aOSIHESS . SOTIOSS K. C. & CO'., 720 CHESTNT’T STREET. .WINDOW SHADE MANUFACTURERS, _ WHOI.ESAEE AND RETAIL. * B N&SICKNt;KS IN THE FAMILY. . -y NO SICKNESS IN THE FAMILY. NO SICKNESS IN THE FAMILY. . T’aiojlies that understand the us© of •Ra.dvp&y. s ; Beady Relief, are never trohbied with sickness. Whenever pain or discomfort seizes the •pplyit atonce, and that is tho end of i*u£diffi enlty. Those wbct‘are seized with Sore Throat, HoarseEesSvDiphtheria Influenza, Colds, Coughs, Pains and Aches, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Chills and 3Pev*T, or any other diseuse where there is Pain or inflammation, should apply the Ready Re lief at once.v Do this, and a cure will quickly joll ow . Thcusauds oi children have been saved Vv its use in Croup, Scarlet Fever, Convulsions, Siarrhcea, Ac. Keep this remedy in the house, and use it when pain is complained of,, and no serious sichness will follow. ■ Br. Badway’s Medicines are sold by Druggists everywhere. BADWAY A CO., 87 Maiden Lane, New Yorh. STEIN WAY AEONS’ | g 3 gaeiag» JmT If* PIANOS. M 0 rn , SQUARE, UPRIGHT AND GRANDS. most oelebbated and fofclab, all OVER THE WORLD, AT BLASITJS BROS., || f I |> 1008 Chestnut street. FT 9 | ,1 ■DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINI MENT. Cures Rheumatism and never fails. - LEHIGH LOCUST MOUN TAIN AND Slaoa Hbath, Whith Abb Coal, carefully aeleoted and prepared for family use, free from gltt* and don, dellyered' promptly and -warranted 10 (It* fall satisfaction, at prices as low as tile lowest for a good article. Lump no at. for found- Aries, and Chbstkut Coal for steam purposes, at Wholesale prices. An assortment of Hiokouy, 3ak and Pins JWOOD, Kept constantly on hand. &lso, on excellent article of Blacksmith's Coal, dellTered free of- carting to any part of the city. A 3?UI of this coal will secure yonr custom. Send TOnx orders to THOMAS E. CAHILL OSoes, 32S walnut street. Lombard and Twentv-flflh street. Iforfh Pennsylvania Railroad and Master street. Fine street wharf, Schuylkill. THE COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. 0»ce» and Depots as aboye. Wacons nm In all the payed limits ol the Con. J Slldated City and In the Twenty-fourth Ward. GREATEST ißS&maaa ffi*'f il |niMP-R O yEMEKTf s fPf^ OF THE AGE IN PIANOS. HEYER’ S Improved Overstrung Pianos, ac knowledged by the leading artists, and endorsed by the Musical public,'to be the fluest Pianos in America. The attention of the Musical pnbiic is called to these recent great improvements in Piano Fortes. jfy a .new method of construction, the greatest possible volume of tone has-been obtained, without any of the sweetness and brilliancy for which these Pianos ars so celebrated, being lost, and which, with an Improved Touch and Action ren der them Uneqnalea. These Instruments received the Prize Medal at the World’s Fair, helji in London, as well as the Highest Awards over all competitors, from the tost Fairs and Institutes in this Country. Ware looms, 72*2 Arch street below Eighth, Philada. apß» " * " f that their Manufactory of First-Class Piano Fortes is now in full operation. The general ■atisiaction their many Pianos, sold already, meet With, by competent judges, enables them to assert confidently that their Piano Fortes are not sur passed by any manufactured in the United States They respectfully invite the musical public to call and examine their instruments, at the Sales Hoorn, Wo. 46 North Third street. Full guarantee given, and prices moderate. b • * kFura 1 .! D'YE!!! H AIR i * I—BATCHEIjOB’b celebrated The only HarnUxt, 52*f** Dye known. This splendid Hair Busty or Grey Hair, • B!o< * ® r Brovni, with. •mtHrturlag the Hair or Staining the skin, leayin* halr soft and beautiful • imparts fresh vitalitr? pristine color ’ and rectifies Si...?™?*?? bad Dyes. Tie genuine U signed WOXXAM A. Batgubbok, all others are mere im itations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Drue, gut* Ac. FACTORY—SI street, jf. Tt. -Batchelor’s Hew Toilet Cream for dressing she Bair. STECK&CO.’S STEOK& CO.’S STECK&CO.’S STEOK&CO.’S STECK&CO.’S STECK&CO.’S STEOK& CO.’S STEOK& CO.’S STEOK& CO.’S STECK&CO.’S STECK&CO.’S STECK& CO.’S MASON HAMLIN’S CABINET OBGANB. *' J. e. gotlld, , Seventh and Chestnut. NOW OPEN- Now Open. Now Open. Now Open. Now Open. Now Open. . . Now Open. Now Open. Now Open. T Now Open. Saint James. Saint James. Saint James. Saint James. Saint James. Saint James. 