te ' I i; it ft, t awT . k... -.A . . .. -ii 'idKj Love, In Laws, Pewer.ett. w , ,.e.liag froa. 11 to U eotlee i we read eiMVMtlat eek free V v -ek ogeeA. Addreee. stating egoe ; 1 " ; NATIONAL PUBLISHING . ' udipbia, p '1 4X111 JL .tiiw. - ii toe Greet Illustrated Agrteulln v! Family Weekly, Is tbg STANDARD RITT tpoo Practical Subj-on and i Tone Literary Journal Ooly 1 year lee to clubs. Greet Promt ' Gomaleatoaa to Aitenlt. Tolr S embers (Oct to Jaa., Oa trial, (or i MPTY CENTS! Premium Lists, seat free to all Trial Subscribers :eea O. 0. T. MOORE, New York SWQOQK Ssk Now road r for events. HOKE LIFti IN THE Lli. Br Daniel Harsh I) n . author - 'Might Koeaee In tbe Bible" tod "Our . f bere Houee," ef wblon nearly 100,000 vuiee of eeb were sold. H-ad lor Circu it Z1EGLER A M-CURDY, 618 Arch U Philadelphia, P.. fc' 'LAMB MYSTfiBIua solved; digaeiere ("7 pvnreyea. new c . ZONE andVJtd EXPLORERS. A - ;"did octave ol 8ilMages,asl profusely li'iietieteel wild vlrgaoiStjmil and wood en (,rf.ine. A fascinating klrtory of Arlic )-ntur. The moat salable book 011 1. Agents Wanted. Bond for terms and earn P' peg ae o Mutual Publlabtog Co., Uari ('id. Conn, Why "flonsefceepsr's Mdiiuai" aSgiis A eeceeaatul agocl eaye: '-Unlike all other heoks. it baa a elalin no woman's attention A house-to-b3tia canvais pays!'' $70 00 111 eue week til made by a "In Rto agent. AQEXT3 WANTED. For terms aod territory apply to J. B FORD CO , New Yurk.Butloo, Cbioago, or Ban Francisco Arents Wanted. BIND FOR CATALOUGB DOMESTIC 8. M. CO, NEW YORK. THE (fobm toringer, Tbe cheapest end beat In market. Wir ranted trimly eeH-Brijiie'tnir. Speolal in wuerraealato Washing Maflhli Amenta o1 la Country Trade. Liberal terina. irenia waotod 6iad for eircula'. AMERICAN MACHINE CO.. Maniiraetnrpra and Put eateea, oMce, 420 Walnut St.,PbiladelpbU, Pa. F(RESIDB"kp.v rjl HINflB COllH WINN. WITH i:iliw PWOOIV tiriHluci'B tko the Inrcert ligh. Cd l nod ou an coal oil iantp rot aie ny an mini uB.-njrB- OOD CIUCU AI.Li THE VadAU AROVD. Tbe Neutral Sa'obllo of Lime, as prepared by BILLINGS. CLAPP CO., Boa'un. formoriy 3 R. Niobols & Co ,ke-pa CIDER riWKET ALL THE YEAR AROUND. Nw Yxrk offlw, Gn l-r Pto. rTAMMRHINa.-DK WHITE'S OU. d. 8TAMBKRING INSTITUTE, 417 Puurtb aeeoue, N. Y. Beat rHlerancm. Ma pay enttl cured flood t r clrcul r. Crf ifXllfll wnil lurour pnt.uU AliriiO "APS and religion and historical CHARTS Splendid assort want I Ltrgo Sales! Large prnflte! Ad drara UAA.-13 A LUBRECHT, Empire Map end Ciart jSjleblisauient, 107 Liberty St., New York. Urf TJf MK.N.Ui'la ami miy vui W OMliiJNe to acll our French and Amertean i wm.ry, llooka Oaiue, o. .In thulr own lnullttMi. No rjinllHl nwried. CaUlotUe. '"nrinii to. aoat raia. i'OVK'KKItV a, Aiwt, M. 4a in Q-1 p rolyl Agcnta waniKdl All J'.g I 9 clAAe of workio pooiil of vl'.narMZ, 7'nn or old, mm more ui"!i.