The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, September 29, 1873, Image 3
I H. Warner UKAI.lilt IN SEC ON D-Il AND TllBIXfi. Allftlpi Caving, Engines, Holler, and nit WEl'Si SUPPLIES. moHEST CASn FRICE PAID FOR OLD m ROPE, IKON and BRASS. H-vtnp reocnllv ruirchaaed a New nnd Im ZiMT& t!Un'IN MAOI1INK, I am prepar. I?'.'...h m .11 nire. or flu. anil Caaiajr Irum men. -: -v -.hial4lnctl, " ' Nearly Opt. Uoi'Jl- Mrn. 11 WAltN M.R. SAPOLIO l,!airabtiintitor s"ll f "r " llon- hold ,.urposes, except washing chituea. SVPOLTO fnrClauii;iB y-mr riUH0 will wve tbe lahur 01 oi.e cleaning. Oivj. it a trial, at'gorWaw. No removing cnr-. tai" and carpe'a. clwnsVa'iitand Wood, In lact t a entire ono! better than Heap. Ne. nl ppiim. Se labuc lou can I alT.ird tu ba without it. SAP OLIO ecratch. S AT OLIO - hem than Boap and Hand fur poliBlitnsTlnwaro. Urightena with out aentchiiiR. S AP OLIO Polishes Hrnaaand Onmier ntatvnla hatter than Acid or Oil and Hot ten Btone. SAP O LIO fur WuhIiIiik Pllnnftni Olujiwure ! Inf aiunnlu. Cheapo than Boap. Sapolio rcmrtrea -Stair fnm Marble , Maine , TaWn. and Statuary, from Ilard-niiiaB'l Walla, and from Cut- . 'naand Porcelain. Sapolio remoTea B'aina and Grease, r from Carpota and other woven fab rlca. Thar leao on article known Hint will to a many kinds of work ana aaltaswellaa kapolio. Trj if. HAND S APfIL 0 a new an t wonderful elf s Ivo Toil ' at So il,, having no equal in tula country or abroad. HAND S A P 0 li 3 0 u an aii!c c for ihn iwth, ''rwcliffl the foundation" of nil dirt, until the porcrt and tfiTt's a uHhv au- " tlon and brilliant tint to tho skin HAND S A P fl U 013 l leannosnnd hulineitha SViii. in , rtantly rtimovttiK any f tain or Main lb from both hanan and faco hand s A P 0 h 3 Q li without a rival in tile, world f"V cnrinir or piwontlnir rimUiieiis and and tuhappini; of lthor iutuda or faca hand SAP Q M 0';v ru novea l ar, 1'iteh, Iron rv Ink Htaln.nod Oro nit tor worhera in Machine Shopa. Mine, c,l In valuable Fur nukitn; tha Skin Whltoand 8oft. andvlnirto it a 'blouin of beauty' 1. I uuaurpaas d by miy Coauwtia known HAND S A P Dli 1 0 cunts 10 to 15 euuta per cak, and everybody nhoulo have it You will B0NT FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS. li " or your mert'hanl If he has win procure It lor you. li not, -- wrii tor our rampuwi, aii Jl Sapolio," aud It wil bu mailed KNOCH MORGAN'S SONS, An Ha liar a T VT V ivia rnnt riA. rtt 11 "1 LIBERTY er.,-f I I TSBURGB, PA to w. a. mum, 4thStrect,near U. . track, r vnr IlPrlir iMlv (rl at the welh for $1,50 Barrel. ptioleuia Cealre, Fub. Clb-tf. rSCrea'm! Soda, Water ! Proclamation to tile Citizen a? Pet, Centre and Vicinity: R.A.LOZIER, Washington-St, For your pure. Ice Cold Soda Water Drawn from Loner's Silver Port able Fountain, No acid or eras to destroy the 6tornach, and the best and finest 01 FLAvmtaxd; shuts. I have ahs? fitted tin In elegant iyle throuuhont, a new LAD1KS' mill OKXTS' ICE' CREAM PARLOR. Confectionery, Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT BROUGHT TO TOWN. EVER Two Dnora Above Nobel 4c Aucr halm'a Dry Clooda Hlorc. 01VK MR A CALL. K. A. LOZIKIt. Tot. Centre, May 21, 17? If. 1 g 1 82 H J w .s 1 "3 km a s. So i- a O - c v-' 52 i3 3 Ms 00 3 ci 3 a M ' ei J ar"- a r. 3 S H g 2 C5 a 53 a, eS 5j S ;S 6 KENW00D"S. &B0YS Pri-sMita Rtront' nttrnotlon to dtppH nnd cimr- Q! Ill -4. A pil'ifiilll IIOIIK'i I MliiUK m ni"i iiftiuii IIL'IIUIIIIH lll"i-.H'llllt! , rAintim I'l'ini i(4 ii ttiiui .iiu a., fur l 'nt nd iitiia. I.Uift ul iliacnwiit fit m a a, aai bl. au a 'mm mm an m tmm umm, in. New IlriKl-ton, feu ii. Mew Em el Zedwich ("LITTLE JOE.") BOOT AND SHOE MAKER Has just relumed Irom BtifTalo wltb complete Block oi Fall anil Winter Woods Uaa been rtaMhhril in relic', fin I'lljelt paet three ear aud baa the nauie ot Making tlio Ki Kl Fit and Finest liowl in me tii eins He la couitantlv reeelvinir onlera from other kc tlona ol'll'.u Oil Ueg.unn. II eonxUnlly kecpa on hand Kcadynuiaile' Itots.