Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 04, 1864, Image 6
From our Third Edition o' ’ esterday. TTTB RATH OH THE BALTIMORE AHD OHIO RAILROAD. Baltimore, Feb. 3.—The American- has re ceived the following special despatch: Cumberland, Md., Feb. 3—Noon.—The gnard of one company of infantry, posted at Patterson Creek bridge, 8 miles east of Cum berland, was attacked at half-past one o’clock, yesterday afternoon, by 500 rebel cavalry, un der Col. Rosser, and, after a Apmtef r»f since in which two of our men were killed and ten wounded, the greater part of the company W Thisaccomplished, the rebels set fire to the bridge and, leaving it to destruction, started off' with their prisoners ,-in the direction of Romney. The employes of the railroad suc ceeded in staying the Are and saved the bridge with only slight damage to it. Gen. 'Averell with his command, who had been sent out from Martinsburg by Gen. Kelly this morqing, overtook the rebels near Spring field), and a severe engagement ensued. The rebels were diiven through Springfield, and thence to and south of Burlington. .Many of the rebels were killed and wounded, and our captures'utre large, including the recovery of our own men, men taken yesterday at Patter son’s Creek, and many horses. The enemy are making rapid tracks for the back country, pursued by our cavalry. The intended raid on New Creek has been thwarted by Gen. Averell’s quick movements and the other ample arrangements made by Gen. Kelly,and their anticipated success turned to a complete rout and discomfiture. " The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad is now en tirely clear of the enemy and the full operation of the line ' will be at once resumed. The w either is clear and cold. DEFEAT OF THE REBELS IN TENNESSEE. Washington, Feb. 3.—The following des patch has been received at the .Headquarters of the Army: “Nashville, Feb. 2,1864. —General Dodge reports that on the 28th ult. our forces, under Col. Phillips, drove Roddy to the south side of the Tennessee river, and captured all his trains, consisting of over 20 mule teams, 200 head of cittile, 600 head of sheep and 100 horses and mules. We destroyed a factory and mill that had largely supplied him. (Signed) “ John A. Rawlins, . “ Brig.-Gen. and Chief of Staff.” MOVEMENTS OF REBEL PRISONERS. Washington, Feb. 3.—Four hundred rebel prisoners who : have been for some time past confined in the Old Capitol and Carroll prisons, were sent to Point Lookout, Md., to-day,under a guard of the 153 d New York Regiment. ' BOARD OF TRADE. S. w. DE COURSE?, ) JAMES O. HAND, > MONTHLY CoHMITTSH, GEORGE L. BUZ BY, 1 ■AILING DAYS OF STEAMSHIPS. TO ARRIVE. SHIPS. PROM POE DATS Hibernia Gal way.. New York. Jan. 19 Alia Liverpool.. Boston Jan. 30 Edinburg.......Liverpool..New York Jan. 20 Jura............Liverp001.-Portland Jan. 21 City of Cork Liverpool-New York Jan. 23 Olympus .Liverpool.. New York .....'.Jan. 26 Oof waßhingtbn.Hverp , l..New York.... ..Jan. 27 Bavaria- •.. .Southampton. -New York Jan. 27 Obina Liverpool.. New York...... Jan. 30 TO DEPART. Saladln.—. New York—Kingston, Ja—..Feb. 5 Germania......NewYork..Hamburg Feb. 6 0..0f New York..N. York.. Liverpool Feb. 8 Evening Star.. New York. .HavanaANO—Feb. 6 Nova Scotian.... Portland. .Liverpool Feb. 6 Hibernia New York..Galway ....Feb. 9 AustraiaHiah—New York ..Liverpool —..Feb. 1# Matanzae........ New York—Havana&N O Feb. 10 Germania.."..—..New York—Hamburg —Feb. 13 America New York.. Bremen Feb. 13 Columbia New York. .Havana & N O—Feb. 13 A5ia...... Boston—Liverpool .Feb. 17 LETTER BAGS AT THE MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. Ship Suliote,: Small Liverpool, soon Ship Sanspareil, McAlpin Liverpool, Feb. 3 FORT OF PFTT.JtDRI.PmA, FEBRUARY 4, tan Bafe,6 57 | Suit SBTBr3_3 | High Watbb, 9 n ARRIVED YESTERDAY. SchrN B T Thompson, Endicoft, 6,._days from Fort Monroe, in ballast to Captain. ' u ' Schr Julia, Weekß, 1 day from Salem, NJ. with wheat to Jaß L Bewley & Co. SchrJjucy, Spence, 1 day from Brandywine, Del. with corn meal to B M Lea. Schr Mary, Rickards, 1 day from Camden, Del. with corn to Jas L Bewley &. Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Brig Sea Foam (Br), Mitchell, Cork, J B Allen. Schr Robt J Mercer. Somers, New York* Caßtner, Stickney & Wellington. Schr Saratoga, Adams, New York, Blakiston,Graff & Co. ; Schr EDoron, Jarvis, Port Royal, Tyler & Co. Schr D.Jones, Tatem, Newbern, do Schr E‘L B Wales, Hoffman,Fort Monroe, do Schr Charm, Star, Piney Point, Com HA Adams. Schr Ruth Halsey, Penny, Delaware City, Captain. Schr New Jersey, Morris, Norfolk, Hunter, Norton & Co. i Schr J Compton, Wolford, do do Schr Jaß H Stroup, Foster, Key West, do Schr Grace Watson,Nickerson,Piney Point,do Schr H Warwick, Shropshire, ao do Schr Wm Paxton, Corson, Beaufort, do St’r Mayflower, Robinson, Alexandria, A G Cattell & Co. St’r R Willing, Dade, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. MEMORANDA. Steamship Asia, Hockley, from Boston, at Elver pool ISth ult. Experienced a heavy gale on the passage between Boston and Queenßtown. Her deck was swept by several fearful seas, the Quar termaster lost, the boats carried away, and at one time, it is reported, there were live feet of water in the hold.] Steamship Oity oi Limerick (Br), Eynon, cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. Steamship North American, Dutton, from Port land, at Lough Foyle 20 th ult. Steamship Illinois, Babcock, cleared at N York yesterday for Aspinwall. Steamship Boanoke, Drew,sailed from New York yesterday for Havana. Steamship St George (Br), Wylie, from N York for Glasgow, put Into Crookhaven 18tH ult. Steamship Kangaroo, Bridgman, from New York, • at Liverpool 19th ult. Steamship Kedar, Muir, cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. Steamship Louisiana, which left Queenstown Bth ult. for New York, put back 18th, disabled, with decks swept from funnel forward, some bulwarks and stancheons carried. away, and loss of two en gineers, three fiiemea, five seamen and seven pas sengers, those being in the deckhouse were washed overboard, Steamship Champion, Jones, cleared at N York yesterday for Aspinwall. Steamship Western Metropolis, Hilton, from N. Orleans, 26th ult. at New York yesterday. Ship Eastern State, Harrington, from Liverpool for this port, was towed into Lough Foyle, 