The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 22, 1873, Image 2

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    ' etfo'eurn Centre Daily Record.
Pel. Contra, fa, Wednesday Oct. 22
Divine flervleo.
3ervlceo every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
t'i P. M? Sabbath School at 12,' P. M.
eat free. A cordial invitation extend
ed to all.
Kcr. T. Graham, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7
o'clock P. by the Pastor, W. C. Borch
ard. Sabbath School at U, directly
altar forenoon service.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbatb School
Teacher's Meeting Tuesday evenings ol
each week.
Petroleum Centre Lodge, .o.
Tiff, I. O. of O. V.
Regular meeting nights Friday, at 7
'clock. Signed.
J. C. E. Hartuan, A Sec'y.
tyPlaoa of meeting, Main St., opposite
JfcOllntock House.
A. O. of V. W.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of XI. W,
meets every Monday evening at 7 o'clock,
In Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre,
Jambs Wilson, M. W.
Jaukh 3. WntTB, K.
f. O. Of It. 1M.
Minnekauaiw Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M
of Petroleum Centre, meets every Tbursdsy
evening In Good Templar's Hall.
IW Council tires lighted nt 7 o'clock.
H. HOWE, Sachem.
C. L- JUKES, Cblel ot Records.
Gold at t p. in. WS'4
1'or tbe first time In our business expert'
voce we received a call to-lay from that
augnst personage the Sheriff ol tbe county,
wbo notified usol tbe fact that a valentine
awaited us for non-payment of sundry
claims held sgalntt the printer. The devil
got scared, and tbe jours cursed the sberi:
nod the lawyers in a vocabulary not to be
found to Webster's unabridged, and In (act
devil was t pay in general for a short
time, long enough however lo enable us to
'fix np" and iaue the Record once more,
or until the next valentine for the beneUl
of other creditors, we might add there are
no more of tbe tender missives standing out
Is Issued. And now the devil rejoices
the jours are glad and whiskey strait went
down their guzzles in honor of tbe event,
aud the editor's phiz is illuminated with
"moles'' where ooce sorrow relgoed su
prt-me. Now, "isn't tbe above an 'orrible
tali, and doesn't it make your facc6 turn
pale." Having experienced a good many
turns in the wboei ol life, we are sorry to
say that we did not turn pale, not halt as
pate as at tbe time tbe first volley was fired
at Pittsburgh Landing, or tbe cbolera
struck us at Galveston. 17 j are under ob
ligations io me aear irienua woo aided us
on tbii momentous occasion; their photos
are enshrined on tbo tablets ofmemory;
we hope to record their deeds of kindness io
letters ol gold shaded with crimson. There
are deeds dene lo and for suffering human i
ty that oannot bo effaced. Tbe sheriff's val
enttoe can be seen at this ofllee. Never
Having advertised any other person on the
sheriffs' account, it is with extreme pleasure
we advertise ourselvos, but bave no dasire
to do so often.
Tbooarly train north over tbe Oil Creek
Kailroad does not connect with the trains
on tbo Valley Road.
Tbo water lu Oil Creek Is receding some
j , , That conundrum propounded to tbo ed
Jor bas disqualified tbo local reporter from
getting out the usual local matter.
Mr. Herman, tbe reSnor, informs us It is
not tbo Intention of Herman, Cornell & Co.
, to enlarge tbelr refinery at p resect.
Tbo up train tbis morning was half an
liour lata.
Tha market remains at
about tbe snme
A bit ot a row occurred up town night
before last. Sundry bloody noses, black
ryes, 4c, was the result.
Tbo wsatber is quite pleasant after tbe
severe rain storm of tho last few days.
i Tbo Duller ilea try to make the girls in
oilier .places envious by asserting tbat every
girl Id tbat town bss two btaux. But
tbey are obliged to admit at last tbat tbey
mean cftoiM.
Next to street preaqblbg tbera is no em
ployment which yields so .little return a,
wlokmg at a pretty girl through a pair of
On Sunday lasts) slight earthquake was
f:t at ",a .'TaneJiia, .pi on tbe hvjc ij
n veitinic eruption occurred from t'ae lunj.
tnit oi Mount Haioer,
JJiddern' mp,U n Auction.
