retroleu-n Centre Drily Record. Vrl. tXintre, :. Tnedy. Aitjl! IMvliie Hcrirleo. 1IETTTOP1ST EPISCOPAL CHUECH ttenrtce every Pabhatb at II A. M. unci iu P. M. Sabbath Soboul nt 12! P. 1!. eats free. A oordial invitation e.-rteud- ed to llk 'Krv. O. Moon, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching et U o'clock A. Yi.. and 7 o'clock P. M , hy ft" Pa'tor. W. C. Briton Attn. ...Sabbata School at Vl'i, directly after loranoon service. Prayer Meeting and SatMtb School Toafllwi'n steeling Tuesday evenings ol each week. Petroleum Contra Lodge, T1S. O. of O. F. Regular meeting nights Friday, o'clock. Sinned. W. H. MONTGOilEKT, N. C. 11. Baii.kt, A Hec'y. of meeting, Main St., opposite jticCiintock House. A. O. Ol IT. V. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of TJ. meets every llnoday evening at 7'g" o'clook. u Odd Fellow's Hull, Petroleum Ceulre, I'enn'a. Jimks Wilson, M. W. .Tak 3. WntTK, K. I. 6. oXIt. UK Iinnkuunn Tribe No. 183,1. O. K. M of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday evn'ntf in Good Templar's Hall. ;T Council Urea lighted at 7 o'clock. U. HOWE, Saebem. C. L Jf RES, Chief olReoords. Guld tit 1 p. m. 115 . Tbe following p-titloa Is la circulation In town this forenoon: To I be Honorable tbe Judges of tbe Court of Quarter Sessions of tbe County ol Venango: Whereas, We have been Informed and bniieva tbnt a petition to Incorporate tbe BjrouRh ol Slvcrlyville will be presented to your Uonora on the Kourtli Monday of Au g i A. D., 1. 73; therefore, We, the undersigned, citizens of Corn plonler Township, County of Venair.o. would ask leave to present tbla, our teroo., Biranje. against the lncorporatioa of the propound borough for tbo following reasons, viz: First, That, as we ere informed nud be lleve, up to Ibe close of tbe School year, ending June 1st, 1872, tbe section of our lowooblp now propound to be incorporated into the borough of Qiverlyvlllo, was not self sustaining for school purposes, but was supporter! by the taxes collected upon prop erty In other portions of our township; Ti n' during tbe school year of 1ST 2 a pew school house costing over $1,000 was erected and paid lor out of the lieiiorBl tbxos oesi sser in said Township, and located within the lim its now proposed to be Included In eeid borough; That heretofore large sums cf money have been expondrd from the tsener nl tux levy nf said township for tbe support of schoola and other purposes within tbo limits of said ptopoied borough, urid now that Ibis portion of our townshtp haB be come so rloti, it is but fair and right that tbe balance of the Township should reap Hie benett of any excess of tax that may bo pW thereon to repay theui in part for 'be money heretofore laid out and expended. Seooud. Tbat we aro Informed and b lieve tbat the petition which will bo pre sente.i to your Honors, contains tbo names and signatures of per nous who am not cUi Mns of this Common waallri. Third. Tbat wo are Informed and believe that the signatures to tbe raid petition were not made by the parties who tlmrc sign withlu the three months preceding the presentation