19th ult. with pumps disabled and foremast gone. Ship General Williams, Hatfield, for this port, Bailed from Liverpool 16th ult. Ship ; Berlin. Kerswell, from the Clyde for San Francisco, which put into Klo Janeiro Nov. 11th, leaky, had been surveyed 24th Dec. for the third time, and wsb considered to be in an unfit state to proceed on her voyage, and had been recommended to discharge her whole cargo for further examina tion. Ship Gladiator, Matthews, from Howland’B Isl and, at Liverpool 19th ult. t- Ship Emily Faraum, Simes, from Calcutta, at London ISth ult. Ship Good Beturn, Browbeck, cleared at New York yesterday for Bathurst, WOA. Ship Levanter, Clifford, from Callao, at Cowes, 19th ult. 1 Ship Begent, Hamblin, from Callao, at Leith, 18th ult. Ship Sebastopol, Savin, hence lßt ult. for Pensa cola, was spoken in lat 28 65, lon 7210—n0 date. Bark Minolta, Wolff, from New York, at Bio Ja neiro 19th Dec. ’ Bark Due Uognati, Lenaz, for Leith, sailed from New York 2d inst, p 1 1? Virginia, Johnson, cleared at Balti more 2d inst. for Rio Janeiro and Buenos Ayres. ; Bark Burlington, Oxnard, from Maulmain, at Glasgow 18th ult. Bark Amy, Nickerson, cleared at Gibraltar 9th ult. for Malts. - Brig Nautilus, Steffen, cleared at New York yes terda; for Bio Janeiro. Brig American Union, Smith, sailed from Port Boyal 26th ult. for this port. Brig Aruno A Marie, Boge, hence at Bio Janeiro thDec. Schr America, Cavalier, cleared at Georgetown t inst. for this port. ° DUPONT’S GUNPOWDER—SUPERFINB Sporting and all other kinds of 'Eagle Gun. a owder. Gunpowder for blasting and shipping • .rise, Government Proof for onjLnance&ndniUit&ry enrice: Cannon, Musaet and Blfle Powder, to aleby WXIiIAAM &. 4BAHT, SWSoath Bela SPECIAL NOTICES. i i> ■ b T A T ill .S TROOPS 3X COLOKKD The following conw ledped by the Supervisory Colored Uegimente for the Thomas Mott, SI, 000 00 Abm. Barker, 500 00 y, w oUU 00 Sam’i. L. White, 500 01. E. W. Clark & ' Co., Wm. StUl, Cash, 500 00 H. <J. Lea, 500 00 Cnpt.W.Whildin, 500 00 Freedom, 2o 0i- G. 1). Parrish,- • 500 00 A. A. Konig- maeher, 250 00 Furness, Brinley & Coj, 250 00 Theo. Bliss, 200.00 Peter "Wright & Sons, "-500 00 Hanson Robinson. 500 00 Ohas. Rainer, 100 00 S. K. Hoxie, 25 00 Geo. G ous, 50 00 E. R. H utchinson, 50 €0 L. R. Dawson, 25 00 Edwin Hall, 50 00 Cash. 50 (M Geo. P. Smith* 300 00 Wm. Sellers & C0.,500 00 W. C. Houston, 500 00 Lindley Smyth,' 250 00 Sharpless Bros., 300 00 Chas. Evans, 20 00, Cash, 50 001 W. H. Lamed & . Co., 3(0 001 D. S. Brawn &; Co., 250 OU| Wain ic Learning, 100 00 Mr. Tingley, 10 00 Horatio G-. Fisher. 50 00 Jessup & Moore, Lindsay & Blakis ton, ' 50 00 Cosh. 25 00 C. O. Server & Son, 10 00 Smith English&Co. 5 00 ■Cash, 2 00 Rie*elj Weist <k Erwin, 200 on Subsistence, 100 00 O. W. Wharton, 100 .00 E. M. Davis, Jr., 100 00 L. A. Mercer, 100 00 Dr. J. Forsyth Meigs, • 50 00 B. P. H., 50 00 J.E.Caldwell&Coloo CO F L. Bodine, ’ 50.00 P. H. Brise&.Co., 50 W) Cash, 50 00 PhenixTroh. Co., lUU’OO W.W. Justice, 000 00 A. Whitney & S ms, 500 0«> ’hos. J. Megear, 150 uo Geo. Dodd, lou 00 Cash, 15 IK) O & H.. Borie. 100 oo A. E. Borie, 300 00 Alex. Whildin Sc • Son, 200 00 Atherton Blight, 500 00 W. R. Abbev, 10U 00 Chas. O- Abbey, 100 00 Chas. Abbey, 100.00 E. Tracey, 25 00 Cash, 50 00 J. Graham Sc Co., ICO 00 J. E. Gotild, -50 00; Philadelphia Con tribntionship, D. Clarke Whar ton, ' . 100 00 Evan Rogers, 50 00 H. A. Dreer, 30 00 Samuel Cox. 25 00 James H. Bryson, 10 00 Cochran 4c Russell, 50 00 Dialogue Sc Green, 20 00 Lieut L. HaTt, 10 00 Sellers Bro., lo 00 Schultz, 10 00 D. L. Pratt. 50 00 Rockhill 4cWilson,llO l.o| O. A. Pierce, 5 00 Jacob W. Stout, 50 00 Lewis Jsros. Sc Co., 100 00 M. Hall Stanton, 200 00 Levick, Rasin Sc Co , 100 00 Yarnall 4tTrimble,2so 00 "Withers 4c Peter son, 50 00 Chas. Gibbons, 50 00 J. M. McKim, 50 00 Jobn B. Myers, 100 00 Mannfacturers’aßd Mechanics 7 Bank, 50 00j Cash, It) 00; Geo. 1 1. Jones, 200 00 Chas. Smicb, 25 00 J. Emory Stone, 100 oo R. A. Tiighman, 100 00 Girard Lite and Trust Co., 50 00 Robt. a. Maxwell, 50 oo Henry C. Davis, 100 0o Cash, 25 00 Corn Exchahge'Bk. 100 0u Jus. Kimby & Co., 20 00 R. Stedman, 5 00 Southwark Manu facturing Co., .7. S. Harnier, Samuel E. Slayma ker, 20 00 N. B. Browne, 100 00 Reading R. ,R., (3d sub.) I,OCO 00 J. Gillingham Fell, (3d sub.) 200 00 San ndersLewis, (2d sub.). 250 00 Insurance Co, N. America, (2d sub; 300 00 A; S. & E. Ro- i berts&Co., 100 OOi Tbos. Webster. 50 00| Total, 833,358 65 The committee would remark for the information of the Philadelphia public, who have enabled this committee to more than redeem its pledge to the War Department, (“to defray extraordinary ex-' penses attending recruiting or three colored reg iments for fhe war, ’’) that the movement has been oiie of marked success, and the recruiting the most economical that has been accomplished during the war. The expense of recruiting the and 55th Massachusetts colored regiments was over 530,000 per regiment, but after caTci'ul consideration of the ■whole subject the Supervisory Committee thought it could raise the tnree regiments promised, the War Department at SlO,OOO per regiment. It has collected $33,32?, (above mentioned) and on the 20tli day of June, 1363, sent the first squad of eighty men to Camp William Penn. • - On the 24th July, 1853, the First (3d U. S.) regi ment was ?ull. On the j3th Sept. 1563. the Second (6th U.S ) re giment was full. \ On the 4th 1 ec. 1863, the Third (3th U.S.) regt iznfnt was full On the 6th Jan , 1864, the Fourth (23d U.S.) regiment was tull. On the 3d Feb., 1864, the Fi'tli (25th U.S.) regi ment lacks but a few of being Yuli August 13th, 3861, the Set U. S. regiment left Camp "William Penn, end was in front of Fort Wagner wnenjt surrendered. Oct 14th, 1803, the 6th U. S. regiment left for Torktown. Jan. 16th, 1864, the Bth U S. regiment left for bitten Bead. * i The 2id and 25th regiments axe now at Camp Wm. Penn, waiting orders from the Government. Thus ihe Committee have raised fire regiments ■wiili the land esumated as necessary to organize three. It has also recently opened a Free Military School at its headquarters* mo Chestnut Street, xinderthe care ot Jihn H. Taggart, late CjloneF of the l*2th regiment Pennsylvania Res erves and has at this time itii scholars. All the students that have been sent before ilic Examiners'at