eu n .tiiilre Daily KeC-:fi Pot. Ventre, a., Tbnrecliiy Oet. l UlTlne service. MRTHODlST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sabbatb at 1 1 A. M. ami i P. M. Sabbath School at 2 P. M. eat free. A oordiul invitation extend 4 to all. Rev. T. Graham, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M and 7 o'clock P. M., by the Pastor, W. C. Bnncn ARB. Sabbalo Sobool at 12'4, directly after loreDood service. Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School Teacher's Meellog Tuesday evenings ol each week. Petroleum Centre Lodge, Wo. T1S, I. O. of U. F. . Regular meeting nights Friday, at 7 ' o'clock. Signed. S H. KOOKER, N. O. J. C E. HaRTMak, A Sec'y. B9PUo of meeting, Main St., opposite XcCliotock House. A. O. of U. W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W., meets every Monday evening at 7) o'clock, I n Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre, Peno'a. Junta Wilsox, 11. W. Jambs S. Wnirc, K. I. O. of H. 111. Minnekauoee Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday evening in Good Templar's Hall. f3 Council fires lighted at 7 o'clock. U. HOWE, Sicbem. C. L. JUKES, Cbiel ol Records. Gold at 1 p. in. 1083 Por.rnR. Oeorira Harktna. a resident fit the Sk loser Farm, paid Petroleum Centre a visit day before yesterday, and got on little jamboree with bold Jobo Barley coro. Jobo got the start of bltu somewhat and finally they concluded to take a short tide. The nest thing to do was to secure a female woman to accompany them, who was found In the person of Mrs. Jobo Graham, re fined and Intellectual My ol color. The ride was taken and on the return home the gentle Graham Invited the gay cavailer lu t her bumble cottage on the banks of peaceful Oil Creek. George could not witbalaod the temptation and finally succumbed to the blandishments of the colored Deidemona, nd entered the vine olad cot. Once inside John Barleycorn was freely interviewed by both, aod then the fun tommenoed and grew fast and lirlous, aod by the time Constable Burgess arrived a jolly row was io progress between the two. "Tbe colored troops fought nobly," however, and demoralized the white warrior to tout extent that Le fell an easy prey to tbe CoiiBtable aod was taken to tbe lock up, aod subsequently fined by Jusloie Reynolds. Thus ended a speok ol war between tbe whites, blacks and John Barleycorn. $ "Tblrty-eigbt cents!" echoed a woman yesterday, when ber grocer charted her tbat sum for a pound of butter. "Yes 'um" H replied, with a bUnd smile. "You see tb . grocers eso'l oarry much ol a reserve, and we can't turn out our collaterals at a aacrl Dee. If tbe Government calls In lbs bonds due io 1874, aod the imports ol bullion tend to ease tbe money market a little, butler must find Its level with everything else. Butter is very panicky just now, but I tbiuU the worst is over.' She paid tbe money without further csraplaiot. Tbe little folks oo awaklog these morn lags begin at once Io thiok of Christmas but we presume most of tbe older ones think of their ooal bills. Travel ever the Oil Creek Road bas been light for tbe past day or two. Lou. Voucher reopened bis billiard room again Ibis morning. The room Is fixed uii In elegaot sbape, and presents neat aod tasty appearanoe. Call io aod play a game Of Dllllerds. Tbe roads ol Butler are getting impaasa me since the late rains. Tbn.bas tenden. cy to discourage drilling. a nrm lu uil City advertises refined oil at ten cents a gallon. This begins to look as irreoned oil was coming down Io a level with crude. Gov. Harlranlt bas desigualed Tbursdsy, xiovemoer oin, Between the hours of 10 a, m. aod 8 p. m., the time for tbe execution of Nelson E. Wade, tbe murderer of John od Isabella McBride, oear Wllliamsport, en toe zza or July last. book well to your flues nowa days. We bave been remarkably lucky in regard to fires, but now tbat tbe sold weather bas set In, a little caution may save a great deal of properly. Now is tbe time to bsuk up your bouses anu make other