«rT«TNrBSa NOTXCKB Rl B rio SICKNESS IN THE FAMILY, pro SICKNESS IN’ THE FAMILY. NO SICKNESS IN THE KAMI LY. - Families that tinuer&tand the use' of liadway s Ready Belief, are never troubled with shunless. 'Wbeneverpain or discomfort seizes the patient they apply it ax once, and that is the end of .*s*® al y*"' •ulty. Those,-who are seized with Sore Throat, Hoarseness,Diphtheria Infiueuzft, Colds, Conans, Pains and Aches, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Ohiiis and Fever, or any otAer disease where-theie is Pain orinflammation, should apply the rte lief at once. Do this, and a core vnU follow. Thcusaiids.ot children have been sa red by its use in‘Croup, Scarlet Fever, Convulsions, Diarrhoea, &c. Keep this remedy m the house, and use it when pain is complained of, and no serious sickness will follow •yerywnere. g 7 Maiden Lace, New Yorlr. STBINWAY & SONS’ ggggfegjl ffevH pianos. rfsFi» MtUABE, UPRIGHT AND GRANDS HOST CELEBRATED AND POPULAR, ALL OVER THE WOELB, AT BIiASITJS BROS*, ffQ-ffl 1006 Chestnut street. fTTTT* DR. BWEET« INFALLIBLE LINI MENT. Cures Rheumatism arid neyer fails. ja&mma&K GREATEST ffTfTpff IM PEOVE M E S’ T flnffl 6 } OF THE AGE IN PIANOS. MEYER’S Improved-Overstrung Pianos, ac knowledged by the leading artists,-and endorsed by the Musical public, to be the finest Pianos in America. . The attention of the Musical public is called to these recent great improvements in Piauo Fortes. By a oew method of construction, the greatest possible volume of tone has been obtained, without any of the sweetness and brilliancy for which these Pianos ars so celebrated, being lost, and which, with an Improved Touch and Action reu der them Unequaled. These Instmments received the Prize Medal at the World’s Fair, held in London, as well as the Highest Awards over all competitors, from the first Fairs and Institutes in. this Country. Ware rooms, 72*2 Arch street below Eighth, Pnilada. LEHIGH LOCUST MOUNTAIN AND «.i.AOK HeAth, W3ITB Ash Coax, carefully aeioeted and prepared for family use, tree from 'Slat© and delivered promptly and warranted K> give fall satisfaction, at prices as low as the .lowest fora good article. Lump Gcal for fonnd ftzles, and Chhstsut Coax for steam purposes, at wholesale .prices. An assortment of Riokobt, SAK and Purs Woos, kept constantly on hand. Also, an excellent article of Blacksmith's Coal, AelWared. free of carting to any part of the ‘city. A irlalof this coal will secure your custom. Send 7onr orders to THOMAS E. CAHILL. Offices, 325 Walnut street. Ihombard and Twenty-fifth street. Sforth Pennsylvania Railroad and Master street. pine street wharf, Schuylkill. THE COLD SPRING ICE COMP ANT. Offices and Depots as above. Wagons run In all the paved limits of the Gon -3 011 dated City and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. ALBRECHT. RIKES & JPnpra SCHMIDT, beg leave SnSnounSS m • 9 * that their Manufactory of First-Class Plano Fortes is now in full operation. The general satislaction their many Pianos, sold already, meet With, by competent judges, enables them to assert confidently that their Piano Fortes are not sur passed by any manufactured in the United States. They respectfully invite the mußical public to call and examine their instruments,- at the Sales Room, No. 46North Third street. Full guarantee given, ■nd prices moderate. DYE! HAIR DYE*? HAIR 1 ‘-BATCHELOR’S celebrated , HAIR DTE U the best in the World, The only Harmless, WfUt and Reliable Dye known. This splendid H*lr ssf% is perfect—changes Red, Rusty or Grey Hair, ’ antantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown, with cat Injuring the Hair or Staining the skin, leaving 5 fee hair soft and beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, 8 requently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects ol bad Dyes. The genuine is signed Wzlxxax A. Batchsxob, all others are mere im itations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Drug flcts, Ac. FACTORY—BI BARCLAY street, N. Batchelor’s New Toilet Cream for dressing kfie Hair. STECKA CO. ’ 6 STEOK& CO.’S STECK&CO.’S STECK&CO.’S STECK&GO.’S STECK&CO.’S STEOK&DO.’S (STECK& CO.’S STEOK&OQ.’S