The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, November 17, 1873, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Centre, I'a. man4f fcoT. IT
ln Mrvlae.
Services every Sabbath t 11 A. M. and
H P- M- Sabbath School at 12J P. M.
eat free. A eordial Invitation extend
ed to all.
Ret. T. Grada, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. anil 7
o'clock P. M., by tbe Pastor, W. C. Borch
abd. 8abbtti School at Wi, directly
after loreoooo Service.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbatb School
Teacher's Meellog Tuesday evenings of
facb week.
Petroleum Centre Lodge, No.
I. O. Of O. F.
Regular tneetlng nlgbts Friday, at 7
'clock. Signed.
J. 0. E. Harthak. A Sec'v.
EfTPlnoeof meeting, Main St., opposite
aicuunioca iiouse.
A. O. oIJJ. VV.
Liberty Lodge No. tT A. O. of U. W,
neets every llonday evening at 7 o'clock,
in Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre,
.,- James Wilson, M. W.
CJahmiB. White, R.
I. O. of It. ill.
Minnekauona Tribe No. 183. I. O. R. M
of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
availing in uooa Templar s Uall.
EST Council tires lighted at 7 o'clock
H. HOWE. Suchem.
C. L JUKES, Cbiel ot Uncords.
Gold at 1 p. m. 1084
All parlies knowing themselves Indebted
Utbis office sr. requested to settle the
Exit Temporarily But JVol
for Good.
With this number we shall discontinue
tbe publication of the Record as a daily
paper. Tbe reason fordoing this may be
summed up In a few words, and those are
There Is not business enough to warrant
tbe publication ol a dally paper in Petiole,
urn Centre any longer! Tbe extremely low
and ruiooua price of oil, and tbe moving of
a large percentage of tbe population of this
place, not Into the 'mouth ol b 1 er into
lb jaws of death," as Tennyson expresses
It, but Into tbe bands of tbe sheriff of But
ler county, Is tbe sole and only cause ot the
It is witb no small leoling of regret Ibat
we suspend. Tbe Record is now some
thing ovtr eight yeurs old; was the first
daily paper ever started in tbe Venango
county oil regions, and during all tbat long
period we flatter ourselves bag adhered
Closely to and made common cause witb the
producer of petroleum and tbe intiresta ol
tbe great oil region of Pennsylvania. The
Record bas alu sustained, If we do sav it
ourselves, a good reputation as a local and
general newspaper amoag it many compet
itors throughout the region, and has fur
nished daily almost a oomplete history ol
the np creek oil Held. At least we have
done our best Io muke it a live newspaper.
Bo much by way of flattery to ourselves.
As to what the paper has done towards
detaining and keeping up Petroleum Ceo
Ire and the honor of its citzens aud good
name of the town, both in a business and
other point ol view, we leave our friends
and patrons to judge. We may have injur
ed or wounded the feelings oi some, if so it
was not Intentional. Nuff ced on that
We may add that ws shall remain here
for some time yet, and if tbe bnainess men
the town are so minded and will leod just
enough aid Io "maks a live of it," we will
sue a psper weekly as long as we remain.
Farewells we do not believe Io, but old
frjends and patrons will ever be kept in
Good by, old friend Record.
Dropped Dead. Just a we go to press
wa learn tbat tbe old man named Runsell,
who ha done the flagging" for tbe Oil
Creek Railroad .it th Boyd Farm bridge
for tbe past six years, dropped dead as be
was walking aloog tbe track near Warner'
ooal yard. An Inquest will be held by
Justice Reynolds, tbla afternoon, wbiob we
presume will develop tbe oause. At tbe
request of Russell' frieods, Dr. Playford
wont over and made an effort to revive bim
by bleeding In the jugular vein, but It was
too late as th vital spark bad fled.
To the many staunch friends who have
'adberred to us through thick and II. in,
'ike a leas tick to a nigrer's shin," we ru
turn thank. Wa ever hold tbem iu kind
, remembranoe. May tbelr shadows nver
grew less at least under present prices of oil
end when tb price does go up may tbelj.
shadow grow in proportion.
Protpecti Who are
We are sorry to say that the immediate
future ol the oil business Is by no mentis en
couraglog. We bear every now " and theo
curses against 'the bears. Ii is not lniprnb.
able tbat some, of the dealers are tiort of oil
and to cover on their contracts they contri
bute) Ibelr aid to depressing tbe mokel.
But, the truth is, men that are now engaged
In putting up new well rig, aud, boring
dowd into tbe fourth sand, are doing more
to bring the price of oil down tit ten ceniB a
barrel than all tbe oil dealers in tbe world.
New, let those meu, who are still puah'og
on develapment and kvepiug up production
bavetbe consolation ol knowing that Ithey
are fast throwing away their money. Tbey
oso produce oil, but bow much goed will it
do tbem, unless tbey can sell it.,
ScccEssi ul. The Drug Slore of M. S.
Simmons under tbe snperinteodancy oi Cbas
A. Sly, has increased to io business that
tbey in'.end putting in a new stock of goods
for tbe holiday trade. His success io keep
ing trade gaud in such dull times is duo to
I ho popularity of Mr Sly, wtio is one of the
best, as well as tbe safest d'tig clerks ou the
Creek. Sobriety and close attention to bus
iuees allways makes Its matk in a drug
store. It gives atsuranco and confidence to
those needing medicines, tbat tbey are get
tieg what lhy ask for, having tbe word of
those tuat know, we can safely recotnend
him as ofK'Of the most careful and safest
prescription clerks on the Creek. Polite
and attentive, and always on duly, be U
aver ready oigtit or day to sorve yuu. Call
and see b m
The second meetiug of trio Pdiroleura
Centre L iteraiy .Society will be held ut Hie
Public School House, tb Is evening The
suoie'y starts in with a large membership,
and bids fair to prove a success. Our cm
sens should see to it that a Literary Society
,, iulu,B,a in lhi9 pUoa,
good attendance touigbt
Let tame be a
J3f The etoppags of tbe Daimt Record
will not close up lhe office lor good We
shall be prepared lo execute Job Printing of
all kinds for some time to come. We
would respeclly solicit orders fol printing of
ail kiods, and shall be prepared lo do the
Same as cheap as it Can be done elsewbore,
and io as good style. We shall be tbauklul
for any favors in tbe line ol j ib priutiug.
Our frieods will bear Ibis mind.
We bear It rumered that the Columbia
Oil Company are scou to shut dowu liie
weils oa tbat iarm. We only give it as a
Tbe Standard Oil Works, on toe Colon)
b!a farm, will close soou It doo not pay
to run them t present prices of refined.
Snowdon & i'ugb received on Saturday
night a fri eli lot of those nice Saddlerock
0)31018 in the shell direct trom their little.
Leds in Baltimore. To ei joy tbem you nave
but to pay ibe Petroieu u Expunge Hotel
a call and let either Tom or Billy open a.
dozen for oou. They are good uud no mis
take. Tkacueotomt. Ou the lirst or toe month
Dr Play lord was called to see George Mo
Candleas, Jr., a lour yeur old son ol G.
McCandless, residing near Neillsburg, who
was then In the last singe of croup. Iu or
der lo nave tbe little I 'llow lio n death
Which was Imminent at ary moment, the
Doctor resorted io Ibe operation ol opening
the wind pipe, technically cured
tracheotomy. Croup desi toys lile uot by
tbe exteul or the vil titty of the organ which
it occupies, but t,y closing, us It were, the
door ol Ibe breathing appaiatus. By inak
Ing an incision in the wind-pipe there is
another door opened which answers the
purpose for breathing snd gives time to at
lock aod remove lhe disease itself. The
little leltow, we are pleased lo say, bas re
covered. We believe th best French and
bnglitb surgeons say there is no eve of
croup but what c m be relieved wiib li.ia
operation if performed iu time. This m .ki't
the twenty second lima Dr. Playford bus
performed trucheotnniy for croup and re
moving iurcign bodies that bad slipped into
the wind-pipe, every time meeting witb
suocess in saving tbe patient's lilu.