preparations for Ibe advent ei winter. I We fl ml I ii e following oil uews lu tbe Butler lleruld: Tbe Daily Ttiitd Smd brings us i lie in ti'lligrnce that there is udt t well on. the Mo Clelland farm, near Modoc,., producing over 100 barrels. If this is tbe case, and we do not doubt it. what is Io nuke up tor this decrease in production T We all know" that there is not one new well going dowin now to twenty lour months ago, and it cannot be possible that under such circumstances Ibe production oan be enytlilDg like what it was some two months ago, even.if we admit, which we do not, that It tben reached 28,000 barrels dally. The iimi piper says, that tbe id cond crop of wells promise to be de cidedly bad for the Investors." Well then why should oil be kept down at such a low figure? Speculators wish to get their tanks full aod then tbe cry will be bend, "great falling off in the production!" Angel A Co., obtained a goad well Dear tbeoldShreve well at Millerslown, last week. It is said to have produced at first about 600 barrels. Wbat its ptoduotioo now Is we cannot say. Ei-Sberiff Scott's well, oo tbe Michael Barnbart farm on tbe road from Millerstown to Btieoa Vista, which was said to be dry, Is now producing about 400 barrels dally. Tbe "band Pump" says that Rhodes and Scott struck a 300 barrel well 'on tbe Stew art 'arm, and that tbe Iron tanks being erected by Bradley fc Co., aod Futzer aod Myers, oo tbe same farm are progressing rapidly. Tbe "Sand Pump" also gives an iaccouot of tbe price of lots la Millersiowo at the time that town was laid off by Philip Barnbart, ranging from $100 Io $18,00. But this is nothing. We remember well when that whole section could have been bought for $3,00 per acre! In Ibis section ws bave nothing new In report. Tbe wells being put down are making fair "progress, but wbetber with fair indications or njt, we cannot say. Tbe low pnoe of oil has, for the lime being at least, retaided development very much and this Is in all probability well euougb, foi speculators may find in another mouth tbat there is not so muob oil produced as tbey have Induced community to believe there as. A number of bouses are betog taken dowo at Greece City aod removed to Modoo end Buena Vista. We are not so certain but by next spring tbey will be moved back again. Greeos City has a steady supply ol oil which, while it io disregarded now by "last operators," may by and by be more profitable than otherwise. We will see. Hotel keepers In some placa In this oouDty, It is said, ask their guests if they will bave their rooms "furnished" or "un furnished." II furnished tbe charge is ball a dollar extra. The furniture coosists of a bottle with something in It and a class. If tbe guests will persist In swallowing the hotel furniture, bow oan tbe landlord help it T Tbe woods and bills around bere present a floe appearance clothed lu their garments of meant and gold. "Peters' Musical Monthly," No. 75, for November, is to band, aod contains its usu 1 amount of tne 3 og, Choruses, aod In strument!! Piano Music This work is printed from full size mnsia plates, and gives every mon'.b several songs, duets, ohoruses, and piano pieces, to the amount of at least $4; and yet all the Publisher asks is the modest sum o!30 ceols per copy Those food of musio can save raooey by sending SO oents for tbe November number. Address, J. L. Peters 500 Broadway, New York. Give a sigh for tbe fate or Miss Johanna Maygnossen, of Chicago, who walked Ibree miles before daylight for tbe purpose of banging berself to a post to tbe back yard of ber faithless lover. Miss Catharine Gales, ol Cornwall, Eog (aod, was married In Tuolumme county, Cel., oo tbe 2Stb'ult, to ber lover whom she bad not seen In eight years and whom she bad traveled seven thousand miles to meet. A runaway bridal pair at Springfield, III. partook ol tbeir wedd log feast, composed ol smoked herring, crackers and cheese spread out on tbe bead of a barrel. No cards. Io tbe United States District