delphia to New Yorkand Way Place* m PhUa " FROM WALNUT STbIeTWHAe/ .Vill ieaveae follows, viz: ' ~bi Amboy ’ a *2* A 11 and ersey “ s“* o 2S EiprfiBs Vm Camden Amboy[ O.'and Uamden and Amboy, Accoinl modation (Freight and Passenger). 7™.™. i 75 „ ’ M - via Camden and Amboy, Accom- CuSt T?cket reiellt * nd Pa66eng6r >, I 3 * »d Class do. „;: * 225 p - M., via" Camden' and Ainbov’ An" 150 (i ' relghtandPaSa «6 e^S) Vt Sd Glae do. # ..*\* ••!*■*.** * ** •^ ,enlo "wn, Betiilehem, Ae‘; w 3 p. paston >iiLambertville, FlemingtonJ e A° r M^?Tan I d 0 4)f’^']vi nsvUle ? nd Bemberton, at ™ SE Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. p?JS „EiT ^rt o i l’ ? elcnco > Beverly, Bur-. IsV’i O S®? Bordentown, &c., at 6A. M., J-1 -> lj 3 and 4X P. M. The 3 and 4Vp wr Lines ran direct thv&sgh to Trenton * P ‘ 2tt ' B^rtoato'fa^P^M* 011 ’ Delanoo > Be ™rly *** fc 3 K ?NSINOT°N DEPOT w (Night) via Kensington and Jersey a- ( T as ,t! r int ? ton and’ New York Mail. y Cnj " V ‘ a K - ensmgtou ana-Jersey !"L via Kensington "and" Jersey «£ l ;Ao W ? 1I1!r,0n and New York Express 3 GO M Sa Tbe y re L wm S £ ave " *•» A M GAS P on Monday? ** nolme at A. M. (Night) T, y a! ‘ ? r Cap, Strondsbnrg, Scranton, Wilkes barre, Montrose, Great Bend, Manch Ohnnk tertvilie ?elviderer La^- «/ rtviiiej xiemuigton. &c.% at? a tvt ThioTina »j P 6 M™* leaVtag Easton far M^ch M eatijn ’ *°-' a ‘7andU.lsA. M. biS?S°H I 1 ¥ eb,, s’ Tacony, Wissinoning, Brides. j£ rg and Franiford, at 9A. M., 5, 5.45 and 8 P ?P rt > and 'Way lines leaving Ken- to h e cars on Fifto street, above waiiint, half an hour before departure. The Oars “*•> «-£*2£ .^«sSJ?Ersssa?sKras g as ba SS a ? e bnt their wearing apparef Th. S,., er P°“ da to be paid for'extra. to OiVe r>?n= y 1 the '‘ r ree PonBibility for baggage per P 2™, d ’ and *UI not be Uablefbr i ? oT^Tnf^ e Depots - ° rd - *0 tei IiNES 2 FROM N^YOEKFOE^uSeI,- „ PHIA, WILL LEAVE from toot of Conrtland Street at 12M. and 4 PM. e^p J m S6 » H°in y ?? d Camdel y at 7, 10A.M,’ d (NlgM) Tia f eis *y 01 ty and From foot of Barclay street, at OA. M.. and 2 P M., via Amboy and Camden. an tt 2 p. P / ll! « No ,' 1, North Elver, at 12M., 4 and 8 akJHi'J" (Freight and Passengers) Amboy and .fc&aa aaagvß Philadelphia, wrr. lSrjll!ilr^ mNa ' rON b^tihoee •• 'I CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after WEDNESDAY, Jannarv 20 ism. p “s er trains leave Philadelphia for 7 ’ ISS4 ’ cepMdf“8 r os at i9m ' fl i' M ' l J ExpreSB ’ Mon oT7I4 and •Mmam^ 11118 for Salisbury and lntermediat* J .tSa?^! 9^ 01 ?° V6r and 111 temediate TRAIN S FOR BALTIMORE. Leave Cbester atS4O,X M., 3 00P M. P. I laT e^rUmlnEtonats 35 ’ 925 A - M -t and 335 »S™‘a» a *SaS^ ltt PaSßenser attached, a f slS P a g r Psrr ™^ d ‘ a term,. f Z Fe^me “ d I® terms. Leave Baltimore for Philadelphia, 3 45 p M Leave Wilmington for Philadelphiaand interme diate places at 4 20 P. M. ' '“ c SUNDAYS: Only at 430 A. M., 1130 P W Philadelphia to Baltimore, axifp iladelphia 10 Wilmington at 430 A. Erom Wilmington to Philadelphia at 830 P IVT pXa. a 35 PM ‘ iTom Baltimore to PhUadel". jgil EiBSpSjS NORTH PENNSYLVANIA R. R.—FOR BETHLEHEM BuiEEsTOWN, MAUOH CHUNK, h tf : TON, EASTON. WILLIAMSPORT _„ ? INTEH ARRANGEMENTsT ' _three through trains. On and after MONDAY, Nov. 16, 1563, Passen ge. liains will leave the NEW DEPOT, THIRD d’7,V\« bo J 6 Thompson street, Philadelphia Oe-uy, (Sundays excepted) as follows: F m?