Frem oar Third Editioa of Ys> or i i THE RECONNOISSANCE jACESSS TH-iEA?! ■ DAW. ! - - ■Washington-, Feb. .B.—The Star of thi evening publishes the following: ‘'Parties coming from the front represent th.ii we experienced considerable loss in the return ,of our troops from the late demonstration. It is stated that some of am)!' postoous were lost at the Rapiflan, whereby the enemy wi • enabled fo pick up some of om - men who hr Dot recrossed. “Also that a rebel cavalry force crossiu; above Norton’s Ford, intercepted a corp:e o our regiments, who were forced to cut thei way through with some loss. • ‘‘These reports,it should be. added,are not a; all definite, and have not, up to noon to-day been confirmed by anything received at thr "War Department.” DATES. < Parties arriving from the front this morning .slate that when our troops pushed across a f Germauna Ford, they found the rebel rifle pits in that immediate.vicinity occupied by but twenty-five pickets, who threw up their arm and surrendered,stating that there was no rebel force within ten miles of their position. .>■ Immediately thereafter onr forces ! pushed ahead in the direction of Orange Court H inse, but-had hardly progressed two miles before tliey were opened on from 12 gnns. Attack ing the rebel force working and supporting these guns, we drove them from their position with considerable loss hi killed, wounded and missing. Our loss was 35 in the affair. The mass Of our infantry then re-crossed the Bapidan, leavin'g a force to hold the rifle pits taken, probably until the operations of our cavalry,that had moved by a different route,had terminated. Heavy firing is said to have.been heard yes terday, and it was believed about Culpeper that our cavalry was then engaged with the enemy it had been seeking. IMPORTATIONS, Reported for the Philadelphia livening Bulletin LIVERPOOL—Ship Connecticut, Gallagher— 30S cks soda ash Yarnall & Trimble; 121 do Whltal! Tatum & co;-2 bale 3 senna 250 kegs mdae.T H Dulles’ Jr; 1(100 bags saltpetre E J Dupont, Nemours Sc co: 6 cks mdse Rosecgarten & Sons; 2 pkgs do 23 bale] T Richardson & co; 41 pkgs mdse_Stuart Sc Rro; 20 do Brown, Shipley Sc co; sdo H A Dreer; 37 do li ter, Price 6c co; 6 do W H Horstmon Sc Son; 1 do W Hamilton; 1 do V Fury; 125 do Roosevelt Sc Son; 52 do J Bancroft; 25 do Bullock & Crenshaw; 27 bates rags A Fox 6c Bro; 2-pkgs mdse I S Williams; 22 do Garsed & Bro; 24 crates S cks ethw G Hammeralv 104 do 1 do S Asbury Sc co; 57 do A F Eberman; 212; bars SGo bdls iron Steever £c Whittaker; IXI3 boxes tin plates N Trotter Sc co; 973 bdls Btrip iron Hor ns, Tasker & co; 2280 bais iron Naylor Scco;lU bars Bteel Garrett 6c Son;3oS do iron IViorriß, Wheeler & co; 60 tierces blchg powders 50 do soda ash 42 do frames felt 200 pigs lead 100 bxs tin plates 633 bdls <52 bars iron 721 sheets 79 bdls sheet iron 310 crates ethw 84 pkgs mdse ordet. CALAIS—Schf Louisa Walsh, Eaton—l Boo hack matack ship knees 6000 feet hackmatack ship tim ber Gaskin & Galvin. - ' v PALERMO—Brig Errichetta, Fillibertl—2s7s bxs oranges 20i:o do lemons 23 caßks raisins Isaac Jeanes &LO. CABELLO—IIirk Roanoke, Cooksey— -2312 bags coffee 72 bales cotton 419 hides 20 bales deer and goat skins Dallett ic Son. PUBTO? PHILADELPHIA. FEBRUARY 9. Sct Risks 633 j Sen Shts. 5 a 1 Hibb w Ar xn,2 40 „ ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Ship Connecticut, Gallagher, ELdays from Liver pool, with mdse to Thos Richardson 8c Co. Pa3sen gers—H Hannatyne, of Manchester, and R Conwav, 5 r Experienced heavy gales from SW. to NW, with much thunder and lightning during e l >t Sc\v’ ia!,g , e ' K - lat 1114, lon 67 30, du- Sble, James Bailey, a boy, of Man chester ftli overboard and was drowned. 24tt nU E wi 16° K,i (Btl, Cooksey,from Porto Oabello, Son Ult ’ Wl,h ludes ’ uoflee snd cotton to Dallett 6c leSi? S-Jifr 61 . 1 , 8 (Ita,) ’ FiUiberti, 60 days from Pa *e*s!?* &c. to I Jeanes & Co. - mKo toik & U Kni|ht. Sya fr ° m NeW Y ° rk ’ with re nv. hr vf‘°i Uiß Wal3h ,°Eaton. 20 days from Calais, W «M, Bh i P kne “ Rr > d timber to Gaskill 8c Galvin. baUastto clptSn. 61,7 dayS ft °“ P ° rtEoya1 ' iaßt°to Caifta’in: 66 ’ 4 fr ° m Port Eo baL- , „ , CLEARED YESTERDAY. Smp Suliote. Small, Liverpool, P Wright & Sons Inhi Eaker iFort Monroe, Tyler 6c Co’. Sohr Aid, Irelan, do ' dh Schr Belle, Barrett, Newbern, ([q ° Adams 1 * 1 B Haycs ’ Bobinson, Norfolk, Com H A S pUef a,ry ’ Carl! ’ Erid £ eton , NJ 1 jGr6c G 3 Eep |‘; r Er *° k ' ia ’ Young, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. M’r J fa bhriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. MEMORANDA. yesterday 11 ** Saxon » Matthews, hence at Bostoa A fea cleared at Ke " Yo * *•*«■ Ship V ictor, Bunker, from Puget Sound, at Val- I 1 ** S?