS CRAVEN, President. ALFEED 8. GILIiETT, Vice-President. j J a£.M£§J- ALVORD - Secretary- COFFIN & ALTEMUS, No. 220 Chestnut Street, - i Agents for the following G-oods PRINTS. JAMES SANDIRS. GREENE MEG. CO. bleached cottons. LOKSDALE, WARREN, Rrirawnw. MIDDLETON, ASU&vaIPJF’ phenixa. a.. AbH MEAD’S, AUBERN CUMBERLAND, ZOUAVE’ COHANNET, Greene’mfg. go., ottowll 1 DALE, KENT RIVER, SKATER, WHEATON, SOCIAL, COLLINS RED PALMERRIVER. CENT REDALE, TOHLANT),-**’ - fte. ; BROWN COTTONS SLANT) FARMERS’ EXTRA, GREEIs BANK, PASSAIC, MECHANICS’ and PHENIX, A. A., FARMERS, fte., ftc. CORSET JEANS. GLASGOW, FISHERVELLE, MANOHES TER—CoIored and Bleached. SILESIAS. i LONDON, SOCIAL, LONSDALE, ftc., ftc. PAPER CAMBRICS. LONSDALE and WARREN MFG. GO’S. WOOLENS. GLENHAM CO’S CLOTHS—Blacks and Fancy T Mmtnre., Water Proofs, Snltaaas, etc. HINSDALE CO’S BLACK CLOTHS. CAsSIMF.RES and DOESKlNS—Gaysvilie, Perry’s, Saxton’s RiTer, SATJ NETS—Bass River, Crystal Springs, Com- Vfreeville, Orcuttville, Bridgewater, Uxbridge, 1 1611 ’ s > Lithrop- s, Goodri h, ftc. 2 ft* NS' Robert Rodman’s Gold Medal ft others. LlNsEYS—Large and SmaU Plaids. COFFIN & ALTEffIUS, SO. 220 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer by tie package the following description of Goode ARMY BLUE CLOTHS AND KER SEYS AND GREY FLANNELS. PRINTED AND FANCY SATINETS. IN GREAT, VARIETY. ** 51?,4yJ tweeds and cottonades. NEGEO KERSEYS, PLAIN and TWTt.r.Fn CLOAKINGS AND SLEEVE NELS tET A ® D rANOT SHIRTING FLAN ™SIUi E yS J^I,ENIiIS ' NANKEENS RIOTS AND CAMBRICS OF VA- EAWNS—DUNNELL’s and others. BLEACHED GOODS -■ OF STANDARD MAKES, IN VARIOUS WIDTHS. - 'AND SHIRTINGS, IN GREAT VARIETY, Ac. Ac. jalSxnAthtf EDWARD P. KELLY. JOHN KELLY, TAILORS, 612 CHESTNUT ST. T, aTp, THIRD STREET AB. WALNUT, Keeps constantly on hand a large assortment ®X NEW and STAPLE GOODS, C PATTERN OVERCOATS ' A3o> Warm Sack and Business Coats, FOR SALE AT Rednced Prices. ' TERMS CASH—Prices lower than other Cus tomer Tailors. TO LET—Up Stairs of 619 and 614 Chestnut st. A. S. ROBINSON, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN LOOKING GLASSES, PIER; MANTLE & WALL MIRRORS. ‘ En f l ® T i n S* and OU Paintings. of Pictures and LoddnAGlass War^ _ A. S. ROBINSON. Ho. 916 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia;