Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 02, 1864, Image 1
ID a i (1) GIBSON PEACOCK, < Editor. VOLUME XVII., NO. 252: EVEHIN GiBULLETIN PEACt'CK, CHAMBEKS S rtl., PBOPBIETOBS! 112 SOUTH TEIED iSTBEET, PHILADELPHIA: f . T3SKMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 \ Th» Boiirn*’ U served to Subscribers In the at IS cent* per week, payable to !he carriers, ar $8 m per annum. SATIS OP AO^SETlbimi. Half Sqitere, 1 time.B 2511 Square, 2 week*..S3 25 * Square, 1 time 50 1 Square, 1 month.. sat £ Square, S times.... 75 1 Square, 2; months. 8 (Hi i Sqnare, 3 times.... 1 60 1 Square, 3 months. 11 00 1 Square, 1 wee 1t.... 175 1 Square, 6 months;2o ns Six linn constitute one square ; three line* 07 leu half a eqtiare. STTPHOESTERY. AjJ Promptness,, Purity of Materials, Good Workmanship Xiow Charges. W. HENRY PATTEN, HPB Chestnut street. DIED. BAIRD—In Reading, Pa., on January 29th, ISQ4, Harriet Baird, daughter of the late Samuel Baird, of Stowe, Montgomery conn .y, Pa. *■ _ NElLlS—Onthe Ist instant, Margaret,, daugh ter of Catharine Neilis, in her 21st year. The relatives and friends of the family, .are re spectfully invited to attend her funeral from the residence of her mother, 3532 Cuthbert ,street, on ’Thursday morning, at o’ clock, without further notice. ' Interment in Ca'thedial Cemetery. ELKINTON—On Third day morning, the 2d jinslant, of typhoid pneumonia. Edith Elkinton, Hvife of -George M. Elkinton, in the 6Sth.year of her age. The relatives and ‘friends of .the family are in vited to attend the fnneral from the residence of her husband, 453 North Fourth street, on Fifth day, the-4th instant, at 2 P. M. ** ROBINSON—On the Ist instant, of diphtheria, Ella G., daughter of John A. and Jennie B. Robinson, aged 2 years and 4 months. __ Funeral from her parents’-residence, 1003 Coates' street, to-morrow afternoon, at two o’clock. '.. ‘ SHUSTER—On the Ist instant, Margaret, re lict of the late David Shuster, in the 87th year of her age v * The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral from her. late'residence, 820 Spring Garden street, on Thurs day afternoon, at 2 o* clock. *** STOKES—On-the Ist instant, Lewis Stokes, in the 49th year of his age. The relatives and of the family are re spectfully invited >to attend; his funeral from the residence of his sister, No.l 1210 Green ...street, on Thursday, 4thinst., at 2 o’clock, P. M., without further notice. ' *** OBITUARY. IX MEMOEY OV. THE X.ATB SOBEPH'-B. BHEWELL. The affectionate husband, jthe tender father,: the pure brother, friend, has passed from «arih; “the silver cord is'loosed, the golden howl is broken,”- and the iriend whom we have knovvu for so many years,has left ns. We who knew ms sterling character and' worth, his modest and un assuming demeanor, his stem aud unbending in tegrity, ms genial an.d social disposition, his kind, generous and. .charitable nature: can truly say that we mourn his departure. ‘ ‘Our loss, how ever, isihis gain;”, he has passed; we trust, from the scenes,of earth to those of Heaven; now walks the golden streets of the Heavenly Jerusalem, and has joyfai dummoas,. ‘XWeJUbdone, thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into' the joy •of thy Lord:” The fond hope,which we ch-fish and which his grave, -Jthe rainbow of promise, is tbpt we may he permitted to gTeet httn in those Heavenly mansions beyond the skies, «‘Wheie the saints of all ages in harmony meet, Their Saviour and brethren transported to greet, , While the anthems of rapture unceasingly roll, -• And the smile of the Lord, is the feast of the soul.” ’ ■Fjbeuaby, 1, 1861. UTIHTEK MOUBNING GOODS. WY BESSON A SON, Mdwnina Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT street. Have Usrtore a large stock of seasonable goods. d£ GERMANTOWN.-REV. C. P. LEY tJJJ FORD will preach in the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Haines street, this Evening, at o’clock. , \, it*. PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, S. W. corner .BROAD and WALNUT streets.—Subject for discussion THIS EVENING,, ‘ 'Heating of Glass Bouses.”, It —. THE DAVENPORT BOYS will open at CONCERT-HALL, oh THURSDAY EVE NINGf February 4th, and continue the balance or kite week. . le2-3trp Go and see the greatest wonder of the world: ‘‘THE TWO COMMON WEALTHS.” |Tg Rev. Treadwell Walden will deliveraLec itnre on this gfeatrNational subject, THURSDAY EVENING: February -Ith, at 8 o’clock, at MUSICAL FUND HALL. . Tickets 34 cents. For the benefit of St’. Matthew’s Episcopal ■Church. ' fe2-3trp# A MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION "OF FRIENDS) for the aid and elevation of the Freed men, will be held at RACE 1 STREET jHEETJNG-HOUSE, oh FOURTH, DAT EVEN ING,-at, 7>4 o'clock. A very interesting meeting is anticipated. Friends generally are invited, ' SAML. H. GARTLEY, . t ANNE SHOEMAKER, It# . Clerks. AMERICAN ACADEMY OFVMUSIO. MS THE i ORATORIO OF THE MESSIAH, BY HANDKg; As performed by the HANDED AND HAYDN SOCIETY, <)j Philadelphia, with so much snccess on Ohrist -onas night last, by the generous offer of the Society -will be i pproduced on ■ , FRIDAY EVENING, Feb.