Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Feb Centra, , rrUav fcow. 14 Mvla) ftervlee. klTHODlST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Berrloes every 8bbtb at 11 A. II. and P. M. Babbeth School at 12Jtf P. M. eta free, A cordial Invitation extend. 4 to sit. . Raw. T. OitABiv, Putot. PRISBTTEUAM CHURCH. Pleaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7 'dock P. hi., by tbe Paitor, TV. C. Bcrch iu Sabbath Sobool at 12, directly after forenoon service. Prayer Meeting and 8abbath School Teacher's Keeling Tuesday evenings of aek week. Pelrolenra Centre Lodge, No. TIB, I. O. of O. F. Regular meeting nights Friday, at 7 'clock. Signed. S H. KOOKER, N. G. 3. C. S. Bartimx, A Sec'y. Hf-Piuce of meeting, Main St, oppoitte jtfoCliotock House. A. O. of V. W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W., Beet evory Monday evening at 1 o'clock, I Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre, Penn'a. JiatlS WlLBON, M. W. Jamcr 3. Whits, R. I. O. of R. M. Mlnnekeuoee Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M f Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday Tt ntng in Good Templar's Hall. ty Council Ares lighted at 7 o'clock. U. HOWE, Sachem. C. L JUKES, Chief ol Records. Gold at 1 p. m. 108J "The Ever Faithful Iale." The cruel massacre ol General Ryan and tesr Cuban patriots captured on board the Vfrgfnns, has aroused the people ef this country lo a high pitch of eothusiaim In fa vor or tb cause of the patriots In Cuba. A wildly enthusiast io miss meeting of Cuban sympathizers wss bald In Pbilsdelpbla on Thursday night, wbeo means wore subscrib ed and volunteers proffered to aid the patriots. II the government would just keep Its hands off, but a abort time would lapse before there would be an army of 100,000 volunteer! from tba United States on the soil of Cuba. Meetings have already boon held lo other large cities besides Philadelphia, and other meetings are called There baa been no such war excitement in tbls country since that morning in Aprili 1861, wbsn the news was Bashed over the country that the rebels bad opened fire on FurtSumpter. Yesterday's dispatches an nenneed that lbs authorities ol the United Stales were determined to proceed to the prescribed eoostitu tlonal limit in the man ler. This probably mesne that a little stir will be made about Ike affair, some show of resentment, and tbea the whole thing will be allowed le drop. One tbiog .we may rest assured of, there will be no war between tbls country and Spain. A Urge mejoilty of (our people no doubt deeply sympathize with Cuba io ber struggle for Independence, and this fresh outrage com. mltted by the Spanish authorities will lead to practical expressions of that sympathy io Mm shape of means to cany on the struggle against Spain. The title which years ago was conferred upon Cuba by the Spanish government of "the Ever Faithful Isle," has now aboat as muchs IgniQcauce as the title of "Defender ( the Fall b," conferred upon Hhnry VIII., of England by one of the Popes, when that monarob wrote a book gainst Luther's dooirines bad alter tin posiacy of that monarch. Cuba is no long er failblul lo Spain, Sbe-aspirea to be free and independent amoug tba nations of the earth. The insurgents bava held out against tba power of the borne government 'or a period of more (ban six years, nearly as long as our lathers were engaged in the war lor Independence. Our government ought long age to have recognized the Cu bans as beligereots, and to hare accorded the rights belonging to tbem. A now time table goes into effect to-tnor row on the Oil Creek &'t Allegheny River Uailway. The priuoipal changes are in trains 6 and 6. Train 6 will leave Coiry 6:30 a. m. and arrive at Tilusville 7:58, and train 6 will leave 9:45 p. m. and reach t'orry 12:05 p. mi Since Novombar 2d tbese trains have run only between Titus villa and Oil City. Train No. 4 will arrive and leave 6:45 and 6:55 