retro'eu.n Centre Daily Record' fu Centre, i'n., ftniurdny, Sept. 13 IKvllie Wervlco. METHODIST KPi.SOOfAL, CHtTRCII Services every Sabbath at 1 1 A. M. ami ij 1. M. Sabbath School at I2J P. M. eats free. A oordial invitation exleuJ. ed to all. Rkv. T. Graham, Pastor. PKE3BYTERIAM CnUROU. Preaching at 11 o'clock A.M.. and o'clock P. M., by ttie Pastor, W. G. Buitcn akd. Sabbath School at Ux4, directly at it Iokdooo service. Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School Teacher's Ueettug Tuesday evenings ol each week. a Petroleum Centre Lodge, Ko. Tl, I. U. of U. F. Regular meeting nights Friday! at 7 O'clock. Signed. W. D. MONTGOMERY, N. tt. G. H. IiiiLKr, A Soc'y. Cjy'Pluoo ol meeting, Alain Bt., opposito ulcClintock House. Am O. ol U. W. Mherty Lortfje No. 7, A. O. of U. W., meets every Mouduy evening at 7 o'clock, In Odd Follow Hall, Petroleum Centre, l'ehu'a. Jamf.3 Wilson, Al. W. Jamkh el. Wiiitk, U. i. o. of ts. Minnekauuax Tribe No. l.s;i, I. O. R. M of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday oreninK lu Good Templar's Hall. Z'W Council fires lighted at 7 o'clock. II. HOWE, Suction. C. L JUKES, Cole! ol Records. Gold at 1 p. in. lll!a' Ys Oldk.v Tim. ."People and things vers not erst so flighty as tiowl la ye old en time the ceremony of celebration a wed diog, w.s performed in tho evening on Oil Creex we mean and alter the trembling, blushing couple bad been pronounced one flesh, and the worthy Dominie bad smacked bis lips over bis fourth class of toddy blame not the lips through which they drank good apple whiskey, it war the cus tom of the limee and, with bis "deer-born beaded canu" in hand, taiieo bis departure, the girls and boys "grew brisk," and the cheerful laugh rang out and mock wed- dings went on and all partook in the least and the frolic old and young matron and maid and all were, or seemed to be, "gay and happy." But now, forsooth, in Ibis day of steamboats and locomotives, the girls aru married flying; the dominie can barely get out "I pronounce you man and wife,' when off the happy twain go, as If they bod been committing some unpardonable offence and were scampering from juatloo. "Wba1 ails tba oU Huron (!) Are tbey too despot tely happy to spend a week or so at home? Do tuey leel ashamed of their folly, and run lb bide their blushing faces among the mul Hindus of a railway tiaiu?" Well, cupid is bimaell a winged rogue, "let those who ken bis archery fly if tbey will, so they do not fly from bliss. "But I would" says the Jt,ied matron to whoso memory wo are In. debted lor this description of the long ago manner of celebrating .village weddings 'the custom whilom so prevalent ol perpe trating matrimony witliout runuiug away the very next moment, were prevalent now, and yot it Is none ot my business." Young people will do as tbey please in such mat tersand this, perhaps, may be a plan of the girl; if so, we have uotblug to urge. The girls are masters after all. Borne vaudal recently eutvred tba englue bouse of Mr. Jamts Devlin, on ths Buxton farm, Upper (Benneboff Ruu, and knocked off tho brass cups, stop cock', valves, and everything moveable about the machinery, also Biuastiing the sleum gauge. The break lug up appears to bavo been done out ot pure maliciousness. lie is of the opinion, the opiuiun that some of the Cherrytree gang committed this act of vandalism. If caught t be scoundrels should be punished severely. Our towns u an, Mr. James Devlin, has removed bid rig on the Buxton farm to a lease on tho Bowman faim, Upper Baone hoIT territory, and is about lo put down a new well. The Bowman (arm is but a short distance from the big well rocently struck on the Hamilton lurrn by Bailey & Gilinore, u! Titusvllle. This well Mr. Dev liu iuforuis us