thereof, as the law requires." And your petitioners will ever rrny, is. The remooslraoco is being pretty goner bIIv sinned by onr citizens, it seems to us the raddeuta of Sivcrlyville ere asking a little too much. It is well known that Ibis end uf tbo Township bis long stood He brunt of tbo taxation for school purposes, and having done tbo lion's shore toward blildlng a splendid .school house nt Sivorly villa. It is no more than justice thai they ahould assist in cancelling the outstanding dobt of Ibe Township. Mr. C J. Hepburn, Fnperlulriidenl of tie Oil Creek & Allegheny River Railway, wai In town this forenoon. Mr. n. is deser eC f entitled to tbe oredlt ol being s success ful and popular railroad mauegsr as this section ol the State fiffinds. The fciuperor William baa oonterred the Order or the Black Eagle upon the Shah, and presented tne insignia to bitn in bill; hania, Themnawiiu "harbored a thought supposed to live on tne sea-ahore.'' "Who bitfdka p4a." t un uoee not j . piy railroads; as tbuy pay men to brtks. JVo. Note '.Vliat bn I.".'; . ;,r irj, -slble.1. J. Mf The Republican, man of Toiik.a his wandeicl from trie s;"ti -i nf o'i ohiidbond. During bis peroRiitmtion ho cha.ic d to s'op nt THiiFtillo and w.n sbowrt tne sijjhtn nn l inlro.!ii"od to th!' Mior, I'non bis re turn home do disomfs tliiisly oa t'l-i Mayor, forpettlntr, Ti!uvlll" and cvm irnnirnar In bis efl"rrea;''n: pt oMi : -M-ivov Krr'ia; was r.ii'red nenr I'yl'.-i'ir:; " N'ruv i; tTVit -4rmpl;ia"ti'ary J Wo always understood humin he'Oir'i it !.o brouJit 11,1, V ft naituals to h.? ralfn'i. A yotnptatpr, wlii in'cn ls to citriv nl CNckston-, Kent and otnors, as a p.vt-iund j'trist srr d'y, hr,s a lAi Btnrt now. 1I ho? fullrn deeply hn;)ii!jnf,iy ia lor-e with a jo ing naidea no: 1 .r illc'ant. V'o revsr knw nno mori n'nidiip'ts In bis attention lie viMied he regularly three timeaa week. In the meantime sending boqueti, Cin'lle? and lor, Jur p-.ihint; billetdous At this tiro1) he thought hi hid piujrcsssed sucoes' futiy far and resolved to britx; tbe matier to a clom by propnsii ;. TIj cmr.ihod a (riend first. '-Do you molly think sho lovrB mo well enough to become my wii'e?" ' Cer tnlnly, Certa'nly 1 do, n-j doutjtof It vbut. ever. ' Uelog thus rer.sonea no cioiue" lilmsn;f in bis best, borrowing his ibcthci'c lace baodkurchlel for ro mumentous an oc casion, mid his si'ters Cologne. With bet- iog heart he karcltcii 'ur Ddinit'unce at ibo door ol the adored one. His heart failed him. P.o talked o tho woather, novols, poetry, j'lrlsnriidonoe, hard times, over pio- iluctiou. to., but popping questions wis another thin;;. Tuo parens lltt;i snecch be bad spent so muoh time preparing. Tims waits for no maa. Tbo clock struck one and no proposal yet. Auua began to gap and yawn, n sly bint that it was to quit Now cr never, thought Iilar.kstose. 'Anna will yu bo mine." "Why. why, its so neexpee'ed. and then what would papa mj." "Nothing at nil, wb.t could to riyt have I not re-eat expeclatlcr;i, uiiieroiabi'd reputatkn, '' At this j incturo he s'ips ibe golden band upon, tho willini' fj 11 tfr. niHcksione is brppy, and wbea tbeweddini tomes cfTwe will sou J JeuUirjs around to report tbo samo. Pouch 'i ho eucond edition 0. tboCHe rytrue bticklebrrry en.'