STECK&Oa’S STEOK& CO.’S STECK& CO.’S MAS O N HAMLIN’S CABINET ORGANS. J. E. GOI Seventh NOW OPEN- r ■ Novr Open.. * c. '-Now Open. Now Open. Now Open. Now Open. Now Open. Now Open. Now Open. • . - Now Open. Saint James. Saint James. - Saint James. Saint James. Saint James. ' Saint James. Saint James. Saint James. Saint James. Saint James. Saint James. Saint James, Saint James. . Saint James. Saint James. Saint James. Saint .Tames. Saint James. Saint James. _ Saint James. Green & Kelly. Green & Kelly. Green & Kelly. Green-& Kelly. . Green & Kelly. Green tc Kelly. Green & Kelly. Green & Kelly. Green & Kelly. Green & Kelly. I ; New Restaurant. New Hestanrant. New Hestanrant. ' . New. Restaurant. New- Restaurant. . Now Restaurant. ’ 1 New Restaurant. ' ' i ' ‘ New Restaurant. New Restaurant. New' Restaurant. No. 421 *Walnut street. No.: 421 "Walnut street. ~ No., 421 Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. . No. 421 Walnut street. No.. 421 Walnut-street. No. 42L Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. No. 421 Walnut street. - EYENING BULLETIN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1864, THE JTEXT PRESIDENCY. The re-election of-President Lincoln ap pears to be a foregone conclusion. That he ■will be nominated for a second term by the •Republican party is as manifest as anything that is yet to come to pass can be, and in the event of his re-nomination, there is nothing to prevent his election. 1 Unless the States that seceded from the Union in 1860 and. 1861 vote, the election in- November 1864 will ,he a matter of form, a mere re cording of the will of the people already P J expressed; and no statesman, unless he belongs to the ten-pin school of politi cians, who are willing to be set up to be knocked down again, will consent to accept the nomination of a Democratic Convention. At the State elections which took place in 1863, when the great issue was the question of supporting the policy of President Lin coln, every free. State, except New Jersey, went for the Union cause. "When Mr! Lincoln himself, as well as his policy, will be before the country for judgment in;No vetober next, what reasonable man can doubt the result ? , As regards the voting of tie South,. that possible contingency involves the disband ing of the Union army, and the return to their homes of nearly half a million of vo ters, the greater portion of whom did not cast their-suffrages in 1863, and very many of whom, from (Jen. Butler down to the privates in the ranks, went into the war pro-slavery Democrats, to come out of it earnest, slavery-hating Republicans. The recent return home of so many veteran sol diers has convinced even the most skeptical that President Lin6oln is fhe most popular man in the country with the army, and it is not difficult to understand what the effect will be of the permanent infusion among the. voting people of the North of five hundred thousand patriotic soldiers who have had practical experience of the curse of slavery, and of the terrific social and political evils growing out of it, and who understand per fectly well that the.present Democratic party have no platform to stand upon, ex cept that based upon sympathy with slavery and the slaveholders’ rebellion, and persist ent and wicked opposition to the war that has been conducted by the administration for the preservation of the Union and in de fence of our nationality. Mr. Lincoln cannot fail to carry every State in 1864 that he carried in 1863, and by increased majorities too ; while the pro babilities are that he will carry other States. Mr. Lincoln received one hundred and eighty out of three hundred and three electoral votes, twenty-eight votes more than a majority of the whole. How this result can be changed, except to increase the majority of Mr. Lincoln, at the next election, is, we. confess, entirely beyond our comprehension. If the South is prolonging the war in the hope that the Democratic party will carry thejnext Presidential election, and that the rebels will he able to make better terms of peace with a copperhead administration, they might as well give up that delusion. HARK TAPLEY IN RICHMOND. The