The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 24, 1873, Image 2

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    Fetro'eun Centre Daily Record.
Pal. Centre, fa., l'ridar Oel. 24
Divine Service.
Berried every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
t P. H. Sabbath School at i P. M.
eats free. A oordlal Invitation ex lead
ed to all.
Kiv. T. Graham, Paitor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7
o'clock P. M., by the Paitor, V. C. Bnnr.ii
aro. Sabbath So boo I at 12, directly
after foreooon servioe.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School
Teacber'i Meeting Tuesday evenings ol
eacb week.
Petroleum Centre Lodge, No.
T18, I. O. of O. F.
Regular meeting Digbls Friday, at 7
o'clock. Signed.
8 n. KOOKER, N. G.
J. C. E. Habtmax, A Sec'y.
gPlace of meeting, Main St., opposite
MoCllntock House.
A. O. of V. W.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
aaeets every Monday evening at 7 o'clock,
In Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre,
Jamkb Wilhox, M. W.
Jamm 3. WntTB, K.
I. O. of R. .11.
Minnnkaunee Tribe Nb. 183, I. O. R. 11
of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
evening In Good Templar's Hall.
0"" Council Ores lighted at 7 o'clock.
II. HOWE, Sachem.
C. L. JUKES, Chief ol Records.
Gold at 1 p. m. 108)
Day before yesterday one of those poor
anlortunate boaaefcaa wanderers, without
friend or kindred, arrived in town from OI
City. At Ibe depot be was taken violently
111, and filling to find place "whereupon
lo lay his head," was placed in charge or
Uoad Master McHugb, who bad him prop
rl) eared for. The poor unfortunate bas
been out of bis bead ever since, and in bis
almost iacoberent mutteriogs, speaks of the
"dear old home and borne friends so tar
way," wisbiog for bis mother aod sisters,
and for a little rest from Ibe ceaseless tur
moil of life." Poor man I Our reporter
viaited him this forenoon, aod from appear,
noes bkf life work Is nearly over. The
weary and evidently nearly worn out body
will soon be at rest. There is nothing
whatever about the man to indicate bis
name, aod all that can be gathered is that
he is from Missouri. Who knows but what
bis mother and sister are waiting aod
watcblog for the wanderer's return, who
will wail In vain for bis comiog should the
grim monster end bis existence as appear
ances iodisate. Ha is being well taken
cars ol.
"Richard is himself again." At Schon
blom's lower store, Main street, lew doors
from the Record oflho, can be found Am
brose Weaver, the politest, tji t kecommo
dating good bumored, effervescing clerk on
Oil Crjek. Souonblom, baviog put into his
lower store new stock of goods, aod know
ing it would not be complete unless Am
brose was there to do the honors as of yore,
lie has been placed at Ibe helm again, and
being suooessful practical busloess man,
tbal is why this is thus. To all those wish
log to buy first class groceries and provis
lous cheap, and enjoy themselves while do
ing so should give Ambrose a call, lor wbat
he doo'l make up in weight, be will lo
pleasantries aod good bumor. Wherever
tbs tact Is mentioned tbat Ambrose Is at
the old stand once more, the ezclamatioo is
sure to come Irom his legiqn of frieoda
Good! Long may he wave!
The halt-past one p m train, this after
ooon, was behind several hours on accouni
of a Irelgbt train being off the track oo the
CrossCut Railroad.
The eoglne bouse at ooe of the Bishop
wells, on Kane Ruo, was destroyed by Ore
nlgbt before last. Loss oot heavy.
Personal Detective Laodaiokel, so
called, of Buffalo, has been in lowo lor
several days looking after a ''panel thief,"
who be alleges baa dono a job and fled from
that city. Ooe would think from the close
attention ha pays lo a certain Rice patch
(bat be ezpeoted to Bod his prey ooncealed
somewhere about said patch. 'Tisveryaf
Mr. John Dugan, a well known resident
this piece, bas purchased an interest of b.
S. CaoOeld, in Ibe Livery Stable oo Main
street. Tbe new firm will be kuown as
Canfleld Dugan. Both gentleman are
well koowo bereaboots and wo predial a
large Increase lo their busloess.
The, steam canal boat "City of New
York," Is reported to have performed her
trip oo the canal to the satisfac.lco of tbe
State Commissioners.
Post Office Defalcation in
ICrawford County.
