The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, November 14, 1873, Image 2

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f etroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pet. UeaU-a, r!4r Now. I
fstvlue Mrvlca.
oemoee every Kabbeth at 11 A. M. end
t P. M. Sabbath School at 12 P. M
eat few. A oordfal invitation ecteua
ad to all.
Kit. T. Omiu, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7
'olock P. M., by lh PMtor, W. C. BcRcn
Ao. Seobatu Sohoot at 12, directly
etter roreueon service.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School
Teeeber'e Meeiiog Tuesday evenings ot
acb week.
Petroleum Centre Lodge, No
T1S, I. O. of U. V.
Regular meeting nights Friday, at 7
clock. Slgneil.
J. 0 E. Urtmn, A Sec'y.
HfPlace of meeting, Main St., opposite
t'cOlintock House.
A. O. of 17. V.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A O. of U. W.,
meet every Monday evening at 7 o'clock,
I a Odd Fellow's Hull, Fetroleum Centre,
Jamkb Wilson, If. W.
Jims 8. Warra. K.
I. O. of It. M.
Mionakaunoe Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M
Of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
renins in Good Templar's Uali.
I3f Council fires llebted at 7 o'clock.
II. HOWE, Snobem.
C. L JUKES, Chief oi Records.
old ut 1 p. in. 1 064
riic Petroleum Hnie.-Ar-rivul
of u Train of Tank
cure--IV-trol inn i?rolnct of
(From tbe Louisville Courier-Journal.
The arrival at tbe Fourteenth street de
pot yesterday of a train of oil task cars
from Cleveland Indicated a new and inter
es'.log trade feature tor our oily, and one of
(treat importance. A Courier-Journal re
porter visited tbe train, and found Messrs.
Cbess and Carley of the Arm ol Chess, Car
ley A Co., proprietors of tbe Great South
ern Oil works, Mr. E. M. Warfield, inspec
tor of oil, and others, witnessing tbe first
transfer ol oil from the train to otber lank
ears on tbe Nashville railroad track.
Through tbe liberality of Horace Scott,
Esq., and the Bridge Company, an elevated
railway bas been constructed alongside ol
the Nashville track, upou wbicb tbe tank
cars are run, plaoiog tbem considerably
higher than tbe other ears, and the oil Is
transferred from ono tank car to another by
bese attached to ibe bottom of tue tanks no
lb elevated railway. This operation is
ncoumpllsned without wasto and with tbe
utmost celerity Tb northern ail thus
transferred is taken down tbe Nashville
rood to the oil work) at tbe ' foot of Sixth
street. Tbe tanks are boiler shape, painted
white, tweolytbree lent long, and Jive feet
in diameter, with a dome to allow lor tbe
swelling of oil in warm weather. Each
link coutains 3,000 gallons ol oil, and rests
In a cavity on a : platform with patent
This train of tank cars, ten or fifteen to
number, It Is Hie initial movement of an en
lerprlse ol contiderable importance. Messrs
Chess. Carley A Co., will run several train!
ot these ears each mouth from Cleveland,
the line known as the "Great Southern Oil
Line,' and have made curtain contracts
with tlio largest Pennsylvania .11 concerns
to connect the great Pennrylvania oil re
gioos with tboae ol Soutbvrn Konltioky, and
secure a Continuous supply ol oil in Louie
ville for tbe consumption in the Southern
Gulf States which amounts to uboul 150,000
barrels annually. This trufllc bas i;uue
through otber oities hittiurlo. At tbe oii
works, lout ol Sixth street, the preparations
lor storing O'l are immense. The six tank",
for soma time in unt by the firm, oold alio,
gelher 141,000 gallous; one has just been
erected with, a opacity ul 244,000 gallons'
and eou'.hsr is under construction wnich
wlil hold 120,000 gallons. It is contempla
ted to have Ibe oil tunk 0ais return from
southern points Oiled with terpentine, which
Is a product bitberlo largely tributary to
Baltimore, but wbicb can be tnoro easily
distributed through tbe Northwest by
il t
We sra pleased to notice the jovial
oiMr. G. J. Cross, formerly tbe prop
of tbe Ceutral House in tbls place, in town
todvy. Mr. Cross is one of tbe proprietors
nl the Lowrey House at Butler. II bas
bosts of Irieuds in Ibis viuinity who will tie
pleased to Imiru tuat be is duing well in bis
now location.
The plo ol the ciow
an.ftV 'Hare tue for. my
Letters from the People.