831111 James. Saint James. Saint James. Saint James. Saint James, gam* Jamea- 1 Saint James. Sunt James. Saint James, saint James. Saint James . JameS Gre e n & Kelly. Jamee - Green & Kelly. Green & Kelly. Green & Kelly. Green * Kelly. ' Green & Kelly. Green & Kelly. Green & Kelly. Green & Kelly. . _ Green & Kelly. Restaurant. Restaurant. _ New Restaurant. /New Restaurant, i New Restaurant. ! New .Restaurant. - s ew Restaurant. New Restaurant. New Restaurant. 1 _New Restaurant. No. 421 "Walnut street. No. 421 "Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. i No. 421 Walnut street. ; v* No. 421 Walnut street. ; or No. 421 Walnut street. No. 421 WRlnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. EVENING BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10. IBfi4~ LEGISLATIVE STOCK-JOBBERS We are informed that about half a dozen State Senators came to Philadelphia a few days ago, and invested heavily in North Pennsylvania Railroad stock. We are also Informed that a bill is to he introduced into, ihe Legislature, to be carried through the power of a “Ring” already formed, autho rizing the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company to construct a railroad from Beth iehem to Mauch Chunk, in opposition to the ® . , a . e y Railroad. This new road is course , throw a great deal •f busmess upon the North Pennsylvania, . «a to enhance the value of the stock. To ttis we have no objection.: We should like to see: every railroad doubling its in •ome.if it could be done fairly and honestly But we do object to members of the Legis lature making use of their public position to affect the prices of stocks.; One of the most active “bulls” in the recent inflation of Worth Pennsylvania is said to be a State Senator; and he and his particular friends are constantly saying that the stock is sure to go up to par, under the legislation that has been determined upon. If he and his associate Senators would go'to Harrisburg and vote for the organization of the Senate, instead of coming to Philadelphia and pros tituting their positions by speculating in stocks upon proposed legislation, it would be more respectable and honest in them and more satisfactory to their constituents. The city of Philadelphia is a large holder of stock in the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and her interests should be care fully guarded by the City Councils. If her stock should be sold- at the present rate, part of the city debt could be paid, and the people be relieved of some taxation. No confidence can be felt that anything will be done by the legislature that will legitimately increase the value of the stock; for the men who will disgrace themselves by specu lating upon legislation that they promise to have effected, will betray their friends-as soon as a convenient opportunity offers. Mr. Charles C. Fulton, the editor of the Baltimore American, has recently visited City Point with a view of ascertaining if it was possible to make any arrangement by which the comfort of our prisoners at Rich mond might be increased. At City Point he Ould, to whom he expressed a desire to obtain an interview with Mr. Cowardin, proprietor of the Rich mond Dispatch, a man of integrity socially, whatever he may be as the conductor of a rebel journal, and who has heretofore attended promptly to commissions entrusted to him by friends of Union soldiers in cap tivity near his home. Mr. Ould replied that such an interview between private citizens would be impracticable, when Mr. Fulton stated to the Commissioner the object of his visit. Judge Ould replied that he bad been always ready .and anxious to do all in bis power to ameliorate the condi tion of the prisoners on both sides, and to make concessions to the cause of humanity that might not be advisable under other circumstances. With this view he had some two weeks before proposed to the United States Government to allow not less than fifty Union