Wash ington have parted and are now oflicers of Colored Regiments. Two additional Preceptors have teen engaged for lift School, viz: an Assistant xo teach Tat tics and Army Regal itions, and a Professor to leview ihe siudcnt* in arithmetic and the higher mathematics. geography and history. The Committee having nearly exhausted the funds entrusted to it, and believing its power to recruit colored troops economically is by no meahs at an end, has asked and received permission from the War Department to continue its work It therefore solicits from citizens, and from the Ranks, Insurance Companies, hailroad Gompa n^* s aT d other public institution* renewed aid. The Committee feels confident that it is only necessary to call public attention to this matter to insure its full accomplishment. i*ince the foregoing statements was compiled, the followingadditioual subscripiionsbare*been made.. I hiladelphia, and Reading Railroad Go 00 Randolph lc Jenka. .... iqo co J. Gillingham Fell (sth subscription)...... 100 00 •Cadwalader Biddle 05 gg A Frbr.d.......... ’ * • 05 00 By. Samuel... YY.Y.Y.Y.YYY.Y” 210© '' THOMAS WEBSTER, Chairman C/AnwA'hAmiß ‘Biddle, Secretary S. A Mkbchr, Treasurer. • Philadelphia, February 3, 1804. o*s=“ insurance company of the LL3 STATE OF PENNSYLVAVIA, February —Tho Directors have. this day declared a Ilividend of six per cent, or twelve dollars per share, clear of all taxes, payable to the Stoek hold'rs, or their Legal Representatives on demand. fel-10 $ WILEIAM HARPER, Sag’.rv. THE ANNUAL MEETING- OF THE LLg STOCKHOLDERS OF THE NORTH WESTERN COAL AND IRON COMPANY, will be held at the Office of the Company, 108 S. FOURTH street, on MONDAY, February Stb, at J® o’clock, M., when an election will be held for “T e Directors, to fferve for the ensuing year. .. jaSO-7t} SAMUEL DUTTON, Secretary. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 4, 1864. ibntions are acknow. Committee for recruitiug 5 United States Army : CiSkerman&Son, 100 00 Ckas a. Sower, 100 00 Geo. E. Taylor, 200 00 Stuart-& Bro., 'SW 00 Pk. J. Aubin, 125 00 Wm C. Kent, 100 00 Work, McCouch, & Co., 100 00 W. Morris Davis, 50 00 R. 17 Warner, ; 100 00 Tlio mas Potter, 2JO 00 F. and J. W. J. & Co., 250 00 Cask, 5 00 W. Rntter & Co., 25 00 A. H Franciscos, 100 00 M. W. Baldwin tc Co., • 500 00 |Mrs. J. Sill, 100 00' Mrs. E. W. Clark, 100 00 Jno. McAllister, Jr, 50 00 W. H. : Hart, 50 00 j B. B. Comegys, 20 00 Casb, 25 00 wash. L. Atlee, 10 oo Robt. Cabeen, 250 00 Dr. D. Jayne & - Son, 250 00 O. Jm Oram, 50 00 jli. O. Armstrong, 25 00 | Henderson & Co., 5 i«) , I. L. Wells, 5 00 .Brooke tc Fuller, 25 (.0 ‘Albert C. Roberts 50 00 T. I\ Stotesbury, - 100 uo John Fagan, 5 00 J. J. 20 00 B. F. Huddy, *2O oo Merrick & Sons 500 00 11. Asliurst&Sons, 500 00 Jno. Gibson, Son &; Co., 250 00 J. H. Earle & Son, 100.00 Isaac Lea, . 250 00 ij. Sergeant Pj ice, 100 00 .Welling, Cofflin £c Co., 100 00 W. H. Newbold, Son &: Aertsen, 100 (K) Edw’dP. Kelly, 25 00 13. P. Hunt, 100 00 'Bond, Bros. &00. 100 00 Saunders Lewis (Utsubs'cription)lOO 00 W.G. Taylor, 25 uo Abm. 11 Perkins, 50 t 0 Henry , iOO 00 J' Gillingham Fell (Ist subscription) 100 U 0 J. S. L., Jr., 100 00 W. O. Smyth, 50 00 Cash, 20 oi) A- B. Cummings, 50 O'.) E. Hev A Bro., 100 oo Q-. Hoff & Bro., 50 00 J. W. Thomas, 100 oo Andrew M. Jones,loo oo W. VS. . 2JU (JO InsuranceCoinp’ yN. America, (lstsub. )20U 00 Delaware Mutual : Insurance Co., 300 00 I Middleton Sc Co., 15 00 [ Insurance Comp’y Suite of Penna., 200 00 Edw. P. Kelly, 25 00 Alfred Filler, 50 00 Cash, 25 00 Win. Miller, 100 00 Farrell, Herring Sc Co , Morris, Tasker Sc Co., 250,00 Cash, * 15 00 C Stoddart Sc Bro., 30 00 (Farmers' and Me- chanics* Bank, 500 00 Win. Wharton, Jr., 25 00 Philada.,Wil. and Balt. R. R., 1000 00 Wm. Meredith, 20 00 | Jay Cooke' & \ Co., 500 00 |L. Benkert, 50 00 i Evan Randolph, 250 00 I Beaver Meadow R. I _ R^i . 200 00 J. W. Ryerss, 100 00 Coffee & Fry , 5 00 D. Hansell,' 50 00 Thomas Clyde, 100 00 W. P. Clyde 50 00 Reading Railroad _(Ist sub.), 1,000 00 J. Gillingham Fell, (2d sub.)* 100 00 w. Rusbton, 15 00 F. J. Sylvester, 20 00 Cash, 1 00 F. J. Dreer, °5O 00 Li. Mason Mitchell, 100 00 Geo'. 1). Wetherill, 50 00 Ch&s. Cambios, 50 00 Jabez Gates, 25 00 John C. Mitchell. 50 uu American Fire In surance & Trust Co., 100 00 Rev. E. E. Adams, 10 00 Reading Railroad, (*2d sub.), 1,000 00 A Friend* 100 00 R. If. Rathburn, 250 oo Wise, Pusey & C0.,50 00 Phila. Bauk, 500 00 Morton McMicbael, 75 00 Jno. Button, 50, 00 Tbos. Kimber, Jr.,100 00 A. Campbell &; Co., Horace Binney, Martin Nixon, 100 oo E. R Cope, 50 00 |l». lunserich, "25 00 IA-lex. Priestley, 25 00 ! Isaac M. Moss, 25 00 ! Jno. C. Davis, 5 00 SPECIAL NOTICES. RH4LLTHBEE BE A. DKAFT IN TEE [TS TWENTIETH WARD! j - - All in teres'ed in Ailing up the quota of the Ward, and who wish to avoid the Dratt, are la vited to meet on THURSDAY EVENING,, the 4th instant, at 7K o’cloclc, at the Church, Girard avenue, above Sixteenth street, when the follow ing Resolution will be discussed: > Whether the Committers collect* any more funds io fill the quota of the Ward, or discon tinue their ■work of collecting, and let the Draft Those who are subject to the Draft are invited, to attend, as this will be their last opportunity tow get out, if we do npt meet with better success than j we have done. We can ggt out by raising 540,000, and if. there is a Draft it will require S3UU,OOO to pay sub stitutes or commutation money. GEORGE WILLIAMS, President. Bekj. Hakpeu, Secretary. fe3»2t* OFFICE OF PORT WARDEN* .OF [Jjf PHILADELPHIA, 119 WALNUT street, PuiLADEbPHiAfcFebrunry 2, ,1964. TAKE NOTICE—That application having.been made to-this Board by S. KILPATRICK, Esq Agent of Estate ot Mrs. JOHNSON, fora license to extend their PIER above PINE street (Dela ware front;, action will be had on the application on MONDAY next, February Bth. CHAS. S. WAYNE, feb2-3ts Master Warden Port of Philada. rvr~* OFFICE CITY BOUNTY FUNDOOM- U 3 MISSION, No. 412 PRUNE Street, Phila delphia, December 19, 1863. The Commission lor the Payment of the City Bounty jure now prepared to receive and adjust the claims of all new recruits in old regiments. •- Until further notice, the Commission will sit daily from 3 to 5 P. M. Bounties will be paid to those only whose names are borne on rolls furnished to the Commission by the