Tbe Meadville Republican Is responsible
for tbe (eliowlng: There is more than a
rumor afloat tbat the Postmaster at Con.
oeautville is discovered to be a deiaiuter.
It is certain tbat special Post Office agent,
J. C. Hays spent several days last week
Investigating tbat office, and it bas been
staled that be bas found a deficiency In the
Postmaster's account of fromtwelve to fif
teen hundred dollars. There are reasons
fer believing that other serious malpractice!
have been discovered wbich will render
tbe removal of tbe Postmaster necerasry
Colonel Hays bas been intervied but evi
dently does not wish to tell wbat be knows
about tbe subject, sflll our information is
from such a source as 13 convince us of the
truth of the above statement.
Some slight originality bas found Its way
Into tbe obituary columns of the George W.
Childs -the Philadelphia Ledger, rather:
Lay aside his little trousers,
Tbat our darliog used te wear.
He will never oo eartb waot tbem,
He bas climbed the golden stair.
If anybody can read tbat verse without
shedding tears be may safely be called a
fiend Id human shape. Tbe pasture of a
little boy climbing golden stair) Without bis
troineis oo is very beautiful and tbe mor
so because of Ibe reflect ion tbat Ibe little
one can never catch cold again. rtoobes
ter Democrat.
Of toe once powerful Ojibway cation
there remains but about seveo tbousaod
souls three Ibousaad Ova hundred of whom
are getbered on reservations in northern
Minnesota. They are selling their pine
lands to politicians, and will soon be as
poor as the white settlers.
Tbe San Francisco soliChinese papers
advocate forcing the Chinese lo live In a
quarter by themselves instead of allowing
them lo overrun the whole city, as Ibey are
doing at preseul. Such an isolation, tbe
papers says, is eeseatial to tbe bea'.tb aod
business in terms of tbe city.
A correapoodgjil of ibe Boston Transcript
says on looking ei er ao address of tbe Hon
Win. Sullivan, delivered to tbe Suffolk bar
in 1825, be finds that early In colonial time
jury, if they were not satisfied with tbe
opinion of tbe court, were allowed by law
"to ooosult any bystander. "
Tbe aggregate amount of taxes to be
raised in Brooklyn Ibis year is nearly $5,
A rumor is eurrett in Brooklyagtbat ex
Assemblyman Tower was murdered, three
bullets have been fouod in bis bead.
Aoetber yellow fever case is reported in
Mooey is exceedingly scarce at present In
the oil region, and our business men have
bard scratch Ing lo rake currency enough
together to pay current expenses .
Trains have nearly ail baeo delayed to.
Tbe second session of tbe second Psrlia
ment of tbe Dominion of Canada was
opened yesterday.
jTkacukiih' Institute Tbe Venango
Couoty Teachers' Iostltute will be beld lo
Oil City, South Side commencing Ootober
27 aod continuing five days. A oumber of
eminent instructors and lecturers will be
present. All (teachers should atteod the
Cel. J. B. M'Allister, of Oil City, was
admitted oo Monday to practice to lbs Su
preme Court of Pennsylvania.
Postal Orders. Tbe establisbmeot ol
tbe international money order system be
tween tbe United Stales aod Great Biiiain
aod Germany bas proven even more suo
ceseful than was anticipated. Tbs bal
aoces bave, a matter of course, been large
ly against this country; or io other words,
more mooey bas been sent to England and
Germany through the Poitoflioe from this
country than bas been sent here from tbem.
Tbe difference is very lirgely accounted lor
by tbe remittances of Irish and English
emigrants sent to tbeir relatives to assis(
tbem id coming to toe uoiiea states, or for
use at home. Tbe post office at tbls plaoe I,
a money order office and persona wishing lo
send small or large amounts can do so by
making applications.
"Tbe -toughest' set of 'roosters' tbat ever
shook ibe dust.from any town," says tbe Reno
(Nev.) Journal of Aug. 20, "left Reno yes
terday morning fur tbe new ruining district
ol Coroucopia. They came here from Vir
glola. Amoog the crowd were lour New
Yark gun fighters, twe Chicago murderers,
three Baltimore bruisers, one Philadelphia
prissa tighter, luur Su Franoisco hoodlums,
tbree Virginia beats, two Uuloo PaciQO
roughs, and two oheck guerillas.''
Twenty ooe yellow fever deaths la Mem
phis yesterday.