Surgeons to pass through their lines, and to visit and remain with the prisoners, having free liberty to pass from point to point without interference. They would even be allowed to act as commissa ries for our prisoners, and to order through the lines such stores as they might deem necessary i and to receive and distribute them. All that he had asked in return was that they should also be permitted to send such number of tlic-ir surgeons within our lines as might be deemed necessary, with similar powers. To this proposition he expressed great surprise that he had not yet received any reply from our Govern ment. The wily Ould, however, failed to give the cause of the delay by the authorities in responding to this otherwise unobjection able request; 4fee fact that refusing to acknowledge General Butler as the Com missioner of Exchange, although officially informed of the selection, he persists in ad dressing his communications to Washing ton. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. The Judge then attempted to convinoe his listener '.hat all the reports relative to the ill-treatment and exposure of the Union captives were erroneous, and that their authors were malignant falsifiers. He did not, however, allude to the question of-sbp plies, exccpt to point to his own capacious paunch as an evidence that he lives in a “land of plenty.” The visit of Mr. Fulton terminated as all such, excursions must' terminate for the present, in no advantage to either Northern or Southern prisoners. The ban which has been placed upon General Butler-must be removed before anything can be accom plished, and that it will be removed at an early day, and the “outlaw” declared a proper person with whom the chivalry can hold official intercourse, there cannot be a shadow of a doubt. TEE ARTISTS’ FUND RECEPTION. The second reception of the Artists’ Fund Society took place last evening at the Academy of the Fine Arts, and was largely ’'attended. The walls of the two eastern galleries were graced by a number of new works by Philadelphia artists, and the ave rage excellence greatly surpassed that of the collection exhibited at the first recep tion. We cannot pretend to notice any of the paintings in detail. Mr. Edmund S. Lewis exhibited several lardseapes of great bC fi U j Jr ' „ The lar S est and most elaborate, called “ The Gate of the Susquehanna;” is a noble picture, which places him in a very high rank among landscape painters. It would be a valuable ornament to any gal lery. Mr. W. T. Richards, who has here tofore confined himself to exquisite studies of trees and leaves, had a beautiful land scape, in which the sky, the distant hills and the atmosphere were almost as worthy of admiration as the foliage in the fore ground. Mr. Hamilton exhibited several noble marine views, one or two of which he has never surpassed. Mr. G. C. Lambdin’s “Autumn ” is a fine specimen in a genre in which he has no superior in this country. Mr. Rothermel’s “ Paul before Agrippa ” is one of the best pictures he has painted. Mr. Bensel had several pictures of unusual merit, some of which revealed a kind of talent that he has not heretofore brought Mr Moran, Mr. Schuessfele, Mr. Bonheld, Mr. F. de B. Richards and several other artists deserve to be named for the excellence 01 the works they pre sented. The “ reception ” was altogether a great success. In the course of the evening there was excellent music by Mr. Charles Jarvis, Mr. Michael Cross and Mr. Gaert ner, This feature of these reunions would, however, be more agreeable if the pianos were placed in the north gallery, in EVaMWO BULi.imN: fHILAPBIPBII, WEDKESSAY, lEBBDART m UNSUCCESSFUL MISSION. stead of being in one where the new pictures arc hung, and where there is constant movement among the visitors-, A MODEST E'EBEL. Commissioner Ould is as modest as he is truthful. He has more than once reiterated his willingness for a general exchange, the excess on either side to be paroled, and expresses his determination to accede to no other terms;.hut he does not promise that tlie men so paroled, when once within the rebellious territory, shall not be permitted to re-enter the ranks voluntarily jr be forced into