- 17 A,? L (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown. Slanch Chunk, Hazleton, *WilliameporL ? , A ; hi- , l , rail L mal;es cl o»e connection with tSI rfISS« Va i ley Ka f roa<1 > at Bethlehem, being toe shortest and most desirable routo to all points la .me Lehigh coal region. - p tom 1 Jb 15 P ' M ‘ for Bethlehem, Eas ■This train reaches Easton at 6.40 P. M., and C Yorfc tion Witt New Jers< W Oen- Chnnm 5P ‘ M ' *° r Bethlehem, Allentown, Mahch For Doyles town at 9.15 A.. M. and 4.15 p Mi Washington at 10.15 A. M. andA. 15 White cars of Second and- Third street line City Passenger Oars, run directly to the new depot.- TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA P 6 itblehem at 3U A ’ M " 9 - 30 A- M. and Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. M. and 3.40 P M I*avo Fort Washington at 6.40 X M. and 2 Jr.-jHL ON SUNDAYS. P P^ ladel Phla for 10 X M. and 4.15 3 T ,o^ est °wn for p Mladelphia at 7.30 A. M. and - Pare to Bethlehem Pareto Easton.. ........ 7 .1 to FaretoMnuch Chunk 7.7. !77 2 55 t > . T 1 $. ke mnst be procured atihe'Ticket Cffice, THIRD street or BERKS street, In order to secure the above rates of lare. ■ aplß ELLIS CLARK, Agent itreets, at 8 00 Md i« , 5 H J E £ NTHa “<< MARKET 4.00 P. M. Trains leave ie^ and r s, t 200 and and Market streets;WestPhn,°Jel Jhi, f ,7!l lrt ?' lirst time from Eightofum^nAlS A Freight Train, with Passenger n., „„„ u wiU leave the corner of THIRTY Ft streets (West and . 'drains leave West Chester at 6. 40, 8.20 and TO us A. HL, and at 1.25and4.35P.’M ’ nanaie.3s — at 9 -°° A - M - and 2. 00 P. M ‘ West Chester, at 7 50 A. M. and 4. (inp M -add 4 w'p In M ea J inS Philadelphia at 8. 00 A. 'oL, ■ •JJ aVJJf** connect at Pennelton with Trama Jn;,o h ‘ 1 rL h P J lfl r. antl Baltimore Central ££2! W * V Oxford, Ac~*c. HtJyRY WOOD, Superintendent. IMSBS AND el inter ARRANGEMENT. 1 aSd anw?*?"*. •.®l*i*%rJEtalfcl<>, daily,-except Sm&>w« - A * Shr" 5 JOHNS. HltaJS SeSerai Callowhill struts, *!&&-’ aati office W, IRrjgft Sixth and Chestnut ■ WM. STEARNS, Snp’t. THE ADAMS COMPANY, 328 27th, is®, i Ktl:iT > Philadelphia, January ihSmtittSS at^Smt^P 81 ?^* 131 ® sparged a .Railroad depot, Imd h?|f2 n ’ ®‘ 9', by building capacity for traneu!nLtnX tae acquired, additional forward Hea T yExnrel^fvai 11 ??. UO S prepared to Parcelß, toWaJhtorton oSir^ 43 ’ PaotEagos ***■ Annapolis, Frederick ;? H Ktowa ’ Alexandria, Monroe, and other places Snm? stowl1 ’ Pomes* army, at greaUy reduced rates ’ °° oa P le d byth. Special agreements made „ . «jt&VctoVpmes”’ol°ap B pSlS m^ osupplies H ! SoMiord- parcels t^n oe&oT d at b^ r BEOAD and LOCUST Streets * 00r “er of ■j 'V JOHN BINGHAM, Superintendent. jjgßgSgSSa BEADINd RAILROAD. - „„®EAT TRUNK LINE *OF T£S SE INTERIOR LAND AND WYOMWtJ^E?®' ’ I#EYS, NORTH, NORTHWEST AND THE PAN A nag Leave the n SSENGEB TRAINS aim OAT TnwSfm 1 ? 111 ?! 8 De P ot > THIRTEENT temYS ILL streets> Philadelphia, at the.. MORNING MAIL, tUtts 'Svm.' fj? r Readin S> Lebanon, Harris. Carlisle, I? SsS£SaS»«rSSiS ;loSrn El Sraf°- w°Uh £«&!“- ssmki ltlSport ’ York > AFTERNOON EXPRESS. a«f.sss I s&s&m;“±£ ai~s*!BSßas^s2s» ll6 f °r Snnbnry, Northumberland, J £ailrnarif™i Clinton with -Oatawissa SSf^ forMllton ’ wmiams POTt, Elmira, reading accommodation. „N?