A Msryalaml pane! s.ys that at the coun
ty courts of Its county recently, a case was
decided that particularly interests the anc
tioneer, the bidder and tbe person ranking
tbe sale. Tbe cash whs this; A lrm was
'knocked dowu' to a l.idner.who aiterwnrds
refused to comply with tbe terms because no
one but tbo auctioneer bid gaint him
Tbo Case was taken Into Court. The auc
tioneer being a witness, testified that the
purchase's statements were correct, and
tbe Court declared tbe sale a fraudalent
one, and not valid. Tbe substance ol Ibis
decision is, In plain word, that an auc
tioneer has no right to 'run up' property
on a bidder simply to make a good sain.
The Warren Sc Venango Kail-
The busiuawi of the W. & V. R. R. at
this point ban lieeu steadily increasing nil
the season, and is now iiuilc beiivy. We
observe that them is a Inro amount ot'nier
cbandize brought lolo Titusuille over this
line. Tbe'sbipmenls cut of relined oil have
assumed vory considerable proportions.
We noticed one day last week b single
train of 20 cars going out loaded with re
fined oil. The whole running business of
tbe road seems lo bo c nr. ti! ly managed,
and we beit-ve that, as yet not a single car
bas been off tbo track. Tilur.villo Cour
iar. A story is told in Arkansas of a peda
gogue wbo once came from Tennessee to
eaUbliBb a school. Ha secured a sinal
cabin on Crowley's Ridge lor a sbool room,
and alter giving duo notice opened his in?
Btitntion. I'roaebtly the door opeued and
there appearod at tbo threshold two tail, un
gainly youths, eich with a sbot gun ou his
Siionlder. After placing tbrir guns in a
corner of thi room these promising pupils
took seats on one of tbe tear benches. Tbe
teacher examined loom In regard lo theit
acquirements and found them bolb ignorant
of their alphabet. Oneoltho young men
was at once taken in hand, a:ui tbe leader
vory properly began with an attempt to Cx
tbe loiter A io his mind. Tbe fifiiuent
repetition of tbe name of tbe letter attract
ed tbe atteotion ol tbe other pupil, wbo
came forward and asked to be shown A.
His reasonable request was granted, when,
after a moment's examination of the letter,
he turned up bis nose contemptuously, say
log, '-Doggone A! IT (bat's all be is, he'll
be no go lo Arkansas,'' wbercnpou both
the boys shouldered tbelr guos and marched
Off, leaving tho Bcboolmaster alone lu bis
glory. Tie pedagogue came to tbe conclus
ion that be bad made a mistake iu selecting
bis field ot operations.
Flower,!) How tun universal heat f
man blojses flowers! Tney are wreathed
round tbe cradle, the marriage aliar, and
tbe tomb. Tbe Persian in tbo lur E ia: de
lights, In their perfume, and writes bis love
in nosegays, while the Indian child of tbe
lar West clsps his bands with gles as he
gathers the abuodaut blossoms tho Illu
minated Scriptures of the prairies. Tbe
cupid of the ancient Hindoos tipped It's ur
rows with flowers; and orange Lowers are
a bridal crown with us, a nation of yester
diy. Flowers garlanded the Grecian altar,
and buug in votivo wreaths before the
Christian nhrino. All tbeso are appropriate
uses. Flowers should deck the brow otthe
youthful bride, for tbey are in themselves a
lovely type of iuairlge. They should
twine round the tomb, for thoir perpetually
renewed bounty is a symbol of the resurrec-
tiou. They should festoon tha altar, for
their fragrance and their bounty ascend in
perpetual worship before tbe Most nigh.
Kid gloves, ot invisible colores, bave
been introduced to be wom with dark cos
turns of corresponding buos. There ore fifty
or more dift'ereut colors, the new "black
blue" included.
A wutnau named Kale Parker is aatouisti.
Ing Kuoxville, Tennessee, wilt) ber skill iu
using tbe pistol. She drives a nail at ten
paces, and lb youug gallants don't write
bsrauy love letters.
A bereaved husband iu an obituary notise
of bis deceased wife wrote: ' Sbo has gone
to ber otoroel rest;" but to big horror the
newspapers printed it, "bbe bas gone to
ber eternal roast!"
A youug lady of Athens was asked if she
waotea uosuen nutter, wnen she weut to
the grocery store, and replied, after consid
vrable awhile, "1 want cow butter, air, and
dou't know tbat ms would bo satisfied with
any other. "'
Tbo Cuuard Steamship Company bave
determined io withdraw tbeir vessels from
the West India service at an early day, and
establish a daily line between Livarpoo
and New York.
The FishhauU puddling aud rail mill
lottsville, have suspended, throwing six
h.iDJ:uJ w.iviaoa o.r. ai o.'.r.'ljyaijai.