Court at Pittsburgh oo Tuesday. C. C. Thompson, Esq., ol Tidioute aod Jobo MsKiesiet, of Franklin, were adtsitud to praotiee in said Court. Mr. Thompson was also admitted to practice In lbs Supreme Court oo tbe same day. I'ktroi.kl'u Road. Tbe Erie Gazette' of week says: "At Monday evening's Council meeting, the City Solicitor report ed tbat the Petroleum Railroad, by noo compliance with conditions, bad forfeited tbe prlveleges granted it by tbe city, where upon the cutting made through Liberty street fur that road was voted a nuisance." Tomorrow night is Hollow E'eo. TOOK MODES' Taking into consideration the dullness of the times and the low price of oil, not speaking of tbe scarcity of money, I have concluded to reduce the price of IIEM1XE delivered at the wells to $ 1,00 per l)iir rel. My motto is live and let live. Pay me a call before going elsewhere and I will satisfy you as to quality and nriee of Benzine. Old stand A Railroad track on Fourth Street. V. A. IAVMU. Petroleum Centre, Oct. 23. 1873. The Ogden Junction, a Utab newspaper, says: "A pocket diary, picked up in tne street of a neighboring city, would seem to Indicate, from the following ohoio" extmcis that tbe owner was a medic il man: 'Kane 230. Mary An Perkins. Bisnes wash wo man. Sickness in ber bed. F.eik, sum blue pills; a sonpcrSc; age, 62. Ped me one dollar, 1 kuarler bogus. Mind gel good kuater and mult ber tali mo flails. Kase 231. Tummes brinks. Bisoes, Nirisbman. Lives with Paddy Molouoy what keep a dray. Sikness, digg in ribs and tow blak eyes. Fisik to drink my mixter twict a day of sasiperily here and jillop, and fish ile with asifetity to make It teste Balky. Eubed bis face with kart grece liniment, aged 39 years ol age. Driukod the mixter sod wuddot pay me befcasa It lasted 009:7, but the mixter'ill work bis innards, I reckoc. Rase 232. Old JAVaes Boggs. .'n't got r.o bisnes, but plenty ol mono;. Sikaesa an a humbug. Gav her some ol my coiirated Dipne3orlkon," which she sed drank like cold tee wicb it was too. Must p tit sum tbink io It to oiak ber feel sick and bad. Tbe Old V.'omnen bas got the roks. ' " A clear case of clerical starvation has transpired io Chicago, tin victim bein an Episcopal mlnifter oa tbe West side. On a receut Sunday be went Ibroogb the mom. ing service so usual, though it was noticed by many cl tbe congregation that be lacked his usual lervoraud earuesioess. When it grew near tbe time lor the trading of the sermon it was apparent that the revtirend gentlemen was aiiflerioii from a c uito ' uu uuowa to the congregation. Tbe text ol tbe bomily was read, aod at this j .ucmre tbe minister broke down, flu anuounc i.l tne CHU38 ol bis doing so. He bad nut beuu to market tbe day beiore, lor ibt ennple reason tbat be bad bad so money 10 go there with, and tbe must uuleeliiig ol siu ners will admit that, even for a tnau win 8.' calling is supposed to Gt bim lor trials mid sell-abnegation, atrip to au oviifluwinn market can be anything but pleasant 10 a man wilb empty pockets. At diouvr tbe previous day be bad sat down Io a meal of bread butter aud tea. Via breakfast that morning bad proved barely so luxurious. Wbether,alter tbe morulSg service was over aud be returned homo, there would by any dinner awaiting bia be did not koow. It was a clear case ol cleris starvation. Tbs minister closed his book and tbe congrega tion rose in their scats aDd departed, aer njonleas,it having been shown plain to them tbat tbeir pastor could not supply them spiritual food, wbeo tbey had so shamefully negieutea to give Dim Ibe wherewithal to obtain pbysiclal substeuance. A liiuuer and a Kiss. "I bave brought your dinner, father" Tbe blacksmith's daughter said. As she took from ber arm tbe dinner pail Aod lifted its shining lid. "There is not any pie or pudding, So I will give you this," Aod upon bis toilworn forehead She lell Ibe childish kiss. Tbe blacksmith look off bis aproo And dined in happy mood, Woudering much at the savor Hid In bis bumble food: While all about bim was visions Full of prophetic bliss, But be never thought of magic lo bis little daughters kiss. While she wilb ber tin pail swinglag, Merrily trudged awoy, Stopping at tight of a squirrel Catohing soma wild birds lay. And I thought bow many a shadow Of life and fate we would miss, If always our frugal dinners Were seasoned with ajkiss. une nunared and twoly-five Iboimad aoiiars in specie were shipped frcrn Liver pool for New York Tuesday, SOTUS til-' TIIU King Jotnis of Saxony, is delunct. Outstanding U'K"! tenders, $360,288,888. Boston wotkingnen are going to "re cetve " Joseph Aicb. A barftl i( flour was sold In Cairo for $74, nod the mouey sent to Memphis. E levenjjel'ow freer deaths in ..Memphis yesterday. No new casts. A $100,000 (lr occurred in San Francisco oo Tuesday evenluir. Emphatic deniol is given In tbe dslory of tlie e uil'Htrufmii tt ot Hoyt, bptage 1,0., ol'New Yurk. There is MioOn'i llnnncta! panic in Vien na, fir railet ii is (tie souie old paaio strung out a Utile. don disualcb sts lbre Is a dense 1? ,!lt' "J- SiiiKUtar- (or Lool-tt Tue tm.l of U'Meizoi k, Charged with the killiiii of W. S. Giucs, near West Chester, was liej'io yesterday. It is now staled that tbe light betweeu Allen and lliigao will toko place, to-dr.y. It is reported that the Carlists have fired on a Br iiisli war vessel, killid one of tbe crew. A very Carlos trick. General Von Buren, ol Viena notoriety, is at Washington, uyi n g to vindicate him elf. Jacob Mecbala, convicted of murdering United Slates D'pn'y Marshall Stevenson, in Jersey City, will this vela o! tears December 5lh. Governor Dix will give C3003, of Ibe po ples cettilled checks, to know v.'bo tarred and feathered Kelsry, and aiienrards uood bim tov a fisb-trap at Hunticgtcn, Long Island. John T. Irving, who Insisted that be helped settle Natbao'a earthly aalrs In New Vurk, two years ao, will be tried for, burg lary. That .Memphis bale of cotton will be again sold io New York for tbe beoeC t o' the yellow fever sufferers. St. Louis has relieved Uempblj to tbe extent ol C3,510, beside lots ol tU clothes vnicn me ioiks mere couiao i wear ary iu jio. Another oolton bale hss been started on its travels for tbe benefit of Memphis. The coinsel In the Stokts case bave got through blowing, tbe Judige has charged tbe jury, and tbe jury bave gone cut to disa gree. A man was dangerously shot laot night iuja low Pillsburgb dive, No. 77 Third avenue, known as the "Sailor's Home." Proceedings have bean begun to throw into bankruptcy the, firm of Dodne Co , coris'iic'iniis In tbe lumber combination. wl'iuli broke d jwn last summer, with paper on too market said to amount of $IC,001),- 0 it). C nleton, tbe missing Secretary of the Uumn Trust Company, is oo bis way to Europe. 1 1 ibe meantime tbe Ccmpsnv irutit his umun.with them is permanently diKOlved. Olll MOTIIEH3, who were the bestead tidiest housewives in the world excepting our grandmot bers i took especial pride ini tbo possession of rows ol tinware tbat glistened like a polish ed mirror. Every article about tbeir bouse susceptible of polish, iocludiog Ibe brass koocker, was regularly brightened up until it fairly glistened. With their primalive materials such as Batb brick, emery, rottoo stooe, elc, II was a serious labor, albeit one ot love. Nowadays, however, lb'-ir daughters use Sspolio, and In one hour can polish mors articles and do It better than tbey could lo a whole day. If you wish to exceryour mothers io tbe brigb doss of your kitchen ware, use Bapolto. JiO-lw Among the members of the Wvomino' Lemslar-ivfi r Blackjack Bill," "Prairie Joe," Slim Sam fchaw," and " Grizzly tiraham.' I he Speaker vill al so have to recognize the gentle men from "HenfootClaim and the gentlemen from " Buffalo horned Corners " The gravel train has been taken off Ibe river division or tbe O. C. k A. B.Ry. and the bands discharged. Tbe road baa been graveled to such so exient, that It is oe solid as skill and gravel can make it. Old Probabilities crowded tbe season a little yesterday, G. F. KOKSTEIi,- Flour & IVi'd Merchant, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. PUICE ut. XXX Whit WlTt Fl, 9,00 1 Meal, aifio J-'hopi MO I W boat Bran , 1 .80 Oat, 50. seplStl. CANtASHINU BOOKS vltKB IOR " Prof. FUWLtR'S GEEAT UK Oo Manhood, Womanhood and iMr Mm Inter-relations; Love, lis Laws, pu. Agents are selling from 15 io 25 coolw ' day, and we send a convassio book i. ' In mHV hnnlr n.rnf A .1.1...