The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, September 18, 1873, Image 2

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r etro'eum Centre Daily Record.
seu Ventre, Pa., Ttsureday, Hep!. . Is
DlTlne Service.
ijervlcea every Sabbath at U A. M. and
, P. M. Sabbath School at l P. M.
atat'ree. A oordial invitation eiteud-
1 to all.
Rbt. T. Gbihah, Pastor.
Preaching rl Jl o'clock A. M.. and 7
o'clock P. M., by the ritor, W. C. Bouch
ard. Sabbath School at 12, directly
after lorooooo service.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School
Teacher Heeling Tuesday evening ol
each week.
Petroleum Centre Lodge, No.
715, I. O. Of O. F.
Regular meeting nigbti Friday, at 7
o'clock. Signed.
C. H. Bulky, A Sec'y.
fTPlac of meeting, Main St., opposite
AluClintock House.
A. O. Of V. W.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of TJ. W.,
neeta every Monday evening at 7 o'clock,
I n Odd Fellow' Hull, Petroleum Centre,
Jamrs Wilson, M. W.
Jam kb 3. Wuiti, K.
I. O. of It. ill.
Mlnnekauuee Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M
of Petroleum Centre, meet every Thuriday
evening In Good Templar'i Ball.
tZT Council Area lighted at 7 o'clock.
U. HOWE, Sachem.
C. L JUKES, Cbiel ol Record.
Gold at I p. m. Ill's
The New II a van Journal and Courier re
latea a atory ol woman' suffering and man'
devotion, wblob la moving enough to melt
the heart ol a locomotive whistle. It seems
that a young lady of New Ilaveo sad the
nlilortun to be scalped, bow or why doea
not appear. We are not aware that there
are any Indiana lurking about the City of
Elms, and therefor do not Imagine tbatabe
is a fresh victim to the demoniao cruellies
ol the red man. Probably ber cblgoon was
caught in a (team roller or something of the
kind, but. however, It was done, the uo
questionably lost ber soalp. Now, tb
paper quoted prooeed to say that a number
of her friends, deeply cemmisecraliog ber
unfortunate loss, bave clubbed together to
contribute bits of their own soalps to supply
the missing scalp of the young . lady. The
phyaioiansoeve succeeded in attaching the
cmtciilar contributions lo Iba skull of lb
fair sufferer, and she promises lo do well.
la other words, .she has bad a oew scalp
laid down In muoh the same manner that
barren piece of ground is turfed with grass.
We trust that care baa been taken lo bave
the hair all of one color, or else II may be
difficult to tell whether she if a blonde or a
brunette. A patch ol Oery red, of goldeo
yellow, r raven black, and chestnut brown
would oause'ber to appear in a rather pie
bald light. Happy ti lb woman whose
friends will undergo partial scalping to
minister to her cimfort, when subscribing
to purchase ber wig would bave done
quite a well. The question arisen whether
ber new bait i ber own or that of ber
Pigeon Suoot. Yealerday afternoon
quite an exciting pigeon match oam off an
btevenson Hill. Ilelow will be iouud the
W. B. Davis, Captain 0 0
II- Nightingale
II. V. Jones
V 3
L. Wynian, Captain
P. Jones
W. B. Davis, Captain 0
H. Nightingale . 1
UPJoae 1
11 1
A L Wyman, Captain 0
J P J one 1
E Bordinan 0
John Waddell u
.Died outaido tbe toundary.
IUrley llbodes, trapper, allowed one shot
and killed bis bird; Charge r, C. L. Jukes,
Keleree, George W. Doty, Oil City; .bad
shot at ooe bird, which be killed.
Twentyon yards rise and .eighty yards
boundary from tbe trap.
A Bridgeport mloiaier uses postal card,
to.luvile delinquent cbuicb members to
The man who wrote '! am saddest wben
I sing," wss faollsh if he saug much.
