V Petroleum Centre Daily Record. fob Centre, ., Wednesday. Sept. IT IMvtne Service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CntJRCH Services every Sabbatb at 11 A. M. and X P- M. Sabbath School at 12 P. M. eatafree, A oordtal Invitation extend ed to all. Ksv. T. Graham, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CnURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7 o'clock P. M., by tbe Paator, W. C. Bcrch ard. Sabbatb School at 12), directly after lorenooa aervice. Prayer Meeting and Sabbatb School Teacher's Meeting Tuesday evenings ol acb week. Petroleum Centre Ltodge, No. T15, I. O. of O. F. Regular meeting Dlgbti Friday, at 7 o'clook. Signed. W. B. MONTGOMERY, N. O. C. H. Bailkt, A Seo'y. (VPlaoe of meeting, Maia St., opposite McCiintock House. A. O. of V. XV. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of TJ. W., Beet every Monday evening at 1 e'clock, la Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre, Penn'a. Jamks Wilson, at. W. Jm ct 8. Warn, K. f. o. of n. jm. Minoekaunee Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M of Petroluum Centra, meets every Thursday evening in Good Templar's Hall. jy Council Urea lighted at 7 o'clock. H. HOWE, Sachem. C. L JUKKS, Cblel ol Records. Gold at I p. m. WV4 Petrolsum Is beginning to play distinct psrt in the two or three separate civil wars which are going on la Spain. It was, ol course, to be rzpeoted that tbe favorite munition of war ol tbe Paris Commune would find favor w lib tbe Red a. Petroleum baa become as sacred a symbol of sanacoloU tisn) as tbe red flag. We were scarcely however, prepared to sea the troops of r tbe Government armed with the oil can and di t 'Cted to adopt the tactics ol tbe Incendiary And yet it Is Impossible to doubt that tbe pelroleur baa now bit reoognlzsd place in tbe Spanish army. A correspondent in tbe north of Spalo relates a disgraceful IncldeD, which throws tome light upon tbe lotelll, genca which reaches ns every now and then of the discteiloo of officers of character Irom tbe Government servloe. A body of troopi passed out of Bilbso the other day, with tbe view ofdlsperalng some Carllsts who bad taken up a commanding position nea town. No lighting took plaoe on lb oc casion. The Carliata speedi ly disappeared, aod the troop could discover no foe, ex cept tbe unharmed Inmates of lew farm bouses, who, It seems, were suspected of having furnished the partisan! of Charles VII. with bread and wine. Tbe farmhouses were at oooe attacked. Tbelr larders aod cellars wera plundered, tbe people were tiiroed a J jilt, and the petroleum can was produced. Tbe buildings wera burned to the ground, and of the furniture they obi talned, every artiole but a cradle, occupied by an Infant a few , daya old, appears to beve been oonsumed. It may be necessary to allow tbe soldiers aa wide a license aa we How tbe poet; but such outrages as this can only exalte universal disgust. Mr. H. H. Warnsr baa started a now Coal Yard at th old lomber yard stand of I M, Btornburg, on Second street. He has ployed Mr. Goo. Norma who la thoroughly conversant with th coal trade, to run the yard for him. Shell. Cenfleld't stable Is doing an immense busi ness at present. Bvary horse and wagon Is out dally. Now Is the time to tegio tbe full advertising. . : Uncle John Hulkert received a nice lot of Grapes last evening, direct iroin the Lake Shore. They were nice and no mistake. We cllove he has a limited quantity for sale. Both ol the refineries In this place are run to their tallest capacity at present. Good news. Bo me good enterprising citizen Of Pstrolenm Centre, has Dsen the means of ridding tbe town of Ave or six worthless curs. Keep It up, and if yon don't get your toward hero In the shape of ssoaey, yon will have the knowledge that you btve the thaaks of a grateful people. Two brothers, named Pollard, at Carlio vil, III., recently attempted to kill each other witb knives. A geutls fanning with a lent- rail by a stranger, cooled them off to such an extent that tbe Abel business was pot repeated. p Aotlve steps are being taken for the es tablishment of she ciologioal garden In Fair mount Park Philadelphia. 