.e, Mmi :i,T h:'foi J actios Rey.old.', ye:tirday tftercoon, 'ibis "U w:is brciiiht by the husband of to Tarr worauu arrrviost Ci'barine Sorvoy, for a'i-.u't ai:d battery. Cro suit much the .lino as th ilr.'t one. Trie'l byjuty unit verdlet ui po cajss of doI'oii and u: isi-cut-r puy ciiitK reci-red. Thero mo two more suit? vet to bo jmco in this vrr;ii hicklc'ourr7 ca. O.-ie 'j; o!f l-e.'oro JoH'.'ce Uvynold nml the c,: it Coopers. ov. u. ir. isl .ii to j.i'fuo'o t!rji tin?? 1 cuiis are end 3d ;!ie parlies vui reed tbe prieo of i:e produce of thif tnck Mdnsrry potciiC3 for sivnrnl yoars t.j omu to eoublj tbi ui to foot tbo bill of co ;':. A man iie.roti i:;c? wa9 srro.itcl by J,)': tin 1 ITrynolds and Cooatiblo I5org3e, Inst evoninp;, end plBcrJ in tbe lockup for drunken and diaortferly conduct on tbo street. Eevornl other parties wade threat " of tearing down tbo lecknp and takiui t! e prifoner out. The uff'r wa; finally qnlelid down, and tho man s-;t free upon proajM-g to behave him. 3 Sf. Tbe jury ia a recent cnee Tailed to o;;ree, one of them bnld'ns out r.jniurit t!.o ro;-t fur a peiii d of three or four hour?. Ono of t:io purty Dnuliy 'iiec.'.u.'o iveacii d aui p-o por'd a ' quiet 1 : i H gdtiio of otu l'ro-' t de C'tle the ptint. This w4 I'-. iily aooeded toby tho dif n 1 1 g juror ; the '.ima playe, and Ihe jnor lot. Auditing w.s decided uito caee. Idiv.iy American families of waltb ar, jauir.irjj in Europe bavn been emu'oiis 01 H iC'i o biri (U'oits to B' Ouro nllianc h will, ailstocruiii; and tilled p.'Crde Yj tho nur 'iai;o of tlmir dauijliters lo peonilesa 'coliuls a:ni i.d .'eiiluinns "lotdb" From ibe miiri iago ot Juieph Bonaparte to Alls Howard. 0! Ualiirooie, down to tbo latest mjrriase of theoias-,, they bivo all pro,-;,i iorrowfui lailtiies, th.v woman leaditu; mH nraLUidouinsticilvon, or dyiug of tw.t i tuent oud di.ppoiuttnent iu a few yuam. A c tso of this Uiiid ol do tin has j u.t la!u place, tvui ro the widower count aetiially :urd his Iu law lur Pupport. II j bd hiniiin the be nt ot Lis devoted wife, and when sho died br puiejts of .coume, stop ped llin hllDl. 'ico for ber support. Thlj is 000 0! the ma 1 oneej where Ameiioan fim sllies in ino(,. bbow their folly tod ie,no luuoa, and Hi lesson, however frequently tuoi,Lt has no eiloct on tha clasa luud.i to ulljr. Some rrceot anaiystj l initie from ti t Gtent PyramM. ruins ii Allieus, aud oil. er anoirut strncuin .? j.iove tbat our mod ern prrtdncMona erect"1 nli dly similar. An Iliim Is ro nib'is .vi-itien to t's:! " b'.K stool: a it!; j wl'h a Ljs : J I i -i-ee cr (M rt nf this vvnik Hoover ttud .i'k a ..jn harrel well on the "Hand !;v'll. Ti'O .Meteor well, on the Bi owa (arm, struck Saturday, Is doin iu tho neighbor hood of 30!! b'irrl?. M a.whinny ,t ,Co , tha ontcrprltdnir, 0' mini, of Oil Ci'y, aro eivcllin; a 2T1,OOJ br rel tank ut .-Wrah Fuiunee. Jenninirj n-'-v well, at tho ninnl'i of Ariu troti Run, ji .'i jh.iied aa.l ilowir s.'