-sth. 186 J, AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, TOR THE BENEFIT OF THE U. S. CHRIS TIAN COMMISSION. _ - The Solos and Concerted Pieces will be per .formed by the first profeesional and amateur tab .ent of the , onntry, snstained by the ENTIRE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA,- .And a CHORUS of over Two Hundred Voices. Tickets, 50 cents. Seats reserved without extra charge. To be obtained at the, following places: .Academy of Music; J. E. Gould, Seventh and •Chestnut streets; G. Andre, 1104 Chestnut street; Dee lie .Walker, 722 Chestnut street: Ashmead & Evans, 724 Chestnut street; W. S. A Alfred Mar rieii, 600,Chestnut street. The sale of tickets will commence on Monday, February Ist, at 9 o’ clock, A. M. t ja3Q.3trpj BIST OF SUBSi tl3 BOUNTY FUNI "WARD, Continued. i SECOND rBECINCT. A. andM. Eager, sluo 00 Nimrod Woolrey, 500 fEdward Weston, 25 00 James Craig, 500 -J). O. Nichols, 10 00 Philip Wagner, '5 00 35. Dnffy, 10 00 Samuel Price, 5 00 Jeremiah Cadmus, 10 00 F. W. Parrott, 5 oo ■J. P. Borgenskie, 10 00 Bernard Cohen, . 2-00 A. M. Bennett, . 500 Henrietta Schaffer,'2™ D. J. Fennell, 500 Mary Ann Jenks, 200 Unas. M. Hooper, 500 Mrs. Henry, .2 00 J. B, Johnson, 5 00 Miss Eeling, 2 00 Abraham Sulger, 1 5 00 James Hibbard, 125 Margaret Sulger. 5 00 Albert Watson, lot; Xrncy Snlger, 5 00 Alexander Garrett, 100 J. J. Brooks, 5 00 M. S. Hagaman, 1 00 John Bobbins,' 5TO,Mrs. Kenney, 25 H. B. V. 5 00,Mrs. SaviH, 50 Fdward Dnff. 5 OOiHarvy Dolin, 50 third ritEciNOT ‘(Continued. ) .Jos. W. Lewis, 50 00 S. Grosiean, 1 500 S. A. Caldwell, 50 oa Cash, 5 00 AnnAM. Tilghman 00 00, W. Fennel; 5 00 Thos. C. Love, '25 00 E. H. Ogden, 05 IK) Henry G.Freeman, 25 00 Cash,. (J. R. D. )■ 50 00 <J. ht Hilstead, 20 00 E. R. Taggart, 3 20 oft Curtis .Davis, 10 00 C. H. Muirhead, 00 00 B. T. Milligan, 500 A. H. Bigelow, 10 00 MYTH PRECINCT. - Jacob P. Jones,. 250 00 Samuel Ji. Perkins,23 06 Edwin Hall. SO 00 B. H; Townsend, E. O. Markley, -25 CO M. D., 25 00 33. G. Markley, Jr. ,25 00 Morris E. Parker, 500 H. Markley,. • 10 00 J. B. Bd.s, 10 00 David Bel tier,; ' 25 00 Addit'onal snbscriotio; znaining Precincts will received. danierst: Edwabd H. Oodes, S iORIPTIONS TO THE D OF THE NINTH >n* m the above and re. be published as soon as SINMETZ, Chairman, scretary. ■ lt§ «=» FIFTEENTH W. UJ? —Tbenndersignedi ol the following subscript previously noticed : THOI Isaac Sehlecjitpr, . 50 00 "Win. Wilson, 50 00 Mrs. B .Tobns, . 50 to A. K Little, 50 00 *m. Ames, 50 00 R. Peterson, ..'5O 00 S. H. Jarden, iis do John Sailer, 25 to Kick Grow, 25 00 £*. M. Janney, 25 0U Chas.M.Fay, 25 00 H. W. Gray, 25 00 Alex. Prestley, 25 00 G. Beigner, 25 00 Geo. T. Stokes, 25 Ou R. Tronbat, M. D. 25 00 BobeTt B. Esler, 20 00 Mr. Weaver, ‘ ' 20 (0 Thomas Wood, . 20 00 J. B. Bodg&on, 20 00 Henry Yolkmar, 20 00 Peter T. Wright, 15 00 Jacob Weaver, 15 00 J. M. Burns, 15 00 George Cr< ely, 15 00 Granvilleß.llaines, 15 00 Wm. J. McElroyj 10 00 idw. Walden, 10 00 John K. Cooper, 00 John Beckenbach, 10 00} Theo. Beynor, 10 ou B. C. Eddy, 10 00 M. E. Parker, 10 00 Thos. Wood, 10 00 J. X i. Welle6, 10 (0 A. Nevin, 10 00 Alex. Martin, " ‘ 10 00 Levi Mears, 10 00 E. M., 10 00 ‘C. U. Champion, 10 00 W. A; Barrett, 10 (X* T B. Conley, 10.00 Tbos. Brock, Jo 00 Timothy Bogeys, JO 00 E. C. Penfield, 10 00 J. Y. Yanderbilt* 10 00 Christian Ginn, 10 00 S. B. Gcdsliall, 10 00 A. B. Fougeray, 10 00 Thos. H. Rice, 10 GO Edw» Roop, 10 00 Jno McCutcheon, 10 00 .J. S. Wilson, 10 00 ; F. M. Caldwell, 10 00 Mrs M H. Sutter, 10.00 ! Fredk. Fick, 10 00 Mrs. Bnchanan, 5 0; Wm. Rogers. 5 to Cbas. L. Hildreth, 4 00 J. Love, • ♦ 5 00 David Beath, 5 00 Wm. K. Reiff, . 5 00 Peirce McLaughlin, 5 00 Wm. Bummeli, 5 00 H. N. Koback, 5 00 Amos Walker, 5 00 Wm. P. Clement, 500 Wm. J. Beed; 5 00 A. Walton, 5 00 S. Richards, 5 00 P. McGinnis, 5 00 P. Murray, 5 00 C. Lewis, 5 00 James P. Alden, 5 00 Hemr Klnss, 7 00 Mr. Marshall, 5 00 E. Leeds, 5 00 Allred Smith, 5 10 J. B. Bloomer, 5 CO John Whitelock, 5 00 . Wm. Farley, 5 00 John M. Lipp, 5 00 . John Deffenbacher, 5 to ' Abr’m Deffenbacher 5 00 Henry Bush, 5 Oo . Jbbfc Wl Brown, • 5 1*0}: James Baramore, sou . J. McDonnell, 5 00 Robert Hutton, , 5 00 . D. R. Ferkeupine, 500 J. H. Getz, 5 00 Cash, 5 00 Wm. Lehr, 5 00 S. C. Atkinson, . 500 Tbos. Thompson, * 5 00 John D!. Bowers,- 500 Jas. D. Cooper, 5 00 John Elliott. 5 00 N. Schinberger, 5 00 J. E. Lafferty, 5 00 A- B. Piyor, 5 00 C. M Taylor, 5 00 Chas. Shaw, 5 Go Hugh Deehan, 5 00 J. W. Francis, 5 00 J. P. Brown, 5 00 E. E, Robinson, 5 ou Lewis BartUson, 5 0i- ' H. S. Matthew’s, 5 00 i Rich-l. Johnson, 5 00 ; H. A. McCullough, 5 00 F*. Caldwell, 5 CO Geo. SbaelVer, 5 01' Wm. B. Aiken, 5 00 Jas. A. Latgay, 5 ou O. H. Wells, 5 00 Cyrus Levis, 5 00 Jos. L. Green* 5 oo Cash, 5 00i A. R. Stroud, 5 oo Benj. Wagner, 5 00 Robt. Sumner, 5 to John Sumner, 5 00 D. Egbert, 5 uo J. M. Kropp, 5 00 J. F. Leak, 5 00 S. A, Gibbs, 5 00 H. Rice, . 