The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, September 19, 1873, Image 3
vc RL ODllf "Inch tktU mill 0. Warner DKAI.F.K IN IIOND-fllND Tl DIM;- bisen Casing, Engines, Boiler?1) uno i ilE! L SUPPLIES. -BEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR OLD urine roepnllynwcan'ml a New and Tm- and ilt all tXu of 1'lpe nod Casiut; from (Atom. m'' ,knlon-t.. MoarZy Opp. Kcch tituHouti rot. C'nt:-, Hp. SAPOLIO lITaaab'titntiifo.-So..p tr -II llonae- hold kurpoeea, except oaliing clonics. 8APOLIO ftrClwnliiK ' 'Ion will vb the lalior of on? cleauiui, liWc it a trial, for Wliulm.:' b V.ior ... n .7lilte ' ali a or Wutci . No .e ioi"j cut-, talna and carpe'e, SA.POIVIO cUanerantand A'c L, ia fac; t ,o entire house bettor tUn Hoap. No al ppliu!. farca la) or va ou t afford lu be ..Ua--. X S A POL? q for Scouring Knlvm U li.w and cleaner than liaUi ZSrUU. Will not acratcb. SAP OLIO Is better than Poao ar.d Sard fur polishlni! Tinwrre. E Ightcna with out acrawhlr.. SAP 0 I.IO Poilnhei Bit' and Copper uteniila batter Uun Acid or Of and Kotteu Stone. SAP O L TO for W-'.iin(; 3?ueapnd Oliw?nre la inToltutblu Uber po than Hoap. 8 a "o o 1 i o remoTos -"HtIr-4 tmr, Mnrblo N rii) TcV i , .Lil vH..tunry, fnm Hard finish -d Vuilh tM froiu CW tut aud Pure ilpin Sap o 1 i:o 1 remOTa iVair.a mid Greaae from Carpets aodotiiarwoveu fab ric TfifipA. 14 a A mmm mrtlrkm knnwtl til at ran w w lolHVVto niatiy kl olworK ana it ItalfcMXrrlt nape i: ;. Try It- HAJSP s A P J JO r Soap, having 9 ci;aal in tiz : coimtrvor aruftu. I HAND SAP? . Mn aillj.'i fir ihP. IlllTh. "d.n al-r? the fonndntion" :f all dirt. 'r the pores and jiivci i hrolihv yc tlon aad brll!ia;it tint, to the ikI.'i. hand- s a "P C m Clcnrmenand buiRilutthe SkTii, in- ' i-h from both Imnii and .-ti ;e , m wnnnx a nviu in inc worm icr ';' ' cnrin.jorp.ev'e.irtntf rou.tiw and 11 1 fcuappii-3' u' elilnr bund or fape HAND S fl i? ?i fi , r novwi Tuft IituU, Iroo or TnU fttalui Criui1; tor wcrkcrB U Wuchine iinojit;. IM'.ncn, .c , 1 in valuable For u.A! the fihtr. i White and Soft, rnd gMuR io it u bloom of bfittnty It h una; jr;nu ti ed by any C03intlc known HAND , S A P 0 b J 0' .. puita 10 to 15 ciuta por caV, oiid ' I"-' )Trbody aho.tla have U Yon will v . likeU DON'T FAIL TO THY THESE finnn5 Itt' 'fi?r 'onr i'cr;liaiu it u Uh nu writi- lor our .', All -"uuisapol.o," aui It wtl bewailed , ', ENOCH hORGAN'S SONS, . ... . sn PA"U ''LACE, N y Ml LIBERT. sST.,-Wl"lSB0S3 H, PA. Co to vTa. lozieu, 4th Street,uer a . track, tor your .REIM, delist wed at"the wells for $1,50 per Barrel. fottoeum CeatM,;Feb. 6th-1 1, I'SCrearn! Soda Water ! Proclamation in the Cithm-s Pet, Ventre and Va'niti: R.A.LOZIEB, Vashington-St, For vour mire Ice Cold Soda Wctsr Drawn from Loner's bilver Port able Fountain, No acid or jja.3 to destroy the storuac!:, i.nd the best and P.ntst or FLAYttlSLTIS SKi'S. I hare ais fitted n,i In plr ttyle thmai;bout, a new LADIES' a:idOK:;'i'b ice omm Coiifectiozisry, OF ALL .TUNES. THE iT. .S : AST -- r.Wi'l EVER a Two Door Above No' el .'