'uruoa, aa usual!" aaio professor, n. proacbfully, ou meeting a dissipate atudent lit tbe part. "No, e-r: uot drunk 'sus'l D'l dtuoker'o us'l," replied the student. Tbe question now arises among boy whether (bey or tbe manages of tbe tcboolr, 'iould furnish Cigars it picnics, FROM THE FUOXT ! Mn.t.KnSTOws. Pa., September 16. The Asa Say test well, ou the Mcfready larm,:four miles southwest of Millerstowo, struck the top nf the eand a f.'W deys aito. Oil began to fill the hole, and the drill was suspended to remove tbe boiler. This well, if successful, will open up 10.000 acres of new lertitory for development between Mlllerstown and that point. It has created profound excitement here already. Angel & Co. 'a well, on the .Dug an farm, just commenced flowing. 1'etroi.ia, September 16. Tbe market to-day is quiet but firm. There were sales of five thousand barrels spotoilat$l-17!4. Two thousand barrels tellers all the year, $1,15. Tbe Tack & Moorebeatl well, in tbe fourth sand, is pumping over two hundred barrels daily. Triaxoi.e City, Sept. 13. Tbe Bayne well is doing fully fifteen bar re Is. Tri ley well lixty barrels. Tbe Kiley Bros., well on Best farm Is now doing seventy barrels. It opened at 140 barrels. Levant Evans well, new, t Thursday, SO barrels. The new Dillo well commenced pumping on Thursday at 10 a. m. This is excellent territory and with oil at anything like a decent price, would be flooded witb tbe Irrepressible oil man aod hlsjlnevestabls wealth. Mertina, Sept. 15. The Hamar wells, near this spot, are holding out good, averaging about thirty five barrels. Some are doing fifteen or six teen, and others eighty to nicety bar reis. There no dry boles In this vicinity. Between thit point and Edenburg tbe Lee & Balllott well on the Bower farm, was tubed on Saturday last, the 13th inet., and aince bat been pumping 125 burets a day. Messrs. Loe & Balliott have a lease of fifty acres witb ooetentb royalty. Matters here look encouraging eo far as extension of the belt is concerned, but little in favor of its expansion. Modoc City. Modoo City, or Summit City, as It la sometimes callod, is full of life and business and big oil wells. I i no ter ritory In the lower oil region;, or indeed anywhere since tbe early days of the oil bntiness has end large wells been struck ts In tbe Modoo district. In tbe past lew months wells bare been struck here that have produced aa bigb as 1300 barrels In twenty-four bouis. Of course these enor mom wells operated like tnagio upon tbe surrounding country, and in a few weeks Irom tbe announcement of the first strike a thrifty little town was under way. Strikes are being made almost daily, aod the great eat excitement prevails. These immense strikes have bad a disastrous effect upon the oil market, as the entire country ts aware. East Brady Independent. A Cbioese jihylock owning several pounds of fits a has been died before the San Fran' olsco courts. A Chinamen got Into a tight place, borrowed fifty dollars, and mortgaged his wife tor i't repaymeot. The note be came due, aud tbe shopman could not pay The wile was forfeit according to agreement and custom, an! the creditor ferclosed tbe mortgaged, and proved himself Inexorable. lie bad become ootltiej to several pound sol flesh acoording la toe bond, and expressed determination to stand by tbo bond. Tbo woman was already in bis possessltn, but she appears to bave had very serious b. jections to tbe full consummation of this peculiar Cbioese business transaction. She managed to break away from ber keep er, andwent atraigbtway to the ccutta with berjconiplainte. Of course the courts ignored the forms of business by wbicb she was to be sacrificed, and t he wise judge told tier to go Dome and pledge Derail no more for a money consideration. Sbe went ber way rejoicing, and now Chee Wang Is hap py with ber husband, Ah Sam, and the oredilor, Ab Kow, is fully convinced that there is no security in woman. Emll Xcdwich, better known as "i .title Joe,1 was tho recipient of an elegant l'hllopena prcscn to.day through tho mall, at the bauds of some un known fri"nd. It was a trine stale, yet would do for soup, if well seasoned with gaillc and' pepper sance. Never having received a rhilopena bet'ote Joe was astonished, and Inquired of tho clerk "Vot der tuyfel all dts means, I don't know." 