500 Hebert J. Lloyd, 5 00 JuhnGofoTth, (ad 5 1) 500 Edw. Pole, 5 ou Dr. Toothacner, 5 00 J. H. Houghton, M. I), 5 no Wij. Sonrman, 5 00 •T. 11. COX, S (10 O. E G., SID Robert D. Reeves, 5 00 Charles S. Reeves, 5 00 Robert H. Reevss, 5 00 Geo.'G. Russell, 5 00 Geo. W. Forrest, 3 00 James Hamilton, 2 00 Samuel Miller, 2 00 A general meeting of the Collectors -will be held on WEDNESDAY EVENING, 3d ihst., at 8 o’ clock, at S. E. corner of Twentieth and Coates streets. G. A. HOFFMAN, It Secretary. f v's=» A MEETING- OF THE .CITIZENS OF Lks THE SEVENTH WARD, was field at X» KIEL’S HALE, LOMBARD street, below Broad, on MONDAY, F V 1. ISbl, at 8 P. M. -On motion, WILLIAM D. LEWIS was called to; the chair* and JOHN F. CABOT appointed Secretary. ,' - A recommendation of -tde'General Committee that the Ward should conform to the suggestion /made by the general convention of the officers of /the Ward Bounty Funds that a uniform Ward b ounty of Fir tv Dollap.b should be paid to each recruit was read.. . On motion of William P. Hacker, the resolution adopted at the Ward meeting held January 18, 18*4, offering a bounty of one hundred dollars was reconsidered, and on motion of Col. William ; Bradford, the following preamble and Resolution were unanimously adopted: , : Whereas, Much, confusion and inconvenience have been caused by the various Wards having oflered different sums as bounties to recruits to be credited to them under the late call of the President; . ; Jtndtchereas, At a General Convention of the officers, oi the Ward Bounty Funds, held on the 9?th ult., a Resolution was unaniinonsly adopted, lecommending that a uniform Bounty of Fijttt Dollabs shall be paid by each Ward to evely Re cruit who shall be mustered into the United- States service, and duly credited to the said War'd, and that meetings should be called of the citizens of such Wards as had proposed to pay more than f ifty Dollabs, to take action on said Resolution, in pursuance whereot the present meeting has teen convened; therefore be lt, and it is hereby ", Ice-solved, That this Ward will conform m its ac tion to the foregoing recommendation, and that the, sum to_ He paid to each Recruit credited!to the Seventh Ward, in addition to the Government and City Bonn ties, shall be FIFTY DOLLARSjip'iy able unjer such regulations as the General Com mittcerbaiv prescribe. . . " M On motion, it was : j J _'lieseiived, JJ hat the officers of this meeting, 1 and Colonel WM. BRADFORD, be appointed to'rep resent the , Seventh Ward at the meetings of the General Convention of the Ward Bounty Funds -On motion, adjourned. - \ i ’ WILLIAM D. LEWIS, Chairman. Johk-F. Cabot, Secretary. , \ • yjtj Mr* HOWARD HOSPITAL, NQ_S. 151 BAND ttS 1528 LOMBARD Street, DISPENSARY DEPARTMMNT. Medlc.nl treatment and medi cinal furnished gratuitously to the poor. anl3rp r ARD bounty: fund. [acknowledges the receipt lions in addition to those SIAS.POTTER, Treas. Lefiless Brittain, 2 00 Jas. Oaxman, 2 00 Jas. Craig, 2 00 Win. H. Bistick, - 2 00 Samuel Lemmon, ; 200 Stephen Barcus, 2 50 F. Dehayeii, 2#o, Chas. Hickley, 2|50 01. W. Vail, , 2 ! UO Geo. West, 3 00 • has. Downey. £ 00 W.H.Bunn, (add’l)3 00 i!tL. Walsh, 300 Geo. Burrows, 2 00 Philip McPool, 2 00 A. Stoddart, , 2 GO G. E. Sutherland, 200 Geo. Fries, 2 50 John Curran, 2 00 E. H. Hazleton, 2 00 J. Devine, 2 00 Isaac S. Baird, 2 00 Jas. Murray, 2 00 Geo. Lamport,; 2 00 Cash, 3 00 J. Hyde, 2 50 S. Hhslett, 2 00 Jacob Furrer, 2 00 Win Wiggins, 2 50 } John Cariin, ' 300 Jacob Graham, 2 00 M. G. Kehr, 2 00 J. Thompson, 2 00 Wm. Conaway, 2 00 A. Miuick, 2 50 John Coyle, 3 <)0 Robt McWilliams, 2 r-o A. Aiiezin, 2 00 A. P; Shubert, 2 00 Jos. Evaiisr 2 50 Chas. Newhonse, 4 (W Jas. O’Connell, 2 0u Thos. Reed, 2 < 0 Rufus Kee, 2 00 Jas. B Burt, 2 00 German PfafT, 2 00 Thos. Bl&nchfield, 200 W, H. F., 100 Cash. i oo James Gray, l 00 Robert McGinley, 100 Arnold Winstead, 100 Samuel Colmkn, 1 00 Chas. Schueck, 1 00 Robt. Gilchrist, I 00 Samuel Holcraft, 1 00 Alei: Peoples, 1 00 Jas. Rallsiou, 1 00 Mr. Lambert, I uo Jas. Elhoit, I 00 Thos. Forrest, 1 00 Jas. Thompson, 1 00 Jas. McNeil, 1 00 John,Ray, 1 00 JohaHoliowell, 1 00 Isaac William, 1 00 James lOO Geo. Sirui'ger, 1 00 Francis Über, 1 00 Samuel Girlon, 100 Robert Ratten, 1 50 Patrick McGaah&n, 1 00 Wm.; McGee, 100 Robt; McGong&l, 100 John Elder, 100 A. W. Carey,. 1 00 A. A. Calhoun, 1 00 Thos. Hinds, " 100 Wm, O’Brion, 1 00 John Richards, * 100 Cash, 1 00 James McNamee, 100 Michael Cleer, 1 00 *ohn Bowin, t 00 A. G. Duke, l 00 Pat McGowan, *lOO James Garmey, 1 00 Hutth.McCrossin, 100 Jerry Saxton, 1 OO Moses Allen, 50 Caleb Williams* 50 James W. Davis, 50 Thomas Pino, 50 Cash, 1 00 B. McCloskey, 1 oo Albert H Haldeman,! oo Albert Perry, 1 00 Jacob Johnson, 50 Johnß. Widmer, 1 00 Jolln Pritner, 1 00 Wm. Fritner,. 100 Cash, l 00 Fagell. l 00 Mr. Bradfiield, 1 00 H. J. Walton, 1 00 Mi A. Thornton, 1 00 P. Dougheriy, 1 00 Wm. McFadden, 50 Ca-ib, 1 00 D. W. Morton, 1 00 John Smith, 1 ou Jonas Howell, 1 uo Jas. Dannaker, 1 00 Wm. Pool, 1 00 Wm- P. Moore, 1 ou J. W- Jones, 1 co L. R Deverx, 1 00 F. S. Gray, i 00 iWm. Brannen, % 00 Wm. Burns, 1 00 Javob Kram, 1 00 Jacob Miller, 1 00 Peter S. Campbell. 1 oo 1 John Bulley, 1 00 Charles Carter,' 1 00 N. Jackson, 1 00 J. D. Bullitt, l 00 John Chambers, . 100 John Doran, 1 00 James Taggart, 1 00 Patrice McGurty, 100 Robert Wallace, 1 00 Francis Clinton, 1 oo [John A. Reese, X 00 George Derry, 1 00 James Montgomery, 50 William Watson, 1 00 Thos. Carragan, 1 00 William Baum, 1 CO Cash, Levich Lapp, John Kitchen, , William Rink, |J.. Thiral, *hf “ * PHILADELPHIA, TuESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1864: 11 BLUE RESERVES, fl ; * ATTENTION! fjl A meeting of the Board of Officers will be held iIL at the 'Regimental Armory. 