ll 1 d Lis 1. to 51 Daily Record NEWSPAPER, AND Job PmanTOG Office, MAIN T'KEET, petiioleiui cextise:. l CUM C. WICtEU,?Proprlctor. MOWS WEPAUTMJEXT. We reoeivo tnlcffrnpliirjdlapntchcs up to 4 r. nn.t i.rMMii itn.it, ti ciur reader every tvot.inc, em- hrnciiii: news of ureal -.ntercst from nil accliona of tlia country, w 0 nave mane iiMa;iui nrinc;uiowii,.-. wlmrebv we receive regular Petroleum, Muck Mid Pi educe Market Iteporls every eveninaby tiiliyriiili rr.iu Now York. Philadelphia, and 1'itnliuri;, which tic-ether with Kililorlnln nnd l.oa.l runttcri. make It one air the nitmt desirable newspapers published In (lie Ol Hcglon. As mi . ., Alvcrtiliis Medium) Tub HBCOttn had no snpcrlor. n It drcnlnte Uurcvur uu Oil Opeialor or Dottier can be found JOBBiM. BEPASTMSNT. We linv t larco and Well Rolectcd Block of JohMiifr Platcrlalu, iniliraiine the vorj lalei! ntyles. Ww are tliareloro cnahled to QAeeute .lon Work of every variety In a ulUfactory maunxr when duaired, jobewlll he neHtlyprluted In Coumu SStiping KilU rontr.1, Hand-Bill. PlograinincR, Hills of Fare, litibe AND BiiMineM and UUI113 CartT, L ETTEHJllEADS,! bill;hbds, , . ... .k.'f-T III 1X3 OF ADING Etc", Etc R11LI. fltlNTINn. am or F.ncy Htylon, neatly nnd promptly ezscn led, onitiiacin imitations crRcni,Ai( "kookamm CARDS, TlCivKTS, Etc. In fact, every variety an t ylo of wor In letter prteti piiiitluit. Merchant.. Lawyers. .Tut!oe of the rntrt, lund Actniw. oil Doaior and Au'enti. lnmironco Aciwti Kxprwsnien and other partleaiu want, are Iniornied that wean preortred to execute to order a !1 kindi ol III.ANKH, ba'ineMOr legal, rttpilred In tkii com- .loiilvinir introniLM" rcupectfullyeollclted. lnaiimmloii ha lt oiicin in a ecrofiileoui and corrupt Mate ot tlin hlood. tiHnne the mllac y of treotn c olllg Uleaae wim taiumi t.yrup, oannms ,V-c,'&e. To cureconninnptiuu wo nririt purify and enrich tlio Moi d, ana when the hlood i pern con Himptinu cannot exist, ltr1 AlcCallllii'e Knot IV.oi-d etearrher puneiratea the acret amhnli of chl riread dl-ea.c nnd oxtunutnatee it root and uih Try one iinule package l,v return mil.li(!rice (1 00) and you willu'wa-ii feel thankful. Wlliiamr WedielneCo, lw.j I'.'.'ib, Met ol i.etfnns onr kcnl fi eo. N E W A I) VKKTISi: M K X TS. W il. H T U D Ifin Farmers and Fa. mors' S.m diirna the Fall JIM iii.rl Winter niontha to do nll-tleKi In their own and mlj ..l-iiiii! towiifh'p. Hnslm-" rtunectablt en-v and pave w F-.r particular-, nddresa S. S. r( itANTUN & CO. Hartford, Conn. ColiutiMa Classical Jns'tufo A lloirdin " School for Vr.iini: Men nd Boys. For Circular-, address Kuv. 11 fl. A LWXAXUEit, Col umbia, 1'a A T V II I. I-: SA I. E It t '111.. Uouhle ( ma. ?ll nnd upward; llroccli-l.ondcrs i?3 to asil, Hill a Kevnlera, Darl (liltia ni l Cap Itilloa Cl.-oda sent to nil parts of the country C it. 1) , to kc examined litfor pdd tor We sor.il n 'iiunie W. A. C. fcoti .v M il-' lliir.ln Iniili'r.wlili rin-l:, Pouch nd oloiiiln lod, nicely '"'xad. for S:l.V fend stamp f ir Price l.isi. SMI III Mil I It I ', i. ra.l Rrondwav aud 50 Chatluin N. 1 An'riils Ykasitetf. SKNDKOKCATAL'H'CK DOMESTIC S. M. CO., NEW YORK. THE BJhiST PAPER. TRY IT ! ! ! TheMtirntlfic AliiPririin 1 tie Inst and rh-npe-t ll.it-1 rated wttailv p lncr pubiiidicd I very tun. her cold iiti from 10 to 1" ordinal ei irM.viii.ie of new nine riinorv, NovkI llivei.tiuna, Itriil::-a, r.'