Taking into cohsi deration the
dnllnes9 of the times and the
low price of oil, not speaking
of the scarcity of money, 1
have concluded to reduce the
price of BENZINE delivered
at the wells to 9 100 per bar
rel. My motto is live andj-let
live. Pay me a call before
coiner elsewhere and I will
satisfy you as to
quality and
Old stand
price of Benzine.
Railroad track
Petroleum Centre, Oct. 23, 1873.
The Venango County Medical Society
held its regular quarterly meeliog oo Moo-
day last, at Emlsoloa, aod adjourned to
meet next lo Franklin. A resolutioo was
passed requesting editoit ol newspapers oot
io publish the nsmesol any of tbe mem
bars of the Society la coooection with sccU
denta. Section 3, article 1, of tbe Code of
Kttiici, was also rearmd. This section
declares, "it is derogatory to the dignity of
tbe proleaaioa to resort to eublio advertise
ments or private cards or baodbllls," fco
io. To tbe common reader, unacquainted
with tbe force of epsuro salts, and wbo
doesn't know how much tbe division of tbe
"palmar cutaneous braoou of Ibe mediaoe
mor" might hurt a mao, this stand ol tbe
doctors will seem like Miss Naocylam.
That sen of pinobbeck diguity wbich
ebriuke Irom contact with the business
world Is a weakoeas unbecoming la a sound
healthy member of tbe Sawbones professioo
io good practise. If a doctor baa aoyibiog
io bim toe violatioo of this code of ethics
wouldn't break bim dowo. -Spectator,
Accident Near Miller Furm.
Freight train No. 48, going south last
eveaiog, when two miles this side ,of Miller
Farm, broke Into throe jjiieces by uncoup
ling. Tbe broken sections afterwards came
together with such force tbat tour flat cars
were piled ooe ou lop ol Ibe otster. Tbe
wrecking train was soon oo tbe ground, bul
It was nearly twelve o'clock belore tbe
track was cleared. Express trains Not. 4
aod 6 were detained several hours in conse
quence. No particular damage was done
Tbs third trial of Stokes for the murder
of James Fisk, Jr, is still io progress. Tbe
testimony for tbe prosecution bas closed
and is about the same at tbat given on the
former trials. There is a new wiloess natn-J
ed Logao, an ex-polioemao, on tbe part of
the defease, whose evidence bears streogiy
io favor of Stu kes. Logao swears ibal the
naii-ooysoi toe noiet to wtics Flak was
abol, whose teatimajo was so damaging lo
Ibe prisooer, admitted to bim Ibat Ibey
bad been tampered with by Fisk's frieudi
and ibat tbe evidence ibey gave on Ibe
previous trials was written down for tbem
and commuted to memory; also, tbat Ibey
wete promised a thousand dollars each to
swear as lb ey did. Logan's testimony is
ol a startling obataoter and singular, from
the fact tbat be bas kept tbe knowledge of
matters so Important to Ibe prisoner unre
vealed for suob a length ol lime. .All at
tempts by counsel for Ins proseoution
shake bis testimony have
proved uoavail
A Sao Fraooisoo paper relates tbe-follow
log iooiduol which recently occured there
which shows how easily It Is to oolleot a
erowd la a large city: 'A mao carrying
on bis shoulder a heavy iron bar struck ii
against a large glass window aod cracked
ibe pane. Tbe street was ooe wbers loaded
vehicles frequently passed, aod so to pre
vent the jarring Irom causing Ibe cracks lo
extend, a ting was drawn abuut tbe spot oo
tbe giasa with a diamond point. Some
body caught sight of tbe sblveredspot and
Ibe circle abuut it, and stopped to look
Another did likewise; the crowd Increased,
ana in snorl time lour polioemeu arrived
oo tbe ruo, it having been reported al bead
quarters tbat a pistol ball bad heeo filed
Inio the offioe, aod tbat place bad been
robbed. Ol course tbe comiog of tbe police
drew still larger crowd, aod Ibe offioe was
almost . besieged. Tbe excitement could
not be allayed, and tbe orowd dispersed
uotll a placard was buog up giviog tbe ex.
plaoatloo of Ibe affair, aod even then
oumoer nogerea near lo spell out the
words. "
lyaaiom reeelpls tor tbe week ending Oo
tober 17, were as follows: Now York, $1,
730.743; Philadelphia, $121,170; tBosloo
3U,2U6; U.ltlnaore, $91;fi86.
be journeymen tailors of New Xork
bavs forwarded fJJOO to Msnrpbi.