Assistant Provost Marshal-General, or the United States Mustering Officer for Philadelphia. Claimants for the bounty must be vouched for •by a responsible United States Officer. Officers will bring their men to the office in squads for the purpose. " . • V In a few days notice will be given when and how recruits in. new organizations, and veterans re-en listing in the field can receive their bounty. By order of the Commission. ja4- tf SAMUEL C. DAWSON, Secretary. OFFICE CITY BOUNTY FUNIX.COM \Uf MIISSION, No. -412 PRUNE street, De cember 29, 1963. Warrants for the City Bounty (two hundred and fifty dollars) will be issued to all new recruits for old regiments, credited to the quota of Philadel phia on the coming draft. Muster rolls, certified by, proper mustering-ibffi cers, must be sent to the office of the Commission one day previous to the issuing of the warrants. Ofiicers must accompany and vouch for their men when the warrants are delivered. Philadelphia soldiers re-enlisting in the fleldwill receive their warrants as soon as certified copies of the mnster-in-rolls are famished to the Commis sion by the Adjutant-General of the State. Men enlisted in-Col. McLean’s Regiment (133 d Pennsylvania Volunteers), will receive the bounty' in companies when duly mastered into the U. S. service, and credited to the quota of the city. The Commission sits daily from 3 to 5 P. M., during •whidji hours only warrants are delivered. ' These warrants are cashed on presentation at the office of the.GUy Treasurer, Girard Bank. , By order of the Commission. jal-tf $ SAMUEL Q. DAWSON, Sec’y. ,V?=» PHILADELPHIA AND . HEADING UJFbaILROAD COMPANY, OFFICE NO. 227 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Philadelphia, December 2, 1963. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The transfer Books ol this Company will be closed on THURSDAY, 17th instant-, and re-opened on TUESDAY, January 12, ISM. A Dividend of SEVEN PER CENT., clear of State tax, has been declared on the Common Stock, ?avable in Common Stock on and after 31st Decem ber next te the holders thereof as they shall starnil registered on the books at the close of business on the iTthlnst. . A Dividend of THREE AND A HALF PER CENT., clear of all State tax, has been declared on the Preferred Stock, payable in cash or .Common Stock, at the option of the holder, on and after the 31st of December next, to the Stockholders, as they shall stand registered on the hooks at the close of onsiness on the 17th inst. of certificates which have beeq dis charged from this office, or either of the Transfer Agencies, are particularly requested to have them duly ‘registered on the Transfer Books to which they have been transferred, prior to the 17th inst. Stockholders whose names' are registered on the New York Books will berpald at Loan and Trust Company, and those whose names are registered on the Boston Books will be paid at the office of Messrs I. E. Thayer & Brother. de3 S. BRADFORD. Treasurer. PHILADELPHIA FANI) ERIE RAIL LLS ROAD, Pm la help hi a, January 18, 1564. Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the PHIL ADELPHIA and ERIERAILROADCOM PANY, will be held at the Office, No. 230 WAL NUT street, on MONDAY, tlieStb day of February next, at 10 o’ clock A. M. At 'his meeting an Election will he held for ten Managers Company, to serve for one year. The polls to close at 2 o’ clock P. M. ja!9-tu,th,sa-9tsl EDWARD F. GAY, Sec*y. •v==» PHUiADEIiPHIA AND READING 1i.3 Railroad .Company, Office -227 Sonth Fourth Street. Philadelphia, Septemcer 3, 1563. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following named persons are entitled to a Dividend on ‘the common stock of this Company. The residence of several of them is unknown, and It is therefore necessary that the Certificates of Stock should be presented ox. calling for the Dividend. S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. - ' '' ‘ ’ STOCKHOLDERS* NAMES. Mrs. Mary Bishop, Samuel T. Harrison, Timothy G. Boyle, James W. Hallowell, Clement Biddle, Fanny Mary Mitcherson Ann Copeland, John Mclntyre, A. Emslie and J. New- John S. Moore, bold, Tmstees, James McKnight, Debbie A. Hughes, Benjamin F. Newport, James Hallo well, Catharine C. Kepple, Daniel , Mary Kuhn, ' Charles Kuhn, Hartman : Kuhn and J, H. Kuhn, . Ex’ rs of S. Kuhn, ■! S. Lancaster, Percy M. Lewis, R. v. R. Leisse, Execu trix, and Jas. GvShaff, Executor of J.| S. Leisse, dec’d. »c=» HILTON’-S CEMENT.—The Insoluble g Cement of the Messrs Hiltou Brothers is cer tainly the best article of the kind ever Invented. Itqhould he kept in every manufactory, workshop and honse, everywhere. By its use many dollars can be saved in the run of a year. This Cement cannot decompose or become corrupt, as its combi nation is on scientific principles, and under no cir cumstances or change of temperature will It emit any-oflensive smell. The various uses to which it .can he successfully applied renders it invaluable to all classes.. For particulars see advertisement. EDUCATION PROFESSOR FRED. A. ROESE’S GERMAN CONVERSAZIONES will be re-opened in a few davsi Terms as usual, FIVE DOLLARS FOR TWELVE WEEKS. The graduated classes areall in full activity. Plimse apply 711 SPRUCE street, between 1 and 2 o’ dock. fe3-3t* BOWDOIN COLLEGE. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. The 41th Annual Course of Lectures in the MEDICAL SCHOOL OF MAINE, at Bowdoiu College, will commence February 26th, and con tinue sixteen weeks. Circulars containing full in formation can be had on application to the Secre tary, at Williainsiown , ,1/ass. ‘ P. A. CHADBOURNE, M. D., Secretary. EnuwswiCK, 1864. fel-13t French and English boarding and DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladies. Tbosecond term of the season commences FEBRUARY Ist. For circulars apply to the Misses BUCK, - 1417- SPRUCE street. , ja3U-12t* SCHOOL? OF DESIGN FOR WOMEN, No. 1334 CHESTNUT Street (opposi’s the Mint). —The February Torm commences February Ist and ends July Ist. Sessions daily (except Satur day i from 9 till 2. Tuition Sl7 per term. ; THOMAS W. BRAID WOOD, ja3o-6ts ■■ Principal.; BOKDENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE, : BORDENTOWN, N. J. This Institution is pleasantly located on the Delaware River, IJ< hoar’s ride from Philadel phia. ! Special attention is paid to the common and higher branches of ENGLISH, and superior ad vantages furnished- in Vocal and Instrumental Music. FRENCH tanght by native, and spoken In the family. ■ For Catalogues, address - Rev. JOHN H. BRAKELEY, A. M., ja!4.2m* ■ . President. PERFUMERY. TTTHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES.— W A: new French. Cosmetic for Beautifying, Whitening and Preserving the Complexion. It ii the most 'wonderful compound of the age; Thaw is neither chalk, powder, magnesia, jblsmuth or talc in it# composition, and we offer a reward ol gSOOO to any chemist or other person who can dis cover any of these articles in tts manufacture. It Is composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax—hence, Ite extraordinary qualities for preserving the skin, making it soft, smooth, fair and transparent. It makes the old appear young, the notnely handsome,. the handsome more beautiful, and the most beautiful divine. Price 25 and 50 cents. For sale by HUNT & CO.,Perfumers, No.4l South EIGHTH Street) two doors above Chestnut street. delfi-Smof WHEREAS, LETTERS TESTAMENT ARY upon the Estate of ELIZA HAMILTON,' de ceased, have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested 1 to make payment, and those having claims against the same, to present them to GEORGE HALL. Executor, -tel,m,th-6t* 257 Madison street. XT OTIOE.—THE CO-PARTNERSHIP h»reto \ fore-existing undemthe name of SHARPLESS BROTHERS, is tiriSbay dissolved. The business of the firm will be settled by either of the under signed at 801 CHESTNUT street.- h SAMUEL J. SHARPLESS, . CHARLES It. SHARPLESS, HENRY H. G. SHARPLESS. Philadelphia, Ist mo., 15th, 1861. The-subscriber will continue the Dry Goods Busi ness as successor to the old firm of Sharpless Brothers. CHARLES L. SHARPLESS. Philadelphia, Ist mo., 15th, 1864. jaiBm-th6ws IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of MARGARET MONNiER. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, se tie and adjn?t'the account of BERNARD OWENS, Administra’or of Estate of M ARG ARET MONNIeR , deceased, and'to report distribution of the Balance in the hands of the accoutant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY AFTERNOON, February Bth, at 4 o’clock, et his office, 115 South Fif'h street, in the city of Philadelphia. ja3o-s,tu,th,st] JOHN GOFORTH, Auditor. Beniamin Pott, W’l R. Rodman, Sarah Ann Richard*, Henry B. Sherer, Maria L. Sadler, Andrew Turner, Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich, Ashmer M. Wright, William. Young, W. H. McVicker, Anstin Smith, Willis &; Co. se3-th.s,t,tfrp* LEGAL NOTICES. SUMMONS IN PARTITION.-r-TheSueriffis directed to publish the following order. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. diy and County of FhiladelphiSS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sherift'ol Philadelphia County, greeting: If William Administrator dt bonis non cum tesuunefito annexo of the last will and testament of Elizabeth Baldwin, deceased, make you secure of pro-ecutiug his claim, then we com mand you that you'summon by good and lawful summoners, Sarah S. Barnes, Charles M. Tyson and Lvdia Ann his wife, in right of thesaid Lydia Ann, Jonathan D. Barnes, Samuel B. Cope, Oli ver Cope, late of vour county, so that they be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at oar Couit of Common Pleas for the City and County of Philadelphia, there to be held the first MON DAY of March next, to show wherefore whereas they, the said Demandant and the said Defendant together and undivided do hold all that lot or piece of ground with the buildings thereon erected, situ ate on the north side bf Chestnut street, m the city of Philadelphia; containing in breadth on the said Chestnut street fourteen feet, and in length or depth fifty feet; bounded northward by ground formerly of John Bar, aud afterwards of the heirs of John Speel, deceased, eastward by Strawberry alley, southward by the said Chestnut street, and westward \<’iih the shop aud ground sometime in the tenure of Isaac Warren and longing to Samuel Barnes, or' howsoever el&Othe same is or of l ight ought to be butted and bounded, * •with the appurtenances. Being the samejiremises which Samuel E. Howell and wife, by dated the twenty-first day of May, A. D. 1316, re corded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book M. R., No. 9, page36l, Ac., granted and conveyea to Samuel Barnes and Elizabeth Lawrence, widow of Thomas Lawrence in fee as tenants in common and not as joint heirs, the same Defendant partition thereof between to be made (according to the laws and cus toms of this Commonwealth in such ca*o made and provided), do gainsay and the same to be done dc not permit, very unjustly and against the same laws and customs (as it is said,) Jcc. And have you then there the names of those Summoneis and this writ. Witness the Honorable OSW-ALDTHOHPSON, President of .our said Court at Philadelphia, the twenty-third day of January, in. the year of our L§rd one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. SL. S. ? of the Court C. P. and duly stamp -v-w ' cd according to Act of Congress, jeS5-6ws‘ T. O. WEBB, Pro Prothonotary. CO-PABTN ERSHIPS. NOTIOE. —1 have this dav sold out my stock and fixtures to HENRY E. TURNER and JOSEPH WAYNE, who will continue me busi ness under the firm name of TV RN ER 2c WA YN E, at the old stand, No. *G South FOURTH street. Messrs. T. 2c W. are well and favorably known to my customers, and I respectfully solicit for them a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon me. 1 shall retain a desk in their office for the purpose ot closing up my accounts. W. 1). GLENN. Philadelphia, January 3oth, I&S4. The undersigned have tins d t ay entered iuto Co partnership, under the firm name of TURNER & WAYNE, for the purpose of transacting business as Importers and Jobbers of DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES, PERFUMERY', «fcc., succeeding W. D Glenn, whose stock and fixtures they have purchased. HENRY E. TURNER, JOSEPH WAYNE. Philadelphia, Feb, 1, lcSt. fel-6ts Notice.— The nrmof bishop, simons & CO. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, The lusiness of the firm will be settled by either of the undersigned. S. S. BISHOP. HENRY SIMONS. January 23, ISG4. jadS-siuEtliim} NOTICE.