p. m., and not 7:02 and 7:10, as formerly. The trains do not conned any better with the river division tbau before:. It la Impoesib e for any pas asnger between Corry and Oil City to go to Tidioute and back the same day. Train 46 leaves Tltusville 6:M m. and reaches Oil City at 8:20- a. m. Train 63 leaves Oil City forlrvioetoo at 7:30 a. to. The Be.lio Government yesterday made further payment of $3,000,000 Jot bonds ttf the Rolled Stales fuoded loan.. A curious circumstance .la msnttoaed In Canadian paper of boy named Klcgs too, who recently lost bis arm by tkresb log machine at Adelaide. After the limb had been amputated and buried the boy complained that the band was cramped, oausiag bim extreme pain, nnd that it it waa not disinterred be could net recover. The limb was accordingly disinterred, and the band louod ty be Ormily shut together During the operation of openiog the band tbe patient evinced great agony, and after wards declared that he (ell relieved from the sensation of cramp. The case Is a strange one, but we believe It is not with out preceded in medical annals. Another Fourth Sand Strike. Petboma, N ov. 14. No. 4, Patton farm, tested to-day In the fourth sand, Is flowing at the rata of 1,000 barrels per day. War with Spain seems more likely every day. This morning's report bas later die patches Irom Havaua, which give full de tails of the cold blooded assassination ol tbe balance of IbVcrew of tbe steamer Virgln ius, one hundred and eleven in number. The goverument should vindicate tbe insult to our flag at once by declaring war against Spain. Tbe governmeut of Spain, as every one knows, is the moet rotten and corrupt one under the sua, and as such have al ways sought to impose on other powers. For the past fifty years American citizens have been frequently murdered by su called Spaniards and no redress given. Now that last outrage bas taken place let the gov ernment punish tbe cowardly villains and deolare Cuba independent. Everybody is engaged in fixing up their stoves for winter. In tbe case ef Mrs. M. J. Hull vs. W. A' Hull, for lbs custody of their child, the Court rendered a decision Ibis morning, at Franklin, giving Ibe custody ol tbe child lo Mr. Hull without any bonds whatever This is tbe third time the case has beeu tried in both former trials be having been compelled to give b nd not to remove tbe child Irom tbe couoty. Nearly all our oil izeos are conversant with tbe lacis In this case. Capt. Hull's many friends will .be rejuiced le learn of his success In gaining this suit. We bear repetlstbis afternoon ol' the striking of sn enormcus well near Petrolia, which is said to be flowing 200 barrels per hour. Today tbe weather is quite pleasant sod balmy. Reports came over Ibe Western Unieo wires el tbe striking of an immense spouter nesr Petrolis, which was said lo be yield log at least 1,000 barrels per day Oil iff dined lo consequence to 3T,l ceo is per bbl. at tbe wells. Operators may well say Wbitber are we drifting? Tbe probabilities ate that it will go low er still, and tbe sooner tbe bettrr, say we. End Nkak at Hand. Tbe Second Ad ventlsts are making preparations for Ibe termination of all things earthly, most ab ruplly and unpleasantly, tbe middle of this month, and they say there la no tooling about tbe date this lime. One of Titusville's promisiog young men expeois to join Sharpley's minsirels. There are number of people lo that town who will be doing "end' business" belore spring - back end of som body's house asking for cold victuals. J. B. Maueb and J. Booib, two of tbe Polaris crew tave arrived and will proceed to Washington Immediately by tbe direction ef tbe Secretary of the Navy. Tbe remain ing member ol tbe expedition, Mr. Byran t; astrooomer, isexpeoted here next week.