Fetroleum Centre Daily Record. tci. ;tnire, rTweadov, Aon i vine Service. MUTnODlST EPISCOPAL CHURCH . rvl' i'A oitr; Sabbath at 11 A. M. nu . , f. H. fe.iiihath School at 1" P. It. f ::i-e, A oorl'al invitation extend ed to Kev. G. Mooris, Pastor. LESEYTiTUAM CHURCH. Preaching -' 11 o'clock A. M.. end T o'clock P. M-, by the Itor, TV. C. Bmch aro. Saubatu School 'at 12X, d'rrctly at'n r lorenoon service, t Prayer M'-eiing and Sabbath School Teacher's Meeting Tuesday evenings of each week. . Putrolenia Centre Lodge, No. 713, f.O. of O. V Ivoit'.ilur mi-ming nights Friday, at 7 o'clock. Stoned. V,'. V. MONTGOMERY, N. O. C. H. JU't.KV, A Soc'v. J"1'I uw ol' mooting, Main St., oppoeito McCliritock House. A. O. Of V. W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W., meets evry Monday evening at 7)f( o'olook, In Odd Fellow's llall, Petroleum Ceulro, tV.n'a. Jmics Wilson, M. W. Jambs 8. WniTi, R. I. O. Of K. M. Minuokaunee Tribe No. 183. 1. O. ft. M of Piilroiruin Centre, meets eveiy Thuisday evening in (Jowl Templars Hall. u" Cuuocll ores lighted at 7 o'clock, U. HOWE, Sachem. C. L JUKES, Cbiel ol Records. Gold ar I p. in. I10S The Outlook. It must be conceded tbat tbe contlnu low pric" of oil bas made business dull unci money scire in tbe upper oil region. 1'. tuHville, the Creek, Oil City and Frookl'u, are u little tbe worse for the geueral stop page of the pump and drill. Yet Idle men aro out plenty, and witb economy and oare we will al! pull through till Sprlug and ready lor the good time coming. Bu1 below tbe case la different. Witb all their large pumping and flowing wells, id's mod abound amidst tbe abundaooe of oil. Industry languishes. Labor Dot ball em ployed ia but illy paid, while tbe dials iic from tbe railroad makes the oost of livl i.; high. The prospect there for months o come Is dark Indeed. Parker City is a thrifty and promising town. It Is, in fact, the emporium of .e lower Held. Here operators, dealers a d pipe line men do congregate, and here is transacted tan livlieat share of trade. E st Brady answers for a convenient poll!, to. hip heavy Ireigbts to tbe interior, but as an (ui town la a failure. Butler,' which for a brief term routed somewhat from the lethargy of years, bas reiupard agaiu into its old time dull sod tlrouay routine. Evoo bsok enterprise has tailed It. Its branob railroad makes con auctions so dubious that travellers avoid it, and tho whole place seems to have I. p Van Winkle basis. Petrol! Is on tbe wane Greece Cny pulling down. Argyle, Karoa, Buena Vistu, fco., aro In slatue quo, and llllierjtuwn witb its first class hotel and Mod oo with its Brat class wolls the coming oil towns. If the lower country oil towns ooly . ceed in getting railroads bnill and refined - eUo, so na to give tbe localities named r permanent and' profitable trade, which v. II ionult tbe moment tbe operator and consum er can trade direotly with eaoh other, and the dciniud si largely Increased by tbe cleanness ol tbe oil, takes awy tbt daily production then shall tbe oil regions ouos more bloom and blossom as the vineyard o I the Lord. We find tbe following Petroleum Centre Item io the Titusdille Courier of Ibis wort lag: There is but one well producing oil oo the oocs famous Woods farm, Sbel, Caofleld, formerly an employee of the Central Petroleum Co., I has opened a now livery stable, and baa vary floe stock tf borses. v Tbure are but fifteen producing wells on tbe Central Petroleum Co's farm. Davis, of (be Central House, la a popular landlord, and keeps tbe hotel up to its 'lor mer standard. The Daily Recohd is flourishing. A dandy is a chap tbat would Be a lady if be could; Hut as be can't doea all be can To show the world be's not a man, Highway