—S. S. BISHOP having associated with him his son CLEMENT BARCLAY BISHOP, JAMES HELMS, aud WILLIAM H. will contiuue the COMMISSION AND SHIP BROKERAGE BUSINESS, at IUS ARCH Street, under the firm of BISHOP, SON «fc CO., from this date. S. S. BISHOP, O. B. BISHOP, - JAMES HELMS, W. If- MORISON. January 23* 1561. ja > 3-stuvtthlm§ 'll li. HOWELL and THOMAS T. YY BARR are this day admitted members of our REYNOLDS, HOWELL 4; REIFF. THE UNDERSIGNED will continue the Wholesale Grocer? and Tea business, under the name and style of REYNOLDS, HOWELL & REIFF, 13T> North Third street, Philadelphia. And HOWELL, BARR & CO., M Water street, New York. THOMPSON REYNOLDS, CHARLES HOAYELL, BENJAMIN REIFF, WILLIAM 11. HOWELL, fel-lm* THOMAS T. BAKR. Dissolution of partnership. 4. The Partnership existing between the subscribers, since August IM3, is this day dissolved, byi mu tual consent. The affairs of the late firm will be settled by either of us. M. B. MAHONY, J. P. STACKHOUSE. Philadelphia, Feb. 1, ISGI. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The under signed have this day entered into Partnership, nnder ihertuneof M. B. MAHON Y «5c CO., for the purpose of carrying on a general irou business. M. B. MAHONY, C. A. MAHONY. Philadelphia, Feb. 1, TSOI. foi-lms PIIII.ADEL.PHIA, FEBRUARY I, ISGI.—The Co-Partnership hereiofore existing between GEORE BOLDIN and NORWOOD PEVROSE, under the llrm of BOLDIN & PENROSE, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be settled by either of the undersigned. GEORGE BOLDIN. fc3-3.is NORWOOD PENROSE. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP.— The copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of E. P. MIDDLETON & BRO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business •will be continued'as usual at the old stand, N*. 5 North Front street, by E. P. MIDDLE TON'. fe3-6t The business relations between W. H. WOODS aud the subscriber have en entirely ceased, and the undersigned has no longer any connection with the establishment at the S W. corner of Twelfth and Chestautstreets, having transferred his interest therein to Mr. Woods. W. HENRY PATTEN. Philadelphia, Jan. 30, 1564. ja3o-s,tn,th6t OF JAMES BARR ATT & SON baying ceased by the death ol the late JAMES BARRATT, the business will in iuturo be earned on by tire undersigned, surviving partner, in his own nam\ JAMES BARRATT. Fbbeuabt 1, 1664. fel-iat* Philadelphia, jan. i, is«.—The co-part nership heretofore existing between Thomas A. Biddle and Alexander Biddle, in the business of Stock and Exchange Brokers, under the firm of THOMAS BIDDLE & 00., is this day idissolved by mutual consent. The business of the late firm will he settled by either of the partners it No. 326 Walnut street. ! JANUARY 1, 1864—THCUASA. of the late firm of Thomas Biddle & Co., has this day associated with him HARRY PEALE, and will continue the business of Stock and Exchange Bro kers, under the, firm of THOMAS A. BIDDLE & CO., at No. 326 Walnut street. jal-2ms CO-PARTNERSHIJ* NOTJUE.—The under signed have this day entered into 00-partuer ship lor the transaction of the DRY .OOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the name of JOHN H. WILLIAMS A GO;, at No. 339 Chesr But street. JOHN H. WILLIAMS, JOHN WIEST, Phiiada. ,' Jan. 1. 1861.« ES Martin leans, no* m» chestnut Street. first Premium awarded, by Franklin Institute to MARTIN LEANS, Manufacturer of masonic marks, fins, emblems, AO. New and original designs ol Masonic Marks aad Templars* Medals,' Army Medals and Corps Badges of every ds3-3mo MARSEILLES t^UILTS—-Of flae quality, at moderate prices. Good Blankets in large sizes. Sheeting Muslins, of every width. Several grades of Tickings TABLE DAMASKS.—Power-loom. Table Linen, damask pattern. Power-loom Table Lmen, dice pattern. Bleachec Table Damasks and Cloths. ! 8-4 Bleached Damask, $1 00, abargain. Fine Towels, Napkins, Nursery Diapers. Ballard vale Flannels, G2#c to Sfper yard. New York Mills. Williamsvilles, Wamsuttas, Richardson’s Shirting and fronting Linens. BLACK SlLKS.—Just' opened a larte lot, marked low. . . • , Spring Delaines and Prints. Mode Alpacas, choice shades. Printed Brilliants and 4-4 Fancy Shirtings. - ' . COOPER & GONABD, fc * E. corner'Ninlh and Market. • CLOSING OUT MERINOES. C osing ont Poplins. * Closing out wide Merinoe3, at 81 25. Closing out dark Dress Goods. : Large assortment of Flannels. Large assortment of Table Linens. Muslins of all the best intakes, - At the lowest market price, At JOHN H. STOKES’S, fe3-6t 702 Arch street. TOWELINGS. 1 bale American Crash, 13 cents. 1 bale American Crash, 14 cents. • fl 1 bale American Crash, 15 cents*__ l 2 bales Russian Crash, 16 cents. 1 bale. Russia Crash', 18 cents. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North Second street, above Willow. T) AUVI OR ALnSKI RTS, S 2 00. I~i Balmoral Skirts, S 2 25. Balmoral Skirts, 82 50. Balmoral Skirts, *3 00. Balmoral Skirts, S 3 50. Balmoral Ss iris, SI 00. With superior-grades at low prices. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 492 gnd 454 North Second street, fe2-3t above Willow. JAMES DENNY OFFERS FOR SALE Ntw Va'enci^s, “ “ Alparcas, “ ««:• “ Delaines* “ ‘‘ «* Chintzes, and full assortment of all kinds of Dress Goods, ~ Wimer Goode at reduced prices. •*.. r - All makes ot Bleached and Unbleached at less than present wholesale prices—Williams ville, Wamsutta, New York Mill, Ac. Spring just received. A fall one of Hosiery, very low—much less than they can now be pur chased. JAMES DENNY’S. fel-Gts Southeast cor. Eleventh and'Lombard. WHITE SELVEDGE BLACK SILKS, DRAP DE LYONS.—The e are a very superior grade of MLKS, warranted durable, and fine Paris Black, ordered for our best city trade. EYRE A lANDELL. WIDOWS SILKS, WITHOUT Koyal Armures. o Corded Gros> Grain. Heavy Black Poult da Soies. EYRE A LANDELL. COA BLANKETS! PREMIUM GOODS!! 0/4U Fiee All-Wool Blankets. «• Blankets, So, S', $9, SlO. 812, Sl5, S2O. Fine Cradle and Crib Blankets. Soldiers’ 7- pound Blankets. Heavy Cotton Colored Rugs. BLANKETS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. EYRE A LANDELL, Fourth and A’ ch streets. T SIMPSON’S SONS, 922 AND 924 PINE .Street —Would respectfully call the attention of purchasers in general to the Large and Choiee Stock of Worked Lace Curtains, purchased last year at Auction in New York. Also, Embroidered Muslin_Curta*ns and Embroidered Muslin for Cur tains by yard or piece, which will be disposed of at prices much less than present value to pur chasers, viz: Rich Vestibule Lace Curtains, 84 00 per pair. Rich Vestibule Lace Curtains, So 00 per pair. Pretty styles Window Lace Curtains, SG 50 per pair. Three Different Lors and Styles Rich Designs Muslin and’Lace combined, SlO 00 per pair. Superfine Rich Design, Extra Size Lace Curtains, sl* H> per pair. Extra Superfine Very Rich Design, Extra Size Lace Curtains, only 825 00 per pair. NOTTINGHAM LAQE CURTAINS. 