TbePlumer Choral Union will repeat
their coucert, iu tha TJ. P Church, Piumer,
on Wednesday evening, Dec. 3, 18".!. An
entirely new programme will be preHented
Toe union win on ai-siniej oy niimaera of
aiiaunr talent Irom difl'erent parts of tbe
country. As tbe last couoert gave general
satisfaction no donbs this one will draw a
larger house should lb weather permit. It
will be a rare mdsical treat aud all should
Howe 4 Cook are doing a land offiV.e
business in second band engiuss, boilers
well fixtures, io. Tbey are fair aud quire
dealers, and whatever they represent as be
ing good in tbelr line may be relied upon.
Oil men lake notice.
A d Ismal day.
Friquieul Bcrnino Affao.-) Balai
day morning, Nov.'lsl, Albert Wldger.
sou of Mr,. L. Widger aged about lllteen
yrsrs, and who resides wiib bis patent .In
tbe Sesuod ward, while starting Are in
siovet, with crude oil, wm so severely
burned tbat bis Ills has since beea dlspaired
or bul be is now reported recovertng.tbough
very slowly. The oil was In a lard oil can
and after tbe Bre bid benn started be dev
posited tbe can on tbe beartb of the stove
and proceeded to put some coal In the stove
In the act of dolnir this when the
oil can exploded and saturated him witb oil
which Immediately ignited. The room al
ia trak fire. The room also tok fire. 1 be
boy ran out of doors where be was observed
by a younger brother, who jumped Iroui the
second stor.v window and catching bim heia
bin in a mud bole until the fire was extioj
guisherl. The cloths were completely burn
ed from tbe upper portion of his body, and
bis person whs frightfully charred. The
fire in the house was put out by Mr. Wldger
before he discovered bis son was burned.
Oilman's Jovrnal.
Tbe people of Pennsylvania wtll have an
opportunity to vote upon the new Cunstitu
lion the secoud Tu"fdy of December. The
Couvention lias nraciically completed I's
tusk, but some trimmiag and re-arranging
of parts oontine to keep the members busy
Tbe Indian reservation at Skokomlsb
f'ugat Sound, Is oeing surveyed and tbe
land divided iu fee among the Iodians.
Each family gels forty acres.
Tbiee hundred md eighty eight pounds
ot butter is what a Montgomery county co
enabled her owuer to realize flora tbe pro
duct of the lacteal fount.
A letter Irom St. Joho's N F., says that
merchants, ubermen and all traders are
jubilant over tbe spleuaid success of
tillieisi'B tills season.
Tbe South American St ties talk ol for
roiiig a coalition ic favor of the Cuban pa
triots. They owe Spain a whipping lor
having peopled them with a set who uie
never happy imlees Hiey are in Ibe midst ol
a revolution
A B-liefouio, Pa., mechanic baa invented
e micui e by whici he can make twenty
boioe shoes a tn iniile.
Many M'i$s.chuietis
punies are adopting the eighthour eysiom,
but tbey apply it to wages us well aa lo
A biitfe lousier measuring more ihan three
feet from the tips ol the claws lo !iiv end n
the Mil, und weljhi ng til'eea f."on.l, wih
reWntlv biought up in u net in !yoi .nth
Etixl'ind The ekuit wan e. v, re. ul'li
lUiiiiue erg niiMin, such ts Lnri:hO ch. in ii
Ibe like. It Is oeifVMl bo nure than a
bun dr d yeni old.
The rumor h preval for day or two
past tint Ilerm in, (.' mell & Oo.'a n-floery
at this place, tras about to shut down Wo
have it fiom the firm thot such in not the
cis. They will run as long as they can
make it pay at the lowest margin pm'ihlo.
This is done in order to keep the men in
their employ In work. By doing so they
exhibit a liner il spirit which is truly to be
A IIi'HUAND'AT Last. Much has been
said about Mrs DeiTich, who fitsi bad two
bimliand, and then bad none. We seated
that her first husband, (Die'rich) had loft
foi aril unknown She followed bim to
Oil City, w ere h ws c iptured, they rent
ed a borne ther. and are now living loeih
er as mn and wife ought to. Tbe second
husband, peeing his cake was all dough,
submitted, and helped his "wife" to pack
up her goods to send lo her new home at
Oil City, aod Mr. and Mrs. Smith that wasi
parted good friends at the depot In tb ,
city, on Saturday list. Titusvllle Cour
At Schonhlom's lower store cn always
be found Ambrose Weaver, one of tbe most
onliging mid gentlemanly clerks in tbe o II
region, who is always ready to wait upon
ciKtoiners and sell them anything the store
affords. It is well knowu that Scbonlil nn
always keeps lhe best the in irkot affords'
and Ambrose is just the man to deal ihem
out. Call ano tee bim a few doors above
the RncORr oflloe.
