The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, September 09, 1873, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record,
Pet. Centre, In., Tliceilny, shtpt. 9
Ulvtiif) Nervlco.
Services every Salibuth at 11 A. M. and
l4 P. SI. Sabbath School nt 124 P.M.
eats free, A cordial invitation extend
el to nil.
Hev. G. Moors, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock 'A. M.. and 7
o'clock P. VI., by the I'm. or, tV. C. Bvrch
Aim. Sabrjalu Kihool at U'j. directly
after loreuooo service. , .
PrayiT Matting nnd Sabbath School
Teacher's Mooting Tuesday evenings '61
eacb week.
Petroii'uni Centre Lodge, No.
' TlflJ I. O. of O. F.
Regular mating nights Friday, at 7
o'clock. - Signed. ...
C- H., A Soc'y.
CST Plce of meeting, Main St., opposite
lc.Jlintock Home. .
A. O. ol V. XV.
Liberty Lo-liiH No. 7, A. O. of V. Vf.,
meets every Monday evening at 1 o'clock,
In Odd Fellow's Hull, Petroleum Centra,
Penu'u.. . .
James Wii.sov, M. W.
Jaukh S. WiirTB, K.
') r. o.otit. jm.
Minni-kannen Tribe No. 188, I. O. K.' M
of Petroleum ObiiIic, niseis every Thursday
evening In Good Templar's Hull.
tlTOounoil fires lighted at 7 o'clock.
II. HOWE, Sacliom.
C. L. JUKES, Cbiel ol Records.
Gold at 1 p. in. 1 1 1
Adam Wyuaa and Vf. 11. Davis had a
I vely lllllo pigeon , match, orf Ihe Dalz"ll
Flats, this afternoon, lor $25 a side. Usu 1
conditions. Sis hi ids each.' The following
Is the score:
1 2 3 4 6 C
Wymao,!' -.., 1 1 o t 0 03
Davis, . 1 10 1 1 I
The shooting of both gentlemen was very
good. 'v t
i .
Chertytree ta suffered initobly of lain.
Her milk crocks and ben roosts have been
much disturbed of. late, in fact Wtn. Tair
states (hat for tnobthi and rooulbi the roos
ters Have boen loo frightened to crow, br.
that immediately after . tba arrest of l. e
forty thieves lor miles and miles a continual
chorus of rejoicings and victorious crows
could be beard.
Justice Reynolds bas had a bimy week
Ibis last week committing offenders. This
week opens oit lively. His sword like that
of Damascus baoga over every evil doer.
Officer Burg ss is convalescent again we
re nappy 10 learn. At one time bis pby
aician inotigbl bis ease dangerous. '
Pnell Canfleld U kept busy. He ban a
large nnhiber of new btrses and rigs which
are kept lu continual, motion. .Uis nag"
were out day and night aHor the desperate
gaog of forty tbievea in Ctierryuee Tp. .
Officer Burns has bis bauds lull nowaday
of those little "indebtednesses" that some
people always will bavo On hand, nnd'al
ways will fa forced to'psy by the Justico.
The Constable paid a visit this forenoon til
Columbia, Tarr Farm, Houseville and Oil
City, In searon of some of these delinquen ts
Reports not very Rood luck and timei bird
Friend Auerbalm Is a public benet.iotor
This forenoon he repaired the sidewalk in
front of his store. A mansion ri paradise
awaits him.. Lat others emulate.
Wonders will never cease. Tbo Oil City
Derrick of this morning bad nothing lo say
about tbe Valley Koad.
The Massachusscts Republican Stalo Com
tnlltso bas oboseu Alexander II. Bullock to
preside over the Republican Convoutiou
and bas accepted.
Broadwoll 'be alleged defaulting tax re
ceiver of Newark, bas given bail.
Two thousand and ten emigrants arrived
at Castle Garden yesterday.
Tbe Lexington races commenced yester
day. ' ' - '
"Honor and rauk Irom no cnudltlon 'rise
Act we'll yuiir part, there all tii0 honer
There l a loo iu Kuouebeo county.
Maine, whore man holds the o.Tlos of Grand
Master of the Grand Lodge of Masons, No
ble Grand of an Odd Fellow's Lodj;e, Prei.
dent of a Young Men's Christian Associa
tion, Superintendent of throe Sunday ichooU
Justice of tbe Peace, aud furein in of a jury,
beside holding oflicll position iu tbree dis
tinct temperance organist it ions, and attuud
lag to bis regular business as an Insurance
a tea'-.
