The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 18, 1873, Image 4

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i' .1
Daily Record
N K W AD V !: KT I K M i: X T;i
rjTfp . T;
; ill" Fall
I ill Hi' T
KIli-l;, l'n'.irli mil!-.; mil,
ill A I XOTII E E T,
ii:rsuH.sii-U centre.
CUAS O. 1VICK.EK,. Proprietor.
v Wo receive lolcirrnphicJiltspntiiicK up to 4 r. 51-
mid lira t Ihoin id our render every evening, m-
Imiciui; news of great interest from nil sr ctjons .if
thy country. We have ninde special niTiiiieouients.
whereby we rocelve regular Petroleum, Muck imd
Pioducu Market Iteiwris every evening by tc'cii'.-ipli
from Now York, I'hil .dolplilu, and rittsburg, which,
together wilh Editorials and Local mutter, make It
unu nr lh mint desirable newspapers puLllsbld ill
thcOl Kegiou. At) an
lOO Farmers ai;,l Fa P""s' Sons lltlf v.
Jl.'U and H'it-.ler lie :,t Ii-. to do III! -it
own ami nil i-nii;' tnwii-lyps. ile:iiis' r.
easv i"l pnvs wel . I'm' -xr:cui ti':', t'.dui
fci:ASto. a co. di.uti.iift, (' .
(MumMa ruSivJ Sns'au'
A I'tmr.'.in.- Submit V.. ni l,' M-n m- 1 H-iva. Tor
I it. ui irs, MUmsii.i.o. II- S. Al.bXA.NDKK Col
umbia. Tn
AT Wll H, t:S I E
INI) W . T-i 11. Diiiiiili'
t; i tih, ?i nml upward; if'-'.'i to .:.,
I .'ill .pr.irris Eiii't (lull
m l Cap Uilles- Hi nt
io nil parts nf tie country C
). I) , to be examined before ;i I I to " a
likely boxed, for
fdi. Fond i-t'-JllUi .lor. Price "'"in '
bij' III li-, C4.lTnui.lwny and 50 t'liairum M., N. i
"sk:u KOI! I'ATALOrr.K
AdvcrtUiiiu Sleiliiiui,
Tin KRI'Olll) tins t:o superior, on It circulnt es
wherever uu oil Operator or Dealer can lie found
V Imvn a inrim niid Well selected stock of
.Jobbing ."HatorllllK. ciiilini.ini' the ver
luti-st ikii. We are ilu'i'rlore etiiiiiled ro e..0f!ttt
,l(io Weil! nf oory Miriety in a mu'Hliieliiry iimnmT
wueu aenirea, jooawiii ou inouuj priuieu iu ioun
TEY IT ! ! I
ThpNc'U'i'tiSIc Aiiicricnii if he't m.d
r-hi npo.-t il ii'lnitrd w.ekl.v inwT puli f-hed I v. n
l.ililllwr cunt din iMiil 10 to I'J ml:ileil crivui-s
,f new liiiiel'.M.cvv, Xnvel IlivenUoiis. 1.1'hIlti h. J.1 -
imr.iiiv: Wi.rkA. Aiei.itei'iure, IniprnMd
lull li.inciit-. and (V'-vn w disco', i r. y in'Ui-a:iry
A ini'f !iunih i'.'(,!ru;l, VJ'"-" ''ll1" -"'Vl ril'
,l:e, eiiL'mv n, 'i 11 'U.i'.'.inU ot lolili-m i-re lr
a. i ve.l I' r h',n', ',11.-: .1' d n I'ci.'licu. The pr-icnol
l-.-cei-il bi-.i w!l t lell tilili'H till! i-'ll'i-.-ilpuoli
M-'eo Ti nil'. ! : Vi'M ly til i-l'eeiliH-l H--Ml
r-.". Mi.y he )ud .f nil New.-d llh-rn iiMT-a-;rT
b:! I on t: W terai, l.xM I ' i'1'"
ii-v.-lilioiu .mil !.-. clii e-:iinii,i"i. mid ml Tee Ir.-e
All p.-'.l.-nls piihhcd in the S-i::TIPin AMI'U-K-in
ilie we, k l,,t", lnue. Send fur p.uiiplil I, l'-U
p;i"i .t. cinliliiiillK imvn nnd full di-ectlolis k'l' ii. i
tniiiiii" I'.'t. n h. Al li um l' r the I'iiner. or ewic in
ien 1'ni.jui-, Ml'NN i O '., 37 I'll ik Ko-. N . -l'.ir-ticli
(Ji:ie i, CJ.'. Ii'. iiadTth fits., v,usliiiil;tou , 1
ll.iviiis 'trii.l.e I 'twenty yirnrn ir-i
uu en lite ..mi d intii u'itli AMthnm or
rhtUii-ic I elw't-irni nt. d n.i !t by
coin, ii, uiieinu' iimn uu'l herbs, n i l i:.
