The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, September 29, 1873, Image 2
Petroleum Centre Daily Record- , i. Outre, Vm, Moodily Slept., 2 a Islvlne nervine. MRTHOniST EPISCOPAL CHURCn Service every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and t P. M. Sabbath School at 12,' P. M. eats free. A oordial invitation extend- 1 to all. Kit. T. Graham, Pastor. presbyteTan chcrch. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M. anil 7 o'clock P. M., by tba Pes.or, W. C. Bouch ard. Sabbath School at 12, directly after lorenoon service. Prayer Meeting and 8abbath School Teacher's Meeting Tuesday evenings ol each week. Petroleum Centre Lodge, JVo. Tl, I. o. of O. F. Regular meeting nights Friday, at 7 o'clock. Signed. W. B. MONTGOMERY, N. O. C. H. Baii.kt, A Sec'y. gVTlace of meeting, Main St., opposite MoClintock Houte. A. O. of V. W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of TJ. W . neete every Mooday evening at 7J o'clock, I n Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre, Peno'a. Jamks Wilroh, X. W. Jamcs 3. Whiti. K. I. O. of It. M. Minnekannrnt Trllje No. 183, I. O. R. M of Petroleum Cent.aj'meets every Thursday evening In Good Templar's Ha". tff" Council llres I'gbted at 7 o'clock. H. HOWE. Sachem. C. L. JUKES, Cblel ol Records. Gold at 1 p. in. 1 1 2 A Pltimer correspondent writes; Ona or your Petrulcom Centre young mea was discovered la the Thhd Ward Hot se, a day or two In-x. We would advise that young m no to hold his ig tight. Mr. John O'Neal, an old and esteemed citizen, has returned home f.oin a lt to fine Grove, and reports times dull In that vicinity. Game It plenty bat moio hiinlcra than game. The Pllimer scuoola are progressing. We are In receipt of a programme announcing a grand complimentary conoert to Thomas Bsnscn by his many friends, at Patterson, New Jersey. Among the list ofartlns who have volnvticrcd their ser vices for the occasion we and the names ofonr fir mer towns people, Mrs. Martha Carmtu and Miss Msry H. Uendeieon, who both take prominent pnrls. 7Uolr many fr'enda In the oil region will ' o pie wed to luirn they hold high positions In music circles In that city. Mrs. Crman has been engaged to pisy the mgan and sing in one of the leading churches. We wish them abundant auccrts. The weaiher is rainy and disaurunahlo to d"y. . We noticed in Iowa yesto relay, Mr. L. JI. Sniliu orTltusville. Mr. B, wot one of ths from Incut ol operators of Pilhole, and a leading member of the once famous Swordsman's Club ortt.U place. SI present he Is among the heavy operators In he Mo. doc and Mlilcriiown districts. He looks Just as jolly as when acting as V. it. it. of the Swordsman's Club and Forty Thieves of 1'llhole. Elsewhere we publish the Comity Superintend cut's School Kepoit, as report!'! to the State De partment of Kducatlon, The report shows the schools of Vensngo County to be In a highly flour isli'iig condition, and wc think will cooper i .vora bly with many oidor and more wealthy mid Inllu eatlal counties oftho Stn'e. This we consider to be mainly due to the untiring efforts of Prof. W. J. McClure, our able and efficient County Superin tendent, than whom no better cup be found In Wes t irn Pennsylvania. We oommend the report to the e ireful perusal oftho t iz payers and Irlends of ed ucation In Venango Couuty. It will repay a care ful poiusal. - We are lulu mrd I'roni reliable sources that a new p'pe line Is projected from Modoc Cl y and the low. er oil fields to Tl.usvlilo. Mtelins have been bela In TUusvllle and sock I aken lo Ifcu amount ol over tlOU,U)t already. This line Is supposed to be In the Interest of the Creek nUners. I. O. O. F. The report ol the Recording Secretary of tba Grand Lodge, ol the lode deot Order of Odd Fellows, read at the last meeting of that body, shows tbe following returns of tbe Order during tbe past jsar: No. of Lodges 6,045 Initiations 