^ TCBReadUlg at 6.30 A. M., stopping at all -war i itMions; arrives in Philadelphia at 9.25 A. M 1 Retiiminc. leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M.: ar rive® m Reading at 7. as P. M. ’ Trans lor Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 8 A ff'. and Pottsville at 9.15 A. M.,arriving in Phi’S. Jeiphia at 1.50 P. H. Afternoon trains leave Har .iSDurg at 2. OO P. M., and Pottsville at 2.30 P. M . -rrivmg at PhiladelDhia at 7.00 P. M. „I’3 al SSn??'? a 'v, wit ? a Passenger car attached, a 'Philadelphia at 1 P. M. for Reading and all vrar statums;. leaves Reading at 12 Noon, and ar“ P/ M ‘ toPMtadelpulJSg ■nad Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M.e A. M., P»« CHEST ? K J AIJLEY railroad. soSsl3j£ r 4,„ ! Sf, P a OT S ing ' owri “d intermedia* S ;i 5 A- M. and 4.30 P. M. trains Horn A and 12. 3e fi^“ e from E °wningtown at 7. 05 REIT YORK EXPRESS, FOB. PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST. ™ ™ York at 7 R- M., passing Reading Pen^fv,£ nd , COD , ne oUng at Harrisburg wild ourfeh 5 R aLirQ ad Express Train lor Pitts. Train leaves Harrisburg on at SSa Eenils y l vama Express from Pittsburgh? ?L£f?L A - passing Beading at 8.45 A. M., Mid arriving at New Yora at 1. 45 P. M. Sleenine sncompanying these trains through between jfre££ 0“7 and Pittsburgh, without chknge JBrs6T A wr 1 sew»Forlt5 ew »F orlt leave Harrisburg at 8 looJriJ 4r trains for Hamsbur* 6 A- M - and 12 Noon. * T^? l pyZ EI SPP.IA I ‘ ;LEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsville at 7.15 A. M. and 3.30 P *4sp it ll lUne fr0I “ Tnscarolaat 9.05 A M. and SCHTJYLEILIi and SUSQUEHANNA WATT ___ BO AD. *Jv"£? B lea J e ATlburn at 3.45 A. M. for PinegroT* ?M t i arr i 5 , i ” re ' at 10 A - M. and 1.20 and 7 1* bilekt 7 T *^p e^oY^°H nl Zi Hama. M lfnd'ap: M PineeroTe «8.15 A. TICKETS. llrst-class tickets and emigrant ticket* Sd oSf a d^ ncipal POlDta 111 the Wert nffi^S U « OV £ nK J t i cfe i’ ts £ re obtainable only at tb* Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No 227 Sooth Fourth street, Philadelphia, „ of O aTnIoSu? Qeneral Superintendent, Readine ’ ’ *t <« COMMUTATION TICKETS, p 5 between any point* d»- *lredfer families and Arms. * MILEAGE TICKETS, *•*£**£?«?' 9®® mi,a6 > between all points, ttsU 3f tacn, fer families and firms. SEASON TICKETS, , e .’ * ,x > mne ortwelTemontli*, forboldw only, to nUpointA ntreducedrates. “ ulu,c _ CLERGYMEN SesidiAp on the line of the Road will be far. £^SS&£ tiUla « TICKETS, *° P rinc ipal station*, goo d Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced Bmth°asd tte Tlotit mc * »tnS?2 taontn and Gallownill streets, ■ „ . ~, . FREIGHT. aUaßscription* forwarded to all the ftbove points from title Company’s New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets FreifUt _ FREIGHT TRAINS Reave Pmiadelpliia daily at 6A. M , p » »*« p ,-, fcr iiU™, HkAEi*:: Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points beyond * _ J HAIRS Close at the Philadelphia Post Office for all places on tpe road and its branches at SA. M., and for the principal Stations only at 2. 