MEETING OF BEPREBERTAIOTES OF; THE : WARD BOUNTY COMMITTEES. , ' 'AiiWowtted meeting of the from the different Ward Bounty Goinuiit oes was ield last evening, at the Board ot X^attv, r °Mr*'stepfien Colwell, chairman the sps- : cial committee to ascertain the quota, stated that Major , Gilbert, Assistant Provost Marshal General, had "been applied to, but no' information to the committee ifrom w*nt of authority. He had p/omised to write to the Protest* Marshal General for permission to communicate the information, believing it was right that it should be imparted. The President preseated a - statement-from the City Controller, showing thernumber of men.credited and paid bounty to, from each iYard, as follows: - V „ First, ,42; Second, 44; Third, 46; Fourth,; 11- Fifth', 59; Sixth, 68; Seventh, 369; 343; ifinth. 25; Tenth, 299; Eleventh, 9ij“ Twelfth, 142* Thirteenth, Fourteenth, 262; Fifteenth,.-262 j; Sixteenth, 101;, Seventeenth, ■l2O; Eighteenth, 180; Ninfeteenth,l9; Twentieth,; j 94; Twenty-first, 11;. Twenty : second, 185;; ' f Pwenty- liird,lo4; Twenty-fourth’, 326; Twenty-, &;th, f 72; making a total pf 3552. credit by Congressional Districts is to tlie First, 107; Second, 80; Third, 163; Fourth,; 72; Fifth (a portion of which only is in Plnla-; delpiiia 18; making in the aggregate precisely * • : . ,The credit to the city of, Philadelphia, with out T)istrict' or YTard, is 52,-and the entice nuui- 1 her who have.received bounty is 4,091. . Mr. Henry Carey Lea,, from the Citizens* - Bounty Fund Commission, stated that they had received fio-information of an official kind, hut a gentleman had said that the following figures had ■ been received from .Washington, showing- the quota by districts to be as follows:. /-First, 1,469;. Second, 1,722; Third, ,2,139; : Fourth* 1,400; and Fifth, 700. Mr. Lea stated, further; "that under the call of the Ist inst f , for 200.000- additional troops, the quota of the city. would appear feq be 13,333 'menf* In view of these facts;; and the difficulty of -obtaining mojiey, he thought it would be well to fix the bounty per man. . Mr., Joseph R. Fry was in favor of having a graduhtmg scJfle of payments, so that those who; enlisted earliest should receive the largest, bounty, in propprtion as to time, as follows : To all enlisting prior to the 15tix inst., $35,; between 2oth, $25 ; from 20th to 9r>th f 's2flr ahflraS per day off between the 25th and the.<6id of the month-' This gave rise to a long discussion, aud was withdrawn by iEr. Fry. Mr. Les submitted tie following which was adopted Resolved* That in view of the new call for men, ‘ and ot the difficulty of raising'money, this meet ing resolve that each Wald ot the city reduce the bountv to S'2o per mao, oh and after the 4th. ins-t. On motion, a committee of six was appointed to wait upon Major-General. Haneoefif and in vite him to address such meeting as may be desirable, to promote enlistments. The fol lowing gentlemen were appointed : Hon. Judge Hare, Sheriff Thompson, George N. Tatham }> Williafo Fry, T. W. Price, and William D. Lewis. Mr;. Willihm Struthers was elected Treasurer of the organization. Adjourned until Tuesday-evening next. GO-PARTNEIiSR i PS. ■XTOTIOE.—I have ibis day sold'out my stock : and fixtures to' HENRY E. TURNER >mct JOSEPH WAYNE, who will continue the buri-. ness under the firm name of TURNERS WAYNE, at the old stand. - No. 26 South FOURTH street. Messrs. T. Ic W. are well and favorably known to my customers, and I respectfully solicit for . thein.a continuance of the patronige so liberally bestowed upon me. ' I shall retain a desk in their office for the purpose oi closing up my accounts. W. D. GLENN. 3oth, IS6I. Thejunderarigied have this day entered into' Co partnership, under the firm name of TURNERS ■WAYNE,"for the purpose of transacting business as importers and jobbers of DRUGGISTS? SUNDRIES, PERFUMERY, See.* succeeding Wt D. Glkxx, whose stock and fixtures they have purchased. HENRY E. TURNER, JOSEPH WAYNE. PHILADELVIITA, Feb, 1, 1364. fel-GU WILLIAM Hr HOWELL and THOMAS T. BAKE are this day admitted members of our REYNOLDS, HOWELL «fc EEIFF. THE UNDERSIGNED will continue the Wholes*le Grocer* and Tea business, under and style of REYNOLDS, HOWELL «fc REIFF, ISO Nonh Third street, Philadelphia. And HOWELL, BASE CO., 91 Water street, New York. . THOMPSON REYNOLD'S, CHARLES HOWELL, BENJAMIN REIFF, WILLIAM H. HOWELL, fel-lm* THOMAS T. BARR. Dissolution of partnership.— The Partnership existing between the subscribers, .since August 1843, is this day dissolved, bv mu- consent. The affairs of'the late firm will be : settled by either of ns. SI. B. MAHONY, J. P. STACKHOUSE. ' Philadelphia, Feb. 1, 1861. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. The under signed have this day entered into Partnership, under the tame of HE. B. MAHONY & CO., for the purpose of carrying on a general iron business. M. B. MAHONY, „ C. A. MAHONY— Philadelphia, Feb. 1, IS6I. fel-lrnj SHE FIRM OF JAMES BARRATT & SON havuig ceased by the death of the Iate.JAMES iIKATT, -the business will in future be earned on by the. undersigned, surviving partner, in bis own name.: JAMES BARRATT. Fbbbhahy 1, 1864, . fel-12t* Philadelphia, jan. i, ibgi.—The co-part nership heretofore existing between Thomas A. Biddle and Alexander Biddle, In the business of Stock and Exchange Brokers, under the firm of ‘THOMAS BIDDLE & CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the late firm .will be settled by either of the partners at No. 326 Walnut street.: JANUARY!, 1864—THCZIAS A. BIDDLE, of the late firm of Thomas Biddle & Co., has thlg day associated with him HARRY PEALE, and will continue the business of Stock and Exchange Bro hgrs, under the firm of THOMAS A. BIDDLE & CO., at No, 326 Walnut street. ial-2mj Notice of co-partnership—Phila delphia, Jan. 1, 1864.