Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 02, 1864, Image 7

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    MUNICIPAL claims.
“XT UTiuK.—: Frop'erty owners* will please take
Jji notice of the tuilowiiig list of Claims against
the lots as described .. r .. > *:■
. v ' : City Solicitor s Ofrice, >
r- v No. 212 South Fifth street, Philadelphia. $
Notice is hyro#y given to the ovraeis of proper
ties mjrhtioried in the appended memoranda ol
ckiixmC that -writs of scire facias will be issued
tfcerebwtfiihin. six wnseks from tile date hereof* un-
>are paid at this ollice on or before
■ City Solicitor?
V \bOM NO. .7- -
.2. r'ity.vs.lElixhbeth. Garwood,. G. p. > Decem
ber term, .if®, No. 353, lor pipe,- $72; lot north-,
erly corner'of AyashingUm avenue ami Emerald
street, U\ feet front by luu feet deep, Twenty.third
Ward. ‘
fcame vs. . Edwin Dr.tfleld, O. P., December
No. 355, for pipe,- $144; lot southeast'
aide bf-Fra.nk.foTd road; 539 feet northeast of Wheat
fehvaflane, lOileet front," Twenty-third Ward.
5. Same vs. D D. Yarmill, CP, December term,
16fiO, No. 35G, for pipe, 217 GS; lot westerly corner
of Frankford £oart and Tioga street, 270 feet 10
inches front by 4- G Twenty-third Ward.
,fi. Same.vs. same, C P, Decemberterm,lBs9, No.
3&7,.f0r pipe, $250 25; lot westerly corner of Frank
ford road and Barrowgate lane, 3U7 feot front,
hy 80 feet deep, Twenty-third ward.
8. Same vs Jeremiah Napoleon,/0. P.» Eecem
her term, 1859, No.-359, for pipe, $75; lot northerly
corner’* of Frankford road and Ontario street, 100 -
leet front by 300 feet deep, Twenty-third ward.
13. Same vs. Estate, of Cottman, C. P., March
term, jwk). No. 25, for pipe, SiB 75; lot northwest
side ol r rankford street, 167- feet 4 inches northeast
pine street, 25 feet froiit/Twcnty-third ward.
39.-Same vs. John Runeker, C. P., March
term, Ifcfiu, No; 31, for pipe, $37 50; lot on north
west side of Frankford road, 120 feet northeast ef.
■.Venango sfreet, 50 leet 'front by TOO feet deep,
Twenty-third ward. •
-29'. s*amc vs. S. O. Parmer, O. P., March term,
1800, No. 32, for ,pipe, $141; lot on northwest side'
of Fraikiurd roaa, l&S. feet 4 inches southeast "of
Venango sifeet, ,183 feet front by 157 feet deep,
Tv/eniy-third ward. .
8. Same vs. Estate of Abraham Landis, C. P.,
March ierm, 1600,. No. 33, .for pipe, $73 87; lot ou
tomheatt side of. Frankiord.' roa,d, 9Gl'eet7 inches
front by 235 feet deep, Twenty-third ward.
2a.-. Sadie vs. M. J. Mitcheson, O. P., March
term, it6o, No. 3£f for pipe* S7O 37; lot on easterly
corner of FriukfordToad and Erie avenue. 96 fee
7 inches front by 10U ieet deep, Twenty-third ward
«M. J. Mitclieson has no interest in the above.
26. Same vs. Estate of Win; Cooper, U. P.
March term, iSGu, No. 38, forpipe, Sol 12; Tot on
westerly corner of Frankford road and Nicetown
lane, 65 feet G inches front by IUO feet deep, Tweruy
thudWard. .
28. Same vs. George, Ruddle, C.'P, March
term, iB6O, No. 40, for pipe.. 29i): lot on northerly
corner of Frankiord road and Venango street, 120
feet front by 319 feet deep, Ward.
. 29. Same vs; Thomas Sidebotham, O. P, March
term, 185U r No.. 41,- ior pipe, 50 ; lot on south
Bide of Frankford road, SO feet southwest of Point
road, 150 feet front by 150 feet deep, Twenty-third
Ward. s
30. Same.vs. George Zimmerman, O. P, March
term, IfcGO, No, 42, lor pipe, $59 31; lot on. north
side of Frankiord road 320-feet northeast of Ven
ango streetj 79 feeti inch front by 150 feet deep,
Twenty-third Ward. .
34. Same vs. John Laws, C. P, J March term,
18G0,"No. 46,forpipe,' $37 50 ; lot on northwe.st side
of Frankford road 150 feet soutnwestof Ontario
street, 50 feet front by 15U feet deep, Twenty-tliird
Ward.' . '
37. Same vs. estate of Thomas 5 DuUield, C P.,
March term, 1800, No. 49, forpipe, $6O 35; lot on
southerly corner of. Frankford road and Tucouy
street, 80 feet front by 141 feet deep, Twenty-third
41. Same'vs. estate of Stewairdson, C. P., March.
. term, iB6O, No. 53 forpipe., $231 48; lot northerly
corner of Frairkiord road and Erie avenue, T wea
y-third Ward, •' , . '4-
42. Same vs. same, C. P.,March term, 1560,N0,
54, ior pipe, $65 37 ;16t westerly corner of Frank
ford road and Erie avenue, in Aramingo, and ex
tending to Emerald s’reet, Ward.
43; Same vs. Nathan Hilles, C. P.,March term,
1669, No. 55, forpipe. $159; lot southeast side of
Frankford road, 3 95; feet-i inch northeast of Erie
avenue, 212 feet by 75 leet, Twenty-third Ward.
•48. Same vs.' Tomlinson,, C. P., March term,
1860, No. 6G, for pipe, $39; lot southeast side ol
Fyankroad road, 52 feet southwest of Erie avenue*
* 52 leetby 200 feet, Twenty-third Ward.
fc£so. Same vs. Landenberger, C. P.,March term,
1560, No. 67, forpipe, $39 75; lot northwest side of
Frankiord road, 85 feet southwest of Nicetown
lane, 53 feet by, 225 feet, Twenty-third Ward.
51. same vs William George. lb P., March
term, iB6O, No -6S, for pipe, $159, lot southwest
Bide of Frankford road, 922 feet southwest of Fron
street, 212 feet front by ward.
54. same vs John s»*Sfge, <4. P., March term,
1860, No. 71, for pipe, $l4l 26; lot westerly corner
ol Frankford road, and Venango street, 183 feet 4>£
inches front by 150 feet deep. Twenty-third wafd"
- 55. Same vs Craig, C. P-, March term, ttH>u,No.''
' 72,- for pipe, $202 1u; lot southerly corner of Frank
iord roaa and Venango street, 270 feet front by 332
g feet inches deep to Amber street,Twenty-third
ward. I
SG. Same vs V7illiamMorris, C.P.,March term,
ItGQ, No. 73, for pipe,‘s3)J 25; lot scuth-ast side of
Frankford.road, 402 feet northeast of Wain street,
444 leet by 300 feet to Pavd, street, Twenty-third
59- ’Same vs D. White, O P., March term,lBGo,
No. 7Gi forpipe, se7 50* lot uoribwest side of
. Frankiord roaa 270feetnortheastof Venango street,
• 50 feet .by 150 feet, Twenty-tbird : ward.
60. Same ys Isaacher Pugh, C. if , March term,
iB6O, No. 77, for pipe, s33i* lot soutneast side of
Frankford road, 135 feetsonthwest of Green street,
50 fvet'-:8 inches front by 238 feet G inches deep to
Thomas street, Twenty-third ward.
62. Same vs. Georgt* Rundle, O P., March
- 7 tenn,TtGo. No. 79, for pipe. sls 75; lot north side
of. Frankford road, 449 feet northeast of Venango
street, 25 feet by 150 feet, Twenty-third Ward,.
6S; Same. vs. William H.'Miekino, C.P., Jdarch
term, lfe6o, No. SO, for pipe, SLO3 59; lo; northwest
side' of Frankford road. 349 feet 2 m ches southwest
of lane, 144 feet 8 inches by 250 feet;
Twenty-third Ward.
64. Same vs. Estate of Thomas Duffieid, dec’d.,
C. P.i, March term, IStiu No. SI, forpipe, $l4B 50,.
lot sonvheast. sivie of Frankford road, 234 ice,
sonilivcst ol'Tviiil street, 118 feet front by; ,
65. Same vs. Thomas GrifEtb, C. P., March
fenn, 1860, No. 82, for 'pipe; $37 50; lot north sid •
. of Frankford road, 399, Icet northeast of Venango
street, 50 feet by 350 l'eetj, Twenty-third Ward.
66. fcame vs. AVllliam Shippen, G. P., March
term, iB6O, No. Bi, or 1 .pipe, $75; lot northwest
side’of Fiankford road, 170 feet ofVe*
naugo street, 10*J feet by 180 feet, Twenty-third
67.. Same vs. Craig,. D. G., March, torsi, ISi3o v
Ko. —, fur pipe, SSSL 8!#; lot on east-, corner of
Frankford- road and Venango street, 730 feet 9
inches by 339 feet, Twenty-third "Ward. '..
69. Fttme'vs. James Bi'ooke, G.F., March term,
•1860, No. 85, for pipe, Slot) 75; lot southeast side
ot Frankford road, 161 feet northeast from Wheat
Sheaf lane, :20i feet by 000 feet deep, Twenty-third
■ward. * - _ _
70. Same vs. same, 0.P., March 1860,N0.
FC, for pipe* sl2p 7o; lot east corner of Frankford .
road and Wheat Sheaf lane, 101 feet front, and 319,
•feet on Wheat Sheaf lane, Twenty-third ward. ;
. 7L Same vs. Mary Holden, O.P.March term,
1669, No‘. S 7. ior pipe, 3112 50; lot southeast side, of
Frankford'road,' 798 feet 6 inches northeast from
northeast side of Erie avenue, 150 feet bypOO feet,
Twenty,-third ward.