. LilKnrili!: Winks. AKhltcctme. Improved Fnnn Inii lenient-, nnd rverVn.w discovorey in Chemistry A yei.i niimlinr conm ns S: p ick imd ereriil liun dil i n.Tilvmi. 'I'll.iuminds of volunii'. me pre . ri"l f r bllliiinK nnd refeiei:c. The pr.u-Neitl rwelpts re well wort Men lime the nu'i-cnpnoli prira Trm, f: n yitir ly mt.il. Spt i niioi n ?;m fre inv lio Imd c.r I'll 'vew"dull! !'A 1 liST" i.lii;ihie-i on li.'rt term', .M.i;e!n nl new iuvunlioua nnd katuhi'd ex.nniue i. anil u.ku fr- All p.ii. niauiv puh.ihi d in the SoihvnnD mkk ican ill.' week ll.ev i.-lle. Send lor pii.iplil ;t, 110 pa-r. n. coiitiiiiilng fnw and I tl : I ul'ftti.ni- l-.r o:i taniln I' .ten'8. Ard e f r the l'a: er. or conrern Inn 1'ilPeiH, .MPNM l-. '" I'alk How. N. -Ilianeli Ollieu, cor F. a:id 71 1. Wis., Wellington , 1) C. I lavin? f.nii.'leil twenty t-ar ber ween lie jTnl d.iatll ltll A'tlima "r ;4, "Mhlric I experimented inj-e.t by iy.ci .u-.uu':!'!!; 'ootnini'l her1!-. n:ul In S'-sihali (j rhe M'dici.ie Huh oniaimd. 1 fort n itelv fli.-c.iver.-o a uio-i moii d) ..ll retnedy and -lire cure for Aath- u. and It- kimlreU uiseascs. -n 111T111 cd to loliere Hie. nvveie-t paroxysm instant , ,u the patient con lie down to rc-t nnd -leep c'onifor ably UNK THIAI, PaCkAUW SSNT ItV M AIL i 'lF.K 0 CHAUCE. Addrew ). I. ANliKI.I,, Apple Creek. Wayne Co., O. BUILOSiyC FELT No Tar useil), fi.r ont-i !e work nnd inside, in-lead ol'ila-ter. F .lt l nrp tiiiL', c. Send i manirw I'.ni circiilii and tiiuiplca- C. J. FAY, Camden. S ,1. T?l I"l3crlMi, iijnor conk nrN- NKYS, nuiue by l'lA'MK if A TWOCIi), premiers the the laiL'e-t liL'h. Ci.u la-u-ed on any coal Ul liiii.p For Hi!e by nil Inmpdeiler- I)SYl'll'JIANCV. O sorb CIIAK.MIMl " 1 llow either kcx may faelnat -niel iraln the love and a If ell. n of any par-one thee ciuhm l s ant IV. Tllit!-ilnp:e Ineillai e(o;relil lit all mil p ..-e- freeliy niar, t'or'Ji ei-ni-: t.iueihur witn a H ilay C.i.i le, hsrvptlan Oracle, I ream- lloit- in I.a.ilen.. A tile. r Look - (l.i.Ui'O sold. A. d caa T. 1I.I.1AM v C ' I'libilaher-, I'liil alelpliia 2." Money Made Fast. $!,()(.)() r-y nil lm will wniRMnw u upon winn-i; not AmU im nil i-ia:iTe. w will five y . ono d-l-lur lur vur troiihlc. i-i'd i-tauip foi circultrrs to O.'ll IM'CKliKY i& .. TuUnivhi. Mich. T i ? V Mh.,Ui is an.l tu-y mmi f Viiljll'1 to (tell Olir lML'tCll HI1.I AmerU'iui J -uuiiy. 1Vxkt Out net. iV,.,ln their i.wu localltuw. N t cupitnl iifniwl. Ciitaloue. '"tTiri c, wut KttEE. I'OVR'KKUY tVc , AjinHt-, Me 11 V-i IJ I Ki'y'iO'( Hi? fits Caiultigues and lull purticulaiH F.tKK. H. M. Sppiiccr, 117 lliiiiovor St., Hntcn. S H i'''diyl Apontu wanted! All 9 HP 3f cliif-ui of woikitiif pi'Oplp ot t'ittior ex, y 'Uiik or old, nutkc- more money at work fur iM In their Npur' nmim'tits or al Hie tlm tlmn t unyiUtii'j Hint'. I';ii'tculnr fret). Addrusn U. SPiNsON it(3t.f I'orllnnd, Muiim With rpmck and intprtt r. who will not a'nnt? rtrere (., but hi ninrty-niun ciim-s nut of tl liun died dor-e you w th t-iilvHin copatvu ciilomcl. Ac , nrikiiir, your rum' wormt. iftort at once to w only suvei'lirn rmiirdy that can lo rt''ii on. )r. Mc CilllHm'i Urn I lilund Sfilir:n'i, wli-rh liiini-hw IVom (lie (vstrni nil lorni of in-iv,.tt dicas") tiiul vim hi the UiiHid: hNo, nemiiml weaktii. Uipm if euoriiy, tiifx ot memory, and ad t.eivuu di t!.uei trmlliny fr m M.