Outstanding .ll icadere ojD,elS,to8.
Vi e bave seen It coming, but In! 'lie here.
How swill tbe seasons roll around! It ap
peirs ns tbouh it were but yesterday when
balmy spring lirst breathed upon us, and
tbe lovely Queen of Msy waved her garland
and shed on ns her happiest smile. And
later still, we enjoyed the happier pros
pects ot summer.tetgninB in its lull strength
arouud tie, clothing the hills with coin,
spreading tbe meads and lawns with their
rich burdens, aud wrapping tbe snrronn
ding :orests in their deep (.rren folii'K' J but
how soon we saw tbo reddening tinge or
September, a sign that autumn was coming
Its gentle windB whispered It wis coming.
But how son tbe deeper colors and waking
wiods ol October with a louder voice, pro
claimed it was coming, even nearer? ntT hand
But it has come. The te.' It comes
rushing over the bills from the chambers
of tea north, os with tho volco of a trumpet
proclaims autumn bas come, and the nhe
diant na'ure proclaims the fact. She bows
at bis command, she fades at his rude
touch, and tbeu shrinks under the Iniluenco
of bis cold breath How cliunged every
tblog appears! Tbe sun itself presumes not
to rise so high in the heavens, and sheds on
us an oblique and feeble ray; Ibe Litis look
barren, and the grazing herd are Been he
ginning to cluster around their winter qitar
tors, lowing in saddening accents, os though
conscious ol the torbidding aspect ; tbe for
est songsters, that so lately sung In tbe
brightness ot morn, and poured out their
strr lns to enliven tbe shadows of evening
as tbe day fided away, have censed their
warblings and retired from our groves to
seek a more genial clime; and oven the
leaves of the trees, that so lately appeared
fresh and green, bave faded and lallcu, and
left tbe branches that bore them all naked
to sigb In tbo cold winds. But is there
not moral instruction to be derived from
this? Tbore Is, for as autumn precedes
winter, comiog as bis herald to proclaim
the approach ot tbe cruel monarch, with bis
chains and bars ot frost to bind and im
prison during Dis reign, so life has its
autumn, wttb its cold winds, its stiffened
limbs, and Irosty lock?, which are barbing
ers of death's dreary winter. Let us, then,
'eirn from the fulling season that Ibis world
is not our borne, and let us secure an inter
est in Ibat spirit-land where tbe seasons
never fade.
There were tweotj-tour yellow lever
deaths at Memphis yesterday.
liaiigHing ill Ihe Tiilpit.
Said Mr. C, a Presbyterian minister of
s me notoriety, ''1 never laucbed in the
pulpit only on one occision, and that c in
near procuring my dismissal from the min
istry. About one of ibe lirst disc'iure,-I
ws called to deliver, subsequent to my or
dination, after reading my text anil open
ing my subject, my attention was dirt c eil
to a young man with a very (.uppish dfi-s
and a bead of exceedingly red hair. In a
slip immediately behind this young gentle
m in Bat ao urchin, who taiin have been
urgid on in this deviltry by the evil one
himself, for I do not conceive the youngster
thought of the jest he was playing tdf on
the spruced dandy in trout ot him. The
boy held bis foreiinger In tbe red balr of
the young man, about as iogg as a black
smith would a null rod in tbo Ore to beat,
and then on bis knee commenced pounding
bis finger, in imitation of a smith in mak
ing a oail. The whole thing was so
ludicrous tbat I laughed, the only time I
ever disgraced the pulpit with anything like
A Pretty Thought.
The night Is mother of the day,
Tbe winter of the spring,
And ever upon old Decay
Tbe greenest mosses cling.
Behind tbe oloud the star light lurks.
Through sboweri the auobeams lull,
For God, wbo lovetb all His works,
Hus left His hopes with all.
A Peoria naturalist, la attempting to
warm the oars of a .frozen wasp over a gas
jet, discovered that the tail ot the insect
thawed out first, and worked with s rapid
ity that was as astouisblng as the hideous
profanity of the uaturallBi, who held the
ineect by tbe tail while thus experiment
ing. When last sight at midnight dreary we
were throwing Ink, though weary, trying
to getup an;item which bad not been told
before, suddenly we felt a shiver dowu our
backs rush like" a river, us If some ooe
should "unkivtr" us when "tskin in" a
snore, Bhivered muchly If not more. As
we sat there cold and freezing, poiuting olf
our lines by eneeziog.sandnichlng our work'
with wboeziug, shouting "darn yer, shut
tho door," tbeu up spake my gentle "pard"
ner," "let us buy a sieve ol Gerdou, get a
stove of Gilbert 'Gorduu, and be freeaing
Tuetday, Doe 16th will be tbe hundredth
Mnivsriary of the Bsitoa ,"Te Party,"
Keonoiny the Road to Wcallto.
