The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 11, 1873, Image 2

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    Fetro'eun Centre Daily Record.
Pel. Centra, Van ftaiarday Oct. 11.
Divine Hervlee.
Servioea every Sabbath t 11 A. M. and
P. M. Sabbath School at lljf P. M.
eats free, A eordlal Invitation extend,
ed to all.
Kir. T. Gbaeum, Paator.
Preaching at 11 o'olock A. M and 7
o'olook P. M., by the Paator, W. C. Bcrcu
ARB. Sabbat Sohool at 12, directly
nflr lorenooa servloe.
Prayer Meetloc and Sabbath School
Teacher's Meeting Tuesday evenings ol
ecu weea.
Petrolenn Centre Lodge, No.
TlSfl. o. of O. P.
Regular meeting nights 1'rlday, at 7
'clook. Signed.
J. C. I. Habtmaw, A Seo'y.
UTPIhc of mealing, Mala St. opposite
McCllntook Hones.
A of v. v.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
meets every Monday evening at 1 o'clock,
In Odd Fellow's Bail, Petroleum Centre,
Jiaca Wilson, If. W.
Jamm 3. Wbiti, K.
t. O. of R. 1H.
Minnekaunee Tribe No. 183, L O. R. M
Of Petroleum Centre, meeta every Thursday
evening In Good Templar's Hall.
tW Council fires lighted at 7 o'clock.
U. HOWE, Sachem.
C. L. JUKE3, Cbiel ol Records.
Gold at 1 p. ra. 1U84
Evanoclical Alliancu. The meeting
of the Evangelical Alliance In New .York,
which la now In sestioo, is the most re
markable religious convention ever beld In
America, embracing representatives of ev
ery obristlan sect In the world except the
Soman Calbollo church. Representative
men Irons every stale of Europe, and from
America, all met under ooe common bond
of brotherhood, for the purpose of effecting
closer alliance of ail christian denomlna
lions in order that they may procead in har
mony In the great work of the world's re
sumption. The New York Tribune says, lbs learn
ing the piety of the leltb, aodjtbe loyalty to
truth, and lb self-denying and aell-sacri
flolog devotion to the church eri represent
ed here In a Universal Congress, whose aim
Is the promotion ol tLe Eiugdom of Peace
nd the Brotherhood of Man. Higher mo
tives or pumr purposes could be fovoked.
For, however men may differ upon tbe coo
troverted points of 0 aristton doctrine, bow
over they may disagree t van upon what
may be esteemed tbe und -mental truths ol
Christianity, noons will deny that through
Christian progress and Christian clvillxa
lion the whale worfd ua been lifted to
purer eoi belter living.
Theaervlces are unusually Interesting
but loo lengthy for us to give even syn
opsis. We find the following highly compllmen
lary mention of our former glltod
low os women, Mrs. M. Carman and Mus M.
U. Henderson, In tbe Patterson Daily
Press, published at Palteison, New Jersey.
The ooooerl wis given for the benefit ol
Mr. Thomas Benson, and of tde part taken
by those leliea that journal says:
"Mrs. M. Carman delighted tbe audience
with an exquisite soprano solo, The Chal
t Horn, ooroet obligate being aouoded
behind the scenes. Her sister, Mist Hen
derson (a fine alto singer), accompanied
ber to perfection an the piaoo. This was
really Ibe gem ol the evening, and tbe au
dlenoe fairly sprang to their leel at the
close and insisted upon an encore. Mrs.
German Is a beautiful and gracelul lady,
and a most charming and aooompliabed
linger. She Is a sister of Mrs. Walter
Smith, of Hamburgh avenue, and is new
cower to our oily."
We are glad to learn of tba success these
ladies are meeting with in the profession
they have adopted, and at no distant day
we predict they will stand second to noue
among tbe list of musioians ol Patterson
as they did In Petroleum Centre.