-H Hb.isc, wldt li d.trovti bo'h niind and body, ittudrr!n$ tnurri:it! .inp...-((,llt,. Wnrmn ti-d. 'I'ru'it by mail (.nin-ly H(:i!ad, no cxi twurc) $ 1.00 p rpru-k wfC Karh pHcknu, mike 4 quart of l;iMjd Suurober. MMlaniB Mtdu itie Co., l'iita buruh, 'a Vox loll. Taiiiphlut l-'ioo. DIPLOMA, AwAitmu nv tue Aiuerkan Institute. TO .T. XV. MfKEE. van "It. ti InKfiiUnn and will meet the wauU of every matron in the l,uid '( exhibition or 1874 Jolm V. linvlt, I've Svy. Y. A Titrnird, Trm hdiiuici J. Tilliitiin, I'orrcpiiitdii'i: Stry. N- w YtJik, Ni-vt'inlvr 'Jo, lso. T hii simple nutl ini:ftiioiis .M.ii!iin to n wrtn th.; ISt winti M liitu; nnd U f it bcc-niipn lop illnr with ladle, In the plucn of cxioi).iv.! Nlv ?io HD k iU work brinp niucli n'on l-ondiomt., rnuir It.p U 1! tiiiii nnd 1 ot one tenth i.oit tho txiifiirtir Nn !dy'n toi'rt i now eoinpli t wd4ioiit it A VuK-h'ue with illii-tvati-'ii circular nnd full int-trnc tiniifKetU on receipt ol $2. or flnlahed In sllvrr plat !r ?27S Addraa'I'ho .TlcStoo ITIamif. Co., y0!l Hroitdwuy, New Yon AGENTS WANTri). For 1 ale ITi.nOO to 20,000 'Mt o! cECOND-lANrD TrRlNfi, t fmm 25 to 35 cr rer t ot ThcTnMn .sin Urst clsa order aoa h!1 rflrwiy firtl April tilt, ll fi. H. WARNER. GI G. GORDON HARDWARE . C3-OK,3D02nT, IDE A-XIE R 1 1ST m 'HI B aGaf bvj 1 1 n r .A el mm . iff mm i m. maSia-S., Petroleum Centre, Kot on Itantl a full linn of EIoiisg Furnishing Goods, Boston Fat. CoHpli! Tiiiii, CasiiiE, Gas Pipe aiiOittis, New Bedford Bolt Rope Cables and Sand Pump Lines, RUDBER HKLTIXG, WORKING I'.AHREl.S. TITB1NG AXP I'ACKING. VALVKS. CASING AND U0SK, VALVK r.VTS, CLASH'S JLantmis, LanliTii (alaliis, ('arpi'Dtfi's Tals Extra WinteijStiained I.ard Oil, Jolinson t Jiarrolt's Liilu lcatins: Oil, ; No. 1 Kcfinwl Oil, Tho Novelty (.ml ttnvka Clothr Wrncn, tie fat in 110, With a full line o( Table and rocket Cqtlory, nnd Silver IMaU'd Spoons ond Forks, STOYES, 9 ?P 'C8 sr a m 1 .ll.nn. . ",e lftl''"",re ?' S'ove. l.y mantifnclurert., Ian, enal.M to mill VoL 'i 1 1T"0f'(-1'""-'' nny(t,in in , ,vy ora Cok or Healing Stove will do well to call and examine my etock, ol which the lollowinf in a partial lil; Aiuerica Cook With reservoir and warming clofel, Iron Oam-Cook. a Inrpo heavy nnd diiruhleStove lor soft coal ' " ,,t!,U 'vr'nVchp'ne.: ?"X" C'""' " C"l"b,-d ' n-Ktle. .. - good I'lippcr Cook, for hard or rofi coal, a Pmcll hut excellent Stove and verv cbean 1IllillfcMl!l-Cook. a wood Stovo with elevated oven. y P' . :-MY LINE OF PARLOR II HATERS cannot be excelled: ' T,,C KIV'!oTJ.'"3 wi,'u,,,M f J--J-Thl.lbeatif. ,elf feede. V1, .,.. TTi ." r,'B,l""n? '"" ! patent clinher urate. 1,0 Ka;nlaVe:!thK"0,,,"!-A n"Wten ,e"ltr '""'Va.er mill grate and ilium fZy'"" '" '"4 lre patent an,- f::?in,. 