B. Warner V UKALElt lit icoNi-HiNi mm, .iRl-li SUPPLIES. Cf.HEST CASH ruiur- ROW, 1KN and BRASS. tmKLw4 Ncw and In- JSTwf COTl'lM ACHXNIj, I e.a prer- !''" ,,d t .11 Bie oi m inbUteialer ). ft ell Honae. aiUteta kO.d (.erne, eac.pl wliinK tlotaee. tonViWa ie betiar thaaHe ffrgiwat. NaaeeWTlagcer.. tales u4 . SASX&SQ eetlrekcfteej batur ttan - J, ping. Seelaor. Yeeeee Itord to fte ltka . SAPOUQ Krtlcb- pollening Ttnrifle wi th aw aeraaokloe,. . S A P 0 L I Q N batter etna. ftuuem SAP O L 10 I Within DMuaatta aiMtra iftftrt) ItllialtaM Sftpolio rtnarM A torn Birbl Hiie a. TM. H Mt7; Ham-tDU1il WMlktmi rrn Cbl- Sapoiio froiaCareeteejateUeraweii fcb net. hire oa mrtlKe Unoi tt 1111140 tO Blliwr ! II U Well Mk)1w. VWf Ian'd c o a i i f) new uu - - ---- t S , j&fii eQoftl m ion Band p, ,mo Band a - 0 bl 03 I : CTeaniwaerdbitlifitbe8kin, lo- Wntly removst- any Male or man IB frum ncia .l ' ' BAND S A r1 C t i. wttliont u. rh-J fo Uw World BAND S k? a.t J 0Ik Temme! Tur, MteTi, IM or Ini Maim trd v mue; m WiTiccii lu raluthlo Vat tiklri; the 8Uln Wbiaiil)Rlr.d!,i'Htvtni bloom uf -M-tt' H 't.ajw,' ed by axy C of -r'. : jo.& Band 8 i Ir 0 cutia v. to lttf.u UkeS , 3 0 PT FAIL TO YU? ZZ2il COJLf. .'"T It Or roar e?'i3a il : Joj win urocai-o it vr roi. ..: ri, M Vapoito, aU.4 U tvei . itKv - INOCH UORGATS S3K8, . M PARE PLA?3, H KKtllwheirewlllineto work. An nennn. ; or young, of ellher acx. ctn mn'.e iron til) ' Pr week, ethume t'sy i)r vemn(;. Wauljd ,IL OdiUblelJ either ClW or ('or.litrv.a.iu':,i,e Of the vpju-. Tlil- 1-T rfira r.n.irti..tM E- '10 sr out of work, and out . 1' money, t J ;u Independent HvluB. .io caplial bolng EVi" Jianiptiiut, -nun iUAttils A in. . Vlvl"i; It'll iiistrnolioii", , i.nt ou receipt 'C;U Adoron. A. BUKltiN A CO.. Itl.rriH, Wehuater (Jo., II. fcVfi e'-WwHh (ISO Portable t'a 1 II t If! i.i.l. J .... n am: I i-ji( LT rtJuiiAA U,. ..... ..in. .-. .1 .1: f ike UM uf ana elaeuliie:- 11 utaL I'SCream! Soda Water ! Proclamation to the Citirr-m Pet, Ventre and Vicinity; R.A.L0ZIEH Washington-St, For your pure n Ice Cold Soda Water Drawn from Lone's Silver Port able Fountain, No acid or eaa to destroy the stomach, and1 the beet and finest oij I hatealattttrd ip In elepint -,jlc throuEhont, uen bavi uo via ur-n i . ... ( efcV ICE CREAM - PALLOR. Confectionery, Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. THE FINEST ASSOBTMBNT EVKR BROUGHT TO TOWN. Two noiti Above Hnbol low. italtn'tj lrr Joaua Wore. 0 VK ME A CALL. It. A. I.UZIEJR. Pet.t'entrc, MrrW.W tf. CO s v - -i KENWOOD. Himrrtiiru innup School loiO'JlJ Pretmta ttrone attractloni" to r"rwt8 av.d cnar- di'in. A ftleatMinl bom.-; through iiiAtrnction; blt!ifnl d'ilino: excellent Ii.ni y;? new arpar r.n. Bend for Caiak'giic. Liberal dlacunul to .'I.Ti-vnin Cji4AHl.ES A :tmt:S Prill., new iiariuon, rono Elm el Zedwich. ("LITTLE JOE.") BOGY AND SHOE MAKER Hasjuot rutuicoi lrom iiaSclo with CuniideU) (lock ul mi an?! Wlat?r Goods, Ilea li n entahllehnl in He troVrin Ortre fi iua Ibree jKirr, and bat the name of fll splits tSte Heat Fil an J Flncal Haia oorutantly rof.'ising ord.rs froin otter seo Horn oi itia mi JMgicuk tie oona'jint'j kee.ts on bond Ready -ciaile I!ootst& Shoes LADIES' AND rniLDREN'S SHOiiS AND GAITEH3. CALL AND SEP Kin. jlllf BMlil. Z.KDW1CU. 1ST Tbd 1'ost (rtico Newurcotu Suda Kouiitairt ia uow''rtinfiD" in I'll' U.i?t. 2-55 p 1 S a Eg s 3 1' a: ;; t ft, P 8 r 1 3 -g.rj I hU 3 it S i I I 5 tii I s F 1 r a Call awl try u ot i' t cool ?orl watei WINKS, LIQUORS, KTC $4.00 OEEt WANTED quor Sicre a (m! Creek. OWEN BAFFO- FR. EEMOVED To the Htvr Stand la Clirlatle'a Old Mtoro, oppoilte UicJamrawvu Clothing Htoro, Petroleum