.lt ter. No oil wis found. Fojty walls will be fiuis'tej la tho vioin I'yufHoJoo City within the ne;;t four v.eeks. Uia to H ".npeJ these will be drv boit.i. T"i Ge?n weli, t'eer Millersto'vii, i' t'i only wll In tha; te.riiory that is dying as a v eil should. It Is drying ut, slowly tut surety. 't be wo'.la in the vicinity of Pelrolia B'e said to be falliug rffcunsldeinoly in jirodui '.iui. C'i'.t f-nv vifla are going up In Ibis tor. Ir.tury. Satreviield .t Tsjlcr slreck ano'.he- big wll on the T.-oufii'in farm, ;-'attirdny morn ing l i"t. 1 1 staged of llkn the roet of thorn - st 000 harrols a day. The Aiylo territory is not ve;y prodnc tiva -it pr"ent. Tbo wells ar nearly oil produeij. in a riulot port of way, but they slur; I'Sfeedinly rmail to wbal tbey Old oino rn..nt:i at;o. Tbo Per y & Bock well, near Modoc City is ave-agiLit 00 t arnels a day. Phillips Eros, have ofT, red J 4T.oW for Ibis well,-but s'renga ar it muy'setM,;l'ercy A Deck 'can cot see it." Tbo Overy tt iiraw lev well, neir .Modoc City, 1 ropoilcd at l.JOl) barrels 0 ti-jy. Wbea juuck this oll did foe a tioe, by ao nil mc-axurecieMt, or.e barrel a minute or l,J40 oerto's a day. A Cy bt over a Icaeo took place hotween the brte.k church anil Gruece C'ty, WeduaJ d.vv, In v.-b cii uhout tbre; hundred warriors wnr-J o-.j'iRcd. Cap:. W. II. Timblia Bnd 8. D. ICarrs were, in command. T IIovvo & Clnric 7,ill, drilled by lh:s ie:i;ie-',v.":, on ti u Tul il-Dennet lartij' netir Hill'TetoR n, is doing. Iwn hundred and tenty-flvj birreij a day. I: H liow owned 'ty Kvana, U having purcrusi'i i; reeeut ly. Tho number c( largo e'rkc in thnvicir ity of of Mvdoc Oily within tbo pit Urue wecUs, c.'.c-ie.l aiyt'tirever known in the lower oit rejiuns. 1 l ey biiva lind a eer'ous ffieci. i:;i.-n thu inribet Bito.idy, sud tbe w nvt bw u yt or'me, Mi'Uota. Satt-:lijid Taylor, 0! Peticlia base boon pnrticiile'iy frriuoaiiv (or uufji. loua'e. purbaps) tu ibo mrticr nf airikiug big fi-lia r.t the ir&nt. Ttey owu sorara' it n.a iBtxecpou'jrs, nn.l b iid mucb of tbe UT",ti,ry. Surly jWiuidty sr. rr.ln;.- tbo well at Cu.-na Vi'S, o.v:d hy : iill.tiup und other,:, s r:icU th.i 9.ud and immedinlely cjtoceirnatd to Sow. Up tii Vidy afrar nor.n it bad produced i.t tho rata of 4u(l bar reli o di.V, wit1! but ona bit lo tb sand. Tbts unll ia on new territory, and nf course tiiu eroUsiuorit iu tiie neighborbood is In tenso. Tbo largest well in tbe oil regions, since tho days cf Pirbolo, w8 struck In tbe vi :iuity of Modoc Ci', Jlooday last. It slatted oif at tho enormouo produ-itfon ol '.WOO burreln n day. "IIow long, oh Lord. bow !oni7," it v. i'.l continno in this msd can strain is not mnown, out 11 ruo prayers Oj nli.rcjed prodnoers avail aught It will ?s hau l itself ia a teinaikablo short period. C. 15. Win-r, iaJ a gonilt min of- Pillsbnrgh aro tho owners. JLrt us hope that Ibis will make C. B a wealthier as well as a Wiser man. t-.r.rM I'.rady lbdej eni'ent. Ccjiis-as City or Ifojiow Thoroaro now reven pumping wolis along tiie 10 id at aad ia the immediato neghb bood ol Central City, formerly vulg.