The Bride wlioialsJNo the
From tbo Baltimore Bnn l
Oo Suoday, as tbo Bv. Mr. Garmen, of
tbe Urlted Brethren Church io York, Pa ,
was conducting the services at tbe Union
ni....k vnnnmtnwn. York county, tbe
yuiiiwu i u v. . -7
sexton handed him a note. After the ser
mon was completed the minister announced
had tbe pleasure of stating tbat a oouple
in the congregation desired to be united In
ihelboly bonds of matrimony, and mat me
candidates! should Immediaiely present
themselves. There was a considerable flut
ter lo tbe assemblage every eye staring
around lo see the bappy couple. After
some delay a fine and bouyant couple came
marching up the aisle to the altar. The
reverend gentleman Immediately proceeu
ed with the ceremony, and the groom an-
.r.A nromntlv. "Yes. I will," but to the
illnmav sod astonishment ol the clergyman
nri Hence, wheo It came to Ibe bride's
luro. she answered just as promptly, "Ino,
will not," aud smilingly left me cntircn
.ii .tnn leaving the ball married mao io
a quaadsry wbat to do. "Sncb Is life.'
Thanksgiving Proclumution
R the President of tbe Waited blaies 01
America, a Proclamation.
Tbe approaching close of another year
brings with It tbe oeeasioo ol renewed
Ibankrglvlng and acknowledgement to Ibe
Almighty Ruler of tbe universe for the un
numbered mercies wbich he bas bestowed
unnn ua. Abundant harvests nave ireeu
among Ibe rewards of ieduslry. With local
exceptions, health bas been among tbe
htHMinm en ioved. Trannullltv at borne
aod peacewltb other oations have prevailed,
Frugal ladustrv is regaining Its meriteo
recognition aod its merited rewards gradu
ally, but, uoder tbe Frovideoee of God,
surely, as we trust, tbe Cation Is recovering!
from tbe lingering remits of a dreadful civl
strife. For Ibese and all otter mercies
vouchsafed II becomes us as a people to nr
turn heartfelt iand grateful acknowledge
ments, and with our thanksgiving, we may
unite in prayers fer tbe cessation of loca
and temporary sufferings. I therefore,
recommend tbat on Thuriday,tbe 27lh day
ol November next, ibe people meet in tbeir
respective places ol worship to make their
acknowledgement to Almighty God for Ills
bonoty and His protection, and to offer up
praises for tbeir con'iouance.
In witness whereof I bave bereuato set
my bead end caused tbe seal of tbe United
States to be affixed.
Done at tbe city of Washington;thls 14th
day of Ootober, la tbe year of our Lord
1873, and ol the Independence of Ibe
United Slates the ointy-seventb.
Signed by tbe President,
U. S. Grant
Hamilton Fish, Secretary of Slate.
Grand Trunk Pipe Line Elec
tion Ok Ulficers.
At a meeting of Ibe stockholders of tbo
Grand Trunk Pipe Line Company beldaet
evening at ibe office of Bennett, Warner dc
Co., in this oily, tbe folio log officers were
elected to serve Ibe ansa log year:
President D. II. Cady.
Directors M. N. Allen, A. P. Bennett,
D. H. Cady, D. O. Wickham, . George B
Easterly, John W.Jacksoo, D. H. Mitch
ell, J. A. Neill, R. D. Fletcher.
Treasurer D. U. Mitchell.
Seoretary Samuel Comfort.
i Tituavllle Courier.
Benjamin Jenkins, an Insane white mai
oommlttsd to tbe jail of uicbmoad county
Virginia, for killing a eervaot woman in
tbe poorbouse, died about a week ago Irom
horrible negleot. lie was placed io jail
about tbe middle ol August, aod soon alter
broke out tbe two windows in Ibe sides ol
his tell aod tore up bis olotbiog, and Irom
tbat time until bis death be was entirely
without clothing, bedding, shavings, straw
or furniture. Tbe wind aod raiu eolerei
hie wretched abode. Ua seemed to enjoy
bis naked condition during tbe warm weath
er, and spent bis lime in singing and about.
ing. Lately the ooid,wet weather bega
lo bave a severe effect, and be shivered and
and moaned tbrougb tbe chilly nights.