Not. The managerof tbls journal, with
out endorsing tbe sentiments ot contributors,
desires to ofler tbe widest possible latitude
for free discussion. It is merely stipulated
that communications shall concern matters
ot public interest, be put in deceut language
snd accompanied with the names ot tbe
writers, not for publication, but as a guur
antee of good taitli.
Letter From Plnmcr.
Flumkr, Nov. 13. 1873.
Ed. Recohd: TtieCnural Uoion or this
place gave a musical entertainment in tbe
United Presbyterian church l,st evening,
wbicb, considerering the unpleasant weath
er and bad roads, was a decided success.
Tbe time or tue concert was decided
upon anil anuouoced some two weeks since,
when '-the sna ibone, and tbe skies were
blue". But alas! fur the calculations ul
him who pljces bis dependunce upon "Old
Probabilities!" Four days previous to toe
appointed evenitic, the rain ami snow he
gnu to pell down alternately and our good
roads to disappear. Thus who were inter
esled in tbe success of tbe concert, predicted
a certain failure. But tbe "bins were post
ed," tbe tickets war circulated, and there
was no sucb word as tail. So despite tbe
rain, mud, and dark ess, seven o'clock last
evening found the class assembled, but el
most despairing of an audience. However
lbs citiZ-ms ol tbe placo came out in good
numbers, thus greatly eucauragiug tbe cl s
aad showing a general appreciation of thai,
endeavors to provide a pleasant eveniug
entertainment, and Iroin Petroleum Centre
tbey came, tbaaks to tbe Rkcokd.
Tbe programme consisted uf Choruses,
Anthems, Quartettes, Duetts, Solos, etc.;
Mrs. M. Brandon, olrrut(lio, was organist
and fully sustained tbe bappy reputation
she bas already gained in musical circles.
The mutio by tbe 0 ass was well rendered
showing oareiul drilling and marked tin
provetneut. The pieces uieetlug most
general favor were tbe Anthem "Awake!
put on thy strength," and tbe Chant "
with me."
Miss Bonner sang "I'd like to change my
name" eliciting hearty applause.
Mrs. William McCray, Mrs. Brandon,
Prof. Boynton and Mr. Wadded sang "The
dearest spot ou Earth"- a sweet son oi
home was Ibis, well sang. A charming lit
lie song "Over There," was sung by Misses
Tiliie and Annie Sbreve, Rev. Uobertsou
and Mr Robert Shieve. Mr. Jobu Wadded
sang "A trip to Niagara Falls," which was
received with applause and geueral laugh
ter, j
Mr. C. Boyes taug "Rocked in the cradle
of tbe Deep," in excellent style.
Prof. Boyuton, assisted by Mrs. McCray-
Miss Bonner, and Mr. Boyce sang tbe comi
cal song "Tue tiiugin' Skewl."
By n quest tbe Shreve brothers and Bisters
oC Miller Farm, assisted by others, sang
'Nearer Home," which met with so much
favor at a prevluus coucert.
Although tbe weather was so very aula-
vorable and the roads almost impassable.
the class have no excuse tor complaint
either with regard to tbe members of the
audience,or tbe amuiint realized financially..
It is the intention, however, to repeat tbe
Concert as soon as tbe roads become good,
when we bespeak lor tue class a good audi
ence wbicb tbe it eflorts and success richly
Tbe programme of tbe concert In con'.eru
plation,wbile rouaisiiug substantially of the
same performances, will have so tnaoy new
and good ones added to it, that it will in
reality he a net programme. It is also
proposed to bring Ibe little folks forward
more prominently.
The Cuorsl Union is striving bard to ,.t
tain to true excellence in singing. Tbe
efforts of tbe class and its aole coniluc or
Ceraiuly deserves success. We hope ail
friends and lovert ol muslo win encourage
tbem by their presence and aid.
filmier lit in.
Tbe nniveisai dullness perin'eailni; evrj
where bns not pabi:d Tiuuier by wilueiii
leav lug some impress ty which l should be
knovtu and recogn iicd by posterity, to wit:
All the boys in town gathered together ail
the loose cow bells, tin pans, demoralized
shot guns and sich like, bent on giving a
newly married couple a sereuude, none of
your new (angled sentimental arftirs, but a
regular o il lasnlooed, humphnticaie t eh r
ereeu. After lis'.eniug to Ih.i melodious
conioioaiion uutu tuny satnueu, me grum t
Ontiie forth and addressed the buys ns I'1.'
lows: "I am gruitly bouured by thin vm
notary te6tiuiouial teudered mc
this evening, and shall always have a warm
spot in my heart lor tbe donors. Cheers
It '.a customary to oiler something uiurn
sn lotantiul than a mere speech, but owing
to the unparalleled etrmgeocy of monetary
u flairs, I am compelled to stand you off I r
thntreooga!:ng my reOinl bym;nui ex-pvlieno-."