- Tbe crude boat on which twentyfive ol tba parly put to sea, and constructed Irom the steam launch of the Polaris, will be seat to Wssbinglou. Tbe Eastern Extension, A. V. R. R., was opened for business between Red Bank Junotion and Reyaoldsville on tbe 5tb Inst., nd trains now runregulurly stopping at all intermsdiate points and connecting al Red Bank with Buffalo express and uignt ex press north and south. There are four tribes of Indians remain Ins in Delaware, aggregating a totul of sixteen persons. A peach tree, in Missouri, on being transplanted to a new soil, Is reported to bave taken to producing wbite plums. Tbo bosinese men of St Louis bave be. come convinced tlat tbe true way. to neu trslize or destroy tbe bad effects of tbe panic is to advertise liberally in tbe 'daily news papers of well eslablUbed ' influeoce and circulation. Just as true of Petroleoui Centre, IraB. MoVay, failed last week. banker, of Pittsburgh, List ef Traverse Jurors drawn lot the am Monday la December, 1878: Crauberry Thomas Ke Hey. CHeten Richard Major, Petri Bovfe. Canal E. C. Steveos, Lereneo Jiart, J uies Singleton. Cberrytree Charles Brudd. Franklln-P V Kloocar, P W 'Bsj, David Smith. Irwin Wm. Hovis, Rlohart Henderson. Jackson James Brown, Tbot. Rogeis, William Alexander. Oiloreek John Gregg. Oaklsnd-Godfry Gahrlcg. P G Haslet, Philip RiiDnlouer. Oil City W J Kramer, Wm .IUesoo, R H Mitchell, John Hill. Flu mr Frederick Coats. Pinegrove Michael Stover,Nicholas Ilev rlioe, Peter Goodman. Plum Rojnold! Welib. Rockland John Hetsler, David Jolly Cbas. Cox. Saodycrexk John Hanson, M L Welien. Scrubgrass Wm Perry, Jr. Sugarcreek J W Cu ter, Jesse Booher. Utica A J Vanslyke. Tbe Ticbboro cas bus u . til November 10th. been adjourned Tbo American Itoo aod Steel Association will meet in Philadelphia on tie 20lh Inst., to consider the present finnnctal situation. Testimony lu toe Tweed case has begun A great tatnlue prevuils in Greenland. Tbe London papers hope Ibe Uoite'l States will have revenge (or Cuba's little lt discretiou iu putting the Vtrginius paseen gers out ol tbe way. Wbeu religion gets out as fir as tbe tongue, self is very apt le slip down iutu tbe beart. Milton says tlie hearts of men are their eloquence. Tbe reason there is so little depth aud fervour ol beart. The divorce of Brabant Young's seven teeotb wife has lis comic side. It is Ibe first publio protestation ol a lady ogaiiifj being called young. Outstanding legal te der, $362,471 Cll Cincinnati refutes to repeal ttie Suodey liquor ord. Banco. M. BiscbiH'iobeirn, a prominent banker ol Paris, died yesterday. The dead body of a servant girl was yes teiday forenoon fouud Irczeu stiff, io a wsgon, on Carroll street, Brooklyn. It was app-ireut she bad oeeu outraged. Twenty Inches of mow was reported on tbe Cross Cut Railroad yesterday. Tbe worst policy iu the worln is an in surance policy tbat has lapsed. Geese fer diuuer are mote apt lu be fooud on tue chairs at the UUl tban on tbe plates. Labor Kslorrn it no uouut au excellent tbiog, but we bave more cooBdeuce in sometbmg wbich will reform those who don't labor. Characters rte formed like iciclea drop by drop. If toe prrtioles ol each are pure, tbe wbole will be thing of ejuimetry aud and beauty;, if loul, Ibe whole thing will be ugty and repellent. tveo me sun is cuttiug down the num ber of hours lor a day's work aud is only doing about ten at present. Suppose bur satellites should strike! Tbe illustrated pipe s tbis week are lull of tbe question ol ibe day, "and tbe silua tlrfa Is depicted so graphically tbat tbe wooie story latold ai a single glance. Tbe weather now a-J aye is ap:ly de. scribed by an oid woman as 'drefful on ear tin. Kate bates iniiitacjis so much bair Makes every mau look like a bear. But Nellie, who uo thought cuuid letter, Biirts out, tbe more like tjeara the neUer Beoauee, ber pretty shoulders shiuggiog Bears are such glorious chaps lor hug ging Tbe work on the beidgeg rapidly.; is progressing Indiau summer bas vanished, and now you way expect winter. Bret Uarte's nutue is connected wllb a foricomiug ten thousand dollar serial story (or Scribner'e. . Bisbop Gruss tbe Catholic bSbop in Sav ann ib, baa been dangerously ill, but is now getting better r Tbe Loweu Courier remarks tnat no man can consider his literary reputation secure nowadays uutil be has writtsn a comic al manac. A lady in Troy carries a sawdust baby wbeo she rides In tbe borse oars, thereby rooling .the gentlemen and getting ssoat every time.