::i:ii c the .Mi did i.e. thu-i ubi.iiiil. I
ei-iitintely , i m";t ivoti- ,
ieitu! rt-nie-'ly ntl-i i.uro cura i-'i .-ii-hi-:ii;l
nlid it Uilidred di.-e:laea. A iiri-ti-kd
to nilicve tin: i!Viae-t puroiy-iii
instant v, so the teitient cui lie ilowu to re-t ninl
i.ii-111 c'l.iiil'or nhiv. (INK 'I'l I VL, '... K Hr.
wvVt nv i it. K'JHB (.' CUAltiib. Addrtw
I). I.AKI iKI.U Apple :lyk, Wi..Mie Co.,
(No 'inr tiH'il). fer mi!. -Ho work nud iuuwde in-'1 '!
i,f I i. e. 1-. il I tip, lifct!-. Ac f'll 2 ll'lIlll ( irculnl'ilirU hnmplea- C J. PAY, Ciuadeii,
X J. :. " ,
te.Vs. ui:..i.' by l'l.t!Mh e AI-.CUI, pi"inii
b Hiw l'iitiH l:lt. (,'rii be u-i-d ou nuy com 11,
lilivp . for mil.! iiy nil inn, pdedeiil-
'(.OUiJiiX-llAKliW KK AX1' Oil, WKKb srri'i.TKS.
t T ',' -"-t; V
Izizz, Centre,
ii full lino rf
Boston Fat. Geli
'Xw I-M-dlbnl Holt I
In 1.
:o i
J UU i ilUUt,!.')
Funip Lines,
!NG ami
Extra Wintcr'Straiiu'd i.
Johnson i':
- 1 SY", 'll'l 1 ANC-J , tl S-'il'l, CIIAUMlMl
I lii.W elltler M"i II'.IIV fn'ill It "Hi il'j" ' 1 ''
love mil ml' i'I l' 1 ii - ol my p-i'r, tnev en.nw in tun!
Iv el'liii -lnip-o iii' 'i!;l! Hn,ii,i-,::ii'-l,r nil can pi'-o -
IVei .bv ninii, I'"!' ". C-Vi-l tot;. ll;el' Willi '
viil-Girde, KL'.'ili-'in Or.ele, l.ivauu llint "
I..Vie,. A iiue iWi 'ief iOi.mlMiliI, A.idiMS 1
WILI.IA'M 4; H't: 1'ub i.ilier-', I hil d lJ
Money f.Iiwlo I't. 555,000
ho w 11 .."ik f. r ih II upon
it llnd in alb iiu ir.'i wo will inxc y
r?)ii;pins Hill"
lot I;
liillsof Fare.
. .
II iixinvMsi mid M-siting CardN,
Ull-VIIKADH, , , ,
llli,I,S 0? 'jADlNli, Blc', lti
4W1 ,
Ik. I! trIIIN'il.Nft,
am ur I'liucy Slyi, ttcntly nrel prouipily cieco
ted, cmliraclu
tAlllh, TtOKKTC, Etc.
I'll I ict, every vurietv arid f.flo of wor Vn luttur
;il'i ns j.t .mini.;.