® ioss of fore aa(l mtzzen masts. f ®fhSri 3s tstarrett, Gregory, from Providence for this port, remnned at Newport 6fh inst. „ Irultt, We are, which Bailed from Yal -I) e , - T wa . a bound to Coquimboto dis charge, thence to Iquique to load for San Francisco. New ’ 88 d&ySfrom We.t, at 2 5 f for’ t^ n p n or“ aUed fro! *“* aa Brig Ida M Comery, McLellan, 20 daya from New Orleans, at New Fork yesterday! T ~*p h ' from Provincetown for port, at Newport sth mat. . (^ r J‘ Mott * before reported at Crook -5?J r iX®!i ad iostfore atd Main rigging, and most of =u£i eaa canvaa_ w* a assisted in by a boat after Clear 05 811 anChor 6etW?eil Orookl taven and Cape Ttr MISCELLANY. - ?£ f“'P Suhote, cleared by Peter Wright A So'ns himb^ii, er^?o^i,^a^e 8 ou * *be following cargo: 36,090 tro^bark''SS 6 1524 bblsflour, 102 hh?squffi* £gXaS tonl nickel ma q tte, 67 education si &ou^: coi>ied ia diffKry * it i«i wriaisxt vf E^SS^ l K o^a^i^^ * ss, EEDNER street, near Oxford house above Twenty-second. fei ct ’ "Dowdoin college. : Tho jat?! lE « l,lCA f‘ DEPARTMENT. College, "will commence February *>Rth tmue sixteen weeks. Circulars c£tai£in?tau ?2" B^w,^ iOURNE ’ M - “ ’ 5’VAYs^HnnT^ N< l LISH BOA.KDINtf».and ifTtaoi the?? 001/ for Tonn Z Indies. The second F™ “wStaifSS Co , m ” en “f FEBRUARY Ist. BPRUCESt. P 3 W tke Misses BUOK^HI? Delaware Khrer?” * B ' «« the in the%a|,? y E *?“ * pok “ JOHNH - m „ i President. GOAL. COAL. — CHILLER, est market prices aua Offices supplied at the low —= ' ja29.lm BJ KABOH SIXTBS. T«SB2Kg*“ er cent, or twelve dollars per share, clear of all taxes, payable to the Stock hold. rs, or their Decal Representatives on demand fcl-lH'6 WILLIAM jttARPER, Sec’rv. £ ITY bounty FUND COM -4-3 MISSION, No. «2 PRUNE Street, Phila deiphia, December 19, i£63. \ The Commission lor the payment of the Citv Bounty are now prepared to receive and adjust the claims of alPnew recruits in old regiments. Until further notice, the Commission will sit daily from 3 to 5 P. M. Bounties will be paid to those only whose names are borne on rolls-furnished to the Commission by the Assistant Prevost Marshal-General, or*the United States Mustering Officer for Philadelphia. Claimants for. the bounty must be vouched for by a responsible United States Officer. Officer* will bring their men to the office in squads for thd purpose. In a few days notice will be given when aud how recruits iu new organizations and veterans re-en listing in the field can receive tht»;r bounty. By older of the Commission. jal-tf SAMUEL O. DAWSON, Secretary. TW~ CITY BOUNTY FUND COM- X 3 MIIbSION, No. 4L2 PRUNE street, De cember 29, lsc>3. . Warrants for the City Bounty (two hundred and Qity dollars) will be issued to all new recruits tor old regiments, credited to the quota of Philadel phia on the coming draft. Muster rolls, certified by proper mustering offi cers, must be sent to the office of the Commission previous to the issuing of the warrants Officers jjiust accompany and. vouch for their men when the warrants are delivered. Philadelphia soldiers re-enlisting in the field will receive their warrants as soon as certified copies of the muster-in-rolls are faniishtna to the Oommis- Sl *s the Adjutant-General of the State. Men enlisted in Col. McLean’s Regiment (163 d Pennsylvania \ olunteers), will receive the bounty in companies when duly mustered into the U / S S? n. lce^ ant ir c . re ? ited t 0 Qnota of the city. The Commission sits daily from 3 toSP. M. during which hours only warrants are delivered’ .T'' I '*?'? 115 ® are cashed on presentation at the office of the City Treasurer, Girard Bank. By order of the Commission. jal-tfs SAMUEL C. DAWSON, S«c’y. Cf'MoK* ilXf, fOURTHSTREET^P^^^; DIVIDEND NOTICE-The transfer Books ol tins Company will be closed on THURSDAY, 17th 12f^^ x &nd re ‘ opeiled on TUESDAY, January A Dividend of SEVEN PEE CENT., clear of state tax, has been declared on the Common Stock payable In Common Stock en and after 31st Deeem ber next ta the holders thereof as they shall stand thfirth-ins? 1110 booka at tbe close of business on Dividend of THREE AND i HALF PEE clear of all State tax, has been declared 2” tbe Deterred stock, payable m cash or Common Stock, at the option of the holder, on and after the 3 i st ,? . ecember u " xt ' t 0 tbe Stockholders, as the v shaU stand registered on the books at the'close of bnsraess on the 17th Inst. Holders of certificates which have been die. cnwged from this office, or either of the Transfer Agencies, are particularly requested to have them registered on the Transfer Boolcs to w‘tich •they have been transferred, prior to the 17th inst stockholders whose names are registered on the Books will be patent the Farmers* Loan and Trust Oompauy, and those whose names are registered on the Bofeton Books will be paid nt the office of Messrs I. E. Thayer & Brother. d< * S. BRADFORD* Treasurer. AND READING Railroad Company, Office.->>7 South Fourth 5 firtrTTvn% T ,f? ILAPBIPHIA ' Septeracer 3, 1563. NOTICE.—The following named sr! ck of f thl/?