Next Wednesday, the lUlti or September,
is memorable In our national and local hi -tory
ft the date i'l "Perry's victory" 1813
Letters from the People.
Notk. The ronnagerof this journal, Willi
out eudoisitig the senlirneulsol contributor,
desires to oiler tbo widest possible lalitude
lor tree discussion. It is merely elipulated
that coinmuiiiculions shall concern matters
oi public iiiteient, be put in decent laiiiiuane
and accuiupniiied with tbo names ot the
writers, i,. t lor puhlicdtiuu, but us a guar
antee of gnorl liulii.
Jjctlur from Cherry tree.
" . Head op Ebnsk!ioff Kcx, )
I Coeirylree Tp., bept. 'J. 1873. J
Kb. Kuitoh: Your corres(iondont "Jus
life" must 10 a Just-uss. 11 does not un
derstand the situation. It) little knows
bow much we owo to that paiitner like !e
tt-otivo aiul that usiute and brave ofiicer
who have so courageously captured the rcb.
beis in their den. Why, sir, we have had a
joigu of terror. Nothing was secure olte
night. Fear fall on ull when the shades o(
evening camo. Yes Bir, stout men, heads
of families, have Dot bad their boots oir fur
months. They slept with them on, and a hhot gun on one aide of tbo lied and
a club on the other ever ready (or aeaault.
No one ventured on the rod after dark
lest highwayman rodo them dowii. .Moth
ers sbstidom d the use of trundle beds and
cnb) acd tlept with all their clfrpriug iu
their arm. Waich dos were dou b ed nud
ten Iioum'S and milk bouse securely locked,
but in vain. These outlaws held high car-
uivil. Big chicken suppers nt appointed
roedczvous. "Dancing all night till bruau
day light end going heme with the gula in
Hie, niotulnii" seems to have been tbeirusual
Clinton, tho horse thief, and Ba'ns (C. S. )
counterfeiter, were out her jtiet before
huse daring tflicers brrko thim up. Why,
ir, the vearcti warrant found S niusks, 1 pic
tol, a butcher kniio nod log chain, showing
plainly that it was an organized gang with
pass words, Jka. Also, ten dollars worth of
old army saddles. No, sir. the thanks o1
our cUiZ'Vjs are largely due to the aforesaid
noblu men, who at the risic of their lives
dispersed and arrested severally all of these
dangerous ruOhns. Now ail is peace and
tranquility. Our otchoids, corn fields, po
tatotoos and tn.'loo, poultry and milk, are
molested no more. Our horns and bar ness
stray uot. Our bens roost high fio,ibaoit
and are safer All is sereue and lovely
again tbauks to your magistrate aud ofllocr.
Tbe oil business is dull. Small welis and
low prices is the prevailing coinplaiut.
Harvesting bas begun, and good crops aie
anticipated. Yours respectfully.
Beech; Nut.
We find the following article on the situa
tloo of the oil trade In the Eist Brady Incj-e
Tbe situation In oil Is oot what il should
be, but tbe indications are favorable for a
wholesome ohange. The change will not
come tnis week, nor next week, but It will
como before long. The pioduction cf the
Butler districts is uot so large as people
outside the region suppose. The stiikes
bare been greatly over estimated. But few
were as larga as reported, ami tbo produc.
lion of these has lulleu off wonderfully.
From our owu observation we know o' wella
dropping from one thousand bairols a day to
less than ont-uolf this amuunt, end Ibis,
too, within four days irora , the tune they
were struck. The Troottoun well is per.
haps, the only well in the how district tba
has maintained Its larg production lor any
considerable length of lime.
When wo take into consideration the fnc
tho production i falling off rapidly at homo1
and that the demand Is Incruasing In foreifr,',
countries, we can ooly conclude thnt the
woiatisover. The low price of poil ha.
ueeu uii iu wiuu uorc, oui it tilow to some
advantage bcioss tho seas. It hap, in a
manner, driven tho shale oil, of European
miinuracture, irom tho tnaiket, and thus
disposed of a rivil th it has given us som
trouble. In consequence ot this our expor
iraue is increasing eaoh month, and unless
some monopoly presents itself, will coutlnuo
to incieasr. iieu who devoto their entire
nttFutiou to Iho business, do not expect ol
to leach a much lower llgnro than it is a
uow, and when the "bottom" is once touch'
td, a re-aciloa will tulto place. Oil will
advance in pi ice as rapidly as it fell, and
prosperity will pievail ooca more in thu m
gioo. .Men who bave oil i& tank now wil
be wise to hold it for a few mouths, when a
fair price for the product can easily be ob
Our former townsmen Messrs. Egbert
and Payne, are In luck. 1 hey bavo two
new Wdlls iu me lower district wuicri ar
flowing oil lu Kntuense quantities. Selves
Hu m just right.
