tthA mm H; I. !, ;- --t v. - i I' -ll- hi . ' V : Daily Record NEWSPAPER, AMD Job Printing Office; MAIN TREGT, PETROLEIM CfiXTRE. g CHAM WIGCH,.Proprletr. NEWS DEPARTMENT. We reeetve telegraphlcldtspatches ap to 4 r. K end wreaaut them ro our readera ever? evenintr. em brecJag swe ef preat Interest from all section of 1 h country. We save made special arrangements. wbarehy w receive regnlar Petroleum, Mock and Produce Market PeporUJ every evening by telegraph froa New for, Ptail. c'olithia, and Pittsburg, which together wick adltnrials and Local matter., make it una of the moat desirable newspapers published in Ik 01 Heglea. Aaau Advertising Mediuiu, Ta RRCORD baa n anprlnr. aa It lrrnlatea wbaratar aa Oil Operator or Dealer can ba found JOBBING DEPARTMENT. Wa have a (area and Well eelectaa atnek of fobbing Itlatcrlals. nlir,lne tb very lataal itylaa. Wa are therelote enabled to execute lob Werk nf mt Tariaty la a atiafar.tory mannar vbca deal ran, jobs will b neatly printed ia Co Loan hipping Bills FtMlra, J Hand-Bill. riog rUMMC. illlf Fare. AND R tineas and lltina C'ardti, LTTBHKAr)B, BlLMDitAUS, BILLS OP iA01SG Etc", R'x Baf.l. a-ItlNTlNU. aid sr Fanny Btrtm, nmtlr and ptomptly eiw.n tej, mbiaciu iSVlTATirW-nBttlLAKH ?KfH3RAilHKfj CAKU. liCuKTf, Kic Io IjjM, every Tarfe" and atria of wot la i.ltat priaa p:attug. Jtswianta. tjwywa. Jnatleea of the Pear, land acnta. Oil D--.lw-.end Acinu. Inau raura Aotnte Faiuw-nipn d othei parti,i io want, ar. iniurtut-d -ht wf'are prA-pantl l eici'HU to orl-r n!l kli)lf ot Ml. NKB, butiMM! or leeal, Hrjulred lu Ihia com munity. lotihink iaronav:ereneetfnlyollciled. ananipilon ha tisorit In in 'rrornlenu aud corrupt aiate ol the blood,'e the fallHcy of traaltns lanie dlaaaav with -eilh eyrup, balaaniH. tc , e. To rnteconanrnptlon we mn-lorify and earlch the bio -d. and when the hloo'l la para con amotion rannot ealat. rr$ McCallum'a Kool Blood aenrchcrpenetralnitheKicret (inhna.i of thl dnd dteac nd tierminat4 it root and nih Try one iineld package hf roiirn mu lKnrlcv ly)jnd yea aillaKv.ia M thackrnl. il'i roia M""ti"n Co , Loi UOn, L;l 01 perasu. cured wot ea. NEW AltVEttTIEEMENTS. $3,000 FOR 20 CTB. BetVtmyoe etarton a Jtiraey, bay on Accident la eurance Ticket of tbe Railway Paaeeuger AsSuraaeo Co, of Hertford, Oona. Tickets for esls at railroad stations. Aak for aa Imuranoe.Tick (VH.IJ.01ATK V tXJMMKKCIAL I NHTITLTG, Ncw Haven, (Joan. Ireiiatory to college or business. CI 'culare. sent iu application. WJL H. ULB-SKLL, ITtDCllwU. ' Columbia C-lajwical Ins' line A Rosrdin tv.hool for Youi?M'n ul Boya. Vat Un-.ulars, aJilresa Key. U a'. ALKXA NOKH, OK stubia, Pa AQKNTS WANTED KUlt Tim NhW BOOK. Epitoic 4 (Maiiii Diss with the newest and beet treatment for nil east a Tbo only thorough work of the kiad in tlio wur.d Kmbra!aSmall-Pu, Vel'OW lf!r, Uliulers and all ansloiniis disease-!. No Kaniily S( Without I, and all auv it Has St chromatic illustrations-Thehl-jHt cnanniofthi! season seinta. Ad dtws 11. 8. UOOlbPEKO & CO., 37 J'ark Ifow, Jaw York. g . At'OIXTUNi:. How' By ap-nlaiinjt In Sto.