> tit3fld 10 a Wyitlend on til(f common of thsm il hi Company. The residence of several that th? f'»rt « Do . Wl '’ and ,tls therefore necessary s h °ald PI0 “ S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. .. BTOOKHOLMHB’ XAMiss. James HallowelL’ bSJS " S’ Newport. Da“l^ p Kei>pl ‘' it UoS; MaryKnhu, P ’ &jfo? I lobard *' C w r if B K L lh > Bartman Marla £.' Sadie?’ sSEy^ hnv -^--iich, WliiTun You^! ehl- Md 'hoise^eVerywhwf l * n ll ?^ ao^” •'•workshop can be thS r™' lts use m3H V dollars cannot decStpo^o^so™ a TP!lr - **>'-« Cement nation Is on ?cle^m c b nrTn^rr,f^ rr^ s '!, < “ *** OOTn hL enmstances or chanee P o f nn ' r. T EO any offensive wMmff U,Ta ! tpmit can be successfnliy a ,,£,(L v Jj°" 3 * s ?f Ij ° which It to all claesee. Fot nartleelJ.? "<» valuable I or partlcttlara see advertisement. PERFUMERY W A IT Mw V F?enJb <^ AX OF ANTIIA.ES— WhiteninK Md F ?. for , the most won<£>tiv.i rvln ® tbo , Complexion. It it Is neither chalk r£^!n,£?? po,md of tbe a e« talc in Its Ppwder, magnesia, Jblemuth or P , ni . on ’ aHd we offer a reward of CQ-rer?,,^ y .°^. ftm at or otbw person who can dig.' bfonmS.? J th . f ? 6e articles In Its manufacture. It {te entire) y of pure Virgin Wax-hence, for preserving the skin! It mlg™* .I 0 !*, smooth, fair and transparent, handsome °J d appear young, the homely , h „ the handsome more beautiful, and Price 2S and 50 oenm. EIGHTH 7 ?DNT * 00., Perfumers, No. 41 South street “ Street > ‘wo doors above Chestnut dels-2aof THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN: PHILADELPHIA. TITKKmv „ lge4 1 1A A YARDS HEAVY CRASH, AT 14 GTS. I,IUU 350 yards Extra Quality, do., at Idc. 640 yards Russia Crash, at 15c. ; 770 yards Russia Crash, at 16c, 700 yards Russia Crash, at 20c. ' • i lMpieces Russia Diaper, at.s3 50. 50 pieces. Russia Diaper, at S 3 50. The above Goods are as cheap as they can ba bought by the bale. JOHN H. STOICES, fed ' V No. 702 Arch street. HAINES'S MUSLIN LIST—OUT IT OUT: Bleached Mnslin, at the low price of 16 cts. Bleached Muslin, better, at IS and 20 cts. Bleached Muslin, % wide, at 22cts.'- Pleached Muslin, very heavy and good, at 25c. Bleached Muslin, extra heavy," at 2% cts. Bleached Muslin, fuil jard wide, at3o cts. Blea, hed MuElin, much heavier, at 35 cts. Bleached Muslin, fine, (the Bleached Muslin, of several qualities,at 27MC Bleached Muslin, of the very finest, at 40 cts New York Mills, Wamsulta, WllliamsviUe! Bay-Mills, White Rock, Masonvflle, and Utica TTlibleached Muslin, flue and thin, at °oo Unbleached Muslin, % wide, at 25c. - ~ Unbleached Mnslin, much heavier, at 23c Unbleached Muslin, still better, at3lkc. .iTnb caGhed Muslin, full yard wide, atjtfc. Unbleached Muslin. much heavier, at 31 k'c. Lnbleached Muslin, extraheavy, at37Mc. Unbleached Mnslin, fine, at 40c. "** Unbleached Muslin, the very bestmaie,at4sc Pocassets 9-8 Lawrence, Starks, Atiantics, 5-1 Lyman Bates, and many others of the best makes. One case good bleached Sheeting, full 2 % wide, at So ’e l -#’ ifi- a s d “ti" yards wide, both in B 1 ached The above prices are very low, accprdtug to the times. GRANVILLE B. HAINES, 1013 Market street, ab. Tenth. TV/T ABSEILLES Q.UILTS—Of line* quality, at JJ.I moderate prices. - J Good Blankets in. large sizes. Sheeting Muslins, of every width. Several grades of Tickings TABLE DAM ASKS.—Power-loom Table Linen, damnsk pattern. Power-loom Table Linen, dice pattern. Blearheo Table Damasks and Cioriis, S-4 Bleached Damask, S 1 ou, a bargain. Fine Towels, Napkins, Nursery Diapers Ballard vale Flannels, (>2Uc to Si p-rvard. New Williarnsvilles, Wamsuttas. •dt " lc “ a rdsou*« Shirting and fronting Linens. DLAtK SILKS.—Just opened a lar. e lot. marked low. • *■ ’ .. Spring Delames and Prints. Mode Alpacas, choice shades. Primed Brilliants and 4-4 Fancy Shirtings . , • „ COOPER &*CONarL7 S. E. comer Ninth and Market. WRITE SELVEDGE BLACK SILKS, DRAP DL hi( jNb. —The e are a verv superior gradp of t-ILKS, warranted durable,and flue Paris Blade, ordered for our best city trade. BYRE k LANDELL. COA . BLANK El'S! PREMIUM trOODSI! Or,V/ Mne All-Wool Blankets. Blankets, SS,S $9, Slu, SIS, Slo. S2O. Fine Cradle and Grib Blankets.’ Soldiers’ 7-ponnd B ankets. BLANKETS, WHOLESALE ANT) RETAIL EYRE k LANBELL, Fourth and A* oh streets T SIMPSON’S SONS. 922 AND 921 PINE . Street—W ould respectfully call the attention O! purchasers in general to The Largo aad Choiee Siock of w orked Lace Curtains, pu'rcha«ed la«! year at Auction in New York. Also, Embroidered Muslin Corta nsand Embroidered Muslin for Cur tains by yard or piece, which w 11 be disposed of at prices much less than present value to pur chasers, viz: ' * * Rich Vestibule Lace Curtains,.Sl 00 per pair Rich Vestibule Lace Curtains, 85 Uil per pair. Pretty sty les Window Lace Curtains, Sii 50 per pair Three Different Lots and Styles r 1 Rich Designs Muslin and Lace combined, SIO 00 per pair. Supertine Rich Design, Extra Size Lace Curtains, SlB 00 per pair. ‘ Extra Superfine Vo-y Rich Design, Extra. Size Lace Curtain?, only 82.3 0q per pair. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS. Jt 1 Unite Pretty, Only si oo per pair. I T Better, On.y So 00 per pair. , l l' Q : Handsome, Only SO 00 per pair. 1 r'af Richer, Only 88 to per pair. 1 Lot T cry Rich, OuIvSM) CO per pair TO CLOSE OUT THE INVOICE! P ALSO. 5 lots of choice designs Embroidered Muslin Cur tains, 87, SS, 89. Sl2 and 8!1. TRULY BARGAINS. ~ LAST, BUT NOT LEAST. ■4 lots Embroidered Muslin for Onrtains, 75 cents per yard, worth the price live years ago. ■ Cloth store.—james & lee inviti the 2t,en tier, of their friends and other* to tholj large and well assorted stock of roods adautrd u Mon and Bovs’ wear, comprisini In part Black French Cloths. r Bine do do Colored do do ... OVERCOAT CLOTHS. Black French Beaver*. Colored do do Black Esquimaux do Colored do do Bine and Black Pilots. PANTALOON STUFF* Black French Cassimere*. do do Doeskins. Fancy C&ssimeres. Mixed and Striped do Plaids and Silk Mixed. .'Satinets all qualities. Cords, Beaverteens. ia. _ VESTINGS. Fancy Silk Vestings, Black Satin Vet:i a . Fancy Silk Velvet”do Plain and Fancy Cashmeres. Wool, Velvet and Valencia. Also, a large assortment of Trftnmla**, adart*. 0 Men and Boy*’ wear, at wholesale and retail. JAMES A LEE, , No. H North Second street, Sign of the Golden Lamb.' T. STKEET, ,iVS SUNS ’ AND 924, PINE Have now on hand, and oiler at vers* favorably prices, a full assortment of Emeu and Cotton, comprising SUe?tiU", Pillow Case, bhirtmgs, Blankets, Spreads Towels, Nan kins, Doylies Tab e Sloths. Table Covert F^nne^ic I ''' arScr ? Diapers, Table Hamasil] \ SUUU 1 f UN S-VEdY DOW • —As we are determined to closeout our entire S'ork- of WINTER DRESS GOOL& REGARDLESS OFCOSr. Closing out French MerlaSes, 75 cents. Closing ont French Poplins. Closing ont 'hawls Closing out Cloaks. r^ C ‘H aE !'? M) I N ' } MAKES OF MUSLINS. Jileached aud Unbleached, V, V, V, C-4 S-4 9-4 and 10-4 wide, at the ■*•*.*,» ■», s-4, VERY LOWEST PRICES. H. STEEL * SON, ; Nos. 713 and 715 North Tenth street. PRESENTS — 1 A. TTTT v LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. c.w.J'ItDLIKEN &; CO., 523 AROH and 3d South SECOND stteet, have now open a very fine assort, ment of Ladies', Gents’ Handter! SnoMiHices y are aallin S « a small advance T»™ I f ,A , WES ’ handkerchiefs. Tape Borders, mio, l->, 14, is, 19 and 25 cents. “«» * “ ntB '°P *« Um Quest. KevlereHoi-ders.; Tucked Borders. Wide Bems'ltched borders. Colored Erabroidered Borders Herringbone-stitch, in colors, Ac. Some of the above are put np in fancy boxes, suitable for presents. ' * y ooxes, GISNTsy HANDKEttCHIEFS Tape Borders, from 30 cents up to the finest Printed Borders, new styles, from 31 cent*. Hemstitched, new styles, in wide hems. Hemstitched and printed. Herringbone.stitch, in colors, *c. Also, a boamil'nl assortment of Children's plain andprinted Handkerchiefs. 1 LINEN GOODS GENERALLY We hays always on hand the most extensive stock of all Kinds ol Linen Goods to be found in the city. We import and deal in Linen Goods, exclusively, and ean always offer to either Wholesale or Retail buyers the advantage of purchasing at a vary small advance on manufacturer’s prices. d,,aa J Arch street and 33 S^Seoondrtriit M AGNIFIOENT BALMORAL SKIRTS, jiut received. . Price, #lO a piece. J Balmoral Skirts, S 2 jso. Balmoral Skirts, S 3 00. Balmoral Skirts, S 4 00. Balmoral Skirts, S 3 00 to Sli 00 a piece' misses* Balmoral Skirts. v EDWINHALLAsOO., ___ South Second street* NJBW F OBIiXOaTIQNS. NEW BOOKS—Jnst received by J. B. EIPPINOOTT & 00., SOUNDINGS FBOMXHe’aTIANTIo o 'b, o“ver Wendell Holmes. By OF THE EMPEROR, m. Aur*. NOTARY-from the French. teTOER'S POEMS, a vols. Cabinet.*. POEMS. Cabinet Edition. lom AOHEL EAY - a Novel. By Anthony T , oj . _OBEJSTMAS POEMS and PIOTURVtt • Christmas. °* Carda - SO“K». .inn“4tedbip?i?P s - APoe,a - ByTrowWd** THE ORI/eHESX WRONG OF at, T , mw DRY GOODS. NEW PUBLICATIONS. #wer for'tie-last EIGHT l ?lrepks^to r « bceil ttlo an " . • • pianEj _ A Talk of the English A.EisToon*m- To-day the FOURTH EBlTiOWis™^’ »naaare- A HAY is the average number published it l.ondcnV so that ONOY srkat BOOKS live beyond the short time that the yare brought before the pnblic by adver isin-' and re viewing. The nextnovolty crowds themoneside. PIQUE has lived on, and our reading public enjoy it so much that it will have a great run here Lippincott k Co., Peterson A Bros., Ashmead fit Evans, F. Leypoldt, wholesale it. Every Bookteller retails it : UORINif Pnbllsher, 31!) "Washington street, Boston. BOOKS! . BuOKS! BOOKS I ' BUY THEM NOWANDGET THEM CHEAP The largest Btock lniheeity isat the Bookstore of T. B. PETERSON & 880 THEBS, ' No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, : Philadelphia. Ale