lo the Uui'ed States JUistrict Court, ;at
Pittsburgh, on Saturday lust, in the case of
Paul W. Gailield, bankrupt, the assignee
was directed to sell the chattels at private
Thirteen persons have contributed; piece
of cuticle to replace tbe ecalp of a young
lady in New Haven, torn oil'bj anuccidett.
On. News. Ten wells will be 'completed
in the vicinity ol Modoc this week.
Ttie Stirevo well, near MIlerstowo, will
reach the sand this week.
Cfisweil Brothers commenced a new well
oa the Trouttnan farm this week
The t olnnihla Oil Company Is erecting a
30,000 barrel tank on tbe Sutton larm.
Millerslown developed a ten barrel well
last week. Fleming and others, owners.
The outlook in the oil regions is a trifls
more favoribla than it was two weeks apo.
The Grermo well, on Ibe Johnson farm,
two miles south" of Miilerstowo, Is being
drilled deeper.
Tho Parson well, at Mlllerstown, is a late
strike, and Is flowing about three hundred
barrels ady.
B B. Campbell bas a well near Millers
town that Is producing three hundred bat
reis a day. It was utrtick recently.
C. V. Culver, of Ileno, purchased tl.e
Johnson farm, near Milleretown, for SUO,
000. Tba salo wufl made las', week.
C. D. Angell & Co , struck a good well
near Angelica, this week. It is supposed
to be good lor two hundred barrels, at leas!.
A well was struck on tbe Sutton larm
near Greece City Monday, which iB report
ed at SOO barrels. Owned by Phillips
Tho Dougherty well, on tbe McDormant
firm, near Mliierttowu, struck tbe sand
Monday. Its production la large, perhaps
300 barrels a day.
Tbree wells are going down in the vicin
ity of North Hope, Butler county, on the
Wick, Slmock atd Hoover iarms. Of
theso tbe JUckling well will piobahly be
finished; lliat Geo. W. Cook will como in
next with one for Parker Thompsou.
They expect lo wander oa the Greece City
belt out there. East Brady Independent
Excitinu Back Between a House and
a Loco.Morivu.--On Saturday evening l ist
juat as the 5:20 train, bound North, under a
good head ot tperd, was opposite tue Rus
sell farm, one mile above this place, a One
bay hoi He ciuiu plunging down the hillsido
and jumped upon tbe track a short distance
in liunt ot the Ucomotive. The road wii.ds
along the hillsido lor considerable distance.
and tbe horse was compelled to keep on tbe
track, or go inn river, so bo kept on the
track. At the first sight of the horse, the
engineer sounded his whistle, applied the
the air-brukes, and checked the train in
timo to prevent a catastrophe to tho lioise
or train, and a race commenced. Forward
went tbe noble animal, with beaving (lank
and distended nostrils, bounding along the
rough track, wbile close behind thundered
the train, the locomotive Bounding the alarm
that served to add to the s.jeed of tLe
frantic and almost flying steed. The pas
sengers and train bunds ctowded to t.
windows and thronged the platforms, eaer,
ly watching the race. The hoise continued
on tbe track for a distance ot nearly tbree
miles, and Anally jumped liom the Hack
and when wo last saw tiia wis Kiuu lmir
under a tree, apparently not much the
worse for bis trip. Emlonton Messenger.
iouR Dollars' Wciith op Music kok 30
Crs. By sending lor the Seutembar Niim
tier of Peters' Musical Monthly, price 30
oants, you will get Four Song?, a Sacred
tiuartette, a Fou'.hand Piece, and Four Id.'
strumental Piecrs, worth Si, in sheet lorm
thirty coots is but a small outlay to test
the merits of Peters' Magazine. Send for
oopy, and our word for it, you will never re
gret tbo outlay.
Addreis, J. L. Poters, 509 Brodway, New
Eleven pound toy babies appear to be Ibe
Chief produot of Petroleum Centre.
M. C. Martin is exiecl-d this week.
The nights ure cool enough lor frost.