Suoday a week ago be was found dead i
bis cell, oo effort having been made to clean
ris.E8. A Xoungstown German got
angry witb a bunker of tbal place for do.
maoaing a heavy discount, and when tbe
banker asserted it was "business," replied
"PisnessT Pisnesaf You sits in here a
day und robs a mao bare faced befote b
pack, und calls dat pisoess, ha?"
jamesu. fjougera, tbe colored cade
midshipman, his again failed 13 pass
examination at Annapolis, and it is proba,
uie luai oe win ue Qropped from tbe rolls,
uoueaiy is me oest ponoy. a reporter of
a Louisville paper recently found a pocket
book filled with mooey, and Immediately
banded it over lo tbs poUcs, because tbe
I mossy wti eouuteriielu
Your sltantloo Is Specially tavltrf to tu fc Zl
Ibe Natlomal Banka are owe prepared ,
al Board of Finance. Tbe rands reallud iwl
this eourae are to be employed la Iba .."'I
he bnlidlrg far tbe Inteinatkinal ihibit, t Z I
'll.. uiwmana annneetad with Ik. .. 1
udoinly believed that the Kerstone giata Vj ... Hmw every Clllasa alb. . I
nNlrifiMfl rnmmeinaralloll otlia m- k.. . Wl
l auroiQ QlHk
day of ibe notion. The aharaa of stock are off I
fer 1 10 each, and subscribers will receive a awf
"" owes, nlukk
f..r iMtttttii. and BMMnlltm . - . .
" nuninU
TnfjMait sa tla Wmtm nt art au 1
will be paid oa all payments of Caatenalal
tulwcrllier who are not near a 'National' a. l
can ream a caeca et poat-osica order to uw 3-T
90 Walnut St., Pb HadeiphlSi
McKinley & Gross,
loik $aks,
Egbert Farm, Petroleum
Centre, V.
Boiler Repairing a Speciality. I j
CM" We wai rant all work done by oi te I
he nearly as gooa aa new wnen repaired .
Good material furalabed aod prices renoo-1
Having bad Ions experience In tbs tut I
neee we are anaoiea to kiv asuiiraciioB.
Petroleum Centre, i'a., Jan. II
FAlR'i voam
60 Of. KAl'll.
for scnooLsa 8.. LI).
o.oou miLi).
' 7 50 PK.t IM'Z.
Audrw, .T. U PSTEHS,
n t m Broadway. New.Yor
Flour & Feed Merchant,
XXX Watte Wh't Fl. SB. on I ImI. fl M
Chop, 1,5b 1 Wheat Bian, 1,
vats, so. npimi.
A most Important fo'entlon. Bold by the I!"H
Tniaa Oo., 087 Broadway, M. T. City. It reialw
RuDtnre abaolutl 14 uu anit ivinirnrr nlffht ana
day, at all tiraea and under all etreuasttanera, with
out any exception whatever in any caae, and 'hoiW
over be taken oft during lbs abort lima reqaUH'te
en"it a permanent care. Sent by man. Circulars
Iroa. Any druggist nr Pbyalclaa will eufcrlblf.
new truss for you without charge "
U t ecommendad by remlar Medical practitioner
and a spatdy cure guarraoteed for Colds Coniini,
Oalarrb, Asthma, Bronchitia, Spitting Blood, -on-ftiiuiptton,
and all Pulmonary Complaiutf. bcmfn.i
Kryalpalaa,Dvapemla, and Goal 1) aeiitery, '-era-morbue.
Cholera and all llv - r and bof I com
plaints. Kidney dlseaaea an all anetkna oftw
Urinal Orsana perfectly hannles free Iran K
eral or Alcoholic properties pleasant to take "
never known to fall Piles $ 1,00 per botlla.
partlco.ara with medleal twllmony sad J't
cntea sent on application. Address L. F. ill V
A CO , MS Ikvaute Aveane, New York.
A man wboss term bad expired, and wbo
was turned oul of Ibe Los Aogelos, Cal.f
jail, begged lo be allowed to remain, td
offered to pay reol lor bis cell. Be said b
was an aocborlte, aod wanted to aocbtf
right there.
Tbe editor or Iba Sherburne county,
Minn., News says, "A partridge cams into
our enolosnre oo Wednesday last, aod our
wife took after it aod eaugbt It after chas
ing II some distance-"
legal tenders, $359,&3
Tbe races al Brook-villa bave beenjpott
pooer) uotll tbe 2Stb, 29tb sod 30tb, oa ac
count of tbo baJ weatber.
Ills jexpeeted Ibat Ibe lower r'rsnob
creek (bridge fcwill be eoroplstrd In a f"
rftocnt a