jjL B." Warner 'SCream ! WINES, MQUOKS, JJTC TMti OIL. ITJAHKUI-M. BY W. U. TKL. LINE PxTitot.KitrM Cknthk Daji.t Record J AuK. 2U. M73 fThn oil ointkBt In b little firmer ti. lay at SI, 25. Wo hear of no transicdon. Pliilailfljikia, Any ?n. Cr.nlt, l! . NEW GOODS NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS Soda Water ! WANTED 1 1 lii-Nnml IRig' M ukci ((iiipi. 1'iitnliiir, Ang. 9 Crude spot, fil'. H. K. all yoat. J 2i,; , li. O. d RtlinoiJ-- .Sfint, 2!,;. Matkrt Nonnnttl NEW HTOCK l v'i iti raj j ;. ,. DRY GOODS DEALEIl I! JEC6NM1NB TDM AJ0IZ" Ch1hb, Eaglnes, Oil" WEl'i SUPPLIES. ilIRUEST CASH THICK PAID FUR OLD m ROPK, 1UON and BRASS. HvlmrT0allv irorcunnd a New and Ini j Hil'll CUTTING MAOHINB, I uin prepar. Klntiindflt.llnr.MOf llpe nd Ca.iyK from utaeBtoM-dhw- 2iblnion-!.. Nearly WPP- - ICNOC J MOUG-AWN HONK SVPOX.IO .rrinhiiit for Hoau for til Mnusc- lMinbUl ff ""P for ' ho'd ,.urii')iwi uttp clothe. sapqlio for Omrng yom """m .' ""J; fnr llio labor ot M leuiu. trill, lilto It SA.POT.TO Ul'nano carye't. .irrniit ud wva. iu net i e cnthchoui hatter than afford to Ittuwt It- SAP OLIO cratch. 4 SAP OLIO hTbctter than 8oa and Band for poUnMnK Tinwaro. Tkihtens with out scratching. S AP Q LIO Da better thau -Vc.4 HtOI.3. SAP 0 L 10 fcr Wanning Dlhesod Olaesiiara la invaluable Cheap than Boap. S a p o 1 i o rcmovoa Stair from Marble M amc.s. Tablce, and Stamary, frota Hard flnlnh.'d Walla, and from Chi na and Porcelain. S a p o 1 i o Mim S4aina and Orewo from Uarpets d other woreu fab rics. Tbero Una one article known tfcof will do nn many ktada of work and 4 It aa well aa fcapoiio. tj a- RAND S A P 0 L i C et Swip, having no equal in this counirv or -rnu. HAND ft A P n I. I fl aa on aitlec t r Uia bath, "reachoa the ronnataion" oi en nin., mien lion and.brilliant tint to I ho akin HAND S A P 0 I J 0 Cieiuweaand tirautiBi'f tliu km. in rtantly renvivinit any atnln or blem lh from both UamW and fnco HAND SAPOll 0, la without a rlviil In tlio world for enrine or proTimtintt roughnomi ard and fuhapping of either liuo'U or fucs. HAND SAP OLI 0Ifc ru novfl Tha I'uon, Irou or Ink Htalnn and Brw; lor worknrw in Machine bhos. Mtnex, .Vc.i ir. valuthle For mUIn tho Skin Whiteand tift. auduiviiiKto It a ' ttto m orititaiity it wnniiujiiw-i. f ed by any Ctwmetic known HAND S A P 0 h I 0 c it 10 to lfici nlt per caku, nnj erer ybodr ahonlu have It Vou will llkei DON'T FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS. Bny It or your merchant if he hna tot wilt procure It for yon. If not, heii writn tor onr Pamphlet, "All out Sapollo," aud It wtl b mailed ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS, , 80 PAUK PLACR, N Y FOR nil hi are willing to work. Any porion, i'd or yontifr, of olthor px, cau ninko from 10 j I!1! ier week, uthime "fty oreoinnp anted oy all. Suitable to either i.lty or Country, and any 'won of the yuiir. Till Is a rare ojpoituuily lur tnose wlioaraout of work, and out . f monov. to "uke au iuUcpendent living. No ciipl.al ln in Jlii red. Our pamplilet, "ilOW TO MAKK A r...'