Ibe champion postal csrd writer of
Claries 01, S. C baa leached ?UU words
Poi-ics Yesterday, Mrs. Bufkiit, one of the
city fathers of Miller Mim. madu information be
fore Jostle: Keynolds charging W. Cobley, or that
nlare. with trespass and surety of Ui peace. Ac-
cording to her evidence, defendant had opened the
gate of her yard and drove la a lot of cows who de.
stroyed har garden. Una also testified that defend
ant bad threatened to kill her and made enndry
other threats against bar and the peace aid dignity
of the commonwealth. She failed, however, to
make the case and had to pay the costs.
game vs. William O'Neill and William Soderman
Charge Trespass, In that they did drive a lot of
cows U to ker garden patch, aaid cows eating np her
cabbage and "garden ease'' without any regard what
ever to her feelings. Mo cause of action and prose
eutor pay costs. H. B. Smiley, of Franklin, ap
peered for plaintiff, and Constable Burgo-e for de.
Mrs. Buskitt evidently has a penchant for the
law. A day or two sine she had two parties ar
rested for aasault and taken to Bhamburg, before
Justice Poor. They brought cross suits and the
3 usllce Sued her f IS and costs of suit.
Goran. Unrtowotman, Mr. J. 8. Fisher, long
connected with the firm of fisher, Norria 4k Co., ia
abeat removing to Big Kaplde, a flourishing town
In the lumber dlstrlcta of the Stat or Michigan.
Mr. F. goes there aa Secretary of the Peninsular
Herd are and Manufacturing Company. The CO'
own a large machine and hardware store, and aa
Big Rarlds ia located on the Muskegon Hlver In
the heart of an extensive lumber region, they are
doing a large business. Mr. Fisher has been so
long a resident of our town, and Is so well known,
that be will lie missed and we can III afford to lose
him. At the aaase time the teat a ishea-of a host of
friends will acoompany him to his new home, and
we take pleasant In recommending him to the good
people ot that city aa a desirable addition to their
resident population, flood luck to you, old boy.
Justice tieynolda left town this forenoon for a
short visit to his uailve place at Mvndbam, Mew
Jersey. During his absence the Justice office will
be under charge of Justice Bevcridgo, of Kou Se
The Titusvlllo Cltlzen'e Corpe pssscd through
her this morning, en route to attend the review at
Meadville, which eommeeee to-day. Among the
corps waa a company of colond troops.
Gov Hartrai ft baa extended the major generals
captaus, brigadiers, lieutenants, Ae., of the Titus'
vills Citizen's Corps, to act aa hla body guard dur
ing the military review el Moaulvllle. Nothing Is
said of the three privates of the Corps.
One Johus, a so-called lawyer, residing at Titus
vllle, has raked up an old act of the Legislature
which imposes a penalty of $ 10 on all refiners al
lowing the residuum from their refineries to run
into Oil Creek, one-half to go to the laiormer. It
l to hoped this latest' black mailing attempt of this
wretch will be defeated. Wo have a slight reraem
stance of similar attempts while this Individual
was at Plthols. The business men of Tllusvlll
should unite In defeating this nefarious scheme to
rob a most Important branch of trade.
MoONLiont Cm. Tbe people of the oil
region; like those of Ibe west In the day of
it early settlement, are in the bablt of dig
nifying every little plaoe tbat springs up in
a produoiog district, with tbe title of
"city." It is not necessary thai there shall
be more than oue or two bouses aod a (lore,
and the city" is christened with some ap
propriate name, Moaoligbl Cilv It situaled
about two miles from SI. Petersburg, it I
made up of derrick, residences and engine
bouse promiscuously mingled. This is
a distrlot where maoy torpedo were put
aod no tribute paid to Roberts, benoe Its
name "Moonlight City." It is very plea,
aotly located, and all who live here are do
Ing well. Air. A. Hurd, formerly ol Petro
leum Centre, I keeping an exteosive gro
cery store at tbi point, and Is doing a
flourishing business. Tbe production is not
at lb present lime very large. Courier.
An attempt to burn tbe upper portion ol
Lawrenceburg, lo tbe Seoond Ward, was
made early yesterday morning by some fiend
ia buman form, but tbe lire was fortunately
discovered in time lo save a disastrous con
flagration. The flames were first discover
ed issuing from a grocery owned by M. S.