69,250 Members 331,097 Revenue of Lodges snd Enoitnptnents, $1,291,071. Relief paid by Lodges and Encampments, $1,603,481 40. Tbe report of M. W. Grand Sire C. A. Logan, represents tbe Order as never mors prosperous and harmonious than at tbe present time. Tbe annual session of the Grand Lodge in 1874 will be held at Atlanta. Georgia. A Bombay telegram ol Sept. 12 anuouf ces tbe capture ol a slave dhow near tbe Leychelles Islands, off liie oastern coast ol Alrioa, by the British naval sloop Dapne The dbow bad bad 300 slaves on board, but only 60, and those reduoed to skeletons, were alive. Tbe otbers bad died ot small pox. Twotbirds of ibe flourishing mining town of Fair play, Colorado, was destroyed by Ore Friday oigbt. Tbe lire originited in tbe Fairplsy llonia and spread rapidly In sli directions. All ttio hotels, prinliug effiot's iiostoflicK, express oflice and U. S. Land OrTi", were entirely destroyed. I Vormiiuo Coil lit)- Kctiooi Kvpatt W. J. McCLURU One year h ebipsed since I assumed the duties end resnonaih ilities of tho office or Super! ntendenl; end I can truthfully say that although there has been much lo die courage tbe friends of education in some of the districts, yet taking tbe schools of the county as a wbole they bave at least dooe fair work. Hochiss There are in the couoty 191 school buildings, nine of whloh were built during tba year; two oe at Pleasantville and one at Emlentoo am id course of con struction, and will be completed by Decern ber. Some of the sites are not tbe best, beauty of location f.'iquently, and some, times even accessibility being sacrificed to less worthy consideration. The bouses built ars generally first class but tbe furniture placed la some of them Is tbe old style of desk made of boards planed on ooe side, and designed to sea' from two to six scholars. 1 think tbat those interested will discover soon tbat.'pat. ent furniture on account of its durability, If for nothing else, la much cheaper, in tbe snd. Of tbe school buildings in tbe county twenty seven are first-class, one hundred end niuetseo good, and fortyfive uoflt for use. Schools Tber? are la the county 231 souools, 64 of which srs graded, 8 graded during tbe year; these schools are soattered over 615 tquare miles ot territory a portioo of which is poor and sparsely settled; but it is not always the poor distriot tbat bas poor schools; neither do all of the poor dis tricts have schools below tbe average; but it appear that wherever tba people of a district bave the desire to secure goo I schools for their children, there they are found: but tbe coat la a weak 'district s relatively much heavier than lo Ibe wealthy If the State appropriation were locreased about four fold it would remedy this. School Boards A goodly number ot tbe School Boards of Venango couoty are oompos ed of 'men of Intelligence, who feel tbe responsibility they are under to tbelr God, to their country and Ibe children me diately under Ibt-lr care, in performing tbe duties appertaining to this exceedingly In portent offloe aodgjo to work, determined lo'secure efficient teachers, boldiug at the same time tbess truths; - care and sufficient salarg wU procure efficient teachers, and efficient teachers is ill secure aood schools. It Is not neces sary to state that thi7 bave succeeded, tbat their soboois are good, tbat tbe people of these districts pay their school tax cheer fully and look upon their sohools as their crowning glory. But there are other boards Sn whlcb'tuon of tbie class are in a miuority and other council prevails; tbe sum set as tbe teachers salary is the at which it la thought tbe souools otn be filled, and too often tbe sum paid fteir teachers is more than they are worth. Teachkrs Venango county bas many excellent teaobere; leaobera tbat bave done honor to tba profession good men, good women engaged in the noblest oalling ol lile tbe