robberies are of frequent ocour reoce in fcranton. Auolbtr new blast furnace Is tsiked of In ptCreisive New Castle. Theoorn in tbecewrtl eonml '3 lus been jirostratid by the heavy rains. Ohittcarv. Died at tb rcdd-ncii of In parents, on Mondav, Ans. 25i'i. 1873, Pol and K., only ion of Daniel K. and Sarah A. Jones, aged 4 mouth nod 2t days. There la something strangely 'iiexp livable to our finite mlola In thla passing away or dying of our loved ones, especially the ten der brancbea of tbe parent tree. We can not realise tbat tba infantile prattle ia bush, ed; that tbe loving smile will hever more greet ns; tbat tbe little playthings and tbe "garment! bh used to wear" ate to be laid away and kept ooly as a sacred relio of the dear departed, and tbut toe patter of little feet will never more greet our coining. Tel to ll is, but the coosolatlon remains to ui tbat tbe Mister bas said "Suffer tbe little ones to come unto me, Tor of eucb ia tbe kingdom of heaven.'' Tbii assnranoe re. mains us tbat wboa our little ouee "pas' oo before'' we may some day meet ibem on tbe further shore, for 'they wait for u 1 bete In tbe "annoy summer laud'' beyond ilia everi'rfou mountains ol lile. We sytnp.ilbl:M with the stliic'ed parents in tbe los; of their little one. fruaeral eer vices wero hold ''. tbe house, at 2 o'cioik this p. in. The niumins wero burled at Flumer. Tbe lollowlog pertnnl items wblcb we copy from the Titusville Courier, will be o Inierust to our readers as both gentlemen are well known in this v.oioiiy: Mr. J. E. Ray, for several years cashier o BIab.iII St Co.'s tank, at Petroleum Centre' and afterwards caebler of a new bauk a'L Butiur, iu which lie was also a director, bo8 resigned bis position to accept a similar ons more lucrative, somnwbere in tbe wilds 0 Minnesota. May success attend blm. M. C. Martin, Esq , lor many years su perintendent of tbe Ceo'.ral Petroleum .(Jo's tarm, st Petroleum Centre, whs hia btea ' absent, about a yoar traveling in Europe, i...Tl ! M..i Y....fr nrnuli -n.l will Im at PetroisDm Centre too la'ior part of this week. Leavnnwoi tti and Lawrence, in Kansas continue to bo luriiiuslv jiuiouB of ouch olb- er alier tho munr.er of growing western cit ioa. Funnily ooougb, the Lawrouco Jorr ual Informs no that "Prof. Wnorril bus col lnoted 805 varietirj of plants," nod thr.l "most of tbera were fuind ia the Btreets o Leavenworili." Then comrs the retort: "Tbo offal In tbe streets of Leavenworth U dumped Into the Missouri, and the rreachei ous old stream Is rising witb awful rapid! if." This is Quito in the Si. Louis, Chi cago and Cincinnati style, and provrs ou honorable nmuition from which a rairacti lous prorperlty may bo expeotnd. THE MAN WHO CAN'T. In Youth's bright lexicon we're told There's no such word as "fail.'' "Stout benr.s aud will, in yourg or 'Gainst seeming odds prevail.'' But maxims wise could never yet A siogle fact supplant, And History now ber seal hits set Upon a Khan who can't. old Tbe Philadelphia Inquirer estimates tbe c al produot of Philadelphia, this year 43,000,000 tona, of which tho anthracite re gions furnish nearly 40,000,000 tons A few days ago a tuao entirely naked ran from Mliidletow n to Hli;nsplre, Lancaster county, a dtstancs of several miles. He said be was running for a suit of clotbes, Poi.ics Arkshteo. On Monday evening last, tbe two polioe Fred Ilines and Pat rowers, got under tbe influence of liquor and undertook to create i disturuauc on the street. Their arrest was quickly ordered, aud tbey became lei conrr ageous, and don't think they could "clean out all tbe rest of the police ia St. fetors' burg "and wbea said police appeared the recalcatrsnt wlelders of the mace, road, tracks, and disappeared. Tbo