in want of- books of all kinds aie requested to call, and one purchase will convince yon that the best place to is at the Publishing a-d Bookselling House of T-B. PETEBSON A BROTHERS, ' No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, ~ „ . Philadelphia. Call and eaami- e our stock. PETEBSON; IS THE CHEAPEST PLACE in the world to buy all kinds of Books and Photographic Albums. Callorsend to the Pub lishing and Bookselling House of T. B. PETEBSON & 880 THF.BS, No. 306 CHESTNUT Stree’, -KT ~ , Philadelphia. All the New Books are for sale at Petersons’. . ' EW BOOKS! BY THE BaST AUTHORS ' F^ ILY ’ ARMY, OR RAIL itraAU CAB REAIiING, constantly bein'* pub lished and f, r sale at the Book House of T. B. PETEBSON A BBOTHEES, No. 3uG CUESTNT7T Street, „ , ■ _ , Philadelphia. Copies of any Books will be sent to any one, to any place, free of postage, on remitting us the price of the ones wanted in a letter. Orders soli ci'cd from Booksellers, News Agents, and all others in want of good and ftst-selhng Books. Address all orders and letters to the Publishin aud Bookselling Honse of T. B. PET ERSOS T k BROTHERS, No. uiifl CHESTNUT St eet, And they will receive prompt attention. ~ l-Vi' BOOKS. JUST ISSUED IN BOOKS FOR THE EVENING BEADING BOOKS BT THE BEST WRITER " The most entertaining and absorbing works pub lished, suitable for Parlor. Library, Sit:in"--rsom Railroad; Steamboat or Soldiers’ reading, by the best writers in the world. Published and for sa!** by T. B. PETERSON A- BROTHERS, No. 3wiCHESTNUT Street, „ „ . Philadelnhia. Copies of any Books will be sen: to any one, to any place, free of postage,on remitting us ih» price of the ones wanted in a letter. Send for our neve Catalogue. JUST PUULISHIH). THE PERFf;CT GENTLEMAN; on, ETIQUETTE AND ELOQUENCE. A Book of Information and Instruction for those desire to become brilliant ami conspicuous in Cimoral Society : of at Parties, ’Dinuers, or at Popular Ga'herincs. ' Containin': Model Speeches for all occasions, witli direction bow to deliver them : ;VK) toasts and sentiment* for everybody, and their proner mod** of introduction ; Howto use Wine at Table; with Enies tor judging the quality of Wm?, and Rules forCafrving; Etiquette or proper Behavior ». Y. Alio fur sale by all Booksellers in this place. Copies- pf the above book sent by mail, to ny «ddrHs, frve of postage, on receipt of th-s ,T * ct '* ' fel-ihsta s:> J _ VST FVBI.ISHED ' DUDLEY OARI.EON; on THE BROTHER'S SECRET, AM- OTHEIt TALCS. , „ BY KISS 31. E. Bit ADDON. Auihor cf -‘Lat’T Audlcy’s S.-crf-:,’’ “Aurora xiovd, “John Marchraont’s Lexac v>” ’ “Three Dead,”, etc. Price *Ai Cents. _ _ ALSO, THE PARROR MAGICIAN; on, om; jilm»kkd tricks for tuk iya ■ l ' n Ellecsi 'e and Miscellaneous Col- S II l-'ser.lemain ; S!.»i s lu« v™,. A ' Hr 1 ' 110 ' s > Cards. Ribbms, Rm~, trni! ecu. Evils. Handkerchiefs. etc , altof I,l: '>V b " Performed in the Parlor or Drv .vin- Roon.. without the aid of any apparatus-, also em- J ?" Ta /><-ty of Our: his Deceptions, V,IIK,V may be performed with me aid of sirnnh. apparatus : .1,- whole illustrated and clearly e P i! plained with !■_■! engravings. Paper covers, price... ......... . it e-nu Bound in l>oar.l-, w ith cloth bac’k.'s- cent/ Also, new editions from the following popular w r»Ovel>, Ttrnvr- K - BBAIinON-. I A nv E A Priee 50 cents. Ldl)V i tVtT v KVS SEORET Price so cents. Darrell marsh am. ... 5“ «n Sh^ts IN i>RESS ’ froal Lht ‘ Author’s Advance THE OUTCAST T 5 « T » THE KKA\!) Ok* SOCIETY * BvMIftSJC. E. BRADDON. Published by IHCK & FITZGERALD, .. , No. IS Ann street N v CooVe° f nf tS 1C b £ all IJoob s**lters ia this place. C P -^ld?es bouhs seut b - v mail, to any atlarib?, of postage, oa leceipt of tho * l irice * fei-tb,s, tu3t HAKBAU (IH'S FUTURE i.iff A ‘ NU BEABTIFUL E EDITION THE HEAVENLY HOME. FRIENDS iEAVI:WIjY “COGNITION, OF VO^UXne3l n Beveled Boards with 41 0/all the subjects that can Interest the hum-in Heart, lew can exceed that which constitute! the matter of these volumes. Conceived in a spirit of genial piety, written in the language of warnt 'sympathy and tender sentiment, and adapted for general circulation among all classes of profes'in- Christians, they must prove to be the most popular of religious works, and administer consola’ion and instruction to many bereaved and stricken LINDSAY * BLAKISTON, . „ „ Publishers and Booksellers jaS9 as South Sixth street, above Chestmit. ALLEN’ S LIFE OF PHlT.Tnnn muv L!FE OF PHILIDO3, JluSn aTmca Oreek Professor ha the University of Pennsylvania; with a iSumile. roentary Essay on Phllidor, as Chess Autho?fuid Chess Player, by Tasslle yon Heldebrand mid dei Lasa, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plen” potentlary of the King of Prnssii,at tSeCo?l?S' Saxe-Weimar. i T ol., octavo, x vellnm, gill top. Price SI 25. Lately publish'd by * E. H. BUTLER * CO., no ° 137 South Fourth street. TnEW^A^ BABB’S, 1105 Market Street, Philadelphia! Musical {sketches. —bv Eiise pniim pSnw 11 froth the sixth German editiou, by SXK “-si l^ 01 - 10mo - m. ‘A Mighty Fortrese Is our God’ ’ ißnch). Ipblgenla In Anils (Gluck). Violetta iMo-zart). Midsummer Night’s Dream ' /ai-tvA delssohn). Stabat Mater Dolorosa/PwJffi?' The Master’s Grave (Schubert). The Aavk S EW k (Scarlatti). Snowdrops (Weber). The Playniates The Angel’e Voice (Handel). Au AmSt/ctS!' I?)