A.resldtuVof this classical Village, 03td
ot bis wisdom and tagocity, displayed bis
sags proclivities to remarkable tfegvfs)
when he purchased a whole barrel oMjlMld
oil to be used In painting bis bouts.
We are feliiibly Informed ttiut os Vi8tr,, sVUeghMyWley Railroad met with a
will be still lurther aided in the wloiamls)
depopulation prevailing for sonietins back
by the removal of Mr. 11. Cuiberlpon to OA
City, where be b is pussissed iiimseil oMhe
Que residence of Dr. Bil iwiolora cousid
era'ioo of $i,000 cash. And tuus it is
One by oue they gu and eie long vro will
have a praotieal iliuslratioo of import
Olthe phrase D utttttl Village.
Notwithstanding the unpropitions coall
lion ol the weather a fair audience nsseni
bied to again witness the performance nttee
P umer Chorul L'uioo. The programme
was as follows: Grand Chorus Tn Lord
is lit U s boly Pluce. 2ud A Trip to Ni
agara Falis by John Waiidell, 3rd. Quar
tette Over There. 4Ui llow ho y is tb.s
pluce. 6tu Chaut Annie wtib me. This
concluded Hie first part ot the pertormunc -The
seeund part wag, Wilh lh cxcopiion
of a Quatlel'.e 1 he Siu::iu- fcciou! uier ly
a repetition of the ptograntue rendered it
the first Public Coucert last wioier. To
sty ibe least of it, last nights meeting ws
not a success, which is the verdtct of a de
frauded audience. It is is all well enough
lor the conductor and coatljiitimis to iu;
dulge laudatory remarks and inud:in sen
timeut but tuat does not excuse the mana
gers lor pa ming t il' an uid .ffi reut uml
secuDdliand performance. Of course we
do nut inC'UOV in tnese even tbotuh j:i-l re
marks Ibe strangers who kiml y sksisihiI in
tue rendition ot tue program u Nentiei
did we expect a classical perfjrmince re
quiring tue talent of a Prima Donna; but
e did expect an improvement upon tbe
first perlormauce which was fur superior to
tuat of last evening.
T imuil.Eit.
State Ahvs.
Mrs L. L, ritmtou mjiner ot Ibe lale
Hon. Edwin M. Slaiuoo, died at the resi
dence ot her daughter, ut Neiv Brightou
last Wednesday.
A nutnuer of yaing women were arrested
m New CaSile recently, for . iiiiDjc m n
Conduct iu cuurch, Uurtng religius service
and were each liued oue dollar and tho
As a deroior rjort II. C. D rc.a gunner
of Altooua, shot twentylive squirrels u.e
otner day, aud caiuu uoat sUooiio more
but thedern things woru a little too shy lor
At -x.ienonc-il 0pitilst hs inilea thot
the large sum of a mil a ui llion dol.ars lias
b. cu urawu from ihe Erie batiks hy ilepe-
ilors sincere panic aim the amount hoiril
ed It speaks well for the :i n.uimal stand,
lug ol the nanks that they are Ujiu iu--iness
as usual, spite oi' the il.uiit up.o
Tbe buckwheat crop iD pinoru Petmsvl
vuuia was never more productive i.'mii m i
just horvesied. It was not n j by the
bot.snns ol Auguet or the emly ol the
latter part of Sep teuitter. '
Mm. lUi iti i li - MiuVJi tse
Week Ago s-li Two
Husband, auil.Vow j iic ll.t
Wh have referred in our cnlutnea to the
r' turn of a m in earned Deitncb whu was
Biipposed to be dead. 11 lelt his wife iu
ibis city about a year ago aa l she after
wards m imed again a tiiau named Lew
Smith. Deitnch returned to Tiiuiville
about two weeks ago and Claimed bis wile
and she desired to leave bet eecoud bnsoaud
ane go wit', ibe first. An agreement was
made between tbe woman and Smith, where
by tbey would never molest euo i otner. Iu
me meantime, Deitnch lelt for down the
creek, ostensibly lo look for work, promis
ing to return home the same evening or tel
egraph This was several days ago, end
the worn iu bas nut beard from him. l'es
terday b took a Hip tor tbe purpose oi
lookiui Una op. Th secou.l hushuuij
being rele.s-d, and now knowing she bi.8
iiiishaiid liviu does noi cm s der hi-r h.
wile, legally, anil relusos to live with, her
Thus the woman who uad two living hus
bands two weeks auo, uow has none, or at
b ust but one, and ie has deserted tier u
second time. Mrs. Denrcin isuluinsl leurt
broken over her truiHiles, tieiug lelt with
two small cnildreu by her first tiiishand.