. 72. Same vs. George Geisse, G P., March term,
No* 88,- for pipe, $4-10 12; lot northwest side
of Frankford road 129 feet C inches southwest from
southwest side ot Buckius street,s9B feet by 3JO feet,
S.'tme vs.. Mr. ; I*iyezey, C- P.» March term,..
3860, No. 69, for pipe, 3150; lot northwest side of
Frankford road, 312 feet $ inches northeast froth
northeasC side of Eri'eavenue, 200 feet by 300 feet;
Twenty-tliird ward. w • •, -
: 75. Same vs-. Rudolph Bucking, OP., Decern-.-
jtoer'terin, 1860, No. 73, for pipe, $-53 00; lot north
-west side oiPntnkford road, 18? fcet7inches south
west ol Nicetown lane, 70 feet 5) inches front, And
extendiffcTAMorris mill dam. Twenty- third ward.
1. City vs. John Cody, : O. P., December term,
3862, No. I,for pipe. Sl3 50 5 . lot northeast side;
Ridge avenue, .167 feet 5 inches Porthwest off
Twenty-third, street, 18 feet front by about 90 feet
deep, Twentieth ward. . .
'2. Same vs. Girard College -Passenger Railroad
Company, U. P., December term, 1862; No 2,
for pipe, SlO 67;. lot and bju. ldirigs northeast cor-
Iner Ridge and Columiba avenues; U feot'2 inches
Tfront to Twenty-tliird street,', in depth to Croskv,
Twentieth ward. -
4.’ Same vs.. Amos Carlisle, C. P., December
teim, ISG2, No. 4for pipe, 336;- lot east side Otse
go (late Church) street, 82 feet north of Mifllin
street, -48 feet .frout by 04 feetrS inches deep on
south line to centre of Old Point road, First
ward. ' .
5. Same ; vs: Connell,) Goodrich, D. 0., sonth
.west side Ridge avenue, 72 feet 2-inches 1 north.
December term, 1662, 5 N0..1, nuisance. $39 95 ; lot
Bouthwest side Ridge avenue. 72 feet 2 inches
northwest of Wood street, I 7 leet by 39 feet 6 inches
in depth on southeast line. *
6. Same vs. Philips McNamee, D. C.-,December
teiin,; 1862, No. 2, ntiisar.ee, 15,: lot east side
Eleventh street, 32 feet north 61 Vernon street; 16
feet by 73 feet. 4
7. Same Vs Mt. Allen, D. C., December term.
-3862,:: No* 3, nuisance, 342 74: lot east side of
Frankford road, 90 ieet north of Reading railroad,
32fdfetby‘abont47 feetdeep. - - «■;
10. £ame vs. George Snyder, C. P., December
tenh,TS62,.N<V 7,-for pipe,3l2*7s; lot and build
ings gomheastside of Tilton street, 119 feet south,
west of Emory street, 17 feet by about 51 feet deep,
* *
IS.- 1 Same vs. John S. Potvell, C. P., December
-tenh,-166*2,' No; 15;;'for pipe,-. $9, lot and buildings
fibi&tj 'l2 leet front by about 72 feet deep, Nine
tiLDijl F ard - _ _ I,'
SO, Henry Dawson, O. P.» December
term, l£t»S: No. IT. .for pipe, S*s; lot noiilieaft
cbfhexof Taylor hnd Coral streets', -GO feet front by
75 feet deep, on southeast side of Coralstreet, Nine
teenth Ward. .. •
21. Fame vs. H. Lawson, O P., Dec-unber
texmi 1862 v No. Is, fonpipe, $27; lot so«itu side o;
Twylor street, So feet east of Emerald Street; 36 ibei
by about 75 feet deep, Tiinetttnth ward..
22., Fame vs. Charles F. Miller. O. Pi, Decem
>er term, 1862, No. 19, for pipe,. SG7 50; tot north
side 3 aylcr street, f 6 feet east of Emerald street, 90
eet by about 75 feet deep, Nineteenth ward.- -
. 23. Same vs. Wiiliam Conv/av. y. 'P;', Decem
ber tenn, ?BG2, No. 29V for pipe, s2t; lot north side
Taylor s’.reet; G- feet east of Emerald street, 3G feet
b> 75 feet, Nireteenth ward. ~~ ;
•. 21. Fame vs. samiVO P,, December term,
No. 21, forpipe, $«6; lot north sid« Taylor street,
>CO feet we <t of Coral street, 39 feet by about 75 feet
Nine eer.th ward.
2.'»."S«me vs. Tnonias Taylor, O P, December
term-, ISG2,. No. 22, for. pipe, 4*54} lot and buildings
southwest corner of Taylor and Amber streets, 16
feet hy about 72 feet deep, Nineteenth Ward. -
26. hnnie vs. Baker it Shoemaker. U P, December
23, for pipe. $27 5 lot south side Tayf
lor street, 72 feet west of Amber street, 38 feet by
about 75 feet deep, Nineteenth Ward* ;
27. Fame vs. GcGrge'K Smith, G P, December
term, 1362,N0. 24.f0i pipe, $27; lot south side Taylor
fctieet, ll*S feet west of Amber street,.36 feefhy 75
feet,'Nineteenth Ward. •
2b. Samti vs. unknown, C P, December terra, 1562,
No. 25, for pipe, $l9 50; lot on south side of Taylor
street, 144 feet west of Amber street, 26 feet by
about 76 feet deep, Nineteenth Ward.
- 29. Fame vs. same.' C. P., December term, ISG2,
No. 20, for pipe,' Ssi -IS; lot south side Taylor
street, 8! feet east of Coral street, Gs leet by about
75 feet deep, Nineteenth ward. .
' 30. Same.vfe. A. C. Dicki.ison, O P-, December
tenn, I8G2; No. 27, for pipe.. $27; lot* south side
• TayJoi street 54 f«*et east of: Emerald street, 36 feet
bv'about 75 feet deep, Nineteenth ward.
3i. Fame vs. Jacob Bliinm. O. P., December
term, ito2: No. 28, for pipe. $4O 50; dot southeast,
edruer of Taylor and Emerald streets, 54 feet by
about 75 feet deep, Nineieepth ward.
*32. Fame vs. Richard Keavy, G. P-, December
term, 1802, No. -29, for pipe,* $45; lot northwest
corner ofTaylorand Coral streets, GU feet by about
75 deep, Niuetrynth ward. -
33. Faroe vs-, same, G. p.December term, 1862,
No. 30, forpipe, $l5; lot northeast corner of .Tav
lo: and Emeral street?. Go feet front b3* about 75 feet
deep* on Emerald street, Nineteenth ward.
34. Same vs. Mr. Norris, C.P., December term,
1862, No. 31', for pipe, S3U; lot souihoart corner
of Sixteenth and Federal streets, 801 feel by 08 feet
30. S.ame vs. Mr. Brown, C, P., December
tbnn. L 862, No. 3;)*. for pipe, isit) 50: lot and baiid
ir.gs souh side of Federal street, 150 feet ea«t of
Sixteenth street, 14 feet by 68 feet deep, First
warcL.- -
vs. Mr. Brown, O. P., December
terin, 1c62, No. 34, forpipe-, SLO 50; lot and huild
ings south side of Federal street, IG4 feet ean of
Sixteenth street, 14 feet fjput by 63feet deep, First
ward.; - .
38. Same vs. same, C. P., December term, 18G2,
No. 35, for pipe, $ 0 50, lot and buildings e-outu
side of Ft acral street, l;S feet eo&t of Sixteeutu
street, 14 feet by 16 feet deep, First ward.
39 Fame'vs same, G. P., December
No. 36, for pipe sln 50; lot ana nuiidmffs south
side of Federal j-.trert, 192 feet east of Sixteenth
street; 1G feet b.v 68 feet deep, First w-trd.
4U. Fame vs smne. C. P., December tenn, 1862,
No. 37, forpipe, StO 50; lot and bu-idinss sou’U
su'e of Fpdeiar s-rect, >OG .feQt east of
strett, 14 feet by 68 feet First .ward
-.41. Mime vs. C. M.' Morris. O- P., Decemb r
ISG2. No. 33, for pipe. $Ol S 7: lot southwest
corner Fifteenth aud Peceral streetsa 176 fe-t 6
inches front by 103 iVet 6 inches deep. First ward.
42. Same vs* same- O. T*., December term,
•No. 39. for' pipe, s73"3<4—im s -uthwest corner/
Fifteemh and Federal streets, 1“6 feet 6 niches frqitß
by lu-i fest 6 inches deeo, First ward. I
*43. Fame vs. Kyle, 0 P., December term,.1862,\
No. 40, tor pipe. Sl8; lot and buildincs north suho
Federal street, beginuinr at west side Fifteenth
stieet, 10 feet by 57 feet deep, to a 3 fcet wide
alley. First ward. v ' •
44* Same vs. Globe Insurance Company, C.P:,
Dec cm her term iio2. No./T-l l, forpipe, $39 ouT.lot-;
Koutlioast side of Gault street, Ga feet northeast pf
Vienna street. 52 feet S' inches front by 59 feet G
inches deep, Eighteenth Ward. •
. 45. Fame vs. .George L 7 Dougherty, G. P. > De-
cember term, 1882, No. 42, for pipe. $24; lot east
side Howard streel, 160 l>et southwest ol' Brown
street. ,22 feet by 50 feet deep, Fifteenth Ward,
4f>: Fame vs. Joseph Billrougb, C.'P,, Decem
ber berm, 1862, No. 43,* for pipe, Sl2; east side
Howard street, 9G feet south west of
16 feet front by sii feel deep. Fifteenth ward.
47. Fame vs. saiue, C. P., December term, 1862,
No. 44, forpipe, 524: lot-east side Howard street,
328 feet north from Hare street, 32 feet Iront.ljy 59
feet deep, Fifteenth V.hmfcs * .
45. Same vs. John Burnett, O. P., December
term. ISG2, No. 45, forpipe, $49: lot andbuiicUnif
east side Howard street, 64 feet north of Hare st.,
G 1 ieet front by 69 feet deep, ihlteenth ward.