- Pallen Stars (1 anny Hensel). A First Love (Haydn). Hue Ohabannais, No. 8 fGar-laY a kelod, (Boleldleu) Domenico CimarSkioima' rosa). A Leonora (Beethoven). Little Jean Ren tlste (Lully). A forgotten One (Berger) “ “ P * Just ready and for sale by all Booksellers Sent postage free, on receipt of price, bv iaifl Ji . EEYPdiLpT, Publisher, .j!?]® - IAI3 Chestnut street. JUST PUBLISHEIb-iThe Braver at the jihHi. cat lon of the National Cemetery at Gettvs. Thomas H. Stockton, j), n Beautlfttlfy printed *n thick paper. Price 16 cEI WIIiIAM S. A ALFRED MARTIEN, _Mi ; fiixi Chestnut street. HAKE’ b PLANTATION BITTERS, in cases of one do/.»n bottles each, received from Yurk, and for tale by GEORGE ALKINSvIO and IS South Delaware avenue. tw legal notices. THE OITY s Jtta tnd i adiu ! P t P Z ted by o°“* to *^ SMteiSsSS 5 « gMEPSffi appointment, on MOWTiaV* 1 ® P° r P° 3es of his February Bth, at 4 A .£TERXOONr, Fifth street, in the city of Philarioi o^® 0 * South Audito , SUMJttUMS.IN PAK-m-lUN —'Us- <,K directed to publish the foiling ®” *lB C, The"o C 8 clai m, then wecom summoners, Sarah S on by goodand lawful Co^rfofCoSmoJ mssm&&BM tomthw and u Qd tlle said Defondam I>FSi? er na .Y? dl Vld ea do hold all that lot or nfar® of ground-with the buildings thereon erected si'll Side of . Chestnut t be containing in breadth on the said pbestnut street fourteen feet, and in lens-th nr de P|fr fifty feet; bounded northward by ground formerly of Jolux Bar, and a tier wards of tiuf heir* of John Speel, deceased, eastward by Strawberry alley, southward by the said Chestnut street! Znd westward wiih the shop and ground sometime in thetenureoi Isaac TVarren and afterwards longing to Samuel Barnes, or howsoever else thp some is. or of right ought to be butted and bounded, wiih the appurtenances. Being the same premises which Samuel E. Howell and wife, by indenture dated the tweDty-first day of May, A. D. IdiG, re* corded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book 81. B , No. 9, pageJGl, &e., granted and conveyed to Samue Barnes and Elizabeth Lawrence, widow of f nomas Lawrence in fee as tenants in common and not as joint heirs, the same Defendant partition thereof between t em to be made (according to the laws and cus toms of this Common wealth insnch case made and provided}, do gainsay and the. same to be done do not permit, very unjustly and against the same laws and customs (as it is said,) &c. Aud have you then there the names of those Summoneis and this writ. Witness the Honorable OSW ALT)THOMPSON. Presidentof our said Court at Philadelphia, the twenty-third day ot January, in the year of our Ltord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. 5 L. S; J of tile Court C. P. and duly stamp. - 2'~r~r' m l d “ceordinp to Act of Congress i~ I*lo Pr:>;honot:iry. m~' m n m Real estate.—thomasa sons’ pm. sale register. uHESTNUT ST—Valuable property, N W corner Chestnut and Thirteenth sts. 5.5 by too feet CHESTNUT STREET PRO PLI.I I_, No liM, between Tweltn and Thirteenth stri-eis, TU lt-ei front, 235 feet in depth to Sansom On the Chestnut street front is a large and ele ear.t mansion—on Sansom street a stable and coach DOUrC. , * Brick S ore, No. 5 north Water st, and No 3 North l>eia\rare avenue. Valuable Six-story Iron Frontßuildiu"-, No l-»i south ihirdsL opposite the Girard Bank.' Large and Valuable Lot,over 11 acres,Passyunk road. Isi Ward. lithographic plan. and \ aluable Lot, fronting on Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth sts, First Ward. lithographic plan. Al.-o, a Country Seal and Farm, near Do u glass viUe, Berks coudtv, Pa. *fe r - Ke , and Valuable Building Lot, Arch st, west of Third st. CHESTNUT ST—First-class Business Stand, between becond and Third «ts VALUABLE RESIDENCE and Large Lot. corner Eighth and Spruce sts. b Genteel Dwelling, 027 Spruce st. Splendid Mansion, with Stable, Green House aud Large Lot, 210 feet front. Southwest comer o: Bread ar.d Poplar sis. One of the most el*gan» residences in the city, and offered kai tke cluding the splendid improvements, asked fo* vacant lots in that vicinity. Valuable Residence, Main st, Germantown Large and Valuable Lot, 21 xc acres. Old Second Street Road, Firs: Ward. Genteel Dwelling, 45S north Seventh st. Valuable Business Location, 313, 315 and 31? Race st, Co feet by ISO feet, extending through to Branch st. “ Brick Store, No 6 north Front st. Handsome Modern Residence, No 925 Snorth Eighth st • Handsome Modern Residence, Nos 9>l and 923 north Broad st Tavern Stand, 15 acres, Kinger’s Station, North Penn’a. Railroad. Valnable Farm and Country, Seat, 225 acres. Brandywine, Delaware county.; Valuable Residence, No. 2 If, south Eighth st Modern Residence, No. lujl Walnut st Handsome Residence. No. 1702 Summer st Handsome Conntry Residence, 21 atres, Borden, own, N. J. Large aud valnable ARCH STREET LOT, east of Twentieth street, 1115 hv 150 feet Superior Farm and Country Seat, Lancaster Turnpike*, and near the General Wavne Station. 