The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 04, 1873, Image 2

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I i
Fetro'eu.-n Centre Daily Record.
!. Ceatre, I'll, Haturday Oct 4.
Irlvlne Service.
Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. ami
X P. M. Sabbath School at I2) P. M.
U free, A oordial invitation ejtteod.
d to all.
Rev. T. Grauam, Pastor.
Preaching a; 11 o'clock A. M.. itnrl 7
o'clock P. M., by tbe Pas .or, W. C. Bbiicii
ARD. Sabbato Sahool at dueotly
after loreooon service.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School
Teacher' Meeting Tuesday evenings ot
eaeb week.
Petroleum Centre Lodge, JVo.
T15, I. O. of O.K.
Regular meeting nighU Friday, at 7
'clock. Slimed.
C. II., A Sec'y.
tjri'liioe ol meeting, Main St., opposite
McCiintock House.
A. U. of U. W.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of V. W.,
meets every Monday evening at o'c'ock,
i n Odd Fellow's 11 all, Petroleum Centre,
Jamks Wilson, 11. W.
James 3. Wwtb, K.
I. O. of It. M.
Minnekauosa Trioe No. 183, I O. R. M
of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
evening In Good Templar's Hall.
ZW Council fires lighted at 7 o'clock.
H. HOWE, Sachem.
C. L JUKES, Cbiel ot Records.
Gold at 1 p. in. 110
The installation of officers of Petroleum
den i re Lodge No. 715, I. O. O. F., took
place last nlgbt. The ceremonies were
conducted by p. D. G. M. J. K. Lewory o
Oil City, assisted by other Grand Lodge
officers, who performed tbeir duties in their
usual bappy and pleasant manner and to
oe eitaiaciion or en present. Toe follow,
ldg officers wen installed for tbe present
Noble Grand, S II Kooker.
Vice Grand, C H Bailey.
Ass'l. Sjo'v, J C E Hsrlman.
R 8 to N G, G W King, Sr.
L 8 to N G, J C Cannon.
R S to V G, Tryon Bailey.
L S to V G, L E Evans.
S W, L W Smalley.
J W, W A Keller.
C, B Allen.
16, J Waddeli.
O G, D P Williams.
R 3 P, W II Baker.
L' 3 8, W Wadswortb.
The Lodgers to a prosperous condition
having Increased In membtirshlp during tbe
term just closed notwithstanding tho iet
crease In tbe population.;.
Last night a bold and dxring attempt at
bnrg ary and house breaking was made on
tbe liquor establishment ot Owen GafTaey,
corner of First and Washington streets.
Tbe attempt was made shortly after tbe at
rival of tbe special train from Oil City,
which passed here about ball past one o'l
clock a. m. It seems they tried to force an
entrance through a side window and bad
succeeded to that extent that the window
was partly raised and tbe man about to en
ter, when tbe noise attraoted tbe attention
of a dog In Weiderscb'g sboe shop, tbe ad
joining building, who set up a loud bark
ing, which brought our eflloient nieht
watchman, Peter Kiduey, to tbe rescue
as soon as he came In view the burglar
made oft" across tbe railroad to parts un
known. Kidney fearing that there was
some one inside oroed an entrance, but tbe
birds bad Uowo. There was a large supply
ofoigars and otber valuable stock in the
tore, and bad tbe thieves succeeded lu
farcing an entrance a rich haul would have
been made. Had Peter not made tbe niH
take of thinking there was some one still
Inside, be would no doudt have captured
one of tbe burglars.
We would advise our citizens to keep a
sharp look out for suspicious characters af
ter this daring attempt attempt at burglary
We are ploased to sue tbe familiar phiz ol
Jlr, W. D. Dodge, in town to-day. Mr. D.
is at present tbe proprietor of a nourishing
hotel at Falrview, Butler county. He has
tbe Butler fever until he Is swelled oat like
unto a green bay tree. He talks Botler;
thinks Butler; eats Butler, and swears by
Butler, like all other parties who have just
emigrated to that point. Wait a, few weeks,
Qtiard, old buy, and then we would like tu
bear from you. In the meantime we wish
you all tbe good luck imaginable plenty ol
money, lots of custom, good health and
barrels or rum.-' We understand Eugene,
the Boy Wonder, will accompany bim, por.