bus not been rightly uiaoau ed, but with all that is pumping fully 30 barrels daily. There Is thought to be con eiderable good territory in that neighbor hood by experienced operators. Rev. T- Grabaui, will picacb at tbj M. K. Cuutqb It -morrow. n b Wiveajurw presumptuous cteatures. Tbey always ask for a lock ot their lover's bail bulora marriage, and take it without usking for it alter marriage. No malu r bow inu laruiois giuuibie, it 8 .. I ' ISO h n priM .,ri, ;iiL.htV Prize Packngo llojr'rt I renin in inircli. One of the most alarming cues ot aom ambulism with which wo are funiliar Is that of the privsa package boy who operates OJ the Norrlstown Railroad in Philadelphia By some extraordinary combination of c'r cumstaoce this oiiild of sin was induced to go to churoh a lew Sundays ago, and while listening lo the sermon he fell asleep in the back pew where he sit. There had been a Sunday school moutin there before church, and all the Bibles and mlss'onary nowapa pers were piled up in that particular pew. Suddenly the remorseless young orphan picked up a bundle uf .tbo papoia in his sleep aud begun to walk up the nis'.e throwing oue in each pew as ho went along. When he got under tbe lee of the pulpit be topped Bnd waited two or three minutes. The minister looked cross-eyed at him and glared at him through bis spectacles, but the young brigand was uuconscious. ibeo be glided down tba aisle and amassed tbo congregation by removing tbe papers iroin each pew. When be raacbeJ tbo rear bo seized an armful of Bibles, and rambled up tho aiale again, tossing luera at the occu pants of the pew. Resting agsjn under tbo pulpit, aud wholly indifferent to the clr cumstanco that the cle.-gyuun'a eyes again were out of their natural straight position, and wero making bis spectacles look like a doubled barrelled locomotive head lisbt, tho Inlant brizaud pranced down tbe aisle tbo second lime yelling "Here's prize pack ages, only ten cents; each one contains a prize worth from too cents to ten dollars!" and grabbing for the Bibles at'be proceeded. The miointer waved bis Land at oue of the deacons; tbe deacon and thn exton charged on that boy, and tbe organist talis us that tbe three scudded down tba tboiofaru at '.he rate of Gftoon LqoU su hour, while tie sex ton shook tbe bo; up, and tbe deacon boxed his ears, aod wished it was not wicked to swear. Than they took lilm up Into tbe steeple and killed bim. We are not certain that tbey killed bim, but we think they din1, ol course, for that ia tbe only way in wh icb he could be kept quiet. Wo wootd have butchered bim long ago, if we could only have got bim alone in a steeple somewhere. I'iioksixviixb. This point is sitiuted about uuie and a half from Pleasantville, and was qulto a village la ill time, l' grew into being at a time whea the terri tory in this section was thought to be the best ia tbe oil region. It out id one J boast of a large populition, all bmily eag ig 1 1 U different kinds of business. It bad Us mi dline suopi, Its grocery stores and othor business eolabllobiuen s, Tba wella in this vicinity were large iu tbuir diy, but are now nearly all shut down. Taere Is now and there a Bin ill pumping well. Nothing is let tier lo the shape of buildings but a few dvsorted shanliss, which would not pay to remove. There ic, however, u li.r, amount ol undeveloped territory iu this vi cinity, but owing to the low pnco of oil i will not p iy to leel It. Tun Titusvllle Pipe Company still hav.i a station beta. Cap tain Adams, the S'lperiuleudtmt, oca of tin) old pioneers of thin ueotion, in here at his post of duty, looking alu r the wuifaru of tba company which be so well represents. TiliHvi! a Courier. The running race ou the Dalzell Flats, this afternoon, between