The Posimster General has decided that
P'xtai cro cannot tie tendered In payment
ol unpaid mail matter, anu tbat lo affix
priuted matter as a slip from a nnwspaper,
to a postal ctri, whether or without writing
on the same, is muke tbe card liable to let
tor postage.
e learn tbe Tarr Farm publio school
house was destroyed by fir this afternoon.
We did not l"arn the cause of the fire.
A mail's dearest object should
be his wife, but sometimes it is
his wife's wardrobe.
Tkinr into consideration the
dullness of the times and the
low price of oil, not speaking
of the scarcity of money, 1
have concluded to reduce the
price of BENZINE delivered
at tho wells to 81,00 per bar
rel. My motto is live and let
live. Pay me a call before
elsewhere and I will
satisfy you as to
price of Benzine,
liailroad track
quality and
Old stand
Petroleum Centre, Oct. 23, 1873.
1'ionecr Itcmi.
Custuess is very quiet. Cheap oil and a
scarcity of money.
The winter lerm'of rcbool will toon com
The select school here, His Jennings,
teacher, is well attended, nd the lady is
highly spoken of as a teacher.
Tbe refineries are still running here, but
we believe it Is Ibe Intention el tbe proprle
tors to shut down aoon.
Many old resident who went down Ike
river during tb excitement, are now coming
back lo stay during tb winter.
Mr. J Chandler bat told hi refinery to
Mr. Woolsey, of Titusvllle, who will put it
in running order at an eatly date.
Tbe cooper shops are all running and do
log a fair butinss.
The railroad bridge at Iblt point Is now
nee of the strongest and best built of any
alow; tbe rote.
Mr. J. Chandler intends to go lot tb
lubricating oil trade.
Tioneer may arise from It ashes and be
come an important towo once more. The
redoing and other interests are Increasing
A devout olergymau sought every opppr
(unity to Impress upon the mind of bis son
lhe fact that God taks car of all his ores
litres; that the filling sparrow attracts II
attention, and that Ilia loving klndn si Is
over all bis works. Happening, one day
tn see a crane wading In quest ol food, the
nnil man poluted out to his son the pa rlect
ml ipiutloo of Ibe crane to get hi living in
'in' mariner. See," said be, "how bis
l?iis are formed lor wsdins! What a long
slender bill be bss! Observe how nicely he
inl. ip hit leet when putting them in or
dia-ving them out of the water! lie doe.
not ciiiie the slighat ripple. He I t hn
eti'iliM to approach the fish without giv
me them any notice of his arrival." '-My
'on," he said, "It I imposibl to look at
tb it b'rd withi lit recognizing tha design
a well as th good nets of Go! In thus pro.
viding th meamj of siibillttnce." "Yes.
r. plied the boy, "I think I tee the goodness
o' God, at least so far as th crane is concern
ed; hut after all. father don't von think ih
arrangement a little rough on the Bah?"
Iluze Poetry.
An arlhor has tent out Ih following
lines for publication, on tbe death of Lew
Williams, the colored man who was ehui
through th hed, near Oil City, few day
tho morn I banging it Ore fringed veil
made of tbe mist of th Forrest Bough
and Lewi witb bis Gun
Come to to tb wood to bunt tome Gam
tten lotni en unnowlng (boot Lew In tbe
Ala 1 may ba wrong I hope I am
to take tbe deed from any humans hand
So never a thought about lb Black
of Prouder lovet your dreamt do drift
a orld it sbui lo among the hill
Stay in it Lewis stay for you Pao.