'bly as a figure bead for tbe sign. All
rlgjbt, "hickory eye."
The Northern XJblo Fair closes tc-Jay.
A Vt'.RV Wt.Lt. About twenty in I
from lierlin is situated the village of Speren
burg, noted for th-1 deepest well th 1 1 ha
ever been sunk Owing to tin presence 0
gypsum In tha locality, which is nt a mod
erate distance from the cipit il, it occurred
to the government authorities in charge of
lbs mines to obtain n supply of rock salt
With this end in view, the sinking of a
shaft or well, sixteen lee t 10 diameter, was
commenced some five years ago, uud at a
depth of two buodied and eighty leet the
salt was reached. The boring was contin
ued to a further deptb ol uloit hundred and
sixty feet, tbe diameter of tbe bore being
reduced to about thirteen ioches. The op
erations were subsequently prosecuted by
the aid ol steam until a depth of lour toons
and one hundred and uinety-four feet was
attained. At this point tbe boring was dis
continued, tbe borer or bit still being in the
salt deposit, wliico tbus exhibits Ibo enor
mous thickuass of three thousand nine hun
dred and seven feet. The l.oriug would
have been contiuued in older to discover
what description of deposit lay under the
fall, but lor the mechanictl dilliiiulttea con
nected with tbe future prosecution of the
operations. Darin,; the prodrug of this In.
lerosting work repelled and careful obscr
valious were nrtde of the teirjpera'ure at
Various depths. The results confirm very
closely those which have beeu already ar
rived at under similar circumstances.
Minnekacxkb TitiitE. The newly elect
ed Chiefs of Minnekiuuee Tribe, No. 1S3
Improved Order of Red lieu, ut IVttoleum
Centre, were.duly raised on Tuesday even
lug last. They are as follows:
PropLet James Deshler.
Sachem J. II. Ileivly.
Sanior Sigamore Thomas Alford.
Junior Sagamore C. L. Jukes.
C. ot U. 34. J. Kirshner.
K of W. George King, Jr.
Tbe dry goods store of Wiison it Sharpe)
Cleveland, was burglarized last night ol
25,0'I0 yards ol silk.
A grand Catbolio celebration will take
place in Dayton, Ohio, Suoday, in honor ol
tbe dedication of Emmanuel Cburcb.
We notice io town today Messrs. Harry
Talks and Clem. Madison, of Hamburg, N.
Y. Both of tbeso gentlemen are old resi.
dents of Petroleum Centre, Mr. T. at one
lime being a large owner in the colelrated
Hamburg lease, on tbo Columbia farm.
Our townsman, Mr. Jacob Arinbrustcr,
has socurcd a patent for an improvement in
Flue Cleaners lor Boilers. The invention
bids lair tu work a revolution in flue clean;
Captain Eraslus P. Coe, tor many years a
prominent merchant of Ciacinnatia, died at
Newport laBt night.
Majoy Ilnvermeyer, of New Yoik, sug
gests that tbe hospitalities ol tbe city be
tendered to the Evangelical Alliance.
Tub Sister. Found. We noticed in yes
terday morning's Courier that two little
boys bad arrived from Buffalo, io search of
their sister, Miss Kittle Gorman, whom they
supposed 'o be in Titusville, and we stated
that it any person knew of bur whereabouts,
and would communicate tbe same to us, we
would Convey (he information to the broth
ers. We received a telegram last evenicg
Irom Petroleum Centre, from a prominent
citizen, requesting that the boys be seul to
Petroleum Centre, wliere they would meet
tbeir sister. So much for the benefit of ad
vertising. Courier.
The boys arrived h'ro this noon and
lound their sister.
l'arr Farm living.
Tarr Farm was once a very important
station) on tbe line of tbe Oil Creek & Alle
gheny River Railroad, and has had a great
many ups and downs since the year 18C5.
Business Is of Course dull here now, as it
is everywhere else in the upper nil field, yet
there is considerable doing here.
A oew depot in badly needed hern, as the
old one is much dilapidated. Considerable
freight Is brought to and (taken from this
point, and a number of paassengers get on
aud off here every sime tbe train stops.