reader of “Martin Chuzzlewit” will remember with a smile the irrepressible Mark Tapley, who took much credit to him self for being jolly under difficulties which were calculated to elongate the visages of the mass of mankind. Mark, we have dis covered, has evidently a brother in the per son of the editor of the Richmond Examiner, who is as creditably jolly under-trying cir cumstances as his prototype. Under ’ the caption of “A new Arm of the Service” the following comical paragraph appeared in that paper on the 30th ult.: “The repeal of the substitute law is having the effect of forcing into the army both (at and lean; it is, we hear, proposed for the benefit of the very heavy men whose size incapacitates them for the Infantry and artillery exercises, and whose weight would prove fatal to their horses should they ‘join the cavalry,’ to raise a company, consisting of men weighing 2-50 pounds and over, to take the field in iron-clad omnibuses, and to be called the Omnibusters. Owing to the great weight of the men and ma chine, it is believed that not more than four warriors can he allowed to an omnibus, but the smallness of their numbers will be made amends for by the colossal proportions of-the men and the great efficiency of their arms, it being con templated to have them sheathed in iron and. armed with tho- most destructive weapons known to modern warfare, whilst two mountain howitzers will, during an engagement, belch forth death and destruction from the sides and stern of each omnibus. It is believed that the size alone of these warriors will have a very demoralizing. effect upon the Yankees, who have been taught to believe that we are near the point of starvation. The rendezvous for recruits is to be opened on Vauxhall Island. Persons duly qualified and desirous of joining this new and favorite branch of the service should apply at once, as the time within which voluntary enlistments will be permitted expires, on Monday. Persons willing to enlist as drivers will he paid a handsome bonus.” PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. td Chestnut. We submit that fun of such elaborate getting up deserves high praise, when we remember the appalling state of affairs in Dixie, and particularly when one thinks of the trouble caused in every Southern house hold and on every plantation by this same conscription act, or press-gang law, which is the occasion of the Examiner’s wit. Mark Tapley himself would have envied the mirth of the Eichmond editor who can thus gibe at misery and make sport of despair. The instances of cruelty practiced by the Southern barbarians increase as the war progresses. Wherever they have been enabled to practice their monstrous deeds, the results of their villainy have been ap parent. Upon the dead bodies of the brave soldiers, however, have they more particu larly displayed their malignity, and the victims of treason, whose remains honor the soil of Virginia, the Carolinas, and the Southwest, bear testimony to the fiendish traits of the rebel ghouls. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial , writing re cently from Chattanooga, gives the |follow ing- description ' of the depredations of the Southern chivalry after the battle of Chicka mauga; . , “I took advantage of the withdrawal of the enemy from our immediate front to visit the battle-field of Chickamauga, where so many .of our brave soldiers sleep the long sleep of death. The ground has not changed materially iu ap pearance since the battle. Everywhere are evi derices of the severity of the unequal contest in-the torn trees, rude log and stone defences erected in various places, remains of old garments, tin cans, broken can teens, knapsacks and haversacks, and oc cassional shell arid solid shot. Occasionally we found a body with the clothes still upon it, but from which the enemy had cut the buttons, showing clearly that the bodies had not been overlooked. Again, many bodies were found unburied, riot three feet from -the graves of rebels, who, in most cases, were deeply in. terred, and the graves marked by a board and number. The only Federal grave marked was with a fiat stone, upon which was pencilled: ‘•A Yankee nigger-thief lies here to rot and pollute our soil!’ I saw a few heads severed from the bodies, but whether the work was done by the enemy, or was the work of decomposi tion it was impossible to determine. I saw one body in a good state of preservation, from which . the ears had been cut by some re vengeful imp of Beelzebub. Language cannot be found tor express the appearance presented by this field of the dead,and do what they may, the vile rebel hordes can never atone for the inhumanity, practiced at Chickamauga. Could every loyal reader of the Commercial ride over file held and witness the scene presented yes •yfag- frULLETtEy; "MONDAY, FEBKUAKV B,ife64 MODERN BARBARIANS. terday. nearly all would register a vmv in heaven that never, so help me God; should this war ceasc until every vile minion of Davis on his knees beggecl for mercy at the hands of the brothers and sons of tho noble dead who rot beside the ‘Dead Man’s Diver.’ These are no highly colored statements of a correspon dent in search of material for a ‘sensational,’ and if-you have one single Copperhead reader who has lost a .son at Chickamauga, let him come here and see for himself.’? , THE GREAT BATTLE GROUND. lii the fifteen months comprised between September, 1862, and December; 1803, sick and wounded rebel soldiers numbering 293,165 were received into the rebel hospi tals in the Department of Virginia, accord ing to tlje Director’s report. Of these 127, probably belonging to other States than the Old Dominion, were transferred to other hospitals, while the rest either died in the Virginia hospitals or were discharged, furloughed or returned to duty. Such an appalling list shows how terribly Virginia has suffered in seeking for her “ rights ” under the banner of treason, and how woe fully she was mistaken in thinking that after Virginia was “ precipitated ” into the arms of the Cotton State fire-eaters peace would follow. Then, too, when we add to this physical suffering the destruction of property’, the severance of family tics, the wholesale loss of slaves and the terrible de moralization caused by the war, poor Vir ginia stands forth a monument of misery ■ and a fearful evidence that sooner or later crime must be followed by adequate punish ment; GENERAL AV2BELL. Brigadier-General AVilliam W. Averell (not Averill, as most of the papers print it) has been absent from his command on a short leave, and has spent the last two days in Philadelphia. He left last night for Washington, and we hope to hear soon that he is assigned to new and still more im portant duty than any he haslet performed. He is in excellent health, although his feet are not yet entirely cured of the freezing they got in his recent expedition in Virginia. MAJOR-GENERAL HANCOCK. A communication in another column, written by- one perfectly competent to dis cuss the subject, sets forth in plain language the important part performed by Major- General Hancock in the battle of Gettys burg. Congress has, singularly enough, failed to recognize the services of this dis tinguished officer, and we take pleasure in presenting the facts to the people of his native State. The Geehan Opera Company wifi begin a new season at the Academy of Music this evet ning, with Nicolai’s capital opera, The Merry Wicet of Windsor. A year or more ago it was played- here, but ! . this time we are to have a great artist, Herr Herrmanns, in the important part of “ Falstaff.” In other respects, also, the cast is improved. AVe are glad to hear there is a prospect of a fine house. REAL ESTATE SALE WEDNESDAY. The attention of Meal Est*le optr*tors it invited to ihe sale of valuable property 10 be sold on Wednesday at the Exchange, by Mb. JamKs A. FttKsii\x AucTIOXKIiU. PEREMPTORY SALES—SUPERIOR FARMS, WALNUT street. CHESTNUT street and t'EN-J StfUARE RESIDENCES, Business Stands, de sirable Genteel Dwellings, Stocks, Loans, Pew, Ac., to-morrow. Sic Thomas i£- Sens' advertise meats and catalogues . Additional.