-. mS rfence, elc. NATIONAL PUBLlSUlNo CO , Philadelphia, Pa ; ulm M.K.N.T.S MOOR 3 NEW. YOKKER, tbe Great Illustrated Aiirlciilii,, rai and Family Weekly. la tbe STANDadh AUTHORITY upon Practical Suljecis,, a IIiuh-Toned Literary Journal. Only $2.60 a year less io clubs. Great l'renij urns or Casb Cnnimisslnnn to Agents. To it leeri Numbers (Oet In Jan.) On trial ONLY FIFTY CENTS! Premium L,r Ao., sent to ail Trial giitiscrilern ' Address C. . T. f'OOHE, New York City. MTUl rm?f Nw "adv for BIBLG. Py Daniel March, D D., smhr ot "NiRhl Scenes in the Bible" and "Our Fathers I.ouro," ol which nearly Wo.Wio copies of eaeh vere sold. Send i.r Circn lar. ;;inGLL'i: t M-CURDY, 018 Arch Si, Philadelphia. Pa. ?Ol,V:Z I'.YSTEKIES soivrnj disin, acd escapes vividly portrayed. See fKO. ZEN rON.: end Its EXPLORERS, a splendid 03lavo ol 800 p,ir-es,inost profiiMlr illut.oled cltb elegant fieri and wood en j TmcVi'labi. Z,k' Z Aitenti Wanted. Send ior terms and nin; pie pages o Mutual Publishioit Co., llart ford, Conn. Wtj'''Rocer's!!aiiial"? A successful agent says: "Unlike all oilur booljs, it his a claim on woman s attention Aiiotite-ls-ijcaiw canvais pays!'' $70.(10 '.0 C2J yier's was mode by a single aged, For terms aod territory apply to J. B. "SCV.D & CO., New Vork. Toulon, Chicago, cr Lea vrancifvO. The cheapest aod test to market. Wir ranted truely salt-arljustisg. Special it ducmonts to V.'asblog Machine Aueois ami tbe Couutry Trade. Liberal terms. Aueni wanted. Send for circular. AMERICAN MACHINE CO.. tiano'actnreMj and Pat. enters, office,' i30 Walout St., Philadelphia, ra. t JLl-llal iJ CJ t A Kl'N I'll NtiVSToiiiae by I'LL'MH A'l'WOOl), pr. HI UN. Ill M- the Iba lanjcst ll"!i. Vm be i:d on auy cuai uil lamp Vcr e:'.!e by all iamide tiers COUO Al l. TllH YEAH i::.r."st. be Neutral Sulphite of Lime, as pivpared by 1511.LINGS, CLAP?- CO., Bin'es, rormerl-' J. K. Nici'ul & Uo .keeps CIDER iSWEIU' AL'.j TIIE YEAlt AKUl'ND rjA.M v..-. i.. i.... in A W, A V ...-.-.. Vt, I. I l-'V-. 45TAMMKKWII.- UK. WHITES SU. S. STAMMEllING INS'1'11 Ul iv, 417 Fourth avenue, N. Y. Best releranci'". 'Jo pay until cured Eei:d f ir circul-r. 500 A&NB anted fur our p'ulir EfJfS and reliiiiuiii and bislorioal CHARTS Splend d tnont mailt t Lat"H Salee! Large profii.I Ail dress HAA&1S A LUSP.ECHT.Itnipire Mp and Chart Eatabliouiuenl, lu; Liberty St., New York. llfrlj''r M KN, Oil Is- rnl Hej4 WUMXiJNcrt !o oeJI our (-rmch a Ainerluan J-a.ry. Kuok rinee, e...ln tUtiriiwa locHiltlee. No uiplU'.l iiei"lil. Catfllofua. 'iwios. Ac., seat ruse. PoVlCliUKY ;., Aguntti Me JS i.v rr perdit t Agants wanted! All a3. IW nir-J cIskhu of wurktu Maiile ut either sax, y itmk or old nwke miira nmnejr si wnrk or ua !ii ?l.;lrapiirii ran nenta nr ad the lira than at anyikir.u iiiae. I'arilculnra free. Ailarias 0. S I'INbUN 4 a ., Ponlnnd, Maine McKinley & Gross, Mac)h!l!2iists, Blacksmiths, AND Egbert farm, Centre, Petroleum 1M. Boiler Repairing a Speciality- REFINERY STILLS REPAIRED 3T We wairnnt all work done by us to he nearly as gond-aa new when repaired. Good traterial furoished and prices reason able. Having bad lona experience In tbe com noes we arc ennblnd to elve satlsfacMon. H jiihkhii Mckinley, hkham ia crow t'elrnleuru Ceuire, fa., .'an. . H $25 Money Made Fast. 81,000 u.. .11 ....A u.111 u.nPv r.,-112 Ifnnnn WlitlllfT Bv all vlio will work for os. Xf upon writing v A, nnt ni1 na all tnuilra. w will lilve you on lar for your trouble, tjend i-tamp for oircalu" m O. U BUCKLEY & CO., Tekonslia, ilKli-