1 Lot Quite Pretty, Only 84 00 per pair, l Lot Better, Omy S 5 oo per pair. 1 Lot Handsome,. Only So 00 per pair. 1 Lot Richer, Only $5 00 per pair. 1 Lot Verv Rich, Onlv 810 00 per pair TO CLOSE OUT THE INVOICE. ALSO, 5 lots of choice designs Embroidered Muslin Cur tains, S 7, SS, S 9. 812 and Sl4. TRULY BARGAINS. LAST, BUT NOT LEAST. 4 lots Embroidered Muslin for Curtains, 75 cents per yard, worth the price five years ago. CILOTH STORE.— JAMES A LEE INTO! j the attention.of their friends and others to thsir large and well assorted stock of goods adapted tr Men and Boys’ wear, comprising in part Black French Cloths. Bine do do Colored do do OVERCOAT CLOTHS. black French BeaTers. Colored do do Black Esquimau do - Col ored do do Blue and Black Pilots. Black French Cassimeres. do do Doeskins. Fancy Cassimeres. Mixed and Striped do Plaids and Silk Mixed, i Satinets all qualities. Cords, Beaverteens, Ac. VESTINGS. Fancy Silk Vestings, Black Satin Vestings. Fancy Silk VelTet do Plain and Fancy Cashmere*. Wool, Velvet and Valencia. Also, a large assortment of Trimmings, adapts* 0 Men and Boys’ wear, at wholesale and retail. JAMES A LEE, No. 11 North Second street, se3B Sign of the Golden Lamb. T SIMPSON’S SONS, iK2 AND 924, PINE . STREET, Have now on hand, and offer at very favorable prices, a full assortment of Housekeeping Goods, Linen and Cotton, comprising Sheeting, Pillow Case, Shirtings, Blankets, Spreads Towels, Nap kins, Doylies, TabieCloths,Table Covers,Towels, Toweliugs, Nursery Diapers,. Table Damasks, Flannels, Act Gre at reduct ions—VEdY low PRICES.—As we are determined to closeout onr entire slock of WINTER DRESS GOODS, REGARDLESS OF COS V. Closing out French Merinoes, 75 cents. Closing out French Poplins. Closing out Shawls. Closing out Cloaks. ALL THE LEADING MAKES OF MUSLINS, Bleached and Unbleached, If, G-4, 8-4, 9-4 and 10*4 wide, at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. H. STEEL A SON, Nos. 713 aad 715 North Tenth street. PRESENTS.— LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. S. MILLIKEN A CO., 828 ARCH and 32 South SECOND street, have now open a very fine assort ment of Indies’, Gents’ and Children’s Handker chiefs, which they are selling at a small advance on old prices. | LADIES’ HANDKERCHIEFS. Tape Borders, at 10,12', 14, 15, 18 and 25 cents J Hemstitohed, from 25 cents np to the finest. Reviere Borders; Tncked Borders. Wide Hemstitched borders. Colored Embroidered Borders. Herringbone-stitch, in colors, Ac. Some of the above are put up In fancyr boxes, suitable for presents.l ' GENTS’ HANDKERCHIEFS. Tape Borders, from 20 cents np to the finest, i Printed Borders, new styles, from 31 cents. Hemstitched, new styles, in wide hems. Hemstitched and printed. Herringbone-stitch, in colors, Ac. Also, a beantiful,assortment of Children s plain and printed Handkerchiefs. . ' „ LINEN GOODS GENERALLY—We have always on hand the most extensive stock of all kinds of Linen Goods to be found In the city. We import and deal in Linen Goods, exclusively, and can always offer to either Wholesale or Retail buyers the advantage of pnrehasing at a very small advance on do-23] 828 Arch street, and 32 S. Second attest. Magnificent Balmoral skirts, jn»t received. Price, SlO a piece. Balmoral Skirts, S 2 50. Balmoral Skirts, S 3 00. Balmoral Skirts, 84 80. Balmoral Skirts, ?5 00 to 812 00 a piece. Misses’ Balmoral Skirts. EDWIN HALL A CO., de2t . 26 South Second street. (x BROIDERY and Tambouring done at CAMERON’S, 228 North EIGHTH street and ' ' , SCB South SIXTH street^ Ladieß’ under-clothing in stock and mane ro order. rej- ]al-3m* XJ.’ The Universal Bed, e^£ a n \v h ]vSt est and best in use. Hair, Palm an.l H° s h mat. tresse,, Feather Beds. No. South Seventh Street, deci-3tao DRY GOODS. FOR skLE AND TO LET. M FOR SALE.—The elegants and valuable residence,.-S. W. cor. of il3d and Badge streets, 24th Ward. The HOUSE is large, hand somely finished, and supplied^throughout with, modern conveniences. The grpum s are well laid out, and adorned with shrubbery; Passenger Oars pass the door. A large portion of the purchase money can remain, and uossession given at once if desired. Apply to EDMUND O. PEOHIN, No. 528 Walnut street. * 7 io2G,tu,th f st,m SALE.—AII-that conveniently located'' Cottage, with the ample grounds thereto at tached, located on the upper side ot Wister street, orDuy’slane, adjoining the Germantown Rail ioad at Day’s Station, and opposite Wister’s woods; House has all the modern improvements 7-Gas, Range, Bath, 'Ac. Lot 142x318 feet 6 inches to Jefferson street, on which is. a Stable and Coach House. Well and Hydrant Water on the premises. Apply to JOHN A. CLARK . Attorney- STOUT, Conveyancer, 423 WALNUT street, 2d floor. ja2G-tu-thfcs-i2t* fig GERMANTOWN. PROPERTY FOR IKaL d&Ll.—For Sale—a large Stone House, with T?r 0 A I vTsl?o^^‘?l enieilts » ih.the neighborhood of Germantown Railroad; will be finished by April, 1864 . . No. 511 COMMERCE street,- ja2o-tn,tli,s,7t* Philadelphia. m Thede.irable.property, suit able for altennc into a STORE, situate No. Z 54 fcouth Eleventh street. An established business neighborhood and rapidly imurovin» Will v»a sold flow. M. GUMMEY *A SONS, 503 Walnut street. mFOR SALE.—A Handsome three-story BRICKRESIDENCE, built mtbebestman ncr, wi ; h three-story double back buildings; every convenience and improvement, and in good order: situate on Franklin street, above Poplar street. J. M. GUMMEY A SON, 508 Walnut street, o FOR RENT—The four-story STORE pro- IffiJi perty, in good order, No 436 THIRD street. Possession April Ist, ISG4. J. M. GUM MEY A SONS. 503 Walnu‘street. fe3 fsj FOR SAXE.—A beautiful Country Resi st dencel 1 acre of land, Beverl'v, New Jersey. Apply to / M THOMAS A SONS, fr2-3t / 130 and 141 South Fourth street. mFOR SALE.