—The undersigned have this day formed a co-partnership under the firm of J. G-. &.G-. S. REPPLIER, for the pur pose of mining and selling Anthracite Coal. JNO. a. REPPLIER, „ GEO. S. REPPLIER. Office 329 Walnut Street. Wharf, Pier 13, Por Richmond- ianl-lm* NEW YORK, JANUARY Ist, lSi-4, IN to our establishment in Liverpool* BROWN, SHIPLEY & CO., we have opened a House m London, under the same firm.. The business will be conducted m both places in connection, as hiterto, with our Houses In Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore and this city. ja4-lm{ , BROWN BROTHERS A CO. CO-PAKTNEItSHIP NOTICE.—Ttia under signed hfffßtUisday entered into 00-partner ship for the transaction of the DRY OOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the name of JOHN' H. WILLIAMS F THE |Jj3 StATE.OF P ENNSYLVAVI £, February 1, 1864 —The Directors have this day < eclared a Dividend of six per cent, or twelve dollars per share, clear of aft. taxes, payable to the Stock holdf rs, or their Legalßepresentatives on demand. fel-l() $ WILLIAM HARPER, Sec’ry, THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE LLS STOCKHOLDERS OF THE NORTH WESTERN COAL AND IRON COMPANY, will be held at the Office of the Company, 103 S. FOURTH street: on MONDAY, February Bth, at 12 o'clock. Mi When an election will be held for '"five Directors to serve for the ensuing year. ' ‘ ja3o-7is SAMUEL DUTTON, Secretary. »V=* PENNSYLVANIA MINING COM [JJLPANY OF MICHIGAN—Notice is hereby given that an installment of two dollars per share on each and every share of the Capital Stock in the Pennsylvania Mining Company of Michigan, has this day been called by the Board of Directors of said Company, due and payable at the Office of the Company, No. .326 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, on or before the 19th day of December, 1863. In terest will be charged on all installments after the same shall have become due. !By order of the Board of.Directers. deT-dSum w f-3Ht$ J S. XL DAY, Secretary. Dated Philade£phia, Dec. 7,*jSfi3. r*—* DELAWARE MINING COMPANY LL£ OF MICHIGAN.—Notice is hereby given, that all Stock in this Company, on'which the in stallment of FIFTY CENTS PER SHARE, called November'2d, 1863 and dufc November 14th. 1863 is not paid, is forfeited for said default; and that, according to the Charter and By-Laws of the Company, it will be. sold at Public Auction,’on MONDAY, February 13th, ISC I, at 12 o'clock M., at ihe Office of the-Secfetary of the Company, No. 326 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, unless paid on or before that day. . By order of the Board of Directors. * S, M. DAY, Secretary. Philadelphia, Jan. 11,1361. jal4 15, m, w, f. tfe.!s£ ,Y=» WILLIAM KING has been appointed Ujf ASSISTANT ASSESSOKot the FOURTH DIYI-fclt»N, in my district, vice Charles Hallo welJ, decease#. Office, 261 South ELEVENTH Street. THOMAS W., SWENEY, ja27-wfr&-mGts . ; Assessor, ,V=» OFFICE OF THE UNION MUTUAL [is INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILA DELPHIA, Philadelphia, January 11, lr4>l. Notice is hereby gi sen to the holders of the nut slancirug'Scrip of the Union Mutual Insurance Company j?f Philadelphia, that the Stock and Scrip "holders, at. a meeting held this date, re solved to extend to_tbe holders of the outstanding Scrip the privilege of c«u verting said Scrip into tho-Capital Stock of the Company, according to section 6th jof tlie nmendmenflto. the Charter, on iJLie same terms as previously don*; payment] of instalment lb be made February 1, Itol. Other wise, interest lobe charged ou payments made after that date, and the privilege of conversion to cease after June 30, ISOI. • JOHN MOSS, Secretary, OFFICE CITY BOUNTY FUN U COM UJ3 MISSION, No. 412 PRUNE Street, Phila delphia-, . December 19, 1363. The Commission for the payment of,the City Bounty are now prepared to receive and adjust the claims of all new recruits in old regiments. • Until further notice, the Commission—will sit 'daily from 3 to 5 P. M. Bounties will be paid to those only whose names are borne on rolls furnished to the Oommissio.i by the Assistant Provost Marshal-General, or the United States Mustering Officer for Philadelphia. Claimants for the bounty must be vouched for by a responsible United States Offijer. Officers will bring theirnneu to the office in squads for the purpose. - In a few'days notice will be given when and how recruits in new organizations and veterans re-en listing in the field can receive their bounty. By order of the Commission. SAMUEL C. DAWSON, Secretary. nrSF=» PHILADELPHIA AND READING IJjj RAILROAD COMPANY, OFFICE NU. 227 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Pbiladjelphia, December 2, 136:). : / - DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The transfer Books of this Company will be closed on THURSDIAY,I7th instant, and re-opened on TUESDAY, January 12, 1S«. A Dividend Of SEVEN PER CENTt, clear of State tax, has been declared on the Common Stock, payable in Common Stock on and utter 3l*t Decein bernext to the holders thereof as they shall stanC registered on the book&at the close of business on the 17thTnst. A Dividend of THREE AND A HALF PER CENT., clear of all State tax, has been declared on the Preferred Stock, payable in cash or Common Stockr-At the option of the holder, on and after tb«» 3lstof December next, < to the Stockholders, as they shall stand on the books a: the close ot bnsinssg on the 17th inst. Holders of certificates which have beep dis charged from this office, or either of the Trauifer Agencies, are particularly jeque?ied-to have them ddly registered on the Transfer Books to wkich they have been transferred, prior to the 17th inst. Stockholders whose names' are registered on the New York Books will be paid at the Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, and those whose nsiims are registered on the Boston Books will be paid at the office of Messrs I. E. Thayer .