Black Coll, ol Tidi oute, and Bay Fruuk, of Pi troKum Centre, attracted a large crowd To show the tearfully exaggerated repor'i arc published in regard lo the new strikes 1 1 tbe lower district as published in certaiu papors in this region, we note one ditp&tch published yeetcrduy. Tulegrums weie soul II over the npper region by tbe owner, we presume, that "the Gei'eral Beaver well, on ICeplar farm, Las struck tba sand and Is lluiving at the rate of about 000 barro;s. " A gsutlemau ot this placu who has a well going down on un arij lining farm, infoims us for a fuel that this well was only doing 100 barrels, and probably less lhan that. If such exaggerated reports bava nut a tendency to bear the market we would like to know what has. A clergyman said, iho other day, that modem young ladies were nut tha daugh tors of Shorn and Haul, but tha daughters of flom and Sbain. Novrr punish a girl tor oeing a romp, but thank heaven, who has given her health and'spirit to be ona. 'lis batter than dis turted spiue or bectio clients. IUlla girls ought to ba romps. A National convention ot larniers is talk ed of, to be held tit Chicago. The breadbutler btl gado Boarding school minis. Fsirvlew bus oigmiized an Odd Fellows Ijtidgu. The Ancient Orderof Unutd Wotkmcn, of St. l'utersbutg, bad a pic nic ou tbe 5lh i-iht. miiiwniifiwiTTirr Said crave papa, "Why, Kittle, child, What do I on your Hugrr see? ' "Oh, Ibis papa?" the maiden said; 'Why; know Sain gave lo me' "And pray what right hsd Sam, my d- ar My daughter's hand to feiter tim-!'' "On, let me seel" Miss Kittio Slid, 'It was the day bo dined wilb us " "Ua dined wita us!" papa replied; "Pray, what has that to do wita it?' "Wny noibiog, sir; hut then you know, We tried to see if it would li(, And then we couldu'l gel it iff, Although we mad, aud Hied, and tried !" "Poor child! I'll take it off at once,'' With teuderu4S replied. Withbln'.M KiU cuug her bead; ' On, no, pupa, i ( sue", jou see, Sam siid, tfsoiis i i'.; f 'd give bim, Why, be wool ive tte rii g to me." "Oh! ah'."replt 1 iyn, "indeed! And pray what did jou give bim tniest'' "Only a trifle, eir," she raid; "Ua wanted, and I gave a kiss!" The fair, I'al, fast, Ir.iil, lastiiuuable, flirt-in-;, frollcksome, .flippant, flinly, female, foo;klller,wb'ise name :t is Josephine La low Minefield Stokes, Fislc, et. al., 13 now in I'aii!, plaouif her caarun wliera they will do tbo most good, ns the lUv. Oakes Ames was wont to r.-iuirlt. Tiie Suirenio 'Juurt ul l'eiinsylvaaU Judge Mercur duritiug tht oprnion, re ci'titly held thai the eaJurnem.MU in blank of note negotiable, Is oot "written evidence of a prcmiso to pi7- The case is ibat ol Wiloon vs. Mirl'n, error to tha Common Pleas Court of Juniata county. A Siireveport (La.) paper iueisls tha Q'laiilteil, th e tel'tl ushwacker, is not dead. It says: "He was seen quietly wending bis way up Tixas avenue a few days ago, mounted on a noble steed, ni d ever on the alert, '.hat eagla eye of bit'sur. veying the field on either side, lest some hidJen too should throw himself aci'os3 biH path, or some lormur boou companion or avenger si blood recognize him at an un wary moment and betray bim into tho bauds of the powers that bo " Tioxksta Items We give below three items from tbe Furost Press. They will bu read with avidity: Mrs Rtberis Informs iu tiiat Mrs. Win Heath ol Dutch ll ill has twinned, a Judga Proper bus gone to Whig Hill alter a wagoa loud uf blackberries. A sprightly old lady over iu Clarion oouoly, a'd fj years, 11 mot. to and day, Biliously sprained her ai.kle a few dais aiio, by attempting to blow out a cauule backwaids It is told ol one ol 'the "Wipes" who r moves chairs Iroin the staga of a Troy tbe ter with great effect, that on tho do ith ol Edwin