'ho. gift was quite valuable and is highly appreciated by Joe The Pel-oleum Exchange heptauraiit la Just in receipt of another barrel of those nice fresh fhel Oysters just direct from New Yerk. Also, a tub oft those nice Saddle Kosk oysters. Tom. or Billy are always on band ready to wait on tustomen at all hours. Giro them a call. The pigeen shoot, this arteruoou, h is attracted quit a crowd to town. These cold nighta make tho co 1 dealers smile. Tbe attendance at the public school at present is 107 pupils. This la a genuiue Sepuuihcr duy. The potato bugs are now going for tbe tomato plauts and are making their butt ef forts to floish them up bsfore winter. A dispatch (from S'. I'otnisburg uuder dalenf Pept. 10th, says: This morning, between eight ami Fine o'clock, Messrs. Thomas F. Griffin and John B've. Were badly Weed on the lace, n 'Ck, hands and asim Th;-y wen- ut III" W'f 11 Co. well, on the Din Ritz farm for lb pur pose of repairing the holler. While wniting lor it to cool, tbo p. is Trom the well explod ed, burning both of them severely, Medico) aid was promptly called In and ull done for tbelr possible cornier!. Bio Firs ox Chukcu Ki-n. About o'clock lost eveu ing a lire hrnkn nut in 11 ho roof of the niram Uitl Icj huiis on Cbnrch Run, and soon spread to ihe saw and shin gle mill and nam adjoining, and soon en veloped tbe whole In a mass of fl uno. In a short tpace of time tho whole were consum ed. Tbo Ice house contained Ihl) tons Of ice, tbe property of Geoige W. Benton. The buildings were the property "f William Andre. We are informed that there was a small insurance on tbo mill Horald. The Christian Weekly exhorts the hard, workers who havo had two weeks' recupera tion nut to go back to use up the uccuuiiilal ed energy "Accumulate, by reasonable rest and recreation every 07., tho energies needed for tbe day succeeding." The prevailing disease now is a sneezing cold. Red noses and watery eyes, and a tendency to dive Into pockets for a well saturated baodknrctief aro the visible symptoms. Tittisville Herald. Having bad a severe touch of the same for the last three weeks we can easily ap preciale tbe feeling! ol others, and rejoice with tbeui at tbe possession ol a "bad code. " His excellency, Gov. Uratranlt, and staff, will be In attendance at the rev iewing and inspection ol the 20th Divie.ou N. G. of Pennsylvania, at Aloadville, on tto ISlIi inst. The Indians in the ueigboorriood of Otta wa are becoming civilized. Ouo uf tt.em, at all events, killed bis father the otbTday. An Auierie jo Tiobhorne has appeared at Maucb Chunk, Pa. lie claims luriy thous and acres ol mineral land In Ljiizrne coun ty These lands were purchased years ego, and ore now owned by tax tillers or Insuf ficient conveyances It Is said. The beir, James Turnbull, was lost for twenty years. He weut to sea, was wrecked in the gull o' Mexico, was picked .up and carried to Sou tb America, lived lor a time on I be Tjthtnus uf Panama, was one ot tbe Argonauts ut MO to California, and family at M'.zaiao, Mexico The oase oame up at the last session ol tbe court at Williamsport but wnj postponed on account or the engagements ot cr.unser, w o were members ol tbs late Coustilulionl Convention then sitting The suit only in vuivra iuo nine mailer ol some tony mil lion dollars, lor at that turn tho lands In dispute are valued. In Savanah, Ga., women aro employed as horse car conductors, and modest yo ing men complain that they cannot enter ono ol those vehicles without having a dirty band D1 arm parsed about their waists. l ne harvesting season has come to an end. A down river correspondeut of tho Tlt-iisvillc Courier, submils the.fi.llowin trathful iniorltioi First Not a well in this lower district Is produc ing wnai is emmed for it. oowuuu iui u luuruinro procucingthree quarters ui wnai is ciaiined, and nurd Knt half are yielding more lh:in one bidf or what is claimed. This taprot.i!y near the tru'h. l ne tin in uue l.eie at 1 o'clock was an hour late to-day. In the case of lll.giiu, the unf.