Centre, New Goods in Great Variety, but plenty ot "Sunday Lioni fort left yet. 1 have'reflued tbo etoro foruiorly oocnplcd hy J. H. thristlt, corner of Washington and Flrnt Mi , and lfcid in a new ttoek of the pureat and best of Wi no, Liquors and Cigars, lUBMAHKETAFPOHDa. My slock cocete in pt. of BOURBON, AND MONONGAHE LA RYE WHISKIES New England, Medford and Jamaica Rnms, HOLLAND GINS, I1KNNKST, PTNlllj CARTILLKM CO. AND DUt'FATtO, nOCIIESTER A; 8o! Agent rorjhe I3ROTIJEUHOOD WINEP, of Brockton, N. Y, Also A'-onl for the Celebrated GRKAT WEST RfN ltilAU of Ameilrnn t'liRmnninie. mndo liy tl.e rit-.ia.iiit VnlUy Wine Co.. Mculieii lonnty, Snv.Vorli, couetaiitly ou hand the imported cl.ru pagned. Aw My:itcct.otCl(Ail3 le rUKiun. ir.eicllot-d In tlila 1 KKhP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines. CJIVK MK A i.'.l.L. A, my new stand owb.viiAVF;E rUK Oil. PIAHKE1-8. BY W. U. TEL. LINE Ophce of ) FsTnoLsnrsf Ckktru Dati.t Ripord Auk. 2C. 1873 I CiThe oil market phowi on advance of A ceuts over yoatorda;'a qiiotatlout. S00 bat rola told al 1.4(1. 1'diladolnbiB, Aug. 2G. C.uile, c;'. ltnllned 16' ,vit quint. New Voik, Aug. ZC. Ci Jd' - C Rpfltica, K ',j. Market Quiut, OL,D M J VOttb.. Yokk, Aug. 26. Gol.l HS.S. Pioneer, Pa., iBniuifurliircr of OIL WiiXi Machinery & Supplies Eiigines and Boilers of every description Uoppired at Short Notice. Agent for FOSTER'S GAS TUMI'. PATESITRtl of HI 1XKWA Tilt I'AIKLH. HErAIUINO of nil kindf done at el'urt tiatlea and all work warranted. Orders by oiai. or ti;ieirre;'b portlyaricriOed aa P. C. Ellif. Pioneer, Pa., Deo. II, 1SV2 tf. IiNolntion Notlne. Tha coparlnerblp heretofore ealatlng be- ItreaD Pond, Krae'er Ik Co., In the bnslje of oil procltioln.-, is Ihia day diaaolveil by mutual oonaetit. All debls agatnet ll lata firm will be eettled by Fraaler & Co., who will heroaltor conduct tha btiEStieajat Mute, ou me iiacBcri larra. ooar ny, I a. I. W. Post. A. L. FfcAKlKR. Mhh. Wu. 1. BiiLi.aaa. AdtaiultHairtt. Datf-d AiiguM S, 1H7S. New Goods. SAVE YOUl KOXEf ! feud buy yonr rVia and trxr at Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE PRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE I keep a vTy Inrrrr 8tork of all kind on hand and sell an cheap a any other bontc in (ho OIL KKCION. Conii.Uod with uiy Store ia a Custom Department ! And I guarantee i i0ffi'ct lit In nil ray work rti'imirini: ii,.r.ny Next door to Wolf, Juwolry Siuic j'cin. nia t't iilre, Pa. ULl t! NEW GOODS NEW COODS, NEW GOODS WBW BTOCR DRY GOOD CARPETS, iTJST liECIlTaD At DRY GOODS STORE Wnslitegtcrii 8tr(t TheLargat aal Cknpart Mack al CAIaZCOES i Neater yard: nLEACHE.) MVtNUtkti fronllloMen. LtNSBACE VNtHsBAVUimUCULiil MtoNcta- bct aaaraii.Hta fromJUK U II ctj CLABK TntBBAB lapooia trli .K Dress CrOOui, ha4h,;Ho leiy, Genets Domntle PleeefJoola, lad'lea Tie, Ribbon BaopakliMtbamy heat allty CnMlact and Url ea. Ptna ana Meone, I ct Jet fxiper, .Cdrpeta at Uie raweat ratea. MiUinery Trimminggi LACE GOODSy And a oomfdeto stock of ladicB Hats and Eonneta, Alao, Complete Slock of BOOTS ft SHOES Wbick- DIU ht toll af -A-XTCTTOIT SAL Cbsapcr toi Use Cbeapd Commencing August 1st, IS73.- lafOlae ma call and examioe goofla' aod prleea. M. SAMTJEL8. F, Centra, uly lTth, 18T3. McKinley & Gross, Machinists, Blacksmiths, toiler pakrs, Efrbert Farm, Petroleum Centre, Pa( Boiler Rpainng a Social i(y. REFINERY STILLS REFAIKBD 1ST Wo wei rant all work d6ne l.y at id be Doarly as good as nettwoerj ifrreirel Good tratorial furnished aod pnot. re-.n able. Having had long eiptrirnca In tbr I .r ne-v wo ore enabled to trlve aetlfacoa. .KJSKI'H McKINLKf. HKHASTIAH QKOW i'uuolonm Ceaini, Pa., Jan 3, it.