active service, either without being exchanged or by a notification of exchange recognized only by the authorities at Richmond. Fortunately General Butler is conversant with their tricks and cannot be deceived by the apparently innocent offers of Ould and his masters. Experience has'provcd that they are not backward in taking undue advantage, and at this time a few thousand released prisoners would be of immense service to them in their des perate efforts to protract the rebellion. “REVOLUTION AGAINST FRtE GOVERNMENT EOT A RIGHT RUT A CRIME." A Fiiek lecture will b_ i delivered oq thissabiect »o-morrow, Thursday evening, *t the Academy of >lueic, by Key Joseph Parrish Thompson, of the Broadway Tabernacle. This distinguished divine is widely known for his many valuable essays, leciurts and sermons in the cause of Self Govern ment ana Universal Liberty. He is one of the most original and .sound thinkers in the nation, an. has a well earned reputation for f-rvid The Loyal League of New York are about pub lishing an immense edition of this particular lecture for giaiuitious distribution, behoving it to be an unanswerable argument to the positions assumed by Fail Bussell, Palmerston, the London T.ints, and all that c.ass of English authorities who have contended that the South has the right of Involution. Mr. Thompson is a,nauye of Philadelphia. The admission io the Lecture is free. Ticke.s may be had at thVofilc** ct *b*s naper. Gmtsf as • mt.ka i ui’tv is a prospect of an ex cellent house at the Academy this evening, lo wit. ness the first performance of l>ol-»!dieu'scharmiag opeiacf La Dame Blanche* which, wc have every reason to Relieve, viii he admirably done. Cm Fricay evening, for the first time in Philadelphia, we are to have Richard Wagner’s famous apera of Tar nhitufer* which has excited more controversy in the mu Meal world than any workeverproduced. The cur osi y to hear it is so great that we are quite sure the Academy will b** crowded. Kkf. Via oi/ri is mv lu MAH'P, called “William Allair,’’ is announced by Messrs. T. B. Peter son, & I’ i?ee ad vi-rtif-ement. AUCTION KOIICE—LAKOE AMD AtIBACnVE SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES. ■We dot-ire so call Use early attention of buyers to tin large ami ci. sir.ihle sale of about 1.500 cases Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Balmorals, Gaiters &c., to bi soi.l by catalogue, for cash, tomorrow (Thursday) l orninp. Feb. 11, bv-Philip Ford i t-o , Ant-iione-. rs, a- tlseir store, No. 5-15 Market ndd 5-2-2 Commerce street, commencing at lu o' clock precisely. VALUABLE FARM IS MONTGOMERY COUHTY r AT PUBLIC SALS. The attention of genUeiuen treking large and productive larms in ih* vicinity of Philadelphia, ns invited to Mr Jstir.cs A. Freeman*# sale of Wednesday next, at the Exchange. In that sale m< very fr.~m of ke ia'e Peter Wager, deceased, 'will be included, by order of the Orphan** Court of Mo Jgoni'ry cuun y. 1; is nineteen miles from the * wit Lin three iniles of two stations on the Pennsylvania r&ilroau. It has fine j m . pr veicents, none mansion house, stone barn, ftabling, tenant-house, end very extensive out buildings, ahui’d&noe of fiuit, several orchards, ornaxn trial grounds. Ac. Full description may In* had at the auction store. * LARGE POSITIVE sals OF DRY GOODS CARPETS Ac. ’ Messrs. John B- My-r, 4 Co., Auctioneers. Nos. -32 and 231 Market Etxeet, will to-morrow (Thursday) moraine, February 11. hold an extea sire peremptory sal-of British. French, German and American I try Goods, Carpets, &c., 4c., bv catalogue, on Four Months’ Credit and part for cash, abont 625 paiikaxes and lots of Staple and Fancy Artlcl-s. in'ilottons. Woolens, Worsteds, Linens and Silks, Winding.. 325 pieces French mid lirmsh t.loihs, Meltons. Ooatiace. Silk Mixed Cloths, < assimeres. Satinets. Cap and Cloak Cio.hs, Vesting, Twaods, Canvas Paddines, TiGinp t.arp»tt«. Jcc. Also, l,7iKjdozen Cotton Hosiery. Gloves, Pearl S"J^ ns > Spool Cotton*. Stilt Ties, Trimmm* Kibboiie-, Hoop Skirts. Ice. * Also. Dress Goods, Book- and Cnrtain Muslins. Fit;ues. Linen Handkerchiefs. Table Cloths,Linen licktnp, with a full assortment ol Cotton Good-, for cash. / • TO CAPITALISTS, Ac -VALUABLE BU3I. fie L —I kornas 4 Sons adver- U-i-for the'.3d last., by order of Executors and P-eL’?”