*c Brother. de3 S. BRADFORD, Tr*?isnr«r. iy» PHILADELPHIA AND READING LLS Railroad Company, Office 227 Sonili Fourth Street. . Philadelphia, Septemcer 3, IS Samuel T. Harrison, Timothy C. Boyle, James Hallowell, Clement Biddle, { Fanny Mary Miteherson Ann Copeland, John Mclntyre, A. Emslie and J. New- John S. Moore, bold, Trustees, James McKuight, ' Debbie A. Hughes, Benjamin F. Newport, James Hallowell,. Beniamin Fou, J .Catharine O. Kepple, W, R. Rodman, Daniel Klapp, Sarah Ann Richards, Mary Kuhu,, Henry B. Sherer, Charles Kuhn, Hartman Maria L. Sadler, Kuhn and J. H. Kuhn, Andrew Turner, Ex’rsof S. Kuhn, r Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich, S. Lancaster, Ashmer M. Wright, Percy M. Lewis, l William Youne, R. V. R. Leisse, ExecuH W. H. McVicker, trix/and Jas. G. Shaff, Austin Smith, Executor of J. S. Willis & Co. , Leisse, dec’d. seJ-th, s, t, tf rp* Iffi ''HILTON’S CEMENT The Insolnoie Cement of the Messrs Hilton Brothers ia cer minly the best article of the kind ever invented. It should be kept in every manufactory, workshop and house,- everywhere. By its use many dollars can be saved in the run of a year. This Cement cannot decompose or become corrupt, as its combi nation is on scientific principles, and under no cir cumstances or change of temperature will it emit any offensive smell. The various uses to which it <&nbe successfully applied renders it invaluable to all classes. For particulars see advertisement. BOWDOIN college. , If ? :E . DICA E DEPARTMENT. 'ahe 44th Annual Course of Lectures in tha MEDICAX SCHOOL OF MAINE, at Bowdoin College, will commence February 26th, and con tinue sixteen weeks. Circulars containing lull in formation can be had on application to the Secre tary, at WiUiamstovmi Man, P. A. OHADBOURNE, M. D., Secretary. Brdkswick, li-64. j • feuist TJIRENOH AND ENGLISH BOARDING and X DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladies. Thesecond term of the season commences FEBRUARY Ist. a _£ pl y t 0 the Misses BUCK, 1417 SPRUCE street; ja3o-12t# SCHOOL OF DESIGN FUR WOMEN, No. £334 CHESTNUT'Street (opposite the Mint). —The .February Term commences February Ist and ends July Ist. Sessions daily (except Satur day) irom 9 till 2/ Tuition Sl7 per term. . -j n . THOMAS W. BRAID WOOD, J a3o ' 6t s Principal. lal-3m* MISS M. -A. BROWN’S SCHOOL for Young Ladies, 610 N. EIGHTEENTH street, below Coates. • ‘ A T vSr KI f °* MISS STOKES’S X SCHOOL, MAIN street, above School, Ger mantown. commences FEBRUARY Ist. Tho ob ject system will be introduced in the Primary De paTtment. . ■] . ja2S-6t» BORDENTOWN . FEMALE / COLLEGE, BORDENTOWN, N.i. • This Institution is pleasantly .located on tbe Delaware Rjver, 1& hour’s ride from Pliitadel- Sb ia. Special attention is paid to the common and igher branches of ENGLISH, and superior ad vantages famished in Vocal and Instrumental Music. FRENCH taught by native, and spoken in tbe family. For Catalogues, address Rev. JOHN H. BRAKELEY, A. M., i a 14.2 m* President. Us. . BT“"" ' : : ” . Tile Universal Spring Bed, easiest, cheap, est arid best in use. Hair, Balm and Husk Mat tresses, Feiither Beds. Oomtort and Spreads, PHILBUOOK & CO., No, South Seventh street, i decl-amo THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 3, 1864. EDUCATION, INSUEANOE. Delaware mutual safety insu rance comp ant.— Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1835. OFFICE-S, E. Corner THIRD and WAL NUT Streets, Philadelphia. „ ■ ' MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, ) w CARGO, > To all parts of the world. FREIGHT,msURANOES T Oniioods, by River, Can:U, Lake and Land Car riage, to all parts of the Union. 7 FIRE INSURANCES > On Merchandise generally, On Stores, ‘Dwelling Houses, &C. ' • ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November l, 1863 *IUO,«K) United States 5 per cent Loan $1)7,000 00 • 75 000 «t 6 per ct Loan 5-20a~ 75,000 00 20’,000 “ ' * “ “ 1881 22,000 00_ >so|'ooo- «* .7 3-10 prctTr Nts 53,250 00 100,000 State of Fonna; 5 per cent Loan 100,997 5« 54,000 “ “ 57,880 00 123,050 Philadelphia City 6 per ct Loan 127,528 00 30,000 State of Tennessee 5 per ct Loan. 15,000 00 zO,OOO Pennsylvania Railroad first mortgage 6 «per cent, bonds.. 22,300 50,000 Penneylvaniaßailroadsecond r ' mortgage6-per cent.bonds.. 15,000 300 shares stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and. interest guarantied by the city - . 7 of Philadelphia 15,000 5,000 100 shares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company 5,000 100 shares Stock North Penn sylvania Railroad Company 2,650 21,000 United States Treasury Certi ficates of indebtedness 21,420 123,700 Loanß on Bonds and Mort gage, amply secured 123,700 $791,750 par. cost, 3708,737 12—market vaiiie Real! Estate .... ....... Bills Receivable for Insurances •= made; Balances due at Agencies—pre miums on Marine Policies, accrued interest, and other debts due the Company '28,©19 8? Scrip and Stock of sundry In surance and othei; Compa nies, $6,8H3. Estimated value . .3,205 (K? Cash, on deposit with'. United States Gov ernment, subject to' ten days’ ca11.;.•..550,000 09 Cash, in Banks ...... 38,58$ 39 Cash, in drawer...... 4 20b-60 DIREO’ Thomas C. Hand, John C. Dayis, Edmund A. Souder, Tbeophilus Paulding, John R. Penrose, James Traquair, Henry O. Dallett, Jr., James C. Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph K. Seal,. I>r. Rv M. Huston, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig, thomAs o. JOHN O. HA Hrkry Lnnuujf. S**e rNSUUiYNCE COMP AN Y OP NORTi i AMERICA.—MARINE, FIRE AND IN LAN!) TRANSPORTATION -INSURANCE. Office, No. 232 WALNUT street, South side East of Third street. r\ The Properties of this Company are well In rested andfurnish an available fund fqr the atnpl* Indt-mnn. of all persons who desire to be pro >oted by 1- durance. MARINE RISKS-taKeu on Vessels, Freight* sa\d CargoeS. INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS ci Merchandise jH»r Railroads, Canals and Steamboats. FIRE RISKS ou Merchandise, Fujtrtrnre anc Buildings in City :uid County. ✓f incorporated in it-as-capital *500,01(0 AND PAID IN AND SECURELY IN VESTED. TOTAL FROPETIES, *1,300,000. PERPETUAL CHARTER. DIKKOIOEB. Arthur G. Collin, James N. Dickens, Samuel TV. Jones, S. Morris Wain, John A. Dro'.vn, John Mason, Charles Taylor, George LTH arris on, Ambrose While, Francis R. Cope, „ Richard D. Wood, Edward H- Trotter, William Welsh, E. S. Clarke, William E.ißowen, William Cummings, T Ch .rleton Henrv. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. Oharlbb Platt. Secretary. THE COL’NTT FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. OFFICE NO. 110 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, BELOW CHESTS* UT. 4 ‘The Fire Insurance Company of the County ol Philadelphia.” Incorporated by the Legisliunye of Pennsylvania in 1839, for indemnity again*! lose dr damage by fire, exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to insure buildings, furniture,merchan dise, &c.» either permanently or ior a. limited time, against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of it* customers. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible de spatch „ DIRECTORS. v Charles J; Sutter, jßofcertY. Massey, ■ Heury Crillv, {John Horn, Frederick Schcber,* {Joseph Moore, Henry Bndd., [George Meeke, Andrew H. Miilen 1 James N. Stone. . CHARLES J. SUTTER, President. Bx>*Jaxi?< F. Hukoklxy. Treasurer. PHCENIX MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA, INCORPO RATED \m. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. IS4 "WALNUT street, opposite tbo Exchange. In addition to MARINE and INLAND Insu rance, the company'biave resinned the business ol Insurance from Joss or damage by » FIRE, on buildings, permanehtly by deposit 01 premium, sr for limited periods' on buildings, merchandise, furniture or other insurable Interests, on iberal terms. The prompt payment of claims for losses for the period of nearly SIXTY YEARS that the company uas been in active business, entitles them to the confidence of the public. DIRECTORS. ! Wi.Uam S. Grant, Learning, D. Olaik Wharton, Lawrence Lewis, David Lewis, Benjamin Ettmgr, Thomas H. Power*. rCHERER, President, jtary. del» John L. Hodge, Adolphus Feriex, William McKee, Lewis Wain, H. B. Mahony, , John T. Lewie, John R. "Wilmer, JOHN K. vr Samuel Wilcox, Sec: American mutual insurance com pany—Office, Farquhar Building; No. I*l Walnut street. MARINE AND INLAND IN SURANCES.—Risks, taken) on vessels, cargoes 'and freights to all parts of the world, and on. goods on Inland transportation on rivers, canals, rail roads and other conveyances throughout tie United States. , * WILLIAM CRAIG, President, n D PETER CULLEN. Vice President D. B. Stacey, Secretary. „„ DIRECTORS. William Craig Henry O. Ballet Peter Cullen, "William T. Lowber John Dallctt, J. Johnson_Brew£ ’ William H. Merriclr, Samuel A. Rulon. Gillies Dallett, Mason Hutchins Benjamin "W. Richards, Henry L. Elder Pearson Serrill, * Charles Conrad * . 4 William M. Baird. 1 Jal CURE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY thp A iZZI TWs Company, favorably known to the comma olty for nearly forty years, continues tr ines against loss or damage by to, on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or fora limitedUme Also, on Furniture, Stocks of aoods and MerS: lise generally, on liberal terms. .neronan- Capital, together with a large Snrnlu. rnnd 13 invested in the most caretffil which enables them to offer to the insure?an on’ lonbted security in the case ofloss areiai l un * - ; DIRECTORS. ‘ Jonathan Patterson, I Thomas - Aleiander Benson, Daniel Smrth T, William Montelins, SS. 1 ' 1 ’ & H L a^ rSV Thom^ffi’ S™F tot&sssss of Dam J,hyF\ re M „ a f k^“ u^nc o a Eos. DIRECTORS. George Erety, a-xignst O. Miller, lolirl F. Belaterllnr, , Henry Troomiier, William McDaniel, JocobNnllet, George Blutz, Jr,, Samuel JOHN F. BELSTEBJJI E. OOLBILIH, Worth at present market Tains 8388,681 30 • DIRECTORS. Clero Tingley, Beuj. W. Tlngley, Wm. K. Thompson, Robert Xolanci, Samuel Biepham, Wm. Stevenson, ''Robert Steen, Hampton L. Carson, William Musser, Marshall Hill, . Charles Belaud,' .T. Johnson Brown, 107,817 10 I ' ' Tho 3 Moore. 791,200 3<>,3G3 35 - ( l9 81,939,4:25 52 ITOItS . Charles Kelley, Robert Burtou, Samuel £. Stokes, J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, William G. ’Boulton, Edward DirlingtoA, H. Jones Brooke, ' James B. McFarland* Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer ML’livaine. John B. Semple, Pitts'bp A. K. Berger, «« HAXJ>, President, ' LVIS, Vice President. . ;retary. fjalfi-stnth Henry Oerker, "SS Christopher H. Miller. Frederick S'-daite, 3 Jonas Bowman. Frederick Doll. Jacob Sclia idler, Steven Smim, 'EEETY, Preslden’. TO, Vice President. Secretary. al2-t» ■INSURANCE. THE BEIiI.A'NOE j-MSUHAMUE-.iniurv.a-wv .fe o>< F PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 1841. _ Ohartor Perpetual. - 'OFFICE NoV 308. WALN UT Street/: Insures. against iosb or damage by FIRE. HOUSES, STORES AND OTHER BUILDINGS Limited or perpetual: and on FURNITURE* GOODS, WARES, and MERCHANDISE. CAPITAL. £300,000. ASSETS 5357,‘211 86. Invested in the following securities,. tXx : First Mortgage on City Property, well : secured SIGC, 930 ©O’ United States Government L0an5...... 