505 CHESTNUT .street, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, February 2, 1661, at lyt, o’ clock. Byorderof WMi w. TAYLOR, Colonel Commanding. B Aitkek, Adjutant it* THE LECTURE OF THE REV DR. Lks COX, at the HALLof the UNIVERSITY, THIS EVENING, wftTbe onitgfthe most inter esting of the Course. TiuSSls for sale at the door. N. B. Tfce last Lecture will be on THURSDAY EVENING, et the same Hall. It* rv<==» OFFICE OF PORT WARDENS OF LL3 PHILADELPHIA, 119 WALNUT street, PBII.ADEI.rBiA, February 2, 1804. TAKE NOTICE—That applica.ioa having been made to thieißoard by S. KIEPATRICK, Esq., Agent of Estate ol Mrs. JOHNSON, for a license to extend their PIER above PINE street (Dela • urate front;, action will be had on the application on MONDAY next, February Bth. .; . chas. s. wayne, .Master Warden Port of Philada. feb2-3ts iv». AT A THE CITIZENS ULjf of the FIFTH WAlfD,betd on the 29th ult., at the County Court Roomf for the purpose of filling the Ward qriota, . the Hon. J. I. Clark Hare was called to the chain- The meexjngwaspermanently organized by the selection of the following officers: PRESIDENT. Hon. J. I. CLARK HARE. VICK PRESIDENTS. Benjamin Gerhard, Edward C. Knight, Wm. L„ Hirst, Edmund A. Souder, Charles Gibbons, Wilmon Whilldin, Alfred Day, .Tames F. Dillon,- Lewis C. Cassiday, James McCahen, , BKCRBTARY. JOHN J. FRANKLIN. On motion ol Mr. B. Gerhard, the following gentlemen were selected as a Supervisory Com mittee: R.Rondle Smith, > lE. O. Thompson; E. K. Nichols, - |Lewis C. Cassiday, Alderman James McCahen. , On motion of Alderman McCahen, that the meet ing proceed to revise the Collecting Committees of the various precincts. J The same was agreed to. The committees were revised as follows: v FIRST DIVISION. Nathan Hall, {Thomas Dillon, Lawrence Tobin, | Charles C. Gaw, John Hooper. SECOND- DIVISION. James r H. Gaw, {Joseph R. Coad, M. D.* HenTy Charmah, [Joseph N. Hackney, Wm. T. Pierce. •, THIRD DIVISION. Dennis Considine, {John Brunet, Jr , Robert Stewart, {Theodore W. Chandler, v • Henry Welsh. FOURTH DIVISION. Edward J. Kenney. 1 Ethan O Thompson, B. Franklin Pavia, {John Quinn, John P. Delaney. FIFTH DIVISION. W. B. Atkinson, M. D., |S. Chamberlain, M. D , Adam Mollat, |lsaac S. Atkinson, Jr., . Joseph Schofield. SIXTH DIVISION. Thomas B. McCormick, J Stevenson T. Souder, John J. Franklin, {Henry C. Gildea, Thomas A. Timmins. BRVKNTU DIVISION*. . Hugh Davids. I David A. Nagle, Wm. W. Dougherty, jH. O. Williams, ' John R. Angney, M. D. BIGHTH DIVISION .Tames Fairgrieve, John White, jlj. K. Nichols, jo. F. Cosfeldt, Jr.. Victor Gijlon. A meeting of the Precinct Committees will bo held at No. 212 South FIFTH atreet, THIS (Tnes day) EVENING, at 7* o'clock. v . Punctual attendance is requested. J. I. CLARK HARE, President. John J. Franklin, Secretary. It |v==» THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY UOM UJj PANT will receive and distribute to the Hospitals in the city and m the field any donations of Books or Pamphlets. Already about 9000 have been distributed. Citizens are rci;ur.s'.ed to send in any thing which they are willing to donate as the Library has at present direct applieati ns both irom the Army of the Potomac and of the West. Boxes are now being made for the Army of the Potomac. „ ja3U-3trp* (Y~s=» PENNSYLVANIA FREEDMAN’SHE LLS LIEF ASSOCIATION. The Rooms of this Association, at No. 424 WALNUT STREET, are open Daily from 9o’ clock, A. M., till SP. M., for the reception of donations in Goods, Clothing and Books.' Contributions in Money are to be handed to the Treasurer, E. W CLARK, Esq,. Sonth Third street ja9- Im.rpfc PERSONAE. A Court of. Inquiry is in sesslon in Washington to investigate the cafe of Colonel A. A. Gibson, of the 2d Penneylvania Heavy Artillery, who is charged with refuting to accept a lidg presented to his regiment by the Slate of Pennsylvania—speak-, mg disparagingly, of the troops from tha' State and maltreating reernits for his regiment. The Colonel refused to accept the State ting for the reason that his regiment “was not Ashling for the State of Pennsylvania bnt for the United States.” The court is composed as follows: Brigadier - Genexall eßuesey,President;Captain Chandler,ol General Harkins’sstalT,Recorder; Colonel Abbott, Ist Coi liecti. ut Volunteers; Colonel Welling, 9th New York Volunteers. ’ On Friday the Banks Club, of Boston, celebrated the 48th birthday of Major-General Banks. The leading citizens of Bathy N. Y., gave a din nfrin honoi of Brigadhr General W. W Averill, oi Ihe 2Sth nit. General Averill is » native of Steuben county, and for a long time a resident of Bath. .Brigadier-General Getty ha* been appointed In spector. Grnrral on General Meade’s ■jLaff. Brigadier-General I-ockwooii,‘ eomrnanding sth Arniy Corps, arrived In Cumberland, Md., on Thursday last, and Major-General Robert H. Milroy and Brigadier-General Summon are also there. E. F. Reach, Manager of the Bostoh Museum, died at Charlestown, Mass.;, a day or two since, of paralysis of the brain and,consumption. John tV. Andrews, who figured so prominently in the New York: riots, has been' remanded to -Fort Lafayette. Mr. Samuel T. Williams, of the.firm of Searle &. Williams, a well-known merchant of Now York, expired on last Sunday morning. Mr. Wil liams was distinguished in church and artistic as well as in commercial circles, />■ AMUBEMMIXB. / Signor Blitz—To ont Herod aR: former Herods of magicians, ventriloquists Sand humorists, seems to be the special province of Signor Blitz, and to 'render all man, woman and child-kind happy, appears to he his great mission. In this excellent work the merry Sigaor is greatly assisted by his good lieutenants Bobby and the biros, aim the Temple of Wonders, corner of Tenth-and Chestnut streets, is an established success. The Signor peiforms rightly, and upon eveiry Wednes day and Saturday afternoon. Tux Cbxeinut. -To-night < ‘The Veteran’ ’ will be glTen for-the last time. The Walnut—• ’East Lynne’ ’la the attraction here to-night. The Arch—*‘Little Barefoot, ” in exquisitely chsrming piece, will be given toVnight, with -Charlotte Thompson'as the heroine, Empportedby Hill and Bobeqn i a favoriteTarce will close the en tertammen t. y -. ;! ~ i\ I Irish Moss had; been found growing abun dantly on the rocks along the beach in Scituate, Mass., and about ithree thousand barrels are gathered annually!, It is worth, at first hands, from, five to six dollars per barrel. The Port land (Me.) Advertiser says “ the same moss may be found in Abundance on Cape Elizabeth, the islands, andjjwe presume, all along our coast.” - !j Collbgb 'War.'