A boy employed in a drug store in St.
Jobm,,N. B., who was ill the habit of last
ing tho various drugs sold by his employer,
dropped dead recently, a victim Irom bis
curiosity. He experimented on tba nutrl
tions properties of aconite, and discovered,
when too late, that it did not agree with
Tbo society editor of a New York paper
Btates that pumps and black silk Blockings,
with soarlet cloaks are now tbe proper
things far a gentlemen's lull dress.
The Sink hotel in Garland was totally de
stroyed by fire yesterday morning at aboul
S o clock. We are without further particu
A mild winter is predicted iu tho north
west, bectuie tbe csrn husks are thin,
ttarritise Lr.w tS I'tiiii'-J l v:i
iiitif I'ew of our rei.lers nr.! awate, prhps,
that thn following is p.Mt of the statute of
this Stale:
'All marriages not lorbirtden by tbe law
of God, shall be encouraged; but the parents
nr guardians shall, If conveniently they
oan, be consulted with, and the parties,
clearness from all cugogemeots signified
by a certificate from some credible person
where they have lived, produced to such
religious society to which they reuie, nr to
some Justice of the Peace' ot the county in
which they live, and by their affixing their
intentions of marriage on thn Court House
or meeting house doors in each respective
county where the parties reside or dwell,
oie month before the Eolcmnizatiou there
of." Fortunately, it has lieen dec'iUd that
"this is direciory merely; and marriage,
otherwise solemnized are valid "
A Dkad Ciiikk- Tho Suspension Brtdjt.
Jouinal says: "Those who had ihit piei.-
tire ot seeing the Gran.l Couticil ol tno Six
Nations at Ttiscaror.t last June, will remem
ber the venerible chief of the Onondaga
Capt. bnmuel George. And they will be
paiued to bear of bis death. He was buiied
last Friday In the Iudinn cemetery, near
the Council House, on tho ttibe'a reservn
lion near Syracuse. The old chief was
seventy-s'ght years ol age ut the time ol
his death. Tbe funeral was buid at the
Church of the Good ahepherd, ou tho reser
vation, in tbe proi-enu-J ol a largo number o1
visitor from Syraeme and tho l.itu chlei'e
people. Bishop Huntington (.ffiuiutoii, as
sisted by the three Episcopal clergymen ol
Syracuse, and at the cemetery the Bishop
delivered au address praising the chaiacier
and career of Captain George. In the
course of his rematks be related that in the
war of 1812 George was employed by tbe
government as a runner, and in this capac
ity, while carrying dispatches fur the eom
Handing officer ol Fort Niagara to Canal)
d.iigua, he pei formed tbe almost incredible
feat ot running a distance ul 115 uiiirs be
tween tbe rise and set of sun and returning
the same distance the next. Captain
George was also a great buuter, and his
lung life was lull of history, incidents and
iiBoiuluefis to his peoplH."
Tbe ShenTlast week, oo execution, sold
out the whiskey of Levy Fike to the highest
bidder, clearing bis cellar out completely.
The question Is asked, can an officer of the
Court thus put in circulation this "Devil's
hrotb," in the face of our Meicer County
"Iron Clad," and without license! Can
whiskey drinkers buy tbeir liquor from Hie
Sheriff without any one being amenable to
thn law? Can the cOicers ol the Court, in
niilorcing the collection ol a debt, do that
which the Cunrt lines and imprisons others
lor doing? We respectfully submit ihe
question to tbe District Attorney. f Mercer
President Grant expects to ullend the
annual re-uuion ol the Army of the Ten
nessee, at Toledo, on the 15th and lGih in
Tbe boiier on the hoisting engine on the
Grand Junction Wharf, Boston, exploded
yesterday, killing one man and wounding
several others.
Ten men pursued two horse thieves yes
terday across tbe Maine border into Cana
da, and after a rapid exchange ot shots the
thieves were captured. One wus slightly
and tbo other fatally wounded.
A dispatch from Greeco City, dated yes
terduy, says:
This morning aboui 8 o'clock, a man by
the name of E. Bennstt came luto the OH
Excbaoge after getting tbe proprietor. Mr.