-ke and Hold. C'apitil, fill to flotl; will pay 1100 in t LOW a month Villi expl.'inmin sent irei. W. y HPIIUKIX CO.. Ibuik-m and Bro ker, Ml Wall St.. Now York. Box !B.. 8t in perdiyl Aitonta wanted! All Ji IM yAt claiwa of wurkliiK uooil ol either ax, ymnit or old, make mora moui-jr at work for UK in tli.'lr ipani moim'n'a or ailtlie inn.i thin at anylhinj ulRi'. I'artlcnlirK (tee. AUdrcaa . STlNaON A Gi., Portland, Malno THE LA CROIX BJEM2AL BIS PENSARY. F.ataallnhedi iu 1837, la hn oUli'Ht and mot puccranfiil Institution In thin c mutij ror the treatment of I'hroutc and Sexiwl Dio,i'. For tiTios or irealnieut, cill, or addrm by nail with auiciucnt of cuo, 8. II HUKHlHiN 31 maiden Lane, Albany, -. Y. $U Money Mude Fast. Si, 000 ny all who will work Ait on. If upon writing tra fo not ft'id u all wiunrc, wa will iiive you one dol lai lur your trouhle. Send tamp for circular to O. II. W'CKI.KY & CO., Tnkonidia. Mich. ilavlni! "trust'led twenty years br twten lire mid doath with AntHtna or I exnerlmentcd myself by compounblnir root- and herha, and in i'.ailtig tne jncutcine inns uHi-iiwi. fottnnately diworered a nionl won derful remedy and Mtre euro for Asth ma and He kindred dlsmiaea. iWarrcn ted to rollcve the sevcte't paroxyam Inatant y, ao the patient can lie down to rt"t m.i uleep comfon.hlv. ONB TH1AL SENT BY MAIL VKKB Of CHAKE. Addroas t. LaNGBLL, Apple Cre -k, W ayne Co., t. TEIEGRAPH INSTITUTE rOUNtl MEN AND LADIKS qualllletl for prac 1 tl al oneratora, at the Buffalo Telegrapb Insti tute atld Citv Line Telogripb. Every graduate fccuraa a pmltiou. The Urisrat and moat cjmpicte lit AiniTH.- "- - 7--' O. L. BltYANT,8uporuiiiulnl, Buffalo, N. 1 fiRANDEST SCHEME EYEP KKU'W Fourth GraM Gift ConcBrt VOlt THE EENKFIT OK THK Public Library OF KENTUCKY. $13,000 CASU UltTS $1,500,000. 3250,000 FOR $50 The Konrlh (Jrnud (iitt t'oncr-rt author 7.i (l liy spiTial C of the l-Waturefor th" bmellt ot the Puhlic 1 ill. try of Keutncky, will takeplaco ill Pub lie Library Hall, at Ijouiai illc. Ky., WERMESUAY, IEC. .1, 'T!i. Onlv aixly thouwiiid tick.'ta (will be enld Tbo tickets are divided Into tn coitimi or parte. Al tola concert, which will be the enndr-rt mim ical display ever witueAsed tu tlita c iuutry, the un precedented annt of ' SI 500.0 iO, divided into 12 POn rn.h cirt, w II he distributed by lot among the ttckel-holuei a. ; of gifts. One f5rnd Cash Pift, jwfl $rn.nnn One Urand Oiih Hire, I ' 100 KHI Onetiriilldl'ashUifl, MI.H1I One tirnd Cnh fi'Tt UM! ' m caahtiini tin.oro erh, Ktl.HU lfa-h(iii CMIOeanh, llO.KIHI Mi anil (lift l.iil ia h, oo.nm Ml Cash fiifu HHIuarh, .(l(0 i HMt'ashfPfla l'iOearh,l lllil luici.hnitu nmieai h, .' , n ,l('asht.iiru Sn'Je'cii, Ki.tmlt 32.'i l nh (i Tt Kl i arht ' S-J.MK1 ll.OOj I'ahh l.ilu bucach, Vti, lai Tolnl, 12,000 Gills, all C.nli, nmotint inn to . l,600,roo The dlstrilmiion will lie positive, wtirthrr all the tlctels are told or nit, uhd the 1-j.ikiO iftalt paid in proortion to thetickeiHaoid. ritirK OF TICKET?: Whole tiektta iM; llnlves ;,; 'IVnths. or erh t'Out'i-u, Si; Klf1eu Wlinle TirtM'tH for ?;;llil; TieUrta for $ 1,0(10; m W-oh. tick.-m (or 0tii -5V Wholo H.'k.ita VlO.ora). No d m-oum on les limn .ViOtt wi,rih ol Ttrki't.