— The Rochester Democrat says a difficulty jias occurred at the Genesee College, Lima, between the Faculty and the students. Eighty of the latter have been suspended from Recitations, on account, of some Alleged violation*of the college rules. The stu dents insist that {hey are in the right and re fuse foask pardon of the Faculty. At last ac counts the difficult’.remained unsettled. Officers or Colobbd Rbqijibnts. —Genera Cahey’sßoard 'examined during the past week sixty-two applicants,, twenty-seven of whom were passed, including one Lieutenant- Colonel, five Captains/and twenty-one Lieu tenants. ' \ OUR WHOLE COUNTRY. THE RUMORED SUBMISSION OF THE SOUTH [From the Baltimore American of last evening. ] We received this morning from a fugitive from Richmond, just, arrived at Washington, the following note, which we lay before our readers without vouching for the reliability of the statement it contains. The author signs his name, but at his request we omit it: , Washington, D. C., January 31, 1864. Messrs. Editors Baltimore American. — Dear Sirs — l hasten to say to you that I knew of my <JWn knowledge, before leaving Rich mond, that; the rebel authorities are taking .steps to propose to the Federal Government to flay down their arms, provided the President’s /Amnesty be extended to their leaders. Let ' this be known in." the South and the rebellion is at an end. Yon'are at liberty to make any use of this you may think proper ; but please do ‘ not publish my name at present, for obvious reasons. lam writing out a statement to-day tor the Government. - Truly, yours, ' —, FEOM THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. [Correspondence Of the N. Y. Tribune.] Headquarters Armt of the Potomac, Jan. 81, 1864.—0 n the statements of a contraband who came into our lines on Thursday last, that the rebel General Stuart’s cavalry were con centrated on the western slope of Thoroughfare Mountain, a reconnoitring party from Merritt’s cavalry was immediately despatched to ascer tain the truth of the report. The party re turned the same evening, having explored the mountain without finding any trace of Stuart or his troopers. There is a rumor in circulation that our vi dettes jacketing Cedar Mountain recently saw a force of rebel cavalry engaged in constructing two bridges across the liapidan, but nothing definite has been received at the headquarters of the cavalry corps. Three men on picket duty a few days since were captured -by a party of rebels who were reconuoiteting. Surgeon Chas. O. Leay,of the 6th Corps,was relieved a few days since, and assigned to duty under Major-Gen. Couch. Dr. S. A. Holman, formerly Surgeon-in-Chief of Gen. Perry’s division, succeeds him as Medical Director of the corps. Brigadier-Gen. Wright, qf the 6th Corps, was called to 'Washington, day be ‘fore yesterday, on special duty. Brigadier- Gen. Bussell commands the division during his absence. ADVANCE OF THE ENEMY IN WESTERN VIRGINIA. jCorrespondence eff the New York Herald.] Heaequarters, Department of Western Virginia, Feb. 1 .—Considerable excitement prevailed along the line of the railroad to-day, occasioned more by precautionary movements than anything else. Yesterday morning a portion of a rebel brigade that had been sent over into New Creek Valley for the purpose of inter cepting ! ono of our moving columns came upon the rear of Colonel Thoburn’s command, whereupon skirmishing ensued between the two forces. Our men finally drove the rebels back. This afternoon the enemy again advanced, and this time occupied Burlington. Brisk skir mishing was going on at different times during the day. Much confidence is felt in General Kelley’s ability to defeat the enemy’s designs. Up to this time everything is favorable to the interests of our side. CITY BULLETIN. STATE OF THE TH EKMOhIETER THIS DAI AT THE BULLETIN OFFICE. 9 A. M.,4tß> 12 H., 49V. IJ< P..M. . 46 Minimum Temperature Caring last 24 boars, 33 .YWeather cloudy—Wind Southwest. Rev. S. Hanson Cox’s Lectures. —The lovers of Poetry were greatly amused and their refined and classic ears gratified by Rev. Doe - tor Cox’s great lecture, at the Hall of the University, last evening. He repeated Shaks ] scare admirably. Up’on epigrams and epi taphs h#was peculiarly happy. One story of the minister who visited the New England church yard where all the saints and none of the sinners were buried, was worth more than the price of the lecture. By the w ay, we had heard a similar story, but we never before heard the scene laid in New England; but it made a splendid Yankee tale; the stranger being allowed to. Write a verse upon the gate,as others had done’, wrote— ** More he the doad \ Axul bore the l»p»n«7 lit. ’ * ' The weak, foolish and imbecile Kings of England' received merited rebuke. We are unable to give the Lecture, unless we could print the looks, gestures , ton's and movements of the orator. We would like ,todo by this Lecture as Whitcfield told some who wanted to print one of his sermons—“ the, might do it if they would print the thunder that rolled and the lightning that flashed during its delivery from the cloudsfor, it was preached during a thunder storm. So, we would uke to see all these printed. The next Lecture will be this evening, at the same Hall, at 8 o’clock. All trill be there. Police Officer Accidentally Shot.