? 5 ’ '' aUull,ln properties for investment, Bread Second and Third streets. \ ALUAI3L?. InnKDutMAnLE Orouxu Rsxts AIU on tin* Ist March, four old troll s*our*d He°ir- d by orrie / of ° r !’!ians>: Court and **rlwlndid ? 1 as ‘ t tA-dttv’s BULLETIN*. rjliiEY LOCK LIFE-LIKE—So sCikluclv A natural are those Life-size PHOTiidkAPHs' F Ei M v “•?•.** masterlysVlV.ittß.^F*. Etieef 11 ' b I I I.OK .TV I’ts —Ainonest B. F. KBIMER’S specimens at 62i ARCH street, will be Ibund ety to suit all tasiOF. Thoir naturalness and ex quisite coloring: cannot fail to please. TRON CIUOITS AND IKON DUMB BELLS of TRfi^ 0 t n N Hardware Store of Market street, below,Nin;h. < S Xn j ' aTe) REIMER’ S CARTES iTi: V ESI TE, are admired lor ibetr pleastup style and accuracy or like nets. Get. them at SECOND street, above Green, and you will be pleased. error 11, 'J‘ 1 *• “''•* lr r Utllcers ami men k..- will luul n. rare apartment of indi-- [i Wi Sh® , at ,P; , , U ' NISEOLKS-, conu-r °1 t* w ™ a,KI . J 'Aotj stress. A new steels cf French patterns just received. feiMU:rp§ LLAMA I,AUE~ J I)INTES.-aiiUs . * kL, No. loin Chestnut stro*‘L ha just. received a small invoice of White Llama of Mohair Lace I'mntes Shawls) of new and rich ti> ’ p * !rils - fel-Gt* HUO*' SKIRT MAM uFaoTOj: Y. -Hoop ...Urts ready-made and made to order war ranted of the best materials. Also, Skirts repaired , r . mR S- E. BAYr-EY, - vtnft street, above E;£btb. .iain-im* line Real Black ee^s, » 17 i N I) A L L ’ S A ra B () 1 t" Kj"tr> AMBOUNE^ THE HAI «- K£ MOISTENS, BEAUTIFIES, OUOIiATES, LENGTHENS, INVIGORATES, NOURISH ES, - the h^ Bel^e 3 , A purely regetable compound, moda nnti«>i„ FlTwam mUlatine extraotS of 'Herb‘S It preTents the hair falling out or ®“?re!y grey. Ladies who desire a™ hair, should giro U?e a£K Price 81 per box containing two bottles Prepared only by KEN DA LI, * on UHHT™’ s^Wj.cowj,^ iLITARYAN. [D NAVAL CHAIM AOEtfTS, BAC ! K T P l av’ by P y OOUeCtod aad PMZEMoW, WYNKOOP A S S£lm| NoE No. 115 S.Seventh street, PASSPOBTS. ' J 'a«3gf* - PW?^|S^a. : PETRIE & C(X, Park Plaee s HAVE SOW IN STOT E UTO ARE CON STANTLY RECEIVING, A FULL VARIETY OF FOREIGN Cress Goods add Shawls. MOSIEKY, • G-I.OVES, MITTS, Men’s Furnishing Goods, &c, AND AKE ALSO SOLE AGENTS FOR THE BE T MAKES OF DOMESTIC EMITTED SBIRTS AND DRAWERS, FANCY WOOLENS, BUCK GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. iVIO-Gt§ & LA j\r k A? \ Fourth and Arch ? ARE OPENING FOR SPRING SALES 18M, Magnificent do Percales and Chintzes, 68 Pieces Fancy Silks, ICO do Good Black Silks, Fine Plaid Silks, Ordered Poult de Soies, Shawls. New Styles, Standard Sheetings, Household Goods, Best Gloves Only, fe ,. lQtoEm wfr ♦o /v & ** WEIGHT & SIDDALL No. 119 Market Street. Between Front and Second streets. O. "W. WitIPHT. F. a. sinnir.T. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, AND GENERAL STOREKEEPERS Can And at our establishment a mil as sortment of Imported and Domestic Drngc, popular Patent Medicines," Paints, Ooal QUi< Window -Glass, Prescription Vials, etc:, at as low prices as genuine lint class foods can be sold. FINE ESSENTIAL OILS lor Confectioners. In mil rarUtT, and el the best quality. Cochineal, Bengal Indigo, Madder, Pot. Ash, Cudbear, Soda Ash, Alum, Oil of Vitriol, Aunatte. SSPKJSf’ E**™* of Logwood, Ac., FOB D x ERS use, always on hand at lows at met cash prices. " SULPHITE OF T.ltrK, for keeping cider sweet; a perfectly harm, less preparation; put up, with full direc tions for use. In packages, containing ■ ef ficient for one barrel. Orders by mall, or city post, will mast with prompt attention, or special quota tions will be fnnfimed when requested. WRIGHT A SIDDALL, Wholesale Drug Warehouse, nogi-l>i|,s No. i.lPMarteetstreet aboysFron SOAP— PURt l AMIL.Y SOAP—CONTAINS no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or CLAY, ontls an entirely PURE SOAP, and »bonld be used by every family. Put np in BOXES OF FIFTY POUNDS, full ■weiebt, when packed and marked Fifty Pounds, not Bars or Lumps, as many manufacturers brand boxes. Manufactured by GEORGE M. ELKINTON * SON, - _T. el 11# > Marenrettastreet. R A F®£4'nnv Rr s4; M i tNTA - L UAIR MANU- . —The larges? and best assortment ot Tonpes, Lons Hair Brands, Curls. t nsettes, Illusive Seams, for ladies, at prices lov.f«r than elsewhere, at 909 CHESTNUT iaKl-imrp* "ISAAC NATHANS, AUCTIONEER and 1 J' 1 N - E- corner of THIRD and SI Ivl CE streets, only one square below the ?