-y ai work for ui In their apHru niimviM ur tt 1 tin tiin than at anything Iim. Parilmilara (reo. AUJrasa O. HTINsON & G ., I'ortlnud. Maine Fort Grani Gift Cancert TOR THE BENEFIT OP THK Public Library OF KENTUCKY. tii,00 CASH IFTS fi.soo.oou. 2150,000 FOR St50 Ttia Fonrih Orund Gilt Uonoort amhoranrt liy eiieclnl art of th l.oi.H'.lHtnrt. f.ir iho buncnt ui tbe r'lbl'c Ub dry of Knot.ii-.ky. wilt takeplaoj in Pub He library lUII.At LnutavTlle, Ky., WBI.HiDAY, DEC. 3, Wl. Only alxty tlionHnd ticket ,wtll be gold ;Th tkkctti are dividtNl inio ten canpoua or pai: v At tuU iono.Tt, which will ba tliu irriMit't ma. Uiil di.pluv CTer witnessed 11 this Cjuntiy, the un liC"diittt i"im of 1 500,0 O, flivld-H ln 1 12 xn cii-h f;lfls, w 11 bs distributed by LIST UIf G1FT3. o Oraad fli Otrt, f -.'JO.O'in ,M Uraud (,'.i.h Olft, ikd) "HV'Wd''Vntfl, in.,io ae CbwmI ak (Ml. t,ei.si ho,om lso.euu te.(M) ea.(uu ev.uiv ,t)l iauio (2,5110 aV), uu Total, 1f,(M Glfta, all Oaah, aw nun t iagtu t1,MM,roO Tbedtatrlbntlon will h pnrltlre. whet htr all the rU eia nr. .ld or Dot, and tlie H,UUO glftjiaU paid in proportlun to the tlckeia aold PRU E OF TICKETS! Whole tlceta $.MI; tlalraa S(.; Tantha, r each Gouoctl, 16; Llermi W 'l'lca li.r 60il; SJ', Tlrki. for ll.ooo; 118 v nl lick el a lor 5IRl: '.V7 Whole Mckeu for Sloooo. I,o d tcount ou torn tban wOO worth of Ticket at a rlma ' Tu-kata now rwiiiv fir an e, nd a I ordrre ac C4impMt led by the atone pnnii'tly tilled. Libuiat tcriue givan to thoea wnouiiy to acll aaiu. IHOS Ii. BKAMl.iTTE, Agent Publ. IJbr. Kv , and Vtiuvwnr Dlf g en.ca Penile Litirary Building, Lunlavillo, Daily Record NEWSPAPER (!Ti AND Job Pn.mroc Office, MAIN TttEET, gOHAft: O. WICEK, Proprietor. NEW DEPaRTMEST, We recelre leleirrnnWc'dtantitchea et to 4 p M- unl piient thtrn io our ra:lei avery 4-vei irjs, e-:i. jracing neWH orcrrat nterflat from nu tc n-icouairy. '.t'e uve male -ticlal rntt .vhrtoy wV recuiv- njjulnr P' troliii;i t ' .i Piotiuce Mor.iui lfen-.na vefy evwiu.t? hy i -, i, froni New Vorh, rrnl.d'lphl.-i. ai .0 I'iit'o-.rj v ir toKittlier with Killtoriale nnd l.ciil in.,tti-r.. ni.i'-f It one of the mnat dcirnble newajwipera published iu theOl Kegloa Aaan A.Yertliiitf lilediuni. Tne REPOIID ha no anpcrlnr, a it circulate! wherever an uu Ltperatoi or neuter can na (ouna jobbins wmm. H"a have a laree and Well eelecteC atock oi Jobbing jriaierlitle. emhriulnv Hie ver; latest stylea. We are therefore eiiaiili-d to oe uu Ion Work of every variety In a aaiUiitctory nuinner when deaired, job will be uetttlyprlutcd in Cuwuii Slilpping Bill: Postr, Hand-Bills. Piograminea, Bill of Fare. Linbe AND rlusiiicai and Isltliig Canto, LETTKK HEADS, BILL' nil ADS, BIMS OF 'JiDtNO, Bte , Etc II. 1.1. k'UINTI.Nft. am or Fancy Stylea, neatly and promptly ezecn ted, embracing INVITATIONS rtncni.AKS "KOGHAMMICP CAIiD-. 