Adams j where it was found a nice little
fire bad been started under tbe building.
Tbe fire was promptly extinguished by citl
sens, and the alarm was not given.
Tbe Louisville Courier-Journal beads it
obolera report as follows:
The Cholera Latest Report from tbe
Greatly Afflicted Kentucky Towns loci
dent of Ibe Pestilence at Millersbnrg,
Columbus, Lebanon, Ac .Whole Faml
lie Eitermluated, and Ibe Towns Deserts
ed Guesass at Ibe Origin ol . Ibe Plague.
Tbe faois sets lortb in tbe general ac
counts, bowever, bave all been anticipated
by tbe telegraph. ,
. A number of amusing iooideal ocoorred
at Franklin yesterday, among wblcb was
one concerning two gentleman from a
neighboring city, In a State adjoining this
and bordering on Lake Erie. A bet of
small amount was made tbal ooe of tbem
oould draw tbe other in a sulky around tie
track (half mile) la seven minutes. Tbe
drawls! wa a small muscular individual,
and lb rider turned lb seal f 244 avlrdu-
poi. Time, 6 minutes, 38 seconds.
The Eastero Railway and the Boston &
Maine and Grand Trunk Railroads ar bav
log a lively row, all abont a ''frog. "
Tbe Universalis! are
lion al Waabington.
boldiug a oonven.
Ex-City Treasurer Sprague, of Brooklyn,
has given ball in $50,000.
A Wicked Boy.
Tbey taytbal lb chief astronomer al the
Washington Observatory was dreadfully
sold few day ago, A wicked boy, whose
Sunday school experience seems only to
bave made bin more deprayed, caught a
fire fly, and stuck It, with tbe aid of mucll
age, in the oeatre of tbe largest hoilntbe
telescope. Tbal olgbl, wben tbe astrooo
mer went to work, be perceived blaze of
light apparently In tbe heavens, nd what
amazed him more that It would give cou
ple of spurts and tben die out, only to burst
forth lo a eeoond or two. He examined It
carefully for a tew moments, and then be
gan to do sums lo dlsoover where lo tbe
heavens thai extraordinary star was placed.
He thought be found the locality, nod tbe
next morning telegraphed all over Ibe uoi
verse that be bad discovered a new and re
markable star of Ibe tbird magoitude in
Orion- In day or two ill the astronomers
in Europ aod America were studying
Orion, snd tbey gazed at It lot hours until
tbey got mad, aod began to telegraph to tbe
man In Washington to know what be meant-
The discoverer took toother look aod found
tbat tbe new star bad moved about eighteen
billion mile In twenty-lour hours, and up
on examining it olosely waa alarmed lo per
ceive Ibat it bad legsl Whan he went on
ibe dome, tbe next mornlg, lo polish bit
glass, be foundlhe lightening bug. People
down In Alexandria, seven miles away
bearing part ol tbe swearing and Ibey lay
infused Into It much whole-souled sincerity
and vigorous energy. Tbe bills of tele
graph dispatches amounted to $2,600, and
new the astronomer want to find tbe boy,
as be wished to consult with bitn about
This place stand In Iba midst of tbe large
flowing wells on tbe Trontman farm, and at
present cootains only a lew bouses.
. Mr. J. A. Bostwlck Is putting up a 23,000
barrel tank at Ibis station. Anelber of the
some dlmnasloos I oeiog built by Vander
grift & Foreman. Walt Thompson Is build
ing a 17,000 bsrrel tank.and Bales Bros.,
and L. H. Smith are both building 25,000
bsrrel tanks. Capt. Hasson was ber aod
located for another 25,000 barret lank, to be
commenced. James Adams, ot Petroleum
Centre, has also a 12,000 barrel tank under
way. v
Tbe following Is a correct list of well,
siruck In ibis vleinily durlog the month oi
L. H. Smitb,Trotitman farm, No. I,atarl
ed at 600 barrels; doing 300.
Tip Top, Taylor & Satteiflold, struck on
the 7'b on Troutman larm; started al 960;
doing 475.