15 p. m. -* NoB ' On and after December 7th, 1863. Until farther notice. , FOR GERMANTOWN. L l a l® , P s, il j d t ll ’i llS —8,9, 10, 11, 12, A. M.; 1, -, 3.10, 4, S, S, 7,8, 9, 10, Hand 12P.M. 81 8 - 20 ’ 9 - 10 * U. JJ 1 ' A.M., 1,2, 3,4, 5, C, Gjs, 7,8, 9, 10 and 11P. . Thp 8 - 2 o down train will not stop after leaving Germantown. v “™ r ON SUNDAYS. Reave Philadelphia— 9.10 A. M.; 2,7, 10R PM. IjeaTe Germantown—B. lo A. M•i, a ovp §r , CHESTNUT HIRE EAlii’oAD* M ‘ weave Philadelphia—6, 8, 10, 12 A M 2. Tv SX, 7, 9 and 11 p. M. a. nt., 2, 3*, Reave Chestnut Hill—7. lo, 8, 9.40, 11 40 A M 3.40, 5.40, 6.40, 8.40 and I™4o P. M. town B Branch. U P do not stop on German- r , ON SUNDAYS. Deaye Philadelphia—9. lo. A. M • 2 ?x» w 9 a £ B p! h M toUtHUl_7 - 50 A ‘ **■■' U ’. 4o, 5 40'^ FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN Reave Philadelphia—6, Sx, 11.05 AM- liti 4X, 6.05, 8.05, andllXP. M. ' *’ * 7 ’ 7 ' 60 ’ 9IUA -“-; i*. , ' ON SUNDAYS. Reave Philadelphia.—9 A. M.t 2X F. Bt Reave Norristown—77 A. M. t 5 P. in FOR MANAYUNK. Reave Philadelphia—6, BX, 11105 A M. ■ lv v? Hi, 6.05, 8.96, and uVkm“ 1 ** TFaSTx 7X ’ 8 - 20 ‘ U * A. M.- „ ON SUNDAYS, pave Philadelphia— 9 A. M.: 2X and 6X P. M. Reave Manaynnk—7X A. M.; 5% and BP. M. H. K. SMITH, General Superintendent, Depot, Ninth and Green streets. jg®. ERIE RAILROAD. 1863. U ?, e ‘“•jfees the Northern and “oTi Lke™ of p V sylyailia t 0 010 ci ‘y “ It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad ' and under their auspices is being rap idly opened thronghont its entire length. * V ness 18 w, Passenger andPreight bnsi. miles lie Hamsburg to Emporlnm, (185 Sieffieta £, E 2f Wrn Division, and from DivSfon. E (78 KIUOS) on ' 4110 Western TfHBOP pabbengeeteaik at ph6.adbi.phia ■LEAVE WESTWAKD. lO MP at aavcn, and between Baltimore andLockHnvem Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express' TStaTboSi' ways between Williamsport and Bal then™ .JES Williamsport and Philadelphia toore ’ and For mlonnatlpn respecting Passenger business ‘ &Utoe e ts SoUtlleaSt 00rner ° r and S.geaL- IOT Frel^tlt business of the Company’s 8. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. Thirteenth and Mar xetsts., Philadelphia, J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J M. Drill, Agent N. 0. B. B. BaliJmor*. _ i ' „ H. H. HOUSTON, ' General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. LEWIS 1,. HOUPT, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. .JOSEPH D. POTTS, General Manager, Williamsport. SAIL, LINING ]0 ige4 WEST JERSEY RAILRUAf —Running time of trains, com. Jail. 1, 1664. Enr STREET WHARF. S, ! i ya JA - M - Returning at 6A. HL tor Millevilie, Ac., at 9A...Hl.>and 3P. M. Re Wm . turamgat B Q 9 A . m . and ljlo p M . tor Bridgeton, Ac., at 9A. M. and 4P. SI. Be-. _ „ tnming at c. 30 A. Iff. and 130 P. M; Tor Salem, Ac., at 9A. M. and 3 and I P, to. at 4 and BA. SI. and 110 P. Sl.' * T 1 yr Jo^snrs '’ &0 -> at 9A - M - and 3, 4 and 6P ' .TV, Eeturning at 7.00, 7.48, 9.38 A. Iff. and ‘J 45 P. M. J. VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendent. . ' SALEM RAILROAD. Jtni l letl' 1 01 traills > commencing FRIDAY, , £ rO S WainntStreet"Wharfat9 A. M. and 3 and o+4* j*o freight 12 M.* Returning, leave Salem at 4 and 8 A. M. and 1.10 P. M. Freight daHy eaci yray. Apply to+MORTOK DULLS, Agent, 2d Covered Pier above Walnut at. J. VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendent. cape may and milt/vtt/t.e eaidroad FRIDAY t^W.: 64 * Walnnt Street Wharf. Tuckaho? e pn« a 'i?i’i S? 11 !? Honse > DennlsviUe .