— Alexander Long, a police officer of the Six teenth District,.shot himself accidentally last, ’evening, about eight o’clock. Ho was sitting upon the edge of a table at a cake stand on Market Street, above Thirteenth, engaged in l conversation. He drew his handkerchief sud denly from his pocket, and in doing so a re volver which was in the pocket was discharged. The ball entered the left- side of Mr. Long, to the -depth of about three inches took a sudden turn. It has not yet'been abstracted. The wound of Mr. Long is dangerous, and but little hopes of his recovery are entertained. The injured man Was conveyed to his home on Thirty-seventh street, below Market. He has a wife and two children. The Mannerchor Ball. —The fancy dress ball of the Mscnnerchor Society came off last evening at the Academy of Music. The at tendance was very good. There was a great variety of dresses among the gentlemen, but the ladies generally confined themselves to their ordinary style of. dress. The Academy pre sented a brilliant scene however, and everything passed off with great eelm!. The .fine band and orchestra was under tbedibaction of Mr. Adolph Birgield, and one other feature of the evening was the performance of the beautiful galop from the opera of “Fausteß’ ‘ \ \ Suspicion of Rorbbry.— Wm, J. Marland was arrested, last evening , upon suspicion of haying the honse of Patrick Lahey, In the, vicinity! of Seventeenth and Fitzwater streets, of tiw> watches and a revolver, on the 29th of November last. He was taken before Alderman DalHSr and was committed to answer. " „ Business (^hangE. —Wo notice by onr ad vertising columns, that Mr. Benjamin Thackara, has become a partner in the firm of -'Warner, Miskey &' Merrill. Any wf our citizens, and especially any of the Ladies, who have visited the Sate Rooms of Cornelius & Baker, during the last twenty years, could not fail to recognize the pleasing address, gentlemanly and business like deportment of Mr. Thackara. He has now established himself in business, on his own account, and we cordially commend him to the favor of. his friends and an appreciating public. Funeral of Mr. Shewell. —The funeral of Mr. Joseph B. Shewell took place yesterday afternoon from his late residence oa Ritten house,street, in Germantown. Among those present were many of the members.' of the Coin Exchange, the members of the,'Grand Lodge, A. Y. M., also 6f Concordia Lodge, Excelsior Mark Lodge, Columbia H. R. A. Chapter, 4Jo. 91, and a very large number of personal friends. The deceased was universally esteemed and respected. Candlemas Day To-day is the Feast of tlie Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is the day on which is celebrated the pre sentation of Jesus in the Temple, by the Virgin, His n>other. It was celebrated originally by the exhibition of a profusion of lights, in allusion to the exclamation of Simeon, when the infant Saviour was presented in the Temple—“a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel.” And so this Feast came to be Candle-mas Day. Charged with Robbery. —Two men named Francis Smith and Robert Livingston, were before Alderman Beitler, this morning, on the charge of having in November last stolen a sable fur cape from the store of Mr. Edward S. Mason, No. 706 Arch street. They were held to bail in $1,500 each to answer at Court. Bold - Robbery. —John IV i Ike soil was ar raigned this morning before Alderman Dallas, upon the charge of the larceny of a horse. It is alleged that he went into the stable of Michl. Guiness, at Broad and Reed streets, bridled a horse, mounted him and was riding off when he was detected. Wilkeson was sent below. , Highway Robbery. —Before Alderman Dal las, last evening, Charles Hawkey was charged with assault and battery and larceny. He is alleged to have knocked a man down in the neighborhood of Fifteenth and Federal streets, and robbed him of $2O. The accused was com mitted .to answer. of Richmond. School ox Fire.— The alarm of fire between ten and eleven o’clock last night was caused by the partial burning of the floor of the first story of the Southwest Grammar School, on Front street, near Pine. The damage done is esti mated at $4OO. New Bcildixgs. —The Building Inspectors issued 90 permits during the month of January. Of that number 68 were for dwellings; 1 for an engine house; 1 for an office ; 3 for shops ; I for a stairwayy; 2 for factories ; 2 for sheds; 1 for a stable and 11 for alterations and additions. Arrival of Repextaxt Rebels.—Yester day afternoon some twelve hundred rebels,who have taken the oath of allegiance to the Go vernment, arrived in the city from Chicago. About three hundred of the men went to the Navy Yard and enlisted in the Navy. Larceny or a Shawl.