0Zeh,r-8 vpry bfi" ' '")'-A nml Uell feeder and quite cheap ISlack S wmh-A parlor cook a'ovu with oveo, for coal h !H3ie A Chen., dminj r..om Slove. ' ' ISim A cheap bed room Htove. ('SM-I-A cbap cvlin.l. r tftovo, Tor hard or Roll conl SALAll ANUEK-A Ueri tck . tove. GIA&Vhvw v '" 'n ui.uul HhAILK for storeeand olllces. MANUFACTURER OF . mt SHEET 1R0U .MOICE STACKS MsiUp to nrdor OA I.VlMZril) lisov n "d ihB "- - i-p "vtis: vivr nr Bepnirin- of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. AaD OIL WELL gUI'PLlES. Or. STOYES ! fi,8t c.m Slove for hard coal or wood. AND COPPER MADE TO OR.0FR Tim TOKPEDO PATENT SOI Ifnhtrv vs. it The followins la the decl-lon rrndiiMU . I loK.... tl.ir -r., " Jl " ue circuit r. above Cllae: u In the Clicuit Court nfthe rnltid Stu- . tho We-torn District of PiDnylvnn o 1 Itotieinve. Nicholas (Jcjer. No lv" I I81II.-I11 Konity ' H NeveinUr n. 1873. Bill filed end unci. ntifionl S.ibiiienn n:l notice nffln.,ll....t . VhceuihiT 1:1, lR-;. Metlon for nrelimi... Jnnetlon hiainl, nnd the Conn Mm iliily J,,,! me 11.,, n.juiieiion nwa-o. ii a; pnijn! J Jaiiiiary 1-1, is;:i. In'utk-tiun 'wm), mil, OCHl. ,'l,,'r .1.,. ..... u 1. ..!.. . " , ...u..,,..i vrvN ia4. alio ny rofiv. Maya-.', i'h;3. Iiule le-ueil 1.,rlei., drnt tn . cauwwiiyiitiiiehinent sliould not i-m, f, Clm. in violatlnjr iuiiinciion nnd iluly -eitnl June ad, LSI;!. Hlllu lor altarlinient io ft!, came on 10 oe iieaiii, aim lilu r ar'iiiiittit errlt. pro and coil, the ( our! huns lull :nlM i- :tf prenii, the Itule i.- mnde alwltite, nod n, ,1 trtice ei tne 1 onit is. that the .aid rjef..iraD ..Ins (leyer, be Impi loseiied in the ei:intnon i' Allcuociiy County for ni.d duriiu; tlic tirm 0(. aays, 11111 nini ne pay tiie citn i.f ti, lvl f inp. dune Sd, 1ST!!, f Vntrciti -nt Isnicl. Tiie irjuuetion In lt.1 eue ana 1. 1- inni;.. of the lUihcria' patent T;o (eahid the l;t cnl), for incr. 10.1111; the proilurtltetiewnri 'I he act of lufrirueineni for vvha-li ii0 d.(ci,:. wim eoinniilied lor couteiupt, conti-tt d in Ahx.liidra llair.ar In txplciMn. Inrjadi.t.j j,, vvella lieiliK Ihe fame net of inirl:,i:enici!t urn Ilatnar va.- nlwo cotnti.itted in 'lie cscNo. 3, vnnln-r Term, l.ii'i, a- lit f. .ei i:ie.l. The t.'i urt McKeiiLiiu, .1 , a t.-r dillvtrlr: . opinion in me naiuar c iio'. pr.a-i i ikil to , Mc'io an (ieyer for coiitii:p and deliven d :l.e ; owlt tr oral opinion : illt the ca-e of Mliola. Ci y.-r clar7crl villi -anie OIlelM, I on. l tile'y ,ati-tlul ilmt ihcn., 1 ll '111 1 re-ent, In the lleina well at hunt. Ai 1L iitlimtilril ,iAe count, tin .,-cem-ji ,, Vl nit'i.. Hit Jirrtetif ', ,'11 e ie.lf. i..;A,r .11'rt.J or to'. 1 inVi'ei la. ul oCtht av, tm arh of !l,e tiy'ien.ien rlke (hurt. Sir lloheils, l,y l.i- p:.t.-nt ti-n a- ene nftbr cipal eleinenti of hla luwutlon Hud tiunniiic, 1. Kherever there la tluid iilliricnt in a well, it Ci time oftce expleion ofn torpeco. tn eittnrp oiuiiiK- w 11. aiifr 11 I'eis mere ic-tura.-y er i- . : iihi. luiiii.riany. in?. p;n tit 1- ll lrllii:et. I hi- v . clearly the enwi in fe.j.inl lo the Heal- well. l.llt Mr (oyer seem-to have l.en n ' llanuir, who lo'd him thai lie inert Iv Wun-til tiial.,- an experiment : ami I tlr 111,1 1 l.fnk. tin 1 Inir the rlirt tinie, that he ought lu be itry laii'rt puni-httl. He alo 'a atlllidL'ial trllipv efcoitttmtr. at..l cd to p iv the i-oai ol tel.