John Collins up, and demanded that his bar
be opened, which was refused by Mr. Col
Ins. when Bennett, at the time somewba,
ihtoxicoted tried to lorca Ibe door, nut
prevented by Mr. Collins, after which some
hot words ensued and Bunnell drew bis re
volver and snapped it tbreo limes at Col
lins, when be (Collins) drew bis revolver
and Bbot bim through the arm, and it be
bad uot been prevented by his wife would
Do doubt bave maujp il pretly hot lor him
This Is not the first scrape of this kind Ibst
Bennett has been in. "and we think it will
oo doubt be a good lesson Io h im.
A gang ot 20 men, one ot whom had loot
'JlCO, in Atuily, Oregon, accused tbe cook
of the party of ttealing it. Toe cook stout
ly deuied tha t he It, and to see if be was
telling tbe truth, tbe party took him forih
and amid hilarious laughter, a quits and a
goo tie poke lu tbe rius.bejwae carefully su
pended by tbe neck until he was nearly
dead. They then took H lor grauted that
be didn't take the money, and gayly asked
him to prepare supper This be did, and
wonderful to relate, tho whole party are
alive yet.
A lady in St. Louis baa tent iu nroDOsals
lor grading some of the streets In that city.
T a. at. .
A sunlit sky od sunlit earth,
Blue hills ana bluer river,
Cool torest depute where Ibe springe keve
Green fields where Ihe ; grasses quiver,
A fair bright future without end with
Glad hope to my heart II singing
For a goldi n thread do the Pharceiepio
When they hear a redbreast ilngt
A weeping rky end mourning earth,
Bleak bids and e bleaker rlwr,
Huh forest wtlde where tbe itormi bve
Uiown fields where the dead leavee
sh iVT.
A dim gray luture within endwllhont,
Dred fer In my heart li oglog,
Fur in Hie gold dawn when faith il
I heal J a wblppoorvwlll tinging!
A bloodbought earth withont blemish or
A crystal life tbrobbing river,
Gieen pastures of rest where 'the rest
cotneth not,
Joy cndleas for God is tbe river!
A future unending, beyond and above,
Sweet Faith to my heart il bringing,
For sunrise bath come with light and
with love;'
And hark! tbere'i a skylark singing
Boston Advertiser.
Who would not sympathize with the un
fortunate and probably gook-looklog young
man who boarded In Milford.Man. Be wsi
doing well when the blight about to be de
scribed tell upon his existence. HisJIaodtarlj
(medium aged) suddenly developed pas
dion for follow iuc him into tha aitrv and
Visaing bim before he went out It wai a
motherly thing to do, bat the young man
couldn't near it. Peruana the other board
ers joked bim about It, perbape hll heart
was another's; bin, at any rate, thai young
man packed bis trunk gar up oil situation
and left towa. Young men have been
known to affect a ' lender paasloo for Ibe
landlady but meetly these were youtbl Who
bad oo "situation" to leave.
Tbe National Cat show attthe Crystal Pi
ace, Sydenham, wal opened on Sept. 20.
Two hundred aud sixtytwo grimalkins are
(1o exhibition.
Love birds are said te be growing in fav
or us pets among the ladiei of New York,
and tha discarded pood lee are becoming
j ealous.
A meeting nt the surgeons who served In
the conlederaie army bai been Called, to
take pUco ut Atlauta on the 20th of May,
next yeor.
fair vote km.
FAIRY Yoioas,
80,000 BOLD.
(0,000 HOLD.
7.50 PKit DOS.
Atldrcw, .1. L. PKTKR8,
HI9 Broadway. New. York
TIIF. M W Itr itlEOY
roa HVP.
A most. impDr'nnt fn-rntlna. Bold by tha llsstle
I russ Co , ti.1T Hnmdway, N. Y. City. It retalas
Hiipiureai sohiteiy In ease ard comfort night and
any, ai nil tunes anit under all eircaau nen, with
out any exception whatever In any ease, and shoale)
stiver he lukun oil'ourii.g the short Ume imb Islu to
tl ct a pei umnent euro, (tent by man. Circulars
tree. An Un- U or Phyildan will order this
new fnisi for ym without charge
Is ricinnnieiiUtd liv ronlar Medical nnliLur.
and a ppeiii
Uy euro i.'iinrraoteed for CeMt, ConKha.