Same vs. James Osborn, O P, December
term, 1862, No. 47, ior pipe, $33 5u : lot northeast
angle of Twelfth street ami a 30 feet wide, street
parallel with and 112 feec 0 inches south from
Morris street, 16 feet front by 67 feet deep to a 3
feet wide alley, First .ward.
51. Same Vs. M. Carey Lea. C. P., ’December
te-rm, 3502, No. 48 for pipe, $225 11; lot of
Broad street, corner 01 Montgomery street,
feet south of Berk street, .300 feet front by 620 fefet
deep, Twenty First Ward.
53. Same vs. Monum'-nt Cemetery, C P, De
cember term, 1862, No. si'. for pipe, 136 88: lot
west side Broad street. 397 feet 0 inches north of
Montgomery street, 182 feet G inches ikout by 39.5
feet 7 incht-s deep, T wenty-first Ward.
51. Same Vs. McOalmount He Bum, G. P., De
cember term', ltG2, No., sf; for pipe, $l7 sr>:5 r >: lot
east tide Broacl’sireeT, 35U feet north'from north
lino of Montgomery street, 5o feet front by 527 feet
deep, Twenty-first ward.
55. Same vs. N. G. Foster Estate, O. P.. Decem
ber term, 1962, No. 52, for pine, S 3 81; lot north
east corner of* Fourth and Miiftin street, 7 f-et
inches on Mifilin street, and 1 foot s}{ inches ou
Fourth street, First ward.
50. Same vs. N. G. Fostpr, Es.q., C.P. Decem
ber term. 1562, No. 53, for.pipe, $-2.69; lot south
west corner Moyameusing awuun and Mi'fiin
Eircct, 363 l’eet 4i4inches‘on Mililin street, First
ward. 0 -
57. Same vs. Theodore Mitchell. (jbP. , Deceni
btr term, 1802, No. 54, for.pipe, lot norni
easl corner Fifth and MifiHn street?, ’ east- along
1-lifilin strcet.l7B feet o?,' inches, First ward
58. Same vs. Charb-s S. O. P.,
December term, 1*62, No 55, for t it>e. $2-.- 8>; h>t
southwesi corner Fourih and Mifilin streets, ?oa:h
along Fourth street 1? i'r«t6 inches, Fir^ l Ward.
59. Same\s. same, C. P., LV-cember term, 1662,
No. 56, for pipe-, 865 26; lot r.ortnw-v-L corner
M'dv-arnVnsing avenue and Mifflin sir**ei, west
along MiJUin street IC3 feet inches, First Ward.
/JO. Same vs. same, C. P., December ’erm, 1862,
No. 57, for pipe, 3123-39: lot northwest corner
Fourth ana Mifflin street's,*. nor r li along Four'll
street 14.1>et4 inches, thence northwest 223 feet 10
inches, First Ward.
61. Same vs." Theodore Mitchell, O. P., Decem
ber term, 1862, No. SS, ror pipe, s2i9 17: lot
southeast oomer Filth and Mifilin streets, 352 feet
23.; niches front, by 65 leet 1)% inches deep,[First
• W ard. ' *'
62. Same vs. Thomas Fay, G. P., December
Unn, l c o2, No. 59, for pipe* 535: lot nortbe.tsf
coru< r Hare and Tweuty-thth streets, 4S leet front
By 57 feet in depth, Fine;uth ward.
■ 03 ' Same vs.* Mr. Martin, Agent, D. C., De
cember teim, 18625. No.- 4, nuisance, S3u Di; lot
fomtiweet corner Eleventh and Myrtle a ireets, 15
-,.l'ec-t by CG feet 5 inches. '
64. “Same vs. John Robinson,’D. C., December
tern?, 1602, No. 5, Jniisance, - 327 VS: lot west side
.Delaware avenue, VjO 'feet south of Laurel street,
2tUefet bv K-U feet deep. * • 1
' f 66 Same vs Gault Jc Gardner, D. .C., Decern
btrtenn, 1802, No. 7, nuisance, $l2 93; lot south
sidtfGallowhill street, 83 feet 9>£ inches west fr >m
we.-t side of Seventeenth street, 32 fee? by GU fee:
deep.. * .. ; - .1
07. Same ts. Freeman Scott, D. C., Tlecember.
term, ISG2, No. 8, nuisance, 331 side
Tenth street, IfrfeeLnoith frormuiSrtli side of Pop-
lB feetby 80 feet. .• •
68. Stone vs. J. Gay.' D. C., December terrp,
1862, No.-'SV nuisance, SB-10; lot northwest side
Ed win street, 140 leet northeast from northeast side
.of Geary street, 14 feet by 36 ieet.
: 69. vs. M. Hinchman, D. C-v- December
term, 16G2" No. 10, mnsanen. 339 08;’lot south side
. Callowhil.l street, G3loet9;< inches west frem the
west side of Seventeenth, street. 16 fe*et by 60 leet.
72. Same vs. Charles Thompson. C. P., Decem
ber term, 3662, No. 60, for pipe, 321: lot and build
ings northwist corner of Cumberland and Howard
streets, 32 feet bv 60 feet,'Nineteenth w.vrd.
73. Some vs. December term, 1862.
No. 61, for pipe, S 9- lot and dwelling northeast,
side of Cumberland street, 32 feet
Howard street, 12 ieet by.6o feet, Niuetetuiih ward.
74. Siitnevs. samej C;P.,-December term,-1302,*
No. 62, for'pjpe, S 9; lot and dwelling .northeast
side Ctmiberian rt street. 44 feet southeast from
Howard street, 12 feet by CO feet, Nineteenth .wiir-l;.,
75. Ganievs, same, O P, December term. 1862,N0.
63, for pipe, #9 # lot and building northeast side Oum
uerlhhd atveetjCu feet southeast fromTl.ow&rd street,
12 *e.et by go feetj Nihefeenth wardA '
16.- Same vs. same, C P, December term, 1862, No.
6-i, for Tot building northeast siJe Cam*.
street,GS feet southeast from Howard street,
A feet by 60 feet, Nineteenth. Ward.
77. Same vs. same, C P, December term, I?S2,' No.
65, ior p?p e > t2l 02; lot and dwelling northvveat cor
ner Cumberland and Hone streets; 2$ fect'93« inches
by 69 tect. Nineteenth Avard.
’7S.’ Sfimc vs. •same, C P, December term, ISG2, No.
66, for pipe, $33 75; lot and dwelling southeast cor
ner Cumberland and Rope streets, 45 feet by 14 feet;
Nineteenth ward. ' •
79. Same vs. same, CP,December term, 1562,N0.
67, for’pipe, $4B 37; lot southwest‘corner Cumber
land and Front^streets, 64 feet 6 inches by 60 feet,
Nineteenth ward. . ‘ •
80. Same vs._Hd.ward ,Clinton, O; •
.term, 1662, No. GS* for pipe, $46 25; l(st southwest,'
side Cumberland street, exten-dihg-frbm Mutter to !
Mascber '(late Clinton) street, 02 C incbes by GO
feei, Nineteenth wW(i»
81. ys. .William .Brice, 0. B*, December?
term, 1862, No* 69> for pipe, 547 76; lot
side Cumberland street* extending from Mascher,
to Waterloo street, 95 feet 6 inches by (K) feet, Nine-J
teenth ward. <• .. /
82. Same vs. Daniel HcCleary, C* Decemj
her . 1862, No. 70, •'SSI 40; lot south
-west side Cumberland street, extending from How
ard street, 108 feet 0% inches by 20 feet,
Nineteenth ward.
83. Same vs. John! C. Mitchell, 0. P.,‘ Decem
ber term, 1602, N0.'71, for pipe, 5225; lot west side
Howaid s'treet, extending from Hare to Biown
street,'4oo feet by 100 feet, Fifteenth.ward. .
S 4. Same vs» Howard Tilden, Ci P ,-December
term, 3802, No. 72,‘for pipe, £34; Jotnorthwest
corner Hare and Taylor streets, G 2 feet’ by .57 feet,
Fifteenth ward.
85. Same vs. Wm
Decemb-r jerm. 1862, No. <3, for pipe, $l2; lot
Eomk side of Hare street 101 feet ease from east side
of Twenty -fifth street, 16 feet by 62 feet, Fifteenth
Ward. .
SO. Same vs. William Robinson, O. P., Decem
ber term, 1862, No. .74. for. pipe, $33 GG; lot and
dwelnug northwest corner- Hare and ; Ringgol t
streets?, tU feet 9 inches by 80 feet, Fifteenth Ward.
90. -Fame vs. Mr. Brooks, D 0., December term,
ISG2, No. 16, iruisance, $2O; lot east sideTwentv
second street, I3t feet north from north side cf Vino
street, 16 feet trontby-80 feet
91. Same vs; Middleton. & R. .S; Alien, Agents,
D. C., December term,. 1862, ‘ No. 17, nuisance,
821 53; lot north side Barclay street, 142 feet we-:t of
Sixth street, 16 feet by 52 feet 10 indies, 1 FifUWard.
1)2. Same vs. John Hertzler, D. O , December
term, No. 18. nuisance, $5O 80; lot south s d*
Catharine street, beginning 212 f-et-east of Broad
street, 1G le« tby 4 > feet 6 inches.
. ‘.5. Slime 's/jene* A Smith, D. December
term, ]BO2, No. .19, nuisance, SIO; lot north side
Locust street, 96 feet east of Ninth street, 23 feet
by 138 feet, Eighth ward v
> 90. Same vs.' Brown, 1). C., December term.
1862,‘N0. .22, nuisance, $5; lot south side Bayar.l
stre, t, 66 feet 2 inches west from Seventh street, Li
feet by 51 teet77< mcbes, :
98. Same Vs Bauvier,D.C.,D:-ceni'bertrrin. 1862,
No.' 21, nuisance, $9 51; lot soutn side of Green
wicb street, 248 feet west Jrom Second street, 16
feet by i5O fiet3 inches. j :
ICO. Fame vs. Uiaileran A Schilling, D. (J-
ceinber term, 1562, . No. 26, nuisance, -6. io
s-*ut' side Cambridge street, iOlfeut!? inches ea
froihTwentietli street, 32 feet by So feeto# inches,
and So feet 4 inches to Scott street.