- pri-ci'talli g and ur-. 1 an inipriaie mcnt 111 the et iiiiti jali lor hn il.n.n I hope lira will he the la-t ol 1 1.. . I-. : I'tr io it the tualter Ciiiil'f lo Mir t ottce iLian vt .il e'illa.r..lli"il to llnpo-e i:ch ptini-hnit lit wi.i te ll ton.aKe Die tleerta, ot the Ci.uit ellec'inl. .lime IVm. KEARNEY'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU,' Ia thn only Known Remedy for Urlehrt D eaae and haa cured every case of Diabein u which it haa been (riven, Irritation of the M of the bladder and iulhunruation otthe KiJn!1 Ulceration of tho Eidneya and Bladder, Bctea tlonof Urine, Diaeasea of the 1'r.nlate UlaH Stone in the Bladder, O ravel. Brick Dimt Depoiii, and Mucous or Milky Duchargea, and fur " fuebled anil ni,linaAnnna.l(,.,nMnf l.ithStXba attended with the following symptoms: I of l'ower, Loai ot Memory, Difficulty of Break ing, Weak Nerves, Wakefulness, Pain to t" Back, Flushing of the Body,Eniptionontliet, Vallid Countenance, Lusaitude of tie Bystem,!)!!-. Used by persons in the decline or chnniie lite; alter confinement or labor Dains, Uai-'1 ting in children, etc Id many atfectiona peculiar to ladies, wis ' traot Buchu is unequaled by any otlier rem; As in C'lilorosia or Retention, Irreirularity, Ps fa loess or Suppression ol Customsuy Kvac. sUom. Ulcerated or Hchirrua state ef tbe Uterus, u' corrhceaor Whites, Sterility, nd for all com plaints incident to the sex. It ia prucntifj eatensively by tbe most eminent Physicians so Hidwivea for enfeebled and delicate eonst" tiona of both eexea and all ages. . KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BTCBT. urt Ditemut ArlHnf from ImprudinMt nmu of Uitnimlim, tc. In nil their st, little exiwnse, hi tin or no change in diet, no JJ convenience, and 1.0 exposnro. It causes a tn ouent desire, and elves strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, I'reventins: sua Curing Stiicturea of the Urethra, A llayirat W and Inflammation, so frequent in this eisnsof a eases, and expelling all Poisonous matter, KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BlCHTV tl .00 per bottle or aix bottles for $5.00, Mi"1 to any address, secure irum observation, eoiu "1 dxUKgists everywhere. Prepared by KJiAKNEY & CO., 104 Duane St., N. to whom all let ten tor information gboald M addressed. . Avoid Quacks and Impostors. No Charge for Advloe and Consul ta"ottl' Jyr. J. B. Diott, Graduate of .fesrswi College, Philadelphia, author of several valus"1' works, can be consulted on all diseases ol " bexual or Urinary Organs, (which ha haa J" an eepecial study) either in male or 'em!,l1 matter from what cause originating or o! n" longstanding. A practice of 80 years him tn treat disease with SHooess. Cures fJJT anteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a ois" tanoe can forward letter describing aymptu and enclosing atamp to prepay postage, fiend for the OuvU to Health. Price 10 oe"" J. B. DVOT'f, M.D., l'hyaician and Uarsoa llll Illlaue St . New York. - EXT. B Pamarly wtth J ' TRADE fftt :or. cm im n i;haut. JK'.'.I I ilT riui Th iHi jiodti I wry 1 iuV: .mi PE rp. .!m:fut cokiwy.' A., vol I tne in ' lie i; i'. imp.