—Cheap House, ISIS Wallace street, with all modern improvements. In quire on the premises, or of P. JANNEY, No. 16 North Delaware avenue. - fel-6t* M GERMANTOWN BUILDING LOT FOR SALE. —A desirable LOT, at corner of JOHN SON and MORTON streets, near [the finest im provements, and elevated so as to command an extensive picturesque view. Size 142x325 feet. J. F. LIST, WALNUT street. j O3O-61* M GERMANTOWN BUSINESS STAND * FOR SALE.—A desirable business stand, near- the centre of Germantown, for sale oa reasonable terms (being the oldsst shoe stand in the place). The stock and fixtures cm be had if desired; satisfactory reasons given for desiring to sell. Apply to ROBERT THOMAS. Conveyancer, Main street, near Walnut lane, Germantown. ja3o 6t* 453 SPRUCE STREET.—FOR SALE—A fine JKIaL Dwelling, Spruce street, east of Broad; modern improvements. Lot 4U feet front. Apply to .T. H. CURTIS A SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. ja3o TO BE LET—A Hue four-story Dwelling, ENm with three-story double hack buildings, 804 North Broad street; every modern improvement; stable on back street. Apply to J. H. CURTIS & SON, Real Estate Brokers, 433 Walnut street. M ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE—About eight miles from city; Railroad depot half a mile from the premises; convenient, also, to churches and schools. For healthiness and beauty of situation, as well as surroundingadvin tages. this property is unsurpassed in the suburbs of Philadelphia. The large mansion (commanding fine views of the river Delaware) is of brown stone, built and finished without regard to cost, and replete with all the modern conveniences for both summer and winter. The ground comprises 23 acres, beautifully laid out and ornamented with a great variety of fruit-trees and shrubs. A large garden with abundance of fruit. On the premises are also erected a gardener’s cottage, lodge, orchard house, green house, conservatory, and very extensive stabling, no expense whatever hav ing been spared to make this in all respects a first class residence. _ j Apuly to C. H. HUIRHEID, ja29-30t§ I> No. *2o3.South Sixth street.. M DESIRABLE DWELLING* FOR SALE. The convenient THREE-STORY DWEL LING. with double three-story back buildings, No. 617 North ELEVENTH Street, below Mount Vernon Street, east side: built in the very best manner, with ail the modern conveniences. Im mediate possession. N. B.—Persons desiring a well-built, nicely-lo cated dwelling, convenient to the Spring Garden Street Market and the various City Passenger Railroads, will find the above a very desirable residence. Apply next door to the property. ja29-6t* mFOR SALE— Modern Dwelling House, No. 19 Woodland Terrace, West Philadel- phia, replete vrith. every convenience. Apply to JB. I*. MOSS, Broker, 219 Bock street. MFC)!* SAIYE—An elegant four-storyBROWN STONE FRONT HOUSE, on WAMTCJT street, between SeTenteentb and Eighteenth streets. Apply to jal3-^t§ FORSALE.—T H E ELEG )A N T ■s Country Seat and Farm of 90 acres owned by Jesse E. Smith. Esq. » situate within ten minutes walk of ANDALUSIA STATTON on the-.Phija delphia and Trenton Railroad, about fourteen milles from the -city. The land is in a high state of cultivation and the Mansion House and all out buildings are of the most substantial kind. The Andalusia Turnpike leading from the river, by the station and the premises. Apply to ‘ * CHAS. H. MUIRHEID, ja7-lms 205 S. SIXTH Street. A DESIRABLE STABLE TO LET, i* the of Tenth and "Walnut streets. Three stalls, with every convenience. Apply at No. 16 South Third street. dell -tf M COUNTRY SEAT AND PAKM FOR SALE—Containing fifty-five acres, 5E handsomely situated in Cheltenham township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, about eight miles from the city and one and a-hnlf from York Road Station, .on the North Pennsylvania Rail-% road. The buildings are nearly new, substantial and well calculated for a winter or summer resi dence. Apply to C. H. MUIRHEID, No. 205 South SIXTH street, Philadelphia.! ’ sels-tff TO LET.— Large and small ROOMS, up|stairs, 612 and fiM CHESTNUT street. . fe3-tf FOR whole or half interest in a first class Chestnut street PHOTOGRAPHIC Establishment. Address F. P., Office of Evex- IKG.Bullbtin. ; ja3o-stui:th3o*2l WEST PHILADELPHIA.—FOR SALE—Th* valuable Lot of GROUND, situate on the Northwest corner of WALNUT and FORTY FIRST streets; :! 5 feetfronton Walnut by 220 feet on FortvTfirst street to York street—three fronts. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, 50S Walnutstreet. dii A AAA —FOR SAL|E —A-WELL SE- OiUUUU. CURED MORTGAGE of said amount, payable in four years, at six per cent, per annum. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, 503 Walnut street. A RARE CHANCE.—FOR SALE-THE Restaurant, Dining and Drinking SALOON, 420 LIBRARY Street, opposite the Post Office. Will be sold at a bargain,. if applied for soon. Apply at the Saloon. fel-6t* FOR SALE—LOT OF 30 ACRES.—AII that large lot of ground, on East side, of RICH MOND street, and North side of ALLEGHENY avenue, and in depth to the river Delaware, with fronts on the river and Richmond street of over 600 feet respectively. Allegheny avenue'wharf ad joins this property. ..... Also, a number of smaller lots, of one acre and upwards, ... Will be sold upon reasonable terms. Apply to * ALFRED FITLER, ja3o-Gt* No. 51 North Sixthjstreet. KUHN & HILLIER, Agents for the Purchase and Sale of City and Country Property. Money procured on Mortgage.: Collectors of HouSfe Rents, Ground Rents, Book Accounts,* Obligations, &c. Office, No. 120 South FOURTH streetT . "jalS-im* STOVES, HEATERS, <fcO. * THOMSON’S LONDOn KITUffiSNEB Mg or EUROPEAN RAN™, for Emilies, W DIFISINT C sizEi SBo, PhUade^S Soils, S» Broilers, CooMng Stores, „ d retail, by the manufacturers; at wholesale and & THOMSON, anlB-to th s-tlmS No. ~RHI North Second street. rYI w nld A S s: 1) IXO W , " U 1 H ° Late Andrews & Dixon, -A «„ uHESTN UTntreet, Philadelphia, ** Opposite United States Mint, Manufacturers of LOWDOWK, i PARLOR, I CHAMBER, - OFFICE, . ■ ! AND OTHER ORATES, _ ; Fof Anthracite, and Wood Fltosl also, WARM AIR FURNACES, for wanning pnbUo and private beddings. REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, abd .f CHIMNEY CAPS, COOKING RANGES,- BATH BOILERS, *O., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HXJ% O. H. MUIRHEID, 203 South Sixth street.