intellectual and moral elevation ol tbe masses. Vet truth constrains us In say tbat abe bas ber drones, and to tbem may be attributed nine-tenths ol tbe opposition to tbe cause ol education found In tbe land. The patrons ot these schools see 'that 'their children ere under teachers tbat are anxious, net i. to teach tbem as much as possi ble eaoh day and month, but lo see tbe evening sbadowa extend and tbe month roll by. What shall oe dons with them is tbe question of tbe hour! Work Donb I held forty-seven public examination, examined three hutidred and eighty-five 335) applicants, granted two hundred and fiftyslxsertificatesaveraglng one and eight-ninths (USD) nearly, and refused oue hundred and twenty-nine, about 33 per cent, made oue hundred and seventy-four visits to schools averaging one hour and forty-five minutes, wrote .two hundred and twenty-one pffloial letters, held two', local Institutes sad one couoty lnstltuie,jconduct- ed a normal school la South Oil CUy,'lcom meooing May twenty-sixth and eootlnuiug eleven weeks, and traveled two thousand six hundred and tbirty-aovea miles, during the year In discharging my duties. In conclusion I would r respectfully make tba following suggestions to tbe Sotool Boards in our county. 1st. Grade your teachers salaries ac oording to their certificates; It will ptove a stimulus to those deficient in scholastio at taiotnents. 2d. After a leaober bas bad lair trial in a aobool and baa' proven incompetent discbarge tbat teacher. He is doing tbe reverse of what yon employed him to do and sbonld not bethere. 3d. Have but one school' term' la (be year, and let It commence about the first of September. There is but little advance ment the first month ot a term, and when there are two terms one month, is lost besides this, the 5tb and 6th montlis of a term advance the cbildron more (ban the Bret four. WBenrwwsl suwmswm A Hi. Have your svoTetHry visit your schools monthly, and moke a monthly re port to you in writing, etaiiuj the onui lion of each school in your district, and pay him lor bis tune. 6th. Two or threo times during the school term reqnlre your teachers to essem ble in your district, each bringing wilb him a class (the 3..B. to select the class from each school) to be examined la convention by tbe teacher of the school ti which the Alaas belones. tbe S. B. reserving tbe right of asking questions Jor appointing some' one thereto. No teacher to know which class he will bs reaulred to bring out more than two days in advance of the convention. 6th. Appropriate a portion ot the school funds sufficient to furnish each member ol the School Board with a copy if ton Penn sylvanla School Journal; (It Is legal to do so. i It is tbe official orgai of tho fccliool Department, and contains many valuable bints tbat may be of use to you in the dis charge ot your duties. I return mv sincere i thanks , to all from whom I reoeived favors duriug the yew. Tn the firAnnn fvrant Convention It vs stated by a Mr. Baker tbat "Senator Mitch ell bad seen the resolution; endorsing his past lile, and expressed blmselt satlsned with it." It is suppoted tbat Uipple Jwrote tbe resolution himself. Mr. Wilkie Collins, tbe English novelist. arrived In New York by the stoamer Algeria oo Thursday last. He will give a series o1 readings In this country. tue itepuniicana oiroresi couuiy oavA nominated the following ticket: For As Mtmbly, F.E.Allison; District Attorney, S. D. Irwin; Commissioner, James K. Clark; Coroner, M. Ittel; Auditor, G. Jami son; Jury Commissioner, Wra Patterson On the eveniO(9 of September 30th, Oc toberlst and 2nd, the Odd Fellows of St Peteubnrg will give a lair, and on the third night a brilliant ball will be included. All this takes place In tbe new building built by the Orda r. For tbe past few days we have been en joying genuine summer wentber. Yesterday straw bats and linen dusters were in de mind. But