A lady down on Smith rw c ""a'1'
where that economy H'e enre Cfttfl to
u.iih. ...ft heariuc that the ens bill watjj
enormous, leltthe gs might be economized
by turning it off at Ihe tfietre every morn
ing, so that it would not waste through tbe
brackets. Tbis she did. Intending io regu
ii in ih nvnnimr. She went to see
her mother, however, nnd lligglns having
returned about 8 o'clock p. m., turned up
the j.'t and struck a match. Nursing It
carefully with his hand he placed It to tbe
bracket: pshaw? It went out; another, and
s'ill it would not li;ht. He thought the
iulernal thing must bo broken, and going
into tbe next room, lell over a cbslr and
mshed his fans. H.) tried it Until hlB
matches were all gone, and then feeling oil
the man tie for more, turned over bis wife's
oil perfume bottle, and knew It was run
ning on h'S coal. Ho swore and started
down stairs, and just in the ball met Maria
reiurnlug with the children "Biggins, why
is there no light lu the bouse?"
Hu endeavored lo explain; but of no use.
He was foolish. The gas would light II be
bad only tried; and she marched into tbe
parlor, her dress citcblng to ber cabinet ol
Chinese Curiosities, and It falling with a
crash. Sbu tried, and In vain, lor besides
spoiling ber best silk, she trod on tbe child"
with bolls and smashed her best boonet,
when lo! sbo remembered what was tbe
She would sooner have stepped Into ber
ooftin than tbat meter, and she tried to do j
quietly, but Biggins saw her, and from thai
day to this, when the talks economy be
quietly sniggers, "Save ftom tbe gas
Her silk dress, ber best bonnet, and ber
Chinese relics wete nothing, she whispered
to her bosom friend ; bit to bave Biggins
once know be was right, it "is too much,"
aud she always bursts into tears New
Orleaus Picayune.
Oil Explosion lleHtructive
Fire ia Pittsburgh Yester
day Morning.
About twelve o'clock Monday tiigbt, says
the Pittsburgh GiZdtta of yesterday, an
aiann of lire was struck frJm box CI, corner
ot Ponn and Tweoty-eightli streets. The
alarm was occasioned by ihe explosion of a
still at W or liner, Myers Jk Co.'s oil refinery,
comer nf Tnirty-llrsi and itillroad streets.
The still (exploded with a territlo ciasln
sending a ll iiua ium the air a distance of
tn 1 1 y forty feet. A portion of the demolish,
ed tank wiib all its force and fury dashed
though Ine brck wll and sot tbe lumber
yard of Wil lam Brown in a blm The
oil hail given the lumber a jond start, and
by the lime the nrerneu arrived a lire pre
seuicl iieell tuut wis very-hart! to combat
and very exleustve, covering the area ol
nearly ilia entire lumber yard. Tbe fire
men worked with a will aud finally got it
under control, aud at two o'clock Tuesday
morning it wus nearly all out. The lumber
yard is owned by William Browo, who bad
i.n hand a lull stock of seasoned pine lum
Uer v hied at $25,000. His loss will be
about $10,001), Insured for $11,000 in Cin
cinnati companies. The loss ol Woruier,
Myers it Company, wij loot up $5 00 on oil
and tank.
Thanksgiving Proclamation
By the President of the United States of
America, a Proclamation.
t oe approaching close or another year
brings with It the occasion ot renewed
thanksgiving and acknowledgement to the
Almighty Ruler of tbe universe lor tbe tin
numbered mercies whioh hu bus bestowed
upon us. Abundant harvests have bem
amoog the rewards of Industry. With Iocs1
exceptions, health has been among the
blessings enjoyed. Tranquility at home
and peacewitb other nations bave prevailed.