Meridrmt". IjiwvWii. .Ittstiee of the P, acu, I.nnd
Au'enls. Oil lwrt,'l' and Aentti. lnni ninoi Au'entH
ICxpresnuieii nml (ilhor put lii'S lu want, nr., InUinni'd
lb at we are prepareil 10 nxonituto order nil kiniln ol
l'.l.NKii,biiiiuoHor legil.n nulled in linn com
mutiltv. .Iiiniilnr; mtron.-iu'e rcsnoct fully olicitod.
'i)iiHUlkliiiill ha its oikiti in ft nerofuleona
nnd nrtiritpt si ,uo ol die blood, heuee the y el
t natii kin!: dlHuasu Willi touOi syi itfi, , lialsiniis
.te , .to. To l itre . oiifunipl iou we must purify ai d
,'iu'i -h tha bin, d, iiiut wh.-n the blood is pure con
-'itup'iiu eiiiei.t exist. I, .. Mcl'illiini',1 p,.,, Keircher penetrates the ms-ret uuiiiu-h nf llii
dn-u'. dise i,r end e:tt'i!iiina!iu ii root H'.d tnii
Try inie 8ii,vli! parliaiv In- retn;'n mail !i''. ri,'
;l (lii)and y(,u 'lllwivs l'.ml tlnnkliil. W n, .1
Met, '.iii Ci , ,,( , (;r..a i'!ir"l
l-.jpi flee
1 v .1-1,11 for eiicuiiii-s to
1 IU llKI.I'.Y I O.. 'I iiKiinnia. .il..i.
ys wiilit
i-i rb iiu.l
io'is O lsin-S. .ve. In tin 1:' (-W'l
1 1 ill n--,-,l,"l. I 'ntal.i'. lie. 1 erp s
u VifUKKY , A'.;um1i, !.'
lirnrilte J i.N. lie i
V J.,I EiLSed to well our Kr
Aiue'leatl J-'ue
loeniitiis. Xo
te., sent KltLE
The Itmc'ty ,::,! Kir. ..'.
. full line ol Tuble utul r,,ck. t i
:-, Tools,
Lnhviciitinc; Oil,
No. 1 lkcfined Oil
i.'r i . ' 1 e 1 1 -1 ir. u e,
! I -" i i r D.'.i'il Fpoona and Forka,
v Aib,
ruin fuli lLiiticiJliiis KaKK. S. M. S-i'm-.-r,
IK tlunnvor Si ., l'ov n.
KI ""i":- il'TUIt: .'l lll'T nainni.
I'itniM- y him (f ",tl- i U.i uutro ninnoy ul
work for iin in tlifii-jtiKir.! fifioo-;.H. or u l tli tinn
iimn m 'iiiyhm r " Hi.'rinil.'irA froe. AJdreni?
U. JS'I'INhOM & (i'. for l land. Muinc .
kon'T Mi tu n m uti t:n
With quunkA and imp'ters, who wilt not n'mu-IliT'-e
you, bm iu tin tiy-uiui! ir.jtcs out if a nui;
dred uii.-o jnu w Hi b;i;ua copiuvH calnnit', A'f ,
innliin your niHi! wui'ho. Uoort nt we. t ill''
only tkivmn reninU that ran ho rcih 'inn, Dr. Mc
C;il:ui''n KtM.t i:i.,od hciirc:ior, which luid-ln
(rniii t)io sjiitt ui fill lorm of priv.iU ilitu.H und
vim-; in' tint hliniil; iileo,.aiiDiii. il yen km lofn d'
Diiorirv, lor.s nf niiMLtory, and n'i vuii- cli
! m iih.ii whioh d -fir lmti mind
at ii body, i tiiidi-r:ii inai lijo mipnr-iflltiii. Warr-ni
Irii, t vice liy mint lett iittly pw.u ad no cx;o'a()
MHi p r p'U'.U ax Kach p:ick.i: uiakert a quart
id' Jllooil L'iiiriivT. iiiiaiuH M diiino Co., l'utu
iui.!i, 'a box U::. I'.mphk-t l'u-c.
'i'O J. YV. .I'IvEE.
WraiWm & Fiiitii lacfe.