Th Graff well on Troutman farm, (truck
on Ibe 15th lost., started al 9C0 barrels; do
log 600.
Pullllps Broa., struck abont September 1st
on Sutton farm; commenced at 450 barrels
doing 300.
Markbam & Co., Sutton farm, (truck on
tbe lllb lost, started at 500 barrels doing
379. ,
The two Fleming wells strnck on tbe Ctb
Inst., on the Rslston farm; started al 1,300
barrel for both ; now doing 600 for both.
Capt. Grace well, No. 3, on tbe Pison
larm struck about tbe 4th lost. J doing 90
Tb old Troutman wet), which waa tbe
first struck In tbls locality, bas been most
prolifle. It touched tbe and on Marob 23d
and ainee that lime bas produced snd tent
through tb pipe lines 86,500 barrel of oil
It bad 800 barrels al tbe well on the 16th in
slant, and wa dolog al the rate of 278 bar
rels per day. It loat about 3,000 barrels for
want of tanksge wben first (truck, aod ia to
day worth a large amount of money.
Tbe McFadden and Capt. Hasson well, on
tb northwest of the belt struck about tbe
Ctb lost., is called a dry bole.
Petroma, Spt. 17.
Tb Taok & Moorebead well, In the fourth
sand, Is doing over six hundred barrels
daily. It Is located on tbe Jenkins farm.
Tbe Wyatt well, near tJilieratowo, drilled
deeper, is doing vo hundred barrels
A well oo tbe MoAleer farm, owned by
Taok Bros., was sunk to tb third (and over
a year ago, and produced considerable oil.
Tbey commenced lo drill deeper about a
month s Inee, and struck Ibe fourth sand on
Monday. The well Is (till drilling, tii
yielding at tbe rale of four hundred barrels
, day. Th Messrs. Taok bave over two
hundred tores In lee with Ibis property,
with several wells ready to gt . Into th
fourth sand. Tbe development of t fourth
sand bas created considerable exollement in
tbi vicinity.
Millirbtowk, Srt. 17'.
Tb following wells ware struck to-day,
all Sowing laigely. Their production It
not yet estimated. T.he McMjohaol No. 4,
on the McDermnnt term. lk A rrval aro1t tat
tbe ASgel tract, m4 Ibe O'Nell
Bernhardt farm.
Tbe Wyatt well No. 2, near Mllleritown,
run another bit today, and began to flow
this afternoon at tbe rate of seveo hundred
to a thousand barrels per dsy.
Tbe Tack t Moorbad well, on Ibe Mc
Alcre farm, near Karns City, which '"
a few days ago tbe routth sand, was finished
It. ley, and la dolog thirty barrels per
Oil i rising-
Greece City I played out.
J ,The lower region Is lively.
Tbe Slate Fsir exoite Erie
Colouel Tom. Scott Is to Faris.
Karns City is to bave a railroad.
Gamblers reap rich harvest about
A dry hole bal been struok in the lower
Mts. Edwin U. Stanton, resides tt Uer
mantown, Pa.
Pittsburgh bai a number of cases ol chol
era morbus.
Three men were killed by Cars la Pitts,
burgb, last Saturday.
Tbe oil wells about Karns City are ; drill,
ing for the lourtb sand.
A wild tat lo Butler county, makes tad
havoc among chicken coops.
A soldier's monument will be dedicated
on tbe 17tb at Chester. It cost $5,600.
The Commissioners for the State Insane
Asylum, an examining tbe oil regioo.
The Venango County Agricultural So
ciety commenced at Franklin on Monday.
A detective society baa been formed in
the oil region, with itt beedquaetert al
Tbt twenty-first annual fair of tbe Craw
ford Couolr Asricultural Society will be
bsld at Conneautvilla on tbe 8th, 9tb, and
101b of October oext. Tbe officers of tbe
Society are making arrangements for ooe of
tbe best msetings ever held by Ibe Society,
and no doubt tbe attendance will be large .
Tbe trial of Kale
early la October.
Stoddard will begin
At a late hour last night a large fir was
In progress in Philadelphia.