• _ “jOCj Fort Elizabeth, &ud bv (touDfictiiif to al l parts of Cape May county,at! Daein Phi in ea . Te C:lpe Island at 6A. M iiae m Philadelphia at 10.15 A. M TON Mllfl S* daily; ly *° MOR nat street 8 ’ Ag L| 2d 00vered Pier above Wal no la i&i EESgjgaeac Philadelphia ani BAI ' T IMORIj CENTEAX n - . . WINTER ARRANGEMENT. will leavePh.l 5°, n i ay ’ Deo - 7th > 1563, the Train, w-il l e aye Phlliwißlplua from the DEPOT of the leave Oxford at 7.00 A. M., and a 10 f£S?i«Js D^a e “ st " Gounty - "SStaft iSSs fhr^Ph.S? 4 ? * 0 P°hneot with the afternoon Trail forj-hiladelpma. , HENRY WOOD; - Superintendent. lICITI I CITY E AI?n P nn?TKmS OURT FOK THE p H I^_ Y AND COUr» TY. OF PHILADEL ceasedi 6 ° f JONATHaN HARGRAVES, de soltfe «,«"*“* by the Conrt 19 andit ' g Jkedl. t rlb^^?£^clW. ,, i u Sdi S*r gfsp ms&jdhwS DAA Itbruary 03d, IEG), at 4o’ clock P -\T ?t Street, intUeduy T’StfS WILLIAM M. SMITH, 7 ' '• _ Auditor. I“*XD GOUNTYOF PHlll'deS*HlaS 0 / ri 1 -', 1 * 1 - 411 x,4N ’OAbTfc,H, deceased, seufe atS^sffif olnUd by the ° OQrt “ audit Qnii e^? and teame--tot ,K ,C L A ? TiiIt deceased, ana to make c“nntaSt will ™ e “ ce in the of the ao. pnro the parties interested forth SE& 7,rs. ? 0 e ?’ 2‘^ yK ®*T. *>» No. 73i WATTwti»p«?-1J? • 5* j?-» a? his olltce phia. w inthe City ofPhiiaael. P f“ f m w«I* WIMIIAMM - GALLAHtR, Auditor. XN,THL OKPHANS’ COURT Fliß THP iittv oT * 1118 Eatate of OONR4JD meet the parties interested at No 124 Snmh c;w»>, ’ fes,fr,miw-sts L“ T se? toe ha T in f been uS^d^^ de^ a f!£> sons, indebted to the said estaSi Vi m make payment, and those harm? to «eat them without delay, to “* C,ata> ? ™ U P re ' SAMUEL j. sharpless, SSi§® I?- SHARPLESS, • HENRY H. G-. SHARPIiESS, Executors. ja9-s, w6ws Philadelphia, Jan. s, ism, s aaS«Sls‘ ” *■ *S^s«aaHHx3 yon secxire of prosecuting hie claim, then we com yOU you Btll nmon by good and lawful snmmoDers, Sarah S. Barnes, l&arlM M T?son and Lydia Ann his wife, in right ol thesaid Ann, Jonathan D. Barnes, Samuel B ConiJ'ftfi! rer Cope, late of your county, so that thevbe and beiore our Judges at « our CTOtolCoiunio l ,Pleas for the CitvaudPnnni-I nATnfW PII L a ’ Ulcre 40 be held the first Mareh next, to show wherefore wbereas Demandant and the said Defendant snd5 nd d i vidod do hold all that lot or piece «f„ gT °'?? d Wlld tbe buildings thereon erected, situ? ;^ntttol^iS , taSdSf^ t i £? l S3- SSvn “ vSSs ti^'4. S °2 ,hw ; lrd b >‘ ‘he said Chestnut strert. S westward with the shop and ground sometime in the tenure oi Isaac Warren and aStepwSSfte" longing to Samuel Barnes, otr howsoever else the SS? » 0r of right ought to be bmwd and bouudedf wh* “4tmue'fp n n n “ S ’ii ße i, nK the Bame P^mises 9 0 pa e K d e36 l i> i“ adelpll ‘ a H £ . n£ Ba?nll 3 aid & a ? d conve yedto Samue Thomas te& f n f common and tint «« • . in not permit, Terv nnrnsiu? ‘he same to be done do “ me Snmmonets aJdVte wri? 6ra td@ names of those iSSSStfSarffiss?* orihsuonrto. P.and dul, swrap. i.^ 1 t. a -aigyAiLte"' /~IOPYING ANIj LETTE* WRITING -Let i wrltte n for Ladies bv a Lady. and Oonv Ill La O d < i«“mav Cr t?kß’f 0 -' ,,0!1 Ve f y reasonable terms." -K les Lessons in Writing letters mo O sYpo?ieZMa P h rOPer .r' ode “ f »d2. 1 Ponte ami fashionable forms ol letter writing shortnotice! 