.ii,jr halm'aiUry Uoodi !,rc GIVE JIB A CALL. It. A . liOZIEK. Tet. Centre, Mny 21, lr-W if. CO a s 1 r, So s a -2 if ha vJ C-i Ch n 2 id v " o a & ft a .a a D -o .2 ad S3 1 I I q, n y.i a I'rc'nr tfi r,ir."ne att-nriion. to p icn's f; dlm. . pircsan'. hon. tl..-c-;;'i in-trnc'.ifi.; h'wlth.'.il ,:;sr'v.i;ne; -x.v'.;:'nt litjtuiy ne.v uttA a-nd ."or Caiul".;,!.. Li; dhcoxri., to cl.!r;"ri'.fcl Ji'JIV Urt-...VHa i'jill.. : r . , 17 Ernol ZsciTicii. B03T 0 SHOE MAKER... Has just rntuic.ecl Iron Eu6'a!o with a complete) Etock ct ivai and Winter Gaotfc. lias bcrti f.-irh'.!?hfd in Ve tirv-i- (rri.-elir 1 &al ;lnoo ycrjTL Lnd hr. tbe name of Mailing tlx Hi i. T.r.d Finest Hnot lu tlid Caj iLt'Ccr.s. lie la constantly rwa'.vln; c .r.: frcm ;tLu cs . tioui o..i II. constantly kcepa on Land Keady-uiade Btst& Slices LADIES' AND CHILliREN'S SH-Ji-S AND GAITERS. GALL. ANDSCF II m. J9tf EMfcUUKDiVICH. t"The Post Oc Neweroom fioda Fouutftio ia now running in full blast. Q fqd try glaes of ice cool eorjs water ' i l.i-;; uk- i,iu I $4. lEa WANTED The Oldest f4abtlsheil Li . quor Store on M1 ( rt cit. OVEN GAFFNEY, PP.CP'R. KEMOVEL To tLo Kfff Stand in ChriBtlc's Old Store, opposite the Jamotown Clothing Storo, 1'vtrolcuin Centre, Pa. New Goods in Great Variety, jJbut plenty ot bunday Lom-( lort lett yet. 1 have refitted the store fmnerly occupied by J. II. t hriistie, corner of Vnh!nrton and First Sta. and 1-iiJ in a new atock of the purvat and best of Wines, Liquors acid Cigars, THE MARKET AFFORDS. My stock consists In part of BOURBON, AND MONONGAHE- LA BYE WEISK New England, Medfcrd andj Jaaiaica Hums, IXOLLAOT GIFS, IIENNESY, riNET, CARTIIXEN ft CO.'S, AND MaUTELL ISUAMJlKS, Sole Agent for tho BIlOTEianOOD WINES, of Erockton, N. Y, Ala Aier.t for tha CMfhratfr". f.Itr.'.T W"JT. K.i. il!.AM of Aii.ry'.( t lT.nii);!!!!, ni.vie hy ttio l-!ia):ir.t V.lii.'y v'iao Co., bti:ul;e.i .utn'.y, Now Ycrk, constantly on band the imnorted choia- j;nni8, &c. Slyjftocklof .C1QAKS ia inexcllced in tuie region. I KELP BUT ZXH FIN33T Cigars and "VJines, (UVE MK A CALL, At my new atnnd OWES GAFFJXE1. I'W. CYutro Doc. 17 THfc Oil- IHAHKlm BY W. U. TEL. LINK Officr OP j PBTRiu.p.nt-x Ckvtkk Daii.v Ukcord V Sept. I'J. I8"."J S The oil market is unlet to-day at Si. an. No (tales. I'biladulpbiu, Sept. 19. Crude, 5?4'. Rellned lf!. Market quiet. Kew York, Si pt. 19. Crude 6'. Reflned, 18 . Market QiiioC. New York, Sept. 19. Gold 112!. C. HEINZ, Pious ci", Pa., IMnmiractiirer of OTL TTJELIi ,. ; jj-L' fir - lb Mchhsry & Sirotfies En-i'r ea p.r.d Hoilei-s of every d3scii';i:Va liopivired at liliort iNoucc. Asont for FOSTER'S GAS PUMP. PATTJTSfi of HI HJjS'BWA- KKPAIP1N6 of all Vlnda done at no .lce and all work warranted. Oruc-a Ly xuai. c tclegrat h promptly attended to P. G, HELSE. Picaeer, ?a., Doo. 21, 1872 tf. w Goods. save mmx mm ! And buy your Ikots and Sheet at Mrs. M. Magrans's ONE PRTCH 300T & SHOE STORE X keen a vcrv larre atnrlr nf all ktnd!i rm hand choipaanny othor In tae OIL iiliulGd. Connected with my Store la a Ad 1 ituarautco pcifect flt In Bl! my wc h noir..7 reauy aouu. well coor to won. Jewelry ttc:a. l?etro:tiin Centre, Pa. decl-t.' i)iaTs Faox Tub Devil; O". CLTP1D ABUSED. ATtnok'jtut if?ned, expoi'.iift tho "rraaoKAU" that ha d o'.pcflrr 1 In the ;N(-w York NewAuapera; tin irhii.'irv rnd U-aii.a. HTVLIfH VilXIANS Ft!L!.Y ji.i CSta). Advertisement !roai deape rate mi;.i io ht-aatlltil o en; (andestiiie rneetinfra how fimtrutod; 'Ihs lii.tory of tlio i.oodricti Trat' edy the refi ll cf a vcreounh." Oencriptlnn of L'vlni; i:ruJv. y R-.i.tuor. EXPOHE8 SOCIAL, COHliiVTX;! Sjt cu rocelp. of 60 cu. Addreja Unique Prlnti. I!ou-e, ! Vaaey St., N. Y. Ten Krrkwlili $20 Portnble ( ninlly RewiiiK M t :ne, on :tJ la l i talt nianv aiivi.niai:e over all. huttrfaction t;tiarantred. or reitilicd. B.-nt ramplele, with fi.ll dinfc tiom. -Hi-ckwltU Sew ing Machine Co. ,Wi Broadway uw York, Mm NEW GOODS NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS NEW STOCK DRY GOODS CARPETSj 1 t Oil Cloths Motions, &c.t $ JCST KECKIVEU AT M, SAMUELS DRY GOODS STORE. Washington Stn et, I'etroicum Centre. The Largeat aad Cheapest etock ot CALICOES j 8 to 10 cts per yard. BLEACHED MVSL1XS from 11 to 16 cla. L.ANSDALE 'KBLEACHED BltSLIN 10 to IS eta BEST CINGHAXS from 12 ' i to 15 eta CLARK'S OUT THBEAB 4 apoole for 25 eta. Dress (Ms, Shawls, Hos iery, Corsets Domestic PiccoYGoofli. Ladica Tlea. Iiikhmt VaiV Ha at nnalhtf TlrllllniM anrl f In. ens. IMnc and Necdlo, 0 cts ptr paper, CurpcU at the lowest rutea. Millinery Trimmings, LACE GOODS, And a complete stock of ladies Hats aud Bonnets, Also, a Complete Stock of BOOTS & SHOES Which will be eold at AUCTION SALE teper fban tlie Clieapest. Coinniencing August 1st, IS73. KfTGlva me a call and examine goods and price. M. SAMUELS. Pet. Ceotre, July 17tb, 1873. McKinley & Gross, achinists, Blacksmiths, AND Egbert Farm, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Boiler Repairing a Speciality, REFINERY 8TILL3 REPAIRED pg" Wn wairant all work done by ua to he nearly aa good aa new whan repaired -Good rraterial furalabed and prioea reason able. Having bad lonu experiencA In the bust net", we are .np.hlnd to etve natldfaetlon. JOSKI'll McKINLKY. SEHAMTIAH OUOSa Hctrolemn Centre, l'a Jar M--'t I