Tbe Allegheny Valley (Railroad has coo
ireoied for twelve oew looomotives, wbich
will be pieced on tbe road shortly. The in.
creasing business of the road demands these
additional faollitles.
A boy fell down a well at Uuntiogton,
Pa , last week, dlataooe oflorty feet
Ha.etcaped any serious Injury, 4eod when
asked bow be got off so well, he replied, "I
don't lruow,but I must bave slid .down Ibe
It la uow detiuilely aetiled that tbe lei
graph wires In Germany are no lougtr to
b. affixed to poles in ino 0Ja air but aie
lo be underground.
The Petroleum Centra Record says: "For
some months pant we have not had a t'e.i
rlcal entertainment or public exhibition of
any kind la our town, Irmi the fact that
tbe hall ageols, both in Titusville and Oil
City, peisislently report to ell adveuce
agents of troupes (bat tbere is no use in
topping at tbe Centre, as tbe place was
played out and abandoned." Any one
would judge from tbe dolelul complaints and
gecerel dullness of tbe Record that Ibe Cen
tre is played out. They bave only taken the
Record's word lor It-
The above mean inueudo we find In Ibe
Oil City Derrick, the big I and Tittle u of
tbe oil region In lis own estimation, this
morning. All of our readers know tbe
Derrick's statement to be untrue, and that
we have never made any complaiuis of dull
times exoept when local option went Into
force. That law burl the place and fur a
time made things look as II we were lagging
behind, but a change came and we think
Petroleum Centre a fair average of Ibe oil
towns of this region as a business poiut, In
proot of waiob we are still issuing the Rec
ord, and although not qnite so metropoli
tan ( T) as that sheet, still manage to pub
lish a 'dull' sheet and make a liviug at It.
Our poiot In the above quoted paiagrapb
was that the ageota ol tbe opera botuet,
both in Oil City aud Titusville, lor the last
year or more have made it a business to
warn advance agents ot exhibitions not to
stop at Ibis place as it was abandoned, hop
ing by that meaos to induoe our citizens lo
patroune their towos, or as the beg
gars have it, "a few peuaies if you please,
anything will help keep us alive at your
expense." Of tbls fact we buve tbe woid
of the most reliable advance agents on the
road. Tbe Derrick man should remember
lhal it received the nuoleua that gave it life
in Petroleum Ceulre, and that it should not
upon every occasion try lo belittle, slander
and throw dirt upon those whom tbey still
ssk patranage of on the score of "au:d lacg
A careful reader of that piper would also
suppose tbe astute editors would find plenty
to do to ooireot sod cull out lu own col
umns, with misstating sod garbling tbe
views of Its neigbbois, and then seeking to
make capital by cotnmeoiiog on its own
misstatements. Does the Derriok not know
lbs! in their Paul Pry bunt after the morula
and doings of their neighbors, they are neg.
lectlog their own columns la such an extent
that Ibe paper is not a desirable one for a
lather lo take into bis family. Look over I
Us columns tbls morning, lo fact any day,
and you will Uud such choice expressions
for tbe fireside reading of the elite young
Indies ol Oil City as "It beats the devil
bitnseir'; run Ibe entire couoern to tbe
devil"; '-be damned if he wouldn't''; "rais
ed bell," while oue woman Is quoted as
saying she would spank another ol ber sex
until tbe "devil's duett" would ring from
tbe place. This is only a few choice ex
pressioos auy of wbich cau be seen daily in
this censor of a'l other papers In the region.
"Ob wad the power," &a.
A number of young ladies ol Macon, Ge.,
have resolved to attend tbe State Fair clad
lu homespun.
Duiutb comes up smiling and says: "Jay
Cooke was only remotely oonneoted with
our metropolis.
Among- the new residences of Washington
D. C, that of Senator Stewart of Nevada is
tbe most ooospicuous and costly.
A new version of "When Ibe swallows
homeward fly," baa been dedicated to an
obliging State Constable of Massachusetts.