119,000 00 Philadelphia Oity.o per cent. Loans.... 50,000.09 Ctßimonwealtb of Pennsylvania 6 per • •• / pent *3,0.00,000 Loan .... -18,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Ist and ’2d Mort gage L0an5....,.., Camden and Amboy Railroad Com _- pany’s 6 per cent. Loan 0,000 08 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company’s 6 per cent; L0an...;.*.... Huntingdon and ißroad Top Railroad 7. per OfeDL Loans... ....• 4,560.05 Commercial Bank ol‘Penn* a. Stock 10,000 00 Mechanics’ Bank Stock 4 v otK) 00 County Fire' Insurance Company’* Stock.. Union hjutual Insurance Company’s Stock...-....,. Reliance Insurance Company of Phila delphia 5t0ck...... 2,5(0 06 Loans oh Collaterals, well secured 2,*2-50 (H? Accrued interest.. ; 5,9?2 IK) Cash in bank aud on hand 16,587 80 CLEM ' Tbos.,o. Hill, Seerei .4 FlK£ ASSOCIATION— . Incorporated March 27, le2U. . A OFFICE, No. 31 N. FIFTH street. insure BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and MERCHANDISE generally, from Loss by Fire, (its. the C»ty ol Philadelphia only.) Statement of the Assets of the Association, Janu ary 1, lcG3. 4 Sends and Mortgage* or. Property in the City ofiPbiladelpbia only. Ground : Real Estate Cash on band.......... TRUSTEES: GEORGE "W. TRYON, President. Wra, # K. Hamilton, } Geo. I. Younp, Johri-Soud£‘T, 1 Jos. R. Lyndail, Peter Fritz, I Levi P. Coats, peier A. Keyser, | Samuel Sparbawfc, John Philbin, i CharlesyP. Bower, John Carrovr, | / mys WILLIAM T. RITTLER. Secretary; i JIERICAN F-XRE INSURANCE OOM- A. PANT, • . INCORPORATED I*U». —CHARTER PER PETUAL. 310 WALNI7T Street, rihotc THIRD Street. PHILADEI..PKIA. Kavlue a iar£-e p.Md up CAPITAL STUCK and 'CRPLCSjJWested In sound and available Secu .*Kk>fc, continue to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Purniture, M*-rcha.ndise, Vessels in port,.and theii Oiorgoes, other personal property. Ail Losset ■ibera’lly and promptly adjusted. dulsctoba [John T. Lewis, . I James R. Campbell, sEdmund (}. Itntilh, ’Charles V/. Poultuey, Israel Morris. THOMAS R. MAKIS, President. Albert <5. L. ORAWFoaa Secretary. tnvAr- fbomas K. Maris, Jqhn Welsh, >smuol li. Morton, Patrick Brady. ANTHRACITE INSURANCE OUMPANY CHARTER FERRETC^E. Ofiice, No. 3LI W.UnutSt., above Third, Phila Will insure against Loss or. Damage by fire, ot, either j»eri>^iually or :'or a limited time. Household Furniture ami Merchandise generally. Also—Marine Insurant ou Vessels,Cargoes aud t-'r*>ight. Inland Insurance to all parts cf th* Union.. - DIRECTORS: .Davis Pearson, i I?e:«*r Sieger, f-n. E. Baum, Wm. Esher. L>. Luther, Lewis Audereid, .1. K. Rlakiston, Win. F. Dean, fos. aiaiflcld, Ijohn Ketch&ia, WM. ESHER, President. W3l. F. DEAN, Vice-President. Wx. M. Smith. Seeretnrv ja±i Fame insurance o>*mpan\% NO. 4ui CHESTNUT STREET, EHIDADEUEITIA "HIE AXfl IN I, AND INSURANCE. ninECTons. Fr:mcis N. Ruck, Charles Richardson, Heiiry Lvwi*, O. \V. IK tv is, F.S. Justice A. W«*st, ! FRANCIS N. Bt CIIAS. K ICHAR] I. Rla>*ohai;i>, Seer I.l’r'K INSURANCE. TUK MANHATTAN UFE INSURANCE COMPANY''OF NEW YORK. Accumulation, yearly .. S2,<\»n,ooo. Total l.o>>»*s Paid -Au, PtiO. Dividends marie over/TT?.... 7i*i,ooo. PHILADELPIIYA BRANCH OFFICE, No. 4.H>vVALNUT Street,- JAMES ILA)ARR, Attorney. This Company offers superior inducements to persons desiring to effect an insurance npou their lives, giving to those who desire, the privilege of settling their-premiums, annually, semi-annually .or quarterly. The rates are lower than most Companies offer, ami the insured are participators iu the profits. The business of tlie Company is devoted txclu wt2y-to the insurance of lives. It is prompt In the of its tosses. •Any. information upon fully given by the AGE 3 eessary Books'and Tables LOCAL HOARD C Rt. Rev. Alonzo Potter. D. l». Rt. Rev. W. B. Stevens. D. D. Hon. John M. Butler. Alfred Jenks A Son. S. Merrick A Sons, 'Rich. Garsed A*. Pro. T. H. Prt'eiscudc Hro. Unnsworth, * Eakens A Naylor. Roswell & Wilson. Walton Ac Yost, fc B. * J. y. Orna. MEDK’AI, EX A MIN M. D.; Win.-Garden.':-, I>. Life insurance andtrustcompany —THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, AN- N UITY andTR UST COMPANY, of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 403 CHESTNUT Street CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capital, 8300, OOP—paid In and Invested Ui Bond* ' and Mortgages. Continne to make Insurance on Lives, grant An nuities and Endowments and make contracts gene rally, which depend on the contingencies of life. They act as,Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Receivers, Committee of Lunatics, Guardians of Minors and Trustees generally, whether committed to their charge by Individuals, Courts of iastl£e or . corporate bodies. They give a participation af Profits to the In sured for life. MANAGERS. Thomas Ridgway, John A. Brown, Robert Pearsall, John E. Latimer. John R. Slack, John O. Mitchel, Thomas P. James, Seth J Comly, Frederick Brown, Isaac Starr, George Taben, Stacy B. Barcroft. Henry G. Freeman, Wm. P. Jenks, Examixbks —Geo. Emerson, M.B and Sqmuel Chamberlains, M.D., attend at thi office daily at 12 o’ clock noon. pamphlets containing tables of rates and expla nation of terms of application, and farther infor mation can be had at the office. THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. .Tons T. Jambs. Actuary. fe!4 PERFUMERY WHITE VIRGIN WAX. OF ANTILLES A new French Cosmetic for Beautifying Whitening and Preserving the Complexion. It u the most wonderful compound of the age. There is