we shall soon bave It cold enough to pay lor this Two serious railway accidents hive lately occurred In Hungary, onejoear ''Goedoeloe and tbe otber near the Styrian frontier. Several deaths and many Irjurli-s were caused by tbe latter. The Bavarian Government baa forbidden Bavarian students ol theology to enter the Germin college at Rome as lorg as it iv mains under the direction of tbe Jesuits or any kindred order. A few days since a riot broke out at Put tamby, in tbe Madras Presidency, I ml. A detachment of tba Forty-third regiment was sent there by special train and after eight of the rioters bad been killed, ordiir was re stored. Tbe Launceston local board of health in England, la consequence of en advance in tbe price of gas, have resolved tn light tbe town with petroleum oil, and bave made a oontract for tbe pnrpose. A lew of the pe troleum lamps have beon tried, and tbe board of health allege tbat tbe light is quite equal to the gas formerly supplied. At Paisley, in Scotland a stained glass window in memory of Sir William Wallace has just been unveiled. Vallaoe 'is repre sented as Sampson; alter his conflict with the Philistines, uttering thanks to tbe God of Battle. The window boars tbe Inscrip tion: 'To tbe memory of tbe Knigbl of Ellerslle In this parish." Tbe Progress says tbat the Emlenton Pipe Comptny bave just received an im mense pump (or tbeir Turkey Run Station. We believe tbat it is tba largest la tbe dis trict. This oompaoy, under tbe most efficient management ol Daniel O'Day, bas gathered up an immense business, end very deservedly, too, for Its employees, Irom chief lo gauger, are courteous and reliable. A split lo a rock on tne Hue of the Par ker and Karns City Railroad near Bear Creek, bas been tbe subject of considerable talk and rumors of an endless cavern, tbe finding ot human bones, etc, has been all tbe go. Tbe bones of some animal were found in tbe interstice between tbe rock but tbey are not regarded as very valuable relics. Rumor bas It tbat soother cave baa been discovered away tip Bear Creek, near the Railroad. This one bas font air In It and oan't bs explored Oilman's Journal. A woman nnd two children attempted to jump aboard the steamer Illinois as she was backlog out at Columbus, Ky., Satur day, but, miscalculating the distance, fell inlotbe river and were drowned. A saloon keeper of Indianapolis named Isaac Jackson, was killed last night by two rowdies. I'uoM TiiF nto vr t MoDootiTV. P.-, Sept. 27. The highflyer well on the Troutman lorm owned tiy Norton, Adms & Co., struck tl e sand last night. She Is flowing at the raw of four hundred barrels per day. Two more new wells will be struck to'night. The Percy & Beck well, ou Starr farm, slopped Hewing Wt Thursday and will be tubed and pumped ! The Smith ,t Dyers Iroo tank Is being rapidly rivited together and will shortly be ready to receive oil. Another well, called tbe Prentice well, was struck last Friday on the Webster Barn bart farm. It has three hitis ,1a tbe sand and is (lowing 300 barrels. Tbe Argue well "is doing 1,000 .barrels strong. Tbe Say A Shreve'a well, on the Me Cread farm, about four miles southwest of Mil eislown. is now 1.601) feet deep, and is just through the corn meal sand. Tbe fourth saud is expected at about 1,620 feet. C lemon sr and others are sinking a well five miles sotitbwost of this, nnd it Is 1,200 teet deep. Tbe tools are stuck fast tin the salt, of which there Is abundance. Angel Co. 