Tbe Chicago butchers, grucorts and mar
ket men-have formed a protective associs
lion against lollti wliodon't pay as tbey
John Harper has a two-tear old colt
which be is confident will rival tbe per
tormaoce ol Ltougtellow.
It Is rumored that a movement is on loot
toseoure ,tbe sUutllug down of wells in the
lubrisatiog district until next spring. It is
reported that over two-thirds of the oro-
ducers favor tbe movement .
Gen. N. P. Bauks is spokeu of as a can
didate for the next Massachusetts Legisla
lure (rum Waltbam.
Tbe Eimira Advertiser of Thursday last
says: "The oranizition known as the In
dependeot Order of Red Men la increasing
quite rapidly in this State. Within tbe
last two mouths five new Iribes bave been
established the last one being Teaseabuae
Tribe, No. 19, of Buffalo, ol which Cnarles
W. Uiusoa Is Saohem. The Massasott
Tribe, ol Elnilrs is a flourishing and strong
ooe, numbering somo fitly members, and
those some of tbe most worthy men of this
Toe time fixed by Congress tor fllinit
Claims for additional bouuty, expires Jan
rr.iy 20th, 1874. If there aro an who bave
not,nioj their oUlu)s.lbey-ibould doio at
A Gkmhsb IIkbo. II.' lives wiliiiti nwn
miles of Towand i, snd bis n mie is
Il'igers F. Oi'X had five bullet holes
through bis lett hand, not merely lunching
ibu rkln and linziug the Uesb, out tuey
were shots that penetrated and literally
transfixed the hind, We asseit there is
not a joint from tbe wrist to the tips ol the
lingers which Is oot stiff (aochyloard), as if
forged from iron. Tbn wrist and baud and
fiugrrs are of no possible use, nay, they are
a positive detriment as being in the way.
There are two bullet boles through the left
shoulder, both penetrating the large muscles
which move tba arm and renJor it an im
portaot Instrument la voluntary motion.
The shoulder and arm are, therefore, pow
erless and useless. Tbere Is a bullet bole
through tbe large muscle i( tbe left leg
tbe Calf wbicb trantfixed Ibe leg five or
six laches above tbo ankle joint. It passed
squarely through Ibe limb in tbe largest
diameter. There is a bullet bole In the
breast which must bsre glanced off from
its first dlreotion, fur we see ouly a super
ficial wouud. Then tbere was a bullet re
ceived in tbe moulb, which tore tbe lower
lip aud koocked out all the teuib in Ibe
right side ol the lower j tw. the bullet
that oanie nearest the life of tuis man was
ooe which struck Ibe left side of the neck
anout midway between tbe cbin and breast
bone, tore lis way between Ibe windpipe
and the stomach lube, and came out on the
side opposite its entrance bsving bored a
tunnel Ibrongb snd between those two en
trances to Ibe body without doing a fatal
violence lo a vital orgao. These wounds
so cursorially described were all received
in one battle, thai of Murfreesboro, in tbu
State of Tenuecsee, on tho 13th day ol
July, ISC. Iiein.
Ooe of the typical American snippers of
tbe past recently entered Ibe Bayol Rio
Janerio flying a flag wbicb was oot recog
oiz.'d by Ibe of3ri of Fort Santa Cruz
Tbey accordingly ordered biui to aocbor
immediately. Nut understaudiug a word
of Portuguese, the gentle captain just
screamed out the name of bis ship and
calmly sailed on. A blank, shot fired at
him failed to in tbe language uf Mr. Wel
ter's beautiful ballad "prewail on him to
toy." But be was unserved to sain bis
revolver and Instantly lira six successive
shots into lbs air. Than the fort aul twi
shore batteries joined in a duel of solid shot
and wueu at last glie reached quarantines
still firing his revolver, bis ship was in
rather a dismantled coudition. Then did
the Captain of tbe Port appear and vigor
onaly Inquire wb be didn't stop. Tbe
p. eating emotlors of that officer maybe
im jgtoed when tba astonisbvo skipper slat
ed that be thought tbey were S1I1111114 the
American Otg, and that he was doing his
best to respoud to tbe cotnpluiinui w lib his
In accordance with the action of tho last
session, tbe Twelfih Semi Annual Session
ol the ConvHutiou for the Nortbwesiern
District of Pennsylvania will he held 111
Xoitugsviile, Warren couotv. on the luhd
Tuesday of October, 21st lust , commencing
at 11 o'clock, a. ui. snd continuing at tbe
wisbot Ibe Convention. Each Lodue ia
entitled to two delegates at large and one
additional for every twentv-flve members.