-.rly Co,-tcv n. Ore on the Adam Gil ge r, and ono ou l'ie Samuel Waster farms have boon down si voral months. Tho otb er:ihsvo bffon struck wi.tiis the lait monlb. T113 Aikiiouri well i.ri 1 tho K.unpp abcrger iatri has been p iTplng tbout threj weelal -niking aooul 5j barrols a day, a wel' on Wta. LDiab'e land, owuei by Richard Nioly, D .oie! ICnlgbl and others was tes ted last week and is doing about 45 barrels. Foitlg & Idttlegau woll on lot opponito Eil s'ey's wan kuUpieitd Inst week, and is put dowu as a thirty barrel well. A now woll o i tbo Cusiey farm is doing about tbo same. The Tilmau Jackson well on Ibe lielobter la; ui is not a Biu-rvus. Auotber well on the Knupponbt.iei- lut-m owued by Haidison aud oil, 01a ie making a good show, aud wou'd have been tested, but tbe rig UoU firu !rum the g .s laat wit-k and buiutd. Arjr.'b.T well ou the Kuappeubargor is, still lrillinj;. , Clarion Duinutfol. tv hut best dHscnbdS and mojl Imije,-; . a Ofctfsti-in pHprim's pio ;r,:a? A Uuo b-.'nlo:. V V-'ifi'lt'S'ltf JvOtfS3. proom and hrldo ontcrcd the plenping elv at Ualtlinore, sayi tho ljoui?villo Led ger, tho eroom (jlariuf; et everybody a thoush be wanted to fiht on tha snot. His littlo wi.'u however, teemed to bo very happy and good natured. After , tho train got out of Jh city tho newly married man beoaine extremely Jdisagrco tide, lie pick ed a quarrel with the nepro porter on lh ' cut and knocked him down. Tho sleeping car conductor ihen interfering, 'ie walked into bin, oud after a brief struggle laid him ou tho floor, bliiedtnrj at every poro. Hav Ing mda way with the-e individuals, tbe rest of the passengers carefully kept out of 1s way, an t he sat on his seat boiling and simmering wim wrath aud ready to engage iu a freeh cacRiCi. After white bis wife expressed a des're to retire.nnd be had.a berth made up at tbe point of tbe bayonet, and tbo bride, leltiog her hoops aud other useless adjuncts full on tho floor, cept into tbe berth, followed by her giant lite loul. Thinking that all was quiut and etifc, the gentleman who bad the bortb above toat ol tbe pair, attempted to retecjit by rising flrrt one foot ou the olian pioo fjij tit. t'j berth. No sooner bad he tnkon bis firxt step tbeu bisjeg was seiz ed by;ine moni tor betow, and he found hitn sell dragged down with violeoce to the floor loifleriog cnosiderable Injury. Tbeu he ro leived a blow from tbo list of the warlike groom, lie, bo. nor, la.ip.d up, and ro gardless of the pn uiuoe of tbe bride in the berth, gave tie groom a gtod (brashicg as be lay orainped up. This quieted bim aud the car si lft bad rest. Whec tne con iuoti.r came around for tick et.!. Mr. Groom, reaching down to the floor lc!.ed up bis wife' drawui?, and mistaking mem for his paotahiotas leil for his ticket for about twenty mtuuien, ,but nut find ng any recpliclo ia this garment fur tickets, bo give it up iu disgust, wbou, nt tbe sug' gestion uf Itia cordocior be looked up bis breeches and found them. .The fellow was woil dteesed, opjiareully bad plenty of toor- ey, Dd wa.i not iotoxicaled. It is sup posed that tbe puveiiy