's welt, on tbe Dugao farm, reported dry, Is just through the stray sand, and bas not as yet reached the third sand. The flowing wells In the Modoc distriot at present number twentyruur, and tbey bave an average production ol 7,200 barrels per day. This is exclusive of tbe McLellao (arm. The average falling rid of these wells since the lirst of this month has been at tbe rate of onerthird every forty days. Jobn Green, an Inmate of the Maesacbu setts State Prison, has confessed lo having murdered James Graham at Lilile Neck Long Island, on tbe night of February 7lb, 1873. Francis W. Worib, receiver ot the Market Savings Bank, af New York, died of Cbol srabnjtbe 16th Inst., while on his wsy Irom Havre to New York. He was buried at sea. All available gold in London is being bstigbl up for shipment to America. Julian Raderick Benedict, well-known German comic poet, is defunct. L. Ltppincott, of Pennsylvania, bas been appointed receiver fof tbe General Land Office, viceC. B Bnynton, resigned. Kik-ht Rev. George M. Randall, Episco pal Bishop of Colorado, iNew Mexico and Wyoming, died at his residence iu Denvor, yesterday, of typhoH pneumonia. By a collision oo the Midland Railroad Saturday, two engineers were torn to pieces and the curs badly wrecked. Nearly all the passengers were more or less injured. .Sixteen yellow fever interments at M em phis yesterday. Tbe First National Bauk, of Salt Lake City suspended Sturdy. It is rumored the President has tendered the .Chief Justiceship to Senator Conk lin. The steamers leaving Liverpool Saturday for New York will bring out 500,000 in bullion. Warren bas a set of polite theivrs. When ooe of tbem robs a man be writes a polite note, leaving It in the olaoa of the 'misnlno article.explalnlng to the victim tbe'manner in wnicn toe robbery was committed. Mr lsauo Eddy paid $160 lu gieenbacks the other day, for a piece of brown f paper, tbe only writing material the light fiogered gen tlemen could lay bis hands on at the lime. Oil Report. The monthly all report for August, purporting to'be tbe Pennsylvana Petroleum Report, osmplied by S. U. Sto well at Titusvllle, bas been received by ns. Tbe production for Ibe month is placed at 936,150 barrels; average ncr dav for Ithlrtv one days, 30,198 barrels. Forger Captured A man named An. derson wus arrested In Pittsburgh, several uays ago. tor forging cbecKa on the Mil lerstown Savings Bank. He is now con fined in tbe Butler jail.; ExTEXDiso Tueib The Grant Pipe Company is now extending its line in the direction ot the Iront, Tholflrst point with whiob to connect with, is Milleretown. It will then In all probability be extended to Modoo and otber points. Tbe maddest man in Camden is Smith. He wound up his clock regularly for fifteen years, and then discovered that it was an eight day clock. He muses on the work tbat be tnigbt have done ;in those wasted minutes and bis profanity is dreadful. Girl Wanted . To do general housework. Inquire at Gor don s Hardware store. x sr lair jt-v r ssav . wm iw m u sw m . NEW GOODS, NEW HEW STOCK ' DRY GOODS CARPETS, (HI Cloths, Motions, &CJ JUST KECBIVKD AT All 01 BIG XVI. SAMUELl DRY GOODS STORI lira Washington Sta rt, Petroleum CentaJ The Largest and Cheapest stock ol CALICOES 8 to 10 cts per yard. BLEACHED M ISLttS from 11 to IS cts. LAN SO ALU CACHED niSLIll 10 to 15 els BEST ttlNCHAHIft from ni to 15 els CLARK'S O N T ' HKEAB 4 spools for 25 cts. Dress Goods, Shawls, Ho " iery, Corsets Tomes 1c Flccc7Goods, Mies Ties, Ribbon I nonpsliitts the very best qnality Drilling' ass Lit ens. i-iiis una rseeaie, da.per paper, larpni i ire luwcsi rases. Mlinery Trimmings LACE GOODS, And a complete stock of Iatlits Hats and Bonnets, Also, a Complete Slock of BOOTS SHOES Which will be sold al AUCTION" SALE Cheaper ten k Cheapest Commencing August 1st, IS73- FvJ-Olve me a call end examine ssoA and prices. M. SAMUELS. Pet. Centre, July 17th, 1873. McKinley & Gross, achinists, Blacksmiths, AND Egbert Farm, Petroleum Centre, I'a. Boiler Repairing a Speciality REFINERY STILLS REPAIRED IW We wa. rant all work done by os to be nearly as j.ood as new when repel' Good iraterial furnished and prices re-too- able. Having bad long experience tn ths 6"' ncss we are enabled to clva satisfaction. n..C4 JuSKPll McKlNLEY. bKUASTIAK SWJ1 Petroleum Centre, Pa., Jan. 3, tl.