George fiyett wa sentenced to ten year
in the penitentiary for tbt murder ot Delia
Caspar Scbeul, wbo killed bis wife Isst
July, was sentenced lo Ibe penitentiaty for
thirteen years.
Flour & Feed j fieri Iiant
XXX Whito Wh t Fl, o,00 1 Meal, 1 50
1.601 Wheat Brnn, 1.33
60. seplmf.
A most Important fn-entlnn. Sold hjr the Klsetlc
Truss Co , i'n Broadway, N- T. City. It retains
ituptnre absolutely in eaxe and comfort night and
day, at all times and under all eircumstanen, with
out any exception whatever In any case, and should
i ever lie taken off during the short time requisiu to
effect a permanent cure. Went be mail. Circulars
tree. Any drn (tills t or Physician will order tills
new rrass lor yon witnoni cnarge.
Is recommended by regular Medical practitioners
nil A MiiM-dv eura irn.rriintiied for Colds. Couchflt
Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Con
sumption, and all rulmonary uomniaiuie. Bcrmu:
Erysipelas, Dvspepsia, and Gout U setitcry, Chol-ma-morbus.
cholera and all livrand bowel com-
Elalnts. Kidney disease ani all an"ctions of the
rlunl Organs perfectly harmle frsm Min
eral or Alcoholic proportw pleasant to take and
never known to fall race 11,00 per Bottle, mil
narticu.nrs with medical testimony and certifi
cates sum on application. Auurnv us. uiijb
& CO , lUj vute Avenue, New iora.
Conenmmlon has Itsorurln la a scrnfulmn.
and corrupt state ol the blood, hence the fallacy of
ireuimg lung uiwaiw wnu cuujjn syrup, naisams.
etc . &e. To cure consumntlon we mast anrlfv end
euncn toe wiwu, auu wuen tne rjiooa ia puro con
samotion cannot exist lir MeCallnnt's Roo
Blood searcher penetrates the secret ambush of till t
dread disease snd exterminates It root and mh
Try one single package bv return mall.lirnrlce
1 1 f 1) and you willalwave feel thankful. VY illiams
Jicmcine uo., box liko, List ol persona cured
pout nun.
tl Pit tt DOZEN.
60 CfS. KACU,
. i
80,000 HOLD.
SO. 000 HOLD.
' kXPKESU. .
Address. J. L. PETERS.
690 Broadway, New. York
Daily Hecor?
Job Printing
MAIN T It 13 E T,
CHAD C. WIOKBH,.Proprltr.
We receive tolccranhlcMlsmtchea an to Is.
and nreeent them to our readers every svesiiw.n.
urociug newe ui :rt-ai intvieet iruni eji BecilWII
tliv country. We have mad special amncrsHMi.1
wherehv m receive mmlar Petroleum, fcuvh J
Pioduce Market Kenona every evenine. by leiepill
trtim new iwk, rniieoeipnia. auu ntuuerg, ernes
together with Kditorlale and Local ssetten, mitl
one of the most deslrabl newspapers pablisMej
sneui negioa. as an
Advertising MeJit
he RECORD baa no superior, as It dmlcal
wherever aa Oil Operator or Dealer caa he lout
We have a laree aai Well select e4 stock
Jobalui Iviaaerliu emtiraiine us w
latesi styles, w are laereiore enameu to w
Jon Work of evarv variety la a aatlafaetonai
when desired, job will be neatly printed la CUM
Shipping Bills
Bills of Fan.
Business and Vlsltlni Car'
am or Fancy Styles, neatly andproP'l,,',
sea, asaoraciwi
CAKDb, TltklTB, ate.
la 11
n fact, every variety and style of o
press printing.
Merchants, Lawyers, Josttees of the 'kix
Aeeuts. Oil Deaierasnd Aeents. t"""'
Expressmen and other parties la waaj, an- ,
that we are prenareS te execute to order a
ULsNKS, bartnesaor legal, rt quired Hla"
16.000 to M,000it BBCOW-J$
TUBING, at from6 to 86 ets. V . i
in.. mu u i h. aUei ardsf
"SrilT.. H.H.WABK