or traofion, i,lo excess) in good standing;
aiso, ail members ol the Conveotioo holding
membership cards can atteud bv navinsth.
session dues. Tbe amount ol dues from
each Lodge represented is two dollar. lu
case members ol tbe Convention represent
me lodges as delegatus no sceslon dues
will be expected
The Postmaster Gen. decides that con
tractors and mail carriers may carry news
papers out of tbe mail for sole or distribu.
tion among regular subscribers: but hn
such papers are placd in the postoffice for
neiivery, postage must be cbsrijed and col
I acted. Contractors and other persone may
also convey books, pamphlets, newspapers
and maRaziues fnol intandvrl inr imm,ii.i.
distribution done up In packages as mer
chandise, end addressed to come bona fied
ageui or dealer.
Judge eStowe.of Pittsburgh, in ha,!n. .
jury recently, beld that If a man is going
along iue siteei ana not annoying people,
eveu Ibongb be be intoxicated, tbe r.m.
bat no right to arrest bim; further, an of
fioerjhas no right or authority to order a
drunken mau borne under threats of arrest
should the intoxicated individual not ooin
ply. He lurtber bald tnat a man wo,,i,i h
justified in ottering ail the resistaaoe lo bis
liuwvr 10 an cnicer line was simply luioxr
tested sod not making any disturbance.
We all have alellow feeling for each oth
er, and it Is at no time better illustrated
than in these cold mornings when we ask
somebody else to get up and build the fire,
at tbe same time quoting the couplet,
"Early to bed," Ac
Work bos been entirely 8uspended upon
Tacomee, the proposed western terminus ol
tbo Northern i'taiCc Hsllrosd,
AOVU il B OH IKVi,iYi05Y
i'sH, l' COAVH iOiUe
A.W i'Ui.'.G.
Lotions i.nd on-metics make a SsitperBolel
coatinj 1111 ihrfskiu. give an ar-itiu l Color
eaiil7 s-wn. but are vilely destructive of Ibe
c.ilor, texture and plie'illlly of the skin Ml
sell. Wrinkled, hagi 'id and prematurely
old looking ex .city described ln appear
ance of those who habitually "paint their
aces " If you would have the clear, trans
parent, healthy and solt tinted complexion
which nature gtvei, free.fronl pimples, tan,
freckles or nil other dlrSgureioents, me
Hand Sapelio the most effective and fre
grant tiolet soap ever manufactured. Sold
by a t dealers at 10 and 15 ceutt per cake,
Burnous im Yxnanoo OOUNTT. Tbe
Cttizec says that last week tbe County
Commissioners tisited Sugar Creelt at Kei
terinan's Crossing, where tbey propose lo
bave a bridge erected this fall. Tney also
visited other points on Siuar Creek where
bridges were reoommended lo be built by
I he grand jury, wnich will receive luiiuiJ
iate attention. We understand the mater
ial of tbe upper French Creek bridge in
tbis city, which is to be replaced by a new
superstructure, will be used lor the Sugar
Creek bridge'. A bridge over Oil Crek
at licCliolockville will alfo be erected.