following morning Bines was arrested and taken be foie the Bargees and fined. Powers, we be lieve, bas not yet been arrested. Now po lleemeo have been placed oo tho iorco, and the result bas been that wears Lavlne muob hot tor order than here More. Tstersburg rrogtesa. We begin to f'.oel a little kindly toward tbat rascally old aborigine Capt. Jack. We read tbe speech in bis own defense wbleb he made at Fort Klamath. Without stop ping to consider whether there Is a word truth In It or not, we aro happy to say th every paraempb d.osa't bgin "Brothers nor Is there tbe uusl stock nonsense in it about tbe Great Spirit, vrhicii, witb the other spirit cilled wLlsky, bus so oiteu boen put io the red man's raiuth. Cpt. Jack's address it uM a bit I: to anything in Coop er's novels, and we are glad 4 it. N. Y. Tribune. A slight o.fpiosion ocsurred.at tue hi lr Held rofinory, la.'t ui'hl Tbe Keadiog oar shops furnish ompby ment to six huadied bands pa'ra ct h .ct! rallirr. TLiiUsn ,vru,'s!ntis for poor children li'VP (f . nm ,t I'Uil --l-'Tj h taie a'j;s(. COUttT PROCEEDINGS. The August te: in of til the Courts of Veo ango county commenced yeslerdoy at Franklin, before John Tronkey, President, and J. L. Connelly and J. S. McCormick, Associate Judges. The conrt room ws thronged at an early our. Nearly all of tbe day was occupied y tbe nsual routine business of call log jut on, receiving returns of coostables,obargiog the Grand Jury and heating mot lens. Tbe following surety of tbe pee so oases were disposed of; Commoowealtb vs. Peter Kelly. This charge was proseouted by Patrick Griffin, of Galloway Farm. Tbe court dis. charged tba defendant on paymeotof Ousts Commonwealth vs. James Ellis, praeecut. d bv David Feterman. for tbrsatfninir to shoot. The defendant having moved to Allegheny county tho cenrt dismissed tbe complnlnt but ordered the uefrnutot o pay tbe costs. Commjnwea lib V3. llujrb Porter. Charge r'eiri'd by Jdnnie Smith (or tlneota to Itiil her. The defondual w.,e committed to jail dig el;ht weeks sioce in default of $200 ail. The pio.'-.nchlrix had formeily lived itb blm and tbe d.tfijulty between them arose from the u?sire rf tho defendant tba; sho ehould return. Tbe court admonished him. Commonwealth vs. Harvy WlUon and Mulgaiet Wilson. Thla was a charge pros ecuted by J. S. HcCliotock. Tho partie ve near Cborrytree.it appearing tbat tbure was also a charge of assault sod battery against the same defendant, arising at tue same time, tbe court snnouueed that th" charge for surety of tbe pence would be dis posed of after tbe other case was tried. The grand jury roturned a large numbe' of bills against various persons for violation of the liquor law. Tbe names will be pub lishvd hereafter. Several other surety of the peace cases were eetlled by tho I'artics.witb the poriuib aion of t!w court. The Court ooBiiusnct I the trial of indict moot by taking up tbe ose of the Common" WBuItU vs. Lafayette coll and George Mil ler. This waj an iadictmeat for malicious. jury to tbe Allegheny Valley Railroad. On Sunday, the 4iu of May last a large tor redoe was placed on tbe Itack of tbe Valley Road near Scrubgrasa. Tbe fi.'st train tba1 wont oror it exploded it. Toe force of tbe explosion threw a car Irom tbe track and broke several of its wheels. As tbe train was moving slowly, fortunately no great ij ury wr.s done, nor were any lives lost. Had it been a passenger train the conee quoDC? wculd probably have been fearful. The datendants piead not guilty. After hearlog'lho evidence of Thomas Fnr'ong tbe case was adjourned until this morning. A two year old grauddanghler of the Rev. D. Hodgson of Lswisburg, was led by ourlosity to drink from a can of oepthai which sbe found in her