101. Same vs. Fisher & G:uv, D. 0., D-ceinber
term, 1562, No. 27, nuisance, $10*91; lot soutn
side of Jlarestreet,. 131 feet 9»f inches wed fro a
west side of Twenty-fourth street,.26 feet by 3*
feet inch, Fifteenth ward.-
102. Same vs. John Holmes, C- „P., Dec-unlx*'
term, 1802, No. 75, for pipe. $l2: lot a..d dwelling,
east side oi Oorinthiau avenue, 61 feet north trom
north side of Parrish street, 10 feet by 60 lee!,. Fif
teen th ward.
103. Samevsi Water Department, D. 0., Decem
ber Term, 1862, No. 23, for pipe, $507; lot westst-te
of Corinthian avenue, extending from tionh snl** of
Brov.ii street to south fide of Poplir -treet, feet
inches by 2U* f*»et, Fiiteemli waxd.
1(5-1. Same *vs. Inspectors of Eastern peaiteiv.
tiar'y, OP., December term, No. 17. lor
pipe, $457 97; lot and dwelling wftt side of Oo
rinthiqn avenue, exteinhhj* from north side of
Coates street to the south side of Brown street, 664
feet ’inches by 070 fee: 9;* inches, Fifteeaui
Jt)s. Fame vs' Mrs. Lei?enri:ig t C. P.» Decem
ber term, i662,= No. 78, for pipe, sl‘J 93: lot aorih
side of CnllowUill street, 40 feet east of Fifth street,
19 by 11*0 feet, Twelfth ward. • • .
106. Fame vsr David fittow. C. P., December
terini 72, fur pipe, $l2; lot and dwelling
/east side c¥Corinthian avenue, cil fe x from north
side of Pajrrish stie’et, 16 feet by Go feet. Fifteenth
i it:?. Fame vs. Remy Fiegel, C. P.« December
J-term, 1862, No.-Bu. for pipe, $l2; lot and dwelling
I east sido-of Corinthian avenue, 198 feet north trom
I north side oi Broivn street, 16 feet by 12J feet, Fif
u U-enih ward.
\ ‘ It'S. Fame vs Department of. City Property. C.
\p., December term, lstsL No. SI, forptpe,s<ir>9s;
i 'lot iast she cl-Corinthian avenue, til feet 43*
| incites north from north Vide of Parrish street, M 0
: "tet-t 7 inches front on Corinthian avenue by SO feet,
! Fi ftfonrh ward.
! I(i9. ■ same vs. O. Dedaker, C. P., December
i trim, lc£.\ No. 82, i or paving, SSS n 3; lot north
| side cf Otter street, 31 feet 4 v inches east of
! Leopard street, 34 feet by 90 fe«t to Otter street.
Sixteenth ward. .
1U). Same vs. Philip S. Bunting, C. P.,
a cember term, IS*2. No. 7G, for paviug, 878 75; lot
f southeast corner of Fifteenth and Ells worth streets,
beginning east side of Fifteenth street, audextend
ing east along south side of Ellsworth street 52feet
2.V inches, First war«.
in. S.;ime vs Robert T)oak, C P., December
i Term, 1862, No. 83, ibr pipe, SlB 75; lot north side
of Federal street, 9a 6-10 feet' west of Fifteenth
street by 271 feet 3 inches iiKdepih, First ward
IfiE Same vs. "William BcScott, C. P., Docem
! borurm, 1502, No. J*4, tor s2u 3*.k lot east
i side of Otsego, late Qhureli street, 27 feet 4 inches
i north of Mifilln street, First ward.
113. Same vs. sa’rse, C. P.. December term., 1862,
No. ?5, lor pipe, $3; lot westot Otsego street, lug
feet-tj inches north trom north side of Mittlinstreet,
So fed fc inches- front by 55 feet" 6 inches to east side
: olvUutton street, First ward.
IU. Same vs same, O. P., December t»rm, 1862.
No. 56, for pipe. 5U 92; lot and dwelling southeast
corner of UorinTLrau avenUe and Par. ish street, 5
• fei l G inches by JUW feet to Capital street, Fir.eouih
115. iFame vs Mahlon R. Fcott, C.P., December
term, 1502, No. 57, for pipe, 87. i 5'. } ; lot >ide of
Ot?‘*costreet, 54 ir?ets inched from nonh sale
of Mifiiin street,27 feet 4 inch- sby GO feet U inches
and 71 IVc: to.Greouwtcli Point roau. First ward
116. Fame vs same, (,h P., December term,
No. 59, for pipe, s:;5 35; lot wotisideof '.-ts-’go
street, 51 feet 2 inches n nhfrem norh sire of
MilUm street, 61 feel 2 inches by 5b feet G inches ;o
Dutton sir* et, Fiivt ward.
IK. Same vs-same. L\ P., December term, iS.li,
No. 59, for pipe, Sol 07: )cn east side of Korinth :ei
avenue, 74 Iret ij i> c.h sorohfr m of
Poplar street, 6S leet % inch by 50 feet, Fifteenm
115. Same vs. Thoma* Stewart. C. P., Decem
ber term, 1562, No. 90, lor pipe, $153 lot west
side ot Sixteenth street, begiiuumr north <i lo of
Ellsworth jtrict, thence-ncyth along vye?t side of
Sixteenth street 254 feet l£ inch to -Vnsliington
avenue, Fir-iwnrd
U 9. Si'.iai' vs. the estate of Jacob Peter-, C. P ,
Mar,h term. ISKJ, No. 1. for p:pe, 8:2; lot, anil
dwellings, northwest side ol Gunioilo street, IG7
• ftet it*oil, boiithwest from sou'-hwe-t side of
Ridge ;tveuue/l6 feet by 75 f--et inches, Twen
tieth Nvaru. • •
129.- Sami* vs. same, 0.1’., .March term, 1563,
No. 2, lor pipe, 59J75; lot and buildings north v.vsi
tide cl CluH.oao street, 9t letti mrhes west from
west sided Riago avenue, 13 l'eet by ;io feet Tweu
tii'ih v.'nrti.
121. iSame vs. same, C. P.,-March term, 1 c 53,
No. 3, lor pipe, Sl2; lot un»l buildiuga northwest
side bl' Ginnodo stveiu, IV3 loot inch, s >utiiw;‘st
from spuiliwest >idc ut Ridge a Venue, 16 feet oy 76
feet inches, Twentieth ward.
122. .Same vs. same, C. P.; March term, t c >3,
No. 4, ior pipe, sll 25; lot aud buii-ling- norih
avest f-ide of ,-Gmnodo-street, ltd fee; ti; 4 '
jsouthwest from southwett side of RidgeVvenue,
15 feet by 42 leet, Twentieth ward. ,
]2;». Nime vs. same, C. I*., M>-ivh term, 1853,
N-o. 5, for pipe, Si 3 SU; ’lot Jinrt baildiugß uorth
v/estside ol't-itnhodo stree*, 2:13 feet „ 3 4 inch south-
Wfc.-rfr ii. southwest side ol Ridge avenue, 18 fo**t
by 68 iVet9 inches. Twentieth ward..
124. S:oAe vs. same, O. P., March term, 1863,
No. 6, for pipe,-Si3 59; lot and build 104-* north
west side if Ginnodo street, 215 feet $ inches
southwest trom southwest side of Ridgi> iivcnpe,
lb i'ett by 76Viet inches. Twentieth ward'
125. 'Same vs. same, C. P.March te~m . l6‘>3,
No. 7, for pipe, Sl2; lot and buildings northwe.-t
si*Be of Gimudo sti>et, 13a feet % inch southwest
from goutuvosi sideoi Ridg-» : avenue, 10 feet by 56
feeto)£ inches,-Twentie’h want
- 125. Fame vs A.-Bechtel, C. P., March ’erm,
ISG3, No. S, for pipe, §2; lot and buiUUnsis north
west ; ido of Ginnodo street, 203 feet & inch sputh
weht from the. southwest side of Ridge avenue, 12
lectjront by 56 leet SSpShohes.deep, Twentieth
.ward ' •
: 127. Same.vs. Estate, of •jJacob Peters, C. P.»
March term, 1863,* No, 9, for pipe;' $ll 62; lot and
nufitlirgs uonh west side bt Giimodo'street, IPJ feet
OJP inches southwest, irom the southwest side of
Ridge avenue, 15 fect'G inches froiit by 50 feet3.tf
inches deep. Twentieth ward.
325. Same vs sauie, C. H.. March term, 1303,
No. .10, for pipe, S 2; lot anil butldiugs.northwast
side ol Ginnodo street, 151 feet souiliwest from
southwest side of Ridge^avenue, 16 feet by 67 feet
3?a inches, Twentieth : wavd. - ; -
129. Same vs.:Mr. Hubbard, D. C.i March term,
IBu3, No. 1, nuisance, 82267; lot north sid 1 * Drown
street, 15 feet west of Capibl atreet; 15 feetfroat by
52 feet det-p,-.Fifteehtli ward:- - ,• •
130. Same ye. Slielinice. & Gay, D. C, March
term; 3803,. No, 2, nuisance, 97 4 ; lot south si lo
of 'Girard avenue and east side of Nineteenth
street,'lo2 feet 2 inches front, by 37 feet 4 inches in
depth,'Twentieth Ward.' .
Same vs. Thomas,-D. C,'March terny IBG3,
Noj .3,_ nnisance, $2O ; lot w«»t -side -Bncknell
streef,'BB leet nortli from north side of Hare street,
feet by 4li. ftef, Fifteenth ward
132. - Same vs. Byers, D. C, March term ISG3, No.