& Shoes l.AniER' AND CHir.nitEN'S SUObS AND GAITERS, CALL, ANDatK lll.M. jntr KMnuitKDWicH. I"Tb Post "OIHce Newiroom Sodn Kouutaio ia now runninp; In (till bla't. Call and try u nlufs "I it cuol bods wtur WINES, LIQUORS ETC $4.00 OZ3L WANTED lie (fidrst IlstaEiMslieil Li i,quor Store on Mil Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PROP'R, REMOVED To the New Stand In Chrlntlc'g Old Btnre, ojipoiitc the JamcstownJCIothlug Store, retrolcnm Centre, a. New Goods in Great Variety, but plenty ot Sunday Com fort left yet. I have rcfllted the ftore furraorly occupied hy J, II. thriiti, corner of Wfl!hlnj(ton nnd First ft., and in ft new stock of the purest and best of Willi's, liquors and Cigars, THE MAHKET AFFOHDS. My flock consists In part of BOURBON, AND MONONGAHE LARYE WHISKIES, New England, Medford andj'5 Jamaica Hums, HOLLAND GINS, HENNESY, PIN FT, rABTILt.KN CO.'H, AND ill AH I CllULa UUAllVlnf RUFFAIiO, KOOIIRiSTEre V OA.A.J)AHilA ALil.S Sole Agent for the BROTHERHOOD WINES, of Brockton, N. Y, Aluo Airont for tha Cel.hratod onvAT WEST- EKN BUAD of American Champagne, made by the rieasiuit Valley Wine Co., hteulten county. New York, constantly on baud tha imported ch.tu- naguua, dco. My;atockor CIGAKB ia i nexclletd iu thle region. I KEhP MONK BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines, OIVK M.IC A. CALU At my new suind OWE. OAF'F.IEt THE OIL MAKKCTS. , ... . BY W. U. TEL. LINE Okficb op PBTRnt.ERtTM Ckntbr Paii.v RRcnltl Itr Sept. 29. 1873 The nil market is quiet to-day at $1,20. No salts. fbiladeltihla, Sept. 20. Relinerl 16 , Market quiet. New Tork, Sept. 29. Crude 6!$. Keflnerl, 17 . Murket Quiet. GOLDINiU VllilK, New ronic, Sept. 29. Gold 112?. gMnniifactnrer of iVr: li'' .w.'lrWfK ;i OIL WELXi Ml Machinery & Supplies Engines and Boilers of every description Repaired at Short JNotice. Agent for FOSTER'S GAS PUMP. PATEXTfifiot III TEH PACKEH, PKPAIIilNOofBllMndadoi.a at notice and all work warranted. Orders by mat. or telegraph promptly attended to F. G. ITCINl Pioneer, Pa., Dec. 21, 1872 If. Mew SAVE 101'R MOXEY ! And buy your lloota and Sbce! at Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE PRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE I keep a very larcre stock of all kind. on hand and f ell as cha in tin. any oil. or Imuh! hi the OIL Custom Dejtartnptnt 1 And I guarantee a perfect fit In all my work jiepiiiriiii; neauy uouu ext uoor to uu, Jewelry Store. Petroloum Centre, Pa. dec tf if aims I mm Tut; Dlvil; ORCLT1D ABUSED A Book )ft Iftpncd, exptmlntr tlio i'RHPosrAUiM Mint hivo Hppeiirrd in the , hw York Ntv-im;ici . tti'-irltintorviid Uwi?. STVLlSlI VIDIANS KITLI.Y tXrOShl). AdvirtinritiMitB from ti-ape-rnto nun to beiiuiilul u mi; :innriuittio meuiliiua hiw f mat nihil; '1 ho NMnry of the iodiit:li Tiul' ddy Use K'Milt t a peri(niaiH." l(nrriti(n t.f l,'vh;:r Iri:i(iw..v Ht:itU(!. KI'Ofi-S hlH'IAl, COHKI PJ'ION Sent on rwHtit of U)cu. Addrtii tui'UMi I'riutin llmi-e. i ot;y Hi., N. Y. Til K' kn Lth $20 E'ortahlo rHinily Ncuinu ;t!acliln, on .U luy '(rial; iniifiv iiuvnii iiie all. S.itjMii'-iioii :ianut' pdp or f , rffniiilt d. HiMit rnmplitlM, wiiii t'-.P i'Ii.-iv l i')!,--. Hi;tk. iili c.',ii:.; Xudiii.u (. t, ,SiJJ Uj uatiwuv New Y'Ji'V. p. CJ. SXEHMS, Pioneer, Pa., 1 NEW LIVERY ! SALE, Exchange AND Main Street, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Propr. dlooil Horses, liiirglcs, Carriages, fee, always in readiness to biro. THE CEIilLR RATED FREDONIA ROAD "W agon Always on baud for hire. BOAFiBINa HOHSES I ura prepared to furnffh Iloarillnir ITorfes tbe bet ACQommndationi to be found iu Petroleum Centre and tbe cbeap est withal. The very liest Sad dles and Bridles for Riding Uotiea. To the Traveling Prime. If desired travelers will be taken to any town in the oil region at reasonable charges. Boilers and Engines Moved lo any d. sired point villi dim d.8 I'U'di. C ive trie a aaU. S CANMDI.D. M'l' !-" BOA JD f 2 aV ! Mi . 1 i i' 1 i. -. r'l j