exploration of tbe house, and it requited all tbo skill of tbe family physician to save ber lifn. A MonBL Conductor. Tbe AltoooaTrl bune furnishes an account of a model con. ducter on tbe Pennsylvania Railroad wba has been engaged with scarcely an Intermis sion for over fifteen years la bis respasible business. During that time be has .ravel ed over 700,000 miles, bos oarried many millions of paaseogers tbe number last year was about 230,000 bu turned over to his employers without any assaiatanee Irom Pinkerton's men toe sum of 5,000,000, bas uever lost a package, and what may seem incredible during all that period has neve' killed a man! Tbe best rules mechanically obeyed are to soaurlty against disaster. KA large discretionary power must always be given tbe men who are placed io charge o a train, aud when tbis is exercised Intellig ently and oonsoieatiousiy tbe oorae of safety iireaobad. When oocs questioned by ills employers as to his manner of running a ttala, be replled;be did it as Iff It belonged to blm. lie Is never able to forget that bun dreds ol lives aro placed io bis hands, and carelessness or forgatlulnris on bis part ar simply other means for manslaughter and murder. Depisitb. A reporter of the New York Tribnoe was the otoer day ciuizxing an oi1 morshaut lilug in tbat city, lo reply to a quustiou iu relation to the location of tbe Bailor oil Held be stated that itlny between Pittsburgh and Oil City, a short distance hack fiou the Allegheoy river.' If New Vorkc.s kaotv no uore about tbe geography of otbor places than they do about the oil rogiobd. we would adviso tbem to apply tbomsul ,ea exclusively lo that eltidy. It would ln about as defhitu an answer were o to scy tut t itisburgh wea sltuate bo tneen Ca.I.'oiala aud Maine a ciioi'i dis taoca sbove North Caiolins. Sixty tl'oiuid poj'.al u.rua bava thus (it been e..ld r.: tho Scr.mton l'oslofflco. An Itouna hose cumnary proposei to in (.-"rr.to c?rc of !Ct Jftr 'i)Ll , later. Pinner Item. Mr. Alden telli some very smuilog and Instructive Incidents tbat have come under b's obaarvetioo since local option too efTect, among tbem the following: A prom, Inent officer of tbe township called oo bttn one day not long since, and belog very thirsty asked tor a llttio hevernge or wu.t was formerly known as whiskey straight.-- Local optlon,;my friend, causea me io snni up my place long aloes, thorelore I can give yon nothing stronger than a glass of good cold water." "O, come now, havo't yon gotanyatall, a private flask. You ouht to sell right along here, quiet placo, no one will disturb you." It was no go, however, Mr. A. remained loexorable to bis flowery Importunities. Mr. A. assures os that -be has not met with one Instance when a dtlnk wan wanted but that tu:partios Invariably offe:eJ the following cogont argument: "I not vote for local option, why should I be undo to suffer under it." The question naturally aiisrs, who did vote for It? Some bio oo doubt siucore but many very many are iaposteis, whom Mr. A. (eels muob pleas uio in refusing tbe cili. It must be unc tion to their souls. A man whose name we did not learn, met with a terrible accident at Tratber's mil S uuida7 Inst. A man named Hays aud tbe uufortunato were sawing logs in the woods. A limb being in the way he step ped back to gel bis ax to remove the Same Iu the act ol slopping back bis foot caught In ft suag and Qe tell backwards bia full weight upou bis as which was stock In a log Immediately behind him. A frlghtfu1 gash Was made n bis thigh. Be woe re moved to his home on Cherry run on Sun day. Col. A. S. Pratber, of Jamestown, N. Y , Is in town, also J. 8. Pratber, ol Cleveland Tbe schools eommenoe In a lottnigb idor the auspices of tbe new