4, nuisance, §5; lot east side of Swanson street,
. GO feet south from south side of Q,ueen street, 20
feet by C 8 feet, Third ward. -
133. Same vs,.-Martin, D. ; C, March term, 1863,
. No. 5,-nuisance,.-$l4l 78, lot. east side of St. -John
street, i*2o leet south of Beaver street,. 49 feet front
bj’ 70 feet deejp to a lo feet wide alloy, Sixteenth
.ward.. - *■
13-1. Same v§i.Weet& Green, D. C, Marph term,
1860, No. G. injisance,* $lO 9G, lot west sido of
Howard ‘74 feel 11inches south of Thomp.--
son street, • 24: feet .front," by 65 feet deep, Seven
teenth Ward. . - ' ' * -
. 135.,Same vs. s Piercp, D. C,, March term, ISO 3,
No. 7,. nuisance, $ll 05; lot w«t side of Howard
street,-243 feet 9ir inches north of 'Girard avenue,
16 feet Q inches by -59 leet 5 'inches, Seventeenth
.Ward. .
136. Sanje Mrs Lewis, O. P., March terms
1663} No.Tl, for .pipe, $5O 10; lot northwest corne,,
W..Burnell. M. D., O. P.
of Collins and CnnAcrland street, 100 feet 8 inche,
;frcht_cn ,CQlliDs><str\et,.by;-C3 feet 3 Inches deepr
Nnu-Tetnth ward. . \ vv. •/ - •
137. Same vs; McllVaihe,. O. P., March term,
16( 3, No. 12r for pipe, 5518; lotanddwelli33g iiorth
wt si side of .-Collins street, 178 feet. inches
northeast from Cumberland street* 24 feet by 120
leet te Frankford road. Nineteenth ward. . '
139. Fame vs. Reeie, C. P.» March term, 1863,
No. 14, for pipe, $57 81: lot and dwelling north
west side of Collins street, 147 feet 2 inches sonth
we? t irom Huntingdon street, 77 feet 1 inch by 136
li f t t inches, and extending to Frahkfordroad,
ismftetnth-ward. ’ . ’ v
14«. Same vs. Reid, March term, 1863,
No. 35, for pipe, $l2 02; lof and dwelling north
v.cft sideof Collins Street, 16 feet % inch by 130
feet to Fiankford road, Nineteenth ward.
141. Same vs. Reme.y and Lutas, C. P., March
lerm, 1663; No; 16, for pipe, $29; lot and pottery
northwest side of Collins street, Ul feet 2 inches
southwest from Huntingdon street, 36 feet by 120
ie» r 4 % inches, Nineteenth ward.
142. Same ;vs. Davie. C. P., March term, 1863.
No. 17, for pipe, $l2; lot southwest side of Tucker
.-ueet, 179 feet 35£ inches, northwest from Cedar
street, 16 feet by 811. feet inches, Nineteenth
1«4. Same vs. Lawson, O- P., March term, 1863,
No. IP, for pipe, $l5; lot touthwest side of Tucker
*met, 59 feet 3& -inches, northwest from Cedar
street, GO feet by 84 feet 8)£ inches; Nineteenth
145. Same ve. Leets, C. P.., March term, 1863,
No. 20, lor pipe, S2l 74; lot southwest side Of
Tuclier street, and northwest side of Cedar street,
7,9 iei-t.3jk inches by 91 feet, Nineteenth ward.
146. Fame vs. £|Uott, C. P., March term,. 1863,
No. 21. Jor pipe, $l2; lot and dwelling somhwest
i ide oi Tucacr street, oTfeet inches southeast
fiom Memphis street 161eetby74 feet 10 inches,
Nineteenth ward.
147. Same vs. Payran, C P, March terra, 1563,
No. 22, lor pipe, Si 2: lot southwest side of Tucker
street, 83 feet 3j£ iuches southeast
street, 16 feet by 76 -feet 6# inches, Nineteenth
wa rd.
I4b. Same vs. Stockton, C P,. March term,
186::, No. ‘.3, for pipe, gig; lot west side of Tucker
inches southeast from Memphis
street, ig feet by 1 ' 75 feet B,V inches, Nineteenth
-.149. Fame vs. Eiserman Eiserman, Jr., C. P.,
March tinn, 1663, No. 24, for pipe, $l2; lotsouth
w» st side of Tucker street,-195 feet ruches
northwest from Cedar street, 16 feet by 70 feet
r.clns, NibebenUi ward.
151. Fame vs, Ash A Mahony, D. 0., March
term, lto3, No 8, nuisance, $27 17; lot south side
of Fans olll street, POleefeast of Eighth street, 36
tret bv w lee 6 inches, 6feet wide alley, Eighth
152. Fame vs. Nicholas B. Ans, C. P., March
ti-rm, ifc63, No 26, for pipe, $27 50; northeast,
corner of Dockland (late Garden street) and Thir
ly-sixth street, 15 feet by 25 feet, Twenty-fourth
.Ward. ~ :
• 153. Sumo vs. Harper, D. C., March term, 1863,
No. P, unisance, $23 30; lot northeast corner of
Eighteenth and St. Joseph's avenue, 13 feet 4
mclu s> by 33 ie.et, Ninth ward.
155. Satny vs. Controllers of Public Schools, C.
P.', March term, 1563, No. 25, for pipe,' $37 50; lot
north side of Rockland (late Garden street), 155
feet west trom west side of Thirty-fifth street, 50
lVei by 153 feet 3 inches to Haverfordstreet,Twenty
fourth ward.
ISG. Fanie vs. T. P. Pleasants, C. P., March
term. 1563, No. 29, lor pipe, $37 59; lot north side
of Keckiand late Garden) siredt, lifc> feet west of
.west tide of Thirty-filth street, 50 feet by IS3 feet
3 inches to Haverford street,Twenty-fourth ward.
157. Same vs. Osmond lleed, executor, D. C.,
•lUarch (enn, lettj. No. 10, nuisance, $52 95; lot
west -ide of Fourth stre*.»t, and north side of Maria
streef, 170 feet 5 inches north of Coates street, 36
feet by 39 1.-et, Twelfth Ward.
15S. Same vs. s:une, D. G-r-March term, 1563,
No. 11, nuisance, S 7 29; lot west side ofNFourth
street, 2( 6 feet 5 inches north of Coates slrfcei, 15
feet"by 39 tett. Twelfth ward. 7/
161. SaWr vs. Stephen P. M. Tasker, C. 8.,
March No. 32, for pipe, 575; lot so nth
i-ast angKf lit Movamensing "avenue,and Celeste
street, 150 feet by jofefct inches. First ward.
ltii. Stime vs. same, C. P., March term, IstH, Ng. ‘
33, lor pipe, s7s;'. lot northeast angle of Moyamea
Celeste street, 15(* feet by 114 feet
ward. |
163. SameVs William H. Ellmtt, C P., March
.tern:. Imv. j , No. 3d, lor pipe, 820; lot and dwellidg
' non heast corner of Hope and York streets, 4U feet
by H$ feet 9 inehes, Nineteenth ward.
*l6l. S:une vs. x Dahiel Weber, C. P., March
terin, 1863, for pipe, $l2 59: lot east side of Hope
street, feet north from York street, IS feet by 116
fret vji inches, Ninttednth wardf"
165/ Fame vs. S. Scbober, C-. P-. March term,.
19(>*, N0.'39, for pipe, >lo 50 lot-east side of Hope
street, 150 of York street, 18 feet by 105
levt *.'\ iuchtS>, Nineteenth ward
106/ Same vs. Valentine Booz, C. P., March
term, ih53,.N0. 37, for pipe, Sl3 50; lot east sule of
Rope street,-273 feel-south Irom Cumberland street,
teethyliS toett)*4 inches, Nineh»entu ward.
167. Same vs. Robert Beatty, C.P., March term.
1503, No. ;•>, for pi]»e, $l3 s<»; lot east side of Hope
►tr»*ei, 2i*G feet south from Cumberland street, 115
fcei bv K 5 nut t' \ inches. Nineteenth ward.
165/ Same vs B. Eberhard, O. P., March term
1563, No. 39, for pipe, $l3 59; lot and dwelling east
side of Hope street, 135 feet south from Cumber
land street, 15 feet by 198 feet ayj inches. Nineteenth
v :\rd.
IC9. Same vs Norris J. Embree, C. P., March
trnn, IthJ, No. 4i, for pipe, &13 su; lot east side of
Hope sin*fi 116 f»vt aoutu from Gumbei laud street,
1J- icei by KS cot ncht-s, Niaoteea h w:frd.
i7c. Sane vs W. Ll*is, C-P., March term, 1-63,
No. 42, lor pipe*, SV3 SU; lot east side of Hope
nm- , 314 hvt south irom Ouiuborlnn-l street, :5
f» ot by H 8 foci 9- 3 s inclu’s, NniotiHuuh ward.
Kl. Banie >s sun t*, C. P., March term, iBtvl.No.
43,vicr pipe, $:3 5o; lot ca<t side of no •*? street,224
fui >ouih non* Couiberhmd street, H feet front by
lu^f«t*t9 3 g inche-. Nineteenth ward.
172 bame vs >d\vin Gli*ton, P., March
teun. It**.,'. No. 44, hr pipe, $ 5; lot east sice of
Hope'sireri. north .rom i'umberland street,
2u f> t*i h 6 it** ; iu< hvs. ‘■Npieu-enth ward.
17.3. B:i»ue Gottleib Scheiber. «J. P., March
toim, !B*3. Nn. 45.f0r pipe, s27;lotcAst side of Hope
stcoet, r-2 b et south ol Ouipberlaad street, 30 feet
by 10S feet s inches, Nineteenth ward.
*174. Miiue vs. t ell Hlusle.r;-U. P.. March term.ls63,
No. 46, > i:i ' ,0 4 cast side of Hope street;
9s feet soynh of t.’umberland street, IS feet by
leet yuebes, h ward.
I 175. ;>niuevs. John Reilly.O. P.,March term, 1563,
No. -i/.for pipe. $4O 50; lot of Hope street,
:->V.6 feet south lluuUcgdoa street,s4 feet by 103
feet inches. Nineteenth ward.
j7ti Mtim* vs. Monaghan, C. P , March term,
ib6:>, No. 4**, for pipe, $l5; lot northeast corner of
Hope umt Cninbcrland streets. 20 feet by 108 feet
9?g -aches. Nineteenth ward.