— A woman was ar rested last night in the First Police District upon suspicion of the larceny of a second mourning shawl. She was committed. The shawl is at the Station House, Twentieth and Fitzwater streets, awaiting identification. Tue Methodist Conference.— Ameeting of the members of the various congregations of the M. E. Churches of-the city has been held, and the Union Church was agreed upon as the place for holding the next General Conference. Rescued from Drowning. —A man named Peter Carey fell info the Delaware at Vine street wharf last evening about half-past’nine o’clock. He was rescued from drowning by Harbor Police. Blue Reserves. —A meeting of the Blue Reserves is called fpr this (Tuesday) evening, at the armory, 505 Chesnut sti-eet. See adver tisement. Fresh Arrival of Fine Cheese.— Messrs. Davis A Richards, Arch and Tenth streets, have just received a fresh arrival of Pine Apple, Sap Sago and Dutchhead Cheese, all of the finest quality. Take Notick.— A magnificent 7-oct. Piano lor sale at a great sacrifice. Elegantly-carved case and overstrung: bass, sweet and powerful toms made four mouths a*o by one of lb.e best makers in this country. Cost >O5O. "Will be sold lor S&5, as the owner is obliged to leave the city. To be seen at the residence, 701 Locust street. The New “Photo-Miniature. s *.—Messrs. TYenderoth & Taylor, 912, 914, and 916 Chestnut street, aie now prepared to execute this exquisite new style of picture—-really the latest and most .fcrautifol gt-m o* the Specimens are now on exhibition at their gallery. „ A Stlendid Establishment. —The historian of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, describes bis court. He says there was no lack of splendid dresses and sparkling gems, or of whatever else could give brilliancy to the scene. The dake’s chair was on a dais raised three steps above the floor and carpeted with cloth of gold. His attire, as became h s superior rank, was rich and magni ficent above that of all the rest. His hearing was stately. His glance, as it ranged over the assembly, confessed his pride in that band of noble yastals, the satellites of his glory, and confidence in his own capacity as their ruler and their chief; but there is no disguising the fact that the Duke and his iollowei s would have looked more civilized and as elegant, had they lived a hundred yeaTs later, and enjoyed the privilege of procuring their wear ing apparel at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall ol BodmiH and "Wilson, Nos. 663 and 606 Chestnut street above Sixth : Victory.— lce Cream and "Water Ices, at 40 cents per quart, Morse’s2B S. Eleventh street. Always will be found at our stores, Gents 9 Ha’s, Misses’ and Children’s Hats, Furnishing Goods for Gents, Anny and Navy Goods, besides many other useful and desirable, articles such as "Umbrellas, Canes, etc. Charles Oakford <fc Sons, Two Stores under the Continental Hotel. Philadelphia Institute for Physical Cultu jlr by the practice of Dr. Dio Lewis’s new gymnastics. S. W. corner Broad and "Walnut sts., •cot ducted by Mr. and Mrs. Gillingham. The storm having prevented many from meeting the elms for masters, misses and young? ladies which. organized yesterday, the first lesson will be re peated on 1 hursday at J3# A clhss for ladies and gentlemen, to meet on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, will organize to-morrow even ing at 7% o'clock. Mr- G; may he consulted at, 1224 Buttonwood street from l till-3; at the Insti tute from 10 till 12, during this week, Dr. E. B. Leightiiilr, 84 From St. Mark’sPlaee, New York, author of • ‘A Popular Treaties on Deafness, ’ • “Letters on Catarrh,’’ &c., Ac., ■Will shortly make a prbfessional Tisit to Wash ington, vrhen he can he consulted on Deafness, Catarrh, Discharges of the Ear, And all the various diseases of the Ear, Throat and Air passages. ■' Dxxnrßss, Busdxhss, and all diseases whlcb the Ear or Eye Is heir to, snecessfnUy treated by Prof. J.lsaacs, M. D.,Oconllst and Ararat, Ho. 511 Pine street. : Testimonials : from the most re. liable sources can be seen at his office. The medi cinal faculty are Invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secret in his mode of treat, ment. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain. Me charges for jjtamination. BULLETIN BUILDING 112 SOUTH THIB D ST E- L. FETHEBSTON, PaMishei. SeWIKO . SIAOHINE PnZZLE.—- ' IKOKONE NO N Y N OR .OHTDTHO htdbtjts O N Y TJ Y N O NONY N O N • EMONOKE butthe REV E R EYO Y E ' VOR O V ORttRO VOR Q y EVOV E ' _ REy E R and ; REK E R EKA K E , KAB A K EKA K E BEK E R Chocolate Almonds and Chocolate Cara snsL, of rare quality, manufactured by Stepeok F. Whitman, No. 1210 Market street. Removal—The office-of McElroy’s City Di ’rectory has been removed from 134 South Fourtfc to Guo Chestnut and 104 South Sixth street, second floor- A. McELBOY. ' Visit the “Florence” Sales Rooks, 63flf Chestnut steebt, and see the celebrated ■ Bevekbiblk-feed Look, and Knot>stitos Sewing Machine. Best and Purest Coal in the cityY non* better; please try it. Samuel W. Hesal Brood, street, above Race, east side. Corks, Bunions, Inverted Nails, Enlarged Joints, and all Diseases of tlie Feet cared without pain -or inconvenience to ""'the patient, by Dr, . Zacharie, Sorgeon Chiropodist, 921 Chestnut street. Refers to Physicians and Surgeons of tiia city. • ' , * The Perfection of Sewing Machetes, Call and 6kb the “Florence, ». 