regime. Mis Shrpeves, of Miller farm, principal, and Mi Coyle, ol Oil City, assistant. Much credit is due our townsman, Mr. McClure, for tbis bango, though some tbin'i be ou,;ht to navo secured tbe cervices of at least on9 utiio teacher, uoronic grumomrs exists everywhere, wbo aro uever satisfied . witb nvthioc. Fur our Dart we apply tbe proverb "beggars should not be choosers'' A chant: was ssked for at whatever cost and we have have it. Two ve ry desirable property's ere under he hammer to be sold to tbe highest bidder Parties desirous of investing in real estate should not fail to he present. Witnesses on tbe Cbamberlain vs Cham berluis, and Stauford adultery case went 1 Franklin this morning to testify In the re speotlve suits. Our worthy Post Master, Mr. D. Leacb. expressed himself very highly pleased with be new or rather old mall arrangement. ince the change was made subscribers to be dailies io tbe oil regions failed to re ceive papers uotli tbey were one day old whiob caused no little disatltfaatlon, Q and justly too, Everything works smoothly and satisfao tory in tbe new sheet mill at New Castle, We coDv tbe Court proceedings from the Oil City Derriok, for fear it might publish ua for "steeling'" news from Its very inter eating columns. Query Has tbat immacu late sheet never oeen guilty or steeling ana altering items both from tbis and the TitusV villa papers. Files of that t aper In tbis office v.1 II show It Jerry Miner, a colored jontb, died sud denly In MU Pleasant, the other day, whli' witnessing a game of base ball. A Lebanon exchange says : "I f.Lebeno 0 raises $100,000 it can secure locomotive works. Witb orders from Europe to start. Tbe journeymen pie bakers oi Pblladel pbla have organized an association to regu late the bouts of work, as well as lb wages to be paid to pie bakers. , An ex-Alderman ol Altooaa bos been held !n f 2,800 to answer at tie next session of tbe Blair County court for t violation o' the Local Option law. A Grteuville man wagered tnat he could drink a Ug roar gallons of beer. Afttr surrounding tbe most of it, be weakened aud threw np tbe bet and the bser, Tbe Susquebauua county jail ia empty. . Altoona wants a Ires library and reading room. John B. Gerard, of Wllliamsport, died suddenly, e few duys ago. Two oolored mea of Titusville propose to Indulgo in a prize fight. A circus caused tbe suspension of forty two oolllerles at Mahanoy City, a few day8 ugo. Little wouder that the prion oi coal a going up. Vypr.plles repiln tlittr b..ltb, apiwtite and stiMi'L'tii, ohtlis nr.d lever are brokon np, tri's -torjlrt hviT and kid'i"ys sro rousd tr- a:tlnn nud the nut furitur riiemriuiic mjiidly ruTov.rj, nil hv the purl iyiii aiu roi ivlng iiiflaoneo ol Ur. Mcl'allnms noo ll:id nanrbvr. Try It. l'ricc, by aoail, 1 1) M ariajiiod. V, i.liams Mudiciue Co., Imjs IvK) ltwAurh. ? IiOftn.1 Notice. Go to W. At LOZIEK, 4th Strcet,near It. It. track, tor yonr DEMI ft E, dcliv. ered at the welh for 1,50 per Barrel. Petroleum Centre. Feb. 6th tf. INSTITUTE FOR BOYS At Wert Chester, Pa. A beautiful and eletsi situation, I t mill west of l'liiliieelphla. 8)imIm I'IhvltoubU., tijmnanim Mvdcnts prepur od lor Collmre. I'nltcluiie Scheols or Hnslnw,, Kpwisl pruvMou mack' ftn very ynnng Niy. Man; stinh'Otarem.fo.'aff kxnru.re. dui jih hummer vac. tlou. SwKlnn tx-v.us Sept. 10. AdSrvi. HOHKkT M. M'.CLlal.AN. aag UI lo. OU. Ml 1.1.1 AM HAS alMCOYCKtl A POSITIVE CCHK For Cetarrh.'te veueialile peolae);also, a snr. Km cdy tor l'iles,(a huulinu' niiilm. nt). l'rlce tif .Ither eiMllctne, by mail. l l Wnrrautod Trial . i.li- box free. Williuins MMlicine Cu. Fltt?l)urtb.F IsOK'T BlillUniirfctitD With finarks and Impnstcm, who will not a'ooe tii'.