-. :it h rimu. Tii-k.ta now resdy f.r wt Is, snd 11 I ordi'rs a'--eoinisirii.-(l by the monc, iroinplly fillip. Jjihcral lenus civen to thoee wuobtiy to ."11 ;l?niL. TIIOM. E. ItKAMliETTE, Ag.Tit PtiM I.ibr. Ky , and Muou'i-r (tit't Contort, l'unllc LiHntry HiuliUnir, Louisville, Ky. iiovt in: til mti't.i.tjk With -iniwUH ttnd iinpintf r, who will not (Tone flcci'c you, Imt in nine! v-n.i.! cnmvn out of a nun drci df- you - tli toalatn cojuiva mlomrl, ,v , miking ymir niHii worr. Ifcvort at one to th onlr BiiverijTn ratimdy tlmt nm ho rliiil on, r. Mc trtllum'i. Kii I'.lood Stmruncr, whu:h biuii-lics from l!i t-vKU-m nil fotmof private UihoiWfn and vim in tht h-tnt, aI.mi, dftnmiil wcikTii-'i'. lot v,f fttxivy, lura oi mf moiy. aur nil tnrvon uli'jit iffiiltii;! ft' m 81 1 nbiiu, whk'li il- ,-lrn s boli p.iiii.t iiii4bixl, M'Mdi)riti(t mr trijn iiupnib!... W.irri.n tid. I view by m iil (mrupfly Hiat;id. no rxfMtii'irc) $ 1 00 p r pack uc FHh p trknK- niiikon fimrt of V.luod Kemvhor V f ti-.iintH Mt dii ino (,'o., 1'iiw nnrtti, J!;n VIM. Pamphlet Kioe. DR. BARVIN'S ELIXIR 0? TAR. larec.iniin.uded hv rrvular Md'r;il practltinrri U0 a d.v .'ilr Knirn.nU;,l tor t'o'ds Coii' lis, Calan li, Asilnna, Bullish ti. i.pittli.g Hljod, Con siiai.tiou, an l ail PulmoiiHiy Coiupliiuts. Scmfu'i Krysinlae. Iiviiuid, mid Coul 1) m t.iv, Cho!-era-inorbo, cho'-raaiidnll liv rand bowi-I mm pliiU. Kdn.ydiw.iS'.aanlall atf -tlona of the Urinal riruaaa p. rlu tlx harnile-s free frsni Min eral or Alcoanliepropertws-plA.iBvnt to lukn-iind never kuowa to fail Price Jl-'Kl 4.. r bottle f ill particijira with m.dlcal tena-ouv ltd r.-nft! rd.en sent on spp!i-..ion. A'-T. F n T- i CO , i0 sosaie Af.'utlC, :,e t " " G. oiiuonAu.AnAW oir well feOPPLtSfl. O. C-OIRIDOILT, Main-St,. Fetrolcrm Centre. Kepa on hand t full Iln of onse Fiiraishinis: Goods, Boston Fa!. WM Tulii, Casing, Gas Pipe aMRttta New Bedford Bolt Rope Cables and Sand Pump Lines, RUBBER PFXTIXG, i 0EKING I1AURELS, TCBNG AND PACKING. VALVES. CASING AND nOSE, VALVE CITPW, CLAMPS Lanterns. LaitUm Globes, Carpenter's Tools, Extra Wintei-jStrained Lard Oil, Jobusou t.t Barrett's Lulwicatine Oii, Tlio Novelty end Eureka Clcthca Wringera, tha beat In uae, With a full line o( Table am Pocket Cutlery, aad Silver Pitted Spoons tod Forks, STOYES, "iz- 'w d O.H.. .i .vw u.u. uy uiauuiacturers, Ism enabled to at 1 sto-o wih To"; .0"?"'yMl bews, of. Cook or Hasting felovB will do well to call am esstnlns my .took, ol wbioh tbs followios Iss I' iNiul jat; i iea Cook ltoye ! m K i5' nf Witri reservoir and wsrming clofet, a AHIaim VPnnlr .ilh l. . Tiro rt...,.ni;ok; a cheap Hrat claa, Slove, (or hard or "oft waT !rl C;;HPt,nk. a Inrrrn hu.v utlA At- o. - L, ' . , heat b-rd or r, 'li3P'r-rooIc. for Inr.l or e.M'. coal, a email but excellent Stove sod w? ebesn. nuiitfaola Conk, a wood siovt with elevated oveo. 7 :iIY LISE OF PAULOR HEATERS cannot be excelled: The Divinu Fine Hons of lSTU-Tbl. is a beautiful self feeder I 'i'.r Stovo. witt, s. If .,, d,af. and p.tent cl inken e "C ,Slte,h,.,e,WU,"J-A "lkT""f ' fl.M gr.te.nd illnn, K,'VSit'uf"','t?KU" HMto' ' ""ng Br. p.,.t .nd VSy i hi bter JJiis lasshl-A chouo cylinder Stove with mill trite lloiian-A aheet iron cylinder store, very ohesB -ly A small adl fwd-r and quite cheap Itlitrk Sii iiH-A parlor coo e'ove wilb oven, for coal. I-Jini A rh.'ap dintnL' room Stove. . flow-A ol.etip bed room tovo. I''rl-A cli.M ovlinder .Slove. for bard or toil coal. IC!ino-A lre heatinp Stove, filnnl l A...imA r. j . . .... SALaMANDKK A derrick'.lov, &VZl&t&JtfS MANUFACTURER OF TIM, SHEET mn AND COPPER WARE SMOKE FTACKS MaIjE TO ORDER Millie In oriliirlMl.l'ivi'ri ,. . conjured tbe ctespest au s.u pUInp'B0W J l lairing of all kiuds done with neatness and dispatch. '. GILBERT GOBDOK. No. 1 ReGned Oil, STOYES ! Out dsn Stove for bsrd coal or wood. t j . .... coal, .. celebrated lor Its a. . good ln USc7wUtom,non or rVHt t TUB Rortft ?s.MctsIa8 Geyer. ThaMkrwaiRia tb4edatoa reaarat,kr Jadc McKeanao. at May Tasaa of tas Uraak Ooart in tbs above eaae: In tba Cireart Ooart of tli Cnateal Btatea, ta ard foe tbe WeaUro Distrletgf Penaaylvaaia. K. A L. Koberu vs. Wcbalas Oaar. No. 1 Hay Term IftTl -la Equity- Novembers. 1S71. MUfibdaad aabpoena la tied. Mulrporna aad notVoa of appMcatioa lor prelimla arv kii uactioo arvuL Doiembw It, 187. afotasn for prelnlaar la. Jaoctioo beard, and the Court batnc only advised ta the pretaleea; the udunctioa awarded at prayed for, aad decree Bleu. Janaary U, 1872. I)bowou iaaned, and oa the 21th dayof Jaaaary Indictment served perauoally and by eopy. May , 1873. Role bmied lor dalendeat to s bow cansewbyattariitnentahoald not Issue lor contempt In violating ln)tuutloa and duly aervid J tine 1L PJ7I. Hole tor atoichjnent la that rasa came oa to be beard, and after enctimeut of counsel pro and con, the Coart being full advised la tba premises, the Hale temade absolute, and Bae sea Mac of tbe Coait is, that tbe aald defendaa, Nlcb. alas Oeyer, be Imprlosened In the mauiOB Jail of AllegeonyOoantytsr and during tke tern of tea H.V. mnj lliat hm thm Mala Ihl. v. . , lag. ' June Sd, U'i. Coaaaailent lewed. The IniBiietion la thla case was for Infrlngemsn at tbe Roberta' patent of No. (calk d tba kit, pat ant), for Incr-ealng tne prodaebivwaaa of oil' wells. The set of InfringeaieBt for which the defcudeot was committed for coatampt, coaeiatod la aiding Alexandra Uataar la exploding torpedoes In ol wells being the aaaaa act of Inlrlagement for whlrk Uamar was also committed a he case Ne 0, Ku vetnber Term, 1866, as twfore slated. The Court McKennan, t., alter delivering bis opinion Is tba Banuu case, proceeded to ssutcufo NicSolaa Oeyer for caaiempl, snddeliverad tie ft I owing oral opinion : Lin the rasa of Niaaolaa Oeyer charged with la tame o flense, I an entirely satlsf rd mat there was Sold present, la tbelSaaia won at least. J$ Jhan imttmalrd It tht casus! ia M aoarrs o Ma arya. Mrnf, (Aepruesiee alAall, taAelatr ( tt'rnf or ot, it an infrinftmmt tftht plnu, end a tnoeA a tht s'siaacliea eIAa Oxirl. air Koberu, liy his patent sees as one of tha aria eipal elements or Ms Inveatlon luld ismping, and wherever there Is fluid ssflcianl In . well, at tbe Hmsof tnaerplnaian of s torpedo, to operate