^i h v, U e r r NATHANS'S Principal Office, es tablished for the last forty years. Money to Loan m ! arre or small amounts, at tbe lowest rates, on Diamonds; Silver Plate, Watches. Jewelry. Cloth, inr, and goods of every description. Office hours trnm ?A. M. till TP M P dSaJ-S^ ¥ f AKKING -WITH INDELIBLE IKK, mi' rl IiHOIDEIUNQ. lading, Sumplug, £ a. A- TOKREY, Filhart strut C; IIAKYEY THOMAS. O- STOCK HROKER. No. 312 WALNUT Street, , , _ . . Philadelphia. Stocks nnd Loins and sold on commission at the Board of Brokers. * Subscriptions received to IT. s. 5-20 at • iafl-3mrps Paper ani> envelopes — Tile bast and cheapest in tha Oity For sale by DUXmjHY & GLENN, No. 37 North Sixth street. Merchants, Bankers, Lawyers, Military Offi cers, anti all oilieis, should call before purchasing elsewhere. . jaa?.imrp» FI TLE R , WEAVER & o Q,, Manufacturers of MANILLA AND TARKKD ookdagk. Corps. Twin a, *o., Mo. 23 North Water street and No. \U North Doir ware avenue, Philadelphia. Sown* H. FITLRB. aiIOSABL irinHRAT>F. Or.(vrni»c MV SI'CAD BOXES, J.K Han DSUftUS CAHtto p.aying irom two to twelve choice melodlo. for sale by £ ARR A RBOTHIER, Importers, e. 5 Vo .124 Chestnut street- h«lo4 Ponrtb GLuKGS J. BO Y U. STOCK 4c EXCHANGES BKOKEK, No. ih South Third street. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commis siou, at the Board ol Brokers. Government Securities, Specie and Uncurrout money bought and sold. IT. S. 5-20 Year Loa farm?bed at par. n024-3mrp6 53 PCBt PAXdU OIL SOAP.—This Soap ts made oi pure fresh Palm Oil, and U entirely a vege table Soap; more suitable for Toilet use than those made from animal fats. In boxes ei one-dozen cakes for SI 50 per box. Manufactured by GEO. M. ELKINTON & SON, t*e. lift Margaretta street, between Front and . second, above OallowhUl street. de!7-lyrp{i WORMS. , WOKMS. WOBJLS. WORMS. WORMS. WORMS. WORMS. fe2-2Gtrp NISKEY’s Worm Powders; Vegetable; sure cure. RIDGE and GIRARD Avenues. Price 25c. A If ORTH BROAD STREET RESIDENCE FOR SATYE—Thesplendin four-story Resi dence; 80. IGiS Norib BROAL* street, 21 feet front, lot 2UO feet deep, finished in the most elegant man ner, complete with gas, water, Ac. Prices 12.0ut). The house Is entirely new, and has never been occupied, and cannot be built at present cost of ■materials, to be sold for less than SIS,OOO. One of the present owners intended to occupy the house, and therefore spent a considerable amount of mo ney on the property since it has been built. The yard has been carefully laid out and filled With fruit trees, shubbery. Ac. This property is to, he sold fob the purpose of closing out a partner ship concern. §7, 000 can remain on mortgage. . Inqnireof SOHOMAOKER A CO., felo-:2ti) . 1021 Chestnut street. : *=i THE HANDSOME RESIDENCE, 1031 Efel WAENUT street, has been opened for the re ception of BOARDERS. Single Rooms and Suites, and with and witcontprivate table. felO-lm# Yja) HOED AND SILVER WATCHES, OF Btol our own importation, reliable in quality, BwSt and at low prices. . FARR A BROTHER, Importers, 324 Chestnut street, below-Fourtb. SPBJixG IMPORTATION. Thos. W. Evans & Co., HAVE NOW OPEN AND AEE DAILY BE OSIViNG, NEW AND BEAUTI ifDL SILKS, Dress Goods Shawls, EMBROIDERIES, ftp. Embracing all the Latest Novelties feio^t 1 * 8 aD( * 20 Chestnut Street. NEW MILLINERY HORSE. P. A. HARDING & CO., Respectfully inform ».»«, community FEBRUARY 10th. 1864, ' AT No. 413 Arch street, A COMPLETE STOCK OF STKAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, ??,’ «»*“„“ 6 “ trnEtttla ' Prompt and ears fnl attention, moderation in prices, good assort. !