I' rugal Industry Is regaining its merited
recognition and its merited rewards gradu
ally, but, under tbe Providence of God
surely, as we trust, tbe nation is recovering
trom the lingering results of a dreadful civil
strife. For these aud all other tueroies
vouchsafed it becomes us as a people to re
turn heartfelt and grateful acknowledge
menis, ana who our thanksgiving, we may
unite in prayers for tbe cessation of looai
and temporary sufferings. I therefore,
recommend that on Thursday, the 27tb day
ol Novembel next, tho people meet in tbelr
respective places of worship to make tbeir
ackuowledgemeot to Altnigbty God for His
bounty and His protection, and to offer up
praises for their continuance.
lowliness wbereof I have hereunto set
my hand and caused tbe seal of tbe United
States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington ".tbis 14tb
day of October, lu tbe year of our Lord
1873, and of the Independence of tbe
United Slates the ninty.seventb.
tilgued by tbe President,
U.S. Gram.
Uviiwa SlW, Cfetary of Statt.
Toar sttontlou is Hwdailv Invited to tlx "
IheNiitlonsl Banks an now prepared to real
enbscrtrtlons to the Capital Stock of tbe Cmtm V
al Boert of Finance. Tho funds realliwi ttm
this Boom are tn be emplojjd In the eretUonof
.tie biiliitlng for tin luteraattanal Kthlbitlori u
tho expanses connected with Iba sataa. It
fideutty believed that tbe Karalouc Btau m t
represented by tbe name of every cltiion alive to
patriotic commemoration of tbe one hundreuj bnl
day of the notion The shares of stock are oimi
for $ 10 each, and subscribers will recelvs s Uni
soinnly steel ran raved VtrtiflclU of Stock, luluw,
for training and yreservaiton as a national "unorl
Interest nt tho rate of six per cent per
will be paid on alt payments of Usnicnalal stack
in. Ill uni,. ,m in uicui mi wnuunrjr 1, Itmr.
tiuWsci'lher. who are not near a National Btilr
can remit a check ot post oflic order to tbe arifa.
rHRDK. PRAI.BT, Tre,w,
......uioi., rnuaadpUs
McKinley & Gross,
toiler Ipks,
Egbert Farm,
Boiler Repairing a Speciality.
rw We wsirant all work dose by in t
be nearly as good as new when repairer .
Good material furnished aod prices reasoo-
Having had Ions experience, n Ibe tun
nesa we nre Miahled lo vivo aeusncajan.
Petroleum Centre, l'a., Jan. . tl
kaihy voirm.
KAlHV votriw.
ocr. KACII.
so.oou SOUL
T'ltlfB. il TS
S7.BO JR,( pc'i.
f Xl'ltKN.
A.ldreM, .1. J PETER!.
, . MfJ Broadway. New.Yor
Flour & Feed JlYn hunr,
XXX Whito Wh't Jfl, 19.(10 I Men), !
l,rio n neat urnn.
A most Impor
rtant Indention. Sotd by Hie Waul' I
Rupture absolutely In mhc and comfort nislit
iiruadway, rt. uity.
dny, at all times and under nil elrpunatitMes. wits
nt.t in. Ar..ntlnn tvhut..v In .n nkP. AUd SeMlO
T vver oe iMKen on annug ine wman vmm r.i,B.""r"
rft'.'Ct a perniauent cure. Hent Bil . Ciiesls"
tree. Any drnis". or Phjialclaa will order tail
new Truss fur jou witbeat charge
Girl Wanted.
To do general housework. Ioqn lr si Cor 'I
ann s Hardware store.
Is reeomm.uded by reenlar Mediral rrsettH"
and a spody eura giutrranteed Tor Cold', JC'"!"'', ,
Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting
sumption, and all Pulmonary Complaint. Hcrprjj
Erysipelas, Dvapepsla. and tionl 1 ael.tcr', iaw-era-morbus,
ithokra and all llv rand boel f!
plah.ts. KidneydlseaaesanJall atrellon
Urinal Orunns ptTlectly harnile free Irsm r.t ;
eral or Alcoholic properties nlrasant to tsie '
never known tn rail Price $1.00 per bottle, rn"
pnrtlcu.ors with medical testimony ana "".'.r
iwtf sent on application. Address L f. B'1""
CO , 1M Htvaute AvuDue, Mew York. va millintia cA 1)0 tell
cad8-haTe been issued witbrn;
tho last five months.
The street abound in b"u
Ninety-two wells are drilling
Flsx culture is said to bo largely on )
inoreasa io tho northwest, but lb rP "
mostly grown .lor seed, thero belog
means of manufacturing tbo fibre.
A number of curious Jstatuetu io "
cotto, reeantly dlscoreras) Id Bceotis, bsv
beeo placed In th Loiitw, Paris.;