Floreuco McCarLLy
day police.
bas been put on tbe
A cave has been discovered near Devil'
river, Texas, the interior of wh ich coulains
very remarkabie paintings uud sculpture
apparently of Azteo origin.
''Gath1' epitomizes Long Branch as
stretch of frame houses on a green bluff
witn good air, latr roads, a bad, dirty and
daugerous surf, aud great mouolouy, reliev
ed ouly by dissipation.
Tho Graphic Ballon has cost about
Boston bas produced a thirteen year old
Philadelphia Masous will dedicate tie
lust of the month their magnificent new
temple, which bus been live years building
and coot $1,475,000.
The Pork Packers' convention meets In
Chicago to -morrow
Tho new MaBonio Temple iuPblladelphla
will be dedicated on tho 26th inst. The
Temple is Ihe most magnificent in tho Uni
ted States and tho dedication will be one of
tho largest Masouio demoustratieu ever wit
nessed in Pennsylvania,.
A Pennsylvania lady h is a most toman-
tlo and iuizonious way of maniwing the gen
tteman no happy as to be ber husband.
Exasperated by her persisteut conversation
ho imgallantly boxed ber ears the other
day. The wretched woman Cast but ono
lingering, reproachful glance upon ber lord
and fled, simply observing as she depart-d
that tbe briny deep shouM wash away ino
Insult. Leaving behind ber everything
most pieclons to ber tbe borne of ber mar
ned lile, full of beautiful and cherished
memories the hearl-brokea woman rushed
frantically to ibe canal, and, with ono part
inaslitn, threw in large.stone which made
mighty splash. Then she went and tld
berself in Ihe bushes and giggled, wolie
ber husband and twenty other man hurried
,), with borror depicted) upon their coun-
nances, and wildly dragged tbe canal for
r body. When the Injured wile became
conviucd that the wreicn naa suaereu
enough, she appeared from behind tba
misli.w. ami led bim borne a resigned and
w illtug victim.
Jack Cribbs, formerly police officer at Pc.
tersburg, uow in the same duty at Parker's
bad rattier a ludicrous and unfortunate c
cident happen him Ihe other day. lie was
attempting to pull a horse out of a mud hole
when bis tail hold slipped nod be turned
back somersault into an o'.d water oloset
vault. He went in up to tbe neck, and
with difficulty extracted himself and rushed
to Ihe river. Alter soaking himself under
water twentyfour hours be started borne.
Ha weais his Sunday, clothes now.
Col. Susan B. Anthony says she
marry because she wants her freedom.
tboiiKbt it vras becausa sho has never
able to find a man who didn't want bis.
Mrs. D. W. Smith, of WilHamsporf, Pa
arrived nt Washington one evening last
week in search of ber husband, whom she
discovered engagad in a game ot cards witb
one Elizabeth Lippincott, late of Williams'
port, and whom Smith has during bis so
journ in Washington been visiling. Mrs,
'iiiitb on discovering the pair, at once pro
ceeded to a general detrnction of tbe ele
ganily lurnisued uparimeuu. After destroy
ing over $U00 worth of minors, stutuery,
aud forullure, the look Smith by tbe ear
and walked bim lu the hotel. The parties,
the gossip sy,j bold a high social position
at home.
The Butler counly teachers' institute will
Oonvoce in Butler on the 22ud.
Fvxbnrg has live douiore. Tuut would be
a good location for an tuiiiertaker.
The citizens ol Kimeisoutg aie rejoicing
over a new bell on the Collegiate luslitiite.
A dispatcu tu thd Loudou puptrs from
Stleruo, Italy. Aug. 20, aunutiuces that Ibe
brigand chief Manzi bas beeu killed and bis
baud captured.
The Utes of Colorado bave agreed to
givo up tba San Juan mioiug legion, about
wtiic'i mere has long beeu contention bo,
t-Aoen uiioers and Indians.
The New Yoik custom bouse officials
have made another seizure ot $10,000 worth
of diamonds alleged to bave been smug
l'UOl'liii OF 1SOXII SEX
ES. Mechanics, arlisanj. factory hands, and
people who labor lor n livuif, find it verv
nifllcu t il not iinpi'ssible to keep the hands
free Irom stain. Hand Sapolio will not
only remove every particle of slain, and
what is called "grained in dirt." hut it will
also keep tho skin eott and pliable, render
ing Ihe muscular notion as quick and easy
us is the ease with those who d not perform
band labor. It is only 10 and 15 cents a
cake, according lo Bize. Every Mechanic
stioiild use it constantly in place of all otb
er soaps.
