.tafJ,MWlw,Mt,MII,M),Jlliliiliiiiii) ft. K. Warner UKALF.lt IS SECOND-HAND Tl0, All !. Cliisins, Engines, , Boilers, and OIL WEI'Bj SIWLUX U1GUEST CASH rUICE I' A ID FOK OLD ROl'E, 1110N and BRASS. -lIavinp:ri ntly purri.iised a New and Tin rrmal PH'E CUTTlS'tl MACHINU, I am propar. MM cut and lit all size, of 1'ipe and Casim,' from jjtacb ton 1-4 inch. vuhiilnl"K, Nearly Opp. Ilocli. exivr IIuiih'i I'm. llomru, fa. ,prj,f. II. II WAliN.!!!. jjSOt'H RlOItCJ-yVJS'tS tSOXs'H SAPOLIO tea submit ut lor Soup f.jrull llnu.e ' ' hod i-iirpo.-ty.-, except washing ' Clothna. ' for CIfUtiiie your iunno will wvo luo labor l" one cleaning. Give it a trial, SAPOLIO for Window is lienor lliau lnio tili 3 nrWt-i. Mo rt-niuii( cur-, talk's and carpo's. cloanTT'U'nt "anl Wood, in tact 1 10 pl ppint. hVvti labor. Yuu can't on'urd to be without it. SAP ,0 LI 0 fur Semiring hnivt is betler and cleauurtuau Bath Brick. WW not scratch. SAP OLIO . in better than Soap and Snnd fur poI'MMim Tinware. Brightens with out scratching. SAP 0 LI 0 I'D'i-lb. i Hrasaiid Copper ulensils bolter tli-m Acia or Oil and ItoUun Stone. S A.P 0 L I 0 fcr Wnnhlni? Dihcs and Oluwnro U lnvalii ihle. Chuape than Soap. S ci polio ..ffiuioTc J-Stfiirfl from Marble r Muilt '. Tflblf. and Statuary, irum : nard-flnish d Walls, and from Chi na iu id I'urcolaiiu S apolio 'V Tftnwvys Stains and Gro.s'i ; froih Carpots and other woveu fib ' rics. Tkere I no ono nrticle known that will donn niauy kinds of work mid ioltni well an Jmpolio. Try It' UAND- S A p jf) L J 0 a new aim wnnaernuun ivu i on er Hop. having no ciual in thin country or abroad. HAND a A & IS J 0 nn nn aiilcc for ih Uarh, ''riolicp tliu foundation" of nil Urt, open the p'troH aitd gives a luiilthv ac tion and brilliant tint to the Hktti. RND , SAP 01. 3 Oil iiMiinownmi i'i .nn mo ''inn. stuiilv removing any ttnin or uluin 1 di from boi h lumdand faco HAND . fi A p fl I, I fl ia without a rival In thn world for cnrlns or prvontinz rough mmm and imi f chapping of either hands or faco. HAND S A P. 0 L 1 0 ro 'tovtir IV, I'ueh, Iron nr Ink Rtalni and Crew; mr workers in Machine Shops, Allnen, c,1in valnnhle For uiukins? tlio Skin Whitennd Poft, and uivlny to it a 'bloom of bwiuty ' it iBtiiHurpass nd by any Cosmetic known hand u.pni.i r i , coste 10 to 15 cents pur cake, and i r. ' everybody shoulC have it "You will - likeU DON'T FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS. lii .' 11 r your lilt rc lianl it liCiaR 111,?' wl" Procure tt for you. It mil, ah7.