laaaplng, whether it gate there naturally or Is out there ertiSclally. his patent la Infringed. Tim ass clearly tbe rase In regard to tke Beats well. . But Mr Geyer aeema to have hen misled hy Hanmr, who told bun lluu be merely wantu) to make aa experiment ; and I do not tbiak, this be ing the drat lime, that he ODab. to be very severely punished. ' He also Is sdjndged guilty of contempt and brder d Io pay tbe coats of this proceeding and linJrrito an Imprisonment la the county Ja(i for ten dsn -1 hope thla will he the last of th. se eusis; bemuse, If lb matter cornea to our notice ainau wewi'l bs consirslned to Imptwesurh punishment as will tend to make the decree of tha Court effectual. June (lm. I PeravMlrwta. ' ' TCKmBym-rs FLUID tXTRAOT BIOHO; IstlieeolyabavfB UssnHa Ur Brtgtisj Sis sasssnd baa eared every asass of Dtabevaa la whiob It has been grvaw, fnllsltaa of the Neak of (tas Bladder sod tsAaeeettt et the Kldneya. Ulaaratlonof tba Beaeya savd Btadder, lietsa tlon at Urtney Diaiaam of boa Prostata GUM Bton In the Bladder, Or vat, Betck Dwt rn-poelt, and Mneoua or Mnay V il i n i, and for Kn taabled and DeUeateOoaaSttviulous of both bsm attended with the fotarwtaa; ayraptoma: UM of Power, Lose of Memory, Dttteulty of Breath faf, i Weak Nerves, Wakerelaeaa, ram is t tbs Buk.PlueMn(oftiisBodyJrniptaonootteAW) fallid Ooun tapsnaa, Laaait aiVi of the System. Uaed by parsons fa thadeeUna or olsanes Hfe after cemflnamaat at- aabas saass, bad ttnglnahlldrameta. 7, 'In many affaetmea pssnBsr as Lvtltes, ftie tract Buehn la nneovsalid by any ether remedy- Aa ia CVIoroaia or Bsaantioa, Inegnlarlty, Vvs fnfaaas er Soppreaaton M Oaatornary BvaetatioM. Vkterated or rkhlrms stats of the Vterns, Lta eoTrhceaoT WMteaeHasrlUay, aa foe alt eon plsfats faektsnt to tha asst. It is pneeribet eitenatvely by the meat eaaioent Fhysiciaaa sod lUdwiTas for snfrabtad aad dalieata sooent"' tlooa bf both taxea and all ages. ; KXABTTET'8 EXTRACT BPCfTC, Ktm AHUng from lmpruin" BaWt VJHHtoaHmEl, a all their stagasj UttU axrsJnea.TiUej er ao hang in diet, ne eonvanienea, and no expos p. It oanaa OJ . Stent desire, sad gives straogta to Vtatf araby removing ObatMetlonaT I'reventloe sad Cnring Strictures of tha Urethra, AliavWrJ"" aad IiinammatloB. so frequent in Uile clasa of die aaaaa, and i pal ling all Poasonona matter, KJEASlYET'S EXTRACT Btl"' limpet bclaceaixhoHIeefbftS.W, to an addrsaa, asenra frton abserratios. Bmt dBWateeverywbere. Piensredb i . . iXABJCBY at W .7iM Ief-. ' J: to whom all letters log fatosnstioa staMM addwaaod. . AvolcJ Ouaoks and lmpotr. o Charge fas Advlo aad Ooasalaaues Br. J. B. Dyott. Oraduata of Jtfrr? tMUgt, I'MuSeipaia, aula of several valas works, eah t.a consnlfed on all diseases of Bazasi or Urinary Organa, (which he baa mam so ssnseisJmady) either in male or femaleiS utter iron wbai oaaae originatlBg e of longstanding. A practice of so years eosoi" bamtoassatVsssss with aaoeaaa. Cares tT sales d. Charges resaeashle. Those at tanssean forward letter deaeribiag symptoB. i. B. DYOTT, M.U., Phyaiciao and BsgfO'Tf - . 104 Duana 8C, Mew York. ,t V H. T. niLMSOU). d Auvetttaa ia tita KfiooBo,