Tun Faib. Next Tuesday, Wednesday
and Tuuisday the Second Annual Exhibi
tion of the Veuango County Agricultu al
Associa'.iou will be beld la Ibe Third Ward(
this city. II the weather is favorable we
auiicipite a large attendance, and iru.t our
people will do all in Ibeir power to make
the Fair a success. The grounds are lu ex
cellent condition aud acommodatioua for
live stock, and all articles entered lor exhi
bition are good. Tbe grounds are supplied
with excellent spring Water. Admttsion 25
cents; wngous and Carriages fiO cents.
Family tickets, good during Ibe fair, and
admitting wagon or carriage, $5. Frauk
liu Citizen.
New York has sent $7,689 to the Mem
phis sullerers.
The Emperor William will visit Vienna
oa tbe 16th lost.
Base ball at New York yesterday Ma
tuals,9; Bailimores 0. (
Tbe railway from Bombsy to Madras,
Iddia, has beao completed.
Count Maurio de Flarigy, tbe distinguish.
ed French poliliceo is dead.
Three deaths from yeilow fever in Mont
gomery Alabama, yesterday.
Tbe panel In the Slukes ease was ex
hausted yoateiday without obtaining a ju
The flllh anniversary of Cuban indenea
deuce was celebrated ia New York, yester
The purport of Victor Emanuel's rtcent
visit 10 lioriiu will uot be made public as
Eight per9nus were arrested lo Boston.
yesterday, on a charge of citculating ob
(cene literature,
Tbe Sptnish Government has Imposed a
du ly of 6 per ceul. on all wines exported
alter tbis month,
Hon. Allied Cummins, Governor of Ulsh
under Bucahuao died at Aguata, Georgia!
Ti,e Grand Lodge of tbe United Order of
una fellows (colored) beld .its session In
Georg etown yesterday.
The warehouse of Lowry & McGee, a
Fultoo, Arkansas, was destroyed by lira
last night. Loss, $40,000.
Tbe police of Paris bave seizsd 22,000
photographs of Ibe Priooe Imperial, wh.oh
war e on sale In that city.
Tne Catholic societies of Boston, yester
day, celebrated tbe birthday of Falbt'
M alhew by a grand parade.
Tba Uulon Trust Company, of New York
bave appointed a commit ee to consider tbe
question of a aptAjy resumption.
On account of Ibe admission of Hone,
the colored Secretary of Siate, as a student
in tbe South Carolina University, three
ot the principal professors bave resigned.
During ibe dull tim'-s consequent upon
tbe low pi ice of oil In the lowor oil region,
tbe tough portion of society pass their t rue
in a way wblco Is not very creditable.
Tbey bad a dog fight between a Pittsburgh
dog named Jim" aud a Pelrolia dog nam
ed "Ca-sar," 00 Saturday. Fifteen rounds
were fought, and the Pittsburgh dog got
chewed up badly, and the Petrolia dog,
"Ciesar," won tne stake of $100.
Tbe eveolugs are oalui and beautiful, and
narrow seated buggies, without robes, are
in great damand at tbe tbe livery stables.
A siow horse, also, ia generally spoken lor.
In Englaud there were 25,705 coroner's
Inquests beld last year, 18,046 on men. In
tbe preceding year tbere bad been 193 mare
On !a unlay night of last waait
... jm
tie bad auollii i lire. Three or lour bniii
Inas were destroyed. A uani at u. .
A Mercer county man thinks he h.. i...
Ibe daddy of oom ears. It measured n
inches around tbo top, Is one loot long, sj(
contains twenty tows of lorlyfivs g'nisj
uui-u, til uiud uuuuii'u grains IU all, Weigh
two pounds lacking half an ounce. I
At the shootinir tournamiit i u..j ,1
. iciutik
this week Hurry Piersoo, of Meadvtlls, a
D. It. Streeter, of Youogstowt, each l4
dear scores. Piersoo then bought off bk
opioueni and loos the nrize. R.l
Woodruff, ofPlessantvillr, look the iecof
prize; al. w. uiars. ot isrie, the third; U,
nuisiei, 01 av auvme, ineiourtb; sod i,
W. Kill ol wanes, ibe Landloids purn.
Chief Damreii minks bs baa dlacoverel I
Why fires can't be put out in Boston, ia(l
3 as lsued au orCer that all tne umniwriol
the department shell sija the tumpertoos
An eiaiuluaiion ol the laiet publiibtl
list ol these to whom Canadiai pateosl 1
have beeu granted ditcloies Ibe fact lb I
duly tw. -thirds of the patsntees us ittbl
deutsol the Uulled Stales.