neither chalk, powder, maguesia, -bismuth oi talc In its composition, and We offer a reward of 85000 to any chemist or other person who can dis cover any of tliese articles In its manufacture. P Is composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax—hence, its extraordinary qualities for preserving the skin' making it soft, gfhooth, fair and transparent It makes the old iapu&ir young, the homely handsome, the luiiitosdrne more beautiful, and the most beautiful Price 2s and 5U cents. For sale by HUNT Is CO.,Perfumers,No. 41 South EIGHTH Street, two doors above Chestnut street . deW-imoj i-eSSStg' CARRIAGE MAKERS, J. LEITENBERGER It SON. - Git 7 PINE STREET. fel-3n» aAA AAA’ Feet Spruce, 3x3, 3x3, 3xlo, 3x12, /SUU,UUV 12 to Un feet long, ■ - . R. A. A J J. WILLIAMS, ja2l-12t{ Broad and Green streets, 35)000 00 5)000 00 l t oso 03 $337 211 83 11 i\G UE V . President, tary. jnl-f in w-ly{ ..$706,104 SO . ' 23,13‘J 97 . U,39t> 13 . 34,051 30 5735,059 .19 .Tun. W.'Evennan, H.l’c'tvr, Jno. Jr., E. D. WovxJrutT, tjlljl* i>*oki:S, Jos. 1) Ellis. JVK. DSON, Vice -i-afv. the subject will be chec' r - NT, togeiher with all ne s upou the subject. IF REFERENCE. Keen i: Coates. Thos. Robins, Esq. Clem. Tinsley, Esq. A. W. Little, Esq. Henry Simons, Esq. Alfred Day, Esq. Jacob D. Heft, Esq. Wa:-on Malone, Esq. George Gilback, Esq. rhos.'B: Reck, Esq. Adam Warthmau, Esq J. A. McAllister, Esq. .T. Warner Erwin, Esq. / ERS. —T. M., M. D.; J. K. .Knurr, M. del^-th,s,tu,tf dry goods.. Toweling*. I bale American Crash, 13 cents.^ '••■v l l3al e American:Crash, 14 cents; , . 1/bale American Crash; 15 cen+s. > 2 bales Russian Crash, 16 cents. I bale Hnssia Crash, 18 cents; ■ - ■ ; ; STODDART & BROTHER* Nos. 45U, 452 and 454 North Second street, • • . • above Willow. ALMOKAL SKIRTS, S 2 liU. : Balmoral Skirts, S 2 25. Balmoral Skirts, S 2 50. Balmoral Skirts, *3 00. ' Balmoral Skirts, S 3 50. . . Balmoral Skirts, S 4 00. ' . .... Wlt S^ T, I )f ' rior grades at low prices. • ’ CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, • . n 0 Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North Second street, 162 ' 3l above Willow. JAMES BENN Y OIFERS FOR SALE New Spring Style's Va enclas, *f ‘ - . “ Alpacas, , ‘ “ “ D*rfciim?s,' : - .*•„ “ “ Chintzes, c ;1 an J2l- 11 a f sor^ra c n t of all lands of Dress Goods.- >\ inter Goods at reduced prices.' All makes of Bleached an,d Unbleached. Muslins atlessthan present wholesale prices—Williams- vdle, Wamsutta, New York Mill, 4c. • Spring Cnssimeres just received. ! A fall-one of Hosiery, very low—much less than they can now be pur chased. JAMES BENNY 1 S, feß6ts , Southeast cor. Eleyfentlxand Lombard. WBITF. SEjUVEIKiE BT.A.OK SILKS, UR.-VP BE 'LYONS.—-The e are a very superior grade of tGLKS warranted durable,aad fine Baris Black, .ordered for our best city trade. , . EY'RE * LANDELL.. ■ Widows* silks, without gloss.— " Iloyal Arm tires. Corded Gros Gram. Heavy Black Poult de Soies. EY'RE & LANDELL. d>QA BLANKETS! PREMIUM GOODS!! 5)/£U I'Am.* All-Wool Blanket 1 ?. Blankets,ss,s? ,So,*u>,Sl2,Sts.S2o. Pine (Cradle and Crib Blnuke’s. Soldiers’ 7-pound Bmukets. Heavy Cotton Colored Rugs. BLANKET'S, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. EYRE A LANDELL, Fourth and A ch streets. T SIMPSON’S SONS. .922 AND Ml PINE , Street—oiild respectfully call the attention 01 purchasers in general to the Large and Choice Stock of Worked Lace Curtains, purchased last, year at Auctfbn in New York. _ jUso, Embroidered Sj uelin Curtains:»no Embroidered MusliuTor Cor-' tains by yard or piece, which w 11 be disposed of at prices much less than present value; to pur chasers, iz: * Rich Tcst:buta-Lnee Curtains, SI (JO peij pair. Ki. h Vestibule Lac* Curtains, So ho per pair. Pn uy ety le s Wimi/>\y I.n Curia ins, SO 50 j>er pair. Three LiUerent Lot sanu Styles \ Rich Designs Muslin and Lace combined, SlO 00 per pair.' _ Superfine Rich Design, Extra Size Lace Curtains, SJb 00 per pair. Exua Superfine Ye*y Rich Design, Extra Size Lace Curtains, only $25 00 per pair. NOTTiKGHAiU E.VOE CURTAINS. 1 Lot tiuite pretty, Ouly SI, 00 per pair. 1 Let Better, Omy 85 00 per pair. 1 Lot lfa dsome, Only SO U) per pair. 1 Lot Richer, Only $S 00 per pair 1 Lot Yrry Rich, Ouly StO OOiperpair TO CLOSE OUT THE INVOICE. ALSO? 5 lots of choice desitns Embroidered Muslin Cox tains, $7, s>, *9. A 2audSl4. TRULY BARGAINS. LAST, BUT NOT LEAST, 4 lots Embroider-ti Muslin for Curtains, 75 cents per yard, worth the price live years ago. (M.OTH 'STORE.— JAMES A LEE INYUR j the attention of their friends and other* to thaij and well assorted stock of good* adapted tc Men axil Boys’ wear. comprising in pari Black French Cloth*. Blue &o\ do Colored do do OVERCOAT CLOTHS. Risck French Beavers. Colored do do Black'‘Esquimaux do Colored dc do Bine and Black Pilot*. «• PANTALOON STUFFS, Black French Cas^imere*. do dc Doeskin*. Fancy ' Mixed and Striped do Plaids and Silk Mixed. Sttinets all qualities. Cords, Beaverteehs, Ac. TESTINGS Fancy Silk Vestings* Black Satin Vestings. Fancy Silk Velvet do * Flaiu’and Fancy Cashmere*. Wool. Velvet and Valencia. , Also, a large assortment of Trratnung*, adapt*, 0 Men and Bey*’ wear, at wholesale and retail r JAMES A LEE, _ > No. 11 North Second street, w3fi Sign of the Golden Lamb. T SIMPSON'S SONS, Q+i AND fc*i, PINE .STREET, nave now on hied, and offer at very favorable priies, a full assortment of Housekeeping Goods,' Linen ar.tP Cotton, comprising Sheeting, Pillow (’ate. Shirtings, Blankets, Sivr. ads Towels. Nap kins, Doylies. Tab e Cloths. Table Co vers, Towels, Towelmcs, Nursery Diapers, Table Damasss, Et'annelSi, Ac. SIIELT INGS ANi> SHIRTINGS ot. every good make. Wide Bleached and Brown Sheeting*, bj* the yard or piece. Billow Casings. Blrached aud Grown Muslins, of every width. Materials for due Shirt*. - . COOPER A CON ARD, j.Vi4 5. *E. comer Ninth ard Market street K K -c-T HELin: I i O NS-Vt. ,Y LOW PKIOtS.