“£ **>* ion? experience “To fl^ 6 **** been Lor tbe last seven years with the house of Lincoln, WoodA Nichole, and their successors, Wood* Cary,) they may merit a share of the public patronage. solicited by mail and promptly exe- «V • % $ BANKERS. Eiehauge on England, France and Germany, 7 3-10—5-20 Loan and Coupons, CERTIFICATES INDEBTEDNESS, QUARTERMASTER'S CHECKS AND VOUCHERS, American and Foreign Bold, STOCKS AND LOANS, BOUGHT AND SOLD. Orders by Mai] attended to. <»-i, CLARKSON & CO, BANKERS, No. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Government Securities of all Issuer PURCHASED AND FOB SALE. Stocks, Bonds and Gold, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Interest Allowed on Deposits. •yCOLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. fe-J-im rps STOCKS AND SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. DE HA YEN & BRO. f 20 SOUTH THIRD STREET. feS IMPORTERS OF “WINES AND LIQDOKS. LAUMAN,’ SALLASE & 00., KO. 128 SOUTH NINTH STREET. BSTWEBN OHSSTKUT AMD WAUSOS, SHIUDSLPHIi Q. M. LACMAB, A. HI. SAr,r.«nn, J. D. BITTING. aoll-3morp ICELAND MOSS OR LICHEN PASTE, AND MARSHMALLOW DROPS—Excellent Con fections fox Coughs, Colds and Sore Throat. STE PHEN F. WHITMAN, manufacturer. No. 1210 Market Street. ■ ja22-26trp ERY FINE, REAL, WHITE SHETLAND POINTES AND SHAWLS.—GEO W YOGEL, No. 1016 CHESTNUT stre-t opened this morning his Spring importation of Real Shet. land Shawls and Half Shawls (Pom-ex); the qualltiei are exquisitely fine, being hand made, and exee in elegance any before offered. f es et # ' (VgHS&S/ DR. SCOTT’S c\ LIVERY STABLES, iorEavenne, between Buttonwood „ „ streets, Philadelphia.- No Horse that can injure another will be ad mitted. Livery to be paid before a Horse leaves or is taken atv ay. Boarders receive medical attend ance gratis. 'Carriages, Wagons and Saddle Horses to hire. New customers for these are most respect fully requested to bring a reference. Terms mod erate, but cash payments. felo-3ms .■iTTriili | i .TAMES BELLAK, f—-a..,, 2Bl South FIFTHKpiSISHI T B TT STREET, fl # TT» sole Agent lor ' G. A. PRINCE * CO. ’ S World-Renowned Melodeons, HARMONIUMS AND DRAWING-ROOM ORGANS. ERNEST GABLER’S, RAVEN & BACON’S, HALLET, DAVIS & CO.’S, jall-3mrp) OELEBRATED PIANOS. UOftKEUT piAMO TUfliMi* -1 O. E. SAEQ-ENT'S order* to: FT S n 'Tnnlngandßepairingpianos are re ceived at Mason 4: Co.’s Store, 907 OHESXNtn street, only. Mr. Sargeant has dad ElOYen Years" faecory experience In Boston, and Fire Years’ etcs smploymentln Philadelphia. BPEOIAL—PIana re-leathered to sound as soft and swet-tened « new, vnthout removing. T«rra« for tuning. *1 JMBmpßm THE UNION PIANO MABV ! FACTORING COMPANY Hay* at rf»T I*? 6 ! 1 ' and warerooms, 181? WALNUT street, always a most beautiful assort aentof’their unrivalled PIANOS, which tbej sell at the lowest mlah prices or on instalments. Give ob a call before purchasing elsewhere, and every satisfaction and guarantee will be flven buyers. EDWIN HALL & CO. 26 Soiilli Second Street, WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION'OF BUY ’ E ES TO, THEIB £ surge. Stock ©f Silks, For Sale Below the Present Cost of Heavy Black Corded Silks, Black Corded SilkSjfrom $1.25 to 5.50 Colored “ « * Black and Colored Moire Antique, Farcy Siiks of Various Styles, Black Figured Sites, • j ’ • Black Armures. ' Plain, Blown, Leather and Bine Silks, Gieens, Modes, Cuir and Garnet •* W kite, Pink, Pear) and Light Bine“ Heavy White Corded Silks Tw ° cases of 7 at «HECK SILKS, Styles selected and ordered by oulselves. A BARGAIN IN BLACK SILKS. Two cases which-we purchased the pan season to close a foreign consignment, which we deferred opening till this month, and we purpose onr customers tbe advantage of the purohie by selling them belcw tie regular prices F P ' eCeS ° l dilFere!lt WkUhii ’ SI. 15 One case, 27 pieces of rations widths, at Sl,*), SLiO, gUKh g_],7s, Sl.S7# and * fe6-siw2t CUI JO’S CAVE! COL JO’S CAVE ! ASBMEAD & EVANS, accessors to Willis P. Hazard, No. 724 Chestnut Street, DJO E CAVE. ANew Story. By J T. Trow bridge. author of “Neighbor jaclcwood,” Ac. Jr IN THE SOUTHERN ? t it?' -APr 11 May ana Jnnel&fl. By Lt. tiL Fremantle, “Coldstream Guards.” 3 THE SECOND YEAR OF THE WAR a, w- Ed^ A . Pollard .°‘ ' he ‘ ‘Eichmond ExmSnero^ W BOOE 0i ’ CaLISTHE NICS and Light Gymnastics. Profanely Ulus- L L^HtEPART?F t (? E R PO r rf P E S OE 0F THEO wn?p 0 n^ E . 