1 78. -anif v>. CharicsThompson, O. P., March
t-rm, 1563, No. sb, for jiipe, 89; let east of
lb pt* stivi-t, 12 feet- sonth of Cumberland street, 12
iert bvAsti iWI, Nineteenth ward.
179. vs. Shaper, C. P., March t-=nn 18(53,
No. 51, for pipe. 8*15; *l. t west side of Hope street,
GU feet touth ‘of Cmnberlauu street, 2 i feet by 103
feet OJj inches, JN meuenth ward.
IMb Kurnevs. isa;it?. Thompson, O. P., March
term, ltt>3, No. 52, for pipe, S 180; lot west side of
Hopettivet, bOlVet sputa of street,2s2
i'cc.t by \0» t* ot ti?* inches, Nineteenth ward.
tb*l. Stum* vs.. X) IttcCleary, 0. P., March term,
'.PU3. No. Eft, for pipe, $!5; lot west sidy of IJope
sm et, Xu lv* t sm; • 1j of mm her lav d street, *2O feet by
It s leet !•»: ic-hes, Nineteenth ward.
lc-j. Jmiii'e vs. Smith Law, O. P., March term,
PGft, No: 54, lor pipe, $l5: lot southwest corner of
Hope and Cumbeirand street*, 20 feet by 10$ feet
i/> 8 inches, Nineteenth ward.
is 3. t*ame vs. Keuja>nin M. Hollingshcad,O.P:,
March term, ItrGft, No. 55, for pipe, $l5: lot east
side of Pope sweet, 40 feet north of York street, 20
leet. by ios leer iuclms, Nineteenth word-.
\S‘\. tan e vs. Charles Thompson, C. P., March
term, l.°G3 No.‘EG lor pipe, SU; lot and dwelling
east side of Hope street, 21 feet south from Cum
berland street, 12 feet by 50feet, Nineteenth ward.
ICS. Same vs', same, O. P., March term, ISG3,
No. 57, for pipe, SO*, lot east side Hope street, 3G
iVet south Horn Cumberland street, 12 feet by 50
teei. N ineteentli ward.
JfcG. >amevs. Same, C. P., March term. ISG3,
No. S3G: lot and dwelling noithwest
cot? uut Cumberland streets, GO feet by
2b t •, Nineteenth ward.
i-‘ Patrick. Leaden, C. P., March
ten 50,'for pipe, $l3 50: lot and dwell
ing Hope street, 204 fo&t south from
Pi* IS feet by IU3 feet 9# inches,
Nil d.
h Charles Thompson, C. P., March
•teTm, Jtoo, JNo. Cd, forpfo£. SO; lot and dwelling
east side c.f I£ope street, 4\ feet south of Uumner
•land .street, 12 feet by 50 feet* Nineteenth ward.
1M). Same vs. Patrick Ktdeii, C P.» March
term, ifcGS, No 61, for pipe, Slo su; lot east side of
Hope street, 222- feet south from Huntingdon
street, IS feet by 108 feet 0% inches, Nineteenth
iso. S&me vs. J. O. Harris. G. P.. March term,
ltiH, No., fp, lor pipe, *lB4 SO: tnangular lot west
sii'-f. oi Pifte.Btli street, 103'feet 3 inches north of
F* dernl street, First ward. *
|9L. Sarneva.. Na-iee Real Estate Association,
C. 1\ ,-March tem, 1563, No. 62, for pipe, 812 33:
lot west.side of Ten 111 street, 393 feet 9 mehesnorth
ot Ihmphin street, 10 feet by 90 feet, Twenty-first
192. Same ye. same, <;. T\, March -term, 1903,
No., 03, lbr'pipp, §!‘> 39; lot west side of Tenth:
street, 4G(i feet 3 iufches north of I>auptjm street, 10 j
- fiet by <JU feet, Tweniy-first ward.
; H‘3. Same’*'vs. same, C. F., March term, 1563,- :
I No. 64,’ for pipe,- 812 38* tot west side of Fen'll.
• street,'44o feet 9 inches north- .of. Susquehanna/
, avenue, lGfeet bv !M) feet, Twenty-first ward. -
\A 194.: Same vs/same, O. F/ March term,. JSG-3,
j.Tfo. Go, for pipe • $1294; lot west of Tenth street,,:.
33‘ f feet north of D-utphin street, 17 feet 3 inches by,
90 Icet, Twenty-first-ward. . -
195. Same "vs. game. C. p., March, term. 1863, '
No. CGi jfor pipe. 512?38;' lot wrest side of Tcn'-li
street, 3G7 3.i2ieet north from Dauphin street,
feeVby 9.j feet, Twenty-first ward. / , /- \
iCft. Same vs. earner, O. I*., March *ernii 1863, ■
! No. f»5. for pipp. 832 33: let wpst-side of Tenth
etieet, ll:j feet north of Susquehaiuia. '
.eetby 9 feetj Twenty-first ward. -
+J2* Jolm\Corcpraii,: 0. 'P:*;rlffarc , i
+ * °\ f>3 > for pipe, £lB 75; lot south side
f>c v £t f west of .Fortieth .street,;:
ward 1 5 <eet to Church street, Twenty-fourth'
ifS & *nVnTo T w? tTn - O. P. March, term,
v°-* i or, p ipe ,8 <5: lot north side of South
leet'de^/SM-enth^ai'd?^ 11 '*' o ''- o '.’ lUo^eet by ' 11)0
‘ 309 * £ 8 P e « T 8 -Eernheimer, C. P March
o/vork f.tr?e°t' f ° r P ipe = S l2 ; lotnouheasl side
OI 10IK t-treet, 50.1/et northwest froiri Kpnviva.
Sfneior.th“Sd 3asfeet3 mches ‘“Onstreet,
of Locust street, 100 lef t west frbm wet tsid eof
Fortieth street, 50 feet front by 100 feet deeo f
Twenty-lourth ward. • deep,
201. Same ve. Leonard Hyneman. 0,P.. Marph
'?2’,;j.<s-r? 2 ’,;j. < 5- r P^P e « S*3; lot northeast
side of Y ork street, 109 feet northwest from Senviva
street, 19 feet by 125 feet. Nineteenth ward.
• 2( 3. Same vs. John O’Neil, C. P., June term,
1803, No. 2, for pipe, ?*2 37; lot southeast corner of
Moore street and Fassyunk road, beginning at the
corner and extending southwest along east side of
Passyunk road 17 feeing inches, thence southeast,
23 feet 10 inches, thence east 31 feet, thence west
along south line of Moore street 41 feet 8% inches
to placeot beginning, First ward.
2u4. Same vs. John Foweli Evans, C. P., June
term, 18G3, No. 3, for pipe, $24;,10t north side of
Moore street, 51 feet wtstfrom west side of Twelfth
street, 32 feet by Go feet 4# inches,. First ward.
205. Same vs-, Mr. Price, D. 0., June term, »SG3,
No. 3, nuisance, £42 50; lot south side Lombard
street, 30 feet west from west line of Third street,
44 feet 3 inches by 78. feet, Fifth ward.
206. Same ve. C. Win'ers, agent, D. 0., Jnne
term, ISG3, No. 2, nuisance, Sv?3 04;-lot west side
of Lewis or Warnock street, between Thompson
and Master.
207. Same vs. Eli K. Pricf, C.. P., Tone term,
1863, No. '4, for pipe, SIG 4 84; loteast side of Forty
first street, at northeast corner of Pcwelton avenue
(foimeriy Pratt street), 269 feet inches fronton.
Forty.first street, and isu feei'on Powehoa avenue.
Twenty.fourth ward.
208. Same vs. Jeremiah Bonsall, O. P., Jane
term, 1563, No. 5. lor pipe, S*s; -lot south side of
Hamilton street, H 5 fed w**eiffcm the west :t;dc of
Tiiirry-secofcd street. 20 feet iron: by 100 feet deep,
Twenty-tourtb ward.
2c9. Same vs. Western Home fox Friend ess
Children, C. P , June term, 1833, No. G, for pipe,
£7l 25; lot southeast corner Forty-first and*Baring
Etree s, 05 feet r>y 174 feet" M% inches
and is bounded by Bndd street, Tweety-fourtiX
ward. , '
210.. Same vs. Jeremiah Bonsai], C.gP., June
term, 1803. No. 7, for pipe, Sis: rot south siefe of
Hamilton-street, (35 fet-i west from the west side of
Thirty .second street, 20 feet front by too feet deep,
Twenty- fourth ward.
211. Same vs. Elizabeth Rose,. C. P., June term,
1863, No. 8, for pipe, $67 93; lot north west corner
of Market and *Logan, now Forty-ftapCdtftuu, 35
leet S inches front by 15U feet
ward' ” •
212. Same vs Robert Pas ;hall, C.P., June term,
ISG3, N 0.9, for pipe, s*o 25; lot south side of Ham
ten street, 175 fe« t west from th»* west side of Thirty
second street,3s feet front by 208 feet deep,Tweniy
foarth ward.
213. Same vs Charles Thompson,• C. P., June
term, 15*03, No. ]O, for pipe, $9; lot southeast cor
ner of Hope had Cumberland streets, 12 feet front
by 50 feet deep, Nineteenth ward.
214. Same vs tame, C. P., June term, 1863, No.
11, for pipe, $9: lot east side of Hope street, 12 feet
south oftmmberland .-treet, 12 feet front by 5u feet
deep, Nineteenth ward.
215. Same vs tame, P., June term, 1553, No.
12, for pipe, $9; lot east aide of Hop • a:re =t, 24 feet
south of Cumberland street, 12 feet front by 5U feet
deep, Nineteenth ward.
216. Same vs. same. C. P., Jnne term, 1563, No.
13, for pipe, $9; lot east side of Hope :»6feet
south of Cumberland street, 12 f-et t>y 50 fee:, Nine
teenth ward.