Is recommended by reculnr Mi ileal practitioners
nnd a spind)1 euro (iimrriliileed lor Cold, C. uhs,
Catarrh, AMlumi, Hiuiichitls, Spitting Wood, Um
S'llnptioil. an t nil l'nlmonai y Complaint, heroin' t
hryipelns, Dvspr'pji.1, iinU (iout, l uoi.tery, Chol-
ii..-i,iiuu-, v., u.'-ui umu mi iiv r mm oolU'l coin
nlili U. K'dnuy disiy-.eft an i all all' cllons cf the
Urinal f .nans KTlcctly liarinlu's free irsin AMn
ernl or Alcoholic properties :. tako nnd
never known to fail i'rico $1,0 : pi r bottle. Full
purtic-u.nis ttilli ti limony and rerilll
ot. s sent on npplioition. Address L. F. UK1U
& CO , l'.lj StVtili.e Aveuuo, New York.
(toiiauniptloii hasitsottirln an eroinlenn.
find corrupt ouo ol the blood, lu.nce the lnllncy of
uBiiunu lUi'K uini,.ifo wiiil uuu'jii hyiup, naisnnis.
A-c , Ac. 'l o ciirncoijflii.iiptioii we most pnnl'y and
eni'leh the bin, d, aim whoa the blood is puto con
sumption cannot eist. Dr. McCalluin's Hoot
Wood Hen.ehui' iiouetratea the secret anihusli of lids
oiuiu uMiii'c nnu exteriuniiiits it root nnd liuili.
Try ono airejlo ixickaiju by return null, (nrico
$ I DO) and you illalwuvs feel tliaukful. Wllllnnis
.-iieun uiu lu., jwx J.u, i,ist ol jieiBoua cured
Mini free.
i'HE NfcW
IO!l Kill.
A most Impnrtnnt fli'entlon. Bold by the llalic
Trim Co , I.IT llroadwny. N. Y. Citv. It retain
Pnplir.'eal solii'el.v in eascMind comfort uiiht and
day, at nil tunes nnd ill d"i nil cimilnsluni . . wiih
out any exaptiou whniena- in any L-ase, uud should be tiihou etl'onrli g the short timo monlslts to
oirjct a iwiiuauent cure. Sent by man. Oiicttla
live. Any Unigws: or I'liysiciim will order thin
new Truss tor you without char,je.
Daily Record
Job Printing
Cll ts CtWicKEH, Proprietor.
We receive tcle(rraphle3rllpatehes up te 4 r 1 1
ann present tnem to our reaners every eventng, n.
bracing news of (treat interest from all Sfclkmitfl
lie country. We have made special arranniint,
wherahy we receive reimlar Petrolenm, Mockuil
Pioduce Market Kcporls every avenlnit hy teleanibl
irom new ium, rnMsaeipnia, mo niuDiuy.wiiKl
together witn jEaitorinii ana L.ocni mattcn, matt;;
one of tbo moat desirable newspapers pabUinHul
tae Ji itegioo. am an
Advertising Medium;
he RECORD has no superior, as it elrnlitnl
wherever aa Oil Operator or Dealer caa be fond
Ve heve a lartre end Well fsclectea stork
Jobhiner tnatorla. cmbriu.liK' th n:
latest styles. We are tberelore enabled to eiwwl
Job Work of ery variety in a aatistnetory mutttl
when dosired, jobs will be neatlypriuted in Cowl
Shipping Bills
Ilills ut Fare.
UnslncM and Miiting Cardi,
am or Fancy Styles, neatly and promptU I
tea, eniDrucinic
n fact, every variety and style of wor
press pruning..
la tsttir
Merchants, Lawyers. Jiistloes or the Peace, "
Airents. tdr Ueaiers nnd Agents, lnsu rnnce ts
Expressmen and other pnitios in want, are trw' .
t b n t c are pro mred I o exeetlto I o order a "
KI.anks, burliiessor legal, n quired in W" ro . .
J. ,i,'n? mtroni'.-e resnoctrnuv sonetre
r nie . .n
lS.nOO to 20,(100 feet ol 6ECONln'
TUBING, at from 26 to35 els. Per ,' ,r
The Tubin is in first class order a"4
ready lined .,rn
Apiil23. ti U. U. WAKSEB-