93 reni, with pood buildings. Elegant Mansion and Large Lot, Harvey street, Germantown. Elegaut Modern''Residence, Stable and Large Lot, 310 fee; trout, N. W. corner of Forty-ilrst and Locust streets. Handsome Residences, Haines st.,Germantw’n. Larjre and Superior Residence, Xo. Arcb s’*. Handsome South Nititli st Dwelling, corner oJ Franklin auk Buttonwood. Modern Dwelling, Mt. Vernon street. Valuable Farm, 11:; acres, Chester county. Valuable Fann, 2Gu acres, Hamilton Township, Mercer comity, New Jersey. Valuable Farm, lio acres, with excellent im provements, Bucks countv, Pa. ELEGANT MANSION,'WALNUT STREET, near Bruag, one of the finest finished houses in the c itv. Price UW. Valuable Store, Nos. 14 and 16 South Seventh st. Neat Modern Residence, No. US North Eleventh street. Modern Residence, No. 1346 Chestnut st. Elegant Residence, northeast corner Nineteenth and spruce sis. Residence, 1011 Walnut st. Modern Residence, No. jam Chestnut st. Valuable Iron Front Store, No. 3i3 Arch st Neat Modern Residence, N. Eleventh street. Valuable Residence, Main st., Germantown, with coach house, garden, *c. Lot I4 £* and So. Hotel and Orocer‘s slzes from to “5 ® at th ® s oose Fnrnishlns Hardware and Sto\e Stores. Grocers And a ready sale for them. For sale wholesale and retail, by the Cotf-e Boaster and Mill Manufacturing Oomnany, Pennsylvania avenue and Fifteenth street. Phila • ■ ja»3-s, M t LEANS, NO. ilia CHESTNUT jJL Stisfit. 5S ardey Franklin Inrtltnt* m Manufacturer ol MASONiU MARKS, FINS, EMBLEMS, AO. New and original designs ol Masonic Marks asd Templars’ Army Medals and Corps B&dscea "f ev«rv 'tr.n .laa-Sioo PWKMAN-S UNHIVALLcHI VEXrriba.* INO Wigs and Toupees, Ladles Long Hal Braids, Half Wigs, Ourls, Bands, &0., cheap, Boia-t&,B,tfiinei No. S« CHESTNUT CO-PARTNERSHIPS K^ lc . E «-: Tlle of BISHOP, SIMONS & uu.:» ttus day dissolved by mutual xooseat. i ne business of the firm will be settled by eitbcr of tbe undersigned.. S. S, BISHOP,' January 23, 1881. ■with >T h?m' S ' BISHOP having associated BISHOP* CLEMENT BARCLAT HELMS, and WILLIAM AKri VniP nDn'^™ nlin ’ le the COMMISSION a r oh «,£, E r oker age business, at ios faS- I 5 dfrto ' firni of bishop, son a LO., from this date, s. S. BISHOP, O. B. BISHOP, JAMES HELMS, W. H. MOKISON. ■ - ' ja''3-stnfcthlffls "V Ol ICE.—Jt-SBPH LEA&CO. HAVE THIS conduced under the stjde Y ° rk H J. A J. T. LEA & CO.,' Philadelphia FVb.^flSM^ January 23, 1864. C vdth 6veilt haviQ g io'terlerod scribers, it i= deemprt ed J a^ ran S em - en£s of tha sab notices of the Bis3o]„H dvis ? l i I , c 4> withdraw the par-nership of M b. ■we aro severally interested & 00 *» ** which on the first instant." a » that were announced M- B- Mahony, ?' STACKHOUSE, Philaba , Feb. 4th, 183i A ' AH °NY. r<°- PA JTNEKiBHIP NOTICE —"We have this day admited Mr. OHARLES A. MAHONY Kssasass",* 1 * PhiIADA., Feb 4, m\. B - MAHO:fY f l ' IS THIS DAY admitted to an interest in otfr business W . & F. OAEPEN'TEE, Tailors, Chestnut street.; fel-lm* Puila. , Feb. 1, 18 M. aud THOMAS T. r axe this day admitted members of oar REYNOLDS, HOWELL & EEIFF. T W ? bolS N ler? SlGNtl> WIU continue the ssssr N4 nd Yor° S WELL ’ BARE * eg 8 , 1 « P K B iSSS; THOMPSON REYNOLDS CHARLES lIOWELfc ’ BENJAMIN REIFF* WILLIAM H. HOWELL; THOMAS T. BAKE fel-lm* OF (JO-PARrNEKSHIP The copartnership hereto! re existing under day S d“lMM.ETONjfcfißO.fu this yiTl‘i„ d by J mut2r ' 1 consent. The business b c ™ tlUQed ® s usual a-. the old stand, Sj. 5 North Iron-, street, by E. P. MIDOLE- 1 , f=3-bt Plii sl OF JAMES BAKHATT & SON BAEf; vT K | C '^T d K b - T tbe deattt 05 ttl? law JAMES business wil. m lutura be earned ° d ra?I!d -’' sarTl ™ ? partner, in hie cwn name. JAMES BAERATT. _lnßßf.,r.Ti, lew. , fel-iit* pHIUaBKLi'HIA, JAN. l, lstil—The 00-part a n,T^. hlp heretofore exiting between Thomas A. Biddle and Alexander Biddle, in the business THO°£ ASBn?n^ g v P.n karS ' ? nder 1116 arm of 1 cI)3iAS BIDDLE, Jc CO. , is this day dissolved ° y .? l ? rQal consent. The business of the late firm wid tie- settled by either of the partners at No. 32S tvalnut street. JANUABY -J. —THCZJAS A. BIDDLE, of U-e late firm of Thomas Biddle & Oo , tni- dav associated with him HARRY PEALS? and will continue the business of Stock and Exchange Bro rn’ THOMAS A. BIDDLE & CO.. a>io. a>6 Walnut street. jai-dmJ 1 CO-PAKTNERSHIP NOTIUE.