217. Same vs same, C. P.. June term, 1563, No.
14, for pipe, $3: lot east side of Hope ?-?rrei,4s feet
south of Cumberland street} 12 feet by 50 feet, Nine
teenth ward. -
21s. "-Same vs. Patrick Laden, C.P.,June term,
1503, No. 15, for pipe, $l3 50; lot east side of Hope
EirfeL 186/eet south irom'Huntingdoii street, is feet
by He feet, Ninet*-enth ward.
2iP. Same vs. same, O. June term, 1563, No.
IG. for pipe, $l3 56; lut east side of Hope street,2ol
feetsouth from Huntingdon street, 18 fret by 103
fret, Nineteenth ward.
220* Same vs. same, C. P., June term, 1863, No,
17, fer pipe, $l3 50; let east side of Hope street 222
feel south of Huntingdon street, 18 feet bv IUB feet
inches deep to Front street. Nineteenth w crd.
221. fame vs. same, C. P., June Lerm. 1863. No,
!5, for. pipe, $l3 05; lot southwest side of .Pine
street, Fmhkfonl, ill ,feel 5 inches northwest from
northwest side of Frankford street. 17 feet 4 inches
by 57 feet 3 inches. Twenty-third ward.
’222 Same vs. John F. Lamb, C. P., June term,
1563, No. 19, for pipe, $35 To: lot east corner of
Pine and Franklin supers, Frahkford, 4‘Jfeetby69
feet, Twenty-third ward. J
223. Same vs. John Lvmb, C- P , June term,
18T3, No. 26, for pipe. s*37 55; I'-i norti corner of
Frau kfofd and Pine strerts, Frankford, 233 feet §
inches by 67 leet 4- inches. Twenty-third ward.
22?. Stuue\s. same, C. P.. June term, i-r>>, No.
24, for pipe, $27 4i; lot nonbeast side of Pine street,
Frankford,49 feet 6 indies southeast from southeast
side qi Franklin street, 36;, fee; by t>> feel, Twenty
third ward. •
239. Fame vsi Henry Stiies, C. P., September
term: !5<5S, No. 2, for £•>! 45-; lot souih of Di u
mond stm t, from Front io.Hope street, ilu fee: by
199 feet. Nineteenth ward.
231. Same vs. Miss KobinsoiT and John Streeper,
I>. C., September term, lco3, No. 1. liu'ea-.icc,
SSU 53; lot east side of Warnock street, i.S feet
north lrom north side ot Poplar street, 3o feet by.
91 feet 10 Alder street, Twentieth wsrd.
232. Same'vs. Freeman Scott and John Myers,
D. 0., September Uerm.. 1863. No. 2, ntiisaace,
$l5 53; lot west’side ot Hutchinson sire.-*, T 1 teet
\ inch north trotn norm sidej of Poptir street.
feet bv—feet to an* 5 feet wide alley, Twentieth
w rd'.
233. Same vs. Mr. Schott, D. 0., September
:t*nn, 1>63, No. 0. nuisance, ST 33; lot southeast
side oi Em eta Id street, '126 leet of LTiK'h
avenue, 16 feet by leer, Niueventh ward.
•231. Same vs. Mr. Gass-m-r, I). 0 ; , St-ptemher.
term, 1?63, No. 4, nuisance, SM G>: Yot south side
oi alarm street, ?u h-ei east cl' Ulrick street, *2O leet
by 4o feet, Twelfth ward.
*230. Same vs. Thomas Smith, O. P». September
ISM?, No. 4, : ; or pipe, SU» 50; lot and dw-li-
iug- southeast, side oi Edwin street, ‘239 feet l**
iiuhes southwest of Poplar street, i 4 iVe: by 33 tt
f*Uong iioriheast side of Grape or Geary'street,
*23n Same vs. William R Scott, C. P., Seo’em
ber tefin, 1563. No. 0, for pipe, 516 lot north
west corner of Front aud Siegel streets. 30 feet by
9 fftet s’>£ inches! Fiist ward.
t-39. Same vs.vThomas, D- C.. September .enn.
IH>3, No. o, nuishfcwcc, S3S 51; lut aud dwelling
vast side of Sixth street, 35 feet south of Shippen
street, 53 feet 0 inches by y feet, Fourth ward.
♦240. Same vs. Dr. Leon, D.C., September term*
li-63, No 6, nuisance, s7*2 lot and dwelling
north side cl Carltou street, U 9 feet 3 inches west
of Thirteenth street, *2(j feet 3 inches by B*2 fee;,
i’ourut-nth ward. ‘ \
•241, Stune v*. L\ Dowoll, P. C., September
terra, 1863, No. 7, nuisance, -547 88 ; lot and dwel
ling west stde of Eleventh, street, 1M feet \i ? 4 inches
north cf Buttonwoodstreet 13 feet Si- inches by 75
-feet 5 inches to a three feet alley, Fourteen* ii ward.
*24*2. Same vs. L‘. Ruck A* fctubhard, l> C., Sep
tember ienn, 18(53* No. 8, nuisance, 5*23 35; lot and
dwellings (Nos. *2617 and *2i-H») ou the north vest
corner oj?'‘Brown and Capital streets, 3o feet by 52
feet, FiTt-entn ward
*243.. Same vs. Eno' Snyder, (J. P., December
term,, ISC-3, No. I,‘ for water pipe, Sl‘2; lot and
buildings northeast side Huntingdon street, 195
f< ttt" noiihwost of Thompson sheet, 10 feet by GO
let f*TSineteriuh ward
244T<£a.n\e vs. C. P., December term, ISG3,
No. *2, ‘water pipd, si*2; lot and buildimrs northeast
side of Hunungdon street, 163 ft-ei. northwest of.
Thompson street, 10 feet front by 00 foot deep,
Nineteenth wai-d.
2*5. Same vs, W. Carson, C. P , December
term, 1503, No'. 3, water pipe, Sl3 30; lotjind
buildings southeast corner oi Gordon and Gray
(or Geis?) streets, 17 net front by|46 feet deep,
Nineteenth ward. [
24G. Same vs. same. C. P., J eeember term r l*&3, •
No. 4, water pipe, 59; lot and buildings south
west side of Gordon s reet, 17 lent - southeast of
Gray (or Geiss) street, I*2 feet front by U feet deep,
Nineteenth ward. , i
‘247. Same vs.. G. W. Kenton, C. P., December
urm, 1563, No. 5, water pipe, 515; _ljot and build
ings east-side of Dread .street, 125 j feet north of
Poplar, 20 feet front by 100 feet deep,.Twentieth
ward.- . !
•218. Same vs. Charles IT In*', f \ p., December
term, 1563, No. 0, water piper, 593 75; tot on cast
side of Hancock street, 1*25 feet.north of DanpUiu.
stri ct, P 25 feet froht by fel-t deep to Multer
street, Nineteenth warn.
*219. Same vs. C. J. Shordav, C. P., December
term, 1563, No. 7, for'pipe, Sl‘2; lot ou west side
Hancock street, .15G feet south of Cumberland
street, id feet' front by I'9 feet deep, Nineteenth
ward. ,j
250. Fame vs. Thus.. Price, C. P., December
term,* 1563, No. S for pip**. 5,9 79; Tot west side
Cai'li>le&u*L-et, i3lleet *autk oXU:;ibrd street, 23
'feet trout, by 155 feet deep, ,to Fifteenth street,
Twentieth ward. ■• - ' • . *■
151. Same vs. Geo: R. Kressler, C. P., D.'cem
berterm, 'BO3, No.-O, for“pipe, 518; lotaudbuild
ings. east side Carlisle streetY corner of Columbia
avenue, *24 feet froiu bv 200 feet deep to Broad st.,
Twentielh ward.
• 050 same vs. Same.- C. P., December terra,
tecs; No 10, for pip*?, Sl6 50; lot and” buildings"
ea«t side Carlisle street, 263 feet South of Oxford
2° bv * J W) feet deep, to Broad,-Twentw tb. ward. •
•• ifs>s3- Same vs. Sarne, -C.'- P.r December term,
1563; No Tt, for pipe, SIS; lofrand house east side
ofCarlisle street, 24 feet south of Columbia ave
nne,' 24 feet by 200 feetto Broad Streep T wentieth
• ward.'’ ■ •-' ~
5 254. 'Faroe vs. Nathan Barrett, C .P. , December
tPTm, 1P63. No. 12. for pipe. Sl9 79: ' lot west side
" Carlisle suect,-southwest comer of Oxford, 23 fwt
front by 155 feet deep, Twentieth ward.
255. Same vs. Henry HaviJand, - Cfct P- * Decem
ber term, .1863, No. 13, for pipe,- £l9 79; .lot.and
house west, side? Carlisle street,.79 feet sopthol
Oxford, 26 feet front, by 155' feet deep, Twentieth
ward.• • \ • • '. ?-• '
256. Same vs. same, C. P., December term, 1863,
No. 14, forjplpe, si9 79; lot and house west side of
Carlisle street, -52 feet, south of Oxford street, 2d
feet front by 155 feet deep to Fifteenth street,
Twentieth ward. : ;
• 257. Same.vs*. Isaac Thompson, O. P., Decern*
ber term, T 863, No, 15, for pipe, 5137 25; lot west
side of Hancock street, 65 feet north of York street,
163 leet front by 109 feet deep, Nineteenth ward.
258,""'Same vs. same, C. P. , December term, 1863
No. IG, for pipe, £lB7 50; lot west side of Hancocjj
\ reet, 92 feet south of York street, 25U leet front b, *
■•.o9feet deep, Nireteenth ward. d€29-law6w ( .
Qpfice of Receiver op Taxes,
Philadelphia, Dec. 30, 1863. J .1
Notice is hereby given to the owners of the pro
perties mentioned in the appended memoranda of
claims for taxes that writs of tcirc facias will be is- _
sued thereon, within-six weeks, from the date"
nereof, unless the same are paid oh or before that
to lle rick M. Adams, Attorney "for the
ijEeceSycrot Taxes, No. 138 South Sixthsffeet.