"It is iiiniiiiour :nni willmuji luo Mi:ita of uvery
inuti'on in itio land- 'J
i:.vtill'i(ion otf 1S7!
Juhn K (i;tvit, S.ry. V. A lianvnd, Pits
uinil:! i), 1 1 ! I ' i : 1 1 1 . ( 'uiropondiuL' S ''.
Nrv,- rn-k, Ni'Vi'iiUiiT Uti,
Thi ulinnk nnd tnfnioiM Is :h u-ci'nl
a? i)w. F'viif i lii r ai!'. is f i! b'Toini''i? i i p
ular with I in the p .n:! of i x.n.-iv: Nivflr
woik, u wiivk hi in;.' una h Timrf hotid-oino, r fiHM
Jng It liiut :inJ n-'I oi.t t o r u h t-oit ttiu t xpfll-i r
No Inily t in mw i on p!i lo witiinut it. a
M.ich ui' vmiIi il u -i aio-i tj :ir ami I Ml in ;,r'-i:
tionrt M.jt o' rtL-uint ui i" . or iiniidud In oilviT
plato fur i :.',:
Addrjs, 'i'Sio 5icIkC(.' ."i?un(f. Co.,
; ; ;i r.i'i .-Kiv.-iiy, Vort-
agkxi's v. amt:.
r,M fiv lif'- i
April "
t . r ''ir'Ovivi.AM
f. ;..j per !i-(H
? ' i''-: nl.'liT lil'ni
w da eir in
u? ,r , : i. z 'r ...a
,,": . ."" " ' " "y uiHi.i.iucinri'ia, Jam rnablprt to l
. Lii ',rr i? "r1,!i-"",:',M"i, v.-i-.y f i, cook ..r nht
Stove ll .lo wrll I., cull ,w,J I'S.n,:,, y s-o,-i,-, l wb.cli the followtnS in a
i i'l liit :
l. A rv
With reeorvoiratid wnrmins elm et, r, !',,t class :,-. for hart coal or wood
rii r- i, ) i7-'i ' :' "' V '- '".''.',' ;': ',' nn'' warming olowt, for bard coal.
ivUh1? ''',,1 V -'':.i-CVk. a cheap first clnM .SIovt
MY LIX;; OF 1-A.U.Oi; Ki-ATi: c.,u;ot !,8colMd:
,T,!CLilS";whf:'l ."5':"" J -TMsibeauUn,! fd,,
C K J;na,'e"I0:!,:'U"A " W f' '' """'"' r!i-' "'tth mill gr.,e and Ul,
SlHjir'.N I't.i-lor U:-tr r-;. -n. -tv.,. r
Vosi-y Kifjts'l-Aii-Hi v.i,-1 . I,,..,, .,. i; ,,.
tlOMNe UjStlt-A c'ioup cviin.i, ; o. ,,. v-ii
S 5 OMSK A slo-el it.,-, cvllloi'el' .t. v-r C'li
'! - -V niimll mil leirl. r nml l-1 , r c -,'
.i)!r.4'If. ftvH A n-irlnr c ,,:, r : : n; m
'! llll" A Cheap ll'li ti : f,,,,,., ;. :.,v,
tifilll A Che ip bl ' l r , in l- t ve.
t't'llrl A c'fu l t Inn!--'; .-'t.-i-e, f,,r !.,.,! or p,
v "or.inii-. l ire.- ne a in.. :-i v. i . . , , . , . , , -
A Ii AM AX DKii A uen id; stove ' c i ", : ' 7r , - f"' O-rrieka and boii.l
ic.isinvc. (,..(,.,.. .:!.. . or Blow mid onicea,
u - t v b: 'mi, ful and powerful beater'
1 FAS'. 1,'KFIi OF
' " -.i j;-.-,;4 Ijm,-;
;''!0K.: .'.T.':::.- v
o i:;jei;
con-nlnr,-,, th, clo-ercM .., u .,-, ,;:, tiow-tV.wilV, c?,bn.,n oV,....! ?
K(';.air;:-..f.ti; !:in.Jct ,!r,.r.'. v.:-'. Jim, :;nd t'l-j.-itch.