— slo,(ioo Loan* Sec last Da"© to* day's Bult/ltik. ■ * ** B S OF IVORY . TYPEb, have no superiors in the perfection. Visit lus Popular Gallery, 621 AROrf street, and be convinced. FOR MAhKI > G NaME> on Clothing, we for msh to order *mall Stencil Plates, with Brush audluk: also, Brands for marking Tools, and ateel Alphabet ana Mgure Punches. TRUMAN A SHAW, No. Kl 5 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. f Reimeics col-red FhoTvTTraphsT are extremely popular, and no wonder, wh-u lUe quality and moderate charge is considered Only SI to. SECOND street, above Green. HAED I KUNI.NG SHEARS and. Fruiting Knives for sale,* \yi : h a general variety of .-cissors, Shears and Pocket Knives,bv TRUMAN & SHAW, No. 535 (Entht Chirty-flve) Market s reet. below Ninth. Let all sduireksof art take note. —B. F.UEIMEE’SGtilery,G oc. too piece- Russia Diaper, at S 3 50. SD'pieces Russia Diater, at S 3 50. * Tbe above Goods are as cheap as they can be bought by the bale. JOHN H. STOKES, It--' No. 702 Arch street. ‘OHHT OF COMMON PLEAS—IN JL DIVORCE oi December Term.. IS6H; No. 24. COLCOJi D vs. COLUUR D Yirv You will please notice a Rule on tin part of tne libellant to *how cause v.’hv a Divorce in the abov> cage should not be decreed; returnable to SATURDAY, February 18G1, at 10 A. M., personal service having failed cu avtvuni of your | Yrcsresrectfully, WM. M. GALLAPER, rr tf' m »’i?’ 4 i?L Attorney for Libellant. To AUSTIN N. COLCORD, Respondent. riRITTENUEN’S PHILADELPHIA OOM y{ T „„ „ meroial college! No. 637 CHESTNUT street, coruerlof Seventh. -V dorougU and practical instructions in BOOK- I f ltr m it® varions branches.! PENM-iN CA n'T l Snvf? t ' nW ’ BUSINESS FQ RMS, CALCULATIONS, &c. les-f. m.itrp Individnal immu tion, day and evening. BEAL, WHITE SHETLAND V POINTES AND SHAWLS. GEO W VOGEL, No 1016 CHESTNUT stret. opened this mornttig lus spring importation of Real Sh't land Shawls and Half Shaicls (Poin es); the qualities are exquisitely line, being hand made, and excel in defence 11113- before offered. *'. - fes-(!t* W H J,T F B£AMA LACE POINTES.—GEOs .** W. VOGEL, No. 1016 Chestnut-street, lia just received a small invoice of White Hama or Mohair LacePointes ty. Shawls) of new and rich designs. 7 _fel-6t* ICELAND MOSS OR LICHEN PASTE, AND MARSHMALLOW DROPS—Excellent Con fections for Coughs, Colds and Sore Throat. STE PHEN F. WHITMAN, manufacturer; No. 1210 Market Street, j ja22-26trp HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY. —Hoop Skirts ready-made and made to order- war ranted of the best materials. Also, Skirts repaired MRS. E. BAYLEY, ■ laio-lmt -612 Vine street, above Eighth.. VERY ELEGANT REAL BLACK LAOE FLOUNCES—GEO. W. YOGEL. No! 1016 CHEsTNUT street, has received, per steamer Etna, 3 very snperb real Black Lace Flounces 24 to 27 inches wide, 6yards in each, the richest ever offered for sale in this market; also, a few very handsome Real Black Lace Sashes, and verv fine Real Black Lace Capes. ’ y w°im> RM worms, "worms: WOEMS. urtcTT-nw WORMS. fe2-°6tfD NISKEY’s Worm Powders; Vegetable* "sure cure. RIDGE aud GIRARD Avenues. Price 25e. Geoeoej. boyß* 1 - STOCK & EXCHANGE BBOKER No. 18 South Third street «i?,J O 0 3 s +s n a Loans bought and sold ou Commie, Board ol Broilers. Government Securities, Specie and TTncurrani OSE AND PEAI-'H WATER. lea Fints. For sale by JOS B USSIEB&CO., 108 and 110 South WliayM. AN IMMENgE SAIjE. first edition SIX THOUSAND. New Edition in Press. NINTH THOUSAND IN PREPARA TION. CUDJO’S CAVE. THE GKEIT NOVEL. The demand f*ir this book is as great in>aUparts of the country as it is in New York, Philadelphia find New Lug and. From all parts ofjie West, ano from California, by telegraph, mail and ex press, the ord.tr> pile up faster than the books can be marie. Never has a Novel been published that hat reef iced so JlatUring a reception. Three Edi ions (each a- tr.rge as the aggregate sales of a common nov»l), Were prepared before publication, and this scarcely filled advance orders, Now as the public read this book and learn of its INTENSE INTEREST, THE DEMAND IS DOUBLED. Competent Jndges predict the Sale of at least 50,000. As a Historical Work its place is in Every Lib rary. IT IS NOT A COMMON, flashy novel, bntone that may be given to the purest and most innocent child, whi e ii will be perused with delight by the inveterate Lovel reader. PRICE $1 50. Sold by all Book and News Mon. & A new supply will be soon furnished by the publishers, J.E. TILTON & CO. les-mAth*2ts G PREVE^rID5 ESTOREI) - BAEDNESS * ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. * * 1 ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. * * “Loudon Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. ’* “London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.