About a tbousaud acres were toistesMi
planted l.i Cotton in Freaoo couuty, Csl.-l
Tbe exporiment la regarded ts sucoshIuU
tne oaiis Doing urge ana tbe fibre equal II I
quantity to the best Sea Iaiaod.
Neatly two million ol Salmon eggs, ttkel
Iroin California waters, are 00 their Way is
the A'laulic seaboard, lo be placed In bsteta
log bouses on tbe Delaware, Scbuyliil
Buiquenanna, and James rivers,
A large cargo of slates on tne way la I
M ijunga, Madagascar, Oat been Captured ill
tbe Moztmbique channel. Prnof baa bm I
louod thai a Urge slave trade is earrlMlna
almost under the guns ol tho Mazambiqual
One ot the gardeuers at Balmoral Cutis I
died recently alter a short lllnsas. Qiihii
Victoria called the other day on tbe widov,l
who has three children, reoained Is set I
cottage some lime, and belore leaving band 1
ed her 10.
Latei deveiopmenls Indicate that lbs trill
suspicion thai Captain Hall died from poll 1
on was well foundered, and DotwitbstanH 1
ing tbe eff.irts ol Seoor Robeson to prevent I
the public Irom obtaining correot InlotDi'l
lion, tbe rut h must eventually by kooeo.
At Ibe receut eonnty lair in Westrnors
land, Penn., a gentleman of nodoubtrd I
palriolsitn hut of limitee aeosraphieal In-1
formation, entered lor premium a pleura of I
Patrick Henry dslivsrlng kis celebrated I
peecb belore tbe House ef
Uurg9set of West Virginia.
Just received at the Petroleum Excitants
Hotel tbe nicest lot of Shell Oysters sti
Clams ever brought lo Oil Creek. A ltlt I
will convince you of Ibe faot. Tbey sis
for sale by tbe count, pint or quart, or yuit
can fill yourself at tba counter. Go acd
convince yourselves by oiling Tom Soov I
den to open a dozen ot iwo fur you oa its'
nan bovii.
McKinley & Gross,
ifliler Uaks,!
Ibtrt Farm, Petroleum
Centre, ia.
Boiler Repairing a Specialtty.
W We wairant all work done by us W
he yearly as good aa new when repaired
Good traterial furnished and prices reason
able. Uaving bad long experience In Ibe Ml
new are ennhlrd to give satisfaction. , .
Vetrolenin Ceiure, Pa., Jan. . If
Is recomntindrd by remlar Med'cal practwasrs
and a snet dy enrs iriiarraMeud for ColS, K 'am
Caiarrii,-Arthma, Hronehitls, Spitting Blood, i
sumption. n l all Pulmiinary Ooraplaiots. bnjJJ;,
KryniDelSB. Dv.i,ral. and Cunt 1) aeliiery, WOi-
Sra-morbun. Uiolem and'all HVirand bowel pwe
pliilnt. Kdueydlsenanlall affections of 'IM ;
Urinal Oruaim iwriectly harmless free frm
eral or Alenliopc properties pleasant to t "''JJ
nevr known lo fall Price t.OU per bottla.
purlieu ara with medioal testimony and
dtea ai'nt on application. Address I F. rJif" 1
CO , 1H3 Htvenia Avenue, New York. '
Girl Woule... '
To do ceneral bnuaework. Inaolrc ' -
don't Hardware store.