of bis situation ovur euio bis rntison. The Petroleum Panic. (.Frota tbe N't w York Tribune, August 13.1 Tbo discovery, sirco Saturday, of cever! largo oil wells in liutinr coooty, 1'ennsylv iia, prouiisos ta J, v lop a new region, whica wos Lelore regarded as of little value but which Ir now considered ns perhaps tbe ricbr-at und uto if abutidantoil Held yet found. Tho uw weiis dincovered since. Jaturdsy are reported as yielding .rorn 1,300 pj 1,500 barn Is daily, and sen-r,:l n.iall wiila Irom CC0 to 7oi barrel". Th: baj altesly bio i;-ht trie priea of crude potrrdeutn down lioia :.V1,C7 to 1,10 per barrel on the cars at !'ar'-.t:'s I.Miding, without buyers, and tlm probabiiiile-i i.s:e that it will fall ta a tnucb lower ligura. The espcufo of tran portalion to this city is $ 1.-4U per barrel or Sf) cen's more than tho oilgiunl cost of the nil ftcenrJicg to Ibe above quotation. The quotation of crude and rcllocd oil on An giiTst 11, lor tbe yenrB from 1S69 to 18C3, Inclusive, in Pittsburgh, were as follows 1809, crude oil, UJ4 cents; refined, 31J4; 1870, crude, ); relinad, 23';, ; 1871, crude. 12: rellned, 24; 1372, crude, ; reflncd, 19; crudo,4; mfludsd, 13. In New Yoik 'or tho same dates the .following ere tb quotations: 18G3, crude, 1S'4'; refined, Mlii 1870, crude, 1 ?(; reUaod, 27 187i, crude, 14 'jj refined, 27; j; 1S72, YZ; refluod, 13; 1873, crude, CJa'; ed, 1C. crude, refln A freight cur ran rfr tbo track, (his fore noon, 0 short distance below tbo depot, and noar tbo barrol house of Ilermao, Coruel it Lo. Ibe car was evidently one of the oldest on tbo road and gavo way from sheer nia age. 1 ue trucks on one end of the car dropped, out entirely and threw tbe box off to one sidii. It was rumored after consider able labor and trains passed with but a short (jslay. Tbe car had been in constant ura for over teu years bolh 00 tbe Oil Croek and old Farmer's Railroad. .ovport Itiilinl. Just received at the Post Office News room 2 )0 boxes of Newport Initial Tinted Papers. It is by far tho nicest Initial papee ever brought to this plaoe, Tbe ladies are respectfully invited to call In and examiu it It ia neat and nobby. SOXtlS OP THE 1AV. Generally "out on tbo fly" Tbo spider Tbe article ohiefly sold at most fancy fairs The visitor. Tbe on'7 feathers in tha lava beds are tbeso worn by tbe Medoos. A druoftea Toledo man wrote 04 the wall of bis cell: 'Jug nut,;tbit ;yu be not jug ged ." A Kentucky editor rpmtks of a local ge nius who ties in a rreteveriofi oon'rilmtor j t'j he otV-co wtin.-b-;:fcct for several yaan. Local wiirv. A Hint to Koilncwlvea. ii lo Krei Kilclicii H'tireci.. sinct Jti'Klit. " Lvn, ni;iiT-i-ii.