Pleas publia through your coliums and
oblig D. Knuldner
Tbe train known as the fast line on the
Pennsylvania railroad I ssid to have run
fourteen mile In thirteen minute between
New Florence and Johnstown on Thursday
oMastwaek, This Is laid to b the fastest
time oo record.
DtwolutlOn Notice.
Tbe partnership heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned carrying on business
at reiroieum ueotre, fa., as KeHners of Pe
trolenm wider the nam styl aod firm of
v auneta. rreston & Co , hat this day been
jt...i.. k , -
uwuiveu uj iuuium content.
T T. Fairfield
D. H. Pbiston
Petroleum Centre, Oot 20, 1873.
Bueua Vista Is on of the moat ik.u
od prtsperoosoll towns In theJBuller Wb
y. ina owners in this vlolnltv
mm -...
imunnau are veiling lois, wbeo ((fared a
'air compensation, which accounts for this'
place taking tbe lead ot other town. D
many of which person who locate are
foioed to build on leased ground. The per.
sons who own property In and about tbl
new oil town are nndouhtedly pomolns tha
proper course- tbe one which mun rnff
in aavaniage in me place and to all partial
Interested Oilman's Journal.
Some person in u leltel recent y receive
by Constable DeRntph, of St. PetetliUt,
hreaiens lo burn thai town unless uullotga,
ed l quor bouse1! closed up.
Mr. John Owens who lately died ot Jack
son aged 114, was In some resp.cis a tf
markabl man. lie blushlngty admins
that be had tiled whisky since he was ln
year old, and bad chewed tobacco tn)
smoked more or less, for on hundred and
hree years, but he never claimed that hi
bad teeo Washington.
Th new pipe line running betweea Buy.
mllton and Greece City I nearly completed,
It will be in full operation In a few davi,
Dkih. John Christy schlld, who reside)
on McCray mil, aged three years, diet
with the oronp tills morning, after tsvsril
day illnesa. Tbe family have our heart
felt sympathy ler their Irreparable lost.
Refined oil I selling
t ten ctntt ptr
gallon In Ibis place.
Tb time ha arrived when citizens my
look out fnr these thieving scampi and
bummer who seek quarters in barn t"d
smoke short pipe on tbe bay mow Bi
fore retiring, it wouia ne wen io go
round and closely examine the premli
II Is Important to Ihosa in financial iiil
ress to know that th difference betwsen
going voluntarily Into bankruptcy under the
national bankrupt law, and being fo'cfttl
Into that position by creditors, I that the
volnntary bankrupt In order to ohtain )
discharge, mutt pay at less! fifty pr c
nf hi Indebtedness; th involuntary bank
rupt I free from any sneh condition, asa
may be discharged on a full surrender of hlsl
Living beyond yenr meant I Ilk iWti
riding nut ol season. Ptv ! Is all right
It place, tint on an empty picket it Ii
bard as puliint sfed-rnnner on the Wl
ground It is a hard plan In apend itnllarl
where cllnn would nwer, iinles t here rj
plenty morewllhln rech. Credit ft awl
nns'eadv annnori fur lux ry. and It Is
tain lo hrenh down.
A Luzerne county man fell
nsleen, soothed to slumber by tod
much fire water. lie slept fort j
five hours and awoke to find
that 8omelody had quietly co-
one of his ears off.
There are now thirty-six fT'ai'
sres of (he Patrons of Ilusbandr;
in Pennsylvania.
A man from Placervill, Cal
when asked by a Saratoga waitel
what h would have for break!
fast, renlied: "Well I rnthei
W 1
guess I'll j ast flop my lip over
' Among the relics of olden
da s discovered in this State1 td
be added to the Centennial mu
seum, are a plough mid entire
ly ot wood, and a composing
stick used in Franklin's pnntmi
The youngsters are beginnin;
in volt nf Kino-lfi and othe:
t,r aaa aat -v'
Christmas features.
Do vow want cheap and dur
able goods? It so buy them froiq
those who advertise. tout-nr. thin time we tools
the epizooty. This ear it is
Am r,0nHtriB taUeT kraui
1 . Farmers and others are being
visited by nocturiral prowlers-
I'll -
I Bo
li! ami
tarns otlie