00pied aQd appoiuwd an Agentin New York for the sale of his vßin^ri hifh'y-prtzed Essence of Ltfe! This wondeM^ arsusrs turns ■Jhteh according to printed mstrnc ble ’Th?i 8lm P 1(, > failure 1, Impossi bv all »^,. U f e ' restorln * ohenld be later, abont 10 marry, as Its effects are permanent greatest U d^n d * ed by 016 J“ p dical profs to be tb« Slf4 .. d i'“, ever ma de- Its developing Is as cermb, mirncnlons; , Success, in every case, isas CCTtaln as that science overthrows Ignorance ° f Lim is sold In S 2 i tor nse, at S3'or four a nan w one for 89, and wUI be sent to any’fart, carefniiy pacted, on receipt of accredited agent, FHIUP BOLAND, ’ One door y. de7-3m* I "E'I.ECTRIOITY. " , Jj W ONDKRFUL DISCO VERY uti, WON DERFUL RESULTS. ° S ' •m ol if oni J ! d . is * 86e 8 cared by sps *>m wat nt?’t desired by the patient, at cSeofaH? T Ktr l et ’ Philadelphia, and in i ® no charge is made. No drug. sys *f, m wlt h nncertain medical agent! or oCT„?r. e , d by Magnetism, OalX?sm 1 Rho?£ e L modlllcatlolls of Electricity, without I S- r Rny unpleasant sensation. 9 For fur- { ShU nformatlon send and get a pamphlet, I hundreds of cerilflcatesfipm h f „ tto ™ oBt reliable menln Philadelphia, J speedUynnd permanent r“~*d after all other treatment from medical 5 less tb™ f aUed - ° ver eight thousand } less than four years, at 1220 WALNUT street. \ i iir M *“ cal men and others who desire a { Sinhe e my new discovery, can com-} Prof ROT f ? l icF2 urse of iectures at any time. t JTTor. UOltiiEs has qualified overone thousand 1 donsSteiiSft o^ 6 E,eGtTioityaa a Gpeo^ty - ( BOLLES & HALLOW AY, { . ccM-tf 1220 Walnut street, Phlla. } Q A FRIEND IN NEED-TRY IT.-DR SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT to i are< ? from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of the great bone setter, and has been usea in his practice for the last twenty years with to* most astonishing success. As an, external rapedy it is without a rival, and will alleyiat# i;™ s P®edily than any other preparation ror ail Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders it if 2j“y Jhfaiible, and as a curative for Sores, hIJJi B *' Sprains* Bruises, &c.». its soothing, neawng and powerful strengthening properties, tue just wonder and astonishment of ali who have ever given it a trial. Over four fawn. J lO1 * csrufleates of remarkable cures, performed o?i f the last two years, attest this fact. »oia everywhere. "• mlO-ly V s '^AOK’ s DIPHTHERIA LOZENGES.— tv vi“ p ? e Eozenges are a safe and speedy cure for iJiphtheria, Ooughe, S:re Throat, Hoarseness and *ru?!£?!££ Aflbfltiqns generally. Try' them. ESTLAOK, Jr., Druggist, S. W. cor. ol Eighteenth and Market sts,, Phlla. ja2B.3m, ition, Office hour* from at the office. de2-ftai and at BET AIL LVtA\ r S~PKiTIODJI!4t DROPS NEVER FAIL to CURE THE SCITEBIHOji tYON- S PERIODICAL drops *» a*pe C fflo for au female difficulties LYON’S PEBIODIOAL SHOPS are wonderfully adapted to ebstlnate LYON’S PEBIODIOAL DBQPS are not pleasant to take, but powerful in tbelr rations. LYON’S PEEIOSIOAIi SHOPS uerer barm any one if they follow tbe directions, LYON’S PEBIODIOAL SHOPS, n caass of painful sickness, act like a cbarm, la ylgoratmg, restoring and renoTating tbe system. LYON’S PERIODICAL DEOPS are a scientifically prepare flufd preparation, and more reliable than any Pill or Powder, LYON’S PERIODICAL SHOPS are genuine only, when tbe name of Doctor Job® D. Lyon is written upon tbe directions, wbiob a« wrapped carefully around each bottle. x LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS »re for sale by druggists in city and country ertry. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS costbnt one dollar perbottle; will you waste away Wltb anxiety and pain, when iSTtstmentofoss dollar will surely cure you. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS •mi restore nature to Its bealtby;eourse, wi be tbe indisposition. LYON* S PERIODICAL DROPS are. safe at all times when ths directions are ad- Bared to. LYON’S PEBIODIOAL DKOPS when taken regularly always, prevent elctnaee, and la not prevention better than cure 7 LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS have stood the test of 25 years’ experience. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS receive theeneomiums of all who use them. No tady should be without them. We have letters at most every day from ladies of the highest respec- tablUty, telling us they would not be without the French Periodical Drops for anything. Conld w* publish the letters we have received, they would convince the most Incredulous. We have now i! mind on Instance of a lady who had been irregular until her constitution was nearly broken down, Her physicians told her she had the Consumption. uid must die. She saw our advertisement, and came to see oa. We, too, thought she was too far gone to be cured, bnt commenced at the cause with the Drop's. They acted like a charm; and to-day the is well and healthy, a living witness ot th» sfflcacy ofthe French Periodical Drops, and a r» tldent of East Hartford, Connecticut. If you are suffering any ofthe ills caused by Irregularity, w* ash you to give them a trial, and recommend thein to your afflicted fl-lends. One trial will con vines the most sceptical, and never alter will you be In. duced to be without it. LYON’S.PERIODICAL DROPS WHOLESALE JOHNSTON, HALLOWAY & OOWDEN, NO. S 3 NORTH SIXTH STREET, by all Dealers In medicine everywhere 181 per bottle.. c. G. CLARK A CO., Wholesale Druggists, Proprietors, auss-i mi wiy A , G BA p ES.—Choice Almeria Grapes E all boxes, for family use, at JAMES R- WEBB’S, Walnut aud Eighth streets. de23 KII'BBY’S BROKEN CAiND¥, Vanilla Cream i Candy, Cornucopias, Chocolate Almonds and tsrops, Burnt Almonds and Mixtures; all fresh ?iZS%r hy E-. B. CLARKE, dealer in fancy and staple Groceries. Main, street, adjoining Railroad Depot. t.Termnntown. 7 wul,iW FRENCH peas, Champignons, ana JBonele«i R clTruf ‘“portntiou; f o rSi e e e by K * t/IjAKKE,- dealer in fine groceries Main street, adjoining Railroad Depot, Germapt^wm. 111 FRESH GROCERIES FOR CHRISTMAS-; New Raisins. ■ Currants, Citrons, Prunes, ? 'H ld Almonds. Just received fresh, for slla by E. B. CLARKE, dealer la fancy and etaplas Germantown) 11 ad J° inill E Kailroad Depot* REP U. ED SUGARS AND SYRUPS OF at.t. grades manufactured at the Southwark Sum? Refinery and the Grocers’ Sugar House, for anl* & E - G h S* m}HT * co -> Southeast corner f’bostYiTit. streeta. wwaaivx FRI>H OLIVE OIL 111 whole, half, and quarter bottles; for sale by E. R. CLARKE, grocer Mmn street, adjoining Railroad Depot, pfman’- Philadelphia, , FI J\ E ’ PRACTICAL DENTIST last twenty yeaTs, 219 VINE Stree!, inserts the most beautiful TEETH of. , moi i? ted °n toe Gold, Platina, Silver, OoraUte, Amber, &c/>-at prices for neat and substantial work, more reasonnWe-than J»y BenUst in this city or State. - Teeth.plugged toJastfor life.