-vtiinaio man who was liilkd on the .Mitiiiiic rm.d in Oil t'.ty, day hu f n yesterday, ti c Jury lendertd a verdict of uicl dnUil deniii. Some wkked cilia vuloied Ih s ofllce yesterday o day bciore, and altraeted i'rld iy and S ..turda'. ' puper from the tie. Ke'urn them at once a ud eavw yourself irom tho wr.tih to coii'e Car artlc o on the probability or their b. iuj a ltli sni.d rock all throirrh the upper couutry, pnUisbed a day or t wo since, has ultra' ted tousiiJ. rolilc atten tion among operators, aod hldi fair to be aciid on before long. A fire in East sit. Louis, yesterday, de stroyed property tc the value of $ti0,0u(l; insurance $7,000. In ordes to allay the public fears regard ing alarming influx ol Chinese the 1'jciDc Mail Steamship Company has discontinued tbe practice of furnishing Ihe San Francisco press with the number of Immigrants. The basement of tbe City Hall ol 6pring field, Mass., is full of liquors seized for the violation of Ihe law, and tbe authorities are obliged to blre celalrs and unoccupied stores in which to keep tbe fast accumulating stock. Corry will hold lis third Annual Fair oo the 16td 17th sod 18ih.da.vs of .Seiilemln r. The prornlnms offered ure inure liheri;l ihn usual, and all ihe rvlroads will carry pis tengert attending tho fair, it reduced ratet. It is maliciously whispered that Dtllulh'a poetical title of "Zenith City of the Unsal ted Seas" ought to be changed to tbe mors piosuic ono of "City ol Stumps." When t.'iv aiois ih so cnstHPtiy teM iri; .iy the North l'olo, i-i.'t u subii.! none ul tbem bi.ve el outlived to put a baater aiomid it? A Maine tinker bus lived ou n island In Moi'sdiend Luke for tea years; in tbe sum tuer in a dry goods box, ud iu tbo winter iti a hogshead. This .a the wy in wh.ch thjy have trials at the Detroit I'olico court: Judge Guilty or not guilty? Defendant Guiity. Judge OHicrr, what ahuut this man! Officer lVad druok. Judge Five dollars Ol thir ty days. Defendant Your money, Jani tor Now, git. Defendant I go. This it the majesty of justice. J tck Fiost basmsoe b is a pearanfe,and gatdcus bare suffered severely. The Wareiiein News man give tbs fol lowing reasons why a vessels Is called she: Tbey are useless without employment; they bring news from 'abroad; they wear cps and bonnets; they are upright la ttayt; they are often paint d; they are sometimes abandoned; man never knows the expente till bj puis one." Tbe work ol takiu up aod tranaplaotlDg flower plants Is gotai; on at present. A ciitlnus and beautiful effect wai lately produced with a block of manufactured Ice In the course of . experiments in rblladai phi. i. In tbe oentre of tbo cake, completely Inclosed by the transluceat material, was a bouquet of fresh flowers. Every leaf and b'o-eom was cperfectly visible, while tbs tirilltancy of tbe colors was ennaocea oy ins retraction thrsugn tue ice. Oil Mews. Tbe Flph Bros., & Riddle wells, No 2 and 3 are making 80 barrels a day. Bond t; Green well Wilton farm, Petro. lis. reached the taad this week. The Humming Kird well, owned by tbs Wilson Farm Oil Co., ia deiog 25 barrels. The Dougherty A Cattle well, between Greece City aud Modoc, is f.orrlsg r.S bar rels a day, by aotual measunor!. The Comnanv't well.drillirr! on l;e;e No. 14. Wilson farm, Petrolia.wi:! be completed In two weeks. East Brady independent, Newsboys aro not alloweC to '-toller" la Rome, hot something like iia't a million dogs can bark and bowl wltbou: let or bio d lance. A sign in an Obio city bearing tbs words