** “London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.” “London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.” * ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. ’ ’ • ‘London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing ’ ’ This discovery for the preservation of the human hair is taking the lead of all hair preparations; be sides restoring the color and making hair grow on bald heads,, it is a beautiful dressing, keeps the hair soil, smooth and flexible, removes any erup nve disease, Itching, Scurf, DandrntT, Jte. Many who were bald and gray have had- their hair per manently restored. Only one preparation. BSS-READ THIS CERTIFICATE. far-GRAY HAIR RESTORED WITHOUT DYEING. *3rHALPNESS PREVENTED. I am happy to add my testimony to the great value o! the “Loudon Hair Color Restorer,’ three bottles of which restored my Hair, which was very gray, to its original dark color, and the hue appears to be permanent. I am satisded that the preparation is nothing like a dye, but ooerates upon the secretions. It is also a beaptifui Hair dressing. I purchased Uie llrst bottle from Mr Gam-rues, Druggist, Tenth and Coates streets who can also testify my hair was very gray, when I commenced us use. “ „ MRS. MILLER/ no. 730 North Ninth street, Phila. “London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.” sold by *” DR. SWAYNE & SON, „ . 330 North Sixth street. Philada. Price.so cents. Six bottles, sc So. jaS-f, m.wly S C.aLiINKD MAGNESIA is free from unpleasant taste, and three times the strength ot the common Calcined Magnesia. A World’s Fair Medal and four First Premium Silver Medals have heen awarded It, as hem; the host in the market. For sale by the draggists'aud Country Storekeepers, and bv ihe manufacturer, THOMAS J'. HUSBAND, ucla-m, wr. f, ly,rp N. W. Cor. Third and Sprue; l ooaf—puiiK family suap.—contains O no SILICATE OF SODA, SAND or CLAY, but is an entirely PURE SOAP, and should be us>ed by every family. Put op in HOSES uF‘ FIFTY POUNDS, fu]j weight, wbeu packed and marked Fifty Pounds, uot Kars or Lumps; as many manufacturers brand Ldeir boxes. Manufactured by (5-EORO-E M. EEKINTON & SON, ' detT-}vn«o MO MarsTaFettastrertt. DaKEH’S URNAMEmL HAIR MANU- L} rA« TOR\.—l be largest and best assortment ol Wigs, Tonpes, Long Hair Brands, Curls, Frosettes Illusive Seams, for ladies, at prices lower than elsewhere, at 909 CHESTNUT jai-1 rr.rtv* vsaac Nathans, auctioneer a.m J MONEY' BROKER, N. E. corner of THIRD and SPRUCE streets, only one square below the Exchange. NATHANS’S Principal Office, es. tnblished for the last forty yeais. Money to Loan, ie large or small amounts, at the lowest rates, bn Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Cloth, ing, and goods of every description. Office hours from BA. JVI. till 7 P. M de-10-tf-p PURE PALM OIL SOAP—This Scap is made of pure fresh Palm Oil, and Is entirely a vege table Soap; more suitable for Toilet use than those made from animal fats. In boxes el one dozen cakes for 81 su per box. Manufactured by (JEO. M. ELKINTON itSON, Ne. 116 Margaretta street, between Front and Second, above Oailowhill street. del7-lyrpb H Markin (i with indelible ink fST BBOJDERING, Braiding, StymS,’ £? M. A. TORREY, n IPUA PilhArt W A T O H E S ! WATCHES* WATCHES J-500 fine GOLD and A A SILVER WATCHES, by tho most ap “ proved makers, for sale at one-half the usual prices at the Broker’s, corner of THIRD and O S.SKILL streets, below Lombard jaas-lmrp WVfATOuVi; i iC ATOH - f ' JS * WATCHES, WATCHES—New : and Second-hfinH WATCHES for sale at the Broker’s Office corner of THIRD and GASKILL street*. jsaanmrp j*Tka MONEY!