Tnusvilie Courier.
Tbe best suuaiiiuiH fur ciiaucl t cheek.
A thor i iu '-he ion busu is worts two In
the hand.
The rogue-s comiu ,uduiul Thou snail
not squeal. a
A well iliessed
wears a Callar and
pants in the summer.
The firsl stirring event of Ibd day is said
to be sweetening one's colleo.
A Tidtoute youn lady is Uenuhteil with
the new style , f R ilinguie. ,ttyli ,
pockets ate so bandy to ctrry sausaijes in.
Martin. Brett, apsnjr oonduator en
terrrbts aootieat at Beynoldsville to-day.
He wis conpliottrte locomotiva to the train
when Lb wad tbrowa tjufler Mi wheeU of
the loMmollvf, Wle1i rollei over both legt,
aifnMhl ntnpetely Bering oem, earning
his death
Conductor Brett was well known among
the employees ot lha X)il Creek
road, he having lormerly ton on tbe Cross
Cut road iu the cipaeity of conductor. His
sudden d ith In deeply deplored by a largo
cucle of fr.euds snd acquaintances.
II. H. Warner has j.istieceived 400 bush
els of the r.lcsi Pesch Blow Potatoes, just
direct from his farm in Ohio. They ate by
f.,r the nicest lot of potatoes evsr brought
on O.I Creek. H.i is selling tbem at $1
pur bushel, Che. per than tbey cau be bo't
elrewlete in town. And what Is there
nicer thuu a dish of boiled potatoes with the
ii.keis on, just such as Warner sells. If
you d n't oelievn It fuy lot ana iry loeui
The uew well of ibeCo umhia boys, on
the !enroo farm, Is yielding a good ten
barrels per day.
Takincr into consideration the
dullness of the times and the
low price of oU, not speaking
of the scarcity of money,
have concluded to reduce the
price of delivered
at the wells to $ 1,00 per bar
rel. My motto is live and let
live, l'ay me a call before
oiutj elsewhere and I will
satisfy you as to quality and
price of Benzine. Old staud
Uaihoad track on Fourth
Pettolentn Centre, Oct 23, 1873.
Suprtiiio t'onrt((The Bull
Oil King" Agniii.
Fro.ii a I'lilsi'urgb psperof yesterday we
tilte ihe l .llowing extract from tbe proceed
mgs nl the Supreme Court of Wednesday:
McClotkau vs. Byeis A Co., error lo tbe
Cu i ni-iu Pjea-t Court of Allegheny county
Th s cae was ar'Md by John Barton, Kq ,
.t the adjournment of court, but will tie
I . ie'i u; ugiin this aio this morning. P.
T. Waiann, George Sbiras, Hobert Woods
e.rxi Jo'ut llatnploo are delendant's counsel
I'h pariij.ilars of tbe fight over tbe affairs
"f 'he Bull Oil n.iig of I860 are still fresh in
the i:rn. of our read'is. The amount in
rn vc l is fully 8200,000. This is Ibe case
i! McClurliii), piainiiff la error, to the
t'ouit of Common Pleas, vs Byeri Co. In
the latter court lbs trial lasted two weeks
und no less than tweaty-five assignments ol
error tnv been died la the Supreme Court
to ihe rulings of the oourt below. The
names appearing as delendants lo error are
ihe well Known oil firms of Dyers t Co
ami Lockhart & I tew. Tbe particular
points la controversy relate to Ihe dispos
tion of four $50,000 notes given to Dr IIos
tetter, one of the Pittsburgh Oil Company
The dalemlaots claim that Hosteller filled
up and used toes notes without authority
and that after his return to Philadelphia,
whitber be bad goue to negotiate said notes
he promised to return them for cancellation,
but did not do so, and that Mr. McClurkau
took the notes with notice,
On the other hand, Hosteller alleges that
he held these notes lor hit own protection,
and as bis co partners failed to lift their
portion of'tbe individual notes Issued by
bim In Philadelphia, be bad a right, both
in law and to equity, to have these origins
nois aiscounted to put him in funds to lift
a is own notes so substituted lor tbem,
The country will be pained to know that
tbe TiuisvilleOitizsns' Corps will not con
nact itself with tbe Twentieth Division,
sute militia.
bssn't bad a fire lor seven
Sheriff Marks advertises a large parcel of
real estate for sale.