ISobtTfo vsA Mcliolas Of y?r,
lhafollowlni! i the deci-ieu nndered l. t., !
, U Keiiniiii, nt Amy Term of the Circuit C onn ! 1 1
abovo ens,.. : j , .- " '
iu the Oiicult C'otm of jU fnlnd States, l art. .
IlieWosiern Dlstitr-t f 1'ijiriHylVHiiia P ' . ','
KobelMvs. Mrliolty. timer K. i .vt,, r
197,'1-lJ.Kqi.ity p ' 1 Tt" A
iiuyftuv, -ju, j j. urn liUtf SDd ,1
iuteil.1 --".-' . "VI
f i.bp'aiiia nr.d nolice ofiippllealfrn lor rmlialJI
ary iiijiinexion HurvtHt. jm
i,..:..i , ui.., .. . 71
ni-iiiii.iia, i.iiii ivonon ior preilni'iu, ,.11
' "my uiMfd I,,
the pietnisi-ai tbo itijiint'iion nwuiued its prajMlfut -
January II, isn.'l. Tn'urcllou Itmml, ,iudon tho'
'Sill dnynf .liinuiiry lui.'ic, tnei.t wired p-'tm IB'I.
mid by copy.
Mny in;,l l'uln issued tor dole i-dent to .iv
cause why iiliiichineiit pin it Id not rn,- for ci,nt,.jt
in violating iiiitti-c iou ni.d ilniy s,,i7iii
June 2d, l;.7.'l. lliile lor ntt.-tclimnit In ttii! M. .
ciiruc on to be heard, art! nfur ni-ei:ni.-!it tii'n.ur..,!
ITU raid con, the 1 1 tin In intr rtill ndviwd h, ni
liroinlsiM, the llitlc IstntpJe nhsoliito. nnd the sit.
twice of the l.'onit is, Hint the said d.-f- nc.'.n, Nic;,.
oltiMlieyiT, be ImpliOM'iu-d in the i i.uiinnn ls
Allegeeny Count)' for m.d duiiinj the t-na uf ru
days, lil.d llillt l:c I HV ,tl (' lists if hi. i
June 2d, 1S",8. Ci mraitnit is-ukI.
Tiie Ii-Jui clion in this isse mis i, i- inhii ,,r;,.n
of the Roberts' pa'eiit ( f No.ical. id ll.i" H:;r .
eut), for Ii'.e.-. niiir; tlii'piiiiiui'tiiHiciis cf oil Kr)',i. '
The net i f Infill, f i mi nt fi r h'ih tliu difci.-Kt
wiui committed lor rontmnpt, consist, 6 in a;,;jr.
Ab xaniini Ilarr.i r iu ixpkdiux tor u'dea In ,.
wells lieing the Mima r.ct of ililritiueliient for iiliir;,
lluniar was also coniuiilted in '.lu- c. iie No. 3,
vember 'ri-rin, ISt'il, ns b. fere stated.
The t'eiit-t iMcKennnn, J.ntir d,-livi.:-lri; 1 in ti e Mannir c ise. J ,1 to m-lu-m,,
Nic'io r.s (le.ur for contempt, ni.d UOiveinl u e M
owlbironil ,,j Inion:
t.ln the ca.-o of NU riolna Oyer rlinred Mitli t1!
same rtt'eiisc, I iliu ertitely pntbtlrd Unit tlii-ie v.-.
II nid priifent, in ll.c Ilsnls well at h nst. j iu,r..
tniimatui to the in the cnxrxe rf ll.c or'n,.
matt, the. nrn-.f not' vwHuiUin the wU, -hfthn ii,.
.si'rni or iwt, 1.1 an itifrififement nf the patent, audi
btvuih i'J' the injiinrtina itthe Court.
Mr Huberts, by Ms patent lists as one of tin prill
cipul clcineuts of his invention flu d tnmpiiiL', wnl
wherever there Is fluid siifflcient In well, at ttw
timo nftre explonlon of n torpedo, to oinnite ,
lumpine:. whether il t-ets there nutiimHy or Is ni.t
tin re nitiliclnby, bis pno nt is ii fiinueii. 'i in, iM
clearly the ease in n (;aril lo the Heals well.