- Artificial Teeth repaire^&auit. No pain in extracting. AU work warrantedito at* .KootmlHe* fa ----- . ’ of York, and for sale hy. GEORGE AIiKINS* 10 aud 12 South Delaware avenue* fta . Haven, conn. will SSSi.Si.f’rf ,’£?““ <"«Si .•apsiKSaaisraj&tttSi* onfyT/ 111 ita i . or^e . fted ThrniS generally, and ** S'*- Stackdon... , ®-B.KeMpT‘’ KobenO. Day!*, Isaa" h Geo - C.. Bowers,, O. i£ n JtTK Charles Shivers, T- J <5. XSeattergoV Ambrose Snutfcl J. O. Tnrnpenny, * Co. Theeie-- "Weaver Charles H. Eberle, William B. Webb, N -Maria, James X,. BispbMi,' S' Kringbnrrt &; Co,, Koghes & CoombST’ Ca, Henry n . ■.; »?,;si«£,*ss*»™ l j|asrfcs3 Bajfe. For sale by toe iwfetof If C S e3t ’ Side WK.Teatb «5 noJl-im* J'uon, SEsasssLr, x^Ss%3s& TENTH Sts.. Phija ** ccrcer ABCH and «e 25 PROPOSALS. hoposals FOR STATIONERY.— Horei: op Pepkebent atives, TJhited States 3 SEALED° PROPOSALS w!l? “£ 29 ’ assfisr-^Si-'Sss Tiz“ f E pre6entat ives of the United States, lta“StaMiSS ,e aiiarto P ° StPaper ’ extra super- NotePa Per,e;tra ! fain/u “d. White foolscap Paper, exb-a superfine, aid c“m! fenCy Note Papor ’ “sorted kinds i sizes, rr’Hin w wte thick adhesive Envelopes, siix ntt ' 2’tn r :‘! C l ? ic , k adhesive EivelXs f ae’oS It 10 ? adhesive Envelopes -sxSv |*«» fp -S ® ; < ’ l l -JT Ii * e }, beorder a ‘*«^t^ropo^l ll7ll6BB iiS Vi ort robber propelling Pencils 6 d Paber 6 Macs Lead Pencils. e ( , d X? ry ? nd P eari Polders. sO dozen Mucilage, large bottles 1 gross 4 inch flat Inkstands ‘ C dozen rubber Penholders, medium size 1 dozen 11-inch Shears - 1 dozen 9-inch Shears. 4 dozen fi-ineb Shears. 19 dozen Scissors, fine qualities, assorted pintf Arnold’s Writing Fluid, quarts and sii gross Washington Medallion Pens. I m Levy’s (Juir mercial Pens, dium points. 6 ” 7 8 blde barrel Pens, flue and me- I i? dozen Porte-monnaies, assorted. I Ifbozen Pocket knives, assorted. I ,75 boxes cmCfuills. I t»L!: ross ® a bber Bands itnd Bings, assorted. I , h Pro P°r a t s . IIl nst be accompanied by-the names of the sureties mtended to be offered. 7 of < y ured by *avr, preference will be given to I -k C P rod oction of American industry, if-eouallv | che*p and of as good quality f and ku M^nf wfu^Ste^b^th^rth 0 fUpply any class of artiffiea ufaiturepfmeUn^dl^ lll66lo^o^"l * wtidps are to -b© delivered. ~frpp nr q«w Hmfe at the office of the Clerk of the davolMarc? re ,s« tatlVeS ’ on OT 18* mVSen'Sse" “ Rafter as-they H°o£e t? SS&nSSSSrX & §!fn? f ia } es »’ ’ , and addressed to the undersigned. vi?e?£r ™ spec,mens of each class of articlefprol vtded for most accompany the proposal, marked ■with the name of the bidder. P “ , marked elZ b s, P ,VI? n oflr . rin ? lo furnish any-cliss of arti- Ibe lowest price, qnality considered, shall receive a contract for the same, on executing n Werk cTfth ‘h" ° r snTet »es satisfactory to the of fh* House of BepreEentatives, forum ner °f.tb< ‘ sa ™ e ’ under a forfeiture of twice the contract pnee in case of failure, which bond must be filed in ibe office of said clerkwiffiin ten resniTdecJared > . r °* ,o£aiS I “ lTe been opened and the Z»*«'»*~s?BgUS£BgS&±. OKOOiSfUES. DENTISTRY