1'li.i.KTH, Etc. Id fact, every variety and aiyle of wor In letter Merchant.. Lawyer.. .Tu. tliiea of the Pare, tand Aeiitt. Oil tVaier. nnd Aifnta. Inati ranee Avtmt. Expnamen a d other partiee in want, ar inrormed thnt we are preonred toexwcnteio ordern.'i kind, ol BLANKS, burtneea or ieiril. rtnutrcd in thia im- ainniiv. Jo iiiin? isrMn.ije reaiwi'tfttlly solicited. 1 Ckeb atfta 1 10,000 each, at UMh blfie 6.UUV each, a leak Olfie 1,U0 b, MOaahOlfta MJU each, DM Oaak HifU SS eaUk, IWCaakffltta HWeach, Jill Oaak Utfta Mu a A, 1 t C rah tt ftK JW eacb, 11,0W Caah UlfU aM cack. O. GORDON HARDWARE DEALER IW U WA H RIan-S2:., Petroleum Centre, " Kecpe ou bend a fall line. J ouso Furnisliin Goods, r-rt Boston Fat. Ccupl'ns; Wzi tm Gas Pipe ana Wm, New Becifortl Bolt Rope Cables and Sand Pump Lines, kubbkr brlting, packing. AxD UOSE, lianterns. l.antrrp illvtb s, i crpi'istcr's Tools, Extra Winter Strained aid Gil, Johnson ii Barrett's Luhi icatinj; Oil, No. 1 Fcfined Oil Tlio Novelty nd Eureka Clotlie Wr micro, tle tealln nse, With a full line ol Table aril Poeket CulliTy. end Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, STOVES, awaj -vmuB My .lock of COOK KVO UK TIfO STOVl;-, ...t .c, ,.,! ' .re oil region. A Iboiiirhi li.-for the UlHai)Tnpnl S'ovea t.y tinnr-ctur -re. I urn enabled to mill BHll at yd prirea. Tiv.ne il: vrh,t enyibing in th wy f , (, g r Heating Stovo wtl do wl! te oil .ii. J x am ''iip tnv niCk, i,l wh;cti tt.e lollov-ing is a p.iiM ii liai j AESscs'ieti Cook tJove ! With rewrvott nnd wiirniingck.yet, a Cit glare S'nre tor liurrl col or wood AMruZC't V-f'H- m"l"?l,"t?l',vn,r W'J.min,, coeet. I. r ha.d ernl lllt-i . M.J :liHilV Iff.: M C..,k. a on flr-t cl.nsSti.i w:. or will..iii i-rvo'r a.wi w .rmn.a nloeni, tor l.a:i) ,., Holt Coal, r IrB SlHfc-n I oi'k. a C"iii lirei cla Si.ivh. f,,r hard r a It coal. Iron Caitiff Cook, a iii'ge Ii-hvj dud dur .l.'e M.'iv tor soft coal W hUt M4!llf-C.i.-k. lor h..I or .oh ,,!. la c.'l.'l.rj',l r fa qualities as a oo. Mi V 8H'1 '.'npi.fitf, in (.r-Ct. I JIpper-:ok. (or lo.rd r.r sol. con., h kiiimI b-.i ox-ee,,.nt Sivm very ciioan lUl3IIVt.tit Cook, a ft'OO-i M..V. with e. vuit (1 oven 1 ;.MV LINE OF PARI C HUM'EUS ennnot beegoelled: Tbe Iivlntr FSiio I..iC;n tS72-T' a bea-.tif.il .lf leee, 1 lie IlajlhuilJIHeii-A D- ws. li e r P,or HtH,. w,t() Rfm, mJ m, rv'iiVii'A """""" - lionet I ii; Il t A c'l.iui. ovhinl." ov,. w.i" ti;;! cralo llllle A ebeei Ini'i cyliniler stove, very chea-i.' ' V A aimll HI fe.lr and qiutn chop ' Hindi il Willi A parlor cuit b'ov w ill) on, lor conl Killlle A cheap diitinn room Stow, ' Gent A cheap lied room Stove. IN'arl A cheap cylinder Stove, for ro'rrl or s.iti eon V!HHO A larpe healing St. V". fit, Hill ,u i..,l r... .1 t . SALAMANDER A Uerrtck stove. CLomK AI A N L'FAC'l' U RKU OF Tl, SHEET' mm A33 Zd??R WARE SMOKE STACKS MADE TO ORDER. Hke loonier C.tLVAMZi.;(i IKO stvit piiuna ,,u ooaoro.1 the o.eape,, .a aalest (urop now tfiiVLnotZ r$ " Repairing of all kiuds done with neatness and dispatch. AND OU. WELL BCPPLIEa mm is.m H " - V.0RK1NG nU"f:LS, TUBING AND V.tl.VES. CASING VALVE CCPo, CLAMPS STOVES ! & 1 5 mrmTiriiW "nirrmirm Al H Hobrrf ts. Mcholas (i Tba fullowtniF la the di;ci..lnn K. . . I McKeanaa, at May Tern of the Urcnlt Co above oaee: i tbe Cieolt Coo rt of the T'shrd atatee, fk tbe 'Weetern District of IVnnpyirmia.aj Raberts te. Mcholaa Gerer No i . TfflS. Ia Bqaity . November 81. 1671. Bill fll and mbl led. hubpomatsdnotlcoofapiiileaiirai to. , ary Injunction a. rvrd. lleoembir IS, 1874. Motion for prellmt, JnncrJoo honed, and tbe Conn being duly a! tue preiniMe; ma injunction aarued aa jra and decrie li'eu. January 14. 5813. Injenction lamed, S9i d.iyof January lndiclmei.t airved pj, and by copy. S'ny Si. 18T& Rnle laaned lor delerdrnt ft cauaewhy atiachmcntahonld not Imb. for eg in ttolatlng liiluticrlon and duly actvnl June 2d, 1873 Kule for attarhment la B came on to be ueord, and afte r argument oft pro and coti. the t'cnrt bring full adviaed i premi" , II o Hula I made alWule and II trnr. . f i tit, Conit (a. thnt the aald aefCM ulu, . -eyiT, be Imr iite-cned in tlie mnioi Ai).'K''i-ny Connty for and duiiug lha torn .i .), and that be iay .tl.o ccile of tij, icg. June 2d, 1178. Commltrnt laumd. The lnjocction In this caeo waa tur ltifd of the Roberta' patent of Jio. (cnl.td th i ent), for incr.asicg the productivencaa ofol The act of Infringement for which the t) waa committed for contempt, eoaalitid It Alexandra Ilaci.r In fxpledlng terrrdoa wclla being the aame act of infringement Iq Haranr waa alao committed in tbe oae Ha. veaiber Term, lKoti, as b fore atatcd. The Court McKenr.an, J, a tcr dellrni opinion In the Unniar eue, proceeded to a Nlc'io aa Geyrr for contempt, and dellreieti owii g oral opinion : Jn the cae of Nicholae Geycr chergrd pame offenae, I ant erllrely antiefl d Unit tk fl 'Id present, fn tlio Peaia well at linat. M intimattd to the eoumel in the caurtt of Vn mrnl, the pretence of fluid in the well ha tired or not. il an infringement of the fttm lreach if the injunction of the Court. Mr Itoberts, by hie p .t.nt naia ae one off clpnl clcniente of his invention flu d tampn nheiever there is fluid eufUdcnt In a well, time of lie exploalon of a torncdo, to out I'tnipli'c win ihi-r it sete there mitnraKy ir thtre artificially, hi patrni l l. f h lied. Tl clenrly theeaee In regard tu the Ileal. W. IL lint Mr (iyer eteme tnbnve t e-n Bill Hauler, who to d him that he mer.lv mni.e an exprriine: t ; nnd I do not thick, i UK the