-. e-uiiiiimivi. ""Jill l'Kapollo," and It wll ho mulled ENOCn MORGAN'S SONS, ' SO PARK PLAOB. N Y IMl LIBERT Y ST.,'i'ITTSBURGII, PA. PIOTICE"! Co' to W..A. WJEIi, m Strect,near It. 15. track, I V your BKZli:, tlcliv- trta at the Mclh for 51,50 I'T Barrel. pitoleutu Ci-otte, Fob. CU -i(. Cre 1 f .Soda 1 t?.lV ? Proclamation to the C'ti.y n lct. Centre and Vicinity: Washington C-r. For your j Ice Cold Soda Water Drawn from Long's Silver Poi't ablu Fountiiin, IS'o ac:hl or gas to destroy the stomach, and the best and finest 01 FLAYMEIXG SYK5:SS. I have alsj fitted up In olpg-uit vh. tliro;:'l;jut, a u:w LABIEb und GllM's" ICE CREhm PARLOR. Gonfectionery, Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. TIIE FINEST ASSORTMENT EVER DROUGHT TO TOWN. Two Dnor Abovo Snbel A Aiicr liuiiu'x Dry i;ood s:orc. U1VI5 MB A CALL. it. a. i":-:ir;3i. Pet. Contrc, liny 21, lc'lf If. mis 3 e - VLM o ft I! 5" 8 IS end S j o M " v.5 mi a j fell 5 P (3 u C5 it:ti-iiii-: tnnvf I'lCBCnli Htrnni; nitmrthtii to pnrnnH nr.1 ;'ti;ii di lli!- A pU'ajailt Iiiiilh1; HimmikIi iii-lrm l '.uu: luillliflll iliM'iplino; t xci'lliint lihiiiry:; nt'W jippvir atui. S'-iul for Cutaluguu. Liberal lii-cpum ti; clprL'viui'iv l llAUl.tS J ACtHtrS A. IS.. Frill.. Nw III ik'llloll, t'dllll. ew Goods. Emel Zedwioh. ("UTTLE JOE.") BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Han just relumed Irom BuiTilo with a complete stock of Fall and Winter floods. Has Iimh wlalilWinl in I m.' i p imylo past Ihruii eiii'p, ami ha. the i:amc ul' AIstkiiisHii! ISittt 1'il an ! I'liioVt JIool in tlic Oil ItugitKiN. He la cou.tantly rei'i'ivinR orilnrs from other sec tiun. ol'iiie Ull ltegiuiw. Ilo constantly keeps on hand IScady-itsaite Bu)ts,& Siaoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS cam. .vsi:i' inn. JDtf E.MIiL. KDWH'H. Jjf-Tlio Post Otlioo Newsroom Sji i Fountain ip nuw i iiiinin;; ia full Lla: Call und try ,';Uss oi-ice cool iUu wnv win y.fi, liqi'oks, i:tc t.W. WANTED The ttiuYst jlstalh-iipil L! ilutvrKtort'un Cil Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PRdP'R, EEMOVED To tlio Now Stand In Christie's Old Storo, oppoallc tlie Janie;.tjwu Clothing Ktoro; Piitroleum Centro, l'a. Xf.w (ioods in (ireat Variety, Ijtit plenty of 'Sunday Com fort left yet. I r.ivo rt'tltted the ?toro formerly occupied by .T. II. t liH-tft, corner of "n-hi:icrt(m and First Sts., and lidd iua new atockoftliu liurost'und best of U'isii's, BJ(iirs asui Cigars, THE MARKET AFFOIIDS. My stock cen?i.-ts in jjnrt of BOURBON, AND MOINIONGAHE 'LA BYE New England, Medford andj Jamaica Kums, HOLLAND GINS, 1IKNXKSY, IMNKT, PAItTILI.RN CO. 'S, AND JlAHl'lil.U liliADlES, CA.V.1.MI.VKJIA AUiu , Kolo Agent fur the 15UOTIIEIUIOOD WINES, of L'rockton, N. Y, AUo AL'ent for Iho (Vlrliratfil fllCAT WKS'I' V.KS IlitAM) of Ann l iriin Clianiji'iinic, nimi ly tlii I'lrtlwuit Valley 'ine' t o., tleulti-n county. Now York, constantly on hand Iho imported clitim liafc'uert, iio. MyrstocklorCiaARS h mescllecd in this leiun. I KELr NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines, OH'K MK A CALl, At my new stand OWE.V GAI'FAKV. ' Vtl Cei.trc Doc. 1? r;iit. ott. ;uiiii!:n Y W. V. TEL. LINE flKF:' K O-' I'btrom:imt.m Oust i:: D-.n.v TIr.'nni : t. j I'.