Rattazzi's posthumous manuscriots are re
ported to have been bought by tbe Italian
government in order to withhold them from
Theodore Honk oooe said lo a man at
w loss table a publisher, got very tipsy,
"you appear to have emptied y mr oalier.
into your bookseller."
The pipe Una from Raymlitoa to Grecse
City u about completsd. ;
t This Is tbe near, et srnroach ,71
- i
The Creek Isu.l-d wim fl ,.,,, ic.
A good many ot out eitii-nsare r,J
u apparatuses lor burn ne hi..h.
Miss Marv Unwind will run on it.. .
mnnopo.y nonet ol Sangamon cunm.
lor superintendent of sohnols '
The Lowell Courier remarks Ih.i J
Oan consider his literary reputation
nowadays until be bas writte i a c imio
A lady In Trey o .tries a aandiiit
when sue riaes In tue . Dorse cars, f eral
fooling tbe gentlemen aud getting J
every time.
t liret llat ie s n me is coi ncted lt!
fortcomlng ten thousand dollar serial
(or Scrlbner's. j
Bishop Gross tbe C atlmlic bishop in
enn.b, bas been dangerously ill, but is
getting better r
, IP
Tbe wbipping-poel iu i'.ris. K).,
nseu rece ntiy, a negro lecvtving tw
five lashes lor vagrauc.
The King Slam wi I s'luri y lay a-Me
to 3
Orown and enter the priest :oid: but
for a furtuigbt.
A fljiiriabtug business--uanshlp.
-ornamentil pB'
UiitMolutiUn Notice.
The partnership heretofore existinc
bn ii
twern tue utiilersigue.l carrying on bun
at Petroleum Centre, Pa., as Uelinnol
Irolenm under the name style ai d Cu
Fairfield, 1'jestou & Co., has thuds;
dissolved by mutual ovnsenl.
T I). Kaiufikld.
retroleum Centre. Oct ;20, im
novl33w '
Aincricaii Institute.
Ft sic
Mmtaw & Flntii Mac!
"It It ingrMiinn nnd will meet the wanttof enj
mntrou tn uie lunu"'
Exhibition of 1S72
John E Gavlt, llec Secy V. Itvniri
ttoiut'l 1). l ill-nitn. t.'orn-iiwiitl.ii' Sry
New Vrk, N-rmiT4i,
This nlinplcnndlnctmHtiw M.ichin li n n
as the bewiuic Ma hiii'' iid1 in bfciairc
ttlAr with ladies, in the p hch of t-xiteiit-ivt- Net
work, W wnrk btinp much nuirf I'oinl-onii.rt'
lug It-fH time Htid imt otic tenth .oit 'he Mp-i
N.i Inclv'o tuilH in tmw rviunl't wi'inm ii
Msch'ue with illu tract"! cT'-uiitr Hmi fi'H 'ti1
tiniiM nt on rt'oeipt til' t'2. tr ltii' In
plate fur f
AddMait.'IIteMfKfH iMa'Mif. Co,,
Hnvdway, t'W Vi
McKinley & Grc:
Eftbert rami, SWroJiW
Ceiitn, Va.
Boiler Impairing a Spec'iaUJ
We . runt nil work hV ul
he i.earlv orif,il n new when renalreiii
Good rraterial furnished und prices tuff
Having bad Inne experirree In tli
n&.. arm l.l..r1 (n .ivu ... I. ?t" Win.
futrolcutn C'euiro, I'a., oun. 2. t'
w. a,. , I
is nnri m on i.nn i,.i .t sFCOSD-llAl
TUBING, at In m 25 tn35 els pe '
TbcTubinisiu first class order ''
ready fined .,,.,,f
April 23. . II. H WARM"
Coiiminip'loll lm Its oiidn in n si-nf"'1?
snd corrnpi Hire ol ih hioi.a. I.enee Hie in
treiitu k limis disease will. I'.u-h y"l'. ''.' J
c, Ao. to (lire, or.nllui il ion we I'" ' X
eerldi the Wo d, and when the Won't is pin"
siunpiiim cannot exit. lir MrCainn"
Uluod -.eareher peneliatee the senei ai"11""'!
dreid.llieac nl exlermiiiil es it r""' 'n,. 4,
Try ono si..ule nnekau" bv return in-l" "
f I tW) and you lla s feel thanki"1 '"'.',,,
iledicilieC'e , Jtos iWI), List ol pel sens
eul free. 2
V.. F. KOI STtRi M
XXX White Wb't H, ."" I VmI, t,I
toiler Mlalitrl