6 'oo y a WelES ' 2To ume3 A Tale ol the Alamo. By Augusta J Evans, authorof “Beulah.” 3 g H. PRESCOTT. Asu- THEGREAT CONSUMMATION. Second Se. By Rev. John Gumming, D.D. THE WHIP, HOE AND SW- ED; or. The Gnlf Department in 63. By George H. Hepworth. LYRICS OF LOYALTY. Edited by FranE Moore TLE MEBCYSEAT; or, Thoughts in Prayer. By Augustus O. Thompson, D. D. * * NEW BOOKS, NEW PHOTOGRAPHS and NEW STYLES OF FINE STATIONERY, con stantly being re«lred. fe6-sam*w 3trp} GREIsN CORN AND TOMATOES Hermetically Sealed by FITHIAN 4: POGUE, of Ne-w Jersey, are superior to all otliers. Their large and varied stock of Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Jellies, Sauces, Meats, Soups, etc., In cane, is offered t» the trade at the Lowest Mar ket Prices, by their Sole Agents, ARCHER &? REEVES, WHOLESALE GROOEKS, Ni 45 North Water St-, and No. 4© North Delaware avenue. fe6-tfs. FUKLOIGHS. Officers and Soldiers, visiting the City on Fur lough, needing SWORDS, AND OTHER MILITARY EQ.TJTP3IENTS are invitfd t > tbe very extensiveislaniLf;i.ctnriiig Es tablishment of GEO. W. SIMONS & BfiOi, SANSOM STREET HALL, Sansoin Street, above Sixth.. PRESENTATION SWORDS Slaee to order at tbe shortest notice, which fOT richness end magnificence challenge competition, no other house in the country combining the El- NUFnOTURINO JEWELEE WITH THE PRACTICAL SWORD MAKER. febB-lm} HUSBAND’S CALCINED MAGNESIA 16 free from Unpleasant taste, and three time* the strength of the common Calcined Magnesia. A World’s Fair Medal and four First Premium Silver Medals have been awarded it, as being the best in the market. For sale by the druggists and Country Storekeepers, and by the manufacturer, THOMAS J. HUSBAND, 0019-m, wr, fvly, rp N. W. Cor. Third and Spruce Gray hair restored baldness PREVENTED • •London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.’.’ • ’London Hair Color Restorerand Dressing. ’* •‘London Hair Color Restorefand Dressing ” •‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.” • 'London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. * r ‘‘London Hair Color Restorerand Dressin-r.” ‘‘London Hair Color Restorerand Dressing” ‘‘ l - ol| d° n Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. ’ ’ This discovery for the preservation of the hitman •^i ir taking tbe lead of all hair preparations: be sides restoring the color and making hair grow* on. bald heads, it is a beautiful dressing, keeps the , hair soft, smooth and flexible, removes any erup-- itive disease, Itching, Scurf, Dandruff, &c. Idauy. who were bald and gray have had their hair per manently restored. Only one preparation * »-READ THIS CERTIFICATE. DYEnf'f Y HAIE RESTORED WITHOUT •S’-BALDNESS PREVENTED lam happy to add my testimony to the great value of the “London Hair’ Cotor Restorer” three bottles of which restored my. Hair, winch, was very gray, to its original dark color, andthe hue appears to be permanent. I am satisfied that the preparation is nothing like a dye, but operated s “ retlol ? s - It is also a beautiful Hair- I Purchased the first bottle from Mr. Shtfoon 68 ! ®f M KBist, Tenth and Coates streets, i2use. my hairwas vexysray ’ wUeli . MRS. MILLER, iiTjvMin. TT? o ’,? 5 ? Ninth street, Phila. soldby- 011 a r Restorer and Dressing,”' DR- SWAYNE & SON, , 310 North Sixth street, Philada. I Price, 50 cents. Six bottles.- sa sti. jaS-f,m,wly -i WATCHES! WATCHES* fW\ WAT CHES! —5OO fine GOLD and A A SILVER WATOHES, by th'TnTost up? V proved makers, for sale at one. half tho usual prices at the Broker’s, comer of THIRD anr! GASKILL streets, below Lombard. faja-lmm WATCH! S, WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES—New and Secoid-hand. WAToHES for sale nt tbe Broker* s Ofil-e, corner of THIRD and GASKILL streets. jaa-imrp WV MUNEI !—To-any amonnt LOANED /w\ npon WAI’CHES, DIAMONDS, JEW- A 5™ J’. Crt'NS, CLOTHING,-*c., a JONEs A CO.’S old established Loan Office, comer THIRD and GASKILL street* Office horns from 7 A -M. to 7 P M iaiS-tm*. nci*-fimru» MRS. R. DILLON, FANCY AND ' mj straw Milliner, No. 331 SOUTH street, ha* t handsome assortment of Velvet, Silk, Felt and Straw Bonnets and Hate. Old Velvet Bon nets made over. els-2m* ' - Importation. JUST RECEIVED BY