—To auy amount LOANED nS V upon WATCHES, DIAMONDS JEW-, a Csfi'SJ’, GUNS > clothing; to, at V MS' JONES * CO. JS old established Loan Office, corner THIRD and GASKILL streets Office hours from 7A.M.t07 P. M. ia2B-lmr Earthenware jars of an sizes, from y,- ounce upwards; also Druggists’ Earthenware generally, and. . white Glassware, - for' sale bv WHITE VIALS—For-Prescription use, of y to 8 ounce sizes, on hand and for sale bv WILLIAM ELLIS & 00., No 721 MARKET street. j^ o NEW SPRING GOODS IN E V ERY DE PAR TMENT, A large impo. ta’.ion of French Chintzes, Cam. brits, Brilliants and Piqne. "Wholesale and retail. LE BOUTILLIER BROTHERS, fe6-3f}" 913 CHESTNUT Sr. CUTJO’S GAVE! CUE JO’S GAVE I JUST RECEIVED BY ABBMEAD & EVANS, .Successors to Wiilis P., Hazard, " No. 724 Chestnut Street, c kT>iJO S CAVE. AKew Story. By J T Trow brieve. author of “Neighbor Jacfc jvood,’* &c. MON'i He! ,IN THE SOUTHERN tTATES. April May and june 18*1. Bt Lt • iL Fremsntle, “Coid-dream Guards ” THE SEC: Nl) YEAR OF THE WAR Bv Edw.A. Pollard ol he ‘‘Richmond Eiamia»r "WATSON’S HAND BOOK OF OaLISTHE- NiCS and Light Gyninasucs. Prafuoeiy ilum trat d. - v- LIFE AND ( ORRESPONDENOE OF THEO -1 OREPARKEo. By John Weiss. Zvo times wnh portrait, sti 00. INEZ. A Tale ol the Alamo. By Angnsta J Evans, anther oi *‘Beulah.” LIFE <>P WILLIAM H PRESCOTT. A su perb Book. THEGKUsT CONSUMMATION. Second Se res. By Rev. John Cuxnming, D. D. THE WHIP, HOE AND SW RD: or. The Gall Department in ’63. Bv George 1. Hepworth LYRICS OF LOYALTY. Edited by Frank Moore THE MERCY SEAT: or,Thoughtsih Prayer By Augustus C. Th Jinpsen, D. L». NEY BOOKS, NEW PHOTOGRAPHS and NEW STYLES OF FINE ST AT ON ERY, con stantly being ivctived. feG-samaw drps CLARKSON & CO , BANKERS, No. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Government ?ecnri ies of all Issue , PURCHASED AND FOR SALE. Stocks, Bonds and Gold, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Interest Allowed on Deposits. PROMPTLY MADE. f«4-lm rpf $ BANKERS. Eichange on England, France and Germany, 7 3-10 —5-20 Loan and Coupons, CERTIFICATES INDEBTEDNESS, QTJ AETEELM ASTER’S CHECKS AND VOUCHERS, American and Foreign Gold, STOCKS AND LOANS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. to. d3-i, IMPORTERS OF WINES AND LIQUORS. LAUMAN, SALLAI'E & CO., SO. 128 SOUTH NINTH STRHHT, SSTVKEJt OHSSTNT7T iSD WALNTT?, G. hi. LAU'IAh J. U. BTTTTNO. c.oll-3morp , i> -IS SJ a > £> WEIGHT & SIBDALL % No. 119 Market Street. Between t rout and Second streets. O. W. WEIGHT. * p Tt gm7> i T.T. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS? AMD GEh tRAL STOREKEEPERS Can und at our establishment a full as sortment of Imported and Domestic Urns®, popular Patent Medicines, Points, Goal Oil, Window Glass, Prescription Vials, etc., at as low prices ns first clais goods can be sold. FINE ESSENTIAL* OILS for Confectioners, in full variety, audoi th 9 best quality. Cochineal, Bengal Indigo, Madder, Pot- Ash, Cudbear, Soda Aflh, Allan, Oil m Vitriol, Ainiatti. * Copperas, Extract of Eogvrood, Ac., FOR DYERS’ use, always on hand atlowcat net cn-sh prices. •- SULPHITE OF LIME, for keeping cider sweet; a perfectly harm less preparation; put up, with full direc tions *or use, in packages, containing auf ficxent for one barrel. . Orders by mail, or city post, will m#at with prompt atqapiioii’, or special quota tions will be furnT&hed when requested. WRIGHT & SIDDALL, Wholesale Drug Warehouse, ao2l-lyrps No. l ift Market street abOTaFroji S HARVEY TliUMSib, STOCK BROKER, No. 312 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Stocks and Loans bought and sold.on commission, at the Board of Brokers. Subscriptions received to U. S. 5-20 LOAN, at P* 11 *- ; iafl-3mrp§ PAPEK AND ENVELOPES _ The best and cheapest in the City For sale by DUXBURY * GLENN, No, 37 North street Merchants, Bankers, Lawyers, Military Offil c#rs, and all others, should call before purchasing eWhere. ja27.lmrp* ° El lIL£ B ,: WEA Y E R & c O.i ja Manufacturers of 1 A MANILLA AND TABBED CORDAGK, “ „„ „ , Cords, Twikb, ao. - S S 3 North Water street and No. SB North Dels. „ are aT6nna > Philadelphia. »m H. Fitlek, Miohabl Wbay : ‘ F . Or-OTimtii BuXEcj, ttANUSOME OASES piaying from two to twelve ohoice melodies, ror sale by FARR * BROTHER. Importers, o*' No sas nfcestunt Street below F n orth NIGHTINGALE OOB3ET, of A? great sanitary advantage, affording special support, standingand walking. All hinds best DORSETd and SKIRTS- at Mrs. STEEL’S, Tenth street, below Chestnut. fes-3trp* CV ■ A. M. SAisjuALlsi. Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Julies, Sauces; Meats, Soups, etc., In car.?, is offered ta the trade at the Lowest Mar ket Prices,, by iheir Sole Agents, , ■ No. 45 North Water St-, arid No. 46 North Delaware avenue, fes-tij MRS. R. DILLON, FANCY AND IfeJ Straw- Milliner, No. 331 SOUTH.street, has a handsome assortment of Velvet, Silk, Feß and Straw Bonnets and Hats. Old Velvet Bonl nets made over. els-2m* *§3, GOLD AND : SILVER "WATCHES,*OF gl-Om-owii importation, reliable to quality, SmAa and nt low prices. 'i “** jh l eA, I % & j£ K PT? EB ’' Im Po rt «™. 32-1 Chestnut street, below Fourth. Sole Agent _ _ G-. A. PBINOE& CO.’S . World-Renowned Melodeona, : HARMONIUMS AND DRAWING--BOOM ' 1 -nffllWrifmma OOJSKEOT' PIAfIO TUHINU-. Bpflwfffigyj Mr. O. E. SAEaEHT-S orders fOS tie I f ‘ Toning and Repairing Pianos are re newed at Mason & Co.’s Store, £t)7 CHESTNUT street, only. Mr. Sargeant has had Eleven Tear*’ factory experience in Boston, and Five Years’ cSiir •mployment in Philadelphia. SPECIAL—PIan oa re-leathered to sound 1 as soft'..and sweat-tened es new, vnthout removing. Terms for tuning. SI .ssfiMSM»M».. THE UNION PIANO MANTJ. FACTORING COMPANY havs St rf # 1 J 5 ‘their factory and wararooms, 1617 WALNUT street, always a most beantllnl aisort ment of their . unrivalled PIANOS, which thej sell at the lowest cash prices or on Instalments. Give ns a call before purchasing elsewhere, and every satisfaction and guarantee will ha given, buyers • JTAT 40 TONS PRIME PALED HAY, FOR 1 SALE. Apply to UAYID OOOPER,, 8 Nort hams INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA/ ' OFFICE, Nos. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDING, North Side of Walnut: treet, between Dock and •ihiid St.eets, Philadelphia. Statement of the Assets Of said Company, February let, ISGI, published in conformity with the provisions 3f the “ Act of Assembly or April s, iBt->. PAR VALUE. VALUE OH BOOKS Mortgages. \ 593,C00 All of which are first Mort jMees upon property in. this Cuy .. I oan Sonds. SJfjOOQ United States Government 6 ‘ per(ent ISSt, at?--? • - • r 95 47,500 lift 25,000 U.S Gov. 7 3-.lopercental 102 *5,500 00 ;»<,ooo City, of Pittsburgh, 6 per n/L , cent., 71 -21,300 OO 15,0(K; Harnsbur,;, Portsmouth,Bit Joy and .Lancaster Rail road Co., 6 per cent, at..,, 15.000 Pennsylvania Railroad Co. per f e^u- ai * 102 15,300 00 ot Philadelphia 6 per cent, 97 15.277 50 10,413 13 City of Phiia. 5 pay ct at 83 8,612 79 10, Guo Lehigh. Coal and Navigation m C ? ut \ al •••• 103 10,300 00 10,00 u North Pennsylvania Rail road Company, C per ct. at 60 9,000 00 6,000 City of Philadelphia, (not taxable) fi percent at ... 5, CtO Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company,Gper cent, 5, OCO Camden and Amboy Kail road and Delaware and Ra ritan Canal and Transpor tation Com *y 6 per cent at 100 5,000 CO 3,00 t) Scauylkiil Navigation Com pany, 1552, 6 per cent, at Stocks. $lB, COO 180 shares Northern Bant of Kentucky, at....... 11,P50 239 shares Philadelphia, "Wilmington and Balt. Kailroad Co , 6 per _ct. at 50 11, 950 00 10,000 200 shares Lehigh Coal and I>'avigation Oo w a ? .... 10,000 2CO Scrip of Lehigh’ Coal and Navigation Co., at 30 6,000 00 7, SCO 150 s-tiarrs Mount Carbon Rai lroa * Com paay.... 0,700 G 7 snares Franklin Fire Insurance Company, at 250 16,750 00 6,050 12i shares Beaver Meadow Railroad and Coal Co.» 5,0C0 10a shares Philadelphia, Germantown and Nor ristown. Railroad Co. at 49 4,900 0© 4,550 91 shares Cleveland and ' Mahoningßailroad Co. 4)000 40 shares-JJnion Bank of Tennessee, at......... 3,000 c 0 sh res Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co., at liO 3,300 00 2,<00 20 shares Phiiad’a Bank 100 2,000 00 2,000 40 shares Philadelphiaand Lancaster Turnpike Bold Company at ' 250 5 scaies Sasquebanna and York T.ornpike Bd Company, at.......... 250 10 shares £aston