-p win. hut in nlm'tv-ni.e ruws eut of a him. drvd dos. you with balsam cvpjita calomt!l, Ac , makii.( vonr cue wone. Horlt one. lo th only "Vit1lh remedy that can ke nllod on, Ur. Mc. UtllUDl S Kdot Dioou nenrenvr, w.irn ranhbes frim tho svdtemnll form of private d)patit4 Rbd virus iu tho Wood: alro, Msilnal . w.akacf, 1ms of ra.sv.loM of memory, aad all n.rvous diM-Mi iMiilting frr.ni sellariusc, which destroys bnih mlDi and body, randeriag nu TtSLnt impumlhl. Warns tod. Hnr. by aanil (pccmtly maim, ao iiik. I 110 ier ick7c Bacn paMn mm atna of Blood Sesrcher. William. Mi rhclu. Co., ritlv banh, fa Boa 1S38. FastpkMlVM. Plmnln. Illotekes. and IraDtiena oo tba fee. Tetter, Hinirwurm. Vlchwuniu, Xryalplas, Kcurvy, auQ ail enipuvu kiv.iw mmc-mt ante inciror. iin from v.ru. and corrapiioa. ta. bluud. Dr. Mc("liim ltoot Ulood Srarcher Mrlkw sl the MXiroe of all wrolaloii - diiuaiiw by nutrallzlreBd piiniirr; cv.ry kind of liniaor aad eomiplion from th MmxI. WamntML Price, at uall. SI Oj, (Hoota siirfldont to mak. a qaarl of Blood iWarrb er ) vt UUama Mudiciae Co., finabamh, Pa. Box RonanuiPtlon has Its orlala In s ktoIdImu and corrupt ante of tr. blood, krace the lallacy of troatlrir lung d'Matw with con ;a Sfrup, ImImtaii.. mc , c. to cure conffiirup.ion weiuiiHnniyua euiieh the Wood, aud warn the NooJ la pure con- snmptioD cannot exist Ilr. McCallnio's Root mood senrrnvr pcnerniutt (n. wem aino.va 01 mi. dread dts'iASO nod exteriuinarrs U ruuiaud limit. Try one itnitla packt by return mall, (prica f I 00) and yow willaiw.vs ie.1 thanklul. Wliilaui. Wi'dicin. Co., Box 12uo, UeV of fttau cored unit f roe. SEND FOR CATALOGUES NoveJlo's Cheap Music. Novollo'a (ilees, Port Soaga, etc 6 to 14 rents novono a tjnnrrn jnnsic to IS) cent NOVELI.0-8 OCTAVO EDITION OF OfKllADi I'rice, ft ;or t, kmnd In alotb, (TlH tiftt. NOVfLLO'S OCTAVO KDITIONJOF OKATuKlO- lopapor, from SO certs to $1; cloth, with fill dues, (1 to $3 lack., NOVELLO'S toD EDITIONS Oi' riANO-FOKTE CLAbSlC'ri Pach'a 48 P lodnand FrxuM Cloth f90 Beethovln's 8d bonatas. Klonantly bound, fall lit 8 90 Borthov n's 94 Piano Pieces. Ilcgaat bosud . Kill irilt ID Chopin's Valsn. Stiff paper covera 190 SW IU IN fl 930 SM CnoDin'a Pulow'rai Chopin's Noc. arnei. " Chopin's Msui kas. " ' C'niuln'. Biiladt. " lt's Pre! tide . " ' ipln's Houataa. ' llendAtiwohn's t'omnteta Piano WArka. Klfiii t roiiobaiuoi. run gut. voiupietein t tuw,so wi Thewmi. Hvo. Full cilt Complete ln4vol4M Th. saaye. 8 to. ra.ier. Crmplet. In 4 vohMM Mtndal John's 8c igs Without Words Folio JEdiih r. Full ili.t 6 Octavo edition Fnllellt S.J Octavo Bullion. Paper oovora ' ' Monrt'a 1 -bouataa. Elogaotly bound. Fat gilt '( Schutett's 10 Ssnatat, Blctrantly bonpd. rU ll ' 8cbntort,s Dances- Complete. Btog.uitly bonus. FullaiU ' DUI Bchali n's riaoo FIscm. Eloeaatly boned. Fl (lit Hchnmann'. Forest tteencs. Nina losy PIm Paper coveas, S9 Hchnmann'. Piano Forte Albabv Elwantly bear.' PMllallt The nam.. Paper eorers 1W MOTItElT GOOSE, O RATIONAL NDR8KJIY,BBTMei o Mnstcby J V. Etuor, with M boantlfs . isjatkns caara'.cd by the brotnwa Dais1"'; Cowrdi, ll.au. bulejd'.uly bo and In cloth. si edfea, ASK l?OR NOTkililOSti EDITION Address, i.U PlTlM. Ui Broadway. Now York. gent for lfoveilo's Chsap HIS' A UEjAUTIFITIs CIIAOMtf I To All Lovers oJ Art and I'll1' eralttre ! We will send tha Ho.atimi Ckroino mm "Th. Uiiwelcomc Visitor " Dostago pia as a premium to every snbscrlbw to our awsW umejizlnc called the Oumble tOeef. 6' CoD'liifug S3 forse imbm hnldM th cover. slid with the best and nuwt IntorMting reading. 1-rle only $t A U AH ! Soi,d m yunr dollar, and got a dollar ""I and an eiidit dollar chromo In rctorw- W. wlM tmd will lihoMlly pay AGENTS, Sand ttnrup for parrtcilara- AoVres