Forest beiug annouueed lo bim, vbilo standing on a hotel Binop, he ex exclaimed, wilb dramatio gesture; "Greal God! another one of us gone!" A San Francisco milliner has invuntod bat which will probably sell well lu casts where blushing is out so spontaneous as may ba or used to ba. When tho wearer biwcpir lowers hor be id abruptly, a tiny pair ol steel clamps compress iba arteries on each side of tho tempUs. sending the blood at ouco tc tbo cheeks. Ia Bsvaila on eveiy Monday morning a list of al! the engagements lor marriage that have taken place during the preceding wet is published In the papers. They proceed lottate that ail tbe papeis have been sign ed aud upiiroved by tba pareuls of both contracting parties. How would our ladifs like this lormaluy: Tho bthiuced on-) is allowed to spend only una evening a wee! with htr, iu ttio company of father and mother, until Ihe ceremony Is performed Society is noi lopsy-iurvey ia th it coun try as it is in this. Iu other words, paienis are not ruled by their childrcD, to the seriou: injury of both aud tba community geuer etally. Hartlord, Cuuu , boasts that she bas mote lhan $12,0011,000 capital invested in but.k ing, insurance, and manufactures. Iowa, besides a urain erowiug capaci' equal to tha whole of England and Wales, bus 20,000 sipiaie miles of coal fields. Tho new lun bridge over the Allegheny river, at hdilenuing, has been cpmed t invei t lie coutraol lor llnishtog is not yet complete but so far advanced us lo per mit-travel. for tre want (r owellmga the poorer clussfS In Merlin live in discarded omnibu es and stipeinnnnled carriages. The Cincinnati (Otilo) Industrial Exposl. tion cpi iin Sent. 3, and c'o"s October 4. A n.f '.u The moMiuitn. II BJ.ll. WVK'IMTT llh" MOIPtlC nil fli'VMIT CITV. I.t Saturday Ihe Frank well was stincl on til" Rilstoo farm and slarii rt to flow The fifsl hour it produced ever fifty barrels. It Is onetof the largest wells In the reciop. The Margie well, on ihe sim farm, be pan fiowiiii; on Saturday nl'ernoon. It li.rt"d at ti:u rate of elglit hundred bsrrels per day The Troutmnn well is doing about three hundred per day. Several new slrikes are expected lo a few days. The J.ick well is still good for one bun ered nod fifty barrel?. Phillip Ilros. well, on thn Sutton form, is down about tbreo hundred ana seventy live barrel?. The Tip-Top well, en the Harper farmf iched tho sand on Monday. It is estima il from fix lo eight hundred barrels per ay. The owners, are u. u. jayior, junn Suterfleld, Vandergrift it loreman and others A rew well, on the Sutton farm, ownsd by the Columbia Oil Company, Il doing about three hundred and fitly barrels. VICIXHT OF MILt.EHSTOWS. The Stougiiton well, on tbe widow Hemp- bill farm, Is doini; about tea barrels. The Lnmbinp! well, on the Barnbart farm, Is estimated at rifty barrulo. Parson Bros.' new well on th" McKlnney it Galey traci is do in;T n'lout two hundred barrels. Oilman's Journal. It looks bed to see a 7onn$ man with bis hands or laimod down in bis pockets whilo walking with a lady. Six acres of ground are devoted to n atcrmel ons near Muscatine, Iowa. T be Louisville (Ky. Industrial Exposi tion opera Sept ' 2, and clones October 11. The Morgan Envelope company now turns out over I.000.0C0 postal cards dally. A giganlto pS"onger depot, tha lurgi iit in tb j world is now l.i process o! erection ia Jer2ev city, M. J. The viutue ot tho Australian vineyards are estimated at 0.10.000 gallons; that of California 4,000,000 gallons. . The horse race, Ibis afternoon, resulted in favor of Bluck Colt; of Tidioute. Tho first heat the colt came in ntiout eighteen inches ahead. On the second heat tbo colt Came in several lengths ahead. Tho race was very exciting. Theroure lour 110,000 barrel tanks not beinu elected ou the ton v. urt luno, near ilieisL'nvu, alo una on the Femer lunu. U is livelv in tn ut loi'aliiy. The Odtl Fel.ows loiUe receutly estab at Faiiview is prospering beyond the iX cclhilon ot Its founders. A lrgo nnni-i.