-The " nnder sisn«d have this day entered into Co-partner thip tor the transaction of the DBT OOODS named JGHjN li. w ILLIAMs & CO., at No. :hh> Cuest nnt street. JOHN H. WTT.T.T w<, „ JOHN tTIESr. Fhilada., Jhn. 1, in',!. The kusixess kelations between V 1 - H. "ft GODS and the subscriber have en entirely ceased, and the undersigned has no longer any connection \v:'il the establishment at the°S. \T. corner ox Twelfth and Ghestnntstreets. liayin" transit rrcd his interest therein to Mr. "Woods „ _ ' VT. KENEY PA rTEff. DttLP Jan. 30. letti. ja3o-s, tn,th6t CITY OHITLYAA'CIi. CLERK’S OFFICE COMMON COUNCIL Philadelphia, Februarr 5, ISA! Id accordance with a resolution adopted by the Common Conrcil of tile City of Philadelphia, oa THURSDAY ihelthinst, the annexed bill entitled 44 An Oidmanie to Authorize an Additional Loan to aid the Enlistment ofTolunteers,” is-hereby published for public information. WM. F. SMALL, ClerYof Coratnou Council. ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE AN AD DIT lON AD DOAN TO AH} THE E NDIST 31ENT OF VOLUNTEERS. t'SCTios l. The Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadel *hta, do ordain: That the 3laj or he and he is hereby authorized to borrow on the credit of the city from time to time, as may be required by the City Treasurer, suth sums of money as may be required to aid the enlistment of Volunteers for the service of the United Stat»»3, not exceeding in the whole the sum of Two Million, Dollars, for which. interest, not to exceed at the rate of six peT cent. p*r annum, shall be paid half-yearly. *on the firs, days of July and January, at'the emee of the City Tieasurer. The principal of said loan shall be payable and paid at theexpiration ot thirty years from the date, of the tame, and not before without the consent of holders thereof, and cer tificates therefor, in the usual form ®f such certifi cates of City Loans, shall be i sued in such amount as the lenders may require, but not for any frac tional part of one hundred dollars, for irequired in amounts of tire hundred or one thousand dol lars, audit »ballbe expressed m said certificates the said loan therein mentioned, and ths interest thereof are payable free from all taxes £ec.'2. Whenever any loan shall be made by virtue hereof, there shall be. by force of.this ordi nance. annually appropriated ont of Ihe income of the corporate estates, and from the sum raised by taxation, a sum sufficient to pay the interest on eaia certificates: anti the further sum of three tenths of one per cent, on the par value of such certificates jo issued shall be appropriatedaquar teriy, out cf the income and taxes, to a piking fund, which fund and its accumulation are hereby specifically pledged for the redemption and pay ment of said certificates RESOLUTION Authorizing the Clerk to publish the Ordinance. liczolcsd. That the Clerk oi Common Conncil be authorized to public in two daily newspapers of this City, daily tor four weeks, the Ordinance pre sented 10 Common Council at a stated meeting thereof, held on the 4th day of February, HGI, en titled 44 An Ordinance to Authorize tin Additional Loan to aid the Enlistment of Yotunte°rs, ” and the said Clerk, at the stated meeting of Connells, next after the expiration of four weets from the said publication, shall present to Councils one of each of said newspapers for every day in which the same shall have been made, leg-4 w$ LIQUORS," &C. CHAMPAGNE WINE—IMPERIAL CABI NET Champagne Wine in quartsjand Tints, for sale by ' ' JAURETCHE * LAVERGNE, fe6-s,tn,tb, lt§ 302 nnd.2i*4 South Front street. Is -waterman; . The only Manufacturer of WATERMAN’S COCKTAIL and TONIC BITTESS. ~ Sold Wholesale and Retail ■. No. liue MARKET Street, Philadelphia. IVS-lm§ BAY HUM.—Pure Bay turn, imparted difeet from fct. Thomas, *W. 1., in bottle and'tor sale by GEORGE AIaKIN*S,U> and 12 South Delaware Avenue. j . ja3o . SHERRY WlNE.—Amouuliada Sherry of su perior quality, xn cases 1 dozen eacbJ on con signment a» d for sale by GEORGE ADKINS,' 10 and li South Delaware aveove. • SCOTCH WHISKEY In. cases of one doaen each, on consignment and for sale by GEO. ADKINS 10 and -2 Sou'h Delaware avenue. SPAKKXJNG CHAMPAGNE "Cl. ,Ri af'wholesale. Grocers and shippers lilted to «amine. .F. JORDAN. 220 JPe£ -street, below Third and WaJnnt streets, »o 4 ~T I'. jDUNTOJN, . ~ ‘ .1. no South Front street, shore "Walnut. Gulden Star Brand, •' AyGraud Monseenx* BBANPIES, PORTS and IttAlißlT* a a an}* Sutlers* and shippers, attention.— CHAMPAGNE CIDER, warranted, now la fl n *® r^* er f°J Shipping. For sale, wholesale only, at 230 Pear st., below Third and Walnut sts. uo% EAA CHAMPAGNE CIDER now Oy y tOT sale, at aw PEAR street,below Third and Walnut. tide. CARRIAGE MAKERS, J. lbitenberger a son, , 007 PINE STREET. fcl 3nk HENRY SIMONS. ja-23-stukthlnij jai-Sm*