Smith Manufacturing Company," throw some light on the nuery as to wbers all tbe Smiths come from. The editor )f the Baltimore Gazette, after years experience, says: "A woman It lil:e tar: onlv melt ber and the will take any form you please." THE NtiW Hi: KIROV HUE FOR KCP. A most Tmpiwant In-ention. Sold hy tha Klsstle Truss Oi , C37 Broadway, M. V. City. It. retains hujiture .ii'soln'ely hi ease and comfost night and jut. at all timev and unoer all circumstances, who out any exception whatever in any case, and shoald i vor he taken oIl'duriiiE tlm short tl'.ie raqniilta to IV ct a nei miuinii cure. Kent by mail. Cirealara tree. Ary diutn cr Hiysletan will order this new rrns for you without charge M. GARVIN'S EIIX1! m I rccominci'did by reimlar Medical yractltlonera and u spe.dy cure gnarranired for c&lds, Coughe, Ca arm, astluua, Broncimis, npm.ng Diooo, vm tfiuiiiiiinii. an I all I'nlmonni v Ootapicists, Ucrofuii i.ryirineiaa. Dvsiieitsii), and Gout J) acntcrr, Chol- erii-iu -.irbns. (.'lion r ai d all llv.rajj towel eom phdnts. K dney dl:en"es and all afficttons of the lirinal Orjaus pi r'ecily harralea froa rrsm ktla eial or .Vcuho u irointi. plMUint to take and never known tn fail I'rice l,Uilpe. Lottn. mil p.iiticu nrs villi midical testimony and esrtlo .i .ti-f ent on npolicdioo. Address h.f. BYOX A to , r.ii tHVtu.o Avcaue, ntw lora. ConKiinin-ltin hasltaorloin laa mnSilwiii. and ciiirui.t niuio ot the Blood, hence the fallacy of 1 1 tun n g lunx disease with cough syrnp, balsams, tie , Ao. '1 n i tire consumption we mas; purify ana t'urii:n mo nun u, uuu waeu sne Diooa is pare con sumption tinrot exist. Dr. MeCjIlnm'a Hon liiiiud .-enr her penetrates the secret ambush of tW t dicidilisea c nd exterminatea It rait and mh lry une'sn tie usuaage by return mall.IUDr.ee Medicine IV i . jii.u Jim wum wava ieei fnaocii'.i. wuuams 1ki l.'as, Lin ot persona cured t toil tree. FAIRY VOICES. IAIRT VO!ES, FAIHT VOlOBtt FAIRY VOICB8. FaIHTi V(HCB8. FAIHVVOIiCBeV FAIHY VOICIS. FAIRY TUICW. IHBNBW TOBNJtV MUSIC BOOK FOR SCHOOLS f 8 PRK DOZEN. tSPBHDOSBN. SO CM. BACH. POST-PAID. SONG ECHO, FOR SCHOOLS. to.ooo Hold. 00,000 SOLD. 80.000 HOLD. PHICB, 75 CT8. POHTPAID. 7.50 PKrf DOI. lFHBrtT PER BXPRJUD. Address. 3. L. PETERS. W Broadway, NewTar k Daily necom NEWSPAPER, AND Job PrintincIt Office; MAIN THEET, PETUOLEin CE.VTRLI OHAS C. WICKEleVftc,M1(lsr, NEW DEPARTMENT. Wareedve telecrsDhitidlsnatrhrs an tots. i. ! and nnsent them to our readers everv ivenltii. m. k.BAln- wrm n T r. t in.arMt ffnm 11 au.l , . .. .t I the country. We have aiada special arranremitu, I wherebv we receive reirular Petroleum, moc ud I Ptoice Market Reports srery vanlnp hy tfltjmpk I irvtu iw iuik, ruii.uviyum, hi. . iimuuik, wmtn toeether with Bditorlals and Local matter., maktii I one of the moat desirable newspapers f BsUthMi it I taau negion. as an AdTertlalng MedlHBt keBKCORD kaa no anperlor, as It elrtaliiel wbavever aa Oi) Oyeratoi er Dealer caa b ttatt JOEBfflCr BEPASTMSNI. vTe have a larm asi Wen selected Mock tl Jobtlu( materia, cmlimtlne tit fay I latest ttvles. Wa ara therelore enabled to Sitna I Job Work of every varlaty in a satisfactory mint I when dealrsd, jobs will be neatly printed ia Ceuts I Shipping Bills FettFi, Hand-Bllli. Piograanaieit BlUi uf Fare. Aiaba AN BnilnaM and Vlaltlntj Cardty L ETTIR(D EADH, BILLIHBADS, BILLS OF UADINO, 14 BALL Jr-BINTINGs atn or Fancy Styles, neatly and promptly wa, emDracing INVITATIONS CIROTLArtH -KOOKAM"8 CAHDts, TltbBTH, Itc n last, every variety and style of wot press printlna. la tetter Merchants, Mwysra. Jnstlcos or the Peace, J Agenui. Otl Dealers and Airesua. lnsa rsnco Aw" . Bxpresstnen aud other parties in want, si ;,'"!rli, thst we are groisired lo eseculcto order a II BLANKS, barineaa or legal, required ISIbis,llp unity. , .Tnhhing tron-,e renriertfnHv snllreiv 15.000 to 20,000 feet ol SECOND-Bf TUBING, at Irom 26 to 36 cts. PM .l0u Tbo Tubia It Id Qrtt class order tnd teady fitted ..tfrp April 0. I' H. a WABKE8.