() IvfcK lull lnstrncliiin, ei-nt ou reraloi f 10 csri i A.ldrem, A. 11UKWN U; ., Morria ola. Werahaater Co , N. FOR MA Li in. A flpBirahlo ralrlerce on the Eihertlarm. yoijd Hr handy. Every Jiii(iir'icj:ivfl "nce. Will be sola chimp R.-TM' o! OWf)N C VFI'.'IiV. reiro'onai C,tiSti: Jlay 7. !S"y. .!' ..A.L0J LlER, Washington-St, For your pure Ico Cold Soda Water Drawn from Loner's Silver Port al tie Fountain, No acid or gas to destroy the stomach, and the 1 test and finest 01 1 af VIA YURI Xti SIMPS. I h ive atai lltud no tn !vwt fitI? throuL-hont, a PARLOR. Confectionery, Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT UVKK BKOUfHT TO TOWN. Two Poors Above Hnhel Ac Aoer liuiiu'N Dry tVooda Store, GIVE MB A CALL. It. A. IiOKIER. Pet. Centre, May SI, if. m iO si o! a u 3 M 1 h S Cu i l a B 1- H am E m 0 13 5 3 w ! s- n k i I 'tl anal 3 a i e a k 5 a id mi 4 s a O; fl j B For Sale Cheap One 40-IIortie Hoilcr, Gibbs t Kussell make, One 12-1 lor e Engine in good condition, S00 feet Casing. 1,000 feet tubing, ift-iO feet tucker Kods, Valves, Working barrels, &c. yllso, one Derrick And Kig cetnplete. TLe above jiropei ty will be sold cheap for cash. For particulars .nqiiiro of A. G. HARPER, Kane City, Veuuugo County Pa A. G. riARI'ER. Kane Tlty. Jiinft 17 1H73 tf KENW00DAn;i,I,,iSr,B0YS Fre-.'uta Ktninj ntni.nion.- to jr ri-nti nr.d t'utir diun. A tiie:l.iill1 home; throilRli ilill'iU'tlon: healthful iliMciplliiK; excellent lili.ti yi new ni.pur atus. Hend for CiualiiKiie. Llheial dimnuia to clerirvnn n . UMULCSJllflitrsA. I-. I'rln.. ew Hi'igiitou, I'oiill. isidtllltiOII .Oli't'. Tlie lirra of Moheo A Armstronc la Ihb day ilifpolved by mutual consent. Tte books and acooiinm of. tho lain Urm have been placed iu tho bauds ol Juotice, Rey nolud for collection, and all parties knowing theoisolvc'B indohted will do well to call on him nud s-iUle tbe sauu at once and turo COS 13. IT. (r. MkaB. 'i'. S. Aii..isri'.o.vii. ?;rotuak Cutre, July. 14, W73. quorNtorcnnOiirrrek. OWEN GAFFMEY. FROP'R, EEMOVED To tho Now Htand in rhrlntle'a Old Store, oppoaito tho JamceUiwn Clothing More, Petroleum Centra, 1'a. New Gooda in Great Variety, lut jJeiityof Sunday Coui fort left yet 1 have refitted tho store formerly nernplcd t-y J. II. iluwll.. nirtier of Wie-hinjiton and i'lmt Sts., and laid Iu a now Htoci; of the purmt and bcit of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Till! MARKET AFFORDS. My (lock console In port of BOURBON, AND MONONGAHE LARYE WHISKIES New England, Medford and Jamaica Kums, HOLLAND GINS, IIEtvNESY, PINKT. CARTILr.TtN A CO.'S, AND MAitl'lil.L JiKAMJltS, 3i;i-rAIi, KOCHESTEK &, So'e Agent fort'ue BROTIIEUHOOI) WINES, of Erockton, N. Y, Also Ant for the Olehnitcd (IKi'AT WUST KKN ltKAM) of Aiuei'lran ClianipMirno, nnu!e bv Ihe l'leuaiit Viilley Witie