Hut Mr l.i ver si-eins to have he-n niinlrd hv
Fatitar. win) toid him that lie' men Iv wanteJ to
liiake uu cxp.-riin," I ; and I dr. not think, this W.
llifr the tilst time, that he olight tn l very scvi'i r
ptinishiil. J
He also Is ndjndrtil puiltv orrnntemt.t nnd nnl,--oil
to pay the costs ol this pn.eeidi! K ami iirdfru'i)
ail lliiprisneiii(.nt in the c' lmtv jail r. r 1-n ilais -I
hojc til's will be the la-t ul Ih. serals Isejiiirf
If Ihe niiiliei' comes to our rnttiv -iiriiui ue.j j h,,'
enrstrsiii' il to inipi,.e such ,ti'uli n,i i,l ie will tet il
toliillko the decree of the Cunt elleciii-il.
June llm.
Fonn.rly with
T. HEi.Mnoi.n.
Is the only Known Eemody for Brlehu Dif
enso nnd lins cured every caso of IJiabeU'S in
which it has been friven, Irritation of tbo Neck
of the llladder and intlammation ot the Kidney,
ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Inten
tion of Urine, Diseases of the 1'roslato eland,
Stone in the Bladder, Uravel, Brick Dust Deposit,
and Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for Dn
feebled and OelioatoOonstitutionHof bothSentr,
attended with tho followinrr symptoms : laws
of Power, Loss ot Memory, JDiiliculty of Breath
hig, Weak Ncrfps, AVakefulness, l'ain in tha
i:k, Kmshrngof the Hody,Kruptinnonthe Face,
tajlld Uountenance, Liismtiule of the (system, etc
Used by peruons in the decline or change ai
life i alter confinement or labor Boius, bed-web-ting
in children, eto.
In many altectiont peculiar to ladles, the Ex
tract Buchu is unoqualed by any other remedy
As in Odorosis or llcWnt ion, Irreijiilarity, Pain
fulness or auniression ot CtiBtomai y l'rvac lationa,
Uloerated or Hebirrns state of the Uterus, Iu
corrhoea or Wliltos, Bterility, nii for all com
plaints incident to the ses. It is prescribed
extensively by tho most eminent Physicians and
Midwivos for enfeebled and delicato eonstitu
, lion of both sexes and all ages.
' ? -foti WfrM Alining from Imprudences,
Tl'Mcof VUniiuitUMi, Etc.,ui all their stages, nt
little expense, lit tlo or no change in diet, no in
convenience, anil no exposure. It causes a fre
quent desire, and gives strength to Urinate,
thereby removing Obstructions, Preventing and
Curing Strictures of tho Urethra, Allaying Pain
and Inflammation, so frequent in this class of dis
eases, and expelling all Poisonous matter,
Jl.UOpcrbottloorsix bottles for AS. 00, delivered
to any address, secure from observation. Isold by
oruearista everywhere. Prepared by
KKAItNisy & CO., lot Cuine Bt., N. Y.
to whom all letters for uilormalion should be
Avoid Quacks and Impostors.
No Charge tor Advios and Oon.oJtaUon.
' Dr. J. B. Dyntt, Graduate otjeffermn Atedltai
C'oUegt, Philadelphia, author of several vajualile
works, enn be consulted ou all diseases of the
riexDHl or Urinary Organs, (which he has made
sneepecial study) either in mule or female, no
tnatter fiom whut cause oiiiriuatuig or ot now
long standing. A practice of 80 years enables
uiru t i tra it disease with auooess. Cures guar,
uiilecil. Charges reasonable. Those at a dis
tance can forward letter deMCribini. avmntoma
and enclosing stamp to prepay postage.
oena ior i ne ttmmto jitaitn. Price 10 cents.
J. B. DVO'X'l,, Phy.ician and Burgee Uu
101 Dunne St , New York. -
"'.'"I I).
AilVt'.ltlSC I'j