—As we are determined to closeout our entire slock of WINTER DRFSS GOOLS, KLYi A Ii 1) LESS OK COS 'V, Closing out French Merinoes, 73 C6‘nts. Olosiujrout French Poplins. Closing out Shawls Closing out Cloaks. ALL Tb E IEAIHS.t MAKES OF MUSLIN'S, B.eavhed and Unbleached, *j, i\-4i 3-4, 9-4 and H)*l w»de* at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. 11. STEEL & SON, Nos. 7*3 aud 715 North Tenth street. BA Lit ORALS—Blankets, Flannels; Tickings, Towels* Diapers, Table Cloths, Damasks, Napkins, Table Covers, Hoop Skirts, Ac. COOPER A CQNARD* jail S. E. corner Ninth and Market street. CIASMMKRES and Cloths, a full and attrac t tiv* stock. Extra weight and quality, and low priced Cassimeres. Free Black Cloths and Doeskins. Ladies* Cloakings, at reduced prices. ' COOPER & CONARD, j*H S. Ei comer Ninth and Market streets. CLOAKS.— Prices of tine Cloaks much reduced. W r oolen, Broche and Black Thibet Shawls. COOPER A CONARD, ja!4 S. E. corner Ninth and Market street*. PRESENTS. - LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. S. MILLIKEN A CO., .323 ARCH and 32 South SECOND street, have now open a very fine assort ment of Ladies*, Gents’ and Children's Handker chiefs, which they are selling at a small advance on old prices. LADIES* HANDKERCHIEFS. „ Tape Borders, at 10, 12, 14, 15, 13 and 35 cents. Hemstitched, from 25 cents up to the finest. 1 Reviere Borders; Tucked Borders. W’tde Hemstitched borders. Colored Embroidered Borders. Herringbone-stitch, in colors, Ac. Some oi' the above are put up in fancy boxes, suitable for presents. GENTS* HANDKERCHIEFS. Tape Borders, from So cents up to the finest. Printed Borders, new.styles, trom 31 cents. Hemstitched, new styles, in wide hems. Hemstitched and printed. Herringbone-stitch, in colors, Ac. Also, a beautiful assortment of Children’s plain and printed Handkerchiefs. LINEN GOODS GENERALLY—We hays always on hand tha/most extensive stock of all kinds ol Linen Otoodjfio be fonnd in the city. We import and deal in Linen Goods, exclusively, and can always offer to either "Wholesale or Retail buyers the advantage of purchasing at a very sm&U advance on maaufactnrer’sprices. S. MILLIKEN A CO., de22J 828 Arch street, and 32 S. Second street. Tl yffEGNIFICENT BALMORAL SKIRTS, just ixR received; Price, gU) a piece. \ Balmoral Skirts, 82 51). j Balmoral Skirts,' S 3 00. ' Balmoral Skirts, $4 00. Balmoral Skirts, $5 od "to 91? 00 a'piece. Misses* Balmoral Skirts. EDWIN HALL A GO., de2l 26 South Second street; «®w->0 LOST—Late Friday afternoon, a whife and black SETTER DOG, owner’s name oh collar. * A liberal reward 1 will be given to any one returning the dog to either 1613 LOCUST, or 129 South yKONT Street, j DENTISTRY iHL-FINE, PRACTICAL DENTiay 1 CTW H'v for the last twenty years, 3l» YINEStr^e 1 ? below Third,. inserts the most beautiful TEETH ox the age, mounted on fine CJold, Plattna, surer,- Vulcanite, Coraltte, Amber, ti > will ttieet the parties in tv rratt i v '■“S purposes of his appointment; on muiXUAY, ithruaj-y ist. jSol, at 3X o’clock, P. S^fpSSdeY&S; o SIXTH, street, in ja2a f,in,wst- John H. CAMP BEtE, Auditor, 1 u‘,VT'SI ° ITY Estate of JOHN OULB ERT, .See vea ■ The Auditor appointed by the Coin to •»«£§“* sett Ie an d adj ust the acco nn to f ISai att • cARRIS Admiristrator of the estate of JOHN CULBERt’ deceasid, and to report distribution of the balance in tlie h uds oi the hceaumant, . trill meet the par ties Interested for the purpose* of his appointment,. on MoNDAY, Februnrv Sth, tS6t, at 4 o'clock P. M., at liis, No. 2:17 South THIRD street, below Walnut. S. HENRY NORRIS. • ja3't.f(rl, 3,5,5-st§ s “ Auditor, I N TiiK ORPHANS 1 COURT Jb’Olt THEUITY . AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of OATH AKIN E BUTLER ilswased.’ The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and tuljust the account of WILLIAM T. BUTLER, A oministnitcrof C ATHARINE BUT LER- Deceased, and to. make'.distribution of the balaneein tli.e hands of said accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his ap pointment, on WEDNESDAY, February 10th,, : il l o’clock. IVEL, at his • Oilice, 123 South'* SIXTH street, citv of Philadelphia. jn2!,%vst* J. HURLEY ASHTON, Auditor. rig THE ORPHAN S’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADEL PHIA. Ti nst Estate of tile CHILDREN of FREDE RICK KLETT, ciocrafrd. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit* settle and adjust the firstuccnunt of FREDERICK KX-.Ii.TT* Jr., I'R ANKIiIN C. JONES and JOS AS W. -DAIjEAiI, Trustees under the -wilt of said deceased, and,-to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accodutahts, will meet tbe parties interested lor the purposes, of his ap pointment. on MONDAY, the Slk day of Febru ary. ifr&l. at 4 o’clock, p. M., at his Office, at the S E. corner oi SIXTH and "WALNUT streets, in. the City of Philadelphia. * GEO. JUNKIN, Jr ~ ja23j»in s Tv,f,/it* | EXTEKs TEST AIVIENTARY upon the Estate JLj of TOW ItrSEr* 1> SHAIvPLiES-S, deceased, having heen granted to the undersigned, aUwi2i-= sons iudeLu*d to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims will pre eat theia without delay, to . SAMUtL J. SUARPLESS, PEAREES li. SHARPIE'S, H£nltY H v (j. bHARPLESS, Executors. jaS-s, w6ws PniLAT>ELPHLA, Jan. 9. ISCt. SUMMONS IN PAR riTION.-s-Tlie SQerufiS directed to publish the following order. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. City and County of fkiladelpnin-y SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to. ttie Sheriff ot Philadelphia County, greeting : If William Darlington, Administrator ds bonis non cum iestamento annexo of the last will and testament of Elizabeth Buldwiu, deceased, make you secure of prosecuting ins claim,lthen we com mand you that you summon by good and Jawfnl sumraci.ers, Sarah S. Barnes, Charlies 2d. Tyson aud Lydia Ann his wife. in. right of the said Lydia Arm, Jonathan D. Barnes. Samuel ; B. Cope, “Oli ver Cope, .late of your county, so that they be and appear beloremur Judges at our Com tof Comman Pleas for the City aud County of Philadelphia,, there to be held the first 3&ON DAY of March next, to show* wherefore whereas they, th- said Demandant and the said Defendant together ar.d undivided do hol'd all that lot 5r piece of ground with the buildings thereon erected, situ ate on the north side of Chestnut street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in breadth on the said Chestnut street fourteen’ feet,: aud in . length or depth fifty fe*»t; bounded northward by ground formerly of Jehu Bar. an.l afterwards of the hairs of John Speel, eastward by Strawberry alley, southward by the said. Chestnut street, aud westward wi.h the jhop and ground; sometime in the.tenure of Isaac Warren,and afterwards be longing to Samuel Barnes, or howsoever else the same is cr of right ought to be butted aud bounded, with tne appurtenances’. Being tiie same premises ■which Samuel E. Howell and wife, •by indenture dated the twenty-first day of May, J A.'D. re c«-r(h'd at Philadelphia, in Deed Book M. R., No. £>, page'cJ'. Ac-, g-aated and convoyed to Samuel Bames and Elizabeth Lawrence, widow of Thomas Lawrence \n ice us tenant In common and notV*' as joint heirs, the same Defendant partition thereof between Cem to be--made (according to the laws aud cus toms of this Common wealth-in such case m tdeand provided), do gainsay and the same to be dc not permit- vo:V .unjustly and against the sanie laws and customs (.os it is said,,) Ac. 1 5 And. have yon then there the* names of those and this writ. i Witness the Honorable OSWALDTHOMPSON, President of onr said Court at Philadelphia, the twenty-third day ot January, in 'tfieyeajsot our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixtv-four. 5 L«. S. I of the Court C. P. and duly stamp ed according to Act of Congress. je23-(iws T. O. WEBB. Pro Protlionotary. CITY ORDINANCES. CLERK’S OFFICE COMMON COUNCIL.— Pm ladkli’Hl a. January 15, jS r >4 . f In accoidauce with a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the Oiiy of Philadelphia, ©n THURSDAY the u;h inst, the annexed bill entitled 4, An.L>7diuan« e to Authorize an Additional Loan to aid the Enlistment of Volunteers, ” is hereby published information. 1 *\ WM. F. SMALL, i Clerk of Common Goun^RTv An ordinance to authorize an ad dition AL LOAN TO AID THE ENLIST MENT OF VOLUNTEERS. Section i The Select and Common .Councils of the City of Philadelphia, do ordain:' That the Mai or b? and he is hereby authorized to borrow on the credit of the city from time to time, as.may be required by the City Treasurer, such sums of money as may be required to aid the enlistment of Volunteers for the service of the United States, not exceeding iqi the whole the sum of One Million, Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, "for which interest, not to exceed at the rate of six per percent, per annum, shall be paidJjaif-yearly, on the firs., davs of u y and Jauu&ryyat the office of the City Titeisui-r. The principal of said loan shall be payable and paid at the expiration ot thirty years from the date of the same, aud not before without the consent of holders thereof, and cer tificates therefor, in the usual form of such certifi cates of City Loans, shall be if sned in such amount as the lenders may require, but not for any frac ional part of one hundred dollars, for Required in amounts of tive hundred or-ono thousaud dol lars, audit thaJl be expressed m said certificates the said loan therein mentioned, and the interest thereof are payable free from all taxes. • Fec »V Whenever any loan shall be made by virtue hehtof, there shall be* by force of this ordi nance, annually appropriated put of uie income of the corporate estates, and from the sum taxation,.a sum sufficient to pay the! interest on saiu certificates; aud the further sum of three tentbs crone per cent, on the par value of such certificates so issued shall be appropriated quar terly, out of the income aud taxes, to a sinking fund, which fund and its accumulation are hereby specifically pledged for the redemption and pay ment of said certificates RESOLUTION; Authorizing the Clerk to publish the Ordinance. Besolvedi That the Clerk of Common Council be authorized to publish in two daily newspapers .ox this City, daily tor four weeks, the Ordinance pre sented to Common Council at a stated meeting thereof, held on the 14th day ot January, 1364, en titled “ An Ordinance to Authorize an Additional Loan to aid the Enlistment of and the Said Clerk, at the stated meeting of Consuls, next after the expiration of four weexs from the, saidpubliintiou, shall present to Conncils one of each of said newspapers for every day in which the same >hall have been made. jalf>-24tg STOVES, HEATERS, &G. Th o M A)S s. duo n, Late Andrews- A Dixon* _ I*o. 1324 CHESTNUT street, rnuadelphia* Opposite United States Mint, Manufacturers of --LOWDOWN,.* ' PARLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE, AND OTHER GRATES, • w For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Flros. ALSO, * WARM AIR FURNACES, , For warming public and private!buUdinga* - REGISTERS* VENTILATORS,' • • 5 •' ‘ - .. s A2fD • CHIMNEY CAPS, COOKING RANGES, BATH BOILERS, Ae., WTTnj.FK a T.E AND RETAIL, aj* Auditor.