630 Chestnut Steebt. Barlow’s Indigo Blue.— Dealers and Con sumers of the above will please take notice that tha labels have been changed to .read, “Indigo Blue,** _ Putnp at Alfred Wiltberger's Drugstore, No. *233 North Second street, Philadelphia. - Barlow’s name will be left off the boxes fttn, this date. LadiE* 5 and Gentlemen 5 * \ The Largest and Best Stock nr the Citt. AS CHARLES OAFFORD & SONS?, Under Continental Hotel. v- The “ Florence 55 Setting Machine, sold at 630 Chestnut Street, is warranted tO IBM THE BEST IK THE WORLD. COURTS. Supreme l Court—Chief Justice ‘Woodward, and Justices Thompson, Strong, Read, and Ag new.—The Philadelphia List was taken up on. third call. ->* - City of Philadelphia vs. Flanagan, and Sama v*. Johnson. Re argument. The first case raises the question of the power of Councils to reghlato the advertisements by the Receiver of Taxes of, delinquent tax •payers, and the. second the ques tion of the power of Councils to control the Board of School Controllers in the matter of regulating salaries, &o ,of teachers. In the latter case tha Controllers refused to recognize the scale of sala ries fixed by Councils, and the City Controller re fused to countersign the warrants issued by tha School Controller*. The first case has reference to the publication of the list of delinquent tax payers, .the City con tending that the Receiver of Taxes can make no contract binding on the City in more than two newspapers and one time in each. Both cases vrer— argued last winter but ordered for re-argument the present term. . .. ■ District Court. -®Jndge Sharswood. Jonah Moore, administrator, Ac., vs. Robert Cues: nnt. An action on a due bill. Defence, pay ment. Jury out. District Court.— Judge Stroud. Deborah E Haunams. by her next* friend; ‘&e«, vs. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company. -This was an action to recover damages for rajnries sus tained by plaintiff, a child of about 12 years of age. In January, ISC.*:, sb* was passing the corner of 31st and Market streets, where there is a railroad sign inscribed «‘Media Railroad. ’ ’ A train of cars of defendant coming aloDg knocked the sign down, and m falling it struck plaintiff and injured her severely. On trial. CHANGES WROUGHT BY : THE WAB. In “ Cudjo’s Cave,” a war novel by J. T. Trowbridge, well known as a contributor to the Atlantic Monthly, we find the following beautiful paragraph: “ How many a beloved c good-for-nothing’ has gone from our streets and firesides, to re appear far off in a vision of glory ! The; tchool-fellows know not their comrade; the mother knows not her own son. The strip ling, whose outgoing and incoming were so familiar to ns—impulsive, funloving, a little vain, a little selfish, apt to be cross when the supper was not ready, apt to come late and make you cross when, the supper was ready and waiting—who ever guessed what noble ness was in him! His country called, and he rose up a patriot. The fatigue of marches, the hardships of camp and bivouac, the haxiL fare, the injustice that must be submitted idy all the terrible trials of the body’s strength' and the soul’s patient endurance—these he bore with the superb buoyancy of spirit which denotes the hero. , Who was it that caught up the colors, and rushed forward with them into the thick of the battle, after the fifth man who attempted it had been shot down ? Iff ot the vil lage loafer, who used to go about-the streets dressed ae shabbily ? Yes, the same. •He fell, covered with wounds mid glory.— The rusty and seemingly useless instrument .we saw bang so long idle on the walls of soci ety, none dreamed to be a trumpet of sonorous ’ note until the soul came and blew a blast. And wbat has -become of that white-gloved, per fumed Jumdsome cousin of ydurs, devoted to his pleasures, weary even of those—to whom life, with all its luxuries, had become a bore T He fell in the trenches at Wagner. He had distinguished himself by his daring, his hardi hood, his fiery love of liberty. When thei nation’s alarm heat, his manhood stood erect; lie shook himself; all his past frivolities wero nO more than dust tp the mane of this young lion. The war has proved useful if only .in this, that it has developed the latent heroism in our . young men, and taught us wnat is in humanity, in our fellows, in ourselves. Because it has called into action all this generosity and cour age, if for no other cause, let us forgive its cru elty, though the chair of the beloved one be vaeantj/tho bed unslept in, and the hand cold! that panned the letters in that sacred' drawer,, which cannot even now be opened without grief.” . Tub Old- Frag.”—A letter from Chatta nooga, after speaking of the erection of a lofty flag-staff on .the peak of Lookout from which now floatsthe Old, Flag, says: I must tell you,an affecting little scene I witnessed when we first crossed Lookout about the 6th of September. We were marching along at “route step” with our colors furled and in them black cases, when we perceived about a dozen of the fair sex in one of those everlasting southern porticos, watching us as we passed. We had got nearly by, whon ono • of the young ladies stepped out to the front,' and said,“Bovs, we want to see the old flag.” Oh! such a shout as went up; banners soon unfurled, music struck up, the men took step, hats without number went into the air, and the hurrah lasted for s good hour, and the women all cried. . ■ f ■ •v- FURS,