( aiarrh, AMlmia, lliiiieltla, Spittlog Bt'ood. Oon-
I all l'iilmona.Oomplalut, Scram:?
Kryiia, vaH pun. aed, Gou.D aentery, CnoU
pMi.tji. K dne diM-.-iMenjall affeetieDa of the
I rnial Orentin nerleeilv harmlmo rrM ha hi..
- ...m., . .uii.i.u.i,. in. nnifti aran.
oral or properties pleasant to take and
' . i . . T i !, Vi,w per poue. full
...... .v....a .n iiiiwdh wnimiuj eoa cenifl-
tMtes , nt on application. , AdoreM L. If. HVDK,
with thenewoKt and hert treataaeat tor all cas.s
, no iiui, iiioroiijii wr ui toe aina in Um) world
all auahfous diseases. No Family 8 fa Withont
""aali buy it lia. M chromatic lllnitradona.
dress t7.S. OOOiPRW- cb."lfr IrarR Itow
New Ynrlr. n'
A- MvutK. "
- -aw JCt jr - I
Cornet Band & Orcbestra.
Proprietor & Manager, JAS. F. StlER"
Leador ol Band, D. II. sTl'DDLEBlvl
Leader of Orchestra, l rof. J.S. KOEM
38 First-tlass Artists
B .1 in
Positively one nfcht only,
Tutla) 'Eve'; (M. 7, is?)
Oa which occnjlon will he produced, ihe AVrii
rrom WHkie Collins" novel of the ahive tltli fn J
New Sc iter-,
Cliiiruclcrlttic Sonj,,l
Miss vhu.imv mmi
Supported by the Company The perfomn
crnclnde with a very auinnlnir aiternit-ce.iiitroclsuii
Mies Lottie Mnrry. Mr Kdward Barrv: Mr 1 1
Wllks and other nambcreof the GHLAX oKGi'l
AdlmlMlon, SO and lifts'
evnewrTea seate ror sai at f u ,Nejn u
Doors opea at 7 o'cloek ferformmje ctntnJ
McKinley & Gross,
loiler Maksj
Egbert Farm,
Boiler Repairing a Speciality j
tW We wa, rant all work done hj ui I)
be nearly as good as new when repaired.
Good iraterial furnished and prices reason
able. Having bad Ions experience In lbs bmi I
nese we are ermhled to trtve naiiiiriciion.
Petroleum Centre, fa.. Jan. 2 "
Flour & Feed Merchant,
XXX While Wh't Fl, $9,001 Mrel, J5
ebon. l.mi whMtBran. '.4 1
Cats, 60. P,8U-
To do general housework. Enquire of LG
uowe, at Howe A Cook's, Main sire"-
Girl Wunle...
To do ueneral housework. Ioquire st Gor
don's Hardware store.
Voor attenUon is Specially invited to the bet tlu
the National Ranks are now prepared to Keel"
subscriptions to the Capital stock of the tti""'
al Board or Finanoe. The fund rest's1 fton
this source are to be employed In tbo erection of
the building for the luternttlonal Bshibiti'ia,
the expenses connected with the sumo. " "JJ,
ndently believed that tho Kev.tone Stata .will
representwl By the name of every cltlacn alW
patrlotle commemoration of the one huuaretu -
dayorthf notion. The sharoa of stock are
for 110 each, and sub'ciibora wilt recalve s
someiy steel engraved Certirlcato of Sliick, nhe
for tramuig and preservatiou as a national -win1"
Intnma at ihn mi. nr.t jn ncr snrtse
Will he paid on all payments of Contsnnial tk
from data of pavmenl to January 1, ISTf k
Huliecrlherawho are not near a National !
sen remit a check or pogt-offlce order tu the "uu
IHM Walnut ft , FhlM'P"
A compositor oo a Boston ptpr "J
a follower ''ihlnln Hint who h
their record in tbeir master! booevsrd.
Tbe Irate editor asked bim If be didn't koo
E.I jeri e
ii "
tbe difference between "rineyerd, "