- mi 111-ni anil tlriy fi I. I V housewife nf neat and tlciy k 1, eHjMt'MI delight in he. ping all r and iron wme nt her kitchen lakes urer ami iron wine nt her liiiehn .... l.m ... and bright as pulns'nltinir isKir can m l1 them. A priiiit in this dlremion is riie'id ibis, nud .llwr. s m.'eu ti,..;u. ' nr vilolihi "ivwit mnn' w.n tioiiS'L.ilil ol'ls. tt 'tiienioHr tn-t S.AI'iiHi is tn otilv t' Inn 00 eiMtn tlo.i ."' an old tnrnisued tin pan nr a riistv 1. !., FBiue an origin um. Ann iiv tbe h ..... .......... . ..." . .. hapolio It is the qu'cltest and easiest im. in tne worm 10 Keep every utensil In iwj state of polish. AlOTlR ..u in arThji t'.iaf rim.,, v.......... Finiiitiiin ts now running In i.,u 1.1 Call and try a glass of i cool soda wilt, Otcken'H Uox, Just Issued In Baper cover by (be sons. Price 25 cents, and for sale Post Ofttoe Newsroom. role, t til f?k in W. A Ifvlrs 4iii strm,near jc. H. track, tor your lUAZI vr, mx. Icr Barrel. Petroleum Centre, Keb. (ith tf. EXTRA OFFER! SECOND ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION. suYnt A.MOUNTIh'CJ jc, VIVEX A WAY Hi Kvryiherther to that Posn ar W., kl, mm npQinp emm VT" ' V.'v ' '-lfcliU SJa,t,'.,?kJ;',',c on TwKSrl"t:t;TK" iiixso in .its, ...... ,u in iiiv lineal SnQ liaUOMiniUI I Kl tare ever a tin won snv ninor. OPH ,VIHENI1K vitIK b is sn ehhti?.lll JitJ .anilW led n oiy weiki) in it. ihlra Vuiih SrA-IVUfuI"' , KS? v:m TIlUI'SASDSrB - " r"" 'Deri..-i.iiiT. wncn 111-are. ttaesucce-'Soit'ieinfeDl e. ir im ton. The 1'ub ln.e,.oror I'MeslueKii-niri lutvcMntto In ini srrlhaia ihi. ye r ee- SRVEN'Ty TUOt'SASr ("otes iiflhe ciiromo TfJTh' Bed nr. shlmM L.'li'!:,,'V'X7 y. HUI'.CHII'Tt ti Pl.ICt THKI'jBI.OU.AKSliKKlKAK.wh oh give ir. Mib;er l, s, PUTV-TWO number i f the lieM Fr dy W.ek , I Im ehionin "tL'TK"rini,.r iramei,.;J a lieaitieriU t 'KR I I! ICA I K HII1..1 il tho Imldw 1 one 'Im e 111 the d - rlbutlen of prcniiii"i fm in Sl'PSOKfltU row hesentor te.ia d n-et 10 Ik I'lihli lier. BI'ISUMU.N Horlh , jmrtii un, (tt Win 1 t"i i f-CJalTC In nwn Bt h0"ie " nULIl i vitaveung. Large cch tl t lITrft1""1 liberal premiums Ir 17 IM I tb8e,"n3 "P cl"1'"- The bet ou'lii bund ut once for Terms aud ptrlic ulars' Add re s WATEHS&CO, Foba, Chicage. Hew Goods. Emel Zedwich '"LITTLE JOE.") BOOT ArD SHOE MAKER Has just refill tied complete stock oi from Buffalo wits 1 Fall and Winter Goods. Has hern rftnbliiibeit w VetirViir rmirlir past jeirs, and ha. the uarucof Making (io Mi st Ftl nnd Flncil isooi iu the Oil Ii con. II Is constantlv receiving erders from ollieriK iiuu. ui iiiu cu itegious. fto constantly keepe on hand iteady-made Moots,& Shoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS OAI.L, AKDmr mn. KMKL ZKOiriCB. Jfttf Tli Herkwfik 9tiO Portnble Famllf Kotvina; rtlachliie, 011 ;iO Day Trial! muny advantues over ail. Kstttfaetiou Kiiamnieea or J reftindid. Bent cumplei., with full ttn. iBee.kHitb Bowing Muchiue Co. ,03 DroidlW Oistsoluilon ATotice. The copartnership heretofore existing sf tweeo Pond, Fraaier A Co., In the biisior of oil prnduciog, is this day dlesolV'd lI mutual oonsent. All debts against tbe l" firm will he Bottled by Frnsier 4 Co., M will herenl ter conduct tbe business s 1 efori on the Ilueson farm, near Oil City. rs. I. w. rosn. A. L. Krasikii. Mrs. Wh. J. Boi.lmas. Administratrix. Dated August 9, 1873 A little girl was asked what a KmS't Templar was; and replied, "A Good Temp- ar who Slavs out at night." Th Peinun National Anttieni h' o" described as an mimitablo Imitation of mewing ol tbe fellua raca..