-:: 'flic oil uiiit'Kol is 'p; 'I anil ihi t o-tl ;. y atfl,,). it'U bartula tb.iUjjoJ Lauds Dt that lignri". ruiladeljiliic, Sfijit. 5. Crmio, b. Relinod Hi . Market . t. Netv York, Sept. C. Cfiide-C':,- RpBiu'H, 17 . Market Quirt. H.I IS Ni'.W KlUK. Nkw Yiihk, Sept. 5. Pioneer, Pa., niniHifurtiircr of OIL, ' WBZiL tsv'iSflTJ TTss 1 Machinery & Supplies Engines and Hoilers of every description llepaired at Short Notice. Agont for FOSTER'3 GAS l'UMP. PATENTF.fi of !lf INZ S WA TER 1AC'HEU. VEPATIIINQ or nil kinds doi.o at no ico and all work wni ranted. Orders by niai. or teloyrai h promptly nttendud to P. C. HEINZ. rioneer, Fa., Doc. 21. Ib72 tf. i; :.c)!:iti(il Xoltcu. Tlio coprlnfiliip lieretolord iximins be t veen I'onci, I'liiBior .t Co., In Iho Ui-inei-s of oil pnaluciup, In Ibis day daolveil by mutual consntit. All ilobia iifrainst the lat.i linn will lin settled by Fiasicr A Co,, who will lien-alter conduct tho business no bolort", ou Ibe llassou faiui, near Oil Oily. l'a. I. W. 1'ONI). A. L. FltASIKK. Mita. Vm, J. Iloi.t.MAv. Admiulslratri.'c. Dated August 9. 1R73. Mew Goods. SAVE WUl mXEY !' And buy your Hoots and Stee? al Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE Pl'JCE BOOT & SHOE STORE ! I keep a very larco stock nf nil kinds on hand iii'd t-ell as cho.inw any oilier house In tlio OIL KlilllON. Connected with my Store Is a 5'usfo;ia IK'jiiistmcnt ! And I iriiarauleo a perfect (It In nil my work IfcjuiiriiiL' neatly done. Xtxi door to Wolf, Jcwuliy fjlore. Pclroli'iiiu CeiUri;. I:t. dei;4 tf MEW GOODS NEW CeOBOEW KSiiS NICW STOCK . DRY GOODS CARPETS, Oil Cloths Aotions, &t.: JDST KECEIVED AT DRY GOODS STORE. Washington Strret, Fetrolcum Ventre. Tae Largest and Chcapost stuek ol CAIilCOES 8 to 10 eta per yard. BLEACtlEU flILSIilXS from 11 to 18 ots. f-ANSOAI.E IMJLEACIU2U l?lt'S,!! 10 to IS cts BEST GIXGJIAIWS from 13.'i to 18 ct t'l.AIIK'S 9H T I HIIliAD 4 spools for 85 eta. Dress GwnIs, Shawls, IS : Itry, Corsets domestic Piece" Goods, Ua:s Tijs, HIM...;, ' noopskhts Iho very bost qnilltv Drillini-s and i.iii. ens. I'm. and Noedlo, o cla per paper. CarpeM al the lowest rates. Millinery Trimmings; LACE GOODS And a complete stock of la i: . Hate and Bonnets, 1 ; Also, a Complete. Stock of BOOTS SHOES Which will be eold at AUCTION SALE ) ! taper to the Cfeapd. Coiunieiicing August lS'o. C-Giva me a call aod. exaraiuo g-n-l.; and prices. M. SAitUELa. ret. Contrc, Julj 17lh, 1873. McKinley & Gro mat MachinI Blacksmitli AND Egbert Farm, rHwkvu Centre, B?a, Boiler Rejiairing a iSpeci. lii. y REFINERY STILL i K.'-'!A;iJi:i JT W wairant all A-nrlt ilo,; by i: . ho uearly as r,wt an new win i. ici, ( ,; Good ira.terial l'liruielie.l .i- ., ;i.e,'; n j . able. Ilavlnn bad lone t". ; , lieH wo are en'i'ih d to u r i.1 . JoSKI'tl lib K I M.I. .'i,'. i .. a ; . , Petroleum Centre, I'm , gam m