Co., .eubiii eonrty. New York, coudtuiitiy on naud the iuipirU-d ctiuu iiut;ne( &c. Mytockof CIGARS la i nczcllecd In tbia region 1 KKhP NONE IiUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines, tUVE MIJ A. CALL, At my new ttand OW. GAFFAEV . l'a; Lunue Doc. 17 New Vork, Aug. 20. Crude ti'. KeGuo, lUJ.j. Market Qti lot. ;tl.l tM Ni.le IIIUK. Mew Vokk. Aug. 19. Gold lic;v P. S3. HSSiaJE, Pioneer, Pa., Slanuluctnrer of Oil. WELL Machinery & Supphes Engines and Roilera of every description llepaired at Short Notice. Agent for FOSTER'S GAS FUMP. PATE.Ti:i3of III IXZ SWA Tfelt l'ACKEU. WEPAiniNO of all Muds dor.e at short noilco and nil work wurrunieri. Orders by nuu. or ttluraiih proutptly attended to P. C. HSIK2. Pioneer, To., Deo. 21, 1872 tl. THrlNKW Kf.Asmti'ritliStM. An Impor hint InventiKii. It relaliiH tho Klllitlire lit nil lim,m. and uoder tte hnrdert ixercne or tt?verct Hlrein. It ihWrii with comfort, and If kont on i.h-lit nt dity, eff.eta a pcmiuneuii ore in a few wcoka hod eiieji, Kijd noiil by Mull when rcqtieptod, circuhi n ir.w, when ordered by letter rem to Tho luetic Tni' fo. , No. llnindwiiy, N. V. Cl.y. No. iimm miai fprniR iriiMep, too .paiunil; the alii oil too lietiueutly. Mew , Goods. SAVE 10151 ! And buy your Coots and Sicie at Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE riilCE BOOT 8b SHOE STORE ! I keep a very lartf stock of all kinds on hand and iil ua chupiuuoy other bfue tu tho OIL KKCION. Cuuuedod with my Store is a Custom Department ! And l(ftitauti'0 a puriect fit tn all my work ITe-pnirmg iiHUily douu. Next duur to Wult, Jewelry btitrr. lelrol!iiin Ccnlre Tn, duel U CARPETS, Oil tloilis, notions, &c., JDST ItECIIVCU AT i IW. SAlVEUlSXiS DRY GOODS STORE. Wasliinton 8(rit?t, Petroleum Centre. Tha Largest andJCbeapejt Mock ol CALICOES t to 10 eta per yard. BLEACHED MLXI,IS rrom 11 to 18 eta f I.AISSDALE l i1BI.F:A HEDntSLtn 10 to IS cla BEITiJISIGMAHIS fromjl2V to 15 eta ClABttW) O N T TIIREAB spools for 85 CIS. Dress Goods, Shawls Hos iery, Corsets i . ... Domestic Piccc'Qood, Led'ea Tie.: Ribhona.' noomikiita Ihe vonr heat ona'.itv ririlll..,.. unri l in. ena. 1'ina aud Needle. 6 ots per liaper, Uupsta at tne lowest rates. ' Millinery Trimmings, LACE GOODS, And a complete stock of ladies Hats aud Bonneta, Also, a Com plot e Stock of BOOTS & SHO5 Which wilt be cold at ATJCTI03XT SALS Cheaper tliaii Jiib Clieapest Commencing August 1st, IS73. Mfive ids a call and examlnn goods and prices. SAMUELS. Pot. Contre, Jnly 17tb, 1873. McKinley & Cfrpsn, Machinists, Blacksmiths, AND 1 Egbert Farm, VetrcWm' Ctntrt-, Ta, Boiler Repairing a Speciality. REFINERY STILLS KZPA pg W wai r ,nt all work t',' hh L; us ho nearly as mwd rm new when Good iraterUi I ire .(-4 aud , i.oe ivilij' ablo. Ila7lfig bi.il I . nr .cr. in iuo t, M neH.n'e are enohl at tc: ..'!v . 4ar.,v :' u dOKBi-ll .-.aist,K. .Sl.HAi..UN 0K0HK l'.itroleam Centre, fa., Jan. a, tt if rt , : i i