T .r y s■ FfHhLdelphiavs. Edward Martin, G. P.. .
S)i- C€ }?S tr «3(f W 3 ’ No- 1 and State Tax
lor , } £®;» « 30 3? >; lot northwest corner of Palmer
and Thompson etreeis, 30 feet on Palmer street by'
80 feet m aupth, Eighteenth ward *
. Same vs. Howard Tilden, o. P.,'December* - :
term, 1663, No. 2, City and State -Tax'forjasl*
s2u 95; lot iLoath side of Coates street, 106 feet west
of Twt-nty.first street, 15 feet front by 200feetia
depth to “W.allace street, Fifteenth Ward.
Fame vs. Nathan Davis, O. P., December term,
l&Mo. 3, City and State. Tax foy 1858, Sl2O 30;
lot’sduth side of Poplar streetj 16 leet east from.
' West street. StKiJeet front an Pdplar street, 100 feet*
in ceptbrinore or less to ground known as Green
house-do.*, Fifteenth Ward. ;
Same O* Conner, G. P., December
term, 1663, No. 4, City and State Tax for 1858,
Sio 2:; lot .east side qf Twenty-fourth street, 26 feet
ou Twenty-lourth afreet, by 6S feet iii depth, Fif- ;
teenth Ward. ./ ■
Same vs. Bernard Riley, C. P. , December term, f
ISG3, No. 5, Ci'y and State Tax fer 1858, £27 25; ]
lot north side of Hamilton street, 140 feet-west from
Seventeenth street,.- 30 feet front bn Hamilton
street, fcOfeetm depth. Fifteenth Ward.
Same vs. Wm. McDermott, C. P., Deemnber
term, 1563, No. 6, City and State tax for 1858,
S(7. 76; let west side of Minor street, extending
lrcm Henry to Spring Garden street, 200 feet on
Minor street, 159 feet in depth, Fifteenth Ward, j
.Same vis. Hartman Kuhn, C; P.,. December
teim, lSi-3L No 7, City and; State Tax forj 1858,
$2O 95:10t north side Spring Garden st. ,80 feat east
from Fifteenth street, 36 feet front by 62 feet in
jdepth, FUteenth Ward.—*• • .
Same vs. Mr. Wright, C. P.* December term,
1663, No. 8, City and State Tax for 1858, £96 60;
lot south’side of Oxford street, extending from
Twentieth to T wemy-flrsi streets, 468 feet bn Ox
ford emet by 9U feet in depth, Twentieth Ward. ,T
Same vs. M. Young, C.P., December term* 1863,
N 0.9;.9; City rind State Tax for 1858, 48,-lot south
1. west. comer of Mount Pleasant and Minor streets,
54 feet front iby feet in depth, Twentieth ward-
Same vs. Ir-'aac Haines, jp. P., December term.
18G3, No. lb; City Tax for 1858, 814 63:
lot south side of Pleasant street,’ 54 feet
‘west from Minor street, ICS feet front on: Minor
striei by l< 0 feet in depth, Twentieth ward.-,
Same vs. John Brick, C. P., December term, /
1t63, No. 11; City /and f0r!855,:833 55S /
lot northeast corner of Pennsylvania avenue and
Minor street, containing one acre, Fifteenth,ward.
Sami* vs. Charles Justis. C. P., December term, i
1863, No. 12; City and State Tax for 1858, £ll 46:
lot southwest corner of Pennsylvania avenue and
Mill street, li.ofeet on Pennsylvania avenue by 120
feet in depth, Ward. \ * ’
. Same vs. F. Fay, C. P.. , December term, ‘1863,
No. 13, City and State tax for 1858 r Sl7 78: lot
north side of Pratt street, 48 feet west from Ring
gold surer, 42 feet front by 80 feet in depth, Fif
teenth Ward. •
Same vs. C. S. Rayson, C, P/, December term,
1863, No. 14;: Chty and State tax for 1858, $49 31,
lot southeast of Master and Twenty-fourth
streets, 290 leei 9B feet'in depth, Twenti
eth Ward. \ -
Same vs. Wm. H. PiUon,C.P.,Dec«nberterai f '
1563; City and State Is{x,for 1858,£56 62; lot south
east corner oi Eighth fed Jefferson streets, 51 feet
8 inches on Eighth street by 102 feet in depth,
Twentitreward. , • {
Same vs. Wm.H.'Patton, C.P., December term,
1863, No. 16, City and State Tax, for 1858, Sl4 63;
lot northeast comer of Eighth and Jefferson streets,
(8 feet on Eigh'h street by 100 feet in on Jef
ferson street, Twentieth Ward. ’ . *
Same vs. Smith Law, C. P., December term, .
1863, No. 17; City and State Tax, lor 1358, SU 38;
lot cast side of Ridge Road,73 feet northward from
Twenty-second street, 17 feet on Ridge Road by 74
feet in depth to- Twenty-second street, Twentieth
Same vs. Lincoln & Back, G. P.. December
erm. 1863, No. IS. City and State Tax, for 1858,
.scs 6c; lot east side of Seventh street, 159 feet
'northward from Montgomery street, 150 feet front
by 174 feet in defnh to Marshall street, Twentieth
ward. - ,
Same vs. Mattson, C. P., December term,
1563, |No. 19; Ciiy and State Tax,for ;553, $S 30;lot
east‘side of Lewis street, 172 feet south from
Thc&pson street, 17 feet front by 50 feet in 'depth*
Twentieth ward. -
Same vs Andrew Miller, C. P., December term,
1863, No. 20; City and State Tax, for ISSB, £ll 45;
loi northwest corner of Master and Mary streets,
15 t ert front on Master street by 79 feet in depth,
Twentieth Ward.
Same vs. Morgan, G, P., December termg
1863, No. 21; Citv and State Tax, for 1858, £46 17;
lot soutt side of Holton street,Bo\feet from Twenty
third s-rect,22s leet front on Bolton street by 93 feet
in depth, Twentieth ward. \
Same vs, Wm. H. Patton, /C. )P., December
te?m, 1863,-No. 22; City and Smle/-Tax, for 1858,
$33 04: lot southwest comer ot Franklin and Jef
ferson streets, 67 feet front on Franklin street by 63
feet in depth on Jefferson street, Twentieth
w axd. de3iyiaw6: §
. Piiii.ADEL:rniA, January 15, !?<H
In accordance wiih a resoJutjon adopted by the
Common Coni cil of the City of Philadelphia, on
THURSDAY the Ulh inst, the anneiedThH entitled
“An Oidinan* e to Authorize an Additional Xioan
to aid the Enlistment of Yolnuteers,** la hereby
published for public information.
Clerk of Common, Council*
An ordinance to authorize an ad
F'accTtojf 1 Tbe select and Common Councils oX
th-- City of PhilaCeL'hia, s do ordain: That : tha
Ma; or be and he is hereby authorized to borrow «5n
the credit of the city from time to time, as may be
required by the City Treasurer, such ajcuns of
money as may be required to aid the enlistment of
Yoiuipeers for the service of the United States, not
excrediiig in the whole-the snrh* of One Million,
Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand. Dollars, for
which interest, not to exceed-at the rate qf six per •
per cent, iper-nnuum.* shall be paid half-yearly, on
the firsi-days o' July and January, the office of
the City Tieastnvr. The principal of said- loan
shall be” payable aud paid at the expiration of thirty
years from*ihe da:e-of the imae, and n,ot‘ before .
without the consent of holders thereof,;aud cer
tificates therefor, in the usual ionn cf siiih certifi
cates, of Gitj Loans, shall be i? sued iu such amount
as the lenders may require, but not .for any-frac
ionai part 0: on? hundred dollars, for’ irequlred
in amounts of rive hundred or one thousand dol-_
lars, .and it iballbe expressed uf said certificates
the said loan therein mentioned, and the interest
thereof are payable fiee from all taxes. H
Sec. 2. Whenever acy - loaii shall be made- by
virtue hereof, there shall be. by force of this ordi
nance, annually appropriated out of the income of
the corporate esrat-s, aud from* the sum raised by
taxation, atnin sufficient to pay the interest on
said ceriifrcaies.; and the further sum of three
tentfcs of one per ». eat. on ih© par value of such
certificates so issued shall be appropriated quar
terly, out of the income and taxes, to a sinking
fund, which fund and its accumulation are hereby
specifically pledged for the redemption and pay
ment of taid certificates
Authorizing the Clerk to jrablish the Ordinance.
That toe Clerk of Common Council b©
authori: e.l to publish in two daily newspapers of
this City, daily for fou£ weeks, the Ordinance pre
sented to Common Council: at a stated 'meeting
thereof, held on the I4th day of January, .1864, en
titled “An Ordinance to AuthOTiza. an Additional
Loan to aid tbe Enlisiment of Volnidteers, *r* and
the said Clerk, at the stated, meeting qf ; Councils,
next after the expiration•of.four-weeks from the
said publication, shall present- to Councils, one of
each of said newspapers for every day in.which
the 'same shall have been-madft- jal6-24tg
A new French Cosmetic, for Beautifying,
Whitening aud Preserving the Complexion.; It, is
the most wonderlnl compound of'the"age. '-There
is neither chalk, powder, rpmgfiesia, bismuth or
talc, in its: and we oiler a’re ward oi
SSUOO to any chemist or other person who can dis
cover any of these articles in its manufacture.- It
is composed entirely of-pure Virgin Wax —hence,
Its extraordinary qualities for preserving the skin,
making it . soft, smooth, fair - and transparent.
It, makes the pld appear young, the_ homely
handsome, handsome more beautiful, . and
the most beautiful'divine. Price 25 snd 50: cents.
For sale by HUNT
EIGHTH Street, ’two doors, above Chostnut
street. ' -deW-amot
US. • '■ » B." 7 •’
/ The Universal .opting Bed, easiest, cheap
estand beet in ns©** Haiiy Palm and Hnsfe Sdat*
Feather Be ? s. Sgwag^
JXo. SouthSeveath street,