- Taking into consideration the dollnes of the times And the low prion of oil, not speaking of the orcarcity- of money, 1 have c&nduded to reduce- the price of BENZINE delivered at the welb to $1,00 P bar' rel. My motto is live and let live. Pay me a. call before elsewhere and I will Batisfy you as to quality and Old stand price of Benzine. Railroad track Fourth on street W. A. LOZIER. Petroleum Centre, Oct. 23. 1873. Mr. James Carter, of Oakland township, killed a calf a few days ago which weighed two hnuj di ed and eighty pounds when dressed. He has more calves just as good. A widow once said to her daughter. When you are my age, it will be time enough to dream of a hushand." "Yes, mamma," replied the thoughtless ?irl. "of a second yne. I he mother fainted. Now that he is dead, how cruel it is to insist tbat the fctc John Stuart Mill shonld have ground an organ rather than be come the expert that he was on the piano. This month workmen have five pay days, and clergymen will have five working days, C.Tbls Is the nearest approach to wioler y,t. The Creek is filled with floating ice. A good maoy of out eitizens are putting in apparatuses for burnlog benzlbe. Mls Marv Howard will mo oo tbe ami monopoly ticket ol Sangamon t county, 111, lor superintendent of schools. Experience aod observation bave tenth t men that It is bard to quit chewing tobsceo bard lo driok liquor and Dot be Intemperate bard ta keep Irom eating teo mnebj bard lo pap your debts; bard te resist temptation; baeil to believe mao when yeu know be Is a liar; bard lo love your enemies; bard to turn tbe other cheek wbeo struok; bard to borrow money of trleod wbeo we oeed It but harder tban all to go to keaveo With out paving the printer, bead lo your back pay. UisaolutiOn Notice. The DarloerabiD heretofore existing be I ween tbe undersigned oarryins oo business at l'etroleum (Jentre, re., as Kenoers ol re troleum under tbe name style and firm o Falifield. Prestou & Co., has tbis day beeo dissolved by mutual consent. T. D. Fairnbld. D. H. Prkstok. Petroleum Centre, Oot 120, 1873. novl33w McKinley & Gross, Machinists, Blacksmiths, AND toiler $f alters Egbert Farm, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Boiler Repairing a Speciality REFINERY STILLS REPAIRED ZZT We wairent all work dona by us to he uearly as good as new wbeo repaired. Good material furnished and prices reason able. Having had long experience In tbe bust nets wa are snabled to ctva satisfaction. Joseph Mckinley, sebahtiam OBOBS i cwuicua vsDirst radian, avtl. WINES, LIQUORS ETC $4.00 OIL "WANTED The Oldest Established d quor Store on Oil (rcek OWEN GAFFNEY, PRDF'i EEMOVED To the Raw Stand In Christie's Old Store, np ;J the Jamestown Clothing Store, IVtiulcum UuJ Pa. INew uooas in ureat and J but plenty ot Sunday Con. fort left yet 1 bars refitted the store fnmrlr occnplrd r J II. I bristle, corner or Vt s-hinton and Fint f:i and laid In a new stock of the purest soil be;l Wines, Liquors and ('.girt TUB MARKET AFFORDS. kty stock consists In part of BOURBON, AM MONONGAHE LARYE WHISKIES New England, Medford and Jamaica Kums, HOLLAND GIN IUS3BSY, PTNKT, CARTILLKN CO.'ft Al BUFFALO, nOCIIESTKK Sole Arjentfo.-t . BROTHERHOOD W1MS of Brockton, N. Y, j . . . au. a-f.l.t.j1 r.H AT KEN BKAKD of Amirlcao t'bampstnje. '; tba PlMsaut Valley Wine i:a, 'L'ul,6J0c3 New York, constantly on Hand the imported ca pagnes, sc. CIGAUB Is rnexclloeo ia'j My stock (of region. KEbP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Win MJC A CAtti GIVE At myaew start OWEN GAFF' War Oenlre;PWj