Hist time, that be ought tu be vi ri punifh.d. " Vo alao la adjrdtred guilty of contempt lot ed to p.y tl e coetn of thia pnei dlrg and i an impri.uK mint in the conntv Jul! lor hit I hope th a will be the la.t of' th. eecus. a H ibe n.a.'er cornea to onr notlco nrlai. .,1 eorai rilnni to lmpoc auch pnnlebni.nt are in uiake Ibe decree of the Conrt euev'ual. .Inne ft 8 Exr. KEABNEY'S FLUID KXTRAOT BUI la tbe only Known Baaaad for Brla eaee and uaa oared every eaee of Plata Whiob it haa been aHvan. IwiaatifH, ed tba of the Bladder and inflammatinn of the Kll TJloeration of the Kidneye and tUdder, Won of Urine, Diaeaeee of the FroataU 8 fltono in tbe Bladder, O ravel. Brick Putt Dq and Uncouaor Milky Diacbargee, and h feebled and Delicate Oonetitatione of bothil attended witb tbe following eymptemaM of tower, Loaa of Memory, Difficulty of Be ing, Weak Mervea, Wakefnineaa, Pain U Back, Fluahingof the Body.Kraptioaontlxl CaUid Countenance, Laaaltade of tbe 8yete Heed by pennne In she decHne or chaaj life after confinement at labor palna, bav ting in ehlldren, eio. In many afieotione peeuHer to ladlee, tt tract Buchn ia unequal ed by any other reow Aa in Cliloroaia or Retention, Irregularity,! fulneee or Suppression ol CustoniU y F.vac ail TJioarated or Hehirrus atate ef tbe Uterua, 1 oorrboea or Whltea,Bterility, and for all plainte inddent to the sax. It ia PMor extenalvely by tbe moat eminent Phyekriana Kidwivea for enfeeNed aad delicate cost lions of both sexes and all agse. HEABIVET EXTRACT BVCB 4jr$ IHtrata Ariting from Mpndn ItMU o lJ'jMnUon, Etc., In all their atage little expuiuw, li' tie or no change in diet, as convepi. nee, and i o ezpoture. It cauaes a quent. Oeaire, and aivee etrength to V'a thoreby removing Obatraetlone, Preventing i Curing Suietura of the Urethra, A lUy.of j nnd inflammation, ao freqnent in thie claw of eaaea, and axpoJuug all Poiaonoue matter, KEABKET'8 EXTRACT BtCt 1.00 per bottle ereixheKlea for gS.eo, delie to any addreee, aeenra from ebaerTatioa. be enggtsta everywhere. Prepared by KBABKE T CO., 10 Daane St., t to whom nil lattera in laformsiion aboaU addreeaed. Avoid Quacks and lmpot V o Charge to Advice and Oenenlletiel. Dr. J. B. Dyott, Graduate of Jefertm lb CbUege, Philadelphia, author of aeveral valut works, can be eonanited on all diseases ef Huual or Urwarr Organa, (which he baa aa especial study) either in male or fenuMi matter from whit eauee originating or of tongaeandlng- A praetlee of 80 yeare enat him to treat disease with amoeees. Ouraa anteed. Chargee see son able. Tboee at a ' taneeeaa forward letter deMrlbing aymptl and eneloning atamp to prepay nostege. , Bend for the Guide to UfaUk. Price 10 see1 ' J. B. DYOTT, al.D., Phyaielan andjarg 10 Duaoe 8t , New York. . FerawrlgwNa T. BBLMBOLB. 4 Bl hill Aavertita Is lh Kgronp,