-f ol i he best citizens of Fall view nuU Pe India are enrolled upon Us book. Gi'n Joe. Hooker baa accepted the Im i tation to Moudvillo, but instead ol get. tiiu there on do 18ih inst., tbe day ol mil itary iufpection and review, ha Is comptdl ad to dolor bU visit until tbo day alter, 10th. FAIRY VOICES. FAIHY VOUIKS. KAIKY VfllOES' KAIItY Vdll'KS. F.allrt Villi 'ES. KAIKY V'fdfkrt. FAIHY VtlH'KS. FA IKY ViHl'HS. TUtf NKW 'J'liJJKKW MUSIC BOOK FOR SCHOOLS iwzrri. S Plvt Mf.Kii (ill CCS. UACil. l'OST l'AIU. SONG ECHO, FOl! St'lKKiLS. SO.IH-II Si ll.l). etl.UuOKULll. 80 DUO ftOLll. I KR'U, l.-.OTS. PoMil-AID. $7.5 I'K.I llflZ. IPSKSTl'iiK JtXPHBSS. Addren. .T L. I'STEltS. 1.10 Bruadwny. biew-York I'Uit Itl'P I'ntG A mo-t Iinpor'aiit In'intlon. Sold liy the l'lsstic I'riH- C , ''1. liniailwiiy, Y. 1'itv It retaiuH fn;,tur ; ;i'o;iil,v ! i ea!ii and c.irrfoit nilt aiid ilriy, at all tone-and ui.d..r :t!I cirniuisuui: es, with out any exei prion whaluver in any ca-e, fli d sintild i VBi' lie IuiCoii oil (ittiing ttiobboit tune retdMits to eii 'C.t ti pet ln-inflit cure. t-et:t by mai.. Circlllarti I reo. Any dniL'iii.H', or 1 bysiciiiu will order tuib uew 1 1 iish lor you uitlioul cnuigc', M. BilRVIE'S E'lXIR OF TAB. I rrcorim'-lidi'd by regular Mcd'nll practiMraieta and a i cidy cure imruinteed lor Cold -, (I nub:, (.'atari ii, Ac'tlima, Hi-oitchiti, litood, ( on- eunipi mil, nil I no nummary ijoniplalilli', crotu:i Jiry.iipotiH, Dvipop-tj, nnd ( Li'y, t bo!-era-intirbin, ctioi.-ra aiid all liv runU 1-omcI oom. iil ili.K. K'd'ii-y diseaies un I all mi riion.i of tha Vrituil Oroaiis iK-rlveily harinle'S free Iwm i!in eiai iv Al.rbol'x nropi'iti. s pl.-asaut to take and uertr known tu fail i'rii'e 1 1.00 p. r bottle. Full's Willi iiKillcal teiitiuioiiy and rcrtiil-c.- s- ft on ap:il!cHion. AJdnio L. 1', 11YUK .t CO , VJj Sivca.o Avc:.iic, 'ev Ygrii. 'run in iiy Record NEWSPAPER AND Job Printing Office; MAIN TltEET, CIS AS SJ-iWIClililt, Proprietor. .EWS 1IEPAUTME-"T. We receive IclcsraphlrJdUpatches aptolr. ami preneut them to our readers every i-cning, em biai ing news of irreat interest from all seclioiuof tlw couutry. We have made special arrangement, wherebv vmocelve reuillar Petrolellla, Mocksna Piodui'j JIarl ti Kopons svcryevmlnisbj titlemli from New York. Huladelptala, and Piiinliiiru.wnKh together with KditorUln and Local mattere, mahell one of tbe most desirable newspapers published In tbe Ol Region. As an Advertising Medium, h HRCOIID has no superior, as it clrcnlstcs wiircver an Oil Operator or Dealer can be found JOEBIK We have a lare and Well slocte6 loi JobbiiiE iflatcrla, ersnra,lne tbo '7 1-itcsi jtylia. We are tbcrelore eimbled to eierun ,Juo Work of ciery variety In a aatisiaivry ""m1"1 wben d jtiroU, jobs will bo lu C'uUOB Shipping Bills 1'OStr H, IlillKt-IIiJIS. Hills uf Fare. JiUltO AND Uutiitcts and iNlting Cardi, LETTKK.HEADS.t iuu,;head, BILLS Off LADING, Etc', BaLL vbintinc, am or Faiicj Stylos, neatly and promptly e' tod, embracing INV1TATUN9 riRCtil.AHrt !'l!001IA,,5,ES lAUDb, liChKTS, JSlc n fact, every variety and style of or press pr.nUui:. in wM" liuitl Merchant. Uwyers. Justiees of the I ace, H Avails. (Ill Dealer and Aeenls, lusu nif' ExpriKsnien ai.d other parties in want. r ,,kij( ul tl .it veare proimred lo execute lo "r"j "' mnnil v. Illlf. I KM- " .fe..., - "t-'p resnectnillv siiHrOe Fr sale r, akp 15.000 to 20,1100 feet ol SKCOM'""'. , TUIUNG, at from 15 to.15 clfc Ppr , The Tubin is in first claBS order au "Mr.. U.n. WARNED